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Realistic or Modern Summer Nights and Alabama Lights


Age (15 to 19)

Appearance (Realistic Image)

Sexual Orientation



Likes and Dislikes



Other (House, animal, car, body mods, etc.)
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Kat Laura Vega ?



Kat Laura Vega


17 1/2

Sexual Orientation



? Zen

? Patient

? Blunt

? Stubborn

? Sarcastic

? Sarcastic

? Flirty


Kat doesn't have too much of a history. Nothing terribly bad never happened to her, all because the good vibes of her soul and her willingness to let things go even though shes right. Her life was not perfect, of course. Her mother was a bit of a druggy. She stayed up on Kat's school nights smoking and drinking the memories of her long lost husband away.

Which leads to something else that absolutely devastated Kat, the death of her father. Kat was only 12 years old when her father passed away of liver cancer. It brought the whole house into a depression, affecting Kat even worse. It brought her grades down, trust, and just her overall happiness.

Months afterwards, the house was at ease except for the random smelly men that come over to 'handle' her drunk mother. Kat never really went back to the way she was before, but it was close enough. Her dad is still a touchy subject, her mom too.


? Heavy Metal and Indie-Rock music

? Parties

? Bonfires

? Cats

? Vegan pasta

? Yellow


? Rudeness

? Meat and Dairy

? Pink

? Mixed Drinks

? Spiders

? Sci-Fi Movies




@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Gerald Clemont Pittman



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-16_23-6-44.jpeg.d365ea6fe960cc7201a1159682ddac85.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106427" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-16_23-6-44.jpeg.d365ea6fe960cc7201a1159682ddac85.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Name: Jonathan James O'Murphy

Age : Seventeen

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Jonathan is a extremely passionate about stuff he cares about. He has a very bad temper though, he hates being told different to what he thinks. He can be a bit wild and reckless but he lives for an adventure. He is a very honest guy and brave guy, not afraid to open his mouth when he needs to. He hasn't any limits. He'll do anything once or a hundred times if it means a bit of laughter. Though some find his wild and out spoken personality annoying, you can' t help but love him. He can be a sarcastic I'm uncultured sometimes. He has a heart though. He is very overprotective of those he cares about.

History : Jonathan spend most of his life on a boat actually. His father is Irish and his mother is English. His father and mother owned a boat from their teens years, which his mother hated, and they lived on it till Jonathan was ten. Jonathan was heartbroken whenever they gave away the boat. His mother wanted a normal house so they could be a normal family but his father wanted the opposite. The two began fighting a lot after the boat was sold. The pair still remain together just for Jonathan but they secretly have other lives with other partners behind his back, but Jonathan knows this.

Likes and Dislikes: Jonathan loves car journeys. He loves animals. He enjoys music too. He hates the smell of coffee. He can't stand people who are against gay rights, equal rights etc/ He believes everyone is equal.

Crush: Non yet.

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: PM me or whatever.


Isi Beck

Age (15 to 19)




Isi stands at five-foot-two and always stands up straight, thinking it makes her look taller. She has a tendency to nervously chew on her lower lip. Black hair reaches down to her mid-back. Even though it is naturally straight, she usually keeps it in a braid, wavy when down. Her eyes are brown and she doesn't like them much. She finds them plain. She is grateful for their plain-ness, however, because she doesn't like to be noticed.

Sexual Orientation




Isi is always one to give. She usually does whatever she can to help someone, regardless if they're a bad person or not.


Isi has a tendency to shy away from meeting new people. It puts her on edge because she has no idea what to expect from them.


Isi usually spends her time thinking. She usually stays quiet unless she has something of substance to speak about.


Due to her thinking most of the time, she's quite clear-headed and most of the time can think on her feet


Isi's parents were big believers of their native american culture. She lived on her grandmother's reservation. Her parents were strong believers and shunned anything that didn't have to do with their culture. They didn't believe in western medicine, believing their body would heal on their own. Isi always disagreed with this, especially after one of the wolves on her grandmother's reservation attacked her father. They tried to help him, but he didn't make it. Her mother, of course, did what her culture said and mourned for his loss by giving her blood to Mother Earth. She continuously got infection from the many cuts on her arms, and it became too much for her, leading to her getting very sick and dying because she refused treatment. Because of this, Isi has a strong will to become a doctor.

Likes and Dislikes

Likes- quiet, organization, routine, knowing what to expect, cats, the smell of disinfectant, the socks you get from hospitals

Dislikes- her lisp, people not listening to her in the hospital, being underestimated, dogs, hospital gowns, cold weather





Other (House, animal, car, body mods, etc.)

Reservation with her grandmother

An orange cat named Symon, brown horse named Beorn

An old, beat-up silver chevy

A lotus tattoo just below her neck and another on her right forearm. She has a tattoo of a crow on the front of her left shoulder and flowers on her right ribcage, down to her hip.
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Anne-Marie Pittman


Age: 17

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, leaning towards girls

Personality: Anne-Marie is like a flower. She is fragile on the outside and very sensitive, but she's beautiful when you get to know her. She is a very polite and reserved person, only speaking when first talked to. Sometimes she can be quite uncaring and apathetic, but it's often accidental. She's very apologetic and apologizes for the littlest mistakes.

History: Anne-Marie was adopted by two women, Adrienne Pittman and Idaline Turner. She had a decent life living in a small neighborhood until one of her mothers, Idaline, died in a 3-car accident when she was 7. Her remaining mother, Adrienne, was very upset and her life started to go downhill. Anne-Marie's mother became very depressed and her bipolar disorder only made it worse. She soon happily married a millionaire and had 4 children with him but soon divorced him after he became very physically abusive. The man was very angry with her and filed 21 complaints against her with Child Protection Services. They took all of Anne-Marie's siblings away, Anne-Marie became the last child taken away from her mother. She was placed for adoption and was later adopted by a gay couple of two men.


• People

• Sweets

• Rock music

• Coffee


• Rude people

• People trying to invade her privacy by asking her about touchy subjects (her mothers and fathers)

• Tea

• Pop music

Crush: PM me

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: PM me

Other: Anne-Marie's mother is dead because of suicide, but, sadly, Anne-Marie doesn't know that.

Anne-Marie's brother is Gerald Clement Pittman.


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Maria Elisabeth Leighten




Sexual Orientation:



She is very quiet and withdrawn most of the time but she is a very sweet and generous to people she meets and tends to be very trusting of new people which often results in her getting hurt.


Maria was born in Budapest and grew up there until she was 14. She lived with her mother and three younger sisters until her mother ran out of money to support the kids. She put the girls up for adoption and they were taken to the US. They had to learn English by themselves. Maria still pronounces some words wrong. She still holds onto a lot of the old recipes and books that she read when she was younger.





Playing the violin



Mean people








She owns a small house with about 3 acres of land. She has 2 cats and lives with her youngest sister to take care of her.
Name: Gerald Clement Pittman

Age: 17

Appearance (Realistic Image)


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Personality: A quite guy overall but fun and gregarious, enjoying the company of others, banter and jokes. especially his own. He is loyal and is known to be patient seemingly incapable of getting angry even when confronting someone. However recently his been known to be distant and secretive from others he considers friends. Also he recently shown to have an explosive temper, getting irritated to even the smallest of things.

History: The first adopted child of Anne-Marie''s two gay parents, he was adopted as a baby being an unwanted product of a one night stand. He was never given any more details of his birth parents nor does he even care to find out his adoptive parents being tough but loving adoptive parents. Eventually his parents adopted Anne-Marie and though though the two siblings relationship was initially rocky the became fairly close, Gareld acting as a bigger brother to her despite their same age. Growing up he was found to be a natural hand in cooking and good soccer player and wished a career in either of this fields. However a year ago, he began having dizzy spells and moments of backouts, he went to the doctors for it and pronounced it to be minor thing to his friends and sister. However since he seemed to be distant to everyone, going of on his own for hours on end with not explainition and there are signs of changes to his personality. This new vacation is for him a chance to make up for time lost.


  • Cooking
  • Swimming
  • Soccer
  • Rock and derivatives
  • dogs


  • Cats
  • His illness
  • pop music
  • smoking
  • anger


Boyfriend/Girlfriend:Kat Laura Vega ?




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Alexander M. Gordon


Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: Confused (bi, might be gay, he has no clue)

Personality: Alex is very kind, and likes to put others before himself. He is shy, and would rather observe than participate, but this

summer he is trying to change that. Alex loves books, history, and trivia, he could and would talk about them for hours. Alex also has a

fondness for puzzles and games like chess and checkers, and was #1 in the school chess tournament. Alex has never had a girlfriend, much to

the concern of his father, who doesn't know he's questioning.

Bio: Alexander has lived in the same house his whole life. His father is an executive of a publishing firm, and his mother works part-time at

the local youth home, volunteering to mentor, tutor, and be a positive role model for foster youth. Alexander has an older sister who is currently

away on her freshman year at an Ivy League school. Alexander has always tried to be like his sister, overachieve and not make waves,

but a year ago he kissed a boy he was bunk mates with at rowing camp and ever since has been confused about who he is. His family is not bigoted but he knows his father would be ashamed of him if he was gay.

Crush: PM me

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: PM me

Other: Alexander drives a BMW his father bought for him after he got High Honors at school.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_miwzy51N561qz4rgp.gif.19b812205c1371ce2583f9d332b3e942.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106992" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_inline_miwzy51N561qz4rgp.gif.19b812205c1371ce2583f9d332b3e942.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Marilyn Selene Sparks

Age: 17

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/SNL-Photoshoot-Outtakes-blake-lively-22876693-322-482.jpg.efacd53f3f87696c2f9c8a81d31ff676.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="106993" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/SNL-Photoshoot-Outtakes-blake-lively-22876693-322-482.jpg.efacd53f3f87696c2f9c8a81d31ff676.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Personality: -Quirky- -Fun Loving- -Playful- -Loving- -Stubborn- -Clingy-

Marilyn grew up in the high class area of New York City. She was a rich preppy girl but still felt like she never belonged...

She is an only child with a Mother in Paris and a father living with her. But never pays any attention towards her.

This summer, getting away from her lavish life in New York City she is going to be staying in a small town in Gulf Shores Alabama.

Marilyn's father is of course paying for her though.

Marilyn is going to be staying in a fancy hotel there right on the shores for the next two months of summer.

Likes: -Horror Movies- -Pastels- -Florals- -Perfume- -Lavander- -Alternative music- -Vinyls-

Dislikes: -Rude People- -Wilted Plants- -Apples- -Spiders- -Cheesy Movies-

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Pm me

Crush: Pm me

Other: N/A



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Name: Riley Rose White

Age (15 to 19): Seventeen

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality :Riley used to be the outgoing, loud girl who had a wild personality. She was always the first to every party and the last to leave. She was quite popular too . But after a tragic event in her life, she started to get a little quieter. She stopped going out as much. She actually came a bit of a mystery. Everyone knew she was there, but Riley just wasn't Riley anymore. She is very honest too, sometimes a little too honest. She can get a bit clingy with people she cares about.

History : Riley was born two minutes after her brother, seventeen years ago. Her and her brother had a very close bond. They always were out at parties with each other, always trying new things with each other etc/ Until last year, he passed away. He was hit by a motorcycle whilst he was walking home from school. Riley became distant from everyone since. She doesn't go to many parties and stuff. She became a whole new person.

Likes and Dislikes: Riley likes Art. She adores bright colors. She doesn't like makeup, she'd wear it but she feels caked with it on. She hates rude people.

Crush: Fate

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Fate
(Okay, guys. So I spoke to the owner and she said that she didn't like the idea of the club after it was made, so anyone can run it. I'll start the RP and anyone who actually wants to run the RP can do so.)

Daniel Knightly


Name~ Daniel Knightly

Age (15 to 19)~ 16

Appearance (Realistic Image)~



Sexual Orientation~ Bi


  • Dorky

  • Shy

  • Sweet

  • Caring

  • Honest

  • Trustworthy


Daniel was born to two loving fathers from a surrogate. He was their one and only child, and they both loved him very much. This, however, caused him to be the target for insessent picking and bullying all the way through high school. He was scared to even show his face in public for the longest time in fear of people's judgement. He almost resented his fathers for it. This changed, however, when one of his fathers suddenly collapsed and went comatose with no signs of waking. His other father now spends all of his time (and money they don't have) to keep his partner alive. This was sobering for Daniel, and he copes now by throwing himself into books and story writing.


  • Stories

  • Chocolates of any kind

  • Music

  • Black and white movies


  • Bullies

  • Thunder

  • The color yellow

  • tomatoes


Crush~ Message me if you're interested

Boyfriend/Girlfriend~ single like Pringles

Other (House, animal, car, body mods, etc.)~

He has 3 cats named Luna, Chez, and patches (who only has one eye). He has a piercing in one ear, and a tattoo on his back that's a Raven with a red rose in its claws with his comatose fathers name below the stem. He bikes wherever he goes

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Name: Ryan Soldano

Age: 18

Appearance (Realistic Image) Very tall (6'4) and brown eyes.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_nri1d8jcOR1uzmxeeo1_250.gif.2825c6210e9ab5072e8458120a5b6dcc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108514" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/tumblr_nri1d8jcOR1uzmxeeo1_250.gif.2825c6210e9ab5072e8458120a5b6dcc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Personality: Ryan is a cocky asshole. He believes that looks can get you anywhere, and in his case, that's mostly true. When one is hanging out with him he can be perceived as cool and laid back, but he is also very temperamental and overly protective.

History : Originally born in London, England but moved when he was 12, so he still has an accent. When he was 14, his mother died on his birthday due to a car accident. 6 months later he was diagnosed with mild schizophrenia, causing slight bi polarness, but as long as he takes his medication he should be fine. He doesn't like to talk about his past, whatsoever.

Likes and Dislikes

Crush: Kat

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None

Other (House, animal, car, body mods, etc.): Has a lifted diesel Chevy Duramax.



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