Strange Society (1x1, <3desuu;) and Virtuxa)


New Member
Setting: A large city, inhabited by all types of creatures. Not every kind gets along equally well and things like racism aren't entirely unfamiliar to the people who live here.

Character sheet:










Name: Maggie Rose

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Personality: Maggie is a rather soft-hearted person. Quick to feel guilty, a tad easily intimidated and often needing approval. When it comes to things like looking after herself, she's pretty independent and doing just fine. In social situations however, she's a bit less confident and she tends to be a little bit on the quiet side. Not that she's downright shy, it's more a certain distance she initially keeps from people.

It takes a little while for her to open up to the people she hangs out with, but she usually comes through rather quickly, as long as people are simply friendly.

She's also a bit of a serious person, wich is probably related to the fact that she grew up rather quickly. She isn't very witty or sharp, allthough it isn't very hard to amuse her.

Background: Maggie was born in her town's christian community. She had a solid upbringing, but around the age of thirteen, she was starting to have rather serious doubts about the religion she had been meekly following over the years and. It didn't take very much for the young girl to fall off her faith, mostly because around that time her magical capabilities started to grow as well.

For a while she kept those things a secret, but she had never really been much of an actress and it felt wrong to be silent about it, so about a year later, she confessed to her parents who, despite the diversity in the town they lived in, looked upon magic as sinful and weren't too pleased with their daughter's disbelief in God either.

They still loved their daughter though, just as she loved her parents as well, so they didn't really do anything drastic about it. The thing was, it did create an awful lot of tension in both the family and the community and at the age of sixteen, she lived more on her own than she did with her family. It made her grow up rather fast, but she managed to cope, due to help from friends.

Around the age of seventeen, she enrolled in college. She's a second year now and in her free time, she often works at a supermarket.

Species: Human, witch

Extra: She has the power to perform spells, however she usually needs a handful of ingredients and they tend to be a bit on the complicated side, so without good instructions, Maggie isn't much of a witch.

She also doesn't really flaunt what she is. The things other people might say are a bit too much of a threshold for her.

Name: Elion Vitae

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Personality: Elion is social and spontaneous, contrary to what his alternative looks sometimes imply to certain people. He's one to rather easily make friends, allthough a lot of his friendships do tend to be a bit superficial. This is partially because he just likes meeting new people, but also because he's not entirely comfortable with really exposing the deeper layers of himself.

He likes to be the centre of attention and the only thing he's really ambitious about is music.

Allthough he is a tad jealous from time to time, he isn't a violent person. He can be snarky when annoyed, but it usually doesn't get more dangerous than that.

Despite being unable to ignore a pretty lady whenever one happens to walk by, he is a loyal person and that extends to relationships as well.

He is usually merry, approachable and easygoing. He loves to play around in his shape-shifting form, fooling people into thinking he's just a dog, or just getting all the attention by pretending to be somebody's escaped pet. Yes, he's not afraid of a practitcal joke from time to time.

Getting him to seriously talk things like feelings, his future or criticism can be hard, as he'll likely laugh it away or joke around to avoid the subject.

Background: Elion's the son of a working-class couple. Despite being rather busy people, they always tried to make time for their son whenever they could. They did their best to raise him well and probably succeeded.

During puberty, it really seemed like Elion would be throwing his future away without even blinking. He drank infinitely more than he should, did whatever he felt like and neglected his studies. He really came through in the end though. He had to re-do a couple of years of highschool and pissed off a fair number of people, but everything settled down eventually and what was left was a spontaneous guy with a passion for jazz-music.

So, on the social front, everything worked out just fine for Elion. However, when it comes to work, he's a bit of an odd one. He isn't following a study, but instead works fulltime in a small cafe, where he and a handful of other aspiring musicians perform a couple of nights a week. On other nights, he just stands behind the bar.

Species: Shape shifter, capable of turning into a simple German shepard.

Extra: He plays the trumpet. He is capable of some very basic singing, but instruments have his preference.
Name: Alice Moon

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/imagesCA714L8K.jpg.b2be4ed0b6c61a2a39be0af6071e7252.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/imagesCA714L8K.jpg.b2be4ed0b6c61a2a39be0af6071e7252.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Alice is a very shy, quiet type of girl.. until you get to know her. She is mostly random, outgoing, fun and a lot more.

Background: She used to live with her mother because she doesn't know her father. But her mother was killed and Alice still doesn't know who did it. She is prone to be bullied and lets it happen being helpless and doing nothing.

Species: Half-cat half-human

Number #1 
Name: Vince Night

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Looks: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/imagesCAK8XR7B.jpg.893541e53b6f51cc5c394d5e352acf6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4707" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/imagesCAK8XR7B.jpg.893541e53b6f51cc5c394d5e352acf6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Violent, mean at times, will speak what's on his mind, has a sweet side.

Background: He has no parents due to they both left him when he was 5. He now is very violent and will not hesitate to kill anyone.

Species: Half-angel




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It was one of her free afternoons, and Maggie strolled through one of the city's many small parks. It wasn't much, this one, no impressive fountains or exotic flowers, but it had it's charm. Maggie sat down on one of the stone benches and crossed her legs. She scratched the back of her head and adjusted the grey beanie on her head a bit. The red hair underneath was relatively short and almost disappeared under the grey fabric here and there.

She had to admit, she was a little bit bored. She didn't have what she needed for new ingredients and until she got her paycheck she wasn't able to buy new stuff either. So she sat here. She did enjoy the surroundings, but it just wasn't the same as doing things. Back home, she used to tend to a little garden, but since she lived in a flat now, she now had to stick to a few plants in front of the window.

She took out her phone, a rather cheap and oldfashioned one, and texted her roommates at what time she'd be back, since it was her turn to make dinner, and she decided that it wasn't a bad idea to have everybody under the same roof when she'd start cooking.


Since he was off-duty as well, Elion sat on a stool in front of the bar was usually standing behind. In front of him was a pint of beer and he was chatting merrily with the girl who was behind the bar now.

“You're playing tonight, right Eli?” she asked him. She brushed her blonde hair out of her face and looked at the alternative boy in front of her. One wouldn't guess it from just looking at her, since her ears were covered by her hair, but the girl was an elf.

Elion nodded with a grin. “Yep, with the band,” he replied, obviously happy with the fact that he would get to play again. It never bored him. They usually idn't have extreme crowds, but they attracted enough people to not be kicked out by the cafe's owner.

Elion took a sip of his beer. Nice and cold, just the way he liked his beverages.

“Isn't it a bit early for you to be drinking?”

“Come on, Lia, it's just one pint, you know, getting in the mood for the show. I'm just dedicated,” Elion said with a broad grin and a twinkle in his eyes.

He ran a hand through his hair. He dyed it black fairly regularly. He liked the look.

Alice was walking through the streets heading towards her flat when she got a text from her phone. The streets were busy so she decided to stop at a little park to text back.

She sat down next to a girl in beanie and took out her new Iphone. She got a text from her roomie/bff saying she had too buy her some things from the market before coming home. She sighed loudly, tucked her hair behind her ears on the top of her head, and closed her eyes for a second.


Vince was new to this town and saw a pub. 'Why not have a little drink?' He thought to himself. He went inside the small pub and sat down on a stool next to... some guy he just sat there waiting for the bartender to stop talking to the guy.

A girl sat down beside her and not much later she sighed loudly, wich cause Maggie to look up.

"Hey," she greeted the girl, a little bit hesitant, who seemed friendly enough, "something wrong?"

She tucked her own phone away, since it felt like a polite thing to do when talking to somebody, especially someone she'd never met before.

She wasn't always one to initiate the first contact with someone, but when somebody seemed to be worried about something, or hurt, or anything like that, it was easier to approach him or her, since it did provide an opening for conversation, or help, in the case of a person who was hurt. Either way, it was easier than just randomly walking up to someone and start talking.

A soft breeze started blowing and Maggie looked up for a moment. It was a tad cloudy, but it didn't seem like mother nature would throw anything worse than a little bit of wind their way.

"I'm Maggie... by the way," she then muttered awkwardly. She wasn't an awefully social one, but she did her best.


He looked up and grinned at the guy who had just entered.

"Whatever, have it your way, Elion," Lia sighed, after wich she greeted the other guy. Elion chuckled. He had a silver tongue and knew how to prevent people from lecturing him.

His attention shifted to the guy beside him again. His looks were alternative as well, to say the least. Elion liked that. He liked the whole being-different-thing, standing out from the crowd.

"'afternoon," he greeted de guy. "Looking for some early booze as well?"

He lifted his pint again and took a few sips again. He didn't like to be in a hurry when he drank. When he was younger, he tended to try and get drunk as quick as possible, but he kind of grew out of that phase.

"Haven't seen your face around here before, by the way. First time here?" he asked, gesturing around at the inside of the cafe. It wasn't weird for them to see new faces, but especially around this time of day, it was usually the regulars, the older ones in particular, who swung by for a few drinks. Elion didn't complain though; it was always fun meeting new people, no matter the time of day.

"Um hi I'm Alice." She said looking down. She was quite shy so she really doesn't talk much. "Well I have to go to the market." She said complaining. She started to stand up and walk off.


"Yeah hey." Vince greeted. "Yeah just getting a little bit to work me through the day." He replied and told the bartender to get him a beer. "So what's your name stranger?" He asked smiling warmly happy to see a friendly face for once.

She opened her mouth to say something, but the girl then announced she had to be going. She blinked, surprised by the sudden departure. Her expression was bit confused.

"Oh.. Okay, uhm, good luck," she said. She looked at the girl as she walked away. Had she said something wrong? She knew her attitude sometimes came across as a bit rigid to some folks, but she was under the impression that she'd been rather open just now.

For a moment, the thought of accompanying the girl crossed her mind, but she pushed it away. The girl hadn't seemed comfortable with her company, so she wasn't going to force it upon her. She considered going home. She could select a few spells to do for when she had the money to buy ingredients. It wasn't the most exciting thing, since she couldn't carry them out, but it was better than sitting around.

So eventually, she got up as well and started walking towards one of the park's exits. It wasn't too far to her flat; not much more than a fifteen minute walk.


"Name's Elion," he said. "Barkeep and musician around here at night," he added with a grin.

"But it's the latter he wants you to pay attention to," Lia added passingly, while drying a few glasses. Elion chuckled.

"You can't deny it is more interesting than serving drinks all night," he said casually. He shifted his attention back to the other guy.

"Well, you more or less know me now. My turn; what's your name?" he asked. He took a small gulp of his drink, wich was nearly empty. He decided to leave it at one however, allthough he was fairly relaxed when it came to things like booze, he wasn't planning to be under the influence of alcohol this early, so he'd behave.

She thought to herself 'Maybe I was a little mean?' , But Alice did have to go to the market so she got there and started to buy stuff for her roommate so she could get home and relax finally.


Vince laughed and responded. "I'm Vince and I just moved out here. Well I fight and that's about it." He laughed again and turned towards his drink to take another gulp. He was almost done so he just looked around a bit.

She walked through a long, broad street that led nearly directly to the area where most of the cheaper flats were build.

The street was flanked by tall buildings on both sides. Most of them had stores on the ground floor, and the owner's living quarters on the first floor. The parts of the buildings where people actually lived looked a lot less well maintained than the stores themselves, since nobody really bothered to look up anyway.

It wasn't very crowdy; most people were probably either done shopping or at the market or something.

Maggie passed a store with all kinds of magical items, but resisted the urge to stop by; she was pretty much out of money, so it was no use.


"Welcome then," he said. When Vince said he fought, Elion's expression turned a bit puzzled. It was a sentence that could be interpreted in several ways.

"You fight? As in, for a living?" he asked to clear things up. It fascinated him, either way. Perhaps this guy was some sort of boxer. Or maybe he did some kind of taekwondo stuff. When he was a bit younger, he had gotten himself in a number of 'fights' but it had never been truly serious. Those had been the kind of fights after wich the worst injury was something like a black eye, a soar stomach or a bruise on your jaw.

Suffice to say, despite all that, Elion didn't really know much about real fighting, wich probably explained his fascination.

Got all her friend's stuff and headed home. She burst into the room. " Hey April I'm back!" She yelled. "Oh, your back just put that stuff on the counter." April said. Alice set down the stuff on the table. "I also met this nice girl at the park named Maggie." She said smiling. "Oh that's cool." April said and Alice sat on the couch.


"Thanks and yes I do as in sword fighting." Vince said patting his side where his sword sat in a sheath at his side. "I like raid caves and stuff to get money." Vince said laughing at Elion's expression.

She strolled through another number of streets of wich each one was flanked by high flats, some in relatively good condition, some wich looked a lot less presentable, until she reached the one where she had her room. She stepped into the small hall and took the stairs to the sixth floor. She stopped in front of number 47 and entered the apartment.

"I'm home guys," she announced.

"Kay," a male voice shouted back from the living room. Judging by Rex's indifferent ton, the guy was probably busy with some kind of video game. Maggie had never really been one for those things.

A girl emerged from one of the bedrooms.

"Hey Mag's, how was your day?" she asked.

"Oh, hey Beth. It was okay I guess. Met this girl in the park who seemed to feel really uncomfortable with my presence."

"You scary little thing," Beth chuckled. "Jenny's late btw, so I'd say we'll just leave some of the food for her."

"Fine with me," Maggie replied as she walked into the living room, where her suspicions were confirmed; Rex was indeed completely captivated by a first person shooter.


He whistled between his teeth. Sword fighting and cave raiding. Da-yum, this guy had quite the adventurous life. Not that Elion would want to swap; he knew damn well that this was way more his kind of lifestyle than adventure could ever be, but he wouldn't deny that it did sound exciting.

"That's pretty rad," he grinned. A few locks of black hair fell in front of his face and he wiped them away.

"And that cave raiding.. is it a bit rewarding?" he asked curiously, since it was the first time he had literally heard someone say it was part of their dayly job. He didn't think Vince would be doing it if it didn't apay off, but then again; some people did a lot for just the sake of a good thrill after all.

He tried to imagine what such a life would be like. Yeah, it had to be pretty exciting. If you were into excercise, that was. Elion liked a bit of a jog from time to time, but other than that he wasn't too sporty.

"I'm going to bed!" Alice yells from her room. "Ok!" The other girl yells back. Alice lays in bed and soon falls asleep.


"It is very mch." Vince replies and thinks about a quiet lf... nah he couldn't do that.

She went to the kitchen and started working on what would be their dinner tonight.

"Go woman," Rex called from the living room. Maggie shook her head. She usually had no idea how to provide a comback for such remarks, but she also knew Rex well enough to know that he didn't mean anything by it; on the days where it was his turn to cook, he did that without complaining.

"Be silent, gamer boy," Beth said as she entered the kitchen.

"Need any help, kitchen princess?"

Maggie smiled. "Well, you could cut the onions if you want to," she said and Beth took a knife and started doing so.


"Damn, talk about win-win," he said.

"And here you are, Elion, stuck with a trumpet," Lia added, laughing. Elion chuckled.

"You and I both know I wouldn't trade this job for the world, baby," he said, looking at the instruments, that were allready positioned on the small stage. He looked at Vince again. "Wich doesn't mean I can't be interested in new things, right? What's it like, raiding caves? It sounds like the kind of thing where you could get seriously hurt," he said, because as exciting as it seemed, it sounded fairly dangerous too.

"It is REALLY dangerous." Vince said. "But, you get to hurt/kill a lot of enemies like radiers, robbers stuff like that. Plus you get pretty handy with a sword." He adds smirking at the still shocked expression.

It wasn't all that much later when she served the dinner she had prepared with Beth's help. A small portion had allready been put in the fridge for Jenny.

They sat at the dinner table, eating silently. Eventually, Maggie looked at Beth.

"Have you had word back from that centaur yet?" she asked. Beth shook her head.

"Nope, not yet. I personally think I might as well give that one up; they probably prefer their own kind." She pulled a face and Maggie smiled faintly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," she said with a sigh.


That didn't surprise him. The second bit did. He raised an eyebrow. He himself hadn't killed a single human being in his entire life, so he couldn't really relate to the casual way Vince told him that he got to kill plenty of other raiders in a way that made it seem like he saw that as one of the perks of the job.

"Doesn't that get to you man?" he asked, confused. "I mean, killing other guys and stuff.. I wouldn't be able to sleep I think, if I were in your shoes.."

"They sometimes do, but I learned to ignore them mostly. And don't think I'm a bad person because I'm not." He said adding the last part.

He sat quitely for a moment, something wich was a bit unusual for the talkative boy. He knew there was no way he himself could ignore such a thing. Then again, if he'd ever find himself in situation that was purely about survival, he'd probably think different.

"Don't worry, I don't think you're evil," he said, getting his usual grin back. "It's just a thing I'm not used to is all," he added, shrugging apologetically.

"I mean, the worst I ever did was punch some fella's in the face during highschool for reasons I've allready forgotten," he said and he chuckled briefly.

Vince laughed "Yeah." He finished his drink. "Well I better be going." Vince said before stretching his wings out.

He looked at the guy for a moment.

"Well, if you're getting bored tonight, it's usually a lot more crowdy here at night, so feel free to hop by," he said.

Okay, it wasn't like some of the clubs around, but still, the pub did have a really nice atmosphere in Elion's opinion.

"He's right," Lia added. "It's a lot more fun coming here in the evening."
"I'll come by." He said smiling. He waved and bent his wings back to fit through the doorway. He was headed for a cave not far from her to search.

"See ya," he said, when Vince left. He leant on the bar. "And thus it was only the two of us again baby," he chuckled.

"I love how you start calling me baby when you're bored," Lia replied dryly. She gave him a tired look and he raised his hands defensively.

"Easy, I don't mean anything by it," he said with a little smile.

Maybe a good idea to skip to the next time they'll meet again or something?
*timeskip of awesome*


It started to get more crowded in the pub. He was positioned on the stage, with the band and after they had all tuned their instruments, they had started playing.

They usually stuck to easygoing jazz. Elion liked to try different things as well, but he tended to do that outside of the performances. The audience came here to hear jazz, not something experimental. So they got what they came here for.

Elion scanned the visitors. He winked at a pretty blonde girl who happened to make eyecontact with him. He saw Lia roll her eyes. If he hadn't been playing that trumpet right now, he probably would have grinned broadly.

There was a lot more to see than just pretty girls though; this pub had all kinds of visitors. Elves, gnomes, halfbreeds of several sorts... It was really interesting, Elion thought, and here people seemed to get along fairly well too.

He wondered if the guy that had swung by earlier, Vince he believed his name was, would indeed come back somewhere tonight. If he did, Elion would probably ask him all sorts of stuff about the cave he mentioned after the performance was over.


How Jenny, who had indeed arrived later, had convinced her to go to a pub she did not know, but now she found herself sitting at the bar in some kind of jazzy cafe that had a ragtag band performing on stage. In front of her stood a small glass of wine. She didn't like beer. Some cocktails weren't too bad, but usually she stuck to wine.

She looked around. Jenny was allready off to chat with some redhead elven boy she saw standing near the entrance, so Mags was on her own on this one. She swallowed and tried to make it seem like this was all part of her plan; she didn't really want people to know she felt awfully awkward, sitting her all by herself. She tried to focus on the music for a bit, but it didn't really work.

A rather fat gnome with a somewhat greenish skintone appeared beside her, ordering a massive glass of beer, after wich he disappeared into the crowd again. 
oh bugger, read your post only just now, hang on lemme edit it xD

Vince walked into the pub to hear lively jazz music. He looked to the stage and saw Elion. He smiled to himself and walked to the barstools and sat where he did last time watching Elion preform flawlessly.


Her best friend somehow convinced her to come to the pub she was going to so she walked into the pub and almost instantly recognizing a certain girl at the bar. She sat next to her and said. "Well hello there." smiling at the oh, so familiar girl.

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