Storm Keepers [Inactive]

Cyriak choked on his tart. "So it was you!" he said a bit too loudly. "You were talking about making tornadoes earlier, I should have known! I was wondering why it was so difficult for me to brighten up the skies a bit. Are you one of the Storm Keepers?"

Of course, Adam may have been joking, but most forms of sarcasm tended to fly straight over Cyriak's head.
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Adam was a little surprised that he took him at his word, but then got interested when his new acquaintance said he was trying to brighten the sky. "Brighten the sky, huh? So what are you some type of Bringer of Light?" he asked as he grabbed another pastry.

Adam had met two interesting people today, and it was only getting better. He wondered if there were even more like them out there.
Cyriak let out a high pitched squeal of excitement that may or may not have been audible only to dolphins. "I am! I am!" he bounced in his seat. "They call us the Bright Ones. We're an old clan." He turned around and pointed to the window, making a few people stare. "I bring the sun! I make warmth and light for things to grow and people to be happy. I tried to make today bright, but you were interfering!" he laughed, spilling crumbs all over the table, but not noticing. Sunshine began to stream in through the window, making a few people shade their eyes.

He had a tendency to garble his words a bit when he got excited, so he tried his best to school himself. "You control the storms? And you, Misty? What about you? Are you like us? Do you make storms too?"
Adam noticed the sunbeam flashing through the window, and looked to Cyriak. "Hey there, calm it down, Solar Flare." he laughed as he continued to stuff his face. "Bright Ones? I'm learning all kinds of stuff today. I got a striking girl, who is a...Cloud Dweller, I believe was the term, and a very energetic and all over the place, Bright One."

"Yeah, the storms are all me!" he said with a grin, "If I don't let loose every now and again then I get stuck in a situation like this, where my mood drastically affects the weather. My people are naturally wild and energetic, which fuels our power, and if we don't let it out every now and again it builds to unsafe levels to the point where a laugh might conjure a hurricane or something." he said as he leaned back in his seat and stuffed his face.
"Sorry!" Cyriak waved his arms almost to shoo the sunbeam back out the window. "Go away, go away," he said under his breath. He turned back to the couple and sighed, feeling slightly calmer.

He steepled his hands in front of his face. "I've heard many stories of men and women who summon lightning,"he said. "Who was father? Yes, I think it may have been my father.He told me that the Storm Tamers and the Bright Ones were almost opposites from each other. That people like you were meant to stir up the skies and people like me were meant to calm it." He laughed. "I always imagined that your people would be very scary! But then, I suppose I don't have the right to speak. I've only ever met one of your kind besides you, and even then it was only in passing. She was very angry, although I think maybe she was only angry at me. You're not scary at all, though! Do you make storms to relieve tension? Doesn't that make a mess?"

He considered Misty, who was quietly concentrating on her food. "I don't know much about Cloud Dwellers, though. I've heard they prefer to be alone. Which is why it's very surprising to see you both together! Almost as surprising as all three of us running into each other like this!" He chuckled and put his arms around both Adam's and Misty's shoulders. "Look! Together we make up all the weather in the world!"
She shrugged his hand off her shoulder. "Sorry, Cryiak was it? But you hit it on the mark. I live alone, work alone, sleep alone, eat alone. Do everything alone. And it's not because I'm lonely. It's because I like my privacy." she turned to Adam and handed him a 20 dollar bill. "Here's the money I owe you to. Split it amongst yourselves. Good day." she took her umbrella and was out of the cafe and back into the pouring rain.
Adam looked over to Criyak and shrugged. "Well there you have it...the lonesome Cloud Dweller makes her exit," he picks up the $20 and hands it to Criyak before getting up himself, "Well I'm out of here too. Heading down to my father's boat...need to be out the ocean for a bit, so don't mind the weather...unless you care to tag along." he made his way to the door and back out into the rain.
He did want to tag along, actually, but Adam's casual "don't mind the weather" made it sound like he was planning on stirring up a hurricane. The idea scared him more than a little, so he reluctantly declined. Besides, it sounded like the boy wanted to be alone.

As the others left, Cyriak stared at the twenty pounds in his hand. He'd needed a job, hadn't he? A cafe was as good a place as any. He liked food and he liked people, so this would work. He went to the counter to ask about vacancies and waited to be introduced to the manager.

With any luck, he'd run into the mysterious strangers again and he'd be able to find out a little bit more.

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