Stranded {RP}


One Thousand Club
here we go!!!

Amber was at home packing her things for her class trip to Athens Greece. She packed everything from cloths to her i-pod. Shortly after packing her things, Amber went down stairs to eat breakfast. She didn't eat much. She was had anorexia. "Bye mom!" She said plainly. "Ill see you in two weeks!" Heather put her 2 luggage bags in the trunk of her car and was off to school. "Pass port. Check. Phone. Check. Money. Check." She pulled into the schools parking lot and lugged her bags to the lobby of the school where she found tons of other kids with there bags, ready to get on there plane. She sat down on a branch and listened to techno music on her i-pod. She was exited to go to Athens. But on another hand...she was terrified of planes
Paul Took a shower to get his Sexy mane Smexy. He grabbed his Suitcase and his laptop bag and headed downstairs, He ate a granola bar and Mumbled something about seeing his family later. as he walked to his car he stumbled through his pockets. Phone, Passport, wallet, and.. wait.. he was missing something! "THUNDER!". He ran inside and flew open the cage and shoved thunder in his hoody. "OK now I'm going." He climbed inside his Mustang that he was still fixing up and Drove to school. As he arrived he Shouted across the parking lot. "HELLO HEBREWS AND SHEBREWS!" a small group of people laughed. Paul walked over to group he was riding on the bus with. "Hey Amber" he was the first person to meet amber when she moved here.
Konichiwa!" Heather was glad to have met Paul. He was a good friend. "I'm not to sure about flying. It scared the hell out of me!" She said this as she walked over to him and hugged him. "I wonder if were aloud to bring our phones. How long will it take to get there? Who's gonna be my room mate in Athens?" Heather was very nervous and she asked tons of questions when shes nervous. Just then Amber's boy friend tapped her on the the shoulder. His name was Jin and he moved to America with Amber. She whiped around and flung into his arms. Then they got on the bus to find there seats.
(Just to let you guys know, Ali is red, Lia is pink and Naomi is green)

Ali and Lia had both made sure that make-up and hair was done to perfection before leaving their huge white 'palace' together, shouting a good-bye to their dad. Nothing more. He probably wouldn't even notice their absence anyway. Ali got into the driver's seat of their red ferrari dino concept and waited for Lia to be strapped in before pulling out of the driveway, when they pulled up to school Ali re-applied her lipstick, causing Lia to roll her eyes and get out of the car. Lia strolled over to the group of people that contained Heather and Paul, smiling at them as she hitched her designer bag onto her shoulder, "Hey guys" Lia was friends with basically everyone. Ali however strolled over to her little group of bi**hy girls who were only friends with her because she was rich and they were scared of her, of course they'd never tell her that, they weren't going on the trip. "I can't believe you get to go to Athens Ali!" One girl piped up, another one nodded in agreement, "Yeah, so jel babe" Ali smirked at them both, "Yeah, just wish I didn't have to share a plane with those" She nodded her head in the direction of some of the other kids who were going on the plane, like Heather and Paul.

Naomi was sitting quietly by herself, watching as slowly kids began to gather in the space around her, all murmuring excitedly about the trip, she rolled her eyes and began drawing in her little notepad once more, her dark brown locks falling just above the paper and cleverly covering her face except from her bright, emerald green eyes. She was just glad that she had managed to scrape up enough money to go on this trip, going to Athens would be a great experience.
Flower found a seat alone on the bus. She just moved here a few days ago. Staring at the window she watched the outside. No one talked her. Most said she was a witch because of her white hair color. She wasn't though, however she never said anything against it. She watched the others get on from the outside. Her eyes soon glanced at the ones staring at her. Once they looked away she looked back at the window. She heard their whispers but ignored them. 'She never talks.' 'I heard a teacher talked to her and then when he was going home he got into a car crash.' "I heard a she came from a town that had a lot of deaths rescently. Once she left the whole place was hit by a sickness.' She heard the others say. The teacher thing was true but she didn't cause it. The rest were just lies about her.
"Well. Im going to go get on the bus" Paul said, He walked to the middle part of the bus and sat down. Thunder crawled out of his hoody and onto Paul's lap. He was Right in front of Flower. He turned around "Hey Shebrew, how you doing?" Paul was nice to everyone. He always listened to his grandma and her final words to Paul were "Respect others and do not speak bad", Also Paul didn't believe in witches. he shouted out the window, "Amber, Lia, get on the bus!". Paul Pulled his hoody over his head, and thunder crawled into a circle, Paul didn't feel tired but he just plopped asleep... Narcolepsy was wierd.

((Also Kikinavi you're calling amber, heather.
Flower looked at the boy infront of her and then blinked everyone gasping a bit. She looked at them and they shut up. She looked back down. She looked back out waiting for everyone to get on. She stretched out and then looked as a number of people were passing her by. One of them looked at her. "Hey, you." Flower looked at the boy. "You going to just let them talk about you like that?" She didn't respond she looked back at the window. "Well alright then." He took a seat and then talked to his friends.
Paul was OUT. He wouldn't wake up until they got to the airport (Or will he?) Anyway Thunder Crawled inside his warm hoody and Fell asleep. Such an Odd couple. Then again, no one at this school was even CLOSE to normal.
Flower looked at the furry creature in his hoody. She leaned in to see it better. She was quite curious of the little thing. She smiled once she got what it was and leaned back. She loved animals. However she never could get one herself. She looked at the window sighing deeply. Her white hair seemed like a curse sometimes.
Amber was extatic about Athens but she was terrified of planes. She sat on her boyfriends lap and took some zane that way shewouldnt be so freaked out. She looked at Paul's 'rodent' and laughed. " Paul that thing is gross! I hope it gets lost in Greece!" Amber watched the buildings pass by as the bus strolled through the city.

Amber couldn't help but notice flowers discontent. She whispers to her boyfriend, "isn't that the witch girl?" "I think so." Jin responded. Amber was going to say hi but the rumors of this 'witch's girl made her not.

As the bus pulled up front of the air port, amber grabbed her bags from the back of the bus and wobbled into the air port. Amber was a slightly lolly from the zanex. Heather sat on a bench in the terminal and looked at the clock. " our flight leaves in two hours every one!" She went to a vendor off to the side and bought smacks for her and Jin.
Flower grabs her things and gets off. She ends up being alone of course. Kids just thought she was a witch and all. She looked at her lap just sitting alone. She looks around at all the random things going on. She slightly found herself feeling scared. She sighed and kept her gaze down.
Sarah walked up the steps leading into the bus, dragging her suitcase behind her. "Hey, guys!" she said as she took her seat ing the back of the bus. She ran her fingures through her thick pink hair. Setting her suitcase next to get, she glanced around to see who was there already, not many people were there. She sat back ing her seta and got ut her i pod to listen to some music as she waited for everyone to get there. As she turned her music up she spotted Paul was there, she blushed a bit.

(Sarah's shirt Sarah's pants Sarah's shoes )
The zanex that amber had taken was warring off. She began to pant and her heart beat raced. "Oh my God! I don't want to get on that dam plane!" She ran over to Paul and snuggled up next to him. Jin was in the bathroom so he wasn't there to comfort her. Paul was her best friend and she always went to him. "I didn't even take a plane on the way to America! I took a boat that went 20 miles an hour!" Amber set her head on Paul's lap. " me!" she said desperatly. Amber took a couple more zanex even though she wasn't supposed to.

She was wearing a tiny belly shirt and jeans that let her bikini bottom stick out the top. She was looking pretty sluttish but what did she care? She found some skittles and looked at the clock. "One more damn hour until the flight..." she put her head down and pouted in Paul's arm.

(By the way there already at the air port, in case you guys didn't get the last post...)
(Sorry about that, I didn't see it.)

Sarah saw how nervous Amber was and wanted to help. She walked over, tugging her suitcas behind her and sat next to Amber "It will be okay Amber, nothing to worry about." she said softly, patting Amber's back. "Don't worry about a thing." she continued, "Nothing will happen." she smiled, hopping that she had helped. Sarah sighes as she heard her say there was an hour left before the flight, she was trying think of what they were going to do for the next hour.
Amber's face light up with a smile. Thank you so so much!"amber wrapped her arms around Sarah. "By the way, I love your hair! Could you dy mine?" Amber sat happily next to Sarah even though she was still nervous. Amber reached for her i-pod and listened to techno music. She got up and started dancing in the middle of the air port. It was a great way to pass time and it releived her stress. She got a lot of good and bad looks. Good looks because she was wearing a skimpy out fit, and bad looks because not many people agreed with her whore cotour.
"Your welcome." Sarah said, watching Amber get up and start to dance. She giggled as Amber got many looks form people all around her. Relizing that Amber had asked her a question, she forced herself to stop laughing "Sure, what color?" she asked. She loved it when people asked her to do there hair, sinc;e she wanted to be a hair dresser when she grew up and got into beauty school after high school. Continuing to giggle, she sometimes glanced at Paul every now and again.
Heather stopped dancing and giggled as Sarah asked her what color. "Ummmm...bright blue!" She continued dancing and stopped when Jin came back from the bathroom. Jin didn't like it when amber drew attention to her self in public. He liked his girl to be touched by him and no one else.. Trying to hide the fact that she was belly dancing in public she said, "hi baby!" She sat on the bench and put her head down.

"What were you doing amber!?" Jin said. "You know I don't like it when people stare at you."

"Sorry, I just... I got bored, that's all."

Amber put her head down and snuggled next to her controlling boyfriend. She hated how he ordered her around but its not like she could just say 'its over.' He imagrated to America with her after all.
Flower watched the girl snuggle with her boy friend. Not wanting to seem rude she looked away. The kids stared at her but she didn't care. She took a deep breath and looked up. She wasn't a witch, but no one would listen to her. Why should they? When she speaks no one wants to hear her for fear it's a curse. No she'll stay silent for the time being.
Amber looked at the clock. It was time to get on the plane. "Yay! Its time to go!" She wasn't nervous any more due to her zanex over dose. She grabbed her bag and linked arms with Jin. She walked through the tarmac and into the plane. She took her seat and had fun talking and stuff. She buckled her belt and plane took off. Amber was lolly from the zanex and fell asleep with her head on Jin's arm.
Ali strided onto the plane confidently, she turned her head slightly to look at her sister - who was trailing behind with Paul - and frowned lightly, who would she sit with? All of her 'friends' were back at school, they couldn't afford or didn't get the priority for this trip. She looked over and her eyes caught onto that girl..what was her name...Naomi? She gave a glance to her sister, who had sat beside Paul - infront of Amber and her boyfriend - and decided next to Naomi was her only option. She shrugged and walked confidently over to her, sitting down beside her like she owned the plane. "Hey."

Naomi had walked onto the plane with a strange sense of supernatural. It was like she was walking into her parent's death. Unlike you would think, she wasn't scared nor frightened. She was intrigued. Would this plane crash? Would she be able to meet her parents in heaven? She didn't know. In an odd way, she wanted it to crash. She would much rather be up in the heavens with her real parents than in the situation she was in right now with her foster parents. She heard a thud beside her and the overwhelming smell of expensive perfume hit her nostrils, "Hey." She flicked her eyes to the side without moving to see that - of all people - Ali Castle had sat next to her. She rolled her eyes and focused on out the window, "Hello." "Oh my god, you actually talk." Naomi looked at her, "Been doing it since I was 2" Ali glared at her, "No need to be sarcastic. You just don't talk to, like, anyone." Naomi rolled her eyes in full vision of Ali, "Why talk to people when I have nothing to say?" Ali blinked, she had got her there. She 'pfft'ed' and looked away, the bi**hy look in her eyes coming back as she glanced over to Lia. Naomi cast her direction back out the window, why did Ali have to come sit next to her of all people?

Lia sat next to Paul once they had gotten on the plane, taking their seats infront of Amber and Jin. She looked over as Flower walked onboard, she waved her hand in the air with a smile, "Hey Flower, come sit over here!" She knew the girl's name because of the rumours of her being a 'witch' Of course, she didn't know if they were true or not. But it was most likely not, and why exile a girl because of other people being a bi**h to her? Ali rolled her eyes as her sister waved over the witch girl.
Waking back up slightly, Amber began to freak out. She started to sweet and her breathing was heavy. She squeezed Jin's hand, almost cutting if with her nails. "Oh God! I hats planes!! What if we crash!" Amber looked at every one else. They seemed fine. Jin stared at her with a bizarre expression. "What the hells wrong with you, amber?!" Amber stared at him, her eyes, slits. She bit her lip and stared at him. "You want to know what nh problem is Jin?! You! Your my problem! I'm not perfect!" Amber whiped her hand around and smacked Jin. She angrily stood up and stomped to the back of the plane while muttering angrily go her self. She sat in the very back of the plane and pulled out her i-pod. She was furious.
Flower looked at the girl that offered her to sit by her. She sat down beside the girl and looked at the the two's little fight. She looked at the ground after that. She put her hair behind her ear as she glanced around. She looked at the happy faces and the sad ones. Even the ones nervous of having her on the plane. They were sure something bad was going to happen. (I'm so mean! Poor flower. TT^TT)
Amber looked out her window. The ocean was beautiful. But out of no where, a light fog covered the plane. It slowly grew heavier and she could no longer see our of the window. "Oh God! Were going to crash!" Amber ran back to her seat and held Jin tight. Jin seemed happy to have Amber back. He looked out the window. "What the hell? What's with the fog?" With that the plane hit turbulence. The plane shook slightly. Amber almost passed out. The turbulence grew worse and now they were being flung around. Amber didn't have her belt on so she got flung into the isle. Out of know where the plans tipped to the right and hit the ground. The entire right wing was blown off. She herd a couple of other tiny explosions go off. She got up and tried to get balanced. It was hard because the plane was tilted. Amber got a couple of bruises and cuts. She looked around to see the rest of the people. The plane was totaled. And could no longer fly. Where did they crash?
Flower looked terrified when it happened. Then all of a sudden people were blaming her?! She looked at them all even a few people who didn't believe she was a witch. She was on the ground and she started to cry. " wasn't me!" She yelled, why the heck would she do this? Just to strand herself with them? They were just looking for someone to blame and being the girl accused of being a witch it just had to be her. She looked at them all.

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