Summer School for the Teenage Soul [Inactive]

She grabs her water-bottle from her back and hears what one of the guys said and almost chokes on the water.
"Ah, there we go."

He proceeded to sit down quite relaxed and read.

After a while it occurred to him.

"Oh by the way Im Jason. And no I'm not gay, so you can keep it in your pants."

He looked back down to the book. I could never fully make sense of Time dilation...surely if I go faster than speed of light, time would reverse? Maybe the postulates don't apply at that point.
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From over top of her music, she noted how he was searching for a book. 'Could it be someone who is actually going to study while here?!?' She thought ludicrously. 'Okay Ariana, go back to your iPod.' She started paying attention to the music again
Getting restless, Ariella began walking the length of the bookshelves, her fingers lightly trailing along the spines of the books. She tossed her sucker into the nearby trashcan, wondering when they would be let out for a break.
"Wow, high class praise from da' high class man. An' fo' your information, I am indeed part plant. Don' need anythin' but sunlight and air." Gene smirked, his over bite once again taking up almost his entire face. "It looks ta' me dat' you don' like tha' new guy. Look at the damn princess, he's fuckin' tryin'."

Shelton finally moved his face from the light and gave Damien a side long glance. "Dis' don't make us friends ya hear?" he sneered as he turned his wide dead end stare to the other teens nice shiny shoes. 'They are almost too nice that they hurt my eyes.' he thought as dug out his cigarettes once more, offering one to Damien with one hand, the other shoving one into his own mouth, the white of the cigs contrasting with the black grime under his finger nails. "Somethin' to tie yo' ass over till lunch, mon ami gate*."

(my spoiled friend (I can't do the fancy inflections on my crap computer)*)
She finished the book since she was a fast reader and put her legs at the left arm-rest of the couch and her head at the right arm-rest.

She was so bored she didn't know what to do, she would usually study but study what for? She got into summer school to learn how violence isn't the answer, but who is she gonna ask that? Everyone here seems like they've beat up someone at least once. Besides studying, she would play video games or play some sports. This is the worst. I have to spend the rest of my summer in this freaking death-trap she thought.
Once again she checks the time.. 'break please come soon' she thought aggravated. She then stood. 'Maybe some Aesop to tide the time over. We're in a library after all.' She then went and searched for her book hoping to avoid the others.
Hmmm, I still don't understand what this glass block does in the Michelson-morley experiment.

Jason kept on reading. He hadnt in a while and he was used to study so this wasn't so bad for him.
Okay this is getting really boring. She thought. She's getting so impatient "Is anyone gonna talk here? I mean.. It's getting boring and it makes it even more boring if no one talks.. At least introduce yourself.. Because, this is summer school. We're suppose to be helping each other, and how are we gonna do that if no one talks?" she realized she said that out loud so she put her hands over her mouth embarrassed.
'Look at the damn princess, he's fuckin' tryin.'

Damien laughed appreciatively, eyes narrowed and locked onto the new kid whose nose what shoved down into a book. Worse still were the gawking girls. He didn't know the guy, sure, but he definitely didn't like him. Didn't matter what his personality was like. His personality was probably great, and that thought made Damien hate him more.

"Believe me, I know we are not friends, mon clochard,"* Damien replied, taking the cigarette and looking at Gene with a wicked grin. "But we are the least... unfavorable of the options out there." He noticed the glance the other boy gave to his shoes, but said nothing. It would be out of line. Even he had standards.

"You are right, I do not like the new one. The girls will like him. He is attractive, yet smart. Or is at least pretending to be, given that he studies. So why is he here?" he pondered, taking out a nice metal lighter with his initials engraved into it. "Light?" he asked, holding it out to the Cajun after he lit his own. Staring down at the new guy, he took a long drag from the cigarette and exhaled slowly. The stupid new guy. Oh, how intriguing, he's here late. How lovely, he can read books. What a brilliant specimen of mankind standing right below them. Damn f*cker.

*my tramp
"Ok, everyone up, grab your lunch if you brought it with you and head to the cafeteria. After I will check on everyone's progress. Have something to show for it." Mr. Fitzpatrick announced as he swept into the library.

Gene quickly pushed his unlit cigarette back into the pack and stood up giving the principal a salute. "You know me Captain, I love ta' study." he slurred as he slunk down the stairs, hands slung deep into his pockets, neck flopping uselessly in disdain as if he didn't have bones supporting them. 'Man do I hate lunch,' he sighed, 'More handouts to rebuff.'
Jason chuckled.

"I'm sorry for my impertinence. Its just I'm always awkward with people. Never sure what to say without pissing someone off."

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She sighs seeing that the mystery girl had a point. She walks over to where the main group is. "My name is Ariana Dawn. Nice to meet you all. Now please tell me that someone has a smoke before I go off the deep end of boredom" she said placing down the Aesop poems.
As Gene passed Jason, he gave him a sneer, "Yo' ass jus' bein' here makes people pissed off. Makin' all us look bad." With a roll of his eyes Gene continued on towards the front doors, stumbling slightly thanks to the pounding in his head. "You guys betta' shut yo' foo' ass mouths about your cigs or else da' Captain will hear and get all our asses thrown out." Shelton hissed with a trail of mumbled French.
"I guess I'd better say my full name. Jason Brook. Flunked exam time because me limbs weren't in right place from a street ambush of 15 people. Let's just say they didn't like me."

Jason stood up and went for lunch. "Nothing wrong with reading what yer interested in" he muttered to himself.

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She walks towards the cafeteria holding her arms around her chest as she goes.. 'this is just downright rock's she thought to herself, troubled at how these people were.
"Yo Ariana, are they always this gloomy? Surely being social is a goal in this kind of place?"

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"Now dats an excuse if I've evea' heard one. Can I borrow it some time?" Gene cackled as he shuffled through the door wide smirk permantely stuck to his face, the principal far ahead of the shambling group of hormonal teens.
"Well.. it's only the first day.. seems to me Jason that those two guys there are gonna be the best of friends by the end of the day and the gum chewer.. is quite rude. The two girls, I don't know really." She looks at him out of the corner of her eye. "I feel like I'm in a mental hospital here." She whispered softly so only he could hear
He whispered equally softly. "I can see what you mean...well I'm sure at least we can be friends. Right?" He extended a hand

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Shelton slinked up behind the duo. "Mental hospital, summa' schoo'. Ain't dey' da' same damn thing?" he asked his over bite turning the once subtle smirk into a full blown grimace. 
He then shouldered the two out of the way as he quickened his pace, disappearing behind the swinging double doors of the cafeteria.

"All right buy your lunch or sit down with what you brought, All of you at this table. No spreading out. No throwing food. And please no fist fights. Shelton, I'm looking at you." said Mr. Fitzpatrick.

Gene shrugged and sat at the first available seat. He placed his arm on the table in an acute angle which was used to support his head on a bony fist.
"Well a mental hospital generally has more ill cases like him I guess" his talk aimed at Ariana.

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