Strange Society (1x1, <3desuu;) and Virtuxa)


The saxophonist was doing a solo with wich he would end the current song, wich gave Elion the time to look around for a bit. He noticed a familiar face sitting at the bar now and he grinned at Vince, causing a handful of people to look around to see what he'd been grinning at, allthough they lost interest fairly quickly; a lot of folks came here with their own little group and weren't always very interested in the people around them. A real shame, in Elion's eyes, since he personally loved meeting new folks.

He had no idea how long Vince had already been here; it was a lot more crowded than usual, so it was hard to keep track of who entered or left and playing the trumpet at the same time.

The song was done and people clapped. The saxophonist bowed melodramatically.

It was Elion's turn to lead up to the new song, that already started with a quick, uplifting tune. He was in his element; there was nothing he rather did than performing.


At first she had noticed a young man sitting down on a barstool as well. She found him to be a tad intimidating and wasn't sure wether she was supposed to start a conversation with the guy or not; she didn't really frequently visit places like this one.

The solution arrived in the form of the girl she'd met earlier and when she recognized Alice as the girl sat next to her, she smiled.

"Hey," she greeted. She hesitated for a moment, but then decided to ask, just to be sure. "Eh, Alice.. Back in the park, did I, you know, say something wrong?" she asked cautiously. If it had been something she said, she really wanted to know, since it had not been her intention to scare the girl away.

"Of course not I just had to go home quickly." Alice said smiling at Maggie. 'She really thought she did something wrong?'

She smiled, relieved. "Glad to hear that," she said. She quickly glanced at the band. She'd be the last person to do such a thing, performing in front of an audience. She turned back to Alice.

"Do you come here often?" she asked. She wasn't really sure what to talk about and this seemed like a rather safe question.

She took a small sip from her wine. A second gnome appeared, leaving again with two massive glasses of beer.

I knew gnomes could hold their liquor, but this is quite extreme, Maggie thought, as she saw how the two gnomes drank their entire glasses in a matter of seconds.

She nodded. "Same here." She followed Alice' gaze and looked at the band as well. She liked listening to music, but had never really gotten along with musicians. They were a bit too outfront. These guys were definately good, though.

The music stopped after playing after a brief while and she heard one of the members announcing a short break. She ordered a second glass of wine.

"Gotta say, I like this place more than most places my friend Jenny takes me," she said. "At least here you can have a drink in peace without people trying to hit on you."


He put his trumpet back on it's standard and stepped off of the stage. He sat down on a barstool next to Vince and grinned.

"Hey there. How'd you like the show so far?" he asked. He ordered a beer and took a gulp when Lia gave it to him. That felt good; a nice cold beer after about an hour of playing.

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