Story Mode Network

White Masquerade

QuirkyAngel's Red Oni
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The Chit Chat


This is where you can post anything not related to making proposals or questions about the group. Want to network and get to know the other members? Then this is the place to go. Please try to keep the gif & picture posting to a minimum. We would like the conversations here to be casual, but not get too overboard.
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Hey sooooo.... You like anime huh? (my awkward attempt at socialization lol)

What's the last thing you've watched? ^_^ And have you (and whoever else wants to chat) been up to anything interesting?
Hey sooooo.... You like anime huh? (my awkward attempt at socialization lol)

What's the last thing you've watched? ^_^ And have you (and whoever else wants to chat) been up to anything interesting?

=P. I do like anime.  I read the introductions and will have proper comments later on today. You, Apfel. Very interesting.
Hey sooooo.... You like anime huh? (my awkward attempt at socialization lol)

What's the last thing you've watched? ^_^ And have you (and whoever else wants to chat) been up to anything interesting?

Durarara 2x ketsu. Nothing I can think of that's particularly interesting. Work, hang out with brothers, read, write, anime. My life, for now, has been a lovely circle where I cycle between these options. 
Durarara 2x ketsu. Nothing I can think of that's particularly interesting. Work, hang out with brothers, read, write, anime. My life, for now, has been a lovely circle where I cycle between these options. 

It's good to get some variety here and there ^_^ . Sounds like you've got lots of fun things to choose from.

I have had a particularly busy week  myself, but in general I shift between anime, writing, drawing, and video games. Now that the dance weekend is over and I've had a few days of hanging out with my friends, I think today I'm going to muck about  on this site and play the new game I got (Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask). I'm a bit behind the times with that game since there's already a new game in the series that's come out after that one, but I've been laying lots of JRPGs and watching anime so I've only just now gotten the time for it :) . It'll be a fun way to spend the time in between random posts of excessive information on this forum XD I do home that some people find my rants helpful.
So these are my comments from the introduction. Afterwards, I'll move onto the Proposal thing


I thought I knew everything about you. I'm so sad. I had no idea you were into fantasy and mystery. That is the same with me. I signed onto the site wanting to play a good fantasy, but for some reason ended up playing a ton of fandoms xD.

Mhm. We're gonna make you write out those stories. After the introductions are done, we're going to get down to business.


The crocheting and ballroom dancing threw me off, but hey, these things happen when you meet new people. I'll have more questions on that I'll attack you with in the future. I am happy to hear you've done a lot on the site and want to see it better off. I share the same feeling. I hope here will help you find the type of entertainment you're looking for and to learn new things as well? I know a few people in this group and we each have our special pieces we can teach and pass along to each other. Cheers to growth!

As for anime, it'd be Zankyou No Terror. I pick out highly rated animes to watch, and break down how they put together the story. It was very emotional and philosophical which I found to be very boring, but I understood why it got high ratings. It wasn't too enjoyable, but it's another story-telling tool/perspective I can add to my pocket.


Ayyyy! Perseverance definitely is key. Nothing much gets done without it. I see that a lot. There was an awesome poll I did earlier this year of which RP types people wanted to play and the overwhelming choice was Fantasy/Detailed & Casual. So I'm assuming the problem is that the GMs doing fantasy on the site are...having a bit of trouble? I see so many promising ideas, but at some point, the RP just falls off. I don't understand it. Maybe a tutorial on Fantasy could be a suggestion for the group to do one day?

Bam. If you want education, I'll give you education Reinhardt. I feel strongly about many things and hopefully we can discuss some of them soon. As for Irelia... Orianna is better  :x . Haven't played in a while though.


Haha. No need to get personal. Just to have fun, do projects, and figure stuff out with us. The d20 thing made me laugh. Nice. You are the dice expert then!


AUTO! Wow. Whoever made that was genius. xD. You did fine. Except for picking the wrong Pokemon. Espeon bets Umbreon anyday.

Soon I will be putting up a few proposals because I want to get into the flow of us making ideas and having discussion on what we can do for the site. This is what the group is for! 

I would say to follow this Section here when you have a chance: Suggested Proposals

That will be where I put a few interesting projects you can vote on and say yes or no to. You are free to post your own ideas there as well.
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It was actually Pine and Ghost who gave me that nickname. It started out with Autobiography but they shortened it to Auto. And no never White. Umbreon for the win!!!! Although Espeon is also one of my favorites. 

Hey sooooo.... You like anime huh? (my awkward attempt at socialization lol)

What's the last thing you've watched? ^_^ And have you (and whoever else wants to chat) been up to anything interesting?

Last show I watched was Seven Deadly Sins. I watch a lot of anime...too much for my own good xD

But I plan to cut back now even though it would hurt me. 

It was actually Pine and Ghost who gave me that nickname. It started out with Autobiography but they shortened it to Auto. And no never White. Umbreon for the win!!!! Although Espeon is also one of my favorites. 

Last show I watched was Seven Deadly Sins. I watch a lot of anime...too much for my own good xD

But I plan to cut back now even though it would hurt me. 

I've heard of Seven Deadly Sins. Is it any good? I might get around to watching it at some point after I watch RWBY.
I've heard of Seven Deadly Sins. Is it any good? I might get around to watching it at some point after I watch RWBY.

I liked it. It's not the best, pretty decent. Towards the end is when it starts getting a little interesting. The show contains the typical overpowered main character and the damsel in distress, but some of the backstories to other characters is what grabbed my attention. I love Ban from the show. 

Autobi.  :x  I love it.


I mirror Life's comments. I'll say the characters carry the show for sure. They have their own quirks which really carry the action through it all.


Welcome to you! Unsuccessful RPs. I am bummed that has happened. It's never good to see an RP you participate in die. Hopefully we can do something about that. About your story, lol. Well, it's something nice you can break the ice with right? =P. Anyway, welcome again. 
I DO watch anime on occassion, but mostly i read mang as it is farther along and less ridiculous filler bits. I also read japanese, Chinese, and Korean light and web novels.

Out of curiosity what was tje strangest character any of you have seen in one of your rps?
I DO watch anime on occassion, but mostly i read mang as it is farther along and less ridiculous filler bits. I also read japanese, Chinese, and Korean light and web novels.

Out of curiosity what was tje strangest character any of you have seen in one of your rps?

When another character from a well-known cartoon was placed into an anime Fandom. Lol. I won't get any more specific than that, but it was very, very, very odd getting them in without picturing their..."natural" place. We made it work though. The person made their powers very creative and in line with the Fandom.
Ayyyy! Perseverance definitely is key. Nothing much gets done without it. I see that a lot. There was an awesome poll I did earlier this year of which RP types people wanted to play and the overwhelming choice was Fantasy/Detailed & Casual. So I'm assuming the problem is that the GMs doing fantasy on the site are...having a bit of trouble? I see so many promising ideas, but at some point, the RP just falls off. I don't understand it. Maybe a tutorial on Fantasy could be a suggestion for the group to do one day?

Bam. If you want education, I'll give you education Reinhardt. I feel strongly about many things and hopefully we can discuss some of them soon. As for Irelia... Orianna is better  :x . Haven't played in a while though.

Pretty much. I think they are having difficulties in the most crucial aspects of running a fantasy roleplay, namely (and especially) lore, the setting, and the world mechanics (magic and how it works, tech, etc.). Fantasy is just a very vast genre that it's very hard to get a good grasp on it and run an RP with it. But yes, eventually, I think people will need a tutorial on that.

Come on, @White Masquerade, Irelia is clearly best grill.
Pretty much. I think they are having difficulties in the most crucial aspects of running a fantasy roleplay, namely (and especially) lore, the setting, and the world mechanics (magic and how it works, tech, etc.). Fantasy is just a very vast genre that it's very hard to get a good grasp on it and run an RP with it. But yes, eventually, I think people will need a tutorial on that.

Come on, @White Masquerade, Irelia is clearly best grill.

Her skins look nice, but not my play-style. I cannot play any melee characters, sadly. Not even Fiona.

That tutorial would be great. The lore can range from non-existent, to overboard. It's hard to get that balance in the middle from what I see. A deeper issue might be organization and planning? Got the idea, but need the execution.
Funnily enough i was going to try to start a fantasy rp here. It would be a pseudo prequel to an rp on my other rp site.
What? But melee is fun as hell.

I have slow reflexes!! There is no way I can focus on watching the cool-downs, my character, and the map. Ranged is the only safe way to play, haha. When I get tunnel vision, it's extreme.

Funnily enough i was going to try to start a fantasy rp here. It would be a pseudo prequel to an rp on my other rp site.

What the role-play about? And definitely you may want to take some caution. I'll be honest with you. The two best RP types I've seen here as a whole are Fandom & Realistic. When it comes to Fantasy and Futuristic, please be careful  :x . The # of Fantasy RPs I see in the forum makes me happy, but also sad when I open the links to them. How did you run your fantasy RP on your other site?
I do too like mechanical game-play! Just not when I have to do so while getting mugged you know? I need room to breathe.

Oh. So safer mechanics is your preference. I like (probably even need, lol) super risky ones, though. Gives me some good thrill, especially in the current meta where everything has to be the same almost every game - same adc, same jungle, same mid, same builds, same team comps. Sigh, if only league was as fun as its old days. 
Oh. So safer mechanics is your preference. I like (probably even need, lol) super risky ones, though. Gives me some good thrill, especially in the current meta where everything has to be the same almost every game - same adc, same jungle, same mid, same builds, same team comps. Sigh, if only league was as fun as its old days. 

Same teams? Ouch. I think randomizing characters should be enforced for all matches. I'd like that very much. It'd encourage creativity and adapting.
Same teams? Ouch. I think randomizing characters should be enforced for all matches. I'd like that very much. It'd encourage creativity and adapting.

Yeah, that'd be good. But I highly doubt it would even happen, lol. Meta, after all, is what keeps the game going. Or so they say.
Yeah, that'd be good. But I highly doubt it would even happen, lol. Meta, after all, is what keeps the game going. Or so they say.

Haha. It's an illusion Reinhardt. There are tons of casual players who have no idea what a meta even is. I am sure the hardcore players use the meta just to have an edge and take the difficult part of thinking out of the game. If all was randomized, I'm sure they'd throw a fit seeing that they'd to do more than just play faster than the other person. Now THAT would be a true test of skill. I'm all for true testing of skills!
There are tons of casual players who have no idea what a meta even is.


I am sure the hardcore players use the meta just to have an edge and take the difficult part of thinking out of the game.

Well, not necessarily. Most meta picks are considered "strong" picks where they have very little to no disadvantages on most matchups. Meta picks do not win most games, but they sure as hell are played so much that it sickens me. That's why I've spamming rengar in all lanes lol.

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