Straight Camp?! (LGBTQ+ RP)


The New Boy Wonder
Appearance: (picture, No anime)


Age: (13-19.)


Gender identity:


Brief bio (at least 2 paragraphs) :


Name: Jonathan Matthews

Age: 17

Sexuality: gay

Gender identity: male

Personality: Jonathan is shy when you first start talking to him but after a while he'll warm up to you. He's very talkative but sometimes he worries about what to say.

He's a joker. His humor is kinda crude and rude but he doesn't usually mean anything he says. He's a pretty easy going guy unless you mess with people he cares about and then he becomes kinda aggressive. He's not a very violent person but sometimes he just has to let it out.

Bio: Raised in a conservative Christian family Jonathan was raised to believe that anyone who had same-sex attractions where abominations in the eyes of The Lord and would immediately be struck down with a ball of fire.

When he was in about 7th grade he started to realize that he liked boys in a more than just friends kind of way. He was a freshman in high school before he acted on any of these desires. He and one of his friends at the time started having and on again off again friends with benefits relationship until Jonathan's mother caught him in the act.

He was banned from seeing the other boy and was told to either repent and seek forgiveness or leave. He decided to 'repent'. His parents soon found out that he was fooling around with another boy and he was sent to this camp specializing in "conversion therapy."
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Appearance: (picture, No anime)


Saru Izumaki

Age: 16



Gender identity: male


To most that don't know him Saru can come off as shy. Preferring to be with small groups instead of large and speaking mostly to those he knows. However that is only to those who don't know him. To those that do they know he is actually very talkative and affectionate but has a lot of trust issues. They also know just how adventures and quirky he is. He likes being outside and hated being inside especially small spaces. Yet, he has a large heart and loves animals. Especially babies which extend to kids who he gets along great with. Probably because he tends to spoil them. Though they aren't wrong about him being shy they also aren't totally right either.

Brief bio (at least 2 paragraphs) :

Saru grew up in a very strict house hold as the third of five kids. His parents were doctors and expected the best from them all. Especially him considering he was adopted. Having been so at birth. They pushed them to and beyond their limits and wanted them to marry people that would help their futures. By the time his elder brother was eleven they were already arranging ways to get him together with the daughter of a richer colleague.

He really wasn't surprised when three years later his brother broke and began doing drugs. His parents disowned him.

At thirteen when he discovered he was gay his parents weren't the first ones he came out to. Mostly because of their hatred of homosexuals and as they were already trying to set him up with someone. Instead he came out to the strange group of friends he had gathered since childhood and soon found out he wasn't the only one and they already knew. Apparently only three out of his thirteen friends were really straight and he was obvious. After that he grew a lot closer to them and they became like his family. The one he wished he had. They even allowed him to stay with them when his parents were going psycho.

At sixteen he had no plans to come out to any one in his family and was really careful going so far as to fake date his friend Chelsy who was dating another girl named Micheal. After a long but fun week at his friends house he took a nap and totally forgot about the picture Chelsy took during a game of truth or dare where he was kissing their friend Charles on his phone. It's just his luck that his parents liked snooping on his phone. After they found out they freaked and immediately sent him to the place he was currently at.

[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Appearance: (picture, No anime)

Saru Izumaki

Age: 16



Gender identity: male


To most that don't know him Saru can come off as shy. Preferring to be with small groups instead of large and speaking mostly to those he knows. However that is only to those who don't know him. To those that do they know he is actually very talkative and affectionate but has a lot of trust issues. They also know just how adventures and quirky he is. He likes being outside and hated being inside especially small spaces. Yet, he has a large heart and loves animals. Especially babies which extend to kids who he gets along great with. Probably because he tends to spoil them. Though they aren't wrong about him being shy they also aren't totally right either.

Brief bio (at least 2 paragraphs) :

Saru grew up in a very strict house hold as the third of five kids. His parents were doctors and expected the best from them all. Especially him considering he was adopted. Having been so at birth. They pushed them to and beyond their limits and wanted them to marry people that would help their futures. By the time his elder brother was eleven they were already arranging ways to get him together with the daughter of a richer colleague.

He really wasn't surprised when three years later his brother broke and began doing drugs. His parents disowned him.

At thirteen when he discovered he was gay his parents weren't the first ones he came out to. Mostly because of their hatred of homosexuals and as they were already trying to set him up with someone. Instead he came out to the strange group of friends he had gathered since childhood and soon found out he wasn't the only one and they already knew. Apparently only three out of his thirteen friends were really straight and he was obvious. After that he grew a lot closer to them and they became like his family. The one he wished he had. They even allowed him to stay with them when his parents were going psycho.

At sixteen he had no plans to come out to any one in his family and was really careful going so far as to fake date his friend Chelsy who was dating another girl named Micheal. After a long but fun week at his friends house he took a nap and totally forgot about the picture Chelsy took during a game of truth or dare where he was kissing their friend Charles on his phone. It's just his luck that his parents liked snooping on his phone. After they found out they freaked and immediately sent him to the place he was currently at.



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Lucky McLaren

(previously Lucy McLaren)





Gender identity:

Male, Trans, FTM.


Lucky is an extremely outgoing young man and is one of the kindest people you'll meet. Whenever someone around him is in need of help he'll usually be the first to offer it. This kid is the polar opposite of shy, he speaks his mind about anything and everything, is not afraid to talk about subjects others might consider "private" and has no problem getting partially to completely naked around anyone at all. He's musically gifted, he can play many different instruments, can sing, and is a great songwriter. Lucky loves to be with other people, and he's the exact opposite about being alone. He needs people in his life in order to function, his biggest fears are abandonment and seclusion.

Brief bio:

When Lucky was a baby his parents split up, his mother got him, the house, and the furniture and Dad got to keep the car, dog and the home theatre system. Lucky never met his father after that, and that was no problem for him. Lucky knew from a young age that his gender was not in alignment to what he had been assigned to at birth, and at five years old his transition was officially started. His mother was the parent you always hope to have when in a situation like this, proud, understanding, and supportive.

Fast forward 12 years and you get to Lucky's current situation. His mom tragically lost a six year battle with skin cancer and now he's being shipped off to live with dad, a man whom he has never met once in his life. At first Lucky was excited to meet his father finally, but when he did it was nothing like he wanted it to be. Lucky's father was the perfect example of an ignorant bigot, he refused to call his nearly fully transitioned son by the name "Lucky" no matter how many times he was asked to. He only let him purchase clothes from the women's section of stores when he took Lucky shopping, referred to him as a female and sent him off "pansy camp" as he liked to call it.

Lucky isn't mad about this though, he realizes this is how the world works, no matter how hard you try to fight for equality and rights there will always be assholes who disagree. He's actually looking forward to going to camp, not for the anti LGTBQ+ nonsense but for the other campers he's going to meet that are just like him. Lucky was home schooled all his life and has hardly ever hung around people his own age let alone other queer kids.

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Freezingcake said:




Lucky McLaren

(previously Lucy McLaren)





Gender identity:

Male, Trans, FTM.


Lucky is an extremely outgoing young man and is one of the kindest people you'll meet. Whenever someone around him is in need of help he'll usually be the first to offer it. This kid is the polar opposite of shy, he speaks his mind about anything and everything, is not afraid to talk about subjects others might consider "private" and has no problem getting partially to completely naked around anyone at all. He's musically gifted, he can play many different instruments, can sing, and is a great songwriter. Lucky loves to be with other people, and he's the exact opposite about being alone. He needs people in his life in order to function, his biggest fears are abandonment and seclusion.

Brief bio:

When Lucky was a baby his parents split up, his mother got him, the house, and the furniture and Dad got to keep the car, dog and the home theatre system. Lucky never met his father after that, and that was no problem for him. Lucky knew from a young age that his gender was not in alignment to what he had been assigned to at birth, and at five years old his transition was officially started. His mother was the parent you always hope to have when in a situation like this, proud, understanding, and supportive.

Fast forward 12 years and you get to Lucky's current situation. His mom tragically lost a six year battle with skin cancer and now he's being shipped off to live with dad, a man whom he has never met once in his life. At first Lucky was excited to meet his father finally, but when he did it was nothing like he wanted it to be. Lucky's father was the perfect example of an ignorant bigot, he refused to call his nearly fully transitioned son by the name "Lucky" no matter how many times he was asked to. He only let him purchase clothes from the women's section of stores when he took Lucky shopping, referred to him as a female and sent him off "I'm uncultured camp" as he liked to call it.

Lucky isn't mad about this though, he realizes this is how the world works, no matter how hard you try to fight for equality and rights there will always be assholes who disagree. He's actually looking forward to going to camp, not for the anti LGTBQ+ nonsense but for the other campers he's going to meet that are just like him. Lucky was home schooled all his life and has hardly ever hung around people his own age let alone other queer kids.


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fc: Daniel Sharman

Xander Holmus | 19 | Homosexual | Male


He comes off as cocky, flirty, sarcastic and confident, even snarky with a bit of a dangerous edge, and some of this even lingers over when he’s on his own. He was abused by his father verbally and physically and came to be very defensive about his beliefs and practices. This also might be why Xander is more prone to violence. While he can control his anger and keep himself from doing anything too rash, his first solution to almost any situation is to grab what he wants or needs and beat up whomever is in his way to get what he wants. He is not sadistic and doesn’t enjoy inflicting pain, but he also has no problem with seeing it as a means to an end.

Xander also longs for affection. His first assumption when someone tells him to be careful is that they don’t want him to screw something up. He doesn’t tend to expect them to be legitimately concerned for him. For that reason when someone tells him they care in any shape or form he is usually awed and joyful. He has trouble trusting people and often doesn't have one person he feels he can trust. This is also why he’s intensely loyal to those he feels he can trust and is eager to look tough and capable in front of them, but also wanting them to be safe. He wants them to be able to see and appreciate his value, and cement his place in a group that cares for him.

To those not within his group of friends, or people he generally knows, he likely will be somewhat abrasive at times, and try to keep up a veneer of cockiness and self-assurance. He is extremely defensive about his sexuality, and because of this he is even more prone to breaking the firmly cemented rules of the compound his father placed him in.

Brief bio :

Xander hardly shares his backstory, he usually keeps it brief and to the point. Xander knew he was gay from a very young age, girls always grossed him out, and when he looked at photos of people kissing, he was always confused when there was a man and a women, and not two men. When Xander was in junior high his highly conservative father found out he was homosexual. He had a boyfriend named James, and his father walked in on the two of them making out. That was when the abuse began. His father started by slapping him, that quickly converted into throwing things at, and beating the shit out of him. Soon, Xander became a walking bruise and instead of becoming more submissive towards his fathers antics, he became more stubborn, and when Xander turned eighteen, his father found him with another boy, and that was the last straw. Before Xander could even open his mouth to argue his dad was sending him off to Straight Camp.

He just recently turned Nineteen, and his year in the straight camp has been for nothing. He has become on name basis with "Mr.B." and spends most of his time in solitary because he finds the art of seducing the (taught) repressed camp members amusing, and because he has no job, no money, and no home he doesn't really have a choice other then stay in the camp until they deem him heterosexual.

Okay 1) Xander is fucking glorious and I love him, thank you for making him Socky-sock and 2) We have a major lack of ladies as of now, would you want me to make an additional female character to help with this? Because it's no bother for me.
Sock said:

fc: Daniel Sharman

Xander Holmus | 19 | Homosexual | Male


He comes off as cocky, flirty, sarcastic and confident, even snarky with a bit of a dangerous edge, and some of this even lingers over when he’s on his own. He was abused by his father verbally and physically and came to be very defensive about his beliefs and practices. This also might be why Xander is more prone to violence. While he can control his anger and keep himself from doing anything too rash, his first solution to almost any situation is to grab what he wants or needs and beat up whomever is in his way to get what he wants. He is not sadistic and doesn’t enjoy inflicting pain, but he also has no problem with seeing it as a means to an end.

Xander also longs for affection. His first assumption when someone tells him to be careful is that they don’t want him to screw something up. He doesn’t tend to expect them to be legitimately concerned for him. For that reason when someone tells him they care in any shape or form he is usually awed and joyful. He has trouble trusting people and often doesn't have one person he feels he can trust. This is also why he’s intensely loyal to those he feels he can trust and is eager to look tough and capable in front of them, but also wanting them to be safe. He wants them to be able to see and appreciate his value, and cement his place in a group that cares for him.

To those not within his group of friends, or people he generally knows, he likely will be somewhat abrasive at times, and try to keep up a veneer of cockiness and self-assurance. He is extremely defensive about his sexuality, and because of this he is even more prone to breaking the firmly cemented rules of the compound his father placed him in.

Brief bio :

Xander hardly shares his backstory, he usually keeps it brief and to the point. Xander knew he was gay from a very young age, girls always grossed him out, and when he looked at photos of people kissing, he was always confused when there was a man and a women, and not two men. When Xander was in junior high his highly conservative father found out he was homosexual. He had a boyfriend named James, and his father walked in on the two of them making out. That was when the abuse began. His father started by slapping him, that quickly converted into throwing things at, and beating the shit out of him. Soon, Xander became a walking bruise and instead of becoming more submissive towards his fathers antics, he became more stubborn, and when Xander turned eighteen, his father found him with another boy, and that was the last straw. Before Xander could even open his mouth to argue his dad was sending him off to Straight Camp.

He just recently turned Nineteen, and his year in the straight camp has been for nothing. He has become on name basis with "Mr.B." and spends most of his time in solitary because he finds the art of seducing the (taught) repressed camp members amusing, and because he has no job, no money, and no home he doesn't really have a choice other then stay in the camp until they deem him heterosexual.


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One word cutie!! Btw I love that u used the actor that played isaac from teen wolf.

Sock said:

fc: Daniel Sharman

Xander Holmus | 19 | Homosexual | Male


He comes off as cocky, flirty, sarcastic and confident, even snarky with a bit of a dangerous edge, and some of this even lingers over when he’s on his own. He was abused by his father verbally and physically and came to be very defensive about his beliefs and practices. This also might be why Xander is more prone to violence. While he can control his anger and keep himself from doing anything too rash, his first solution to almost any situation is to grab what he wants or needs and beat up whomever is in his way to get what he wants. He is not sadistic and doesn’t enjoy inflicting pain, but he also has no problem with seeing it as a means to an end.

Xander also longs for affection. His first assumption when someone tells him to be careful is that they don’t want him to screw something up. He doesn’t tend to expect them to be legitimately concerned for him. For that reason when someone tells him they care in any shape or form he is usually awed and joyful. He has trouble trusting people and often doesn't have one person he feels he can trust. This is also why he’s intensely loyal to those he feels he can trust and is eager to look tough and capable in front of them, but also wanting them to be safe. He wants them to be able to see and appreciate his value, and cement his place in a group that cares for him.

To those not within his group of friends, or people he generally knows, he likely will be somewhat abrasive at times, and try to keep up a veneer of cockiness and self-assurance. He is extremely defensive about his sexuality, and because of this he is even more prone to breaking the firmly cemented rules of the compound his father placed him in.

Brief bio :

Xander hardly shares his backstory, he usually keeps it brief and to the point. Xander knew he was gay from a very young age, girls always grossed him out, and when he looked at photos of people kissing, he was always confused when there was a man and a women, and not two men. When Xander was in junior high his highly conservative father found out he was homosexual. He had a boyfriend named James, and his father walked in on the two of them making out. That was when the abuse began. His father started by slapping him, that quickly converted into throwing things at, and beating the shit out of him. Soon, Xander became a walking bruise and instead of becoming more submissive towards his fathers antics, he became more stubborn, and when Xander turned eighteen, his father found him with another boy, and that was the last straw. Before Xander could even open his mouth to argue his dad was sending him off to Straight Camp.

He just recently turned Nineteen, and his year in the straight camp has been for nothing. He has become on name basis with "Mr.B." and spends most of his time in solitary because he finds the art of seducing the (taught) repressed camp members amusing, and because he has no job, no money, and no home he doesn't really have a choice other then stay in the camp until they deem him heterosexual.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/emo_boy-hair.jpg.92d81dd558f78231424f84227b9ac0ac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/emo_boy-hair.jpg.92d81dd558f78231424f84227b9ac0ac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Elliot DeMeulle

Age: 17

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender identity: Gender Neutral (prefers “They” or “Him” with pronouns)

Personality: Eli comes off as an aloof person, one that’s not keen to small talk. Their looks and habitual ‘glares’ doesn’t help his case either, even though 75% of the time, he really isn’t mad at anything. They’re the type of person that would rather have other people keep the conversation going rather than have all the attention on him, but he’ll crack a joke every now and then to let people know they’re still paying attention. Despite his intimidating looks, he’s a chill person that doesn’t mind being around people, the ones they can tolerate at least. To his friends, he’s caring and willing to help them when needed.

Brief bio: As a young child, Elliot didn’t seem…..normal like the other kids. One day, he may be playing baseball with the boys, and the next, they’ll be seen playing dress-up with the girls. His parents were wary of this strange behavior, but decided to let it go since they were only a child. Over the years, these behaviors didn’t disappear like his parents hoped they would, so when he was 15 years old, they took him to Conversion Therapy, hoping they would “cure their illness”.

This also happened to be the time where Eli discovered that he may not just like people of the opposite gender, but at the same time, he never thought of themself as only a guy, nor just a girl. He was just himself. They also came to that same conclusion with the people around him. He never saw a guy or a girl, they just saw a person.

The conversion therapy didn’t “cure” Eli’s so-called illness (Was he ever broken to begin with…?). The only thing the therapy helped with was helping him think of clever ways to avoid his parents whenever they wanted to go out in a dress or put on makeup. Though one night, Eli was caught making out with his most recent lover, a guy this time, by his parents, and he happened to be wearing one of his less modest dresses that night as well. Their parents were furious. After all the money they spend on him to help fix him, and he went behind their backs and did these….atrocious actions. A couple days later, they discovered this “Straight Camp” that could fix anyone that went there and signed up Eli in a heart beat. Elliot sure as hell knew nothing was wrong with him, but anything was better than being around their parents all summer, even if that meant going to Hell and back.



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MemoriesUnknown said:
View attachment 125310
Name: Elliot DeMeulle

Age: 17

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender identity: Genderqueer (prefers “They” or “Him” with pronouns)

Personality: Eli comes off as an aloof person, one that’s not keen to small talk. Their looks and habitual ‘glares’ doesn’t help his case either, even though 75% of the time, he really isn’t mad at anything. They’re the type of person that would rather have other people keep the conversation going rather than have all the attention on him, but he’ll crack a joke every now and then to let people know they’re still paying attention. Despite his intimidating looks, he’s a chill person that doesn’t mind being around people, the ones they can tolerate at least. To his friends, he’s caring and willing to help them when needed.

Brief bio: As a young child, Elliot didn’t seem…..normal like the other kids. One day, he may be playing baseball with the boys, and the next, they’ll be seen playing dress-up with the girls. His parents were wary of this strange behavior, but decided to let it go since they were only a child. Over the years, these behaviors didn’t disappear like his parents hoped they would, so when he was 15 years old, they took him to Conversion Therapy, hoping they would “cure their illness”.

This also happened to be the time where Eli discovered that he may not just like people of the opposite gender, but at the same time, he never thought of themself as only a guy, nor just a girl. He was just himself. They also came to that same conclusion with the people around him. He never saw a guy or a girl, they just saw a person.

The conversion therapy didn’t “cure” Eli’s so-called illness (Was he ever broken to begin with…?). The only thing the therapy helped with was helping him think of clever ways to avoid his parents whenever they wanted to go out in a dress or put on makeup. Though one night, Eli was caught making out with his most recent lover, a guy this time, by his parents, and he happened to be wearing one of his less modest dresses that night as well. Their parents were furious. After all the money they spend on him to help fix him, and he went behind their backs and did these….atrocious actions. A couple days later, they discovered this “Straight Camp” that could fix anyone that went there and signed up Eli in a heart beat. Elliot sure as hell knew nothing was wrong with him, but anything was better than being around their parents all summer, even if that meant going to Hell and back.

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(I know, eyes are closed, but they're a blue/grey colour)

Name: Toni April

Age: 16

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender Identity: Gender fluid, gender neutral.

Personality: Toni is quite, really. They watch more than they act, and speak only when spoken to or when they have something they really need to say. Some people have thought they're scared of everything, but it's actually the opposite. Toni is brave and won't back down from a challenge if one's put in front of them unless it's very obvious the fight would be a suicide mission. They also tend to fight more with words than fists, and keeps a mostly calm and quite attitude no matter what's going on. More introverted than extroverted, Toni would rather read a book or draw than play sports or gossip, but with the right person they'll open up and talk more.

Brief Bio: Toni was born to a very Catholic family and born Tonya April, the youngest and only girl of four kids. From a young age, Toni always spent lots of one with their brothers, and since both parents work a lot Toni was basically raised by their brothers. Money hadn't been a major issue, but Toni got most of their clothes as hand-me-downs. They didn't see a problem with it, and embraced being with their brothers and wearing their old clothes completely. When Toni started going to school, they called themself Toni instead of Tonya because that's what their brother called them, and everything was ok.

In about third grade, Toni got in a lot of trouble for going into the boys' bathroom several times in one week. Of course, Toni didn't see a problem with it, but the teachers were concerned because a 'girl' was using the boys' bathroom just as many times as the girls'. When Toni's parents were told, Toni was grounded and had to listen to a long explanation that girls went to the girls' room and boys to the boys'. This only confused Toni since gender didn't seem like anything at all to them, so they asked one of they're older brothers what to do. Thankfully he was more open and accepting of his sibling's situation, and explained that if they didn't feel like either a boy or a girl, or even both, that was ok, but to keep it secret. Toni did, and with help from their brother played the life of Tonya the daughter at home and got to be just Toni at school. Everything was fine again, until Toni's mother found all their boy clothes and called the school, finding out that Toni had been passing off as a quite, shy boy, never correcting any assumptions unless asked directly. Both of Toni's parents flipped, and that's when they got shipped off to the camp.
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Jacrezz said:

(I know, eyes are closed, but they're a blue/grey colour)

Name: Toni April

Age: 16

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender Identity: Gender fluid, gender neutral.

Personality: Toni is quite, really. They watch more than they act, and speak only when spoken to or when they have something they really need to say. Some people have thought they're scared of everything, but it's actually the opposite. Toni is brave and won't back down from a challenge if one's put in front of them unless it's very obvious the fight would be a suicide mission. They also tend to fight more with words than fists, and keeps a mostly calm and quite attitude no matter what's going on. More introverted than extroverted, Toni would rather read a book or draw than play sports or gossip, but with the right person they'll open up and talk more.

Brief Bio: Toni was born to a very Catholic family and born Tonya April, the youngest and only girl of four kids. From a young age, Toni always spent lots of one with their brothers, and since both parents work a lot Toni was basically raised by their brothers. Money hadn't been a major issue, but Toni got most of their clothes as hand-me-downs. They didn't see a problem with it, and embraced being with their brothers and wearing their old clothes completely. When Toni started going to school, they called themself Toni instead of Tonya because that's what their brother called them, and everything was ok.

In about third grade, Toni got in a lot of trouble for going into the boys' bathroom several times in one week. Of course, Toni didn't see a problem with it, but the teachers were concerned because a 'girl' was using the boys' bathroom just as many times as the girls'. When Toni's parents were told, Toni was grounded and had to listen to a long explanation that girls went to the girls' room and boys to the boys'. This only confused Toni since gender didn't seem like anything at all to them, so they asked one of they're older brothers what to do. Thankfully he was more open and accepting of his sibling's situation, and explained that if they didn't feel like either a boy or a girl, or even both, that was ok, but to keep it secret. Toni did, and with help from their brother played the life of Tonya the daughter at home and got to be just Toni at school. Everything was fine again, until Toni's mother found all their boy clothes and called the school, finding out that Toni had been passing off as a quite, shy boy, never correcting any assumptions unless asked directly. Both of Toni's parents flipped, and that's when they got shipped off to the camp.

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Appearance (picture, no anime):

Name: Ashley Burken

Age: (13-19.): 17

Sexuality: Lesbian

Gender identity: Female

Personality: Bubbly, very shy

Brief bio (at least 2 paragraphs):Ashley was always very confused when it came to her feelings towards people. She'd look at her family and think that the relationship her parents had was adorable. However, like many families, they are hardcore Christians who deem it a sin to even think about the same sex in a lustful way. Though, Ashley thought that because she was their daughter, they'd change their mind and accept her. Once she came out to her parents, she received backlash and hateful comments. They were so appalled at the idea of Ashley being a lesbian that they decided to send her away to a straight camp.

Despite this, Ashley had always been a fun loving girl, even if she was a bit shy when you first meet her. Her friends had always been long accepting of who she was and they made her feel comfortable and like everything was normal before she came out. Despite living in a conservative home, she'd always love and have fun with her parents and younger brother.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2a2c96fc_images(13).jpg.2e61ce4c5b168782b3f197f2a40b447c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2a2c96fc_images(13).jpg.2e61ce4c5b168782b3f197f2a40b447c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2a262e2b_images(13).jpg.17ebd3cee3a207138bf8e469511b2b71.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54577" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c2a262e2b_images(13).jpg.17ebd3cee3a207138bf8e469511b2b71.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Stipe Swithin






Gender identity:



Stipe is somewhat a Benvolio, he is kind and rarely fights, though he can get a little vicious in a fight. He likes to look out for other people. Stipe is a kind boy as long as you are not in his nuclear family. He may tell you secrets as long as you are not a part of is family. He is humorous and laughs a lot. He is an extroverted person. He has a slight hatred of Christianity and a big passion for science. Stipe also has a longing for love from somebody. He is really loyal to friends. He believes that family is a group of closely-knit people rather than two parents and their offspring. He is autistic and has a hard time speaking, though communication through any other means seams simple to him. He can stay concentrated for a while before getting bored.

Brief biography:

Stipe was born to a very conservative, Christian family. He had a sheltered life staying home most of the time except for going to a public school. At first, he was taught from media, his parents, and church that heterosexual relationships were the only good relationships. He kept this idea and was against LGBT rights believing that love was only for reproduction. However, when he got his own computer at the age of twelve, he then saw a whole new word. He saw a world that accepted freedom and rights and felt that he has been living his life wrong. Stipe went from being a bigoted, conservative person to being it's opposite. He then rather saw Christianity as a bunch of lies and secretly became atheist. Since he no longer had the anti-LGBT thoughts in his head, he started to realize that behind those thoughts was the love for both man and woman. As he had seen life beyond his home, his thoughts change greatly and grown.

Stipe had all these new thoughts in this head of his, but he kept it to himself. He knew that he would be probably disowned and thrown out of his home. He still went to the nearby church with his family, but he kept his atheist thoughts. His friends at school knew that he was bisexual, but no one in his family knew about him being that. He kept up with this act for nearly five years. It was when his parents found a pride flag for him from one of his friends that they found out. They sat him down and asked what was up with him and then he explained everything. His parents then decided that he should go to church more, but then Stipe said," screw your belief in lies, I love science." He didn't mean to say it like that, he rather wanted to say that he was atheist. It was too late though, they heard it and he knew now that it was time find a shady spot on the streets. However, his parents rather decided to send him to some camp to make him heterosexual.
OrenjiGatsu said:
Stipe Swithin






Gender identity:



Stipe is somewhat a Benvolio, he is kind and rarely fights, though he can get a little vicious in a fight. He likes to look out for other people. Stipe is a kind boy as long as you are not in his nuclear family. He may tell you secrets as long as you are not a part of is family. He is humorous and laughs a lot. He is an extroverted person. He has a slight hatred of Christianity and a big passion for science. Stipe also has a longing for love from somebody. He is really loyal to friends. He believes that family is a group of closely-knit people rather than two parents and their offspring. He is autistic and has a hard time speaking, though communication through any other means seams simple to him. He can stay concentrated for a while before getting bored.

Brief biography:

Stipe was born to a very conservative, Christian family. He had a sheltered life staying home most of the time except for going to a public school. At first, he was taught from media, his parents, and church that heterosexual relationships were the only good relationships. He kept this idea and was against LGBT rights believing that love was only for reproduction. However, when he got his own computer at the age of twelve, he then saw a whole new word. He saw a world that accepted freedom and rights and felt that he has been living his life wrong. Stipe went from being a bigoted, conservative person to being it's opposite. He then rather saw Christianity as a bunch of lies and secretly became atheist. Since he no longer had the anti-LGBT thoughts in his head, he started to realize that behind those thoughts was the love for both man and woman. As he had seen life beyond his home, his thoughts change greatly and grown.

Stipe had all these new thoughts in this head of his, but he kept it to himself. He knew that he would be probably disowned and thrown out of his home. He still went to the nearby church with his family, but he kept his atheist thoughts. His friends at school knew that he was bisexual, but no one in his family knew about him being that. He kept up with this act for nearly five years. It was when his parents found a pride flag for him from one of his friends that they found out. They sat him down and asked what was up with him and then he explained everything. His parents then decided that he should go to church more, but then Stipe said," screw your belief in lies, I love science." He didn't mean to say it like that, he rather wanted to say that he was atheist. It was too late though, they heard it and he knew now that it was time find a shady spot on the streets. However, his parents rather decided to send him to some camp to make him heterosexual.
[QUOTE="Alyssa Chamberlain]Appearance (picture, no anime):
Name: Ashley Burken

Age: (13-19.): 17

Sexuality: Lesbian

Gender identity: Female

Personality: Bubbly, very shy

Brief bio (at least 2 paragraphs):Ashley was always very confused when it came to her feelings towards people. She'd look at her family and think that the relationship her parents had was adorable. However, like many families, they are hardcore Christians who deem it a sin to even think about the same sex in a lustful way. Though, Ashley thought that because she was their daughter, they'd change their mind and accept her. Once she came out to her parents, she received backlash and hateful comments. They were so appalled at the idea of Ashley being a lesbian that they decided to send her away to a straight camp.

Despite this, Ashley had always been a fun loving girl, even if she was a bit shy when you first meet her. Her friends had always been long accepting of who she was and they made her feel comfortable and like everything was normal before she came out. Despite living in a conservative home, she'd always love and have fun with her parents and younger brother.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/e001f3db74686eb1502d92faf02cb5c3.jpg.78210383e9fcd893829390cdff6ad1c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="54667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/e001f3db74686eb1502d92faf02cb5c3.jpg.78210383e9fcd893829390cdff6ad1c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Eli/Ellie Fortino



Gender identity:
(Has Female Genitals) Neither

Eli/Ellie likes to have fun and make people smile. (S)he stands up for what she believes in and often goes to LGBT+ Marches. Very outgoing and smart, (s)he usually is hated because of envy and homophobia. (S)he shakes it off, and smiles, but sometimes her/his walls can crumble, as (s)he isn't very emotionally stable

Brief bio (at least 2 paragraphs) :
When Ellie/Eli was born, her/his name was Elizabeth Maxine Fortino. Growing up, sometimes (s)he'd play dress-up and have tea parties, while other times (s)he'd climb trees and rustle. Her/his mother called her/his confused, her/his father called her/him a tomboyish girly-girl. When (s)he was in kindergarten, (s)he kissed her best friend, Daniel, on the cheek while playing on the monkey bars. Her/his parents thought it was sweet, until 2nd grade, when (s)he kissed her other friend, Emma, while at a sleepover. Her/his parents told her/him homosexuality was wrong, and that (s)he should never repeat what (s)he did. (S)he obeyed her/him parents, though is didn't feel it was right.

When Ellie/Eli was a freshman in high school, she came out to her family as genderfluid. Disgusted and embarrassed, her parents sent her to live with her grandparents. Her grandparents, though a little more understanding, still hated the thought of a genderfluid grand-daughter/son. Ellie/Eli starting dressing like both gender, her/his hair shorter, dressing in plain shirts. When (s)he feels male, (s)he tapes her breasts with duct tape, when (s)he feels female, she uncovers her breasts. After the physical transition, her/his grandparents had it. They packed his/her things for her/him and told him/her that (s)he would be attending a 'straight camp'. Mortified, (s)he is trying to make the best of this situation



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[QUOTE="xX AeRo Girl Xx]


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Ellie/Eli Fortino



Gender identity:
(Has Female Genitals) Neither

Ellie/Eli likes to have fun and make people smile. She stands up for what she believes in and often goes to LGBT+ Marches. Very outgoing and smart, she usually is hated because of envy and homophobia. She shakes it off, and smiles, but sometimes her walls can crumble, as she isn't very emotionally stable

Brief bio (at least 2 paragraphs) :
When Ellie/Eli was born, her name was Elizabeth Maxine Fortino. Growing up, sometimes she'd play dress-up and have tea parties, while other times she'd climb trees and rustle. Her mother called her confused, her father called her a tomboyish girly-girl. When she was in kindergarten, she kissed her best friend, Alexander, on the cheek while playing on the monkey bars. Her parents thought it was sweet, until 2nd grade, when she kissed her other friend, Emma, while at a sleepover. Her parents told her homosexuality was wrong, and that she should never repeat what she did. She obeyed her parents, though is didn't feel it was right.

When Ellie/Eli was a freshman in high school, she came out to her family as genderfluid. Disgusted and embarrassed, her parents sent her to live with her grandparents. Her grandparents, though a little more understanding, still hated the thought of a genderfluid grand-daughter/son. Ellie/Eli starting dressing like both gender, her/his hair shorter, dressing in plain shirts. When (s)he feels male, (s)he tapes her breasts with duct tape, when (s)he feels female, she uncovers her breasts. After the physical transition, her/his grandparents had it. They packed his/her things for her/him and told him/her that (s)he would be attending a 'straight camp'. Mortified, (s)he is trying to make the best of this situation

I think you might want to find a new picture for you appearance, because someone else is using that exact one.


Laura-Lynn May Jayne, 15, Bi-Sexual, Female

Laura-Lynn is kind, and sweet, she always see's the best in people and doesn't really let anyone get to her. She grew up in a prim and proper home, always told how to act and what to do, due to this she always thinks before she talks. Laura-Lynn doesn't really know when to shut-up though, and can sometimes talk way to much, which often annoys people because she is also very loud.

Laura, a name that means victor and Lynn, a name that means from the lake. Her mother obviously did not think clearly when she named her daughter, because Laura-Lynn is anything but a victor from the lake. But Laura never dared blamed her mother for the name, since she died within child-birth. She grew up without a mother figure and was always trying to figure out why her mother died.

Though, Laura did blame her father for most things. Growing up, she was always in the church, her father a pastor of a small town baptist church. Until the age of ten, she didn't know what the word "homosexual" even meant, let alone any of the other "sexualaties". It wasn't the age of fourteen that she realized that she was in love with one of her best friends. She thought that there was definitely something wrong with her. When she went to her father, and told him what she was feeling, he sat her down and told her it was the devil trying to get to her. She believed him at first, until a week later when she told her best friend how she felt, and found that her friend felt the same way. They kept the relationship a secret, until they broke up. When she got dumped she didn't take it easily. Laura was a mess, and eventually her father found out why. He tried to help her, taking her to counseling, but Laura knew she couldn't be "fixed". That's when her dad found the "straight camp" and decided to send her.




Arne Gino Lindberg









At a first glance Arne is somewhat too active, quite careless and can be anoying person to... Anyone. Sometime he acts impulsively just based on anything that crossed his mind. He's still like that to people close to him, but he's really loyal and protective of anyone he loves (in his weird way). He somehow has a short temper but he's also quick to forgive.

Arne often can't stay still and just relax. He really much prefers on doing something, but that's because he doesn't want any hurtful memories cross his mind for those times happen less when he's occupied.

Arne likes teasing people, but on the inside he's a romantic at heart, which is terrible in his opinion. Arne has yet experiencing a real relationship (usually just one time flings between classmates or just mock-teasing his one-sided crushes) and he wants to have one.

Brief Bio

Arne's parents always went abroad, often leaving him behind, so they almost can say that the one who had taken care of him are hisgrandmother. Grandma always said that love has no bound, and Arne really took her words to heart. Arne could proudly say that he had no regrets being puched, mocked and sneered because he had confessed to few guys (and girls who said they were out of his league).

But last month when the news of him came out finally (Arne's not surprise that it took a long 3 years) reached his parents's ears, they suddenly came back and threw angry rants toward him, calling his sexuality an 'inappropriate moral' (and making faces that made Arne want to record and post them as meme). The next thing he knew Arne were shipped to the Straight Camp (in which he's itching to "bend").

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