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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) - Building Bridges

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently not open to be joined, but do let me know if you'd be down to join future efforts like these or RP's in the Caelia Barony setting in general.

What to expect out of character:
I'm hoping to get a few short (max 2 week) and to-the-point (goal-oriented) RP's going to test out some of the new Harvester / Refiner / Builder / Maker / Infuser / Developer skill combinations with some interested parties.

What to expect in character:
Having previously sectioned off parts of the forest and marked trees for harvesting with [Developer [Wood and plants] F], and having used [Harvester F] to chop down and bring in the lumber (as passive asset) and gather plants (as an active asset), it is now time to use these assets to build a new bridge to better connect Morbella Barony to Caelia Barony.

Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Use previously obtained [Wood] asset to build a bridge between Morbella and Caelia Barony.

Small River
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Small River between Caelia Barony and Morbella Barony

As the harvesting process had continued, Retili had gathered all that was needed to start working on the bridge. Thanks to being backed by Baroness Regula Caelia, who was on good footing with Baron Morbella, as well as the mutually beneficial nature of the project, things seemed promising. It might be a small bridge to build in the bigger picture, but every bridge build was an improvement.


In order to provide some back-up and ensure that everything was well-documented for both barons and the for the count, Regula had sent along one of her administrators so that Retili could focus fully on the process of building the bridge itself. “I'll be looking forwards to working with you, sir.” She'd start off, as they were heading for the river. Although she hadn't worked with Retili before, from his Area Knowledge on Caelia Barony, he'd know that she was a former East Empire slave who'd come to aid Regula along four companions, whom all had a few Human supremacist tendencies left that they decided to try and put into action by volunteering to come help serve baroness Caelia. It's why she was highly eager to impress the baroness.


Also tagging along was Inola, who'd been given some plants with the same properties as the few that Retili's people could eat. They'd been collected by Retili and Gwenith during the previous harvesting of Wood and Plants. Now, she was tagging along to help out making it into something edible that might give Retili and his man a different flavour profile for the first time ever, as a reward for the work they'd be putting into the bridge-building.

“If this works out, I think I might finally close in a little on chef Todo's talents.” She'd state with an excited wag of the tail. Ever since joining him in the kitchen, she'd been learning from him and trying to catch up to his level. It seemed like feeding Retili and his people was going to be the latest challenge in order to keep up that challenge.
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Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

Retili rolled his head from one side to the other as he considered his present company. He had made the acquaintance of Inola before but he hadn't seen Nightshade on anything but a staff roster. He chocked that up to him working far more independently these past few months then he normally did. He had really been burying his head in the books trying to learn everything about developing, harvesting, and building things. It had taken him quite some time to build up the knowledge necessary. Retili had eagerly accepted the plants that had been provided and he considered it carefully, taking a moment to taste a small amount of the herbal mixture. The typical way they consumed the plants would be in a herbal mixture while they traveled, it was part of the reason Retili so meticulously prepared a canteen everywhere he went. However since he hadn't had time to brew the herbs before they left, he simply rolled the mixture into a ball and stuck it into his mouth like tobacco. He sucked on the herbs as they walked, appreciating the mixture of flavors. A sharp minty overtone with an earthy subtext, with a subtle sweetness to it all. He chewed the leaves slowly, displaying the his characteristic stony facial expression as he walked at the head of his troops. They had already made several trips to move the logs to the site in the past couple of days. His men carried a collection of axes, hammers, and shovels with them as they moved.

"The pleasure is all mine i'm certain." Retili said to Nightshade as he walked with a charming tone to his voice. It didn't do bad to make bad impressions, especially if it was going to be with someone you would be working with for a long time. "We'll need to work fast." He explained as he walked. His own placid advisors walked slightly behind both Inola and Nightshade, also chewing on the herbs provided. "The river is at a low point and it will make it easier to build the bridge. I think that we're looking at least a full day of work and I don't particularly like the idea of staying the evening out here, so we'll have to work efficiently and keep an eye on everyone." He gestured back at his troops who marched behind them. As if to demonstrate his point a few were goofing around at the back of the line. "We'll plants the supports first, ten on each side should do it to span the river, i've already had the logs waterproofed so that won't be a problem. We'll just need to make sure that we have a hole dug deep enough in the river bed to set them. We'll have to lay the beams over the supports to mark where we'll need to cut holes in them to easily lay them across to form the sides of the bridge. Then we'll cut slots so that each beam sits on top of the supports comfortably and then cut a track on each beam so that we can place planks down on the center of the bridge and drive wooden pins into the top of all of it so that they stay nice and snug in place. It sounds complicated but it will be rather simple. Especially with nearly a hundred hands helping so we won't be short of labor." Retili concluded, his rather lengthy explanation now finished. "Anyways, the important part is to keep an eye on things so that nobody gets hurt and everyone stays on task." Retili was hoping this would help be a good test case for his skills. If everything went well he could see himself working on a number of building projects in future. Though he hoped to avoid working too close to Stonewall so he wouldn't have to butt heads with the way Amanda had zoned the city. He remembered how upset she was when the Baroness had placed the temple.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare D, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Use previously obtained [Wood] asset to build a bridge between Morbella and Caelia Barony.

Small River
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Small River between Caelia Barony and Morbella Barony


B]“I'll ensure I won't get in your way.”[/B] Nightshade promised, upon Retili stating they'd need to work fast. Her only job today was to record and later report the process, after all.


“I'm not the greatest at keeping an eye out on people... but I can let the hardest working get the fist tastes of what I'm about to cook up with those plants and herbs Gwenith said should be digestible~” That was probably her best way to contribute.

As Nightshade promised, she was keeping clear of Retili and his men as they worked. Merely writing up a few observation in a logbook every now and again.

Meanwhile, Inola had set up just far enough away not to become a distraction, setting up the basic cooking gear and items as she got to work on a makeshift outdoor kitchen. There were a lot of tiny Fae bastards men to cook for, after all.

As for the actual working and plotting part, that was all up to Retili. Thus far, luckily enough, things seemed to go favourable. Other than perhaps a few more complaints about how muddy things were from the soldiers. There were also a few that seemed to avoid the mud enough for it to make them rather inefficient.
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

Retili and his men began to work fast as they did exactly what they discussed. The first and hardest part was laying out the support beams. He watched as his men waded into the low river and with great difficulty began to dig holes in the ground to set the beams in. Meanwhile Retili strolled back and forth, giving tips and yelling at any of the Zentail that tried to avoid the mud. They were soldiers by after all. Some mud shouldn't bother them. After an hour of work, all of the support beams were in place and had been shored up under the water to keep them in place. With a nod, Retili began to order his men to work on placing the main beams across the supporting struts that were in the water. It took a further half hours, but they successfully placed the beams on top of the shore and got them marked before pulling them back to shore so that his men could start work cutting the holes and tracks in the wood they needed.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare D, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Use previously obtained [Wood] asset to build a bridge between Morbella and Caelia Barony.

Small River
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Small River between Caelia Barony and Morbella Barony

Work progressed steadily, a bit more so when the soldiers that were avoiding mud had gotten yelled at enough to eventually cave in. Nightshade was still keeping her promise of not getting in the way, simply keeping up her logbook from a distance.


Inola, however, did interrupt a bit. She'd approach Retili. “Advisor, just a quick question, is there anyone I could ask to taste-test what I've come up with? I'd hate to prepare lunch only to realise the taste is different to you and your men than it is to me.”
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

When Inola approached Retili took a quick break to address what she had asked. With a quick motion he called over the five advisors who were unsuited to assisting with the construction. "Take these five, they'll help you taste test things." The five zentail would follow Inola and help her with her lunch preparations. Meanwhile Retili turned back to his work supervising the men. He offered words of encouragement, complimenting his troops on their work, or correcting a mistake here and there. Soon the men were finished cutting the beams and the tracks, and the waded out into the water to set the beams onto the supports. They quickly added some structural crossbeams that slotted into place to help keep the whole structure sturdy before looking at the skeleton of the bridge crossing the river. Now all that was left would be to place the planks of the bridge and set the wooden pins.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare D, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Use previously obtained [Wood] asset to build a bridge between Morbella and Caelia Barony.

Small River
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Small River between Caelia Barony and Morbella Barony


“Thank you sir~” She stated, with a happy tail wag at having the five new test subjects surrendered to her cooking. It turned out only one out of five threw up after trying one of the dishes. The other four were fine, although two claimed to hate the taste. After swapping around a bit more, there were two dishes that remained. Dishes that seemed digestible and tasty to the taste of the species. One with a bit of a sour freshness to it, the other with a bit of a hearty spiciness to it.

Approaching Retili yet again, she'd inform him of her findings. “We've got two left. Would you like to try them to select which one we'll be making? Or should I make both options?”


A bit later, Nightshade would await for a moment Retili wasn't busy to ask a question of her own. “I've been wondering, but what is being done to prevent the wood from rotting, due to it being in contact with water most of the time? More so, I'm wondering if I should submit a maintenance schedule for it in advance.”
Retili Loxinofican
Character Sheet
Elvario Elvario

Retili's men continued to work on the bridge, now they began a careful process of setting planks and pounding wooden pins in place to keep them from moving anywhere. Out of the corner of his eye he kept an eye on Inola's progress. He wondered what had caused one of his men to vomit as he saw her approaching him with two dishes. He smiled and took one of the bowls as she approached. "Certainly I would like to try them, though you might offer both to the men. I think a bit of variety might be welcome." He took the wooden spoon and tried the first bowl. It was a bit sour, some sort of citrus flavor gave it the twist, but it was backed up by an earthy freshness that Retili couldn't quite put his finger on. Overall it was good. He handed the bowl back and took the other before tasting it as well. The flavor reminded him of what someone had told him chili tasted like. The spiciness was there, but not overwhelming. It was a pleasant flavor, and also the first time the Zentox had been able to enjoy something new tasting when it came to food. "Your hard work has paid off Ms. Inola. I would say this is likely the first new dish the Zentail species will have tasted in over a thousand years." He turned back to his work even as he savored the lingering spicy flavor.

As the final planks began to be set in place Retili found himself surprised by the approach of Nightshade. She offered several good questions. "Well to that end the supports were waterproofed some days before in preparation for them to be set in the water. We used a mixture of flax oil and a laquer to protect it from moisture. Most of the planks though were simply seasoned and sealed with flax oil. It would have been too expensive to laquer the whole bridge. The end result will be that you won't have to worry about rot for a good while. Probably several years at the earliest. Though we may end up having to replace individual planks due to wear and tear from folks using the bridge depending on the traffic flow." Retili finished and folded his arms. "Any other questions?" He said as his men finished placing the final planks and wooden pins before cheering. Retili looked at them but didn't say anything as they trooped in.

  • Caelia Savant D - Law E, Warfare D, Business F, Academia F, Area Knowledge [Caelia Baron] F - Grade D, 2 post Cooldown - Retili uses his comprehensive knowledge built up through years of study to overcome issues that smooth talking might not otherwise be capable of.
  • Charismatic Scribe C - Insight C, Perception C, Empathy C, Persuasion C - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - Using his quick wit and fast mind, Retili talks his way around and through problems that he encounters.
  • Noble Bearing C - Etiquette E, Law E, Academia F, Persuasion C, Empathy C, Perception D, Insight C, Business F - Grade C, 3 post Cooldown - After some time spent in study, on the road, and in the court of nobles Retili has learned the way and bearing required to be at least adequate in the many skills expected of nobility.
Tags and character goals:
conman2163 conman2163 Retili Loxinofican – Use previously obtained [Wood] asset to build a bridge between Morbella and Caelia Barony.

Small River
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia, Between Stonewall and Yemaya, Small River between Caelia Barony and Morbella Barony


True to most canines, her tail was a doorway into her heart. It was wagging up a storm when Retili compliment her and told her she managed to bring a new flavour to an entirely new species. “I'll be sure to write down the recipe for you and I'll keep improving it or finding new variations!” She stated, excited to have been able to make such a big break-through. She quickly went back to prepare it for all of the men present.


As Retili answered her, Nightshade made careful notes. “Years? That is great news.” She'd cross out a line, which seemed to be for coming up with an inspection routine. That line was added when he mentioned wear and tear from traversing. “I'd like to discuss a possible inspection frequency to ensure it remains in good condition, but that can wait. I believe Inola is finished.” She'd stated, noticing the chef ready to serve.

With Retili's men being rewarded by a feast of new flavours after their hard work, the bridge was finished. A neatly documented report of the building efforts would find its way to the relevant authorities; baroness Caelia, baron Morbella and (should he desire to read it) Count Sadek.

The End

These are only suggestions, please wait until a grader confirms them before adding them.

Narrator bonus worth = 42 points (From having multiple A-grade characters.)

Title: [Bridge-Builder] – Character is known for their ability to build basic bridges.

[Lumber F] – passive income from [Forest Asset] and [Harvester F [Wood and Plants]].

[Bridge F] – Character has build a bridge across a small river bordering Caelia Barony and Morbella Barony.


[Friend of Sadek County F] – Character has build a bridge across a small river bordering Caelia Barony and Morbella Barony, thereby aiding the baronies within Sadek County and earning favour from its rulers and inhabitants.
Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163

I'm a bit confused looking at the sheet. While the rp was done with the assumption the character would have wood assets by now, it was understood there was a delay on that part. However, I'm more confused by the odd listing for the forest asset. Looks like it was just bought with points maybe but its unclear what asset was bought based on the change log. Additionally, to harvest resources from land assets with resources, it should be listed in the downtime listing of the character (makes the assumption it was what the character was up to in between rps). Perhaps an rp is missing from the change log?

As for the narration, i wouldn't suggest using npcs with no relevant skills to do skilled labor XD They seemed a bit too familiar with crafting processes despite being fairly rudimentary soldier units.


A bridge was made but its quality seemed to be in question. Merchants with means avoided it. Individual travelers were more likely to give it a try. Improvements would likely need made when better resources and craftsman were on hand to complete the work.



Elvario - 5pts (narration

Retili - 14pts
optional title acquired [Project Foreman F] - character is gaining know-how in civil engineering projects. Still a ways off from adequate.

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