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Realistic or Modern Summer. (No longer accepting!)


I am the one thing life I can control
20 teenagers from all over the US, ranging from 13 to 18, are volunteered for a social experiment without their knowledge by their parents and school. They must spend 2 months of their summer break in a house with one another while being monitored, the worst part? They can't leave the house, although they have Internet access, cable tv, and the option to request other forms of entertainment. How can this group of strangers with widely varying personalities survive the summer together?

Antonio watched his mom drive away before turning to the looming house in front of him. He glanced down at his outfit- a light lavender t-shirt tucked into skinny jeans with a black and white floral snapback resting backwards on his head to add a little "edge"- he prayed he was passing well today, not feeling up to explaining to the 19 other teens that he was trans. Not today at least. Gripping the strap of his gray duffel bag with one hand, he began to step forward, before realizing that nobody else seemed to have arrived and he wasn't sure if he wanted to be the first person to enter the house. Steps faltering he took a deep breath- in 5, out 5- before beginning to head towards the door once again.
Maya pressed her face up against the window as they approached the house, eager to get to her new home. She ignored the "tut" of her mother, who's driving her, and instead focuses on the excitement. As they pull up outside, Maya leaps out of the car the second it pulls to a stop and races around to the trunk.

Her mom gets her suitcase out the trunk for her and she grips it tightly, hugging her Mom tightly and saying her goodbyes. It's a long, dramatic display before Maya finally lets go and steps back. She waves the car away, balancing on the curb and bouncing up and down on the toes of her boots.

Once her Mom was gone, she pulled her suitcase behind her and approached the boy standing outside. She took him in, looking him up and down once, before bounding over and wrapping an arm around him as if they've been friends for years.

"Hey, roomie." She nods at him, "What's new?"
Antonio had began to turn his head when he heard footsteps, but he couldn't process everything before the girl was standing next to him, throwing an arm around him. He smiled softly, "Um, hi?" The words were hesitant, he was never great with social interaction. "I'm Antonio," He said quickly after, deciding an introduction was a good place to start.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Antonio! Good name you got there." She smiled up at him, "My name is Maya. I hope we can be friends."

And with that, she withdrew her arm from around him and took a step back. She looked around curiously to see if there were any other people lingering around. There had to be some other people joining them soon, right?
Antonio grinned, he really liked Maya already, she was bubbly and friendly- although he couldn't help but relate her more gothic fashion to his goth phase 2 years ago. He noticed his mood perk at her comment on his name- probably the effects of having picked your own name, he thought.

"Do you think anyone else has arrived? I don't see anyone." He said, watching her look around, presumably for other people.
Rosalie was looking throught the window amazed because of the beautiful building, little fingers crumpling her pastel blue sweater, eyes sparkling with excitement. It's today. Today she will be a open, happy girl and will make some friends! - She though optimistically but once the car has stopped her whole confidence disapeared. She breathed out heavily, looking unsure on the teens that were standing just few steps away.

'Miss Reed?' - She jumped shocked at the sudden voice of her buttler.

'Y-yes?' - She said with trembling voice.

' I think it's time to go, it's been 5 minutes since we arrived. ' - He answered.

5 minutes?! - Thought Rosalie, she's been staring for 5 minutes?!

'Yes, you're probably right' - The girl said, smiling weakly, then started counting to 3.

1...2...3... Go! - She though as she opened the car's door - 'Thank you Sam!' - She added before jumping out of the vehicle with her backpack.

There! Here I am!

When she turned around the people from before were even closer.

I'n fact, very close.

'Um....Ah.... Hello....' - She said in her quiet voice, already blushing like a tomato.

Great, amazing first impression!
Antonio had turned when he heard the other car pull up, only to go back to observing the house he'd call 'home' for the next two months when nobody left the car- probably nervous. Turning once again when the door opened, a girl stepping out, her back turned.

Antonio smiled softly when the girl spoke, figuring she may be nervous. "Hello," he greeted, "I'm Antonio, looks like we'll be living together the next two months."
'' Yeah...I'm Rosalie'' - She answered nervously, looking at the boy who greeted her with a shy smile. He wasn't that tall, and it was good because everyone, especially boys, were a lot taller than her, and she was more insecure because of it.

And of coure they would pick on her, calling her Midget.


He looked nice and friendly, and the girl next to him looked a little bit less friendly, but just because of the dark, goth clothes.

Rosalie was sure she would make a great friend too.
Antonio nodded, "Rosalie is a very pretty name," he commented, noted that she seemed nervous. Hoping to edge her nerves a bit he motioned to the door, "Should we stay out here and wait for the others, or go inside and claim out rooms and stuff first?"

He cursed himself mentally for how awkward his voice sounded but shrugged it off. Adjusting the strap of his backpack, which had begun to fall down his shoulder, and switching his duffel bag to his opposite hand, as his fingers started to hurt from the weight of the books laid in the bottom of the duffel. Taking one more glance around the front of the house and driveway, he turned to the girls, waiting for their input.
"Thank you..." - She said, blushing again. She was tightly holding her big bag but after few second her grip was lighter. She breathed out heavily, saying to herself under her nose "Yes, I did it!" I finally talked to someone!

Hearing the question she answered quietly "Maybe we should go leave our bags, and when... everything is ok, we can check if the rest arrived?" She looked down as she said it, not sure if her plan was good.
Antonio nodded, "Good idea. My bags are getting heavy- I'm started to wonder if my little brother snuck some bricks in here." He mentally cringed at his terrible joke before turning to the door.

"I hope it's unlocked..." He muttered to himself, realizing that he hadn't checked before suggesting they go inside. Slowly turning the door handle, expecting it to be locked, he was meet with no resistance and pushed the door open. Turning to the girls he smiled, "Come on, let's check it out."
Kurt arrived at the new house and took a moment to look at it. He then turned his head towards his Father saying. "Did I really accept to come here?" He went into the house with only a bag and his guitar. He took a moment to look where his room is and he foud it. "First room first floor, can't miss it. He entered and started to play some songs.
She fallowed Antonio, keeping her bag close to her, because she could trip easily and at least it can protect her somehow...

Entering the house she was amazed by its beauty. It was modern and cozy.

She really liked that.

They went to 2nd floor, after checking all of the room she decided the 4th one would be the best. She left her door open and when unpacking she heard a guitar, a nice song and curious about it she went down to check it.

The sounds were coming from the 1th room, but being a shy mouse, she couldn't just knock, right?

So instead, she stood in front of the door.
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Kurt heard a sound behind his door and decided to go check what it was. He oppened the door and saw a girl. He told her:"Can I help you?" He got back in his room and invited her to come in. "Wanna listen to my guitar skills?" he asked her with a confident smile
"Can I help you?"

"I...I heard your guitar and just wanted to check" She answered shyly and when he invited her in she smiled s little.

The room was really cool, as the rest of the house she really liked it.

"Wanna listen to my guitar skills?"

She looked at him amazed, he was so confident!

"Sure!" Rosalie answered enthusiastically.
Kurt plugged his guitar again and he pressed on his distorsion pedal. He played his guitar and sang along. (If you want to hear the song follow this link: [media]

[/media]) When he was over he looked at Her and asked: "So, how was I?"
''So how was I?''

She looked at him with wide, shining eyes.

"You were amazing!" Rosalie said louder than anything before, but still closer to a whisper than scream....

"You're really talented" she added "Wish I could play an instrument" she smilled shyly.

"But I would probably broke it in 2 minutes so...hehe..." Rosalie giggled awkwardly.
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"But I would probably broke it in 2 minutes so...hehe..."

He handed him his guitar. "I can show you a bit if you want" He smiled
"I can show you a bit if you want"

She blushed out of embarrassment.

"Oh no, I don't want to broke it." Rosalie answered, then smiled widely "Better if I leave it to you, in yours hands it will be safer" she said "and will sound a lot better" the girl laughed.
He insisted. "Come on try something." he removed the distortion pedal. "It will probaably sound better like this"
"Probably!" Rosalie laughed again.

"Ok, but something short and easy"

She added, thinking maybe trying someting new will not hurt that much.
"Okay!" He said excited he took her fingers and placed them on the guitar. "This is your first chord. The E minor chord." He took her fingers again and moved them. "This is your G chord." He look at her face. "Do you understand for now?" he ask her
The girl blushed when he touched her, but she tried to stay focused.

Rosalie looked at the, so called, chords, to remember them well.

"So far I understand" she said happily.
He looks at her. "You're not taking the guitar in the right position." He got behind her and placed the guitar in the correct way. "Now you're gonna try strumming!" He gives her a guitar guitar pick. "You can keep it."

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