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Oh, hey, now I think about it, you're on a bit of a sci-fi kick right now, aren't you @White Masquerade?

[that is possibly the most anime syntax I've ever fucking used]

Anyway, this might garner your attention.
Oh, hey, now I think about it, you're on a bit of a sci-fi kick right now, aren't you @White Masquerade?

[that is possibly the most anime syntax I've ever fucking used]

Anyway, this might garner your attention.

And it's dice. Interesting. What system is being used? Also, is there a plot to it?
Chronicles of Darkness, probably. Steamlined, but robust enough for my purpose.

Of course.  But it will be revealed in play.

It has a thick PDF but looking through it, I think I understand the gist. I have had some experience with Legends of Wulin and the basic concepts seem familiar. While I love powers, being normal could still be fun; I already have a character in mind. When did you plan on starting?
Sometime next week, after the interest check goes up.

A lot of that PDF is the basics, fiction, setting, GM advice (worth reading), and while there're a lot of rules it's pretty modular.  It's simpler than Legends of Wulin, in a lot of ways.

As long as you can make a character, that's pretty much all you need to know and the rest is easy to pick up in-game. 
Sometime next week, after the interest check goes up.

A lot of that PDF is the basics, fiction, setting, GM advice (worth reading), and while there're a lot of rules it's pretty modular.  It's simpler than Legends of Wulin, in a lot of ways.

As long as you can make a character, that's pretty much all you need to know and the rest is easy to pick up in-game. 

I salute you. Let me know whenever you begin.
originally I had planned to do the Film noir rp next, but then i had a couple of other ideas, that seemed promising,


Hot Lead and Cold Hearts

(read in a film noir voice if you would) The year is 1921 and things are heating up in the bustling metropolis of Cross Timber, Pennsylvania. The name suggests a picturesque town possibly something found on a Hallmark card, the truth is far from it. Beneath the picturesque appearance of this lovely city lays a dark underbelly, which has only gotten larger with the Prohibition. Many of the city’s resident that had to leave due to the draft and other reasons have returned to the city recently. Several Private investigators have made offices and hired locals. Many of the returnees to Cross Timber have joined them for the steady job, and work it can bring. In the years following WW I, many immigrants from all over have come to the US, some of a less savory nature than others.


Cross Timber is little different from most Cities in the US, especially now with the increase in its residents since the end of WW 1, this comparison is only skin deep. As the newer businesses have established themselves, the city has prospered and grown, but it has also started to rot. Not many can see this, most are too enchanted by the city and its pleasures to notice. Some have however, the Police of the CTPD have noticed and have long been combating this encroachment on their fair city. the others to notice are those who live a life on the edge, between light and darkness, among them the Private Eye's of the city.

The Broken Veil


The world is much like our own but with a vast difference, an event many years prior tore open the Veil separating our world from the world of Demons solidifying the once vague connection between the two worlds. Previously demonkin of any strength could only enter the mortal plane through contracts with humans foolish enough to contact them. Now however the weaker demons can pass through the tattered Veil near effortlessly though stronger ones still need a contract or a suitable host or sacrifice. Since then various places around the world have experienced problems with the weaker demons, as well as some strong ones in extremely rare cases.


Not all beings that fall under the moniker of Demon are evil, but that matters little to most that hunt them. Ever since the recent destruction of many smaller towns in the United Stated Demon hunting has become a viable enterprise and has gotten more violent than when it start.Demons and all other creatures of the Supernatural have weaknesses, they are varied, but most have a weakness to silver and blessed things. This was discovered during an attack on the Vatican that was swiftly subdued.


Prodigies of the Fallen


It would follow a group of young and up and coming criminals, experts in their fields. They would all be solo, but will come together after all their Mentors, who were long time friends and master criminals themselves were murdered, and the rp would go on from there. 



Nearly everyone has heard of certain master criminals, but in the early 80’s a group emerged. They called themselves the Horsemen, there were few of them, their numbers were suspected to be only around 5, but each of them were masters, experts in their respected criminal fields.


They committed crimes for years, changing the way they pulled the crime off all except for one thing, their calling card. At the scene of all of their crimes they left a set of Figurines carved from Jade and other things on occasion. Sometimes they would be sent to their target before the crime, others they would be left after the Heist. In certain circles these figurines became highly sought after and collectible. Suddenly in November of 1991, after conning a millionaire in Moscow, with heavy Mob connections, out of his entire fortune, they disappeared vanished. Authorities and criminals alike search near endlessly for this group of master criminals, none were successful, no one was able to discover why they disappeared.


Recently some rising stars have appeared in the criminal world, masters, many thought they were the Horsemen returned, but the crimes were completely different. 


Those are the ideas i had, any opinions?

@Dullahan Shinigami

Thank you for that farewell to Green  B| . I have been out of commission for a bit as well and missed that.

Okay, so as one of the projects has fallen through, I may or may not take it on myself. Will give the status at the end of the day. Besides that, I will look to do one final purge before seriously getting back in the swing of things. So sorry for the dip in activity.

@Mr. Gideon

Gideon? I will be the honest person for you. You have to pick one idea and settle on it, lol. I don't remember how many times you've flipped on what kind of roleplay you wanted to do.
Actually, Throughout the time here, i have run about 2 or 3 rps, that sadly didnt last, mostly through my fault. And as that says, I have narrowed my next rp down to one of those 3 probably. Besides, though i change my idea, i have reasons for doing so, there would be little meaning to put up an rp if the site is absolutely flooded by rps of that type, thus making rpers hesistant to join any and the like.

And adding onto the fact, that most of the rp ideas i put here are for feedback,a nd i have said most of the time that they will happen just not right now. I can stop saying anything like that if it bothers you.
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Actually, Throughout the time here, i have run about 2 or 3 rps, that sadly didnt last, mostly through my fault. And as that says, I have narrowed my next rp down to one of those 3 probably. Besides, though i change my idea, i have reasons for doing so, there would be little meaning to put up an rp if the site is absolutely flooded by rps of that type, thus making rpers hesistant to join any and the like.

And adding onto the fact, that most of the rp ideas i put here are for feedback,a nd i have said most of the time that they will happen just not right now. I can stop saying anything like that if it bothers you.

Oh no, no, not bothering at all! From an outside perspective I just see where you might be having trouble, so I'm only trying to push you in the right direction =P. What happened with the 2-3 you started? Do you have an idea of what went wrong at least?
One of them, I had some things come up so i was absent, and sadly most fo the rpers had left by the time i was able to get back, the other one was a similar situation, but It was durinf some test weeks for a few of the rpers so they ahd to leave.
One of them, I had some things come up so i was absent, and sadly most fo the rpers had left by the time i was able to get back, the other one was a similar situation, but It was durinf some test weeks for a few of the rpers so they ahd to leave.

Ah okay. Understood. Nothing you can do about that besides summaries and a slow pace =/
Is anyone familiar with a book called The Most Dangerous Game? I was walking somewhere earlier today and i thought about an rp based off that with Hunters and Prey.

There would also be a sponsor element, similar to the Hunger Games.
^ Same. Haven't heard of it. I am not an avid book read though =P

I only read a part in high school, which was many years ago, lol, it follows a expert safari veteran who washes up on an island belonging to a renowned huntsmen. As the book progresses you find out that the huntsmen in a thirst for the ultimate pry has started hunting humans. Near the end, the Main character and the Huntsmen fight to the death with the conclusion being unknown,

Anyways, the rp idea i have would follow the 2004 movie version. there would be a group of people who must survive in an enviroment where the dangers are themselves, each other, wild animals and hunting squads, essentially. But there would be a sponsor like element in a way similar to the Hunger Games. I may not do it though, as the universe is turning out to be a bit dystopian, which i dont want.
Some creative powers for a super villain? I say creative because I don't want something like fire manipulation. The most interesting thing I've seen are Powered-Tattoos. 
Some creative powers for a super villain? I say creative because I don't want something like fire manipulation. The most interesting thing I've seen are Powered-Tattoos. 

Super-narration. A power that would fit a Morgan Freeman-like character. Whatever he narrates becomes reality. 
Super-narration. A power that would fit a Morgan Freeman-like character. Whatever he narrates becomes reality. 

It sounds cool, but this is for a roleplay so I highly doubt the GM(s) would allow it since they probably have a story set in place.
It sounds cool, but this is for a roleplay so I highly doubt the GM(s) would allow it since they probably have a story set in place.

But it's like Medium-Tier reality warping. You can't modify everything, but like minor stuff.

Such as a page of text, make small stuff appear or make certain people forget certain things they said / asked.
Some creative powers for a super villain? I say creative because I don't want something like fire manipulation. The most interesting thing I've seen are Powered-Tattoos. 

I got plenty of those some of my own creation.

Elemental intangibility

Body supremacy

Blood manipulation

Digital manifestation: can manifest digital items into relity. When i used it it was weapons from video games.

I can list some of my custom onesif you want.
I got plenty of those some of my own creation.

Elemental intangibility

Body supremacy

Blood manipulation

Digital manifestation: can manifest digital items into relity. When i used it it was weapons from video games.

I can list some of my custom onesif you want.

Well one i came up with was 

Superpower acquisition and evolution, it would be considered a part of superpower manipulation. 

They can take powers by touch, but they can only gain a physical variant if the power is applicable. There are of course downsides, such as while their body is evolving they cant use any powers for a period of time and other thing.

I have used some [powersets but it would depend upon what the rp is like. I say that as some rps with superheroes/metas go along a more realistic route where as others allow more mystical powers.

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