Suddently In Love (Shianne & Shy Shadow)

Ahe hadn't even remebered about her mom, she would be pissed she couldn't go home. Andy saw her friend was getting really hurt. She sat down next to him. "I'm just not feeling so good," she told him witch was the truth she felt as if there were elephants stomping around in her stomach and her head was spinning fro confusion.
James looked at her and then curled back up into a ball. After a few minutes he stretched out and rolled over to face her. "Why aren't you feeling well?" He said genuinely concerned.
"I don't know, I'm just so confused...." she said. She was usually so open to him because he was her best friend and she told him everything... Well almost everything.
He propped himself up on his arms. "What are you confused about? You can tell me anything you know." He said trying to be there for her.
"Yeah, I know..." she said faintly and looked down. But she didn't know if she could tell him this. "You know it's nothing, I'll be fine," she said then looked up at him and gave him a small smile.
He nodded, wanting to believe her. After a few moments he started putting two and two together. She liked him. But he wasn't sure about whether or not this was true. He took a deep breath, grabbed her face and kissed her. Depending on how she reacted would determine whether or not he was right. He had a pet peeve about always being right. He hoped if she didn't like him then she would just forget about it or classify it as a friendly kiss.
She was surprised once he started to kiss her. At first she thought about pushing him away, that this wasn't right, but she soon melted under his touch. She kissed him back something that she had ben longing for. Her lips preast against his.
He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. He was enjoying this more than he enjoyed kissing Max. James deepened the kiss after a few moments, hoping he wasn't taking this too far.
She slid her arms up his chest and loosely around his neck kissing him. After a couple of minutes she pulled back to take a breath she looked into his eyes with her deep green eyes.
He looked back into her eyes. His breathing was getting hard. So she did like him. This was why she was acting strange. But, he must have liked her back. If he didn't why would he have deepened this kiss. The worse part, he didn't even feel bad about it, or that it was wrong. It felt so right.
"Wh-what about Mmax?" she asked nervously. Didn't he like him? She was so confused, but one thing she did know for sure now was that she liked him, more than a friend.
James thought it over for a minute. "I'm not sure. I guess I will have to tell him what happened and that I'm not ready to be in a relationship with him," he said giving it a lot of thought. For some reason, that kiss had changed everything. Including the way he felt about Max.
"Okay," she said not knowing what to say. Where did that leave them? Where they just best friends? Or something more? She wondered but dicided not to ask.
James looked down and decided to lay back down on the bed. A lot had just happened and his head was spinning. He didn't exactly know what to do. He texted Max telling him what had happened, and focused his concentration back on Andrea.
"Should I go?" she asked him. Something just big hapended and she wondered if he needed some time alone or to think. She would understand if he did need some time.
He looked at her and shook his head. He pulled her close to him and cuddled her into him. This is what felt right. For some reason, cuddling with Max never felt right. "You stay right here in my arms" She said in a soft tone.
"Okay," she said softly and cuddled into him glad that she was able to stay. She felt so happy, and this felt so right. She felt comfortable in his arms.
James pulled her closer to him. He thought about what she had said earlier about still being a virgin. He quickly dismissed the thought.
She felt comfortable with him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Her phone then wringed it was her mom. Her mom just left a text saying that she would be out tonight and needed her to be home in a hour to watch her little siblings.
James kissed her back and savored the kiss before she pulled away to check her phone. "What is it?" He asked after she had read it.
"My mom, she said she needs me at home to watch the kids," she sighed. She didn't want to go home but knew that she had to.
He nodded. "Do you want me to go with you? I mean, you still have to give me my present after all." He laughed at her memory. usually she remembered things like this. "I suppose our kiss has gotten you frazzled"
" Yeah Come with me," she told him. That would make being at home so much better and she wanted to give him his present.
He nodded and stood up. "To my car!" He shouted thrusting his arm up in the air. He was such a dork. Once seated in the car, he put in Andrea's favorite CD. He pulled out of the drive way and sped off to her house.
She smiled as he lifted his arm and headed to his car. She went in and as he put her favorite CD was in she started to sing along matching each note perfectly. She didn't like to sign in front of anyone other than James. They soon came opon her house.

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