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Fantasy Styx - A Second Life

savvy thought about it for a few minutes, she probably would do good to get her hands dirtyin this strange new place "i supose i could use a job." she was a bit worried about what there was to do here, she waved to the person Behet had introdu e her to before returning ner attention back to the spirig.
-You know I've never had tea.-. Alexander said as he inspected the apartment, it seemed comfy enough. -What the hell, alright give me some-. He found a couch there so he plainly jumped in it as Walhart gave him the tea that he offered earlier . He drank a bit and it tasted smoothly

-Nice!-. So he proceeded to chug it down and it burned his tongue but he enjoyed it.

-So you have your own apartment so I assume you work but if i remember correctly the wisps are a way of currency so, can i get a job or something, i never had a job so i don't what it is to work. I know I don't have not even an hour here but i just don't want to be homeless the same day I died... kind of a letdown to die and be homeless on the same day, also i want to know what my superpower is!-. He said as he jumped off the couch. - Maybe I could have....uh , OH I KNOW FLAMING FISTS! or NUKE PUNCH!... Does it work like that ?-. He asked weirdly as he looked at Wallhart.
Ancell gave the girl a nod and started walking away, leaving Behet and the girl behind. He knew they would follow and didn’t bother checking looking over his shoulder. He was frustrated with the spirit, but he could understand why Behet had wanted to ask someone along. This trip to Gehenna would be different from the previous forays. But to ask someone they didn’t know? That wasn’t very wise. Did the girl even know what her Memento was? Was she useful in a fight?

His thoughts were souring his mood. Pausing, he realized his feet had taken him to the small tavern he favored. He glanced behind and waited long enough for the spirit and the girl to catch up. He looked at the jeweler’s shop beside it, pleased to know it was still standing although the signage was in pieces. Still, the repairs were going splendidly well; the tavern door he was about to push open was very slowly mending itself, the charred bits disappearing and crumbling to dust.

“Let’s have a drink,” Ancell said as he pushed the door open. “Might very well be our last.”
Darcie could not help but give a small shiver as she felt a very old shadow pass slightly over her. She didn't recognize it as one of the employees. Even though she and Isadora sat in the corner, there was still faint candle light, and she couldn't help herself from reading further into such an ancient being. Usually, she was able to tame her rather mild curiosity, but one didn't come across revenents this powerful everyday, even in her line of work.

She restrained herself from uncovering anything too personal- that took effort. Her pyre typically gave her broad pieces of information at first glance; she had to concentrate to obtain details. This man- yes, he was male, she affirmed -was somewhere in his mid-four hundreds. He was going on a trip. There was a spirit involved, and a younger woman. Yes, they were there too. She could feel them.

She didn't turn around. Mostly it was because of something stubborn in her that refused that her pyre should interrupt what was meant to be a simple drink with her new roommate. Darcie sighed internally. That was one thing she disliked about this new life. Conversations were hell to pay attention to. She returned her concentration resolutely upon her new friend.

Well, mostly.
Savannah followed the spirit, and the male he accompanied. They entered a small Tavern when the man suggested they have a drink, well now she wouldnt pass that up. She finally managed the nerve to talk to the man. " Why are you so worried about the mission you are going on, well we" She paused on the last little bit worried the man wouldn't be happy with her company.
Ancell threw Behet a murderous look. Did he not have the decency to tell this…this slip of a girl where they were headed? Drawing in a deep breath, he composed himself and diverted the surge of irritation towards getting food and drinks on their table. The servers in the tavern were quite well-mannered, owing it perhaps to the nature of the patrons: old folks who had seen enough, or beings like him who preferred the quiet and rather somber mood of the place. Often, he would nurse his drink while observing the residents who frequented the place. Not today, however. As soon as their drinks landed on their table, Ancell took a quick swig from his mug and looked the girl in the eye.

“We might not make it back in one piece,” he said, his tone flat, as if he was merely commenting on the weather. “In fact,” he continued, “there might not be pieces of us left to bury or burn should things not go as planned.”

“Have you ever ventured outside these walls?” Behet asked Savannah, his large eyes focusing on her face. “There is treasure to be had, if one survives. You could be more than what you are now, and…” here the spirit paused as it leaned forward, moving closer to the girl. “…you might find what it is you seek.”

Behet was baiting the girl. He was, however, speaking the truth. Gehenna promised so much more for those brave and foolish to risk it. He glanced around the tavern, wondering how many of those here had ventured outside Styx. He recognized a couple huddled in one corner: the new revenant and the girl who came to her rescue. The new girl looked half-stunned, half-excited; her rescuer was probably explaining how things worked. He raised his almost-empty mug to both of them, feeling uncharacteristically pleased that they survived. Whether they caught his gesture or not did not matter.

"Are you still willing to join us?" Behet asked Savannah.
Savannah smiled clearly the man wanted to scare her off, but the spirit wanted her to join them. She had fought in the previous life, it shouldnt be that hard around here, and her new sense would come in handy, " I would be pleased to join you, i believe what i have to bring to the table would be quite helpful. Should you like my presence along your journey or not." She now focused her attention to the man rather than the many people in the room.
"And what do you have to...bring to the table?" Ancell asked. It was not that he disliked the girl. He disliked the thought of having her blood on his hands if things were to go awry. Perhaps Behet sensed something different about this one? Or was the spirit truly that desperate?

Three more days.

He needed his mind clear before they headed out. It would not do to have him frustrated. Bad thoughts and bad feelings drew the phantoms to you. They fed on fear, and resentment, and greed.

"Give young Savvy a chance, Ancell of Lynn," Behet implored. "She will be most useful."
Savannah had listened to the spirit, curious how one put so much faith into another. After the spirit finished speaking she turned her attention to the man.

" well i have this feeling, i can sense danger before it becomes an apparent threat" the smile she had faded.

Waiting for his response, remembering her past life, she focused hard on the fact that she was once one of the best fighters in her region, a black belt in two difference combact styles and she had a little sister to protect all the time so it only made sense.
“She will be of help,” the spirit said to Ancell.

He looked at Behet before giving the girl a nod of his head. If Behet insisted she come, Ancell would be wasting time trying to convince the spirit otherwise.

“All right,” he said. “We meet at the gates in three days time, just before dark falls. Pack light.”

He pushed away from the table and glanced at the other patrons. Ancell wondered if he’ll ever be back here again.

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