Sūpārobotto-gao sumasshuakushon (mono)

In the next few minutes of chaos of people breaking things, being hit or being hit on, Seleztia transformed into a chibi angel. With super squinty chibi eyes and tiny little wings, she popped from place to place and began to tidy up the small disasters that this gaggle of over-the-top characters was leaving in its wake.

She first turned her attention to Honme's bathroom door. From the door and chair that he/she/ze/it had demolished into a pile of splintered wood and metal pipes, Seleztia re-constructed the door, shaping it to look like a lop-sided miniature of front of the Notre Dame Cathedral, complete with two bell towers and a round stained glass window. Seleztia raised her eyebrow and looked up to the computer monitor in confusion, wondering where the hell she got the stained glass from, and how she had re-built that door in under a minute.

Next, the chibi angel cleaned Gimpy's body oil off the floor, and returned the plates of half eaten food to the kitchen, sample dat fiiiine gravy dat gave her fine ass da swag for a moment, and also whatever food that Rosy girl was eating that tasted like titanium and made her lick her lips sensuously before--


When the camera shifted back towards Seleztia, she had returned to her normal rainbow self, and was replied, "MY ASS HAS NO FEATHERS ON IT, SIR!" Because everyone was shouting, and since shouting seemed to be the thing to do, Seleztia went along with it. Maybe this was how she was supposed to make friends?


"I SAID--"


"...Yes, Sir." Alright. So maybe yelling wasn't the best way to make friends. What put the Commander in such a bad mood, anyways? Whatever the reason for being so mean, Seleztia was pretty sure he didn't quite deserve the rough punishment he received from Sieg-- Selez reverted to Chibi-mode once more to repair the wall-- but she thought that the woman wasn't going to be easily convinced to be nice and happy. But, then again, Seig turned towards Lady Elyse and seemed to be friendly enough. Huh.

Finally, in the hangar, Sel turned her attention to the cat-boy who was supposed to be her partner. Naively, she walked through the waves of pheromones and pulled on his ear, just to test if it was real. "Hi, Kit the Cat-Boy," Selez started off, smiling widely. "Wait-- I've know you from somewhere. Aren't- aren't you that super famous Neko who has his own youtube channel? Omigod, omigod! I can't believe I'm meeting you! And you're my partner! Do you know what we partnering up for? Well, who cares! I'm partnering with a celebrity!" She jumped up and down excitedly, having learned her lesson about twirling indoors the first time.

And like most stories in which a female fan first meets a male a celebrity, the female in this story took on a shroud of romance. It probably helped that the pheromones had started kicking in. Who knew they worked on angels?"Hey, you're actually pretty cute. Your eyes are, like, liquid pools of amber that I could dive into and never reach the bottom, and I don't really know you but you seem really broody and handsome and you're famous, and I don't really know why but I think I like you." She gazed on at him with shining eyes and hoped he wouldn't crush her angelic heart.

At which point, two of the Commander's henchmen dragged Selez out of the elevator and gave her the same treatment they gave Ash earlier, since insta-romances are discouraged and must have consequences. She returned to Kit with a bandage over her eyebrow-- or what had been a bandage; it was now the swaddling cloth of the infant Messiah-- and gave him a charming, of somewhat lopsided smile.
"Sorry about that- I hope you don't think I'm crazy or anything. It is good to meet, you, though!"
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Smesseh got up from the table after eating and introducing him self. After the introductions, a feeling of anger and the want to punch someone has over come him. As he was walking out of the mess hall, he walked around the corner and punch the nearest guard and his armor turned pink. The Commander came out of no where and started spraying him with the squirt bottle "What did I tell you. Quite hitting people, and play nice soldier.". He walked into the elevator to see his new punching bag. He was still unsure what the trap was but he thought he could help with that problem. He listened to what Humna had to say and all he heard was that he liked to be punched.

Smesseh turned to him when he was done talking and attempted to punch him in the face and said "PICK A GENDER. AT LEAST I KNOW WHAT I AM. I JUST WEAR THIS BECAUSE IT HAS GREAT VENTILATION AND AIR FLOW FOR PUNCHING PEOPLE.". He then got a serious look over his face and said "I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS I JUST DON'T FEEL HAPPY WHEN I THINK ABOUT PUNCHING YOU. GAHGAHGRGNBR!.". Smesseh then looks back out at the writer and says "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?". He turned back to Humna and hugged him suddenly and started crying on his shoulder. While he was blubbering he was whispering in Humna's ears "I CAN'T HIT YOU, I LIKE YOU. YOU'RE MY FRIEND, BUT SHHH DON'T TELL ANYONE.".

He raised his head up trying to dry his eyes so no one could see. Then he turned away from it avoiding eye contact for the rest of the elevator ride. He started thinking about punching old people and unicorns. Those thoughts started to make him happy again. He then punched himself suddenly and yelled out "OOOHHHHHH YYEEEAAAA!". He felt so much better that he just zoned out thinking about punching random objects.
Rikki being the last to finish her introduction, listen closely as she was given further instructions by the Commander. Whom she wounder had an actual name or if he was just... Commander. At the mention of being paired for teams, Rikki held high hopes that she would be pared with Lovestead. No such luck. In fact, she was paired with Ashhole.

Now she was sure she was going to die.

With a heavy sigh and the orders of her Commander, she picked herself up to follow the group into the elevator. She picked up her very plain muffin on her way over, no bothering to clear her area being she felt she was in some kind of hurry and the angel girly seem to go on a slight cleaning spree. Rikki thought it she wanted to clean, she was more then welcome too. The slight fact that she transformed into some kind of smaller version of herself before she started to mundane tasked creeped Rikki out just slightly.

It was incredibly loud as they walked to the elevator, and Rikki was just going to ignore Ash until it was absolutely necessary. However it didn't work out that way when the little creeper had come to greet her and set 'ground rules.' There was a sudden snap inside her head somewhere in the middle of his speech. It was like as if they had stacked several Gnomes onto a board and the weight was suddenly to much to bare, resulting in a small village that was under the board to be flooded with Gnomes. The analogy was so horrible, it made the rage inside her even more intense.

While Ash was still jabbing away, Rikki felt her arm crank back behind her, the muffin in her hand turned so that it was a a substitute for her fist. In one very well aimed blow, Rikki forced the muffin into Ash's moving mouth just as he ended his sentence.

"K?! WHO ACTUALLY SAYS K? NO ONE EVEN WANTS TO SEE THAT SH!T IN TEXT MESSAGES!" Rikki yelled at him before she left the muffin to just hang from his mouth, garbing the collar of his shirt and hoisting him up to look at her. "You listen here Ashhole. I'll be the boss of this relationship, not you. I get top bunk and you will be the one who will be my slave! If you so much as look at me wrong I will HURT YOU. Never kill, because that would only be merciful. There is not such thing as mercy with me!! Only a lot of PAIN." Rikki shook Ash a bit violently as she spoke, glaring dagger at him as her threats left her lips. "Are we clear?" She asked with one last hiss before she dropped Ash to the ground.
Ash's mouth filled with a spongy bred substance of a muffin as he blinked in puzzlement at his new dominatrix partner in front of him... "mmphhfphh..." He began to talk before he instantly realized the sheer stupidity of that spitting the muffin aside it hit the ground rolling to a stop near the bishi iron chef with the easy bake over. Ash's eyes widened as he watched it continuing to move closer and closer to the mans foot. OH GOD PLEASE DONT HIT HIM! any interaction with that man seemed like he would end up being apart of the next Donner party... They were all one winter away from being a bishi breakfast. The muffin stopped its roll of demise just short of Hannibal creeper and with that Ash let out a sigh of relief. Turning his attention back to his new Ash just stared at her a moment. Before a slight grimace painted itself on his bored face. "Hold on..."

  • Ash's hand slowly removed itself from its house in his pants pocket a small black rectangle in his hand... A smart phone. His fingers worked with an intense fervency as he clicked away opening up a browser and flying to an RP website... "Seriously... that took 5 days... yeesh...." He said to himself as he tucked his phone away.

    "What's up Michael Jackson?"

    "So we are staying with the dead people jokes?... anyways, I was saying it took 5 days for a post..."

    "Well people have lives and responsibilities."

    "What are those?"

    "I don't know."

    "I just feel so unloved..."

    "me too... me too."

    Commander Commander changed gears as his finger shot up to make a point.

    "LISTEN up you bi-gender bunch of freakishly young looking 20 year olds. Except for Lebron James over here you all look like you are out of some anime. ANYWAYS! We have some NEW Chara-"

    Ash's hand quickly shot up "Wait!"

    "...What is it Ash?"

    "I don't think an NPC should be able to break the 4th wall... So if you don't mind."

    "Not at all."

    "We have new characters that will be appearing in the next scene... to save some time I would like said new characters to pull out the Super Robotto script and read all the posts till now. You still introduce your characters, just we don't need to introduce ourselves to you. It saves us time and effort on our end and yours."

    "This Meta gaming announcement is brought to you by WcDonalds... Try their brand new Wcmanwich... you aren't a man until you've had one...
    inside you..."

    "Anyways sorry to take up your time."

    Meta gaming is only allowed when stipulated by said creator. Other than performing at said times Meta Gaming can be hazardous, Meta gaming side effects: may cause RP unhappiness, disgruntle members, death of RP, Getting kicked from RP, Loss of friendship, and Anal leakage.

Commander took the front of the large platform of the elevator as it slowly started to click down to the hangar. His shiny military boots slightly squeaking as he would reach his end point of his path and quickly turn. His pace was slow and deliberate as he surveyed humanities last hope. Clearing his throat and readying himself to continue the pitiful story he got back underway.

“I want you turds to understand something here. If you touch me or disrespect me in anyway.”

Commander stopped his pace in front of Siegrune

“I will smash your god damn face in and channel all my hate I have for Michael Clark Duncan.”

“Wait you hate La'Blackerella?”

“No its you dumb ass!”

“Oh... the dead jokes...”

“Don't make me break that pretty face of yours!”

Commander continued to stare at Sieg. Seething in a new type of anger as she did not understand discipline and oh she would learn it the next time she tried to flaunt her dominate traits to him yet again.

“T-t-t-t-thanks I guess for the compliment.... b-b-b-bbaka...


Ash's gaze slowly fell to the floor in shame and embarrassment. The elevator continued its descend as the massive robots came into view. Ash's eyes flicked up at the bright colors of each machine of war. Like a kid watching fireworks his eyes sparkled with amazement. 18 of them in total...

18 suits that cost billions to construct... placed in the hands of this group that is more pathetic than One Direction.

“Now these are your Suits that have apparently been given for you to pilot as humanities last line of defense against the giant kaiju... humanities last line of defense against the kaiju.... last line of defense against the kaiju.... defense against the kaiju....”

“Commander you okay?”

“I-I just... it Hurts me to say that somewhere in the soul. I hope each time I say it I will wake up from this cruel dream.”

“Commander has the feelz?”

“Rikki next time don't slam your muffin in his face-...”

Ash began to chuckle as a perverse cat like smile spread to his face. “Hehe...”

“Kill him... I'll help you hide the body!”

The giant scale robots grew taller and taller as the platform lowered to the floor with a loud hiss as the compression system of the hydraulics’s sizzled off. Now in the heart of the hangar the engineers moved furiously about getting everything ready and trying to do things to look busy in front of the commander. Random guy pressing random buttons, wrench guy wrenching things all seemed like background characters.

“Now then we have some new members joining us today they arrived recently they will be staying with you piloting with you and hopefully be more useful than you embarrassments of flesh. Now where is that old bastard... hopefully hes not going to do one of his stupid entrances.”

Ash turned as he saw the new recruits marching up to the rest of the group on the elevator.

He turned towards granola girl who had asked if they liked sex.

“H-hey commander?”

“What is it Ash...”

“Can I have her as my partner... she seems more ready and willing if you know what I mean.”

“Ash... I will pray for your death every mission you go out on. May it be long and painful.”

“Thats not fair Hippy girl doesn't have a partner... I'm umm whats the word... being... courteous..”

“Fished that one out of your asshole did you?”

“Yeah... like most of these jokes.”

Commanders left hand rose up from his side as he rested his chizzled chin inside the nook of his thumb and index finger as he pondered what to do with the new people that suddenly joined up and threw off the whole tempo...

“Alright I have taken your thoughts into consideration. Hippy girl you are going to be with Princess Peach... Reasons why is because I do not want Ash happy and you fornicating on my base like some hippy bunny rabbit that humps everything that moves... I dont need any tiny thumpers around here ARE WE CLEAR?!"

“His post will be after this one just wait for him to post then have fun...”


“what?” Ash stuck his finger in his ear as he began to clear the wax out of it in boredom.

“Because I feel the more females I place with you... and with your mouth you will obviously end up lonely miserable or probably dead by their hands. You get the new Loli gamer girl.”

“Where WILL I SLEEP!?”

“Underneath the bunk bed in a sleeping bag!”

Ash sighed as his doomsday clock began to count a little faster to his demise.

“Wait, wait... Toneh doesn't have a partner!”

“Toneh doesn't need one... He is my favorite so far, he doesn't say much and he is dependable as long as you feed him... having one of you ball and chains around his ankle will only hinder his swag.”

“wait... did you say swa-”

“Now we are going to have a Fan Service scene! Everyone to the Locker rooms and Suit up!”

“wah wah what?!”

Ash began to blink uncomfortably as his eyes shifted to a door with the word locker room over them.

His jaw slowly loosening from his head as it dropped farther and farther down.


Ash began to make a T motion with his hands as he began to cry out “TIME OUT!”

“What is it Taylor Lautner's career?”

“Haaah. I see what you did there...”

“Can we converse this in private so this post doesn't get extremely long?”

Ash and the Commander walked away from the group as they began to chat. Not even a moment later the returned

“Alright due to the freshness of this RP and use of this scene later on in the Role Play we have cut it from the first episode.”



The colorful suits pressed against the flesh of the pilots as the sound of the zippers and slide of the gloves and click of the boots being placed on rang out throughout the very not sexual locker room scene.

[Montage END!]

The pilots now stood back where they were ready in their outfits their helmets held in their hands awaiting further orders.

“Now talk amongst yourselves... interact with the newer recruits... hurt Ash... talk about the overly sexist pilot suits... talk about your giant robot... Hurt Ash.... Imma go find creepy Doctor Pervert Neko freak... He'll be helping you rejects with things.”

Ash began walking around the group as he tried to social butterfly the situation.

“Hey Toneh how you feeling about being by yourself?” Ash asked as he passed his friend with a short stride even though he knew the words he was about to hear. He didn't care for the answer it really just showed he put in an effort for his friend. Passing Elyse he eyed her up and down and gave her the ole click wink and finger point. “Looking good~” He forced out as smooth as he could.

Ash walked past La'Tokenarius with his head looking towards the floor... he had seen all of him he needed in that montage. He had been weighed he had been measured and he found himself inadequate.

Getting back to the place with the new members

Ash then made his way over to his 2 new partners... “Ehh.... I feel bad.” He muttered to himself... “Hey Toneh come over here... If you want!” Ash beckoned to his breathing apparatus of a friend.

“So ladies... what now... other than another case of PMS... this conversations going to be really boring if you don't say anything. You too Rikki even though you are a vile creature its fine... Oh and about the bunk you being on top is fine. It means I just get to lay there and you get to do all the work.” Ash huffed as he sent another zinger her way.

"Hey Rikki about your muffin-..."
Prim smiled and was almost excited for a little amount of time that for once, she was being chosen for something and then as if he was born to, the Commander physically took a pin and popped her little bubble of hope and happiness for a normal social life.

"We'll have none of that shit here, hippy." Commander mumbled to her before forcing all of them into a suit up montage. Surprisingly enough the suit added way more curve and sex appeal than what actually existed on her rather thin and minimally exciting body.

Prim's already large blue eyes widened as she remembered the Commander's mouth opened to reveal who her partner would be. Her head slowly clicked over to where only the most Kawaii Desu fairy-man was standing. Mr Momo Natsumi himself. She looked him up taking his whole outfit in, he was adorably clad in one of the female pilot suits. It was fascinating and disturbing all in one scene to Prim. Prim actually had to blink and rub her eyes as she stared creepily at him for she swore glitter and/or pixie dust fell off him every time he moved even slightly. Man, this guy farted Kawaii.

"Oh boy..." She mumbled as suddenly her feet involuntarily began to take her over to her partner. When she reached him she cleared her throat before speaking. "You uh, you smell like rainbows." She blurted and immediately regretted it. "I mean uh, Do you test your clothing on animals? I don't think that's right but I mean I have strong opinions about a lot animal and Earth right stuff. Would you like to sign my petition to give mother nature her own talk show? I think it would be a fabulous idea, We can learn a lot from her. Have you ever read any of my Harlequin Romance Novels? My best seller was titled "Anal isn't my cup of tea." Perhaps you've heard of it?"

While awaiting the fairy's answer she allowed her eyes to leave the oh-so-kawaii appearance of her partner and gaze at her robot. She didn't realize until after she tore her eyes away from him how much damage his appearance did. Prim had to blink a few times as they started to water. Through blurry eyes Prim took in her robot's whole majestic appearance. Mary do you wanna was a beautiful unicorn.

"Oh hey, speaking of Mary do you wanna and unicorns would you like to try one of my special brownies?" She asked pulling a bag of freshly made completely normal with no additives whatsoever to the mix that you can prove at this very moment brownies. "My mother's secret recipe for a good time." She said happily before taking one out and eating a whole one in almost one bite.
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The concept of putting on a uniform was not new to Gimpy, in quick fashion he was the first dressed.

He had already put on his helmet and his face was hidden from view. Mr. Nibble bits told them to talk amongst themselves and his mind said talk to yourself. “WELL SATEEN I THINK YOU LOOK LOVELY IN YOUR SUIT!” He blurted out loud enough for everyone to hear. He then spun on his heel and mad his voice deeper with a demonic over tone. “THANKS GIMPY!!!!!” He yelled and then danced around the room. His uniform was unzipped in the front, reveling his perfectly shaved and well cut chest. His body was the perfect shape for a young male sex symbol, too bad he was bat-shit insane!

“DAMMIT JOHN, STAND AT ATTENTION!!!” commander yelled and Gimpy stood like a well-trained solider. “John, do you see this giant robot son?” Gimpy’s eyes went wide as he shook his head, he looked upon the amazing Corn Husker with glee. “It was made for you to fight evil Technophiles, do you understand?” Gimpy shook his head and proceeded to pull off his helmet, at that moment time seemed to slow down as he shook the sweat from his hair and it caught the light, his eyes were half open as he seemed to spin around slowly looking like the magnificent Bishi he was.

“I understand Commander, I will defeat the enemy with brute force I am a solider after all.” His voice was for the first time low and sweet, it seemed to have a melody to it. For a moment he seemed focused until this happened. “OH MR. NIBBLE BITS, YOU LIKE WAFFLE CAKES!!!!” His mind slipped back into his normal psychosis. He the proceed to smack Ash in the butt and Tackle Mr. Cape man, and somehow high five Mr. Shadow skin (Tokens name of the day!!) after smacking Ash’s said butt!

“MR. CAPE MAN, WE GOTS TO CATCH’EM ALLS!!!!” He now was holding a master ball and proceeded to throw it at Ash. “I WANT YOU PICKACHU!!!!!” He started to sing Pika girl. He so loved electronica, because of the flutes!!!!!
Oh the extravagant beauty, the spectacular curves. The way the skin tight clothing squeezed against the smooth soft flesh, it was absolutely blissful. The way one could trace there eyes and see the exact tone and shape of the body, as if nothing were on. The way the tight clothing pressed any excess skin and meat into places that continuously complimented the figure of the body. The way it revealed the slim and slick stomach and midriff stopping at a squeeze around the chest. The only problem is that the beautiful orange and red hair was covered by a helmet. Julius felt that the only problem with the outfit was the fact that his admirers would not be able to see his face, and of course the outfit lacked a cape that could flow freely. This was almost an outrage, a hero like himself needed a cape! His audience would have to be able to enjoy every ounce of hero that he had to offer. To satisfy his need temporarily, Julius retrieved a towel from the lockers and tied it promptly, as to look like a cape.


While there were other members joining the team, Julius was much more interested in his mech. That beautiful and majestic being of bio-mechanical bliss. He could not wait to get inside and squeeze himself against the hot muscular walls of the hulking machine, to press and mix around, to to fit the machine's very shape to match his entry with spectacular hypnotic show. Oh how he wanted to stand there and confess his amazing love and admiration for the spectacular work that had been done on his great paragon of machinery. He wanted to hug it, sing to it, create poetry for it, declare the amazement of its incredibly capability of courageous feats. He had to contain himself though, as a hero he could not show that he had such an enjoyment for the machine he would be running.

His attention should be on the new members, who he had small interest in. They were simply more side character to further develop his heroic nature - which was already near perfect. Julius needed no script, he was the hero, he made his lines up on the go and they always came out in complete amazing beauty. Julius would not let the past speech alone be the lone introduction of the hero that Julius is. A hero needs an introduction every moment he is mentioned to a stranger, in fact he should be hammered into the minds of the people as the true hero that would infinitely protect and keep all in peace and harmony! Julius practically charged over to Ash and the new comers, he kicked his foot on Ash's back and press him down, aiming to use him as a perch for his heroic captain stance. He pointed his hand skyward, except the thick roof and the massive room made the room seem much darker than the situation called for. His towel cape flowed behind him as if the strong breeze was pressing against his heroic stance.

"Behold the greatest hero of all time stands before you! Yes, it is I, the hero of this story! The woe-er of women and the envy of men, the great and noble head man of the show! The revered, respected, rejuvenating hero of the story! The Magnificent Captain Admiral Sir Lord Esquire Julius the 27th The Legendary Star Cross King, the hero of the Blue Bird Republic, launching forward to open a path to the future, a brighter tomorrow that all the children can smile to and grow up in peace! As the hero I am obviously the leader of this group and all attention should be on me in a constant recognition of my great leadership and heroism. Any who doubt the greatness of Julius the 27th is a fool that I, The Magnificent Captain Admiral Sir Lord Esquire Julius the 27th The Legendary Star Cross King, shall smite! Whether I, The Magnificent Captain Admiral Sir Lord Esquire Julius the 27th The Legendary Star Cross King am fighting against the Red Star or the Kaiju, my mind and body is prepared to give everything to my country, to my people for I am the hero!" Then the crazed man threw a ball at the stool that Julius was using for his hero perch. Julius felt as if when the mentioning of cape man was spoken, he was referencing Julius. None should call him "cape man" what a disgraceful name! Julius began to speak as he picked the ball up and held it forward, as if presenting a trophy, placing his stance in a commandingly heroic tone. "I am The Magnificent Captain Admiral Sir Lord Esquire Julius the 27th The Legendary Star Cross King, the hero of this story! You all shall speak to me properly, as my heroic stature calls upon only being called by my name, The Magnificent Captain Admiral Sir Lord Esquire Julius the 27th The Legendary Star Cross King!" He then removed his foot from Ash's back and dusted him off. "I thank you friend, for aiding me in that introduction. I will be sure to mention you in my memoirs and when ghost writers begin creating biographies of my wondrous life."
Elyse nodded in greeting to Siegrune as the other woman joined her, barely aware of the poor girl's stuttering and probably-false meek demeanor. All her attention was on the Commander, her eyes focused intently on him as he made his rather intense statement...but that quickly changed when the elevator doors opened and she caught sight of the great behemoth robots inside the hanger bay. Gigantic, powerful, and expensive as all hell, those robots served all her erotic desires simply by existing! Oh, what she would do to a man who knew his way around these marvelous and beautiful pieces of destruction...wait, where were these thoughts coming from? What exactly would she do to a man of any sort?! There must be something odd going on here...was she drugged while in the mess hall? Did she receive a dose of some kind of gas? Elyse had no answers; all she could do was try to contain herself, causing her to fidget slightly where she stood and keep her legs tight together.

Her thoughts returned to the matter at hand as soon as the words 'unisex locker room', causing her to stiffen up and stare at the Commander with a flabbergasted expression. He could not be serious! It was bad enough to have a few of these perverts in the same sleeping quarters as hers, possibly staring at her while she slept...but now she had to change in front of them too?! The Commander had not been simply threatening her earlier at the mess hall...he had meant it when he said he'd strip her down for everyone to see. Strangely, she could feel her body grow excited at the thought of the strong, forceful Commander ripping the clothes from her- damn whoever had done this to her! Oh, once she found out who it was, she'd make them pay...yes, they will pay!

The mere thought of vengeance kept Elyse mostly occupied during the change out into her pilot's uniform, but she did everything she could to hide her form, even using the other women as unwitting shields to keep her shame from showing. When they emerged from the co-ed locker room, Elyse looked at her uniform and body with a frown. These uniforms were horridly sexual and revealing compared to those at West Point, and it was clear that these were made by perverted frat boys...although they did frame her exceedingly well, she had to admit. Her features were easily noticeable now; from her wide, sensually-curvy hips to her sizable bosom, with her blonde hair hanging down to her shoulders, unhindered from her usual bun and framing her elegantly smooth face, curved cheek-bones, and rose-bud lips. It was said that the women of the Brauncoff family were notorious for their gorgeous appearances and their deep sensuality...with many having seduced and married great kings and princes in the past. Yet another advantage she possessed from being a Brauncoff.

Following the others out of the locker room and back out to the hanger, Elyse kept her head raised high despite the embarrassing encounter, her back straight and her posture befitting that of an officer; granted, the overall effectiveness was drastically reduced due to her 'uniform', but she couldn't simply give up on looking professional. She kept to herself, eyeing the robots with a calm gaze...that is, until Ashhat crossed her path. Using a rather ridiculous flourish and wink that would have fit better in a play of Grease, trying to pretend he was smooth as he complimented her. Elyse repressed the urge to sniff at him...instead giving him a tight, almost predatory smile in response, her fists tightening behind her back and out of sight. He was a pretty boy, she'd give him that...maybe if he were anyone but himself, she would have considered allowing him to court her; alas, that was not the case, so she would have to beat that face to the point where she would no longer have to worry about that.

When the silent, one word wonder and the dark-skinned help came over, Ashhat tried to engage in conversation with her and a couple of the other women...he failed horribly. Relaxing her body, she attempted to calm herself despite this perverted idiot's fool remarks. "Hmm, yes...talking about our menstruation would be too uncomfortable for you? I suggest that you learn to simmer down that 'charm' of yours, otherwise Miss Rikki here will do much more to you than she already has. Hell, I'd help her turn you into a suitable toy, as all men are." The sad thing was, Elyse did not understand how sexual that remark could be taken for; and for someone like Ashhat, it was no doubt an innuendo-chain waiting to happen. However, she was saved when the wanna-be Superman charged in and kicked Ashhat to the floor, spouting off a stream of babble that only made Elyse raise an eyebrow in surprise. This was going to be...interesting.
Being told by a cross-dresser to pick a gender held comedy and irony value in its own right. Hon was having trouble coming to terms that someone who looks like they want to be another gender is telling her to pick a gender already, no one really believed him when she says his gender, at some point giving up altogether and just going with whatever they wanted to label her. Having the same roided up beefcake whisper in his ear was frightening to say the least she could have heard anything from the mouth of that cross-dresser and it would send an unnatural chill down his spine. Being clear message that there would be no punches flying toward her direction, he just couldn't help feel that everything was a little too convenient. As a show of good faith, Hon skittered from the corner and took a stand right beside the ogre. "Well then, I'm in your care." Hon put on the brightest smile she could muster to place alongside that statement.

When The Commander-sama mentioned a unisex locker room, Hon felt a flood of relief mixed with a certain kind of unknown emotion. At the very least in people, including her would finally figure out Hon's own gender by way of forcing his writer to reveal such a fact. It'd be a shame if she grew up flat, with no one to ever love him. She'd most likely grow into that crazy cat lady due to loneliness once the war ends. if the war ends, if she even felt like retiring at all.
But how could I even stay young and attractive enough to warrant an appearance in the sequel, assuming I survive and all that? -The answer is simply my dear Honma, NANOMACHINES SON.- A voice that didn't seem to belong to his head spoke a reply to her somewhat rhetorical question. It would seem that the answer to immortality would lie in nanomachines or so the disembodied voice of her god said. However, that disembodied voice may also be the side effect of inhaling the fumes that came from Demon Lord Mental Ward Patient trying to bake some beef in the elevator earlier.

Back to the topic, being in a unisex locker room would present problems of their own for Honma. Like several ones I can't exactly find a problem with because the bewbies, that and I can't really think of one that would pose a problem to a trap when the both I and Honma still have no idea as what Hon's actual gender is. Of course, any hope of figuring out Hon's true gender would be held back a bit when Ash decided to via some divine intervention of sorts I could only assume came from his writer that everyone would simply be part of a suit up montage, the montage itself looked like it was hastily made and suffered a few budget cuts as it was only one long assed sentence, more flair I say. Enough writer speak.

Hon once again felt like he was in total control of her body after a strange out of body experience with the words "writers" and other completely unrelated stuff, he was sure that she was thinking about any possible problems a unisex locker room would have for him but then the thought was somehow blown out of proportion and referring to matters beyond her comprehension. It didn't matter anymore, he was in full control of her body now, just in time for the suit up montage.

The suit itself seemed to magically put itself on Hon, no physical tampering needed just another out of body experience which may or may not have distorted the space-time continuum around Hon in a cosmological effort to conceal Hon's gender, it would be safe to say that even the cosmological gods do not know Hon's true gender. After that strange out of body experience complete with cosmological and metaphysical intervention, Hon was now in his suit, a suit loose enough give a completely androgynous look to her body. It felt as though a supernatural force was retaining the shape of the suit for him. The supernatural force gave it man's form but made it look slim and slender enough that young girl may be inside, it was defying the laws of uniform shaping but supernatural forces tend to not care, there was no proper procedure or from to follow except their own. After that surprisingly metaphysical change in apparel, Hon followed the rest of the gang to the hangars.


It wasn't just a random thought that a metaphysical being injected into Hon's mind as he was looking over all the Robottos assembled in the hangar, it was frikkin sound track that was implanted this time. All marvels of military technology and technology in general compacted into one lithe deadly killing machine against the threat of giant Kaijus, each robotto seemed to be distinct right down to the weapon loadout and the several decals that dotted each robotto. Some robottos would possess the same skeletal specs but that was as far as they went in terms of similarity. The only ones who somehow closely similar was his and Punchy-san's, both Robotto Unitto Taipu Faibu and both using close range combat specs with little to no ranged capabiliy.

In her mind, who needed ranged capabilities when she had "Bisexual" and "Bestsexual" strapped on to her robotto and ready to penetrate a Kaiju, and strike the fear of bisexuality on to the beast. Hon couldn't wait to get in the kokkupitto of his robotto and go do some actual damage, she and his writer seemed to be itchy to introduce something about the robotto, but both would have to wait for The Commander-sama to give the green light. Hon contented herself to fidget in place as I contented myself to wait for the next round of posts. The Commander-sama didn't seem to mind her and neither did the rest of the gang, they looked like they were too busy with their personal conflicts anyway. For now, Hon would retreat into her shell until interacted with by another soul.



A vein throbbed on Sieg's temple, and her hands clenched into fists as her her mouth took on what seemed to be a forced grin, a mix between a grimace that heralded certain death and a smile that....also heralded certain death. Whatever the expression, should it even be called an expression, was, it wasn't a good one for the Commander. Her foot shifted slightly and she brushed her jacket down. "If you have thing for smashing faces in with pure hatred, it'll be my greatest pleasure to inform you I have the same hobby, and I'll happily oblige to your offer, dear Commander ." The venom lacing every word she said was was crammed into the last word, a deliberate attempt to jeer him on. "I'll say it again, you're no Commander of mine. You're only the poor sod they stuffed in supervision of me. I'll do whatever you say, but I do not need to offer you any sort of recompense in form of respect. Let's see whose pretty face will be mashed in as replacement for potatoes tonight. After this sordid affair of a training with these nuggets, I say we get together for the old fisticuff beatdown."

She gave a cough, and tipped her head slightly, before complying to the orders to move off and suit up, and shuffled over to the lockers. Unabashed of her physique, she pulled apart her jacket, unbuttoning it with one tug. Not a care of the looks she would receive, she threw her clothing aside, baring all, including the multitudes of scars that snaked across her torso. The uniform she was expected to wear shrouded them from view. Giving a short cough of discomfort of the skin-tight suit, Sieg gathered her jacket and threw it over herself, the sleeves dangling empty beside her. Her midriff was exposed to the elements and so were her thighs. It was FREEZING. Having stayed in the military outfit for too long had taken its toll. The weather outside was positively under her level of tolerance. The cold seeped into her skin and Sieg hastily tugged her jacket over her chest. Having no pockets to tuck her hands in and slouch on her way there, Sieg settled with scratching her head and cast her eyes elsewhere but the nuggets. Her sight, however, locked onto the clenching fists of the Brauncoff noble. The blue blood. It would seem that the Ash person was being quite the bother to Ms. Elyse and the Rikki person. They were barely her problems for now. She just wanted to finish this whole affair and go back to her quarters....oh wait. That was taken from her as well. She absentmindedly pulled her jacket away from her after making sure certain things on her physique weren't too visible on the skin tight suit, and draped it around Elyse's form and patted it down, before going to survey the mechs, completely disregarding the fact that the Ash person was bowled over by a rather verbose character. She'd politely shut him up with a fist to the gut and the subsequent dislocation of the arm, followed up by an elbow delivered straight down onto his neck had she wanted to. The nuggets were really too loud and noisy for her tastes. She reached forwards towards the black and olive mech that towered above her and ran her gloved hand on the cold metal. Der Requiem des Zauberer. The eternal testament to her vengeance. She turned on her heels and strode over to Ash, who was lying on the ground. "On your feet, man. No time to be lazing about. The faster we get this done, the better. Get up." Sieg offered a hand to the fallen man.
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Amidst all the magnificent specimens now in form-fitting suits (or form enhancing, for those wearing male version), Seleztia sorely stood out. The montage had happened so quickly that she hadn't had time to custom-fit her suit to provide holes for her wings. Consequently, Sel's wings were crammed in the suit with the rest of her body, making her look like a rainbow version of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Seleztia was unhappily convinced that she should walk right back upstairs and hang out near Honma's reconstructed bathroom door.

At the end of the montage, Seleztia turned back to her partner who still hadn't responded, presumably stunned into silence. Really, it seemed like all of these characters were thus far having trouble interacting with anyone besides the captain. Determined to rectify this scenario, the LSD angel- so proclaimed by the commander- walked over to the nearest, friendly looking person; the hippy who spoke of caring for the earth and animals and really seemed to be possibly the only one who might agree that maybe humans and the Kaiju could all get along. Having missed breakfast, Sel hungrily accepted a brownie, not wholly realizing that it hadn't been offered to her. She took a huge first bite and polished off the rest of the brownie in mere seconds, smiling at Prim's generosity.

"I haven't heard of Anal Isn't My Cup Of Tea , but I'd be like totally interested in reading it," Seleztia started off. "It sounds like a better version of Fifty Shades of Gray, which I was reading earlier before I accidentally turned it into a holy text. I'm Seleztia, by the way," she said, flashing her most winning smile, the swaddling cloth still hanging off her brow from her earlier head wound. "And I'm totally for like, trying to live in peace with the Kaiju. How do you feel about sharing the earth with them?"

As the brownie started kicking in (angels also have a significantly faster metabolism), Sel started giggling at random snatches of conversation she heard from the outlandish characters. "Mentruation? Isn't that when blood gushes out from lady parts for about a week? Sounds kinda messy. Potatoes. Mashed potatoes sound tasty right now."
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Toneh could feel the material in his body attach to his skin like a bio-synthetic. The suit was fitting him perfectly and it kinda felt good, like wiping your ass with silk. He looked at the others changed and saw they must've probably felt the same or different. He wasn't sure, he of course likes the feeling about it. He the started to stretch around seeing how far this suit can stretch, only to realize that he himself can't stretch long enough for the suit to stretch and rip off. He'd probably rip his arm off first while the suit is still attached. He then realized that his gas mask was beeping, meaning filter was running low. He quickly changed it in a matter of seconds into new filters he has been hiding that no one really knows. His facial expression remained bored as the filter was changed.

He looked at Ash and raised an eyebrow as he was called out." Okay " he answered back as he walks towards him not sure why he would call out for him, they are friends yes, but Ash wasn't this needy and all. He also knows that Ash and Lo'Tokenarius have something against each other, Racial love. That's what Toneh thought as his expression did not change but inside he was already laughing at his own joke and so. He then looked at the girl who kept talking about sex or a part of it with a disgusted look. He wasn't sure if she was into those stuff or it was her style of her own joke. Toneh didn't like it.

Breathing heavily under his mask, he then looked up and gave his creator a thumbs up ( oh hell naw Toneh, I'm not into those stuffs ).

" Okay "
La'Tokenarius' eyebrows raised real high when this shawty starting talking about scepters, scepters? What'chu gunna do with those? He thought, he was thinkin real hard too, until his ass remembered her thing with them inanimate objects. This shawty was crazy, and ain't no negro in his right mind messin with no crazy girl. He made his face up real thoughtful like as he thought about how to swerve this girl, cept she was his partner so he couldn't just run.

"Ayo gurl, Imma have to cancel our date... because due to mah African heritage, I can't be hanging around nobody with no damn scepters, it's uh... unconstitutional," La'Tokenarius said, he knew she was gonna be real disappointed but he'd rather have a made shawty then one tryna kill him in his sleep. His ears perked up at all dese people talkin' bout him, callin him La'Blackerella, damn white people could never pronounce a classy ass name like his. La'Tokenarius was straight Hindu, his Momma told him.

He wanted to check out dem new recruits but his ass didn't see him, so he focused on how to get his big ol self into that tiny ass skin-tight suit, and get his sexy ass fro in that damn helmet that whole montage. But daaaamn if his fine ass loli meter won't going off, but the montage ended before any interaction coulda happened.

Ash of course walkin by lookin like a prick, being the annoying white boy that he was, had to be lookin' fine as hell in that new outfit. Even with all these damn bootylicious ass shawties in the room he had to peek at that booty. Everytime he saw that booty his mind just added an inch to that booty. Racist ass white boy making him doubt his damn sexuality. He would look damn cute in the Lucky Star uniform, even the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya uniform would look good on him. Stupid ass white boy.

Of course that booty became even more in his vision, even though he was just checking to see how the uniform would look on someone else beside him, when Gimpy's crazy tail smacked it. Then he high fived his ass, like they was cool or some shit like that. Was they? No they wasn't. But when that doodoo behind dumb ass took a pokeball and began throwin it at the boy his ass had to swerve, he ain't even seen Toneh, he wanted to chill with him. As he started to look around the room he noticed that everyone was insane, hell, due to statistics he was gonna die. He won't ready fo' this shit, shared bunker? With all these crazy mofos? And fightin in a mecha suit? When the hell did he sign up for this? Had he lost his damn mind?

He began to panic real panicky like, he won't ready to die, HE WON'T READY TO DIE, MOMMA DIDN'T RAISE NO FOOL. He sprinted out the door and ran towards the elevator, just as it was beginning to close, with the Captain inside, the white man's shady ass glare made La'Tokenarius stop dead ass in his tracks.


The door closed before he could say anything else and La'Tokenarius' kokoro was beatin' like crazy, maybe it would be best for his ass to just stay here and chill... he walked back over to Rosy and sucked on the back of his teeth, making that annoying ass "Nthh!" sound.

"Mayne, you know, actually mayne, I feel pretty okay with sceptas, I ain't nevah seen one in my life do, we had toilet papah rolls do'. I mean, Momma used 'em to whip us, but that's close enough, ain't it?" He said, he was workin his magic, he had this girl locked and set in place.

Prim looked at her silent "partner" and made a long bored sigh as she slowly slumped. "Not much for words huh.." She mumbled and suddenly jumped as a hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed a brownie. Prim followed the hand with her big blue eyes and connected it with the angel who at the moment looked hilariously like a colorful hunchback. She seemed super nice though, so Prim figured she was way better than the little prince fairy to talk to at the moment.

"It is better then fifty shades! That book has nothing on me!" Prim responded a little more louder then she intended too. Yeah, the brownies were starting to settle in. Which, didn't surprise her, she'd put an extra dime in more than what she normally did. "I'm Prim, or Honey my parents called me Honey a lot. Oh my god Mash potatoes would be soooo good." She smiled really big and took another bite of a brownie. "Oh yeah, Kaiju. They're jerks and all buuuuut, I think if we gave them some brownies and like.... a dog or some shit, we could get along but, if they like yell at me all being a prick and stuff, I'll shoot them with my robot I don't even care." She leaned her head to the side and looked at the angel, giving her the best ya' know what I mean look she could muster with slitted eyes, raised eyebrows and a slanted smile.

"Oh man, he looks like he could use a brownie." Prim suddenly looked over to a male figure on the ground. It was that Ashe guy who had made some sort of sexual comment about her earlier that she couldn't really concentrate on remembering at the moment. "We need to give that guy a brownie or he's going to.... he's gonna.... come one Seletzia." She mumbled and started her slow but, determined walk over to Ashe. To Prim she felt she looked completely normal, even cool, despite her feet and legs tingling. To everyone else she had too look as if she was doing her best not to step on glass or something. She giggled as she leaned down next to Ashe and Seig who was telling him to get up.

"No shh shh... here ya go, man." She smiled and placed a brownie in his mouth gently and stood up. "you too whoa man..." She laughed at her own little high joke, much harder then what was necessary and handed Seig a brownie too. "Brownies for erry-errybody." She said happily and sounding like a scratched record.
Mayume woke up on a chair. Such a plain boring chair that it almost couldn't be fixed with paint, not that she had any. Maybe she would buy some from a store that didn't exist. Her eyes glanced in the direction of the clock and she realized she was late to the ceremony of meeting people. No one called it that... but she felt the need to call all get togethers a ceremony or festival and this one was going to be serious; therefore it was a ceremony.

She stood and grabbed her stuffed rabbit off the ground, as rabbits are very important in both ceremonies and festivals, and for that matter, everday activities and feasts. Yes, it was important to bring a rabbit every where because it made her immature young-looking.

As the girl walked towards the mess hall, she didn't bother running, because she was already late anyways, and felt no need to waste even more time. She entered the room and shouted loudly, "Behold, For I am the great and powerful, but os-so adorable, Neko-Vampire-Magic-Demon Princess, Is the Vampire-Neko-Angel-Demon Prince from the shadowlands here? If not, then continue on with the ceremony, but don't ignore me."

Unfortunately for Mayu, it looked like people probably weren't going to pay attention to her, because as much as she wanted the main role she wasn't qualified for the job, because her dad didn't have enough power to give all the money in the world to the commander, or who ever.
Rikki could only smirk an evil smirk as the commander approved of her physical abuse for Ash. Elysa's comment made her laugh though, giving the girl a thumbs up. She thought in the end her and Elysa were going to cross paths, but if they were going to team up on Ash, she was all for it. She was already having thoughts of making him her slave. Someone to do her bidding. Not that she knew what that was yet but she will think of something.

When Toneh walked up to join them, Rikki couldn't help but feel a bit drawn into the mysterious personality, or lack of. Since all of what he has said is one word. Part of her wanted to make it her personal quest to get him to say more then that... more then just Okay.

With a couple of steps closer to Toneh, Rikki took his hand with determination,
"Toneh... with you be my partner?" The way she said it sounded like a marriage proposal. Rikki blushed with how ridiculous she had sounded. She was such an idiot... but it was too late to take it back now. She will take the consequences however, and destroy all those who say anything.

However she was interrupted when one of the girls came over to the group and stuffed a brownie into Ash's mouth much like she had the muffin but will a bit less force. Judging by the way she was babbling... those brownies were not work appropriate. Oh god, she just loaded Ash up on some of the brownies too. What has this girl brought on her?!

"ARE YOU SOME KIND OF IDIOT?! DROP THEM!!!" Rikki screamed, pointing a vicious finger at Prim, completely ignoring the very adorable vampire neko something or another princess who wished not to be ignored.
Toneh was staring at Ash being tortured physically and verbally. He wasn't sure if he would lend a hand to him or help him but what would be the point. It seemed like Ash was enjoying himself from such torture and if Toneh did help him, It looks like he's gonna be pissed at Toneh for helping. He then looked at La'Tokenarius who was being a baby, a black I'm uncultured baby being all a wuss until the commander straighten his thoughts up. He looked around for anyone but he doesn't know almost everyone here, the big ass Trap muscle man was enjoying himself, in his own way, some were yapping about minding their own business, and Prim was still going on and on about safe sex. Toneh looked at her with disgust once again and looked away until one of the girls, he doesn't know, or he does, he can't remember, took his hand and proposed to him.

He wasn't sure if he should accept such an invitation of having a partner, after hearing what the commander said about them being chains and balls to his 'swag', he wasn't sure if he should go with the girl's partnership proposal, or wedding. He took a step back as his hand was still being held and he started to sweat. He'd thought what would happen if he would reject her, she would probably run away and cry like all normal girls, grab him by the waist and do a German Supplex on him, or Ask the Bigass muscle trap to punch him in the unmentionables. But Toneh wanted to deny.

" Okay " he rejected before realizing what he had said. Hopefully, she will understand, but only Ash and La'Tokenarius can SOMETIMES understand him. He looked at Ash trying to give him the eyes-of-help stare to help him translate what he is saying and say it to the girl so that there'll be no misunderstanding.
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Yachiru woke up fairly early, talk about an understatement she was up before the crack of dawn playing Angry Birds on her iPad. She figured that she had time to kill so she figured a quick game wouldn't hurt and maybe she would pass her record, which is way greater than Goku's power level. Soon after a few hours passed by and various games went by as she became determined to pass her record. She smiled in glee, "Yes I just need to pass this level and I'll pass my record." She was about to launch her red bird into the green pig when the Commander slammed her door open.


Yachiru jumped out of her seat, making her shoot her red bird across the screen, and saluted to the commander. "I am sorry Commander I lost track of time. It won't happen again." she groveled to the Commander.

"See that it doesn't happen again. I DON'T APPERCIATE LOLLYGAGGING." the Commander then turned on his heel and walked out of the room. Yachiru relaxed after the Commander left and turned her head to check on her game. Her ruby eyes widen as she saw that she was a point away from passing her record. She balled her hands into fist as her eyes narrowed in anger and she grabbed her iPad chucking it at the wall yelling out, "PERIOD BLOOD MICROWAVE!!" She walked up to where her elecrontic landed, the screen cracked at the impact, and kicked it into the wall again. She heard a voice in her head announcing, "FATALITY!"Yachiru felt satisified at the shattered remains of her iPad, she colleccted the large pieces and tossed them into a trash can. She then opened a drawer in her desk and pulled out another iPad and settled the new device on the wooden surface. If anyone asks where she gets the new iPads she got them from the 'Internet'. She didn't hack the Apple Store and make them send her iPads every other month. No sire, she didn't do that.

Yachiru then left her room and took the elevator down to the hangar. She then saw that the other pilots were already in their uniforms so she went into the locker rooms to change. A few minutes later, Yachiru walked out of the locker rooms looking at how the uniform fitted her body. She was alright with the outfit it didn't really offend her as it was the type of outfit she wears on Satudays while surfing the web. What she didn't like was the color sheme as she felt like a piece of bubblegum wrapped in baby blue packaging. Yachiru looked up to see the mecha's in the hangar. She looked at her lavender mecha, named FLY-DEMONIC BUNNY, she tapped her lip with a finger as thought of a better name as that was a mouthful. "I shall call you Nommy and you shall be mine." she said with a smile.
Kit looked the angel up and down once again, she confused him to no end. He quirked a curious eyebrow at her and gave her just the slightest glimpse of a smile before it disappeared so fast one might question if they had seen it. What puzzled him so much was the contrast of her large robust personality against her petite and seemingly timid appearance, it was shocking to say the least. Suddenly an idea popped into his head and subconsciously his fingers had begun making the appropriate actions. Before he realised it, he had his camera poised and ready for a photo op.

There was nothing more to do but to sidle up against the angel girl, bight his lip and look askew at the tilted camera.

Instagram Post:


-photo here-

Caption: Meet Seleztia, no filter.

Then he Tweeted, Facebooked, Google +'d, Keek'd, Tumblr'd and even lord forbid it, he opened his Myspace account and his Bebo account just to make sure that anyone and everyone had their fill of him. Soon enough his Twitter would blow up alongside his Tumblr. The next thing he did was find every person on the mech team who had a twitter account and followed the hell out of them. It was all done in the breadth of several minutes.

Come on then, we should get prepped for deployment.

It was almost a whisper, his hand brushed hers and then he had disappeared around the corner. His mech was ready and waiting for him in the hangar, the engineers and technicians had assured him he wouldn't have to run diagnostics on the machine but Kit wanted to do it himself so he reinstigated the diagnostics and start up protocols.

Minutes later his vessel came to life with a quiet whistle and he pressed the big blue button. There was a slight pause before his mech bent it's knees slightly, raised its arm and folded his hand. MEOW!!!! Kit couldn't help but laugh, it might have been childish but it was one of the few things he'd requested 'a neko boy without a neko mech is just not kawaii'. The bell around its neck rang slightly.

Inside Kit turned the recording function in his cockpit, there were several cameras in there. They were initially meant as surveillance cameras to monitor his vital functions and all that rubbish but instead he rewired them so that they'd automatically connect with a satellite in space for the best wifi connection, then they'd connect straight to Ustream for a live feed, he even had cameras placed strategically about his mech's exterior as well and he'd be able flick to each feed with but the flick of a switch.

Sup guys, just started up the beast and ready to get out there, before that though I've got a few tour updates and maybe even a surprise if you ca find it..............

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