stupidest CS's in history.


Ten Thousand Club
I thought Id ask those of you who've ST'd to tell me about the STUPIDEST CS you ever got that was either blatantly rule breaking or else clearly the work of a munchkin.
I will admit that I let Still fall on this particular grenade first, but as an Old Skoolio geek, I am lost by this as well.

mutters about those dang kids, all hopped up on goof balls...
Shot in the dark but could it stand for character sheet?

I've looked at this post three times and now that someone else posted that they didn't know I feel comfortable throwing my guess out there.
Well, here is a story of a massively stupid player.  I was running a Dragon Blooded game a while back, and one player had taken the 'amnesia' Flaw to the max.  He was playing a Earth Aspect DB, and kept on claiming that if he was not in contact with the ground his character was useless because his powers didn't work (I've searched for something to back this up, but found nothing).  Well, after a long and grueling game fighting a demon uprising along side the forces of a lower powered Deathlord, he tells the players that he is impressed with the valor of the group and is thankful for their efforts in helping to maintin the peace.  He then offers them a Boon to show his good will.

Players step up to ask for some gift.  Robert (the stupid player) listens to all the requests and says, "I wouln't remember to ask for something."  Then he complains that the others got something from the DL and he didn't.

Another example of extreme stupidity from the same guy:  Players in a mixed circle come across a level 5 Manse.  One Lunar (a gladiator concept) finds the Hearthstone and attunes herself to the Manse.  Robert (playing a Solar thief) decides that he wants the pretty jewel and uses his charms to steal the stone.  I expect he will examine it and slip it back, but no, he decides to keep it.  I point out that he is stealing a powerful artifact from a combat monster and are you SURE you want to do that.  He's like, "Why not?"  I say, "Last chance to change your mind.  Think about how you would feel if one of your artifacts were stolen."  He sticks with it.  The Lunar then orders 36 of the war ghosts that were sworn to serve the master of the manse to go with him as he went to get his stone back.  Another player smacks Robert upside his head and gets him to change his mind and keeps the Lunar from going on the warpath.  What an idiot.
In a game I was playing not running, a group of only a few solars (3 I think), and my character was framed for murder. Our Grand-daiklave weilding, I can only assume Dawn Caste, instantly takes up the case and reasons he'll be my "lawyer". Polietly I refuse because what is a guy with an Orichalcum Grand-Daiklave going to do towards my case. Later that night, we meet up with a Sidereal (though we aren't possitive at that point.) And the Sidereal talks about how he's been re-weaving fate in our favor, when Shining-Boy says "Do not mess with my fate ever again." The sidereal agrees and BAM! Shining-boy is an Eclispe! and binds the Sidereal to his word! This stuns the rest of the group and the ST included. For being an Eclipse caste he had only Ride and Sail, and only one eclipse caste charm.

As a result of this one player we, as a group, are now required to flash our animas to each other upon meeting, and for character generation we have to have 4 charms in our caste abilities.
The game I recently hooked up with is, unfortunately, pretty much just hack-n-slash with minimal roleplaying. However, one player even gets shit from them for being dumb: His character is Twilight Caste. Before exaltation, he was supposedly a bureaucrat and tax collector. How many dots does he have in Bureaucracy? ZERO. How many dots does he have in Melee? FIVE.


Stillborn said:
The game I recently hooked up with is, unfortunately, pretty much just hack-n-slash with minimal roleplaying. However, one player even gets shit from them for being dumb: His character is Twilight Caste. Before exaltation, he was supposedly a bureaucrat and tax collector. How many dots does he have in Bureaucracy? ZERO. How many dots does he have in Melee? FIVE.

Just means he wasn't subtle about the tax collection.
I thought Id ask those of you who've ST'd to tell me about the STUPIDEST CS you ever got that was either blatantly rule breaking or else clearly the work of a munchkin.
I always thought C.S.Lewis was a bit of a twit, though probably doesn't qualify as stupid. I've also known a lot of dumb Computer Scientists and I'm not that fond of Christian Science, either.

Maybe it means "confusing subjectlines", in which case I nominate the post that started this thread.
CS is short for "charachter sheed"

In my half caste game (And remember the PC's are CHILDREN)

I got a CS

among other things it had.

:Parentage First age solar:

Inheritence 5 (I'd specificly stated that inheritence was being set at 3 but he seemed to neglect to read everything)

Strengh 5

Melee 5

Essence 2 (another violation of the Rules I'd laid out for the game I allowed people to start with awakened essence but not to start with an essence above 1)

again let me emphasize all this in a 8 year old :shock:


Of course must be because of the backstory he wrote up that he was raised by a hunter.

Needless to say I threw his CS out.

but its a good example. most bad CS's Are combat monkeys.
Yeah, I would have thrown out that one as well.  I tend to be very involved in character creation, as I know the books well enough to require minimal referencing (though I know GURPS a lot better than Exalted).  I have had a few players try to slip things by me, but I tend to create campaigns that require one hundred and ten percent from any character, no matter how powerful, so it all evens out in the end.
I had a player who's character was supposed to be a huge manipulator, run his family business, he was supposedly "well read" or rather, had read a massive amount of books etc etc....

and before I told the player to change his sheet, after he had told me about his character... he had 0 in linguistics, 0 in lore, 0 in bueracracy and maybe 1 in socialize... although I think he had a 2 or 3 in performance and/or presence.

that and he kept wanting to be a combat beast with a 3 in thrown and almost no charms, using throwing knives and nothing else.
Your kidding right?

its hard for me to beleive theirs players THIS Stupid.

my first charachter for a white wolf game (this wasnt exalted but was under the story teller system explicitly werewolf the apocylpse)

I made up a silver fang theruge and put in 5 in pure breed and appearance.

yes it was overly cliche...

but at least I didnt max out strengh.
I ran this a game a while back with this character who wanted to basically play a  beats man who Exalted. he called this guy Chet. His history is as thus ( and please don't jump me It was my first game) Chet was the son of a well placed DB in House Vaneef. he found his father Doing the bad thing to his younger sister so he went nuts and Attempted to kill his father thus causing the death of his sister. he runs away into a manse in the Middle of a wyld Zone. The wyld chges him but his exaltation saves his mind. (BTW he's night caste) So now he roams the earth In the form of a Cat man (best way to describe it) who wears a cloak and a basic clothes to hide himself. At the end of the campaign I killed him off. Copuldn't take it anymore

A kid I played Vampire with asked me, in all seriousness, if he could have:

1. A chainsaw.

2. Nails coming out of his scalp a la Hellraiser.

His character, mind you, was already a stretch: a Brujah with permanent road rash who (the player insisted, frequently) was honestly named "George Foreman Grill."

As soon as that kid left the game, my friend diablerized his character.  With my EXPLICIT permission.

So far the Exalted characters have been pretty good, though.
StarHawk said:
In a game I was playing not running, a group of only a few solars (3 I think), and my character was framed for murder. Our Grand-daiklave weilding, I can only assume Dawn Caste, instantly takes up the case and reasons he'll be my "lawyer". Polietly I refuse because what is a guy with an Orichalcum Grand-Daiklave going to do towards my case. Later that night, we meet up with a Sidereal (though we aren't possitive at that point.) And the Sidereal talks about how he's been re-weaving fate in our favor, when Shining-Boy says "Do not mess with my fate ever again." The sidereal agrees and BAM! Shining-boy is an Eclispe! and binds the Sidereal to his word! This stuns the rest of the group and the ST included. For being an Eclipse caste he had only Ride and Sail, and only one eclipse caste charm.
Ha! That is fucking brilliant. Ambassador and bodyguard in one. And a nice maneuver on his part too. Each his own game but I really don't understand why you have made these house rules. On the other hand I don't understand the need to keep your character sheet secret from other players either (or the Storyteller!) but that is another point entirely.

What I'm getting at is this. The Book (p. 99) specifically says "Your character does not have to place any points into her Caste Abilities" and this is important. Now of course the Golden Rule is bigger than that and quoting something from the Book does not make it immediately and indisputably kosher - it's just that I happen to like this particular clause.

You do not exalt to the Twilight Caste just because you are good with spirits, and there are clumsy, imperceptive Night Castes out there. It is just not the norm.

Your Caste Abilities are not necessarily where you shine at the point of exaltation. It is most definitely where you are expected to shine at some point, and if your character goes against the wish of the Unconquered Sun then not only is he detracting from his value as a Solar (by evolving his skills slower) he also has some explaining to do. Obviously the character is ignoring the part of him that wants to explore his potential. The assumption here is that with the new affinities bestowed by the Unconquered Sun comes the urge to put them to use. A handy little mechanism that makes Unconquered work so much easier. The character is suppressing this call.

Apart from ignoring this urge the character is also blatantly ignoring the wish of the Main Guy. Both of these points should be explained through the story. Hell, you could make it the center of an entire campaign if you liked. Anyone so blatantly ignoring the road carved out for him is just begging to be the centerpiece of some bigger faction plot.

Bigger plots aside the other option is that during the course of play the character's interest for the lot he was appointed starts to flare. He picks up on his part in the whole, and he learns the bureaucracy and language skills expected from him and puts them to good use (all the while kicking serious arse or pilfering every artifact on the Blessed Isle or whatever he was already good at).

I think it makes perfect sense. Also, did I mention what a class act stunt I think your friend pulled with that contract? :-)
I was running an online Rifts game, and despite the fact the fairie folk were clearly on the "not allowed racial list" I recieved a leprechaun PC. "okay... ill glance at it, given my "if its damned good enough you can get away with breaking some rules beleifs"

not only was this not correctly displayed, he had several of the same stats inter-disperesed throughout the sheet. (yes he had stats like physical Strength (PS) and Mental Endurance (ME) appear where they belong, then again in the middle of skills, and again in the middle of spells)

He than also had a list of spells which included some rifts spells, and... D&D spells. he didnt even try to offer conversions that he homebrewed, just "Melfs Acid Arrow" and some other Spell was later identified to me as DnD spells.

Well, im not particularly subtle about things like this, I promptly told him that a retarded baboon could have submitted me a better character sheet.

He retaliates by saying how offended he is, while also slipping in that he is a 'published writer'

Im just glad to say I have not recieved any truly awful exalted characters yet.
Well, im not particularly subtle about things like this, I promptly told him that a retarded baboon could have submitted me a better character sheet.
He retaliates by saying how offended he is, while also slipping in that he is a 'published writer.'
 Find his editor, stat. Then everyone can become a 'published author'!  8)
Man, some motherfuckers will print ANYTHING.  Plenty of lousy books out there.

Of course, the minute I actually FINISH a goddamn book and try to get it printed, I'll get rejected by every reputable publisher around, as karmic reflex kicks in...
I wasnt running the game, but a player in a werewolf game I was in played a Child of Gaia Ahroun with Stamina 5 and a specialty in Soaking. Obviously, when asked, he was unable to explain how one receives specialised training in Soaking.

That character was a replacement for a character who had previously been killed when he deliberately and knowingly ran into a house, on his own, full of elder BSDs.

The CoG was killed by the same guys.

In his career that player has killed 16 characters (at the last count, over a year ago)

Once, he was almost eaten by the other players for sustenance. That was a good day.

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