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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

Emma laughed. "No, not really, but it feels ticklish sometimes. Like now." Emma giggled, but in a matter of seconds, she had a mischievous smile on her face. "If your palms are ticklish, where else will you be ticklish?" she wondered out loud, using her free hand to reach over to touch Gideon's neck.

Emma didn't care about the other people in the area--they would just mind their own business. Right now, Emma was on a mission to find Gideon's ticklish spot. Even if he wasn't ticklish, there was something that will make him laugh, or somewhat embarrassed, right? Of course, Emma didn't want to embarrass him too much to the point he'd stop liking to be around her, but she just really wanted to see his blushing face.

It was really....attractive, even if she doesn't want to admit it since it would be...weird. And they just met today, too. "I'm not ticklish at all, so don't try anything," Emma warned, her voice shaking a little. She was actually very ticklish, but since she wore clothes that would usually protect her vulnerable places, being tickled wasn't really a problem. But now she just started a tickle war, and Gideon might be a intimidating opponent, no matter how cute he was.

Zane just laughed at Tyler's response he was as carefree as always."alright alright whatever" Zane said still laughing. The group made there way into the auditorium and for the most part all sat together. Everyone there was still either standing in the ales or trying to find a seat. Then Zane was just about to make a witty pun when a girl suddenly shouted "WILL YOU ALL PLEASE MOVE OUT OF THE WAY AND SIT DOWN!!!!" She then proceeded to run down and sit next to a girl that Zane hadn't met and Oasis. Well he didn't personally know Oasis but he know of him. The room was quiet for a few moments as everyone's attention was drawn to the strange girl who shouted. Slowly everyone started to go back to what they were doing. Everyone seemed to be getting seated and Zane expected whatever it was that that was suppose to happen to happen soon. He turned towards Tyler and said "Hey Tyler this shindig is about to start wheres your sister ? oh and have you by any chance met a kid that looks a bit beat up hes quiet too? I met him in the library and he left his phone behind id like to give it back but i haven't seen him around"

"Meh," Tyler shrugged. His sister was lazy and oblivious, so there was a high chance she'd just continue sleeping and miss the assembly. But she was also not dumb enough to get in trouble with school on the first day and therefore get in trouble with their mother, either. So it could go either way. Right now, however, Tyler tried to focus on Zane's question concerning the absent kid. He scratched the back of his head, his face thinking face on. "A beat up quiet kid? Nope, haven't seen one. Have you checked the infirmary though? If he's not feeling well he might have gone there."

"yeah your probably right ill go after check when i get some free time" Zane continued to think about the kid he had met for another second then decided that it wouldn't do much to just sit here and think about it he'd find him later and return his phone. Come to think of it he hadn't even thought about checking it. It could have some personal stuff . Wonder whats in there he thought to himself but then decided against it. It's not right to just look through someones else's stuff plus there's probably a password or something. He continued to sit there waiting for this assembly to start "ah man we've been siting here for a while i wish we could just get this over with" Zane wanted to get going plus he was hungry had forgotten to eat breakfast and his stomach was grumbling now. He tried to distract himself by talking to his friends and seeing what was going on around the auditorium.

(sorry, you guys! xD it's New Years, so i can't reply too much! I'll start the assembly, if you'd like, sorry for the delay)

A man walked onto the stage of the auditorium, tapping at the microphone before clearing his throat.

"Welcome, students of the summer!" he said loudly, spreading his arms. "I thank you for joining us today for our summer program! You all may be confused as to what we are doing. This year, we have raised enough money for at least 1,000 students to go around the world!"

After a couple of coughs, and a cup of water, the man continued. "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the principal of this fine school, John Alford. In about 5 days, we will be traveling to the mountains to spend some time to skii." Another person walked onto the stage and handed the principal a packet.

"You will be able to get packets about the program in room 223," Alford said, lifting up the packet as a demonstration. "This will have all of the information you will need, including all of the things that are needed to be packed. I expect many of you to be here in 5 day's time, ready to go to the mountains!"

Alford tapped at the packet, as if trying to remember something else. "If you are somehow unable to attend, please talk to our assistant principal, Ms. Newell," he said, gesturing to a tall, strict looking woman in the corner, who held up her hand as the principal said her name.

"Well, this is only supposed to be a 10 minute assembly, so we will use the remaining time to answer any questions!"
Instead of letting Liana help him. Sora got up by himself, he had a couple of bruises, but it wasn't too bad. Sora took his phone out of his pocket, it had a giant crack in the middle of the screen and the home button had fell off. "Dammit, they're probably already off by now. CURSE YOU PARENTS!" He yelled in attempt to burn off some anger. Sora put his phone back and delivered a large sigh of frustration. His parents offered for him to leave the school but only if he could get to them before they drove off. Of course, Sora failed. "Now I'm stuck here for the rest of summer..."

He thought out loud.

Sora turned around and bluntly asked Liana "Who are you, and who are they?"


Ryu watched the two talk, he noticed the announcement from the principle that was not far away, he could not ski and he really did not want to go home today, they hurt him pretty bad last time hence why he looked so bad, he was holding onto a railing and sighed hoping he would be better for the trip, he raised his hand to Liana and Teppo seeing as how all the terror was going down "What should I do now....I really do not want to go home to be honest, I feel L-Like i will get hurt i-if I go home..." Ryu says stuttering and he watched the new very rude kid come alone, he really did not like him.

Ryu looked at them all and tried to think of a way out of this, he could not do this anymore, well the being with his parents, he felt pretty bad after what they had done. But he hoped they would get better. Ryu knew that he needed somewhere to stay for a while, probably with like the nurse or like the principle but the principal looked sick.

When the princple walked on the stage Amu took off he headphones resting them on her neck. Then she listened. After he was done Amu looked over a June and said, "Haha this is going to be great! My Mama took me skiing it's a lot of fun!"

Gideon looked at her "R-really you're not ticklish...at all?". Her voice told him otherwise, but he was too nervous to touch anything beside her hand since she was a girl. He felt her hand on his neck and he flinched a little and tried to pull away. He looked around sort of nervously, then grabbed her hand "E-emma is uh...starting to get crowded. The um...assembly w-will probably be starting".

Gideon watched the principal begin talking. When Gideon heard about the ski trip he was a little disappointed, he was far from athletic so he couldn't imagine that skiing would be very easy for him. But after thinking about it, nothing said he had to ski, he could just take pictures. He glanced over at Emma while the principal kept talking. Maybe...he shook his head of that thought. He leaned towards Emma and asked, "a-are you gonna go?" he whispered as to not disturb the principal's speech. ((@Kuu ))
Sam and Savior slipped into the back of the auditorium. They were just a little bit late having missed the principal's self-introduction. Sam didn't pay much attention to the rest of the speech either, but she was more or less able to get the gist of it. It was over much sooner than she had expected, which was evident in that she hadn't been able to get more than two minutes of sleep in.

"Was that it?" She sighed, frowning. "All this fuss over something they can send me in an email?" Actually, Sammy thought that an email would be far more convenient. Then she wouldn't have had to come today, and she also wouldn't have to worry about her unanswered questions. For example, how far away is the place their staying? It's summer, and last she checked it was summer in this entire hemisphere. They'd have to be going pretty far away if they really wanted to go skiing. Sam could guess that this and more would be answered in those packets, but what if they weren't? Asking them in person in front of a thousand students was a total pain, but a responding email took hardly any effort.

Sam was beginning to think that even being lazy was too tiring.


Juniper's smile was strangely subdued when she turned to respond. "Really? I don't think I've ever been."

Perhaps that was the reason why. Unlike most deaf people, who got used to not being able to hear and finding equilibrium, since June's hearing had been quickly disappearing since she was small (well, smaller), she was very clumsy. Her mother kept her out of most sports and activities involving the like. In skiing and snowboarding, where big goggles and other clunky gear causes blind spots and people are moving at rapid speeds on steep slopes, hearing is kind of important to keep safe. June was just glad she wasn't blind, because that would be a whole other set of issues for her mother to say she should stay home.

The blonde girl stayed quiet for some time, floating about in thoughts of the trip.

@Huntrey @animegirl20
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Savior reclined in his seat next to Sam, absorbing every ounce of detail he could from the principal; however limited it was. "If he delivered it by email then he would have a million kids all asking questions, at least this way no one has the guts to ask him things." Savior nudge her side, giving her a smile as he rebutted her argument. He was happy to hear about this trip, considering the amount of people going would shrink immensely, Savior would be left with a small group in which he would have all the girls to himself; well himself and Oasis. "Five days to prepare, means I need to make sure I pick my plane or bus buddy." He pretended to talk to himself, looking at Sam from the corner of his eyes. "Someone that will sleep when I want to, but will also have a conversation and watch the scenery with me.". It was all a joke, Savior just wanting to jab at her annoyance of him again.


Oasis listened to the principal, all the while thinking of all the places that they could visit within a summer. Skiing or cold mountains wasn't on his list for fun places, considering his red hair also stood for how he preferred heat, but he would welcome any vacation. "Five days to pack is a little long, but I guess I have loose ends to tie before leaving." Oasis said as he waited for anyone to stoke up some questions. "What about you Juniper, any way you'll spend your last five days here?". (@Nutter )
Sam could have pointed out that if the email had the packet attached as a file, there would also be less chaos in the near and upcoming future as students began making their way to Room 223, but held her tongue. The idea of pushing through a sea of sweaty teenagers just to get the information she need about this trip made her tired and aggravated just thinking about it, but if she waited it out, it might not be so bad.

Yes, that was a good plan, Sam decided as she curled her whole body up onto the seat like a cat. In this position she faced towards Savior, his features somewhat hidden in the still-dark auditorium. Nobody had turned them on after the principal finished, which was okay with Sammy as long as she might be able to get some decent sleep for the first time today. With blue eyes hidden behind her lids once more, the lazy girl let Savior's words to himself flow past.

"Good luck with that," Sam stated dryly. Not that he needed it; she was sure plenty of girls would be lining up for the chance of being his 'buddy'. She didn't quite understand what the boy was getting at, by saying all of this in her presence, but it vaguely felt like he was jeering at her. Well, anyone in her family could tell him, but it would take a lot more than just a few pokes to make this girl move. Sammy hoped Savior would realize this soon and give up on talking to her, but considering he'd stayed this long already, she wasn't sure how that'd work out for her. Remaining silent for a while longer, the white-haired girl wondered what he was going to do: leave or stay?

Sam didn't think much of either option.


"Huh? What was that?" Juniper said, startled out of her thoughts by Oasis' question. That's right, they had five days to get everything in order. With her parents, she hoped that would be enough. Although she was beginning to develop some sort of plans in her head, June quickly attempted to bring the attention elsewhere. "Oh, um, I'm not really doing anything besides my extra lessons. What about you?"

(@Huntrey I skimped on Juniper, sorry. Not even going to deny it, too tired.)
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Teppo looked at Ryu, and kept her watch on him. She sighed and looked at Liana. " Are you guys together or something? " I just want to know. I wouldn't interfer with it. Teppo noticed the announcements started and looked at Ryu. She supported him again and paced towards the auditorum, she began to pant a bit but managed to get there on time. Teppo let Ryu go and checked on again. " Are you still awake? I'm surpirsed you can still handle this. " Teppo looked around the chairs and saw Aldon she would talk to him later but Ryu demanded her attention. Teppo checked if he was still bleeding. The wound closed up but some of his hair was red with blood.



Ryu looked at her as she helped him get to the auditorium, he could walked but she kept helping him, she was far too nice about all of this and he was still freaking out that she was helping him because he was afraid of her, now he was far less afraid. Ryu still did not look good but again, his head was bleeding, he had a black eye and cut up fingers because his parents were reckless, of course because they were drunk all the time because they were not amazing parents. Ryu looked at Teppo and wanted to ask her something but was to afraid to say anything because he really did not want his parents to get in trouble.

If we are not going t-today...w-what will I do....M-my parents wont take m-me to a h-hospital they would want to save there own skin....." Ryu said it like it had happened before and it actually did, his dad hurt his sister and refused to take her to any clinic because he did not want to get introuble...she was not around anymore. Ryu sighed and sat down trying to take some weight off Teppo "I can lie and tell them we went on the trip....but...." He had nowhere to stay.
Savior watched her, curling in her seat with an obvious intent of sleeping, but was stunned that she chose to sleep facing him. Maybe that wasn't a choice, maybe it was just a coincidence, but Savior was already beginning to smile. She can deny him all she wants with words, but actions do speak louder. "I'm sure I'll have good luck, hopefully with the one I'm trying to pick." Savior made no attempt to move, but instead propped his feet up against the seat in front of him. "Even if she'll take a while." Again Savior was underlyingly prodding at her, getting a jeer out of her. Yes flirting with girls was fun, but Sam was a challenge, and every Romero boy loved one.


Oasis was shocked by this girl's attention span, but not in the least bit unimpressed. "Packing, researching, go to my job and tell them bout my absence, nothing big." Oasis stood from his seat, stretching for the walk back to the car. "It was a pleasure meeting you Juniper, but I plan to grab my brothers soon and head out.". Oasis reached for her hand, grasping it just like he did when they met. (@Nutter )
June smiled and watched him leave, before turning back to Amu. She grabbed the other girl's hands in her own and stood, pulling Amu with her. More and more people pushed out of the auditorium, while a few chose to remain there in the dark. Juniper would much rather be outside than in here, plus they were supposed to be getting the information packets. "Off to Room 223! Where'd Kioru go?"

@animegirl20 @kira blackthorn
Teppo looked at Ryu and sighed. " Not this again. " She said. Teppo looked Ryu and had enough, she left him alone and walked to the Aldon. Teppo scolded Aldon a bit and sat next to him.
"You only have five days," Sam yawned softly, beginning to drift off. The air-conditioned chill of the room made her shiver. Savior's words still agitated the girl, but she didn't know what else to expect from him. She was too tired to act annoyed right now. "Do you really think you can do it?"

Her silky hair fell over her face, tickling her cheek when it brushed past as she breathed. Sammy was really pale, in almost every sense of her appearance. Her skin was milky, only accentuated by the flush of pink lips and palms that proved red blood ran through her veins. White eyelashes to match her hair and eyebrows lined her clear blue eyes, currently closed. Sam had adamantly refused to wear the makeup that her and Tyler's mother bought her, stating that it was too much of a hassle. Anything that was seen as a hassle to Sam was immediately ridden out of her life, so she was more than a little confused as to why she let Savior stick around. Pushing that thoughts away and chalking it up to mere laziness again, she lifted one eyelid open a sliver to peer at the boy. Falling shut once more, she didn't think she needed to wait for his answer.

Amu all of a sudden felt June grab her hand dragging her out of the auditorium. Then she heard asking where Kioru was. Amu looked around trying to spot him then she noticed him in the distance and called out his name.

@kira blackthorn
Kioru blinked as he heard a diastant sound over his music. Pulling out his headphones he looked up and toward where the sound came from. Seeing who it was he scrowled but got up anyways. He had learned long ago that there was no use running. Sighing he walked toward them. "What?"

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