Summer School for the Teenage Soul [Inactive]

Seth walked up to the redhead chewing gum. "Hey there, sweet cheeks, whatcha' chewing?" He asked her. He couldnt believe he was actually asking her about her gum. This is ridiculous.
Mindlessly, Ariella pulled a sucker out of her backpack, popping it in her mouth while watching all of the other students do whatever it was that they were doing.
She crossed her arms, cleared her throat, and then glared at the Cajun.

"I don't do well with many greasy foods thank you very much. And you have earned it. You live rougher than all of us and you refuse something as simple as a bag of chips when your showing hunger pains?!" She stood walking past the gum guy. Grabbing the chips she held them in front of his face.

"Pathetic. You don't refuse help, everyone needs it every once in a while. Even a mighty Cajun boy such as yourself." She drops the chips on him and retreats back to her seat. When she gets back, she observes the gum guy and tossed a piece.

"Here, hubba bubba. It's the best bubble blowing type I believe."
Gene stood up and shrugged past the red head, kicking the bag chips as he went out of his sight. "It ain't personal." He murmured before making his way towards the front doors stabbing out his cigarette on a passing book case.

"Bathroom break boys and girls" he drawled languidly heading out the door and towards the men's room.
Seth takes the gum. "thanks, toots. You should try something a bit more advanced in my opinion though." Seth spits his gum out at her, and it nearly misses her shirt.
Brows raised, Ariella's mouth hangs open slightly, both in shock and distaste at the boy who spat his gum out at the redhead.
Flips the gum guy off once he turns around "pays to be f*cking nice around here eh?" She grumbles. 'One of these days I'm gonna get him to let his guard down around me' she thought
Did he just spit out his gum at the girl? Seriously? What the hell is the problem with this kid? Throwing a pencil at a confirmed douche was one thing, doing this to a girl who'd done no wrong was another. Damien jumped up out of his seat and stormed over to Seth, fuming.

"Why did you do that, *sshole? She did nothing to you. You are scum, you know this? Do you know how much time your mother needs to take a sh*t? Nine months," he snarled, stepping forward so that he was close to the boy. "You do anything like that again to anyone in here and I will wipe that little smile off of your face, you clear? Now go sit your little ass down in the corner, you ane."
Once in the restroom Gene stripped of his t-shirt, throwing it carelessly onto on bony shoulder. He ignored the skeletal look his body reflected in the mirror, and began to pat his available skin with water before using what little hand soap was in the restroom to cleanse his dirty skin.

'Ah, the first time in a few days to wash some of this saw dust off,' he sighed as he rinsed off, 'this will have to do for awhile.'

He went up to the hand dryers and turned them all on to speed up the drying process. It wouldn't do to have anyone see him in this weakened state, but it had to be done. It felt as if his skin was literally crawling.
Biting her lip to hold in her laughter, Ariella silently applauded the egotistical French guy. Things just keep getting more and more interesting around here.
Ariana smiled softly at the French guy. ' Well maybe it does pay off in a way... I should thank him..' she glanced at the other girl in the room. ' That looks like a b*tch if I've ever seen one before..' she shot a nasty look at the girl before shaking her head and going back to looking at her ipod
Monique stays in the corner reading her book quietly trying to get unnoticed, she plugged in her earphones and play some music to ignore the inappropriate people.
Seth goes back to tapping on his desk, watching his peers. Though he did like the reactions to it, he wondered if he really should have spit his gum at her. That was a bit rude, even for his standards.
Feeling slightly more refreshed he threw his ragged t-shirt back over his thin frame and his military jacket on for good measure. As he stepped out of the restroom he was met face to face with Mr. Fitzpatrick.

"Why am I not surprised Eugene Shelton. You don't seem to ever follow the rules. This is the first strike son, next time ask before you wonder out." The principal threatened taking in the boys less offending stench. With a nod he sent the Cajun on his way. "Lunch is almost here, try and get some work done before then."

"Sho' thing Captain." Shelton sneered as he turned on his heel and made his way back to the library. 
"Hey kiddies, Captain said lunch is soon. You betta' play nice 'fore he makes yo' asses walk da' plank." He laughed to himself as breezed through the door.

Gene found himself shuffling towards the stairs to the upper part of the library. He sat himself on the middle most step where the sunlight was strongest as it shone through a high nearby window. Gene tilted his face, eyes closed and bruised from lack of sleep, towards the sun letting the heat soothe his achy body.
'Gum really..?' She thought depressingly. 'Wow.. this summer is gonna be awful' she went back to observing the crew of people. I hope more arrived soon...
Jason got out of the taxi. He was in a jacket and loose jeans, as he hated clothing that restricted his movement.

He paid the taxi driver the money and walked to the school.

Good thing I got a job instead of sitting on my arse after I recovered.

Why the hell am I even here...hahhh.
Jason sighed.

He wouldn't be here if it weren't for a huge group of idiots with broken bottles and knives attacked him. It left some scars across body too, though luckily not his beautiful face. He was ready to ace his exams, especially science. Looks like though is gonna have to double up with exams and pass em swiftly and a Summer school was just the thing.

When he came in, Jason greeted Mister Fitzpatrick. "Good day to you."

Once inside, he put his coat on a chair, which showed his (quite tight) black t-shirt. He stretched/flexed his body, stiff from being in a car.

I could either get a girl and exams, or I die of boredom and fall in a ditch. Well, only time will tell.
Oh how i wish i never punched that girl on the face she thought. This is gonna be the worst summer of my life.
"What's with this violent tension? I'll choke here unless someone fires a party popper or cracks beers open to drink."
Damien shook his head and rested it on his hands briefly. Honestly, that's all the kid had to say for himself? 'No prob, Frenchie?' Sharply exhaling, he dropped his hands and turned away, walking away to cool his head. That whole ordeal was.... painful. He was so done with it. With all of these stupid kids. The day wasn't even over and already he felt like he'd aged thirty years. He should probably check himself for grey hairs. The fact that the kid had gone right back to tapping his stupid little pencil was infuriating. He almost wanted to go up and slam the pencil right in the teenager's eye. He half-smiled at the thought, and turned as Gene once more entered the room. Lunchtime.

His eyes followed the Cajun, his mouth pressed into a tight line. He needed to associate himself with someone, and at least this kid had some sort of manners and had a head enough on him to not just sit there and watch as the girls seemed to have had. Suddenly a new kid entered the scene and Damien stiffened. Fit, fairly attractive, and with a bad-boy edge, he'd be some competition. Damn. Another reason to have an ally. Shaking his head, Damien sighed to himself. Seriously, was he thinking about associating with that vermin, though? The very same unwashed nearly intolerable low-class idiot? And yet for some reason he was dragging himself up the stairs and sitting down beside Gene. What the hell.

"Are you a plant? Get your nutrition from the sun?" he snorted, looking sidelong at the other guy. "Do not think I like you because I sit by you; I just hate everyone else here more. They are very rude. The other boy... he spat gum at the red haired girl. Somehow he is more low-class than you."
She glances appraising at the new guy, tilting her head to observe him from all angles. 'I guess my prayers have indeed been answered' she smirked to herself. 'Lets just hope he's nicer than these other dipwads'
Jason shrugged. He walked over to find a book on Special Relativity, something he needed to jog his memory on.

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