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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - Seeing The Trees Through The Forest

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future efforts like these or RP's in the Caelia Barony setting in general.

What to expect out of character:
I'm hoping to get a few short (max 2 week) and to-the-point (goal-oriented) RP's going to test out some of the new Harvester / Refiner / Builder / Maker / Infuser / Developer skill combinations with some interested parties.

What to expect in character:
Retili's been given the task of sectioning off (Developing) a part of the forest for sustainable lumber production for future usage by baroness Regula Caelia. Ryan is accompanying him to see if he could use his own skills later down the line in order to help start up a new industry.

Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Section off a part of the woods (Developer F) to prepare it for future sustainable forestry.
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Come along with Retili to see if his craftsmanship can be of any (future) use when dealing with these quantities of lumber.





“Well, this is it.” Sven told the folk accompanying him to a patch of forested land in Caelia barony. “Truthfully, it's always been just me, so I have no idea how to start things up on a bigger scale. All I know is that you wouldn't want to just start chopping this all down without a plan, otherwise you'll ruin the forest and any future lumber production chances.” As before, he was a tad more talkative when it came to lumbering and carpentry, compared to when he was acting as militia leader.
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Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

The Zentox found himself strangely in the shoes of a builder today. He had a growing interest in the production and supply of the barony with new industry. He also was very interested in seeing new infrastructure projects started to ease the barony through a period of new growth. So he had spent recent weeks studying the development of infrastructure of all types. He had also developed a test case for the project. A simple bridge to be built to ease the crossing over a large stream. The first step to any wooden bridge was the cutting of lumber. While the task in itself would not be particularly difficult he wanted to oversee it himself. Afterall he had over a hundred troops who lazed about on a daily basis in the town. It would be good to give them something productive to do. To that end the Zentox was walking along the path to a forest near stonewall, all one hundred and ten soldiers trooping along behind him.

Retili always liked Sven. The quiet man was efficient and competent, two skills that he valued in any member of a workforce and exceedingly rare. Retili had sought him out for his valuable experience as a lumberjack and carpenter. Given that his troops were not especially skilled in anything outside of fighting they would need to be supervised throughout the work they did. "Not to worry. I've come with a plan today. We may not even get to start the work of cutting at the moment. For now I want to identify the trees that are old enough for cutting and mark them. Trees too small won't provide enough wood for anything meaningful and trees that are too young will just provide wood susceptible to rot. We want something that will last us a while after we cut them down and provide plenty of good quality lumber." Retili kept pace with the lumberjack as he walked and his troops followed behind.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare D, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan absentmindedly gaited along with the group led by Sven, followed by Retili and his small army. Truth be told, Ryan was unsure he could be of use here. Woodworking wasn't his specialty... But he might be able to learn a thing or two about it. And he did help with the shrine a while back, somewhat. That said, he was happy to help the barony however he could. So there he was, hatchet in hand, and a few basic tools to compliment. Then again, there was an army that might be able to handle the tasks ahead better. For now though, he simply listened on to Sven and Retili.
Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Section off a part of the woods (Developer F) to prepare it for future sustainable forestry.
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Come along with Retili to see if his craftsmanship can be of any (future) use when dealing with these quantities of lumber.

Forest Between Stonewall and Yemaya
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Forest




Sven nodded in reply to Retili's words. “You want to mark some basic paths as well? See how we'd drag the trees out?” He asked, then pointed at the many, many minions. “Or are you just going to have them sort out how they'll drag any lumber out of her later?” As much as Sven knew about carpentry and woodcutting, getting an entire forest ready for sustainable and large-quantity lumber production was definitely beyond him. That was a [Developer]'s job.

He turned to Ryan, wondering why the kid had even tagged along for a moment. That said, there was one thing he did wonder about. “So, you and the blacksmith's daughter.” He asked. “You a thing?” As expected, the mostly solitary man was a bit behind on things.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan was exploring the treeline with his far reaching sight, killing time before he was told to do something. Absentmindedly, he twirled the hatchet in his hand as he noticed Sven turning to him. However, the topic he brought up was far from expected. "Aileen? What about her?" the carpenter was quick to elaborate. In all honesty, the question took Ryan aback to an extent. He thought that much was public knowledge by now. Still, he didn't want to leave room for misunderstandings, so he answered in earnest... Albeit a bit flustered "Y-Yeah, we are. Why do you ask?"
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

Retili found himself nodding to what Sven asked. "Identifying and marking the trees will be one thing but I want them to prepare a space to stack the logs. Preparing some paths would be good for dragging out the logs. We'll store them out here then have them transported wherever they need to go. A cart or wagon would be easiest for the job but we'll figure something out." He kept quiet as the pair began to speak about Aileen. He was curious as to what the answer was. Perhaps it would be a good conversation topic with Hestia at the Tavern later.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare D, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Section off a part of the woods (Developer F) to prepare it for future sustainable forestry.
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Come along with Retili to see if his craftsmanship can be of any (future) use when dealing with these quantities of lumber.

Forest Between Stonewall and Yemaya
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Forest




Sven figured he'd deal with business aspects of this case first. “It sounds like you've got things sorted out.” He looked around to the minions, then scoffed. “Although they clearly don't.” It seemed like it'd need some coordination to get all these minions working in the intended manner, without the know-how being intrinsic to them. “Which reminds me, if we do this well enough, you might be able to build them their own cabins outside of town. Get something a bit more permanent going as you're pretty much ruling a small village's worth of folk by now. Don't get it the wrong way, but I get some intel from the other militia members that folk tend to worry about where they'll all stay and all that... but that aside, it's good to see them put to work.”

He then turned back to Ryan and shrugged. “Saffron won't shut up about it her off-time. Not that I like visiting her outside of her working hours. Got me wondering if it was more than a rumour, is all.” He lifted his axe for a bit. “Well, that and the suggestion not to break her heart.” He added, as he swung the axe through the air for a bit. “Anyhow, want to get started? This place isn't going to clear itself up and I got no clue how to best handle it.” He asked Retili, hoping for the latter to give the others and his minions some [Developer] instruction to get the show on the road.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

"Well they usually require some instruction." Retili replied simply to Sven in regards to his men as he turned around. He pointed at the path they walked through and spoke to his troops, first addressing the riflemen. "Start clearing a straight path back the way we came in." The troops turned and began doing things like dragging dead limbs off the path and grabbing stones from the ground to mark the way they came in. They spread out in a long line back the way they had come. Next he turned to the remaining and gestured to a patch of ground nearby. "Clear a good space for us to set trees we cut down. Mark it off with stones like we are doing with the path." Then he turned back to his two companions. "Alright, we'll need to find well aged trees like I said before. Sven you likely already know what a good tree would look like but as for you Ryan look for trees like this." Retili drew his dagger and pointed at a tall tree that was quite similar to the ones around it, except it had thick boughs and was mainly one body, lacking any massive splits that bent the wood too drastically one way or another. "Try to avoid any trees that look too young. When we find one, we'll take our blades and mark it like so." Retili took his dagger and cut a deep cross in the tree, then he added a C and B opposite corners. "Any questions?" Retili finished.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare D, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Section off a part of the woods (Developer F) to prepare it for future sustainable forestry.
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Come along with Retili to see if his craftsmanship can be of any (future) use when dealing with these quantities of lumber.

Forest Between Stonewall and Yemaya
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Forest




“None from me.” Sven replied to Retili. The instruction had been clear enough. “Let's get to it.” He stated, taking out a dagger, heading to a nearby tree that suited the 'mark' requirements and marking it. He'd probably not get as much done as the army of minions, but he figured he might as well keep an eye out to see if they marked the right ones. The forest was quick to turn into a small industry, with minions carving, dragging and sometimes arguing about whether a tree was big enough or not.

There was only one thing Sven eventually noted. “Right, we might want to steer clear of the area further east. It's closer to areas of forest that have some Fae using them or rarer animal species. Working in this area alone or expanding westwards would be better.” They were still far out of those woods, but it was better to bring it up sooner rather than later.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan sighed, a bit frustrated yet at the same time embarrassed "Yeah, we somehow became the talk of the women's part of Stonewall. I have no idea why. Whenever I talk with a lady in town, they ask me about Aileen, and how we're doing, and so on. I really don't get it." He then chuckled when Sven added the part about not breaking her heart "Yeah, I get that a lot as well. Don't worry, I'd first die than breaking her heart... Though dying might cause that... You get the point!" Then Ryan looked around and nodded at Sven's command "Let's do it!" That said, he wasn't entirely positive on where to start himself, so he silently allowed the more experienced gentlemen handle that.

Retili took the initiative and explained the group how to handle the task. Ryan nodded again and simply said "Yes, sir!" Taking out a small knife he observed the nearby trees and started marking them as per Retili's instruction, while also being mindful of Sven's comment. As he moved around, his mind started working on possibilities of what to do with all the potential lumber they could gather from all these trees. He could probably build something nice, or maybe work on their quality for better projects. Things of that nature.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

Retili didn't reply to Sven with anything other then a nod and a thumbs up. He was very busy using [Noble Bearing C] in combination with [Developer F] to guide the minions in their task as efficiently as possible. He did however take some time to set a boundary so that the minions didn't go any further east. He had to divide his time between the pikemen and nobles and the riflemen as best he could to ensure they didn't make any mistakes and stayed on course to complete their task. He figured the labor would make the task swift and he wasn't wrong. The next and more difficult part would be getting enough axes for the lot of them to cut all the trees they had marked down. He didn't really know where that many axes would come from.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare D, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Section off a part of the woods (Developer F) to prepare it for future sustainable forestry.
Rev IX Rev IX Ryan Kylieth – Come along with Retili to see if his craftsmanship can be of any (future) use when dealing with these quantities of lumber.

Forest Between Stonewall and Yemaya
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Forest




Sven shrugged at Ryan not getting it. “Boredom, I guess.” He wasn't sure why it seemed to be that big a deal either. Now that he knew what was up, he knew enough.

With them all working, the forest eventually got shaped more into a [Developed] area, ready for future wood harvests, without having disturbed too much.

The End

These are only suggestions, please wait until a grader confirms them before adding them.

Narrator bonus worth = 42 points (From having multiple A-grade characters.)

Title: [Outdoorsman] – Character is known for being able and willing to spent their time out in nature.

Asset: [Forested Area] – An area gained from using [Developer [Wood and plant] F] to develop an area of forest for purposes of sustainably harvesting F-grade [Wood and plant] resources through [Harvester [Wood and plant] F. (0 points due to Developer [Wood and plant] F).

Skill: Leadership F (7 points) – From commanding minions to help around with developing the area.

Title: [Outdoorsman] – Character is known for being able and willing to spent their time out in nature.

Skill: [Developer [Wood and plant] F (7 points) – Due to learning the skill from Retili.
Isekai Hell Grade
Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163 Rev IX Rev IX

Feels like a beginning. Will have to see how this turns out. The idea of taking a forest and eventually producing stuff with it seems pretty nifty. Retili's development skill may only be used mechanically on a land asset. It is not used to acquire land assets for the character.

A forest near Stonewall is marked out. Eventually it may become a place for harvesting lumber.



Elvario - 5pts (narrator)

Retili - 1pt
optional skill acquired - Leadership F - if taken, add 7pts to earned and spent. OR you may claim additional 7pts and refuse the skill
optional title acquired [Outdoorsman] – Character is known for being able and willing to spent their time out in nature.

Ryan - 0pts
optional skill acquired - Developer (wood plant) F - if taken, mark 3pts spent from Ryan's earned points. OR you may claim 4pts and refuse skill.

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