Suddently In Love (Shianne & Shy Shadow)

He smiled back at her, "I'm always here for you hunny!" He winked at her, "So, what did you get me?" He asked like a child waiting for Christmas
"It's a surprise you'll just have to wait and see," she said taking a small bit of food not all that hungry. She really hoped that he liked what she got him.
James sighed and pouted. She always did this. He hated surprises. He nibbled on his food, not hungry but not full either. He was thinking about skipping the rest of the day. School was even more boring than he remembered from last year! "I'm thinking about ditching the rest of the day." He said before he could stop himself.
"Yeah?" she asked him, yeah class was getting really lame. "If you ditch do you mind if I join?" she asked him, not wanting to stick around here anymore.
He nodded, "Yeah. Sounds fun! How about after lunch?" He suggested. James pushed his food around suddenly too nauseous to eat.
"Sounds great," she said cheerfully. "Where should we go?" she asked her mom would probably be home so they couldn't hang out at her house.
James thought it over. Knowing his parent's wouldn't be home, he thought it would be a good idea to go there. "Well, we can go to my house since I basically live there alone," he said a little bit sarcastic. He excused her little moment thinking the sun had gotten to her.
The bell rang loudly and Andrea threw away her food. " Okay, Well we should go," she said cheerfully. She graved her bag standing up.
James jumped up quickly, throwing away his trash and grabbing his bags. "To my car!" He shouted thrusting one arm up in the air
"yay," Andy said and laughed and walked to out of the school and to the car. She was so excited to skip the rest of her classes.
James drove off to his house. When they got there, he went up to bed room, plopped down on the bed, and waited for Andrea to join him
Andrea went and met him in his room, she sat her self down on the floor near the bed. "This is better than school," she said. "So how was summer?" She asked him.
He rolled over to his stomach and looked down at her. "Pretty good. I uhh. I lost my V-Card." He said, his face turning red. "Do you still have yours?"
"Oh.. Um yeah..." she said. Her heart kind of sank but she didn't let it show, she bit her lip. She hadn't lost her v- card yet...
James looked at her and nodded. It was good that she was still a virgin. "Good. I don't want you having sex. To be honest, I wouldn't have if we had stopped to take a breath for a minute.." He said drifting off in thought.
Andrea was starting to feel uncomfortable with the hole convorsastion."You sound like my parents," she mumbled. What did he care if she did it or not.
James frowned. "I just care.." He said realizing he probably overstepped his boundaries. He got off the bed, picked her up, lied her down on the bed and lied down next to her. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything" He said with a small pout on his lips.
She wasn't really upset about him caring, the hole thing with him saying that he already had don it with someone else. "Sorry I didn't mean to get like that," she mumbled laying down next to him. "So summer was good?" she asked him changing the subject.
He pulled her into his arms "Yeah. Summer was alright. I missed you like crazy though!" He whispered. He didn't see the need to talk loud when they were this close together.
"I missed you too," she said softly. She felt a weird feeling as he pulled her into a hug, they would usualy be this close and Andy wouldn't feel this way... She was so confused...
He sighed and closed his eyes. He always was comfortable around her. Whenever him and Max cuddled, he never felt this relaxed. There was too much sexual tension. It usually ended up with him being poked. After a few minutes, he started to feel a bit flustered. It felt as if something had changed. He hoped he wasn't getting excited. That would be embarrassing.
Andy was starting to get a worm good feeling. No I shouldn't be feeling this way I need to stop. She thought to herself she then pulled herself out of his grip and off of his bed. "I forgot I have to go," she said quickly and began to leave the room.
James watched as she got up. "Where are you going?" He asked her. It made him really sad that she was leaving like this. Maybe she felt it too. Or maybe she felt what was happening downstairs and didn't feel the same way. He shook his head 'I should not be thinking like this. I have Max for Pete's sake!'
"Um... I'm going home," she said thinking of the first place that popped in her mind. Her house wasn't that far. He has Max and he is happy with Max. He is your best friend, nothing more so stop feeling this way! she told herself.
He looked at the time. "Your mom is still home and if you go home she will know you skipped" He said, his face falling. James was starting to get very depressed. 'I think it's time to be single for a while' he thought, curling up in a ball and hiding his face so he wouldn't cry. He was so confused right now. Everyone just made everything worse..

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