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Fandom Suicide Squad (OCs Allowed)


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<Welcome back, DOCTOR CROMBELL>

<Extracting File "SUBJECT M-21">

<<Opening file now....>>





(Battle Gear)



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-Subject has been isolated  for 23 years, in accords with Doctor Crombell's orders.

-Distrust of people was expected, but vicious backlash towards researchers was.....not entirely expected 

-Given the subject's history with the Darkness, it is only right to see him at home in it. Must remind self to add more light into the room

-Several researchers have died again in the past three weeks, bringing the total casualties to 3245. Perhaps allowing the use of non-lethal weaponry would help, as he cannot keep his "friends" *in line....

*(Side note: The friends mentioned are due to the experimentation with the Dark Force, which remains an enigma)

-Subject has been seen often talking to someone, unsure of who though..



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-Subject M-21 was found in a hospital somewhere near New York, on the verge of death. Staff at said hospital gave him up willing, no mention as to why. With permission from HQ, we began to inject samples of the substance 'Dark Force' into his blood. Within seconds, his tiny body began to react. Tendrils of pure darkness lashed out against the chamber holding him, several scientists were ripped apart while attempting escape. As expendable assets, these were necessary sacrifices. M-21 soon became cocooned in some sort of dark orb, suspected to be created subconsciously. The darkness had stopped lashing out by this point, so we were able to run some more.....subtle tests. It became apparent that the subject had been fully cured of whatever had been his ailment, and had begun to supply his body with necessary nutrients. We discovered that our entire storage of Dark Force had been absorbed into his body, now making him our sole conduit of that horrible mess.

-As the years went by, his connection to it became stronger, to the point where it seemed like an extension of himself. The separation of the two became impossible, as they seemed to become one single entity. M-21 was upgraded to a Class S+ Bioweapon, due to the unpredictability of what they* could do.

*(EDIT: Here we began to refer to it as a 'they', as it was no longer two beings.)

-It was under Crombell's orders that they be placed into the isolation quarters, as to enhance the connection. For 23 years, M-21 had no visitors, no light, nothing from the outside world was to be allowed into that single room. We tried continue to monitor them secretly, of course, but this ended very shortly after they could somehow influence our receptors and invalidate our results. Whether this was intentional or not remains up for debate, but we could no longer perform our tests. Also, it somehow was able to bring outside materials into that room. Within months, they had collected several hundred books and pictures, The origin of them remain unclear.

-After the <<REDACTED>> we tried to <<ERROR>>


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-Night time










XOS (Possible for someone to give her a better name.)


Mysterious women.



Personality: She is extreamly alert towards anything, still learning to communicate with other on earth. She not afraid to ask any embarrassing question if she feels it suited for her learning needs.  Other than this she can maintain focus on the tasks and show little care for other and shows a more savage side unless they are trying to catch her attention to communicate.

Backstory: She was design just yesterday, suited for mostly combat, but hacking and suicide are on the list. She was created with alien tec, mostly a black liquid and also kryptonite. She was never told why she was created, only to scan things that could be harmful and to destroy, even a fork would be known as dangerous. However to make her own decision they installed a chip to help her to become more human in time, whenever she learn their culture.

Likes: Guns, Books (You wouldn't think XD), 


People who try manipulating her.

Anything else not mentioned:

Her weaponry is creating any gun from her body, hands mainly.

She has great endurance which she prefers than getting cornered behind a object.

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