Stranded [Inactive]


The Apple Queen
AngelSariel submitted a new role play:

Stranded - Your job is to survive... Will the insanity get to you?

The only thing you can think about clearly. The heat is so intense your skin feels as if it's melting off, and your eyes and lungs burn with thick black smoke. You hear others doing the same, stumbling around blindly groping for something to rescue them from the heat. The tears streaming from your eyes prevent you from seeing anything but blurry shadows, but in the midst of the chaos you see a spot lighter then that of the area around it. You head for that patch of light, praying its a...
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Claire's vision clouded with a hazy gray and black smoke, it was thick and stung her eyes as she walked through it. It had all happened so fast, the plane just... She coughed, but the more smoke she breathed in the worse it got, finding herself unable to stop.

She squinted painfully through the blinding air, spotting the exit sign, the door was slightly cracked open and she scrambled towards it. Claire clumsily tripped over a body laying on the floor, and she almost turned around to apologize, but her body wouldn't allow her to, she needed to exit this death chamber.

Claire shoved the exit door open with a mighty push, and it gave way, sending her falling out of it, landing on the sand with a soft thud. Air! She choked before she began gulping in fresher air, gasping in relief. Moving away from the plane she sat a few yards away in the sand, finally beginning to catch her breath.

Turning her dull green eyes towards the plane her eyebrows furrowed, she was too shocked to cry, too shocked to scream, too shocked to think, it all felt like a bad nightmare that she was supposed to wake up from. A sharp pain brought her back to reality and she looked down at her side, a jagged piece of the plane about the size of two fingers put together, had gone through her blood soaked gray t-shirt and into her skin.

"Shit," She cursed under her breath, biting her lower lip to keep herself from crying out in pain. She wanted to rip the shard of metal out, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.
Vick was laying in the shore as the water washed upon him. He woke up, the last thing he could remember was the plane going down. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a fridge from the plane. And a few others by it. He opened the fridge, cracking open a beer as he took a deep breath.

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Samantha heard a small thud off in the distance, but she merely turned her head, wishing for silence. The sound was only in her dreams of course. Whatever her dream was, though, it was hot. Too hot. Samantha fluttered her eyelids open only to close them quickly as a burst of hot air and ash stung her face. What was going on? Hadn't she just been dozing off in first class waiting for her second pillow. Whatever had happened, Samantha became aware of excruciating pain in her right arm. She looked down at it, but quickly turned away, not liking the sight of her own blood.

Was she still on the plane? With her eyes still closed, Samantha pushed her way out of her seat and onto the center aisle. She could feel another body sprawled on the ground next to her as she crawled, but she dare not open her mouth for fear that she would inhale the ash in the air. Squinting, she saw an exit sign and dragged her body over to it, pushing as hard as she could with one hand against the door. Finally, it swung open and she fell out of the door and onto soft sand. Squinting, Samantha pulled herself away from the plane until her legs gave out. Panting, she finally drew the courage to look at her arm. Thankfully there was nothing embedded into it, just a lot of deep cuts and scratches which she also noticed the on her legs. The gash on her right arm was the biggest.

"Oh my god" she squealed softly, throat cracking, as she stared down at the dark red liquid. She noticed her hands were shaking and tried to calm herself but to no avail.
Vick sat on the beach, drinking his beer, saying to himself "Cast away, great" he said as he saw bits of glass in his arm he began pulling it out.

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Remy laid on his back on the beach.

Get up, you'll be late for our wedding like you're always late,
Madeline's voice rang through his head. "I'm fashionably late though", he muttered to the ghost. Why was he laying on the beach? The flight should have taken them to the city right? He's dreaming ... must be.

Nope, not a dream lover ... not even close ... you need to get up,
Her voice rang shrilly through his head again. "No....I'm tired..I think I'll just nap here for a bit, wake me when the plane lands", he whined.

But it has landed...oh it has..... His eyes shot open and the glare of the sun immediately blinded him. He reached up to shield his eyes with his left hand and pain short through his shoulder. Excruciating pain but it cleared his head, he snapped into focus. Using his other arm he pushed himself up and looked around at the scorched beach. Black smoke hazed around him and he could hear screaming. He forced himself to his feet and examined his shoulder...just a dislocation, miraculous. He shoved the shoulder back into place with a sickening "pop" and grunted at the pain. The screaming grew in pitch and he stumbled toward the bulk of the wreckage towards it. He could've believe how far he was thrown from could he still live? He was sure he had other injuries but his adrenaline was spiking, dulling all physical sensations. He finally reached the crashed and mangled plane and found the source of the screaming...
Claire watched a guy pass her on the beach, carrying a beer,

"Really?" She croaked, they were in a life or death situation and he grabbed a beer. She rolled her green eyes before grimacing as the blood from her wound in her side began to spread, turning the lower half of her gray t-shirt red.

Claire looked over at Samantha as she fell onto the sand,

"Are-" Her voice cracked,

"Are you okay?" She called out, her voice was hoarse from her burning throat. She coughed, choking on the polluted air.
Samantha shot her eyes open at the sound of another voice. She looked over and saw a girl about her age lying on the sand. Samantha slowly got on her knees surveying her surroundings. It looked like a smaller beach with lots of trees behind where the plane had crashed. She looked back over to the girl, meeting her green eyes with Samantha's own bright blue ones.

"Am I alright?" she said cynically under her breath. She cleared her throat and spoke more clearly, this time with a little more seriousness. "I'm fine. Couple of cuts but ill manage. Hopefully." Samantha looked at the girl more closely and came to a horrible realization. "Please tell me your shirt was red and gray when you bought it."
Claire ran a hand through her tangled, long auburn hair, blinking her forest green eyes, eyebrows furrowed in distress. She followed Samantha's gaze down to her shirt, were a jagged piece of the plane suck out of her side.

"I'm afraid not." She mumbled before looking up at the other girl,

"But-It's nothing really, I'm fine." She tried her best to reassure Samantha, but it felt as though she was also trying to reassure herself.
Samantha rolled her eyes and sighed, looking down at her arm before glaring back at the girl.

"Oh shut up." she proclaimed. Using her good arm she slowly picked herself up on the sand and stumbled over to the girl, kneeling next to her, staring down at her bloody shirt. "Alright then, tell me what to do," she stated bluntly, obviously disgusted by the blood. As much as she hated being nice to people, or helping them without rewards, there was no way she would let this girl sit in agonizing pain for longer than she had to.
Vick approached them, "Hey, more alive people, that's good. You guys okay?"

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When Sage woke up, the first thing she felt was sun pelting her arms and body. The heat she felt was a mixture of this, but was also due to the blood that was pooling from areas littering her arms and legs.

She gasped in pain as she sat up, the events of the plane crash fresh in her mind. She was now on an island, as far as she could tell, and she gave a tear filled outcry when she saw other survivors.

Sage's injuries became less important to her as she peered at the foliage around them, she was amazing at finding herbs and making them into concoctions to heal wounds fairly fast. But as this worry drew back, the rest heightened immensely.
It had all happened so quickly that Seth's mind could only remember flashes. The urgent voice of the pilot, the screams of people around him, watching the sky as the plane dropped, a sharp pain in his left wrist as it banged harshly against the side of the plane, and Adrenaline kicking in and helping to clear his mind to the present, Seth yanked off his safety belt and dashed out of the plane. Smoke filled his lungs and made his eyes water, but after some weaving and pushing he finally made it out into the blissfully clear air.

He fell onto his knees, hacking and coughing for a few minutes, but eventually it subsided. Seth winced as he used one arm to help get himself up and examined his left wrist. A huge bruise had formed over it. However, he didn't worry too much about it. It could have been a lot worse.

Seth finally looked around, assessing the situation. It seemed that he wasn't the only survivor; at the moment he spotted three girls and one guy. The male seemed just fine, almost nonchalant about the whole thing, which irritated Seth. His focus, however, quickly went to one of the girls, who seemed to be bleeding considerably. She at least needed something to help staunch the bleeding, and quick.

His eyes searched and took in everything until he finally noticed a busted open suitcase. Clothes and a thick towel were hanging out of it. He went over to it, grabbed the towel, and hurried back to the girls. "Here." he said shortly, holding it out.
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Claire turned to look at Vick as he approached, blinking her forest green eyes a few times, her vision seemed to blur a bit.

That was weird she thought coughing a few more times. The burning feeling in her throat made it uncomfortable, she watched as Samantha moved closer. Without looking at Vick she answered,

"I'm fine. It just hurts a little bit." Claire did her best to keep her voice from sounding shaky. She looked at Samantha's arm,

"You're hurt too." She commented, not wanting people to tend to her before they tended to themselves. But when she said it didn't hurt, that was a lie, she could barely move from her seated position without feeling in some much pain, enough to make her want to throw up.

Her clouded gaze drifted up to another survivor, a man. She studied him briefly, barely catching what he was saying, taking the towel she put it to the wound, the piece of metal still embedded into her side. She whimpered softly unable to hold it back,

"I just need to lay down, it'll feel better." She stated in a weak voice, painfully moving to a more comfortable position on her back. Her gaze turned towards the sky, and then she saw it. The massive unbrella of black smoke that had covered a good portion of the sky. She was still in shock. How could this have happened?
Samantha was leaning over the other girl when she heard a voice say "Here." She jerked her head up to find a boy about her age looking down at her. She cocked her head lightly and gazed down at the towel in his hand. After the other girl accepted the towel, Samantha stared at her.

"Here." She said, taking the towel from the girl and gently putting pressure on the wound with her good hand. Feeling something hard, she lifted the towel up. "Hey, there's a piece of metal here! We have to take it out, like, now or else it's gonna get infected!" she yelled, spazzing out.
"This is something. We survived a plane crash" Vick said as he sipped his beer.

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Seth winced at the girl's shouting and then gritted his teeth. There was something in the wound? Great. He tried to summon up any medical things he knew, but that wasn't much. ", don't take it out yet. If you do all of the blood will flow freely and there'll be no way to stop it. We need to find someone who can stitch her up afterward first, and then take it out. "
Claires gaze widened and she shook her head,

"No you can't!" She protested fearfully, that would hurt like heck. She didn't know if she could handle that, the very thought made her wince. She exhaled a soft sigh of relief as the boy known as Seth interrupted her little panic attack.

"Thank goodness..." She mumbled softly, staring from Samantha, to Vick, to Seth in one graceful sweep of her forest green eyes,

"I'm-I'm Claire." She breathed, introducing herself with a weak smile, she felt a bit dizzy, maybe from blood lose.

I'll be okay. She kept telling herself.
"Vick" he responded as nodded. Noticing his can was empty, he went back to the fridge grabbing another. "You guys want one?" He asked

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Samantha frowned at the boy with the towel. She didn't like to be wrong, but she knew that he was right. The girl faintly introduced herself as Claire. Samantha stared at the other boy with the can, glaring at him before returning her gaze to Claire.

"Hi Claire, I'm Samantha." She said very quickly. "Now that we're acquainted, maybe we could actually try doing something for her instead of just waiting around for a doctor to stitch her up!" She claimed, irritably to the boy. She took a deep breath and sighed, looking down at Claire.

"What if one of us stays with her while the others go find water or thread?" Samantha pitched calmly.
Remy stayed with the woman until she died. He heard voices coming from a few yards away but he couldn't leave her...when he tracked the screams to their source he knew immediately. A big chuck of metal had gone through her midsection, almost severing her in two. He held her had as she faded...."Its OK, close your eyes .. the rescue crew is here. you'll be home when you wake up", he lied to her softly. When her last breath fell out of her he closed her eyes, said a silent prayer, and stood up. He began making his way to the others.
"I guess I'll track down some water." Vick said as he walked towards the jungle

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Seth didn't bother giving his name; this was really not the time. "She's right. While he finds the water, we need to find medical supplies. ...all planes have first aid kits. If we're lucky there might be one either inside or strewn about somewhere."
Samantha nodded and glanced down at Claire.

"I'll stay with her, you go look for the medical supplies." she stated bluntly. "Oh, and check the back of the plane, they usually keep stuff there." Samantha mentioned before applying pressure back to Claire's wound. She tried to be gentle, but there was really no way of not hurting Claire since the piece of metal was still embedded in her skin.

"Oh, and get some bandages for me too." she added, looking at her own limp arm.
"check the luggage, and the plane for survivors if you think there is still some in there." Claire mumbled, her eyes fluttering closed, her long dark eyelashes caressed her pale cheek. Her eyebrows furrowed as pressure was applied to the wound,

"Are you okay?" She asked samantha without opening her eyes.

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