Storm Keepers [Inactive]

Mikkelle Sting

One Thousand Club
It was a gray day in London, the rain fell in white sheets over the town. Everyone on the sidewalks carried umbrellas, keeping themselves protected from the water. One umbrella that was white was unlike all the others, everyone else's umbrellas were black. Under it was Misty Evens walking quietly down the cement road leading home. She let her hand feel the wet drops that were falling. She smiled. Just right. she thought. As she turned the corner she ran into someone and fell to the ground. Her umbrella fell into the street and her hair went flying into the wind, revealing her gray strand of hair.
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Adam had been aimlessly walking the streets, enjoying the rainy day, and just staring into space. On rainy days he liked to be out and feel the cold water on his skin, it was almost as if it helped wash away all the negative thoughts that he was having. People were walking to and fro, but he didn't really pay them too much attention as they were all walking around him as he walked toward them. Today was a good day for rain though, he had been thinking about his father a lot and it put him in a sour mood, but right now he felt pretty good. As he rounded a corner he caught the quick flash of what appeared to be a white umbrella, crashing into his face.

"Damn it, would ya watch where you're going?" he was holding his face and scowling. The moment he saw who he had run into his jaw almost dropped. She was beautiful, and watching the wind catch her hair made it look like something out of a movie scene, he blushed instantly. He was frozen for a few moments before he snapped out of it and realized they were now both standing in the rain. "Um...sorry about that!" he quickly blurted out as he looked away from her. He wasn't really good at expressing himself to the opposite sex and this girl had caught him off guard, and as he looked away from her he saw her umbrella being pushed through the streets. Without saying a word he took off after it, dodging 4 people, jumping over a stroller, tripping as he landed and landing in a huge puddle...but he had caught the handle of the umbrella before he became submerged.

"Gotcha!" he yelled as he burst from the puddle and held the umbrella up as if it were the legendary sword Excalibur. He knew he had made a spectacle of himself and that a lot of people were looking at him, but he wasn't too concerned about that. He hustled back over to the chick, panting a bit, bent over with one hand on his knee and the other one extended toward her. "Here you go...don't to catch a cold." He looked up at her and smiled goofily.
Misty smiled tentatively at him and took her umbrella from his hand. “Thank you.” she said softly. She quickly noticed that it was soaked from the inside out and frowned. This will never do. She thought and put her hand on the handle. She closed her eyes and the water quickly ran down from the inside of the umbrella, over her hands, and to the ground. Then she looked up and the strange guy who had crashed into her. Black hair, dark eyes, pale skin. Striking features, even for a tourist. “I'm sorry for bumping into you.” she said quietly, her voice low, “Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
Adam placed his right hand on his head as he thought about it, and as a big grin came on his face the sound of thunder could be heard in the distance. Looks like today may get a little stormy! "Care to grab a bite to eat with me?" he face flushed a bit as he asked the question. He was sure that his proposal would be shot down, but where's the fun in not asking. If she rejected his offer then at least he would have something else to think about aside from dwelling on his father.
Misty smiled gently. “Sure.” she said walking down the sidewalk with him. She looked up at the sky and frowned a bit. That's funny, I didn't call for thunder. It must be someone else's doing. She thought and sighed softly, the thunder quieting down a bit, but the clouds stayed an ink gray.
Yes! Adam was super-stoked, and his mental exclamation brought about a thunderous boom overhead. Adam didn't even flinch as they continued to walk through the streets. "Not gonna lie, I'm not really up on what's good around here, I prefer to cook myself. Where would you like to go?" he was grinning widely. Today has turned out to be a better day than I thought it would. The distant thunder starting becoming louder, closer, and more frequent.
Misty was distracted by the thunder. “What about the coffee shop down the street?” she asked softly as she tried to quiet down the sky. Why is it so excited all of a sudden. There must be another Cloud Dweller around. Or maybe a Storm Tamer. She thought trying to block the sound, she hated thunderstorms.
"Coffee shop sounds good." he looked up at the sky. "Don't you just love days like today," he grinned slyly at the sky, "I'm predicting more thunder with a side of lightning. Could be a magnificent sight." he kept walking. As they reached the cafe, he opened the door for her, talked to the maitre'd, and even pulled out her chair for her to be seated. His father may have taught him how to control and the tame the storms, but he also raised him to be a gentleman. "So...what's a girl like you doing out on a day like today?" he went to lean his elbows on the table, missed with his left, and completely toppled from his chair. His father may have raised him to be a gentlemen, but not how to speak to women. His father wasn't really known for his loquaciousness with women and, like his son, often fumbled or made a fool of himself when in the presence of a girl he found attractive. He quickly recovered though, laughing nervously as he sat back down, the storm outside began to fade a little.
“I was enjoying the rain, until the storm came up. I don't have any idea why it wouldn't dissipate.” she quickly added, “I'm not use to thunderstorms here.” she quickly ordered a hazelnut latte, extra whip cream then turned back to him. “What are you doing out in a storm like this.” she quietly said sipping on her latte.
Adam ordered a caramel latte. "I love this kind of weather. Nature at its finest. It seems so freeing to see all the elements of nature swarming the sky," dark clouds rolled in again, "Thunderstorms aren't that bad, but my favorite...," he leaned forward a bit, "are the lightning storms. Now there is a sight, sitting back watching as the strings of lightning dance through the sky."
Misty set her latte down and looked him in the eye. “You say that as if you know them personally.” she said softly clasping her hands together. She leaned forward a bit. “I've never met a Storm Tamer before.” she whispered.
Adam met her eyes, a little taken by surprise by her comment. "Storm Tamers, huh? What exactly would you know about that?" He took a sip of his drink and leaned forward toward her. His father hadn't told him about any others like him or different from him, so he assumed that there shouldn't be anyone who knew anything about people like him. 'This girl has become even more interesting' he thought as thunder boomed again. He didn't see the problem with telling her though, so with a smirk he said, "Well consider yourself lucky, because I am indeed a Storm Tamer." he whispered across the table.
"It was a little bit obvious." she asked right before taking a sip of her hazelnut latte. "I mean, who else could be stirring up the storm clouds when I'm trying to calm them down. It would have to be someone powerful. And close by."
He chuckled. "Sorry about that, when I'm in an upbeat mood, it gets a little out of control." As he calmed himself the storm clouds began to slowly recede and the thunder stopped. "So that makes you one too? Awesome! I wasn't really told about others." he smiled as he chugged his drink.
"I'm not a Storm Tamer..................I'm a Cloud Dweller." she said finishing her drink. She pulled out her wallet. "So how much was that?"
Adam sat back, pulled out his wallet, and placed a $20 on the table. "Don't worry about it, can't have the first pretty girl I've had coffee with pay, now can I?" smiling at her. "So a cloud dweller, huh? Does that mean you space out a lot as well as making bunnies and whatnot in the sky?" he jested. "No offense meant, I just don't know anything aside from a Storm Tamer."
"Well I can do stuff like that, but I mostly make ran or just plain white clouds. I don't know much about Storm Tamers myself except that they make big storms and are powerful." she said trying not to blush at his compliment about her being cute.
Adam grinned. "Yeah, that's basically it. It can be a bit of a hassle to control honestly, but it's pretty sweet. The best is taking a boat out on the ocean far off shore out away from it all, and just letting loose," he looked at girl, "Have to do that every now and again, otherwise I'd be likely to startup a tornado or something just from a whole-hearted laugh." he chuckled a bit.
[Gonna jump in and interrupt your date I'm sorry hahah]

Cyriak strolled through the streets of London, whistling as he went. It was turning out to be a very grey city -not that there was anything wrong with that, but it was starting to get him down. It wouldn't hurt for him to lighten up the place a bit, he thought.

Slivers of sunlight started peeking out from behind the clouds. Gradually, they would melt away the gloomy weather altogether, although that would take another hour at least. No use making it warm right after the beginnings of a storm, or people might start to wonder, after all. Still, he wished he could move things along, because he could feel the beginnings of a runny nose. He perked up at the sight of cafe. He could use a hot drink.

He spent the last of his small change on a hot chocolate. As he stood around sipping it, he considered getting a job; he was low on funds again, and the prospect of being hungry didn't sit well with him. This time he might work in a toy shop. Children were always a good laugh.

He spied a couple sitting some distance away. This made him smile -he loved love, and the way it made people crazy about each other. He was especially fond of young love because it always seemed so pure.

He sidled over to them without really thinking about it. He caught something about tornadoes, and this made him curious enough to file the information away for later. "Hello!" he chirped. "You two make a very cute couple. Can I buy you muffins?"
Adam held back a burst of laughter, for fear he might call the storms back, he hadn't powered down for some time now. The newcomers insight was a little off, but Adam didn't mind, and decided to go along with it instead. "Thank you for noticing, although she's clearly the good looking one in this bunch," Adam was fighting back tears of laughter, "Muffins sound great, and why don't you join us and I'll have to get you something in return. We were just talking about how we haven't met too many people since we've been here."

Adam was a jester at heart and loved a good game, and this seemed to be fairly fun and interesting. He would just have to keep his reactions and emotions under control, because too much fun meant the opposite for everyone else.
"Thank you! Are you sure your girlfriend won't mind?" he asked even as he pulled up a chair and carelessly dumped his scarf and satchel onto it. "You're right, she's prettier than both of us combined, but you must be very special to be going out with a girl like her!" he bounced back to the counter to pick some sweets, attempting to talk to the cashier and the couple at the same time. He was basically yelling across the cafe, and he was attracting attention, but it didn't occur to him that he was being rude. It also didn't occur to him that the couple might run away with his things, but luckily for him they seemed to be nice people.

He made his way back with a tray full of pastries. "I couldn't decide what to buy so I got one of each." He set a fiddly-looking parfait in front of the girl. It was dotted with blackberries and white chocolate. "This one looks like you so you can have it." He sat back and picked a blueberry off the top of a muffin.

"So! Are the two of you getting married soon?"

[i'm sorry its just Cyriak really seems like the type of guy who'd tell someone they looked like a parfait]
Adam could barely contain himself and had to sit in silence for fear that if he opened his mouth he would burst into laughter, and he wasn't sure what exactly would come of that. This guy was hysterical, nice and kind, and full of energy. Adam nodded in appreciation with a locked lip grin as he picked up what appeared to be a cheese danish, his favorite.

Even though this guy had drawn a lot of attention to them, Adam wasn't necessarily too worried about that. They were simply a group of kids enjoying a conversation, no harm no foul. "So what's your name, anyway? I'm Adam." he reached his hand out toward his new acquaintance.
Cyriak saw the boy's outstretched hand, and, cheerfully misunderstanding, deposited his muffin into it. "I'm," he paused, trying to remember the name he'd been using recently. He'd had so many over the centuries that it was sometimes difficult keeping track of them all. "Cyriak," he finished, looking pleased with himself for getting it right on the first go. "I'm a Leo. My favourite colour is yellow and I like dogs and hamsters. I have a birthmark on my arm that looks kind of like a potato chip, see?" he pulled up his sleeve to show them. He didn't think they'd be all that interested in his birthmark, but he was proud of it as it was, he thought, his only defining feature. It occurred to him vaguely that his conversation was bordering on nonsensical, so he switched topics. "Who are you?" he asked the quiet young lady.

What else did people usually like to talk about? Ah, yes. The weather seemed to be popular, usually. His gaze flickered to the window. Despite his interference, the angry clouds outside hadn't receded as much as he'd planned for. Curious. "Odd weather we're having."
"I'm Misty. Thank you for the pastry by the way." she quietly said looking down at it, blushing very brightly. "And it is odd weather we're having. Makes you wonder where it's coming from, desn't it?" she said softly looking up at Adam.
Adam was busy munching away at his cheese danish when Misty spoke, and through stuffed cheeks he smiled. "I know, right? It's almost as if someone is making this happen or something," he finished swallowing the food in his mouth, "It's not that bad though, I mean, who doesn't like a good rainy day where they can just cozy up and watch the storm, or on a sunny day, play with the clouds." he said as he grinned at Misty. Figuring that their new friend probably would have no idea what they were talking about he leaned over toward him, "To be honest, the stormy weather is all my doing, I'm having an upbeat day, haven't blown off steam in awhile, so now the weather is kind of running amuck." he said all of this in a sarcastic tone and winked at the end, expecting him to shrug it off as a joke.

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