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Realistic or Modern Summer High School

The RP has started~

Liana was sitting on a bench in the school yard, which is where the students were supposed to be gathered for the summer school event. She was relieved to know that she wasn't called here because she failed, but it was because the school just wanted to have an event...that was a little strange, though.

"I have to finish Shakespeare," Liana murmured to herself, playing with the edge of her pink hair. "And then..." She stops, realizing that she didn't have any book to read. "School library," she answered her own question. "That should be okay..." Liana pulled at her thin, loose T-shirt, which was neon green since she wanted to repel the sun. It was a little hot today.


It was Emma's first day before her real high school year, which started in the fall term, but she applied to this summer event since she didn't have anything to do over the summer. Happy, and dressed in shorts, Emma walked to the school yard, ducking under a volleyball that sailed past her head. While the students were waiting for the teacher, it looked like people were playing.

Emma brought a fan along with her, knowing that it would be hot. Emma tended to get hot easily, so she always brought a fan, especially during the humid summer days. Luckily, it wasn't humid today, but it was still hot. Emma looked around the yard, trying to decide who she could make friends with.

Gabriela was sitting in the front steps of the school in plain white spaghetti strap and a short blue skirt. She could see the school yard from where she was and so far it seemed that the rest of the students were just hanging around waiting for the teachers to arrive. Gabriela decided to wait in her usual hangout spot until she saw the teachers arrive.

She had been texting some of the members of the cheer squad and telling them to record everything that happened. Since Gabriela had been chosen to participate in this school's summer event, this would be the first summer since she was 5 that she did not attend a cheerleading camp. She was bummed by the situation, but none the less she was determined to make the best out of it.

Gabriela wasn't one to sit around and mope about something bad that happened. On the contrary, Gabriela took every bad event as a challenge. A challenge that she had to win. So the school was challenging her to miss cheer camp this summer, no big deal. Gabriela accepted the challenge of going one summer without cheer camp and still having a great time.
He went running into the school, looking around, looking for someone to hang out with. He went running trough the classrooms, peeking if someone was there.

While running, he turned his head, seeing a bunch of students,
''Wow, this place is huge! I need new friends, tough.''
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Kioru was leaning against his motorcycle at the edge of the school property smoking a cigarette and dressed in his normal leather jacket, rock t shirt, plain jeans, and combat boots. The heat seemingly had no effect on him. In the distance he could see the other students gathered for this idiotic summer event lounging about. Probably waiting for the teachers hosting it to arrive.

Kioru himself didn't know why he had come. After all usually he spends his summer working at his brothers garage fixing cars. Not spending even more time at school. Maybe he is here because he wants to make friends just like his therapist said he did. The thought made him snort. Friends? Who needed them. Well, whatever the reason they better give him a reason to stay. He could be making some money right now.

Taking one last drag of his cigarette he tossed it down and squashed it. Then he headed toward the school yard where the others were gathered. Hopefully none of them tried to talk to him. Leaning against a tree on the edge of the yard he took out his ipod plugged in his headphones and began listening to Tokio Hotel. Now all he could do was wait.

The summer was a miserable season for Aldon. The reason was not the heat that made summer it unbearable for Aldon, it was the freetime given to his sister, Teppo. He could use his freetime to read, sleep, or play more video games but Teppo would not allow that. Aldon was actually relieved about the school event. Teppo was not have as much freetime and he could still isolate himself, if he gained some distance from Teppo. However, this was not the only concern Aldon had. There was someone who loved reading as much as him. Someone who didn't shy away from a 400 page book, but instead read it. Aldon thought these feelings were just his hormones speaking, instead of his brain. It was not something was telling him that these feelings were geniune.

Aldon's spent most of his time in the library. Even if it meant missing some of his classes. The library was a expansive there were hundreds of books both old and new. They were amassed over a long period of time, by donations, purchases, or even lost and found. The library also had an air conditioner and a heater. Since the summer has arrived the library went from a quite and serene place into a loud and noisy hangout for the other students. Aldon was irratated by this and stayed alone in the corner. He was focused in his reading and tried to ignore everyone else.

Today, nothing unusual has occured. The incessant chatter of students was still there but it didn't prevent Aldon from reading his books. He sat down and began reading " 1984 " a distopian book about the rise of a totalitarian government called " big brother. " It was one of his favorites. He stayed quiet. The bell rung signaling the first period. Most of the students rushed towards the doors to go to their classes. It became quiet and Aldon was almost done with his book. He had to check out aleast a couple of more books to last him. He stood up and walked towards the shelfs. Aldon spent the most of his time looking through some books. He checked in five books and walked outside. Aldon was still reading 1984, and was not looking at what was in front of him. He bumped into someone and fell down. He looked towards the indiviual it was a mysterious girl with pink hair. Her name was Liana. His book fell next to her with the pages sticking out.

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Liana looked up, then back down at the book that fell next to her. She got up from her seat, bent down to pick it up, and handed it to the person who dropped it. "Sorry," she said, dusting the book off a bit, but sticking her finger into the page that was open, just in case the male wanted to continue reading.

"Here." Liana held out the book to him, smiling a little as she did. "I just hope you didn't lose your page."
Aldon gains his composure and takes his book. " Thanks miss, I um. Have to go to class. " He takes his book and runs to class. " Who is she? Most people would have got mad at me but she stayed calm. " He runs to class and sits on his desk. Aldon returns to reading ignoring the teacher and the other classmates. He skims through his book and finds his page.
Liana watched the mysterious boy run to class, wondering if she had a look on her face that might have scared him off. "At least Shakespeare won't be afraid of me," she said to herself. "Ah...that's probably because he's dead...and I'm referring to a book..." Liana picked up her book and sat down again, noting to stop the habit of talking to herself.
(I've literally been trying to write this for over two hours. Yes, I'm still here. Realized I wrote this with entirely the wrong name, such a fail. Fixed now, though.)

"What are we doing here?" Groaned the older Preston twin, flopping his lean body onto the soft grass with his usual grace. Sam watched her brother before letting her eyes droop shut again. She was curled up under the shade of a large birch at the top of the slope behind the school. She shrugged, although she could feel Tyler watching her with his matching eyes. Her white hair ruffled in the summer breeze, warm and soft but not comfortable at all. Comfortable for one Samantha Preston meant her messy bed, the quilt kicked off to the side and Doritos crumbs worked into the cracks. She'd have the blinds shut and her laptop fired up with her headphones on even when she wasn't using either, but playing an oldie-but-goodie on her Game Boy from when she was seven.

"You can leave if you want." The girl twin shifted, pulling her small knapsack off her back to use as a pillow. "I'm sure your friends are waiting. Go have a shoot out before the teachers show up."

"You know I can't, not without you." Sammy knew, she did. She also hated it. Her brother was silent though, too silent.

"Tyler? What are you-" Next thing she knew she was dangling upside down: Tyler had grabbed her ankle while her eyes were still closed, pulling her up with ease. Despite not being as tall as some of the other boys, he was surprisingly strong. He was not a natural athlete, but this was the result of his hard work. Sam was proud of Tyler, but where he worked hard she slacked off. Her eyes were open now, glaring at the ground. Her arms dangled like limp noodles and she was helpless. With annoyance permeating her usual monotone voice, she snapped at her twin. "I'll go if I must, but if you don't put me down right now I swear I'll-"

"You'll what?" Tyler mocked, cutting her off once more. "Beat me up? Yeah right. That'd require you to move from your mattress every once in a while." He was laughing though, already easing her back down to the ground. She huffed and threw her bag over one shoulder, standing.

"Let's get this over with..."

The twins were both vehemently against this new summer school program, but it was harder for Sammy. Tyler would be fine; he might not be great with academics, but he at least had a multitude of friends that would make whatever they did this summer memorable. Sammy had the brains but lacked the social skills, awkward and small and boyish—little-boy-ish, not in the way her brother was a boy. Either way, their mother roped the both of them into going, so they were going. (Crossing their mom was a bad idea on the worst possible level.)

They stumbled down the hill, but were slow walking around the school. Still, they seemed to make it with time to spare. Tyler immediately joined in with the kids playing volleyball, but his wary glance toward a certain scary-looking sophomore leaning against a tree with headphones in was not lost on Sam, who wandered meaninglessly about. She brushed past several students, all sophomores, including Aldon something-or-other, who she vaguely remembered because he was the school's World History genius whose a commando older sister could not be forgotten. She tried to offer a smile, but found her eyes drifting back toward the cloudless sky along with her thoughts. Too much effort to smile. If she smiled, conversation might ensue. If that happened, she end up dead from embarrassment because she didn't think she was funny or said anything important, and he was genius who said something dumb and was still regarded as smart whereas she was just a freaky upperclassmen who slept lots. Sammy let her eyes fall shut and made her way to a secluded corner of the yard. Sleep, sleep was good...
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It was unfortunate that many of Teppo's friends did not participate for the summer program. They were on vacations to different countries across the world. Teppo was sure they were having a good time. She was a still a popular girl regardless, when she first walked to school she demanded the attention of her classmates unintentionally. Teppo didn't know why people liked her, she considered herself to be an average girl with nothing special making her more important. Teppo guessed that she was too nice to people and tried to act mean. Instead of solving her problem, it compounded it. She gained more popularity, so see soon acted normal. Recently her brother, Aldon was avoiding her. " Maybe he's just getting older. " she would tell herself. Teppo cared about her brother, she made meals for him but he didn't eat much. Teppo would sometimes embrass her brother by teasing him. Her popularity just made it worse for him.

Teppo still had her old video games. She took care of her gameboy advance, it was a birthday gift when Teppo was 10. She had a copy of pokemon emerald, it was her favorite game. Teppo walked to school alone, Aldon managed to wake up early and avoid her. It was unusual for him to not to sleep in so she was surprised. Teppo still came early to avoid the crowd. She put Aldon in some extra classes during the break, but wondered if he would go. Teppo took out her gameboy and started playing pokemon she yawns and wasted her time. As the morning arised a flood people came outside. Some of them went to the library but it soon became packed. Teppo had become bored and looked around the crowd.
(Sorry guys, but my Internet is really bad. I can't post from now until I get it fixed, and I will try to get on as many times as I can, but feel free to continue without me. Sorry again, and I hope to be back soon)
Kioru opened his eyes as the song finished. He hadn't even realized he closed them. Pulling his headphones out he shook his head to clear the spots from his vision. Damn sunlight. Shifting in place he geld in a grimace as he noticed his jacket was beginning to stick to his skin with sweat. Damn heat. Putting his ipod away he decided to go inside and get out of this god forsaken heat. Really whoever decided summer should be this hot needs to burn. Pushing open the front doors he released a relieved sigh as he was greeted with a cool empty hallway. Walking in, the doors closing behind him with a bang, he headed toward the music room. Hopefully no one is in there.


Ryu was sitting in the back of the library, where he always seemed to be, he was not one to really be with everyone else, Ryu seemed to be injured, his eye was black and his hands had cuts all over them, if anyone asked he would just say he fell but he was clearly lying, where he lived...problems always seemed to happen. There was always arguments....always problems, that was why Ryu was such a loner...such a sad kid. Because they ruined his life, they destroyed his self esteem and even hurt his little sister...life was never fair. Ryu sat in the back, his eyes seemed to be a bit red from the morning, before he came to school. Ryu could not believe he was thinking this but he was happy that he would not see his parents for a while...he would always see his sister though.

Ryu was reading a mystery romance like always in the very back, no one ever seemed to care about him, kids made fun of him and he was bullied quite a lot, it was not his fault though, he could not say anything back, he was far to weak to. Ryu could not stop thinking of his grandma and how much loved the piano...he missed the good old days. Now he was being forced to go to a boring camp where he knew he would make no friends, people did not like him, he was just another outcast as it seemed, he had no redeeming qualities, no sports he was good at. Ryu legit had no friends, every friend he made seemed to back stab him or turn on him...guess he was to chill..

Ryu watched as the boy and the pink haired girl had conversed and the boy had seemed to just run off, it was quite odd. Ryu had a smile on his face and a content look but he was just hiding how he really felt, he looked over at the pink haired girl and could not help but to question how her hair got pink, he had seen her before and stuff, ease dropped every now and then, she was a really pretty girl but again, no one really noticed him....maybe one day though he could get over himself and get out there but until then, he planned to have his head stuck in a book, dreaming about lives that never could happen.

Zane was walking down the hall making his way to the library.As he reached his destination he saw a boy come running out of there with a couple of books in hand. Zane just smiled at this and didn't really pay much attention to it. He wanted to check out some books to keep his occupied for a while. Normally he would go out and play some soccer or football with the other kids but he had done enough of that.He decided it was time to work his mind and not just his body . A few days ago he had tried to check out some Shakespeare because a teacher had recommended it to his but they had already been checked out by some girl. "oh well" Zane had said as he instead had check out some mystery novels and quietly sat down near another guy who was reading what looked like a romance novel. Zane had actually read that book before and was liked it quiet a lot. "That's a good book i read it the other day" Zane said with a smile. He then noticed the other guys eye and saw that it was a bit swollen. He was about to say something about it but decided not to at the last second.
Gideon was running late, as usual, because his older brother's needs always came first. After eventually having the opportunity to get himself ready, he quickly made his way to school. He was quickly walking across the school yard, a short cut he'd learn to take. He gripped the strap on his messenger bag with both hands against his chest, while the bag bounced against his backside as he briskly walked. Gideon kept his head down avoiding eye contact with any passer-bys, but his head was up enough so he could see where he was going. However, he didn't see some of the people playing volleyball in the yard and a ball came flying towards his head. Next thing Gideon knew he was on the ground, and his glasses knocked off. He felt around eventually finding his glasses and putting them back on his head. Embarrassed, he quickly got up and tried to walk away as fast as possible. He felt a bruise already forming on his cheek from the volleyball. "Who would've thought girls could hit a ball so hard" he thought to himself as he lightly rubbed his sore cheek.

((sorry for the delay I didn't notice that it started))

Gabriela could have sworn she was only distracted for a second, but by the time she looked up from her phone and to the school yard everyone was mostly gone. A panicked looked spread across her face as she stuffed her phone in her tote. "Crap crap crap! They're gone! Every is gone and I'm going to be late." Gabriela stood up quickly from the stairs and rushed up to the school. The hallways seemed empty so she began poking around the classrooms and seeing if anyone was in them. "Hello? Is anybody here?"

Gabriela walked into a few empty classroom, but she had no luck. "Dammit! No come one Gabriela you have to find out where these people are hiding! It is your mission...no it is your duty to go through with this program no matter how sucky it might be and you're going to like it!" Gabriela kept walking up and down the halls in hopes of finding some form of life that didn't include Billy the Janitor.

Teppo looked down at her watch and stood up. " Class is going to start soon,I better go. " She stood up and looked around. Teppo say Gabriela, she saw Gideon as she walked into the building. Teppo walked to her German class but the teacher was apparent missing. They wasn't any substitute teacher so she went back outside. She reached into her backpack and read her history book. Teppo didn't bother to hide herself, she didn't have anything to do. Aldon was probably hiding in some room, it was a waste to go looking for him.
"Oh crap," Tyler winced when his serve met with the boy's face and knocked him to the ground. He began to apologize immediately and rushed over to help him up, but the boy was already walking away. Tyler had never been the type of person to just leaf it at that though, so with a quick goodbye to the girls and few other boys he'd been playing with, he made to follow the boy and properly apologize.

"Wait up, will ya?" He shouted, flagging down the kid and jogging after him. He caught up with relative ease and began to match his pace. Classes seemed to be starting soon, so this was fine. Now that he was closer, he saw that it was a blonde boy with glasses, maybe an inch or so taller than himself. Nonetheless, he seemed to be an underclassmen, which slightly annoyed the Preston boy. Clapping him on the back, Tyler offered his usual perky smile that matched his white hair. "I'm really sorry, man. Didn't mean to hit 'cha back there. I'm a rising junior, Tyler Preston. You are?"

Gideon flinched slightly feeling somebody's hand on his back. The only time he was used to being touched by somebody is when his brother would like to shove him around a bit. Out of instinct he began apologizing profusely "Look I'm sorry I ruin your voll-" Gideon stopped when he heard the kid being nice. "Oh...I'm...uh Gideon Larson. Sophomore." me answered quietly.

Gideon was surprised that somebody noticed his existence and bothered talking to him. He kept walking towards the school, keeping his head down and held the strap of his messenger bag the same way as before. He figured Tyler was just being polite and since he already apologized there would be nothing further to their conversation. There usually never was anymore than brief encounters for Gideon. Anytime somebody knew of him they would either give up trying to get to know him because he's not much of a talker or they would use him for homework or something else and then never speak to him again. He'd come to learn that people's intentions are rarely pure, and he thought that Tyler must want something from him.
Amu was in the car with her agent Rei driving her to school. "Rei your driving to slow! xD " Rei just smiled and said, "Your mother said to drive carefully." Any looked at him and said. She didn't mean for you drive like a snail! xD " She put her hand on the wheel and said, "Come on Rei spend it up!" Then a little war was started. As they were arguing the car was speeding and was all over the road it was kind of a funny sight unless you were on the same road they were on then you prob wouldn't be laughing. They finally made it to the school. Rei sat thier with his hair a mess and his sun glasses hanging off his face. "Oh look we're here. Thanks Rei!" She smiled and gave him a hug then jumped out of the car. Rei watch her walk towards the school. "That girl she hasn't changed since elementary school." He then smiled and drove off. Amu looked around it didn't look like any of her friends were called here. She smiled and said, "Alright! Time to make some new ones!" She walked towards the school. She was wearing her school uniform. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to or not so she didn't anyway. She had her hair in a long ponytail with head phones around her neck. "Well this should be fun."


Ryu was reading quietly when he noted the clock, the time was going by way to quick and class was soon so he had to get going soon so that meant having to deal with some people. When did this summer school part start, he knew it was today probably but it felt like real school so far. Ryu just hoped that he could just stay here forever and not go home he really did not want to go home and have to deal with his family anymore, he hated them and never wanted to go back. Hey but a guy could wish. Ryu then noted another guy walk in looking for something, it looked like Shakespeare, Ryu hated Shakespeare he could not really deal with such big and boring words, plus he hated stories with tragedies because he was used to things like that but he never could experience love.

And that was why he read novels like that, he could wish though. The boy plopped down next to him and started to talk, Ryu looked down hiding his face like always and refused to look at the guy, because of his eye. Ryu looked at the clock however and mumbled something very quietly to himself before saying something "
W-we have to get t-to class...." Ryu says quickly getting up and starting to leave giving the book to the librarian because he was all done. Ryu walked out of the library not really saying much to the kid, that morning had quite the problems already so he just needed to be alone for a bit.
Amu walked inside the school. To be honest she wasn't sure what classroom to got to. She new why she was here but where to go was the question. She kept walking down the hall way she went pass the music room then stopped. She thought she saw someone in there. She took a few steps back and looked inside. "Well if it isn't Mr gloomy himself!" She said smiling knowing that would irratate him.

@kira blackthorn

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