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Realistic or Modern Stranded (Always Accepting!)

"Hm... I don't know... How?" Anya questioned getting frustrated with herself and her constant thought of 'I'm stupidddd'
AceOfSpades0210 said:
"Just a bit of food, mostly filled with the documents you take with you for boarding." Noticing she was puffy eyed and shaky, he went back to one of the bags and fished out a bottle of water. They didn't have much, but that bit of information she didn't have to know til later. The initial shock of an accident, usually the hardest for people. He also grabbed the bag he assumed was hers, bringing it over to her and holding it out in front of her.
"Here, take one of the bottles I found, and I'm not sure if this is yours or not but might as well ask." Looking over her shoulder, he could see why she ended up this why. He'd grab it later, as part of the things he'd want families to see.
"Thank you." Olivia said gratefully before bringing the bottle to her lips to take a sip, she hadn't realized how much she had needed a drink. The water soothed her dry throat.

She took the black backpack which was covered in multicolored paint splatters. "Wow.. Thank you again." She said opening her bag, as she peered inside she remembered the majority of the stuff she had packed into her hand luggage was food. "Well at least we have some food." She smiled as she tilted her bag towards him to show a collection of junk food. Underneath the food was a few personal possessions. A smashed (beyond repair) phone, a purse full of useless money and her university paperwork.

"I think we're good for now." She said to Cyrus before looking down at her leg. "This will probably need sorting soon as well."
NightSky said:
"Thank you." Olivia said gratefully before bringing the bottle to her lips to take a sip, she hadn't realized how much she had needed a drink. The water soothed her dry throat.
She took the black backpack which was covered in multicolored paint splatters. "Wow.. Thank you again." She said opening her bag, as she peered inside she remembered the majority of the stuff she had packed into her hand luggage was food. "Well at least we have some food." She smiled as she tilted her bag towards him to show a collection of junk food. Underneath the food was a few personal possessions. A smashed (beyond repair) phone, a purse full of useless money and her university paperwork.

"I think we're good for now." She said to Cyrus before looking down at her leg. "This will probably need sorting soon as well."
"Ah, right!" Her injury had completely slipped past his mind, even though at the moment it should have been one of the top priorities. "Sorry I got distracted.." Cyrus trailed off as he scanned the area around them, spotting a patch of green right outside the plane's path of destruction. "There, how about there?" His hand pointing towards the clear spot. "It doesn't look messy, clean enough where we can dress the wound at least."
Phasma said:
"Hm... I don't know... How?" Anya questioned getting frustrated with herself and her constant thought of 'I'm stupidddd'
"Loud noises. Anything. Signal fires." Raja curled up and sighed. "I'm so tired."
"HEYYYYYY!" Anya screamed at the top of her lungs attempting to attract any more survivors to their area. "OVER HERE!" She added silencing near the end waiting for voices. "Well if that doesn't do anything, you should seriously sleep." Anya suggested falling flat on her back. "ugh, Im tired too." She giggled then sighed
AceOfSpades0210 said:
"Ah, right!" Her injury had completely slipped past his mind, even though at the moment it should have been one of the top priorities. "Sorry I got distracted.." Cyrus trailed off as he scanned the area around them, spotting a patch of green right outside the plane's path of destruction. "There, how about there?" His hand pointing towards the clear spot. "It doesn't look messy, clean enough where we can dress the wound at least."
"Oh, its okay." She said with a slight smile while holding her leg with her free hand. "It doesn't even hurt that much anymore." The pain had eased slightly but it still caused a throbbing pain through her thigh.

Her eyes followed to where he was pointing. "That looks like a good spot." She agreed while nodding her head, honestly she was ready to collapse right there but she held it together. After putting her bag on her back she began to limp to the green patch.
NightSky said:
"Oh, its okay." She said with a slight smile while holding her leg with her free hand. "It doesn't even hurt that much anymore." The pain had eased slightly but it still caused a throbbing pain through her thigh.
Her eyes followed to where he was pointing. "That looks like a good spot." She agreed while nodding her head, honestly she was ready to collapse right there but she held it together. After putting her bag on her back she began to limp to the green patch.
Cyrus watched her for a few moments, reassuring himself that she could get to the patch on her own. "She's got it, she said she could walk the 15 minutes earlier too.." He said to himself, trying not to psych himself out. He retrieved the First Aid kit he had put down earlier, and went to the bags with the food and water. He knew her injury most likely wasn't clean with all the moving he had her doing, so he bit his lips before grabbing rhe last bottle and heading to where she had her sit.

"Alright, I'm sorry that I don't have proper medical training for a situation like this, but we could at least try and dress that cut, right?" Cyrus gave her a half-hearted smile, being a bit unsure of himself but trying to maintain the confident look. Pulling out the roll of gauze, medical tape, and water bottle, he sat diagonal from her. "Unless you think you can do better.." Hoping to raise the mood with a challenge, he rose a brow and let out a small chuckle.
AceOfSpades0210 said:
Cyrus watched her for a few moments, reassuring himself that she could get to the patch on her own. "She's got it, she said she could walk the 15 minutes earlier too.." He said to himself, trying not to psych himself out. He retrieved the First Aid kit he had put down earlier, and went to the bags with the food and water. He knew her injury most likely wasn't clean with all the moving he had her doing, so he bit his lips before grabbing rhe last bottle and heading to where she had her sit.
"Alright, I'm sorry that I don't have proper medical training for a situation like this, but we could at least try and dress that cut, right?" Cyrus gave her a half-hearted smile, being a bit unsure of himself but trying to maintain the confident look. Pulling out the roll of gauze, medical tape, and water bottle, he sat diagonal from her. "Unless you think you can do better.." Hoping to raise the mood with a challenge, he rose a brow and let out a small chuckle.
Where are you guys?
AceOfSpades0210 said:
Cyrus watched her for a few moments, reassuring himself that she could get to the patch on her own. "She's got it, she said she could walk the 15 minutes earlier too.." He said to himself, trying not to psych himself out. He retrieved the First Aid kit he had put down earlier, and went to the bags with the food and water. He knew her injury most likely wasn't clean with all the moving he had her doing, so he bit his lips before grabbing rhe last bottle and heading to where she had her sit.
"Alright, I'm sorry that I don't have proper medical training for a situation like this, but we could at least try and dress that cut, right?" Cyrus gave her a half-hearted smile, being a bit unsure of himself but trying to maintain the confident look. Pulling out the roll of gauze, medical tape, and water bottle, he sat diagonal from her. "Unless you think you can do better.." Hoping to raise the mood with a challenge, he rose a brow and let out a small chuckle.
Even though it took slightly longer than Olivia would've liked she made it to the area they were told to wait at. As soon as she got there she almost collapsed onto the floor to sit down. That however was a bad decision. "Oww." She groaned as a sharp twang of pain rippled through her leg. "Probably should've done that a bit gentlier." She mumbled looking at her blood stained leg, the piece of glass wedged in her thigh was less visible now. She must've pushed it in further some how. Olivia hadn't had a proper chance to look at it yet. Honestly that was probably for the best, it was not a pretty sight.

"Do what you can." She said looking at the medical 'equipment' around Cyrus. "The only thing medical I've done is watch drama TV shows based in hospitals." She said laughing slightly at herself, the memory of her spending almost a whole summer watching TV shows flashed through her mind.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Where are you guys?

((In a clearing near the crashed plane.))
Phasma said:
"HEYYYYYY!" Anya screamed at the top of her lungs attempting to attract any more survivors to their area. "OVER HERE!" She added silencing near the end waiting for voices. "Well if that doesn't do anything, you should seriously sleep." Anya suggested falling flat on her back. "ugh, Im tired too." She giggled then sighed
Raja smiled. "I'll think of something. I just need time." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Funny, time is the only thing I don't have."
"You are not going to dieeeeee!" Anya whined sniffling. "If you die, I die." She pouted.
Phasma said:
"You are not going to dieeeeee!" Anya whined sniffling. "If you die, I die." She pouted.
"That's not how death works." Raja giggles. "I think you know that though." He opened one eye. "We should... Set up a flare."
"Oh but it does, I can make it that way. But anyway how do we make a flare?" Anya asked holding tears
NightSky said:
Even though it took slightly longer than Olivia would've liked she made it to the area they were told to wait at. As soon as she got there she almost collapsed onto the floor to sit down. That however was a bad decision. "Oww." She groaned as a sharp twang of pain rippled through her leg. "Probably should've done that a bit gentlier." She mumbled looking at her blood stained leg, the piece of glass wedged in her thigh was less visible now. She must've pushed it in further some how. Olivia hadn't had a proper chance to look at it yet. Honestly that was probably for the best, it was not a pretty sight.
"Do what you can." She said looking at the medical 'equipment' around Cyrus. "The only thing medical I've done is watch drama TV shows based in hospitals." She said laughing slightly at herself, the memory of her spending almost a whole summer watching TV shows flashed through her mind.
Cyrus watched her collapse and chuckled to himself, making his way there closely behind her. "You're still good to go, right?" Also pulling from the kit a pair of gloves and tweezers, he took in a deep breath. "Phew, alright. Don't scream, you'll scare the heck outta me if you do." It was almost a joke, almost.

Basic rule of first aid. Don't pull out any objects embedded into the skin, let the professionals handle that. He was just about to break that rule. Cyrus lightly washed over the wound with the water bottle, thinking less about it being the last bottle, and more that he better not screw this up. With the tweezers, he was just about ready to pull out the glass before he came to a halt. "Wait.. uh.." Looking around himself frantically, he tensed up before grabbing at the lower half of his shirt, tearing a small rag away from it. "Bite on this. I would've got you gauze, but we wouldn't have enough to wrap around your leg." He looked stupid in his torn up shirt, his appearance similar to a male in a crop top. "Better fabric than biting off your tongue." He continued with what he was doing, gently pulling out the glass and making sure no fragments were left behind. Then applying proper pressure in the surrounding area, until he pulled out a needle and thread. "You aren't afraid of these, are you?.."
Rodney had stood back for a few minutes, watching the boy interact with the girl who had wandered over. When the older guy, some kind of scientist he thought, returned to search the plane Rodney went searching for other survivors. He told them to stay put, not that the boy could have gone off on his own anyway.

"This is fucking stupid!" Rodney heard a woman shout, and he had to agree. He followed the voice, finding an Asian woman on her own.

"Hey! Are you okay?" He approached her, though he stopped a good distance away. He was aware his appearance could be rather intimidating; the muscle bound man was nearly 6'6".

AceOfSpades0210 said:
Cyrus watched her collapse and chuckled to himself, making his way there closely behind her. "You're still good to go, right?" Also pulling from the kit a pair of gloves and tweezers, he took in a deep breath. "Phew, alright. Don't scream, you'll scare the heck outta me if you do." It was almost a joke, almost.

Basic rule of first aid. Don't pull out any objects embedded into the skin, let the professionals handle that. He was just about to break that rule. Cyrus lightly washed over the wound with the water bottle, thinking less about it being the last bottle, and more that he better not screw this up. With the tweezers, he was just about ready to pull out the glass before he came to a halt. "Wait.. uh.." Looking around himself frantically, he tensed up before grabbing at the lower half of his shirt, tearing a small rag away from it. "Bite on this. I would've got you gauze, but we wouldn't have enough to wrap around your leg." He looked stupid in his torn up shirt, his appearance similar to a male in a crop top. "Better fabric than biting off your tongue." He continued with what he was doing, gently pulling out the glass and making sure no fragments were left behind. Then applying proper pressure in the surrounding area, until he pulled out a needle and thread. "You aren't afraid of these, are you?.."
"Yeah I'm good, just get it over and done with." She said taking in a deep breath, she honestly couldn't tell if she was scared or not. Right now she just wanted the pain to stop.

Olivia couldn't help but laugh at Cyrus as he looked so serious, she stopped laughing as she was handed a torn piece of cloth. She sighed, but took it anyway. She knew she would most likely need it. Before putting it into her mouth she managed to slip out a comment about his new fashion choices. "You know crop tops are like so last year." She giggled, she was oddly finding the current situation rather amusing.

As the glass was pulled out of her leg she squeezed her eyes tightly shut and bit down as hard as she could of the torn fabric, trying to not make any noises. If she did make any noises they would most likely be embarrassing squeaks or something ridiculous like that. After he had finished she let out an over-exaggerated sigh of relief.

"Nope." She said simply with a shrug. "The only thing I'm afraid of is you doing a bad job." She said smiling.
Phasma said:
"Oh but it does, I can make it that way. But anyway how do we make a flare?" Anya asked holding tears
Raja shrugged. "I don't know everything. Maybe we'd best search on foot. Or... I can't but you could."
"Are you sure it's fine for me to leave you?" Anya asked worried about Raja.

(Nooo Im cryinggg)
(Poor Rajaaaaa) "You're lying. I refuse to leave now." Anya said plopping down. "Im not going anywhere till youre okay.
NightSky said:
"Yeah I'm good, just get it over and done with." She said taking in a deep breath, she honestly couldn't tell if she was scared or not. Right now she just wanted the pain to stop.
Olivia couldn't help but laugh at Cyrus as he looked so serious, she stopped laughing as she was handed a torn piece of cloth. She sighed, but took it anyway. She knew she would most likely need it. Before putting it into her mouth she managed to slip out a comment about his new fashion choices. "You know crop tops are like so last year." She giggled, she was oddly finding the current situation rather amusing.

As the glass was pulled out of her leg she squeezed her eyes tightly shut and bit down as hard as she could of the torn fabric, trying to not make any noises. If she did make any noises they would most likely be embarrassing squeaks or something ridiculous like that. After he had finished she let out an over-exaggerated sigh of relief.

"Nope." She said simply with a shrug. "The only thing I'm afraid of is you doing a bad job." She said smiling.
"Oh yeah?" Responding to her comment about his clothes to try and keep some calm. "So how about me in a crop top? Think I look good enough to make it fashionable?" Cyrus started sewing up the leg, trying to make it the least noticeable as possible, while also trying not to be too rough or excess. "You're scaring me by expecting a bad job." With a small smile, he let out a sigh and applied pressure with a few layers of gauze, finishing by wrapping strips of tapr around her leg. "Should be good until it heals, I don't want you walking on it though. That trusty stick of yours is gonna be a lot more helpful."
AceOfSpades0210 said:
"Oh yeah?" Responding to her comment about his clothes to try and keep some calm. "So how about me in a crop top? Think I look good enough to make it fashionable?" Cyrus started sewing up the leg, trying to make it the least noticeable as possible, while also trying not to be too rough or excess. "You're scaring me by expecting a bad job." With a small smile, he let out a sigh and applied pressure with a few layers of gauze, finishing by wrapping strips of tapr around her leg. "Should be good until it heals, I don't want you walking on it though. That trusty stick of yours is gonna be a lot more helpful."
"Nope, not at all." Olivia said sarcastically. "I think you should stick to wearing items of clothing that do not look like they belong to a seven year old girl." She said with a giggle as he stitched up her leg, it didn't hurt too much just felt like someone constantly pinching her. She was thankful it was a bearable pain.

"At the state you're currently in a bad job is the only possible outcome right now." She said playfully as he sighed after finishing sewing. "Hey, it looks good when it's been covered up though."

Olivia looked over at the stick lying beside her. "I reckon he needs a name, 'trusty stick' doesn't really have a nice ring to it."

((Sorry about the less detailed posts at the moment, I'm probably going to go to sleep soon.))
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