The Black Knight
One Thousand Club
Synopsis: Inspired by the anime “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken.” However, this won’t be run like the anime so you won't need to have seen it. Also, do not expect this to be based in the world of the show. Your character has been randomly summoned from earth by a powerful summoner and is transported to a fantasy world. The summoner’s spell was meant to conjure great warriors, but instead, it turned the warriors into slimes.
All characters start as level 1 slimes and will have to eat things in order to level up. They will also gradually, over time, earn ability slots and learn how to transform into different beings. However, for this game, I would like for writers to choose a specific picture to act as their character's primary face claim. Because this is an anime-style Rp, anime or anime-styled digital art will be what I’m hoping for people to use. Characters will be able to revert to their slime forms whenever they feel necessary because the slime forms are pretty cute…just saying. When in slime form, their voices take on a diminutive tone often high-pitch. The slime form is also the best form to take when recovering mana or energy.
The World
Vespira takes place in a medieval fantasy realm where magic and various creatures exist such as elves, dwarves, orcs, ogres, dragons, demi-gods, etc. An evil sorcerer by the name of Afeus has been building a dark army to try and capture the world crystal called Mother. If Afeus claims the mother crystal, then he will be able to lay claim to the entire world and alter it to his desires. The mother crystal for centuries has been protected by six powerful mage families, but lately, the guardian mages believe one of the families can’t be trusted. There is a rat among their ranks and they can’t figure out who it is.
Ibess Ebonfire of the Ebonfire family took matters into her own hands and attempted to use a powerful and forbidden summoning spell to summon forth mighty champions to stop Afeus and his rat, if the rat was to ever show his or her face. Ibess was hoping that the sight of her champions would scare the rat into giving up working for Afeus and return to protecting the crystal. Unfortunately, Ibess mispronounced one of the words in the spell after forgetting how to pronounce it, which resulted in her summoning slimes instead. Unknowingly to her, she didn’t know that the slimes were abducted from Earth Realm and each used to have normal lives.
Start of the Game
This is where our game begins. For the initial recruitment stages, I want to see how much interest this game draws. I didn’t go too deep into the world-building because I want us to build this story together. Building a story together and watching our characters grow makes for a fun experience. With that said, there will be a character limit, but for now, I just want to see how much interest this attracts. Please continue to read for the game mechanics explanation.
Game Mechanics
So there is a stat system in this game, but it isn’t something you need to study a manual for or have to go purchase a manual for. The stat system is very simple. Please read the below explanation.
HP (Health Points)
MP (Mana Points)
EP (Energy Points)
STR (Strength/Physical Damage)
MAG (Magic/Magic Damage)
END (Stamina/EP)
GRIT (Defense/Physical Defense/HP)
TEN (Tenacity/Magic Resistance/MP)
DEX (Speed/Evasion)
CRIT (Critical Damage)
XP 0/10
1 point in GRIT/TEN/END = 10 pts in HP/MP/EP
Depending on the character class you choose, you may not want to invest in certain stats if you don’t plan on your character using those stats. For example, if you want your character to be solely a mage, then you may want to only invest in Magic, Tenacity, and Dexterity. However, even if you choose a class not known for magic, you can tailor your stat points how you want. Because in the end, how you create abilities for your characters is how you create them. So their class may be Warrior, but your warrior may also use magic, making them an arcane knight or something. Understand though that during the level up period, if you finalize your points with the GM, you cannot go back and change them. People will not be able to conveniently go back and change their points however they want. However, on certain holidays, the GM may award players the ability to reset their points and class.
Critical Damage is a percentage. If you invest points into STR and DEX or MAG and DEX, then every 5 pts in both STR and DEX or MAG and DEX will equal 5% Critical Damage. Critical Damage does not stack. If you invested 5 points into STR, MAG, and DEX you won’t get 10%. So it would be wise to save your points and invest in one path if you’re trying to build Crit.
Non-magical abilities require Energy to cast. Thus, the energy points. Players will be allowed to create their own unique moves, but they will have to apply a cost to those moves. If the move is magical, then they will have to apply a MP cost to it. If the move is physical, then it will require an EP cost. Players will be allowed passive abilities, which are free and won't cost anything, but those are earned every 5 levels.
In battle, a character can be forced into a tight spot and may acquire a Second Wind. After ten in-game battle turns (if the character is still conscious), a character can use Second Wind to restore their HP, MP, and EP to max. However, characters can only use it once per battle chapter. A battle chapter is when there are multiple tiny battles that lead up to a boss battle. If a character was to use Second Wind during that chapter, then they cannot use it again until the chapter is concluded. You will know when your character is in a battle chapter for the GM will announce it and label each GM post as such.
Characters who are defeated revert back to their slime form and must wait an entire in-game day to have their power restored. Characters gain XP by devouring their enemies. Some enemies are too strong to be devoured, and therefore, must be weakened in order to be eaten. Sometimes the character may become too strong to keep devouring the same low level enemies. If a character is five levels above an enemy, then they will gain no XP from eating them. So the goal is to devour enemies with a high level. Some enemies cost 1 XP. Others may cost more than that.
Character Classes
The starting classes for the characters are very simple. You can customize the name of your character's class once you have settled on what kind of warrior you wish to create. As your character levels up, their appearance may change, reflecting their increase in power. The starting classes are:
- Warrior
- Mage
- Archer
- Thief
- Knight
- Priest
Elemental Affinity
This depends on the race you chose and the type of magic you want your character to use (you choose the elements). The main elements of Vespira are: Light, Dark, Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. This is the basic understanding of the elements. However, there are sub-elements such as Ice, Lightning, and Nature. Some elements when combined with others can create interesting effects called Nu Magic. An example of Nu Magic would be Fire and Water spells colliding to create Steam. Or Fire and Earth spells combining to create Magma. Great Mages often experiment with combining spells.
Character Sheet
All players applying to this game will drop their Character Sheet in this recruitment thread. I will not create a character thread in extras until I have those characters I approve to be in my game. This prevents clutter in the extra thread and keeps recruitment active. So drop your CS here.
Former Name: Earth name.
Vespira Name: What your character chooses to name him or herself and the name all Vespirans will know them as.
Age: What age do they appear to be? (non-slime)
Actual Age: (Their age before they were summoned 18-23)
Height: (non-slime height)
Weight: (non-slime weight)
Hair Color: (non-slime)
Eye Color: (non-slime)
Race: (Human, Elf, Ogre, Dwarf, etc. - the form they will take. Their non-slime form)
Slime Appearance: What color is your slime ball appearance? Does your slime form have any interesting features such as cat ears, a tail, etc.
Class: (See the OP for starter classes. After level 1, you can edit this)
Main Weapon: Self-explanatory
Off-Hand: This is used for shields, bucklers, a second weapon if you have twin weapons such as swords or knives, or any secondary weapon to the primary.
Armor Type: Heavy is for tanks; Medium is for those who prefer defense but nothing that will weigh them down; and Light is for cloth armor. Armor Type really doesn't affect stat points. You're choosing this just to tell everyone what kind of armor your character primarily wears/uses. How you allocate your points determines everything. So your character could fight butt-naked. If they have a ridiculous amount of GRIT, then they could tank enemies no problem even with no clothes on.
Personality: What is your character like? Please try to make a believable personality.
Likes: What do they like? These could be hobbies, which will allow your character to have something in common with another character.
Dislikes: What do they dislike?
Skills: What skills did they have in Earth Realm? These skills may come in handy in Vespira. By skills I mean like EMT, Computer Nerd, Musician, Cooking, etc. No Mary Sues please. You cannot be good at everything.
Back Story: (Optional - I don't expect everyone to know their character's Earth story right away, so you can develop this throughout the game. If you know what their life was like on earth prior to being warped to Vespira, then you can fill it out here.)
The below stats are set to their default. You have 10 pts to distribute among STR through DEX. Do not touch HP/MP/EP, CRIT or XP. Once you have allocated your points, copy/paste this stat section and PM it to the GM. The GM will keep it and post in the character thread your overall status. This status section will not go in your CS. You send this to the GM.
Level 1
HP 10
MP 10
EP 10
XP 0/10
Q: How do we level up?
A: You level up by eating enemies. The GM will start what is called a "Battle Chapter" whenever a battle starts. Characters can only earn XP during a Battle Chapter and by consuming the enemies within that battle chapter. If a player is knocked unconscious before the conclusion of the Battle Chapter, then they won't gain any points because...well...they're unconscious duh!
Q: When can we revert to our non-slime forms?
A: After level 1.
Q: Can we use our abilities while in slime form?
A: Yes.
Character Thread
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