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Realistic or Modern Stupid Cupid

Yeah, we're waiting for @UnknownOrigin. I'm assuming they're not interested anymore or is just super busy. Unfortunately we now have an uneven number. If someone wouldn't mind making a replacement male we'd be able to continue today. If no one wants to make a male I could make a third character for the sake of keeping this alive.
@Tsiwentiio perfect! He just has to do the questions that I sent out for the house's "logarithm". Do you still have the message or do you want me to resend the questions?
I'm currently having computer issues, so I'll get the next post up as soon as possible! I'm so glad you guys are still interested!
Finally fixed my laptop. I'm trying to finish the post by tonight, but I'm pretty tired so if not by tonight, then definitely tomorrow! Thank you for your patience!

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