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Fandom Super Smash Bros. (OOC)

1 girlfriend and he's among the top in dating experience in Smash lol though at the same time canonically his relationship isn't actually pinned down since it's all player choice
Looking to join this since it seems simple and fun heres my sheet below.
Character Name: Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time: Divergent Child Timeline/Melee/Ultimate)
Player Name: Somecallmedrunk
Events play out similarly to Cannon right before he finalizes and starts his plan to betray hyrule and get the Triforce he Receives the invite to the Melee tournament.
During it's events he was amazed by the marvels brought into Smash world from the myriad of other worlds, thoughts danced in his head wondering how much he might be able to smuggle to or even Recreate back in his own world. Though that was not the only Revelation he obtained during the tournament having heard idle chatter about how the combatant named link had already bested him before despite for himself this being their first exchange of blows peaked his interest, Despite his great brawn and powerful magical ability's he was no stranger to the art of Cloak and Dagger from his time earning the king of hyrule's trust while dealing with any paranoid sheikah meddlers, he would piece together of his plans failure somehow both at its roots and when he would fail at the final leg of it despite all of his effort and planning he was fated to lose if he planned to walk the path he had envisioned before his participation in this tournament. so after much internal debate he would do what his past self might consider unthinkable drop his goal for the Triforce and instead focus on gaining all he can from this tournament to improve both the lives of his people, improve his homeland and strengthen himself in the off chance despite his change of goals the 3 Goddess decided he was still fated for the Gallows.

TLDR: This Ganondorf is still nearly as power hungry as his cannon counterpart somewhat less ruthless and with the knowledge of going megalomaniacal tyrant is a swift path to getting his teeth kicked in with a pair of iron boots.
Ganondorf Ocarina of time.png
If this needs any tweaking either based on the events of the RP that have already happend or this being a bit to divergent from what people expect from a version of Ganondorf
Im open to editing it to better fit the RP.
Last edited:
Looking to join this since it seems simple and fun heres my sheet below.
Character Name: Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time: Divergent Child Timeline/Melee/Ultimate)
Player Name: Somecallmedrunk
Events play out similarly to Cannon right before he finalizes and starts his plan to betray hyrule and get the Triforce he Receives the invite to the Melee tournament.
During it's events he was amazed by the marvels brought into Smash world from the myriad of other worlds, thoughts danced in his head wondering how much he might be able to smuggle to or even Recreate back in his own world. Though that was not the only Revelation he obtained during the tournament having heard idle chatter about how the combatant named link had already bested him before despite for himself this being their first exchange of blows peaked his interest, Despite his great brawn and powerful magical ability's he was no stranger to the art of Cloak and Dagger from his time earning the king of hyrule's trust while dealing with any paranoid sheikah meddlers, he would piece together of his plans failure somehow both at its roots and when he would fail at the final leg of it despite all of his effort and planning he was fated to lose if he planned to walk the path he had envisioned before his participation in this tournament. so after much internal debate he would do what his past self might consider unthinkable drop his goal for the Triforce and instead focus on gaining all he can from this tournament to improve both the lives of his people, improve his homeland and strengthen himself in the off chance despite his change of goals the 3 Goddess decided he was still fated for the Gallows.

TLDR: This Ganondorf is still nearly as power hungry as his cannon counterpart somewhat less ruthless and with the knowledge of going megalomaniacal tyrant is a swift path to getting his teeth kicked in with a pair of iron boots.
View attachment 1100165
If this needs any tweaking either based on the events of the RP that have already happend or this being a bit to divergent from what people expect from a version of Ganondorf
Im open to editing it to better fit the RP.
Cool! Thanks for joining!

I like the idea with Ganondorf. The only thing that might be an issue is that we have wigi wigi RPing as Melee/OoT Link. It may be best to get into contact with them to make sure you're both on the same page in regards to lore being changed for this RP.
I'll work on Sora probably this weekend! I didn't wanna throw even more replies back on you so quickly
I wanted to wait for Sora before posting as what may happen might affect both Layton and Lunaris.
All good! I kinda figured you were! I'll try not to delay for too long! This week has been weird as is with everything I've had to deal with and managing to really mess up my sleep schedule badly because of dealing with lots of work and drama destressing myself in the middle of the night was not the play
So I had this idea since I did the Prince Sora, but didn't get around to it till now, so here is lil Prince Roxas
I like the white one a lot too! It's mostly based of his normal color palette. The red one is based off Sora's color palette (and matches the design I did for Sora with those colors) and the purple was just a fun choice since I wanted something out there a little bit
Triforce of wisdom? More like triforce of crippling self doubt amirite 😎👉👉

Dhalfjd;gag;fog but hopefully it didn’t feel too out of no where. I figure she’d feel at least a lil guilty since she told the gals that the others would probably be able to hold their own and then Bada bing Dark Pit showed up with all his injuries and proved her very very wrong lmao.
I think Pittoo would sooner die than tell Zelda that the bumps on his head were from a Koopa getting a lucky hit on him lol

She doesn’t need to know about the attempted CPR with a Goomba too!
All the groups be like “I hope everyone else is okay” but almost none of them are
The Smash Sisters: Press X to Doubt

Light, Wind, and Fire: *SCREAMING*


Team Woomy: *SCREAMING*



The Professors: Gentlemanly tea and puzzles! ==|:-D
The Smash Sisters: Press X to Doubt

Light, Wind, and Fire: *SCREAMING*


Team Woomy: *SCREAMING*



The Professors: Gentlemanly tea and puzzles! ==|:-D
Pretty much XD
Looking to join this since it seems simple and fun heres my sheet below.
Character Name: Ganondorf (Ocarina of Time: Divergent Child Timeline/Melee/Ultimate)
Player Name: Somecallmedrunk
Events play out similarly to Cannon right before he finalizes and starts his plan to betray hyrule and get the Triforce he Receives the invite to the Melee tournament.
During it's events he was amazed by the marvels brought into Smash world from the myriad of other worlds, thoughts danced in his head wondering how much he might be able to smuggle to or even Recreate back in his own world. Though that was not the only Revelation he obtained during the tournament having heard idle chatter about how the combatant named link had already bested him before despite for himself this being their first exchange of blows peaked his interest, Despite his great brawn and powerful magical ability's he was no stranger to the art of Cloak and Dagger from his time earning the king of hyrule's trust while dealing with any paranoid sheikah meddlers, he would piece together of his plans failure somehow both at its roots and when he would fail at the final leg of it despite all of his effort and planning he was fated to lose if he planned to walk the path he had envisioned before his participation in this tournament. so after much internal debate he would do what his past self might consider unthinkable drop his goal for the Triforce and instead focus on gaining all he can from this tournament to improve both the lives of his people, improve his homeland and strengthen himself in the off chance despite his change of goals the 3 Goddess decided he was still fated for the Gallows.

TLDR: This Ganondorf is still nearly as power hungry as his cannon counterpart somewhat less ruthless and with the knowledge of going megalomaniacal tyrant is a swift path to getting his teeth kicked in with a pair of iron boots.
View attachment 1100165
If this needs any tweaking either based on the events of the RP that have already happend or this being a bit to divergent from what people expect from a version of Ganondorf
Im open to editing it to better fit the RP.
I've added Ganondorf to the roster! Here's what is currently going on in the RP:

Samus, Zelda, Peach, Pikachu, Dark Pit, and Cream & Cheese are at the Lake Shore (Subspace Emissary map) trying to figure out why Rayquaza is so ill. They've met up with a Nurse Joy and the Lakeside Scientist (the scientist from OoT) and were filled in on the situation.

Pyra/Mythra, Toon Link, and Pit are battling pirates on a Kremling galleon in the sea.

Captain Falcon, Yoshi, Link (N64/Melee/OoT), and Shadow are battling a brainwashed cyborg Kirby in a village in the Jungle.

Snake and Roxas reached the Military Base (World of Light map) through an underground tunnel. Upon reaching it, they encountered Sephiroth, who summoned Meteor. Isabelle is trapped in the Military Base.

Sora and Pichu crash landed in the Flying Citadel, a massive airship carrying a castle and the base of Lord Lunaris. Lunaris, having spotted Meteor, commanded the airship to intercept it. He is currently unaware of Sora and Pichu's presence.

Byleth, Shez, Professor Layton, and Luke are at the Battlefield Fortress (SE Map) studying a map and figuring out their next move. They just saw the Flying Citadel pass by them.
Oh and speaking of the groups, I finally updated the map! The little white and green diamonds over two of the groups represent which group has which Pillar 👍

Let me know if I forgot anyone and I’ll add them on in 🗺️

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