Happy Necromancer
- Group
- Nation Building
Power Ranger Aftermath
Episode 1: Live, Laugh, Love
The Eternal Lark
The abandoned amusement park was silent as the wind caressed lightly through its wide open spaces, only hitting into the occasional billowy tent or dilapidated structure that housed some equipment.
It had become a place that people liked to sneak away to. Wether as a makeout spot. Or as a light night ghost hunting spot. At present, they seemed to have gone undisturbed by the hidden creatures that lingered just beneath in the shadows. Shadows that many avoided due to the still deep burden of Abyssos and its world killing destruction.
For now, the front parking lot of the former amusement park has been opened to the public. It seems that a small, local carnival is being held upon the grounds. The joy and laughter can be heard throughout, awakening The Eternal Lark from its most recent “slumber”.
Carnies seem to either be at their individual booths of games consisting of get the ring on the bottle, dunk the drunk, pop the balloon or even ring the bell with the mallet. Or they were operating clearly unsafe rides such as the small dragon roller coaster, the balloon drop or the flying saucer.
Townies seemed the be having lost of fun. They were playing the games, enjoying the rides or partaking in carnival treats.
It had been so long since the true joy of laughter had been heard in the park. Would it come again? Or would this be the final chance that they had to seize such laughter for themselves and bring joy?
1.Attack the Carnival
2. Silently take over the carnival
3. Join in the Revelry
The Open Palm Clan
The most successful pizza restaurant in the region has been having a massive amount of success. Its second location was just as delicious as the first. People were always happy with the service as the pizza comes out at a regular interval after being ordered. The food is always thought of as on point and delicious, even between the two locations, there seems to be no discernible difference.
There was just one problem. A new, rival pizza place called ‘Pizza Rat’ opened up across the street. Early reviews show worse customer service, but pizza that is “out of this world”. An all female service crew wearing semi revealing clothing so that their patrons can google the staff.
It begins to take away your business. And if left alone, could hurt your bottom line for gaining money to fund your nefarious deeds.
1. Call May McDonald with an anonymous fake scoop about the Pizza Rat
2. Send in some Ninjas to sabotage the Pizza Rat
3. Frontal Assault on the Pizza Rat
The world has been a dark place in recent times, but now, four months after the world was the closest that it had ever been to destruction, it is finally starting to emerge from the darkness that had been embraced as a cocoon. Instead, it has emerged as a place where people have helped one another and come together, to grow stronger and recover from the wounds that were left upon the soul.
The T.R.U.E. organization was one that the government constructed in order to help with situations like this. From the Rangers themselves, all the way down to the support staff that worked in the background to make their jobs easier and a great success.
An alert came upon the screen as the woman working the comms channel announced and brought it up for the Rangers to see.
A Lone Lobster monster was causing havoc in the downtown. People were running to and fro, trying to get to safety.
1. Engage the monster with all TRUE rangers
2. Have some engage the monster while other of the team evacuate the civilians
3. Engage the Monster while calling local police to evacuate the civilians
Episode 1: Terrorist or Freedom Fighter?
The Rebellion
The world’s governments have gone too long with being ineffectual tools of the world’s elites. They let millions die, all to line their own pockets with money. Blood Money, it should be considered.
The true enemy of the people were those that claimed to rule. They are not the true rulers of the people. The people can and should rule themselves. No one should have control over them. Just like no one has control of the World Rebellion that is to emerge from a chrysalis of scalding fire and twisted metal.
Due to more corrupt machinations of the governments of the world, they have left some valuable structure exposed and vulnerable to oblivion. If they had any sense, this would not be the case. But if you ask anyone, their sense had left them long ago.
It is now the time to strike out against one of these targets, to let the haggard citizens of the planet know that it is the time to rise up.
To let them know that destruction will lead the way to a brighter future.
1. Bomb a Post Office
2. Bomb a Library
3. Bomb an Archive
Bright Future
We are the Bright Future that lay outstretched with an open arm. The women that pave the way and the men that support them from the sidelines. It is a group that wants to make the world a better place and one that is the antithesis of the group known as The Rebellion.
All that exists are rumor and hearsay about this organization. What is known is that a singular woman is the voice that calls out to the group. It is not known if that is their true leader or if she is merely a puppet.
But what is known is that is mysterious woman broadcasts to the terrorists that roam the world. If she is not stopped, countless others might flock to their cause and make the world a worse place to live.
But for now, there is no way to track her. Only possible leads on some cells in the region.
1. Investigate a string of robberies of high level technology
2. Infiltrate a Fight Club that might be a recruitment location
3. Sting Operation on a weapons merchant
Episode 1: Shadows Over
Connor the Apprentice
The Lord of Nightmares continues to grow in power safely from within his own found realm. Comforted in the knowledge that he has not only killed the man who killed his brother, but also obtained THE EGG.
With its power, he will continue to amass greatness around him. Forces that more than equal other “villains” or even the Rangers themselves. Soon enough, they will all be added to the Lake and give him even more power.
The rangers that had had touched were still connected to him on some way. Especially the leader of the Star Serpents. But that was a problem for another day. For now, there was energy to collect. To help him grow and further expand his powers.
For Connor the Apprentice, this was all only the beginning.
Beneath where the Old mansion had resided, he can detect a source of energy. It is faint and it is only due to his own large amounts of power that he can even pick it up. But it is certainly under the ground.
But it is there.
1. Personally investigate the energy
2. Send a Lieutenant to search for the energy
3. Ignore this source as a waste of your valuable time
The Wild Rangers
These last four months have been a time of grieving and a time of pain. Not just for the rangers themselves, but also for the world at large. The destruction was on a large scale, but luckily for most, it had been stopped before the death toll had been far too high.
It was still a tragedy. But one that they had a part in stopping before it became one of such epic proportions that could have caused the end of the world as they had all known it. As it was, the world picked up the pieces and had finally begun to move on once again.
The forces of Hexxus had been quiet in all that time. Were they merely regaining their strength and biding their time? Or had they been hurt as well from Abyssos and are still recovering?
Only time will tell.
A charity event raising money for those who lost during the Abyssos Event was being held at the local roller skating rink: Spinning Wheels. It seemed to be a pretty packed event. A lot of people want to help others, it seemed.
1. Go to the Event in civilian Mode
2. Go to the Event as Rangers
3. Spread word of the Event
The Obsidian Ranger
Shadows. Even now, Vivian has a far different feel from her time in the shadows about things than others did. She felt the immense guilt of each of the 7 million deaths that were caused by, in her mind, herself.
The death toll could have been far higher. Anyone knew that. It was only due to the quick intervention by many rangers and even some villains that put a quick stop to the creature that was known as Abyssos.
The one who had called to her and made her feel special……
But things are different now for her. She was becoming part of the group. And she still had her good friend, Wolf Howlitzer. At least he didn’t abandon her. She needed a good friend in this strange transitionary time.
A flier crossed her while she was out in the community. A large charity event being held for those who lost during the Abyssos Event. A large crowd seems to have gathered around it.
1. Go to the Event as a civilian
2. Go the Event as a Ranger
3. Hide away in the Base
Episode 1: Beyond the Stars
Digital Front
This alternate realm was one of potential. A world that had its civilization destroyed was one that was ripe for the plundering to allow him the Digital Front to gain the necessary resources to gain control of HIS universe.
The digitalization of civilization is on track. He would not brook any sort of dissent from any within his organization. Not from any of his minions and certainly not from any of his lieutenants. One such lieutenant was forever on his mind.
The Tallyman. Someone whose heart was never truly in the realm of the next. Only in the self serving profits that made him improve over all others. His signal was lost and had not been regained in the four interim months. But it was doubtful that he was gone. He was too smart for that. Far too sneaky and survivalist. Which was a big part of what had driven him to the cause in the first place.
But, for now, there was an opportunity to make some inroads back on the ground. Roads that were lost to a certain shadow ranger only so many months ago.
1. Invest in a shell company for Construction
2. Invest in a shell company for Robotics
3. Invest in a shell company for Medical care
Star Serpents
Too much had happened in such a short time. Too much that was not only hard to comprehend, but even harder to reconcile. Connor, the self proclaimed Lord of Nightmares had taught her much. But he also ignited a deadly force that tried to absorb all life in the universe.
But there must be good within him. Yes. There absolutely has to be some good within that man. She couldn’t seem to accept otherwise even though all around her thought differently.
She separated herself from the rest of the team. It was the only way. They couldn’t help her and she didn’t want them to get caught up in all of what she was planning to do. It was the right thing to do by them, her team. She cared about them. She cared about them so much that she couldn’t let them get into all the danger.
Last time, people got hurt. This time…..that wouldn’t happen.
The leader of the Star Serpents had plans. Or at least parts of plans. Time would tell how they would succeed.
1. Attempt to channel magical energy to track Connor
2. Attempt to create a device to track Connor
3. Continue to Train more in the magical arts first
Episode 1: Medical Emergency
Lord Xavier White
He was awake. Awake and Alone. Awake and Alone in a special backup facility in space. It had been ransacked in the four months since the elimination of the ORIGINAL Lord Xavier White. But it was functional enough for now as to operate as his base of operations. Its abilities would have to be expanded, but at least it was a start.
A fresh start for a FRESH Xavier White.
He felt his own personal strength. He didn’t seem as strong as his memories suggested. But he knew that he was a clone. But, he was a clone that was a personal backup of the ORIGINAL.
Which meant that he had the growth and potential to become as strong as he. And that was only a matter of time before he regained it. Hopefully, he could manage to stay hidden from Connor, The Lord of Nightmares.
At least until he had regained his strength and then some…..
He would need to expand his operations onto the surface so that he CAN become stronger. For that, he has a few options.
1. Begin Operation Abandoned Warehouse
2. Begin Operation Abandoned Hospital
3. Begin Operation Abandoned Armory
Five Peaks MD
Business was booming at the hospital. They had a constant influx of injuries from the previous attacks which had brought their hospital to prominence. The technology and techniques of Ken’ichi Sa’sa has proven both innovative and daring in such a way as him having to practically turn people away at the door and come back for further treatments in that vein.
Good for if he wants to find some additional rangers for his team. The hospital has become one of the more prolific ones in the region.
One of the support staff brought something interesting to the Dr’s attention. It was some strange genetic goop that had been discovered in the ruins of a secret laboratory from underneath a Genetika Corporation facility.
Genetika Corporation was a drug research corporation that was heavily into genetics to helping improve the human body. It is led by a woman known as Mikaela.
1. Explore the abandoned laboratory
2. Contact Mikaela
3. Launch an investigation into Genetika
Episode 1: Only The Shadows Know
Shadow Ranger
The shadows flowed to and fro on the station that had formerly been filled with his other rangers. There had been talking and laughing and good natured ribbing. But now. Now it was as empty as the day that he had left his own ruined universe after the death of his original team.
Now. Now, he was alone except for the ghost of his mentor. It was a lonely existence. But one that was necessary for his goals. The energy obtained from Abyssos was a HUGE boon. But also one that separated him from all the he had come to know and love.
The adoration of the people of Japan. The support of the Japanese government military force that he helped set up and train. Even the team of Rangers that he had found and fought side by side.
But now. Now they hunted him. He was a creature that deserved the hunt. One filled with more darkness than ever before.
But he had work to do…..
1. Set up Satellite blockers in key locations
2. Perform secret Reconnaissance
3. Train with the darkness
Masked Rider
Lex had been adjusting to life with his new adoptive family on this planet Earth. There were many things that were different from his home planet. But he'd work through it. As a teenager, he was eventually enrolled in the local High School once classes began again, having been paused due to the recovery of the world from the Abyssos attack.
Some classes were beyond childish to him. Like the human concept of math, it was laughable and far behind what it should be. But english and literature. Well, those things for a non earthing were not as easy as they should be.
After getting out of the day’s work of classes, Lex came across a poster detailing a concert in the park later that afternoon. It was something that the local teens were sure to be at. But would it be something that the young alien boy would also want to partake in?
Or would he want to find better things to do with his time?
1. Go to the Park Concert
2. Go to the Park, but not the concert
3. Go home and train instead
Dhorak Emissary of Hell
The tomb was a place of respite for the ancient king. It was his hidden sanctuary from the world. It was a place to house his contemplative nature after a lifetime of shame for his actions. He knew that he would make things right, eventually/
He would take up the mantle of those that he had defeated cuntless ages ago and use that to make the world a better place. Not just a better place for him, as he had done in ancient times, but a better place for all those who lived on this mortal plane of existence.
The world was recovering from all the chaos and death that had erupted from the one called Abyssos and Dhorak would have to prevent another from rising to take its place.
He could already sense the shadows beginning to rise once more. But what would he do about it?
1. Hone in on the Shadows
2. Consult the Oracles
3. Train Further
Episode 1: Live, Laugh, Love
The Eternal Lark
The abandoned amusement park was silent as the wind caressed lightly through its wide open spaces, only hitting into the occasional billowy tent or dilapidated structure that housed some equipment.
It had become a place that people liked to sneak away to. Wether as a makeout spot. Or as a light night ghost hunting spot. At present, they seemed to have gone undisturbed by the hidden creatures that lingered just beneath in the shadows. Shadows that many avoided due to the still deep burden of Abyssos and its world killing destruction.
For now, the front parking lot of the former amusement park has been opened to the public. It seems that a small, local carnival is being held upon the grounds. The joy and laughter can be heard throughout, awakening The Eternal Lark from its most recent “slumber”.
Carnies seem to either be at their individual booths of games consisting of get the ring on the bottle, dunk the drunk, pop the balloon or even ring the bell with the mallet. Or they were operating clearly unsafe rides such as the small dragon roller coaster, the balloon drop or the flying saucer.
Townies seemed the be having lost of fun. They were playing the games, enjoying the rides or partaking in carnival treats.
It had been so long since the true joy of laughter had been heard in the park. Would it come again? Or would this be the final chance that they had to seize such laughter for themselves and bring joy?
1.Attack the Carnival
2. Silently take over the carnival
3. Join in the Revelry
The Open Palm Clan
The most successful pizza restaurant in the region has been having a massive amount of success. Its second location was just as delicious as the first. People were always happy with the service as the pizza comes out at a regular interval after being ordered. The food is always thought of as on point and delicious, even between the two locations, there seems to be no discernible difference.
There was just one problem. A new, rival pizza place called ‘Pizza Rat’ opened up across the street. Early reviews show worse customer service, but pizza that is “out of this world”. An all female service crew wearing semi revealing clothing so that their patrons can google the staff.
It begins to take away your business. And if left alone, could hurt your bottom line for gaining money to fund your nefarious deeds.
1. Call May McDonald with an anonymous fake scoop about the Pizza Rat
2. Send in some Ninjas to sabotage the Pizza Rat
3. Frontal Assault on the Pizza Rat
The world has been a dark place in recent times, but now, four months after the world was the closest that it had ever been to destruction, it is finally starting to emerge from the darkness that had been embraced as a cocoon. Instead, it has emerged as a place where people have helped one another and come together, to grow stronger and recover from the wounds that were left upon the soul.
The T.R.U.E. organization was one that the government constructed in order to help with situations like this. From the Rangers themselves, all the way down to the support staff that worked in the background to make their jobs easier and a great success.
An alert came upon the screen as the woman working the comms channel announced and brought it up for the Rangers to see.
A Lone Lobster monster was causing havoc in the downtown. People were running to and fro, trying to get to safety.
1. Engage the monster with all TRUE rangers
2. Have some engage the monster while other of the team evacuate the civilians
3. Engage the Monster while calling local police to evacuate the civilians
Episode 1: Terrorist or Freedom Fighter?
The Rebellion
The world’s governments have gone too long with being ineffectual tools of the world’s elites. They let millions die, all to line their own pockets with money. Blood Money, it should be considered.
The true enemy of the people were those that claimed to rule. They are not the true rulers of the people. The people can and should rule themselves. No one should have control over them. Just like no one has control of the World Rebellion that is to emerge from a chrysalis of scalding fire and twisted metal.
Due to more corrupt machinations of the governments of the world, they have left some valuable structure exposed and vulnerable to oblivion. If they had any sense, this would not be the case. But if you ask anyone, their sense had left them long ago.
It is now the time to strike out against one of these targets, to let the haggard citizens of the planet know that it is the time to rise up.
To let them know that destruction will lead the way to a brighter future.
1. Bomb a Post Office
2. Bomb a Library
3. Bomb an Archive
Bright Future
We are the Bright Future that lay outstretched with an open arm. The women that pave the way and the men that support them from the sidelines. It is a group that wants to make the world a better place and one that is the antithesis of the group known as The Rebellion.
All that exists are rumor and hearsay about this organization. What is known is that a singular woman is the voice that calls out to the group. It is not known if that is their true leader or if she is merely a puppet.
But what is known is that is mysterious woman broadcasts to the terrorists that roam the world. If she is not stopped, countless others might flock to their cause and make the world a worse place to live.
But for now, there is no way to track her. Only possible leads on some cells in the region.
1. Investigate a string of robberies of high level technology
2. Infiltrate a Fight Club that might be a recruitment location
3. Sting Operation on a weapons merchant
Episode 1: Shadows Over
Connor the Apprentice
The Lord of Nightmares continues to grow in power safely from within his own found realm. Comforted in the knowledge that he has not only killed the man who killed his brother, but also obtained THE EGG.
With its power, he will continue to amass greatness around him. Forces that more than equal other “villains” or even the Rangers themselves. Soon enough, they will all be added to the Lake and give him even more power.
The rangers that had had touched were still connected to him on some way. Especially the leader of the Star Serpents. But that was a problem for another day. For now, there was energy to collect. To help him grow and further expand his powers.
For Connor the Apprentice, this was all only the beginning.
Beneath where the Old mansion had resided, he can detect a source of energy. It is faint and it is only due to his own large amounts of power that he can even pick it up. But it is certainly under the ground.
But it is there.
1. Personally investigate the energy
2. Send a Lieutenant to search for the energy
3. Ignore this source as a waste of your valuable time
The Wild Rangers
These last four months have been a time of grieving and a time of pain. Not just for the rangers themselves, but also for the world at large. The destruction was on a large scale, but luckily for most, it had been stopped before the death toll had been far too high.
It was still a tragedy. But one that they had a part in stopping before it became one of such epic proportions that could have caused the end of the world as they had all known it. As it was, the world picked up the pieces and had finally begun to move on once again.
The forces of Hexxus had been quiet in all that time. Were they merely regaining their strength and biding their time? Or had they been hurt as well from Abyssos and are still recovering?
Only time will tell.
A charity event raising money for those who lost during the Abyssos Event was being held at the local roller skating rink: Spinning Wheels. It seemed to be a pretty packed event. A lot of people want to help others, it seemed.
1. Go to the Event in civilian Mode
2. Go to the Event as Rangers
3. Spread word of the Event
The Obsidian Ranger
Shadows. Even now, Vivian has a far different feel from her time in the shadows about things than others did. She felt the immense guilt of each of the 7 million deaths that were caused by, in her mind, herself.
The death toll could have been far higher. Anyone knew that. It was only due to the quick intervention by many rangers and even some villains that put a quick stop to the creature that was known as Abyssos.
The one who had called to her and made her feel special……
But things are different now for her. She was becoming part of the group. And she still had her good friend, Wolf Howlitzer. At least he didn’t abandon her. She needed a good friend in this strange transitionary time.
A flier crossed her while she was out in the community. A large charity event being held for those who lost during the Abyssos Event. A large crowd seems to have gathered around it.
1. Go to the Event as a civilian
2. Go the Event as a Ranger
3. Hide away in the Base
Episode 1: Beyond the Stars
Digital Front
This alternate realm was one of potential. A world that had its civilization destroyed was one that was ripe for the plundering to allow him the Digital Front to gain the necessary resources to gain control of HIS universe.
The digitalization of civilization is on track. He would not brook any sort of dissent from any within his organization. Not from any of his minions and certainly not from any of his lieutenants. One such lieutenant was forever on his mind.
The Tallyman. Someone whose heart was never truly in the realm of the next. Only in the self serving profits that made him improve over all others. His signal was lost and had not been regained in the four interim months. But it was doubtful that he was gone. He was too smart for that. Far too sneaky and survivalist. Which was a big part of what had driven him to the cause in the first place.
But, for now, there was an opportunity to make some inroads back on the ground. Roads that were lost to a certain shadow ranger only so many months ago.
1. Invest in a shell company for Construction
2. Invest in a shell company for Robotics
3. Invest in a shell company for Medical care
Star Serpents
Too much had happened in such a short time. Too much that was not only hard to comprehend, but even harder to reconcile. Connor, the self proclaimed Lord of Nightmares had taught her much. But he also ignited a deadly force that tried to absorb all life in the universe.
But there must be good within him. Yes. There absolutely has to be some good within that man. She couldn’t seem to accept otherwise even though all around her thought differently.
She separated herself from the rest of the team. It was the only way. They couldn’t help her and she didn’t want them to get caught up in all of what she was planning to do. It was the right thing to do by them, her team. She cared about them. She cared about them so much that she couldn’t let them get into all the danger.
Last time, people got hurt. This time…..that wouldn’t happen.
The leader of the Star Serpents had plans. Or at least parts of plans. Time would tell how they would succeed.
1. Attempt to channel magical energy to track Connor
2. Attempt to create a device to track Connor
3. Continue to Train more in the magical arts first
Episode 1: Medical Emergency
Lord Xavier White
He was awake. Awake and Alone. Awake and Alone in a special backup facility in space. It had been ransacked in the four months since the elimination of the ORIGINAL Lord Xavier White. But it was functional enough for now as to operate as his base of operations. Its abilities would have to be expanded, but at least it was a start.
A fresh start for a FRESH Xavier White.
He felt his own personal strength. He didn’t seem as strong as his memories suggested. But he knew that he was a clone. But, he was a clone that was a personal backup of the ORIGINAL.
Which meant that he had the growth and potential to become as strong as he. And that was only a matter of time before he regained it. Hopefully, he could manage to stay hidden from Connor, The Lord of Nightmares.
At least until he had regained his strength and then some…..
He would need to expand his operations onto the surface so that he CAN become stronger. For that, he has a few options.
1. Begin Operation Abandoned Warehouse
2. Begin Operation Abandoned Hospital
3. Begin Operation Abandoned Armory
Five Peaks MD
Business was booming at the hospital. They had a constant influx of injuries from the previous attacks which had brought their hospital to prominence. The technology and techniques of Ken’ichi Sa’sa has proven both innovative and daring in such a way as him having to practically turn people away at the door and come back for further treatments in that vein.
Good for if he wants to find some additional rangers for his team. The hospital has become one of the more prolific ones in the region.
One of the support staff brought something interesting to the Dr’s attention. It was some strange genetic goop that had been discovered in the ruins of a secret laboratory from underneath a Genetika Corporation facility.
Genetika Corporation was a drug research corporation that was heavily into genetics to helping improve the human body. It is led by a woman known as Mikaela.
1. Explore the abandoned laboratory
2. Contact Mikaela
3. Launch an investigation into Genetika
Episode 1: Only The Shadows Know
Shadow Ranger
The shadows flowed to and fro on the station that had formerly been filled with his other rangers. There had been talking and laughing and good natured ribbing. But now. Now it was as empty as the day that he had left his own ruined universe after the death of his original team.
Now. Now, he was alone except for the ghost of his mentor. It was a lonely existence. But one that was necessary for his goals. The energy obtained from Abyssos was a HUGE boon. But also one that separated him from all the he had come to know and love.
The adoration of the people of Japan. The support of the Japanese government military force that he helped set up and train. Even the team of Rangers that he had found and fought side by side.
But now. Now they hunted him. He was a creature that deserved the hunt. One filled with more darkness than ever before.
But he had work to do…..
1. Set up Satellite blockers in key locations
2. Perform secret Reconnaissance
3. Train with the darkness
Masked Rider
Lex had been adjusting to life with his new adoptive family on this planet Earth. There were many things that were different from his home planet. But he'd work through it. As a teenager, he was eventually enrolled in the local High School once classes began again, having been paused due to the recovery of the world from the Abyssos attack.
Some classes were beyond childish to him. Like the human concept of math, it was laughable and far behind what it should be. But english and literature. Well, those things for a non earthing were not as easy as they should be.
After getting out of the day’s work of classes, Lex came across a poster detailing a concert in the park later that afternoon. It was something that the local teens were sure to be at. But would it be something that the young alien boy would also want to partake in?
Or would he want to find better things to do with his time?
1. Go to the Park Concert
2. Go to the Park, but not the concert
3. Go home and train instead
Dhorak Emissary of Hell
The tomb was a place of respite for the ancient king. It was his hidden sanctuary from the world. It was a place to house his contemplative nature after a lifetime of shame for his actions. He knew that he would make things right, eventually/
He would take up the mantle of those that he had defeated cuntless ages ago and use that to make the world a better place. Not just a better place for him, as he had done in ancient times, but a better place for all those who lived on this mortal plane of existence.
The world was recovering from all the chaos and death that had erupted from the one called Abyssos and Dhorak would have to prevent another from rising to take its place.
He could already sense the shadows beginning to rise once more. But what would he do about it?
1. Hone in on the Shadows
2. Consult the Oracles
3. Train Further