• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Sunset Horizon

Friedrich Dönitz
T 2

Screaming, shouting, claxons blaring. As Donitz made his way through the crowded corridors of the Sunset Horizon, he heard voices crying for help, but he kept walking. He saw the tears on their featureless faces, but he kept walking. He felt their fear bubbling in the air, but he kept walking.

Startled awake by one of his guards - Jhon, or was it John? They were twins so it was near impossible to tell them apart.
"What is it John?"
"It's Jhon sir. Anyways, you were talking in your sleep sir."
"I was?"
"Yes sir. Something about saving, them, Sir."
"I see, well it's nothing to worry about. I was just having a nightmare from my time in the army. It happens occasionally."
"Okay sir, well it's your watch now."
"Okay, thank you Jhon."
"And Jhon, don't talk about this… not even to John."
"Yes sir."

Action 1:
Expanding the search.
After his fruitless attempt to find other survivors Friedrich refuses to stop the search. Taking the exterior forces on a mission to find any survivors.

Action 2:
Building a camp.
Leaving behind Vera to command the interior forces, he has ordered them to build a base camp capable of holding all the people in mine and Enver's groups alongside space for many more.
Basil Update:

Action 1: The four passengers [Hunting 2], three of Elena's entourage [Fight 2], the robot [Craft 2/Tech 2] and Elena [Charm 6 | Too Hot To Fail - Does not suffer from critical fails on Charm Tests] will attempt to craft a large fire and torches using available resources as well as use 1 unit of Dark Blue Water on the 5x Blow Pipes to improve their effectiveness. Basil [Tech 3/Charm 1/Medical 4 | The Doctor In Charge: Any medical or charm checks are rolled at advantage] will tend to any injuries they might incur in the process.

The group manages to construct a sizeable fire. Theoretically, it should keep many of the animals away from them. The fire bristles and spurts. It’ll need 2 units of wood a turn to keep it going.

While the fire is being built, Basil attempts to improve the effectiveness of their blow darts and he is pretty sure that he has managed to succeed in the process.

Lose 1 unit of Dark Blue Water
Gain 5 improved Blow Pipes

Action 2: The whole group (2 of Elena's entourage armed with Spiked Clubs and the other as well as the passengers armed with 5x Blowpipes plus torches from previous action minus the robot [Craft 2/Tech 2] who will stay behind to monitor/maintain the fire) will venture into the jungle in search of a fresh water source. Basil [Tech 3/Charm 1/Medical 4 | The Doctor In Charge: Any medical or charm checks are rolled at advantage] will tend to any injuries they might incur in the process.

It takes some time, but the group manages to uncover a different water source. A clear blue stream of water that trickles out from behind a large rock against a larger pile of rocks.

Moving the rock aside, they come across a large cavern which has a large pool of fresh, clear water.

Gain 2 units of Fresh Water

EVENT: A group of large wolf like creatures begin circling the settlement. It seems that they had been planning to rush in and grab whoever they could, but the fire is keeping them at bay, for now.

They almost seem to be waiting for something…..
Ari Update:

Action 1: Try to salvage and get the SOS beacon [I presume is in there] in the pod activated to get rescued. [Tech 4 {+2 for morale for 6?} and rerolls if dealing with computer]

Without much difficulty, the SOS beacon is recovered from the escape pod. They set it up in a good location, prop it up and activate the beacon itself.

It is 100% transmitting recovery data.

Amy looks over the beacon though and realizes that the signal itself is being blocked by a counter signal of some kind.

Action 2: Explore the nearby desert, outside of the oasis, to see what else is around [Hunting 2 {+2 for morale for 4?}]

The group explores outside the oasis in order to see what else is around out there. Surely, they could find something that could help improve their situation. After a few hours, they return stories and things that they had found.

A bag full of ripe red looking berries from a bush found on an outcrop of rock in the desert. A small flock of pig-like creatures that have 8 legs and squat faces with a singular tooth. A bag full of sharp circular seashell looking objects.

Tales of a large worm sprouting up out of the desert in the distance. Strange heavy tracks of lines.

There was only one issue. One of the Actors did not return with the others from the exploration. After a number of days, they were declared lost to the desert.

2 units of Red Berries
1 Flock of Snorgles
2 units of Sharp Shells


A man clearly dressed as a pirate with a white tunic under a beige vest and dreadlocks under a tri corner hat approached. He took his hat off his head and placed it over his chest.

“Salutations, stranded guests of the Sunset Horizon. Your message has been well received, my friends. I have come to LIBERATE you from your poor little living area and bring you back to civilization. What say you?

Come now. Don’t be shy. Step right up.”
Friedrich Donitz Update:

Action 1- Expanding the search.
After his fruitless attempt to find other survivors Friedrich refuses to stop the search. Taking the exterior forces on a mission to find any survivors.

The search is long and grueling as they search further than they had previously. But, it managed to pay off. They finally found a small group of survivors. Bruised, battered and demoralized, they were happy to see the security forces.

The 4 Survivors describe how the area they had landed in had been filled with creatures that managed to boil a person from the inside out. And other creatures that spit acid. When they had landed, there had been 8 of them and now they were down to half that.

They give what little supplies they have to the group.

Gain 4 Survivors- Hunting 2
2 units of MRE
A pack of playing cards
A holo camera

Action 2- Building a camp.
Leaving behind Vera to command the interior forces, he has ordered them to build a base camp capable of holding all the people in mine and Enver's groups alongside space for many more.

The group didn’t have much in the way of building supplies as Enver had used them to build a treehouse for all their members, but what they did have was gusto and ingenuity. Using their large numbers and the strength of some members, they managed to fell a few trees which they began to use to build a base camp on the ground.

A barrier surrounding the camp was soon constructed along with a storage area all made out of wood from the felled trees.

EVENT: Above the treeline where it is very hot, a swarm of large birdlike creatures that have two beaks and four wings, all colored blue begin circling the Treehouse. They seem gearing up to attack it as they begin to probe the windows with their LARGE beaks.
Julia Sommerfeld - Turn 02

Maintenance: 1 Purified Water and 1 Blue Banana consumed by the Group.

"Everyone seems to be in good spirits after that movie night.", Julia agrees with Holly. "Sure, it was a nice distraction. Need as many of those as we can get." - "Not too many, we need to keep vigilant too, its not exactly a safe place to be, from what they told us on the ship." - "Wouldn't they want to hype up the dangerous beasts here, to drive up interest for their guided tours?" - "Perhaps, but can we take any chances?" - "Surely not... still, it was a fun night." - "That it was." - "So, any idea on how to fix our water problem?" - "Well, we could take the risk and just drink it if we absolutely have to..." - "And we could be shitting our insides out as a result, better not take that risk. Besides, we should make sure to have a portable storage, in case we need to move unexpectedly." - "Sure. So... the plan is still the same?" - "I think so. The escape pod won't fly us back anyways. We can strip away some scrap parts for sure, we don't need much." - "Lets do it then, while the sun isn't burning down at full force yet." - "Lets do it... and erm... thanks..." - "Wait, for what?" - "Just... for talking... keeping me sane."

Action 1: Salvage parts from the crash site and escape pod to repair the Water Purification System and possibly safeguard it against future breakdown.
(Tech 2, Crafting 2, +2 Morale boost)

Action 2: Julia will try to devise a system to keep dangerous animals away from the camp, scaring them away without disturbing the harmless ones if possible.
(Xenologist 5, Hunting 4, Medical 4, +2 Morale Boost)
~ Turn 2 ~
~ Lord of the Bots ~

  • "Are you certain you can kill them all?" Jeremy asks H3M3 as he conducts repairs on his assassin droid. "Ten pirates is no small number, and you will be alone..."

    "Oh, Master. Please do not tell me you are concerned for my well being." The droid almost laughs. "Condescending Assurance: Master, if it makes you feel any better, know that I have engaged in hostilities of far greater risk and challenge then this, and I have triumphed over them without much trouble. These pirates would not have encountered an enemy like myself before, otherwise, as you may expect, they would not be alive today if they had. So, please, do not fret any further."

    "Once I have completed my mission, it would be up to you to strip the pirate base of all its technology, so that you may make use of it in making more robots." H3M3 illuminated. "And then, we would have the strength in numbers to take control of the headquarters of the planetary defence system."

    "I am still uneasy about this plan of yours." Jeremy admits, continuing to work on the droids repairs. "Hitting a military instillation sounds like far too great a risk."

    "Perhaps it would under normal circumstances, Master, but do not forget. You have me!" H3M3 laughed. "Of course, we will not be attacking such a place while it stands at its full strength, which is where my more clandestine skills will come into play. Ah, but we should focus on one task at a time, Master. For now, focus on your repairs. All else will fall into place before long. Trust me."

    Trust an assassin droid? A dubious prospect, if there ever were one. But Jeremy sighs, knowing not what else he could do. By taking over the planetary defence system that protects the planet, Jeremy would effectively control this world, allowing or preventing anyone to come or go as he wishes. Sure, there may not be much on this planet, but he could live here. Just himself and his robots for the rest of his life. That is, unless someone else survived the crash...
Mr. Zoban
Turn 02

Delthak Zoban regarded this little encampment with a thoughtful expression, satisfied with it so far but knowing they would need to continue to improve it while they got a better feel for the area. Thankfully Moose was around to provide muscle to the hunters that he'd had the fortune to rally into his escape pod. The robot could be useful, but only if its power could hold out for a good amount of time. It was better to use their scrap for more practical matters.

"My friends, I applaud you on your skill in getting us to a more stable point of survival. I feel that as long as we hold together, we will make it out of this. Surely the vessel's emergency beacons fired, which means our job is to hold together until rescue occurs. In the meantime, we will work to make ourselves more able to endure our situation. I'm not here to spout doom and gloom, but I feel we're all realists here. Rescue a long way off," Zoban spread his hands clear frustration but also as a gesture to show it was something beyond their power.

"My great aunt once told me, when the Gudrak charges you, grab its by the horns. Well, this is our Gudrak and we're going to seize those horns! So I will ask you, fine souls to scout the area around us and perhaps we'll luck out that you'll find something to kill for food. We need to make our rations last and local cuisine will supplement our needs," Zoban said as he took a moment to adjust his suit jacket. Even now, looking rather ruffled, he was trying to project a professional air of being in control. It was all for the group, to keep cohesion and order. He could not let them drift into arguing or debate which could damage their survival chances.

"Myself and Chef Gorban will see about improving the base camp so that its more suitable for long term work until we find a better spot. I also need to assess our mechanical companion and see if its worth repair and booting up yet. So, let's see to this and then we'll have a hardy meal after, yes?" Zoban gives a beaming smile as he dismisses the group to be about their tasks.

1: Moose and Hunters will scout the area and hunt for anything local to add to their food stores.
2: Mr. Zoban and Chef Gorban will set about improving the base camp
Frederick Christie


Group Members

Michaela, The Agent
Hunting 2
Tech 2
Charm 4
I Get Things Done- Can reroll any failed dice once per turn

Laetisha, The Executive
Athletics 2
Tech 2
Gathering Information: When making an investigation check, use Tech bonus instead.

Christina, Amateur Planter
Farming 2
Charm 2
Green Thumb: Has a higher chance to get something to grow.

Lin, IT
Fight 1
Tech 3
Debugger: Reroll one Tech roll a turn.

Crafting 2

11 Passengers
Hunting 2

Ophelia, The Technician
Crafting 2
Tech 4
I Can Fix It: Roll all Tech rolls at advantage.

2 unit of Alcohol
1 Energy Pack
1 Foldable Baton
1 unit of Rations
2 units of MRE
1 units of Water
8 Scrap
2 Units of Oil
3 Makeshift Spiked Clubs
13 Stone Clubs
6 Crab Meat
2 Units of Bone
2 Units of Fur​

Turn Two

"You saw a Dragon!?"

Latesha nodded her head, her eyes wide with disbelief at she recalled what she had seen. "It was sleeping there by the water."

"And when did you think to steal from a f*cking Dragon?" exclaimed Lin, both angry and impressed at her girlfriends act.

Latesha hadn't a reply. Thinking back on it, it did seem both extremely dumb and dangerous but the look on Derrick's face when she came out of the water had made it all worth it at the time. She looked for his gaze even now, looking past Gail and Sarah One catching Derrick gazes as he spoke to his new entourage, Paul and Simon. "Hush, Lin" said Christina, Lin merely shrugging "Our girl did good!"

She looked at her friend warmly but Latesha's attention was elsewhere. Following her gaze she could see Latesha and Derrick exchanging a smile. Christina blinked, turning back to her friend her brow furrowing for a moment. "So what did you find?" asked Lin, intrigued "Gold? Jewellery?"

"Hmmm... Oh.... Just some Scrap, a few bones and fur"

"Uh, huh" stated Lin flatly, disappointed.

Christina's eyes flicked upwards in thought. "Bone..." she mumbled.

The blonde got to her feet "Be right back"

She headed back to the poolside, past Reiko and the couple from Neri and a pacing Elijah, to where Latesha had left her loot. Manny, Ophelia and Nestor were already looking over the pile themselves. Ophelia was doing visibly better, gesticulating from time to time as the Bartender proposed ideas. "How bout something with the Crab? Maybe it's shell or?"

"Hey guys!" shouted Christina as she approached "I want you to leave the pile alone. I need the bone and bits of crab for my own things"

"What things Christina?" asked Manny, his boyish grin fading.

"I'm going to try and find some plants within the cavern and try to grow something edible." the blonde bombshell stated matter of factly. "We can't survive without a food source after all"

Ophelia bobbed her head in agreement, conceding to Christina's very valid point and cast a knowing look towards Manny. "Sounds fair..."

But Christina had already turned on her heels to walk away "Thank you!" she stated, though her tone lacked actual gratitude.

The blonde walked back to her friends, sliding her arm under Lin's as she talked to Laetisha. "Can I borrow you Lin?" she asked, already lifting her bestie to her feet without waiting for an answer.

Christina looked around for Derrick, whom alongside his agent was still talking to his new entourage. Almost dragging Lin in part as she made her way towards him, to the confused looks of the other female passengers, Evani, Gail and Sarah One, Christina smiled warmly, her eyes full of intent. Laetisha wasn't the only one who could impress Derrick she thought to herself.

Frederick, Michaela, Christina, Lin and the 11 Passengers will explore the caverns for useful, preferably edible plants to grow. (Action done first, and will affect second action)
Ophelia, the Bartender, Latesha, and everyone else (if available) will attempt to set up a camp with Scrap and other resources (determined by action one).
Julia Update:

Action 1: Salvage parts from the crash site and escape pod to repair the Water Purification System and possibly safeguard it against future breakdown.
(Tech 2, Crafting 2, +2 Morale boost)

It took some time to salvage parts, but they managed to acquire about 8 units of scrap in the process. Using about 2 units of scrap, they did manage to repair the Water Purification system so that it worked perfectly fine.

Gain 2 Units of Fresh Water per turn

Action 2: Julia will try to devise a system to keep dangerous animals away from the camp, scaring them away without disturbing the harmless ones if possible.
(Xenologist 5, Hunting 4, Medical 4, +2 Morale Boost)

Julia worked hard and long to devise a system to keep dangerous animals away from the camp. Using her xenobiology know how and her medical skills, she managed to put together a concoction of “perfumes” to keep dangerous animals away.

Upon testing it, however, it seemed to only to keep away the small critters that were nearby. Looking over her notes, she realized that she accidentally created something that ATTRACTS dangerous animals instead…..

Jeremy Update:

Action 1:Jeremy repairs H3M3 using his robotics knowledge and the spare parts he has at hand

It takes Jeremy a few days and both spare both spare parts that he currently has, but Jeremy has managed to bring back some additional functionality to his assassin bot. It would clearly take more than he has in his possession to fully repair it, but for now, it is stronger, better, faster.

H3M3 gains: +2 Athletics, +2 Hunting, +2 Stealth and +2 HP

Action 2: In need of the resources horded by the Pirates, Jeremy orders H3M3 to attack and destroy the Pirates, using his stealth skills to assassinate the pirates under the cover of night. Afterwards, Jeremy and his three worker bots will come in to strip the pirate base of all of its resources, buildings and all.

(To Be Resolved in Discord)
Mr Zoban Update:

Action 1: Moose and Patron Hunters will scout the area and hunt for anything local to add to their food stores

They manage to discover a series of small pods that grow black beans as well as a furry unmoving blob creature. It doesn’t really seem to move very fast, if even at all. In fact, once it is tasted, it tastes more like burnt rubber than anything else. But its better than nothing.

During the expedition, one of the hunters goes missing and their hat is later found in the swamp. They must have lost their footing and been swallowed up by the dangerous environment.

Gain 1 unit of Black beans
Gain 2 units of Furry blob meat
Lose 1 Patron Hunter

Action 2: Mr Zoban and Chef Gorban will set about improving the base camp

Between Mr Zoban and Chef Gorban, they manage to do wonders with the base camp to improve the quality of life there.

Using only 2 parts from their supplies, they crafted a small metal home with 8 beds (In case they find any additional survivors) and a small makeshift kitchen for Gorban to make their food.

Having protections from the environment, especially in a dangerous swamp is important.


A large storm occurs in the swamp. It knocks down trees, raises the level of the swamp water and once it stops, leaves a large group of RAT looking creatures lingering outside.

They aren’t big, but look a yellowish/gray and with every passing hour, their numbers seem to be growing.
Frederick Christie Update:

Action 1: Frederick, Michaela, Christina, Lin and the 11 Passengers will explore the caverns for useful, preferably edible plants to grow. (Action done first, and will affect second action)

The large group splits up into the cavern to explore and try to discover something sustainable for them to eat. The crab was large, but it wouldn’t last them forever. So they absolutely needed to uncover something.

They managed to uncover three different things:

An orange colored moss which actually tasted quite sweet. It seemed to grow in enough quantities that they could eat it. At least for a while.

A small nest of yellowish gray rat like creatures were in another part of the caverns. If cultivated, that could be a continued source of meat.

A skeleton in tattered clothing that had a large chest next to them. Breaking the lock, they were able to discover 2 Wealth in gold and 2 units of Dried Astronaut Food.

Action 2: Ophelia, the Bartender, Latesha, and everyone else (if available) will attempt to set up a camp with Scrap and other resources (determined by action one).

Using 4 Scrap, the remaining members of the group managed to make a door to the cavern to not only protect against the outside elements, but also make sure that nothing dangerous gets into their current home.

They also manage to craft beds for each of them. They aren’t going to be the comfiest locations to sleep in, but they are much better than sleeping on the floor.

Due to being inside a cave and fire not being a good thing to have inside a confined space, Ophelia managed to cobble together a makeshift microwave using their energy pack. It wouldn’t last forever, but it was enough so they could heat up their food and not smoke themselves out.

An area was set up to be able to turn meat into jerky for better longevity, especially given their current location in the desert.
Doctor George Hawthorne

Fluff stuff

  • Everyone trains "Athletics". Those with "Hunting" train that instead using the Pristine energy rifle and the Electric cage (recharging with the Solar Battery)

Turn 2

Jackson "Jax" O'Donoghue

"Yes, yes, it was absolutely poacher ring! Why, if I hadn't had Jeremy here readying the ship, we'd have certainly been strung up and left as bait!" Jax spoke rather animatedly with Lorraine as the group made their way along the beach. The two had hit it off rather quickly once they began working together, with Jax telling stories of some of his more daring escapades, while Lorraine discussed her more dicey safaris. Further ahead, at the front of the group, Jeremy shook his head with a light sigh, sharing an eyeroll with the elder of the interns, a young man named Max. Max, along with the other intern, Tommy, walked at Jeremy's flanks, one keeping an eye on the waterline, the other on the forest and grasslands further inland.

Back at base camp, Jenny had things well under control. "Mina, don't just sit there, help Sam. Eric, this isn't a set for one of Jax's films, much as he'd love it to be. You don't have to set up for a shot. Get over here and help us figure this thing out," she gestured to the damaged robot that almost killed them. "Actually, no," she made a shooing motion. "Charlotte, you come over here instead. Eric, go outside and stand on watch with that butler... or whatever he is."

The film crew knew better than to argue. Sam, working on prying open a damaged compartment on the robot, seemed relieved, sending Mina a grateful look as she began helping him, ignoring her grimace as she was made to actually do something. Eric made to argue, glanced at Charlotte, then back at Jenny, and thought better of it. Head hanging low, he left the shelter to join Largo outside. Charlotte, for her part, seemed cheerfully oblivious to the dangers and worries of their situation, cataloguing any parts that they could find on or in the robot with an absentminded smile.


1) The four film crew (tech 3) and Largo (hunting 2, fight 2), led by Jenny Wilkins (hunting 2, tech 4, [Keep It Going]: can reroll tech roll once per turn), will remain at the shelter and pop open the damaged robot. They will be looking at if it can be repaired. If not, they'll try to figure out if there's any way to make a radio/communication devices from its parts.

2) Jax (athletics 1, hunting 2, charm 1), Lorraine (hunting 4, fight 2, [To Adventure!]: When away from base camp, anyone she is with doesn't trigger nat 1s), Jeremy (hunting 4, tech 2, [Perfect Shot]: Can reroll hunting once per turn), and the two interns (hunting 2) will explore along the beach in one direction from the camp. Jeremy will be holding an energy weapon, Jax and Lorraine will be holding butcher knives, and the interns will each have a steel pipe as a weapon. While exploring, they will try to determine what the spikey red shells are from and if they are safe to touch.
Over the course of a week, they searched, and searched. Kylie spent most of the time in the shuttle, trying to figure things out. Life support worked, so it wasn't like they were completely exposed to the elements, but that would have to change at some point. Kyle watched with interest as he leaned against the shuttle as John did some sit ups. "I understand wanting to stay in shape man, but we really don't have the resources to be burning calories like that," he pointed out. "So? You have any idea how BORING it is just spending all day not being able to do anything substantial?" He countered accusingly. "We found what, a giant frog, some mushrooms, and a stupid skeleton? This place is a dump. Even the alligators don't want nothing to do with this place."
"Alligators are endemic to Earth, you know?" Kylie called from inside the shuttle. "Freaking nerd," John muttered. "You know what I mean." Kyle pinched the bridge of his nose, at least until Kylie peered out from the shuttle. "Humidity seems a bit high," she noted, her nose wrinkling in distaste. Kyle glanced at her. "What does that mean?"
"Possibly rain, maybe. Otherwise it just means temperatures are gonna be really not comfy."
"We'll keep an eye out I suppose" Kyle muttered, before speaking up, directing his voice outwards. "We should get an actual camp going at least. Grounds pretty stable here, so here's what I'm thinking..." He gathered the group around and began giving some orders.
ACTION 1: Using available resources attempt to build a camp with the Shuttle as a foundation

ACTION 2: gather some of the mushrooms found and anything that can be used as food, in addition to retrieving the laser pistol from the skeleton
Lord Gloom - Turn 2
Lord Gloom's thoughts wander to the future. Can they repair this Sand Barge? If not, what will they do? Will they have to forcefully set off on an expedition? His Noble self refuses to be coped up in this dessert and in this very old and most definitely not luxurious sand barge. He must find a way to return to his old comfortable back. Back to space...

Order 1: Geoff, the Butler and the Swarm Expedition will kidnap Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505
Order 2: Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 will repair the engines of the machine using all our available scrap with the assistance of Geoff and the Robot. Once systems are restored, we will fully explore the sand barge.

- II -
~ William Vega Hawthorne ~

~ "to walk into nature is to witness a thousand miracles" ~


[Name] - William V. Hawthorne

[Location] - Grassy Plains (Cave)

[Farming] - [6]

[Age] - 23

[Gender] - Male

[Tech] - [2]


-Hybrids Are My Specialty-
Can better combine plants to form a Hybrid.

- I -
Call For Celebration

The valley camp was abuzz with celebration.8bb744b2248824313f705ed263a0a400.jpg

The corn-splicing experiment had been a great success, with the strange rainbow-coloured potato proving highly compatible. Will was overjoyed and had spend tireless hours digging around in the dirt planting his new creations.

In less than a week the group was reaping the rewards. There had been a tense moment of worry when the other passengers had returned with few and far-between in way of native plantlife, but the young scientist had grifted a solution regardless. So inspired by the result, Will had even taken to cooking the meals for everyone.

"Cornato, cornarto; now that's what I call dinner!" He laughed, jostling George as they joked over what to name his latest innovation.

One of his assistants came over with a shy smile. Emelie had only been aboard the Sunset Horizon for a few months and was a relatively new addition to Will's team, only a couple years older than the young botanist. The two had become as close as the others in half as much time, Emelie having grown particularly enamoured with the inspired approach Will took to his craft.

Will smiled earnestly as she came into view,
"Emelie! How's it going?"

"Oh- good, good... I, um, I think they're ready now. Would you like to see?"

Will nodded vigoursly and jumped up from where he had been sat with George, "See ya later bro~"

They walked over to a small group of plots near the new cornato field and and crouched down. Will inspected each generation with scrupulous scrutiny, a vibrant intensity buzzing in his eyes as he thoroughly checked each plot. Emelie watched his face with silent wonder, wishing not to disturb his process yet curious as to what was going through his mind in the present moment.

She was shaken from her reverie as Will stood up suddenly, turning to her with a wide grin.
"The turnips! The tomatoes!! This is great news, Emelie!!! Thank you so much for your help!"

"O-oh it's, it's no trouble, really..." She laughed weakly, unsure how to match his hyped-up energy. She settled on a soft smile as he began ruminating aloud his plans to expand the farm, gesturing wildly to visualise where additional plots would be made. There was even talk of more gene-splicing after how well the cornato experiment had gone down.

The crash of the Sunset Horizon had been a traumatic experience, one she would not soon forget. But in this moment, right here and now, all that worry just seemed so far away.

Summary - Turn 2

  • Action 1 - Will expands the Cornato grow beds into further-reaching farmland, adding plots for the turnips and tomatoes.
  • [Farming 6, 4 Lab Assistants (Farming 4x4), Botany Bot (Farming 2), Turnips, Tomatoes]
  • Action 2 - With his knowledge of the local flora deepened, Will attempts to splice the scavenged rainbow potato's resilience into the Azelias seeds to promote fertility. He adds genome strands from the orange grass to boost compatibility. Knowing Azelias prefer shade, the resulting seeds are planted in a nearby grove.
  • [Hybrids Are My Speciality, Lab Equipment, Magazine 'Dr. Vencius Guide to Alien Life', Azelias, Rainbow Potato, Orange Grass, Farming 6, 4 Lab Assistants (Farming 4x4), Botany Bot (Farming 2)]
Last edited:
Leonard Sparrow
Turn 2

"Left side capacitor, three millimeters down Sparrow," Adam Xixa's leaned slightly closer to the circuit board in front of him, his once pristine suit ripped and torn from the harsh week they had spent on the planet. "Looks to be loose rather than truly being broken."

"That makes things a bit easier," Leon nodded, looking up from where he had been reading their transponder's screen and recording the numbers. "Don't have a lot of spare parts out here so anything I don't have to rip off something else will be useful, a bit of solder ain't a big loss after all. We are going to have to start rationing everything from the look of it, not too surprised we haven't been rescued yet though."
"Just cause you aren't doesn't mean I'm not," Jack grinned from his own place in the pod, the vine in his hand slowly taking shape as he carved it away with a small piece of metal. "We have Mr. Bigshot here after all, shouldn't we have been rescued to save his majesty?"
"Oh can it Potts, we both know it will take time for a relief vessel to even start to locate us," Xixas rolled his eyes, gently setting the head of the robot that Leonard had smashed on the ship. "Besides, there's a chance that no one knows we are stranded yet, they might think we are all dead after all."
"Let's not dwell on that," Leon sighed and shook out his hand as the message restarted, finally having it down in triplicate to ensure accuracy. "In the meantime, I reckon we need more food Jack, mind taking care of that? I know you're bored if you're messing with the vines already."
"Fine fine, but I expect a feast in my name when I return!" Jack laughed as he pushed himself to his feet, motioning to the passengers to follow him. "I shall return soon!"

Action 1 - Hunting - Jack, the 10 Passengers, and the 2 Bodyguards will go hunting for the spiders within the vines. (Relevant skills - Passengers (Hunting 2), Jack - Wrangling Others. When a group task is performed, give an extra +2

Action 2 - Attempt to translate/decode the message that is repeatedly being broadcast

Alcohol - 2
MREs - 2
Various Weather Clothing - 4​

  • Enver Kestrel Mouvsayi - Turn 21725760025165.png
    27, Extravagant

    Tech 4

    Coconut Radio: Enver can build things with less resources than normally required.
    Energy Weapon
    3-1 Units of Breakfast
    2 Medkits
    2 units of tools
    1 Table Lamp
    The Gauntlet: Welding and Soldering
    4 Spiked Metal Clubs
    5 Scrap
    A thick, fuzzy Black Plant. A delicate White Closed Rose. A Thick Green Plum. A hearty Golden Daisy.
    Party: 9 TotalLuxyr Kyrillos Mouvsayi, Helldiver
    Fighting 2
    Tech 2
    Smoozing the Space: Can substitute Tech for Charm.
    Dr Lisa Ophelia, Dr to The Rich and Famous
    Medical 4
    Deep Medical Knowledge: Can use Medical to roll for flora/fauna Knowledge.
    Kyle Icelos Dehaan, The Model
    Athletics 2
    Talent(Posing) 2
    Perfecting Posing: Kyle can use his Posing skill to be completely silent and unmoving.
    5 Rich Civilians
    Hunting 2
    Entangling Roots
    [Post Theme] - [The Verdant Forest]

    Every time I open my eyes, I wonder if this will end. That this is just an hallucination inside my head. That I would be on the Sunset Horizon and follow through what crazy plan Lux has instore. I'm sure the amount of food I would be eating would be... vastly unhealthy, and my sleep schedule would be disastrous for my health. But, to liberate myself from the standards that kept me alive for so long in the depths of my sickness felt wonderful. To finally... have fun before health, at least for a little. Like everyone else does. Live a little, they say. And now, as I open my eyes today one week in this new journey, I come to reality again. Wood and metal walls, Kyle and I did our best making things cozy. Leaves, branches, and odd things to add color and texture along with some bedding. I'm sure Lux will annihilate some wild animal for pelts to make into blankets. I have no doubts. But, I looked around the room and I found myself alone. Where was everyone? Did something happen to them? I walked out onto the balcony, grabbing my clothes from a makeshift wire clothes line. They were hot, so I threw them back inside. Next to them were a t-shirt, jeans, and boxers. Oh, Kyle's clothes. He was here?

    I ran back into the treehouse. I failed to consider the obvious... Kyle could easily be above me on the bunk. Thrusting myself up, our noses brushed together and his eyes shoot open. A deep sapphire blue, more vibrant and colorful than the fancy gems my mother preferred over me. Which I am glad I didn't say that outloud, not that it was an insult. No, I'd rub it in my mother's face that her fancy, unloving rocks couldn't compare to Kyle. But, she never considered that breathing, bleeding human would be ever more than a fancy rock. Kyle shuffled back with his eyes wide before sighing in relief.

    "Jesus, mind telling a man before you get that close. Lux, what are you doing here. Didn't Enver remind you and Lisa to look for more plants for food? And yeah, I know. Enver's eerily calm for right now, but I kind of need that stability in my life, you know? And I don't know, I like it. I really like it." Kyle scratched his temple, he gave me a flash of his eyes as he was looking down as he spoke. He grew a little tense, "Okay, okay. I have a thing for Enver. You've already told me how lovey we got on the party before this hell started. And you've made clear to keep things friendly. But, its hard considering he wants me with him so much." Kyle waved his hand, musing, "I don't know about you, but it is a clear sign he might be into me. Or at least, that enjoys my company..." Kyle squinted, his mouth squirming. Think he was figuring out... Kyle slid to the wall in his bed, "Oh, I am a fucking moron."

    I smiled, hopping down to throw Kyle his clothes, then back up, crawling onto his bed, "So, we ought to talk." Kyle shyly shuffled against the wall. He looked away from me. Sweating, clamming up. "Hey, Kyle. It's okay."

    Kyle stammered, "I-I wanted to tell you in a better way." I inched closer to him. Kyle curled his arms to his chest.

    "Sounds like it would have took you a while to tell me." I slowly crawled my hand to his shoulder. He shivered, but I continued up his neck, feeling his little beard when I stopped at his chin. Was I doing it right? Problem with getting knocked on your ass with these things, "I... I don't know what I'm doing really. All I got is feelings." Kyle perked up and I felt the glimmer in his eyes. He started to tussle over to me until his nose slid beside mine, then well... what everyone would expect. Don't remember most of it once I felt him, his lips. A blur after that. If what Kyle said was true, we've kissed before. Hell. He probably has a lot of firsts from me. But, I couldn't remember and sounds like he couldn't either.

    And I felt euphoria, pure bliss. I guess this is why Lux goes on about girls. This is what I've been missing. Out of the crowds of people, Kyle fits the bill. Why? Fuck if I know. Romance bullshit. Hormones or something. With a forehead press, I noticed Kyle stare into me patiently, "So, Enver. We gonna get going on some work? Or are we gonna lay here while you examine every pore of my naked body? I'd like the second option. Because for once, I actually have someone looking at all of me that I want to look at me."

    Huh? My arms found themselves around his shoulders, "Why do you model if you don't like doing it?"

    Kyle sighed, "Its either starve or have everyone in their mother know the look of every inch of me. What happens when you grow up in the dirt but sexy. My body, my looks, got me the money for the gym, supplements, and food. Then, the hairspray, the razors, all that jazz. And I barely get by. Until you spot me that last night on the ship, I was on board to take my clothes off and start whoring myself out as my sister was forced into an abusive relationship." Kyle paused, "I don't judge you, baby. Lux told me enough to know you understand. I mean, you lured me in before I had to resort... to sex work. Suddenly, I had a wealthy bigshot like me. And man I was telling the whole family. And honestly, though I was going to get a wealthy benefactor." He shuffled, holding the back of my head, "Here I am looking at this wealthy bigshot who's clearly in love with me, who isn't an asshole, and someone I actually wouldn't mind sticking with. Would prefer to. To be honest Enver, you solve a shitload of my problems. My money troubles, my family's needs, and allowed me to keep some sense of dignity. To be a few. Because we all know how the rich treat their whores. Would have been humiliated, strewn around like an animal with little regard for my humanity. But, you showed up. So, thanks."

    "Your family must be worried."

    Kyle's mood sank, his face drooped, "I fully expect my sister to be dead once we get off this planet. Unless someone's paying that asshole to be nice, he'll certainly kill her." Tears bucketed from his eyes, "She never deserved that... Enver, I was so worried about telling you... I didn't want to fuck it up. Oh hell, the stress was killing me. So, if I do anything to piss you off, please tell me. The fact we're connecting has been one of few good things that's happened to me. I can't fuck this up. I want you... I need you." Shifting, shaking, I could feel... pain. Kyle sobbed, loudly. Clinging himself to me. So vulnerable, I felt strange. Like I was holding a baby. So delicate.

    "I love you. For what I've been able to experience of you and I can't wait to learn more. And I promise, when we return to civilization, I'll take care of everything. I got more than just money."

    Kyle sniffled, "I love you for you too." Kyle sat up, slinging on his clothes, "Work?"

    "Won't do itself."
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George Update:

Action 1: Everyone trains in athletics. Those with hunting train that instead, using the pristine energy rifle and the electric cage.

Training begins in ernest. Two of the Passengers take a shine to Hunting and manage to gain +1 Hunting.

The remainder of the group train in athletics, but it doesn’t go very well. The only ones that seem to make any sort of progress in the matter are two members of the Agriculture Team. They gain +1 Athletics.

Everyone else is exhausted, but made no progress on the matter.

Action 2: Search for or create a source of clean water

The search for water was long and hard. But no one was making any sort of progress whatsoever. It was frustrating to say the least that with the whole group searching, that not a one could find anything.

When all hope was lost, Helena Troy of all people got her heel stuck in the ground. While pulling it out, a steady stream of fresh, blue, cool liquid was coming out of the ground. With some more judicious digging, they soon uncovered an underwater stream that seemed fresh and clear.

William Update:

Action 1: Will expands the Cornato beds into further reaching farmland, adding plots for the turnips and tomatoes.

The beds are expanded, increasing yields for an additional 2 units of Cornato a turn. Unfortunately, somehow during planting, the Botany Bot got some seeds implanted within its chassis. This went undiscovered until vines began growing out from the machine itself.

One of the Lab assistants became ill during the planting and expanding of the beds for growth.

Action 2: With his knowledge of the local flora deepened, Will attempts to splice the scavenged rainbow potato’s resilience into the Azaleas seeds to promote fertility. He adds genome strands from the orange grass to boost compatibility. Knowing Azaleas prefer shade, the resulting seeds are planted in a nearby grove.

The splicing is a success. With Will’s knowledge and the help of his team, even down one member, they managed to improve the fertility rate of the Azalieas. Before long, the are looked quite beautiful as the flowers began spreading up all over the place.


Due to the massive influx of edible plants, it isn’t long before they discover a large group of Red colored rabbit like creatures that have begun eating the plants and the vegetables. They look as though they have sharp claws for digging as well as sharp teeth for biting through hard plants.
Jax Update:

Action 1: The four film crew (tech 3) and Largo (hunting 2, fight 2), led by Jenny Wilkins (hunting 2, tech 4, [Keep It Going]: can reroll tech roll once per turn), will remain at the shelter and pop open the damaged robot. They will be looking at if it can be repaired. If not, they'll try to figure out if there's any way to make a radio/communication devices from its parts.

With so many people attempting to work on repairs of this damaged robot, one would think that there would be too many cooks in the kitchen. But Jenny Wilkins managed to take point and direct people where they needed to look and when.

When all was said and done, they were able to repair the robot and for only 2 scrap, quite the steal.

Jenny made sure to activate the robot in safe mode to make sure that it didn’t have any malware or was corrupted in any way. Luckily, it was not. It would require a designated purpose however.

Lose 2 Scrap, Gain Blank Slate Robot


Hardworking Robot- Athletics 2, Hunting 2
Protector Bot- Fighting 4
Medical Bot- Medical 4

Action 2: Jax (athletics 1, hunting 2, charm 1), Lorraine (hunting 4, fight 2, [To Adventure!]: When away from base camp, anyone she is with doesn't trigger nat 1s), Jeremy (hunting 4, tech 2, [Perfect Shot]: Can reroll hunting once per turn), and the two interns (hunting 2) will explore along the beach in one direction from the camp. Jeremy will be holding an energy weapon, Jax and Lorraine will be holding butcher knives, and the interns will each have a steel pipe as a weapon. While exploring, they will try to determine what the spikey red shells are from and if they are safe to touch.

Traveling to the East, they eventually discover a cave that seems to go underground. It looks as though more of these red shells are in this area than any other. The red shells seem safe to touch as long as you don’t touch any of the spikes. (Adventure)
Kyle Update:

Action 1: Using available resources, attempt to build a camp with the shuttle as a foundation

Most of those assembled couldn’t do much more than gather up supplies from fallen logs, large banana style leaves and twigs. But one of the gym goers seemed to know what he was doing and managed to take what little they had and make something out of it.

Sitting on top of the shuttle, with the access to the top emergency hatch of the shuttle was a small structure. It was big enough to have 4 people lay down comfortably on large leaf style mats on the floor.

At the top was a small wooden hatch that had a small two person lookout through small slits.

Action 2: Gather some mushrooms found and anything that can be used as food, in addition to retrieving the laser pistol from the skeleton.

Gathering went well as the team seemed to be made up of people that were good at spotting things that could keep them satiated. Mushrooms and a few other edibles were found and added to their food stores.

The gun was also managed to be retrieved without falling into the same pitfall that befell its original owner.

Gain 2 units of Mushrooms(?)
Gain 1 unit of Red Meat (?)
Gain 1 Custom Laser Pistol
Lord Gloom Update:

Action 1: Geoff the Butler and The Swarm Expedition will kidnap Kentucky Keith

In the dead of the night, overseen by Geoff, the Swarm of rats manage to easily kidnap Kentucky Keith. The swarm also decimated his group of survivors in their sleep.

Gain Kentucky Keith.

Kentucky Keith’s faction is WIPED OUT BY DESERT “RATS”

Action 2: Kentucky Keith will repair the engines of the machine using all our available scrap with the assistance of Geoff and the Robot. Once systems are restored, we will fully explore the Sand Barge.

Kentucky Keith after being kidnapped was put to work to fix the Sand Barge. After being forced to work, he eventually gets it done after a week and using 20 Scrap.

The Sand Barge hums to life as it is now functional. The only thing left is to get it out from the sand itself as it is partially buried within.

Leonard (Dest) update

Action 1: Hunting- Jack, the 10 passengers, and the 2 bodyguards will go hunting for the spiders within the vines.

The hunt. It was time to get some sort of food supply and they were going to get it. Through some surprisingly expert tracking, they manage to locate an entire nest of the creatures, killing them without much to do.

Gain 2 units of Spider Meat

They did however manage to obtain a few egg sacs that would soon birth new spiders. What were they to do?

Train the newly birthed spiders
Use the Sacs as a new food source until they run out
Use the sacs as bait for something LARGER

Action 2: Attempt to translate/decode the message that is repeatedly being broadcast

With far less effort than he would have thought, Leonard managed to decode the signal that was being broadcasted repeatedly on a loop.

It turned out to be a series of numbers, followed by a set of coordinates.

The numbers on repeat were: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
Enver Update:

Action 1: Build Farm: Using the plants found last week, Enver and Kyle will spend working on making a farm to work on making food to add sustainability. Enver has the firm belief they will be here a while and should try to make things as bearable as possible. Lisa, Lux, and the (hunting 2) Civilians will scan the forest for other useful plants as they did last week to add more diversity to the farm. (as well as usable materials. [Tools, Deep Medical Knowledge, Coconut Radio, Tech 4, Motorcycle.]

The farm was constructed, though it seemed that Enver did most of the actual work as Kyle was clearly distracted by Enver at every step of the construction.

The others managed to bring forth some various “food” items for planting. As this world is strange, even with their medical knowledge, in some cases it was only an estimate of safeness.

It will take some time for all the crops to yield something edible, however.

Gain 1 Unit of Fresh “Lettuce”

Action 2: Train Fighting Skills: With how the Sunset Horizon went down, the fear of raiders or pirates coming are rather high. And frankly, Lux is the only fighter outside of Sgt. Dortiz forces. And while they are good, having more capable bodies to help in defense is always nice.

Training was not very easy and in fact, the group had a much harder time coming to terms with any sort of combat training than any of them would have liked to admit.

While Luxyer actually improved his fighting capability going from +2 to +3 and Kyle gained +1 Fighting, 2 of the Rich Civilians sustained injuries during training that made sure they need to rest for the coming week and are unavailable to do anything else.

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