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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) – Baroness, Take Flight!

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell universe. Check the links above to learn more about it.

Events take place a week after The Start Of Something New and Our Battle Shalt Be Legendary!.

The pace is likely going to be roughly 48 hours per round, but might be quicker if certain people move faster than the overall plot, or slower if my IRL situation finally starts to catch up to me or if I start realising I'm biting into a little more than I can chew off this time (I'll do my best to never make it drop below 96 hours at most).

The overall goal is to traverse through the barony and visit places outside the capital town. Character specific goals are listed. If new goals come up or are suggested, they'll be added. For those that wish to join that aren't listed below, please provide me with some specific goals your character might have (or ask me for ideas so we can come up with some together).

Regula: Elvario Elvario
  • Racially evolve from an Aerial into a Valkyrie by learning to fly properly.
  • Visit and explore more of her barony.
  • Meet some key NPC's outside of her capital town.

Amanda Uasal Uasal
  • Introduce the gospel of crop rotation to the Barony's villages.
  • Find new opportunities for infrastructure, or old ones to improve upon.
  • Sketch and plan out new projects in the field.
  • Get some fresh air?

Retili: conman2163 conman2163
  • Take census of all inhabitants of the Caelia Barony and not down their occupations.
  • Find and enlist workers for future Barony Projects.
  • Find out if there's an artisan capable of making good identifiers for Caelia Advisors.
  • Inspect the condition of the infrastructure.

Aria: RavenSong RavenSong
  • Help Regula take flight and try to ensure she doesn't commit suicide by falling to her death.
  • Meet and inspect the village guards in the Barony.
  • Inspect guard-infrastructure, such as watch-towers, barracks, walls.

Ryan Rev IX Rev IX
  • Figure out where Aileen is and meet up with her.
  • Make some deliveries and do some equipment check-ups for Gobán.

Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
  • Make anyone think twice about harassing the group as they travel through the outskirts of the barony.
  • Help with the heavy-lifting where needed.
  • Learn more about the new civilisation he woke up in.

Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince
  • Earning coin.
  • Establish himself as an expert on all things horses.
  • Surveying the land for future ranch opportunities.

Leiana NeramoDJI NeramoDJI
  • Give Regula the wing-massage of a life-time.
  • Sell her merchandise in the various villages.

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 08:30 Weather: Clear skies. Sun rose half an hour ago.

Regula sighed. She'd just set the next set of plans in motion, but she was already getting a bit of cold feet. Even so, her conversation with Aria, fresh on her mind due to happening mere moments ago, had given her some new courage.


Regula wasn't normally the type to 'summon' someone to her quarters. Instead, she'd normally just visit whomever she wished to talk to her herself. However, today was different. It was early morning, exactly seven days after their arrival in Stonewall. She hadn't spoken a lot with Aria lately, instead working hard to meet the townsfolk and doing what she could to get an understanding of just about everything that was going. She was often accompanied by her mother, but would sometimes take on blacksmithing jobs 'to relax' as well, or work on fixing up things in the keep or barracks. Oddly enough, she'd often just 'vanished' from everyone's radars, leaving the city to go to who-knows-where doing who-knows-what. The latter was the reason she was desperate to speak to Aria today, as she was standing in front of a mirror in her room, looking at it with mild concern.

Aria had been hard at work training the regiments, mostly she was filling out paperwork. Various situations required various acts of conduct in order for everything to run smoothly with impeccable order. These guards were to be the finest in the land. Or so was her goal.

It was a surprise however when a court messenger stepped through her shoddy study which was being repaired by soldiers and townsfolk alike. Upon hearing that Regula was summoning her, she nodded. “Very well. I’ll make my way there now.”

She scribbled on a few other pages, before assigning a cadet to finish up the remaining work. Taking her katana by her desk, she fixed up the cuffs of her shirt, fixed the black bow on her head and made her way across the town to Regula's chambers.

Once at the door she paused, before lightly tapping upon the wooden door. Aria would open the door. She’d salute. “M’lady? You called? How may I be of use?”

Considering everyone was mostly tending their duties for roughly a week. Aria was quite surprised. However she thought to keep things formal unless this was about something of a more personal nature. To which Aria was ready to shed to be present for her dearest friend.

“Ah, Aria, thank you for coming, I...” She hesitated. She thought she'd been mentally prepared for this, but she wasn't. She sighed deeply. “It's about these.” She pointed to her wings. “I'm completely at my wits end.” She turned to face Aria, rather than the mirror, revealing her eyes were oddly reddish from something.

“First they made look like I was growing some odd deformity on my back, which somehow everyone was polite enough to ignore, then they started making my back bleed enough for me to bandage it up in an attempt to hide it... yet now that they're finally at their full size, I... I can't even use them.” As if to demonstrate, she gave some 'uneven' flaps with her wings, one flapping just slightly before the other, which nearly send her tumbling to the ground. “I never asked for wings, but somehow I got them, but now I can't even use them... What will people think? I look like I'm some sort of Valkyrie, yet I can't even fly. I'm not even a proper Aerial...”

She shook her head. “I've been trying to start learning it, a bit away from here, out of sight, but I just keep falling back down before I'm even up in the air a few feet. What's worse, they cramp up like crazy. That feeling you get when you've been working the forge for five days with barely any breaks...” She wasn't sure if Aria could relate, but continued anyway. “I wanted to talk to my mother about it, but I don't want to worry her. Besides, I tried to bring it up, but she wasn't sure if it was even a common trait in the family... so it might be... it might be from my father's side...” The one thing they shared was that they weren't exactly close with their fathers.

“Either way, I'm lost on ideas. Do I just keep these stupid things as some useless decorations and pretend like that's normal?”

Seeing Regula distraught, made Aria ease up a bit as she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. Stepping closer, she almost whispered, “Fascinating.” As Regula's wings appeared to flap a bit.

“I was beginning to wonder what had become of this new growth m’lady. I wish I had all the answers but.. if I may so humbly make a suggestion.” She’d get close enough to gently touch the delicate yet strangely tough feathers. “..when I lived in Highgrove, I’d see how little birds hatched and flapped their wings quite a bit for days until one day they flew out of the nest.” She shrugged “I’m not sure if that would help m’lady. Rumours spread quickly about this town, so I understand your reservations in coming forward with wings without the ability to use them.”

She’d bring a pondering finger to her lips however, “Hmm.. perhaps Madam Rose would know.. hm.. she knew your father best. However, perhaps it’d be prudent to not press her about it.”

Regula flashed Aria a saddened smile when being compared to a hatchling bird. However, that vanished when Aria suggested... “No... I can't possibly ask her such a thing. It'd cause her to relive too much trauma and I doubt she'd even have the answers.” There was one misunderstanding though. “Well, I've had to stop hiding them ever since we got here, they're simply too big now. It's the fact that I can't use them, that's what I'm still hiding. I... tried asking for that winged woman, the scout from Yemaya, but so far I haven't heard back from her either.”

Truth be told, she did have one idea when Aria arrived. It was an idea that she didn't like, so she hoped Aria would have something, but... “Do you still have that flying leaf you got from the Fae? I think... maybe if you just fly me up and I jump off, perhaps flying instincts will naturally kick in? I've been flapping around for days without results, perhaps I just need adrenaline and a wind current. Besides, if I crash, I've got my healing cloak, right?” It was, by all means, a pretty bad idea.

Aria blinked, she’d almost forgotten about the magical leaf the fae had given her. “R-right.. the leaf..” she stuttered as she recollected where she wrapped it with her belongings. She was a bit hesitant about the idea of her dearest friend simply jumping off a flying leaf very high up in the air. She could injure herself, or worse. “Is this idea wise m’lady?” She wondered, but really it seemed there was hardly any choice if none of the known contacts weren’t willing to come to their aid. “But.. perhaps you’re right.” She said finally. “Shall we go?”

Perhaps her idea wasn't so bad at all, as Aria agreed to it. However, there were still the 'circumstances' to deal with. “We'd have to be even further away from town than normally, if we go up high, otherwise we might be seen...” That's when something occurred. “That's it!” She called out. “I've wanted to visit the other places in my barony for a while now. How about we use that as an excuse? We start up a short tour to the villages. Retili can go hold his census, Amanda can find new things to make schematics for, that construct we met can perhaps help out with some local heavy-lifting, you can inspect the village's militias and some guard outpost... and I... I'll hopefully find a private place to try flying with the help of that leaf. We can even say that you and me aren't moving along with the others due to preferring to fly around together to get a better overview, as an excuse. That'd work, right?” She'd clearly had a better idea on that part, which was odd, considering the other half still boiled down to yeeting herself off of a flying leaf and hope she wouldn't die from it.

There was one more thing, however, that Regula had to say. “You know, it's making me realise just how amazing you are. You've adjusted to your legs so well, it's like they're natural. You lost something huge, but you came back stronger than ever. Meanwhile, I got these wings out of nowhere and can't even use them. It's quite the difference, isn't it?” She shook her head. “Don't mind me, I just...” That's when something occurred to her. “You got that letter, right? I mean that. Having both you and my mother here, I'm surprised these pesky wings aren't flying themselves yet due to feeling so encouraged.” She said, trying to cheer herself up a bit.

She was just about to suggest they head out to the countryside when Regula suddenly snapped her fingers with an epiphany. Aria blinked, as Regula mentioned her idea. The sword maiden smiled, there was something quite exhilarating about sneaking out to do something behind everyone’s back, sure, it was to help her friend and keep everyone guessing. Nonetheless, there was a chance of being caught.

“I suppose that might work. I will say Sir Retili is quite the critical observer, he might be the toughest one to convince. But either way, seems like a sound plan m’lady.”

Aria would nearly start towards the door, when Regula suddenly began to mention something unexpected. Sure, she was well aware of the letter she mentioned and it’s contents but for it to be brought up directly made her blush a bit, especially when she praised her by calling her ‘amazing’.

“I.. it’s..” she looked down. “..its not so easy m’lady. I just..” looking up she suddenly mustered her courage. “I do what I must to contribute to our cause to bring prosperity to this land!”

“However, I wonder if this sacrifice would also deny me the attraction and affection of a partner once we’ve accomplished our long fought goal.”

“Hmm.. You're right and he already knows more than I'd like him to.” She replied on the topic of Retili. “Let's try keep him extra busy, such as by asking him to keep track of the state of the roads as well.”

When Aria was looking down, Regula came up with a devious plan indeed. “You know, there's something I think these wings might be capable off that I've been wanting to try out...” She mumbled, then stepped up to Aria and turned her around, holding both her shoulders and wrapping her wings around her whilst looking her straight in the eyes.

Her guess had been correct, this was a really nice way to pull her friends close. At last these wings were good for something. “Listen, you're one of the greatest people I've ever met, so I'm sure the people will be lined up for a chance to win over your heart. Besides, haven't you seen how that captain keeps looking at you? I'm confident he's fallen head over heals for you and that it's only grown stronger. Not that I can blame him, as I know first-hand how awesome you are. Perhaps I'm a bit biased since I made them, but I think the way you handle your new legs has something very gracious and inspiring about it that'll charm many a man.”

That's when she realised she might've misinterpreted the question altogether. Perhaps this wasn't about Aria's self-confidence at al, but simply about... “Wait, if you just wanted a day off to pursue a romantic interest, you can always ask me, right? I'll admit I'll be jealous having to share you with someone else, but I can't deny my dearest friend the ability to follow her heart.”

"If that is your wish, m'lady." Aria was amused, but she wouldn't let it show, however she was a bit surprised to what lengths Regula was willing to go to keep any rumours from escaping into the public.

Her pondering was quickly put to rest as regular approached Aria and embraced her with the wings she had just previously touched. It felt. Warm; insulated like being in some kind of nest. "Hm?" Next thing she knew, she was looking into Regula's eyes as she spoke, her words bringing up all manner of confusion. “The.. captain?” She asked with a puzzled look, “You really think-?” The bit about how charming her legs were made her blush deeply. “M’lady.. I.. I don’t understand how to.. make any logic out of the strange feelings you’re giving me.” She looked away, then back, “I.. suppose I can just say.. thank you..” She sighed. “..but that doesn’t make it justice.”

Then Regula flat out suggested something else, which really didn’t help. “..I.. don’t have any romantic interests at the moment m’lady.. and last thing I’d want is to upset you.. but.. should such an event occur, you’ll be the first to know.”

“There's no need to make logic out of it, just know I care a lot about you. That's enough... Oh, please also keep that in mind when I start making a fool out of myself in the near future, trying to flap these wings again.” She said, trying to lighten the mood a bit. “And I'm glad I'll be first to know. I'll probably need to mentally prepare myself for the time I'll have to share your time with someone else~”

With that, she'd regained a little bit of confidence. Calling Aria had been the right move after all. Perhaps she should use this sudden courage to push her plans in motion. “Let's get to business right away. Can you go fetch Amanda? I don't think I've seen her a lot lately, so you might have to look for her. I'll send for the others as well.”

Regula Caelia
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163

With Aria out to fetch Amanda, Regula figured she'd go look for Retili first. He wasn't hard to find, as he was once again dutifully going through the town's records. She couldn't help smiling when she spotted him. “You really do a thorough job. You've been at it long enough that I feel like you don't just have a census on the current population, but also also on the three generations past and a prediction on the next three generations to come while at it.” She smiled, hoping the scribe would understand it as a compliment. Either way, the main thing was yet to be brought up. “I know it's a short notice, but I wanted to travel to the other places in my barony. Sootspire, Kirkwall, the remnants of Yemaya and any other place of interest we might find along the way. It'd allow you to take census in those towns to see if the records here are correct. While at it, I'd also like for you to see if you can recruit artisans for future projects and inspect the conditions of our roads. I'll personally travel separately with Aria, as our flight would allow us to see more of the barony than I'd see by foot. I'd like you to travel with Teuihua, Ryan and Amanda, as the three of them likely need some time away from here and they all offered to see if they could help out, so it'd be a good chance to see where else in the barony they can help out. Oh, I'm also debating to ask Captain Hayward, Ethel or Sherwood to come, but I'm not sure which of them would be of most use. Considering they'd be travelling with your group, I'll leave it up to the rest of you to decide whom to ask to accompany you.”

Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

Meanwhile, whilst Ryan was working the smithy, Gobán showed up with a list. It included many tasks. Inspecting the equipment of folk in Sootspire, in Kirkwall and in some farms outside from the villages. It also mentioned 'aid Yemaya', suggesting some voluntary work for those that remained among the ruins. However, most notably, the task [Find Aileen. Make her yours.] was on top of the list. He shoved it into Ryan's hands with a ”Hm.” to make it clear there was no debating this. Had he been setting this up? It wasn't clear.

Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Teuihua, meanwhile, would find himself harassed by a very enthusiast shopkeeper. Having been in the town for a week, everyone would've recognised her particular trait. She was a totally different person on her off-time than during her work-time. Going from a person acting like a robot and just doing the bare minimum to keep things running during work-time to being highly enthusiastic, extroverted and curious whenever she'd got the morning off. This was such a morning.

“Wow, you're so strong mister golem, that's amazing~ Did you really drag all these logs here yourself?!? Sven couldn't hope to ever carpenter them all in time~ Say, say, you said you need food for offerings, but can it really just be anything organic? Could you like, eat part of these logs as well? Does it differ in how much energy it gives you if you eat a five-course meal or just some grass along the road? Oh, you said you 'woke' up somewhere, but can you even sleep, or is it more like a pause mode?”
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Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili stood and bowed as Regula entered the room. She might note that since his arrival any rooms that he spent regular time in had their windows covered up with large curtains to protect his skin. His normal tunic had been replaced with one far more form fitting and easier to move in. A belt was strapped around his waist that held the dagger she had reforged for him at the front, and his yellow eyes seemed to glow slightly in the dim candle light of the dark room. "Your words are humbling my Lady. I had thought you would want to travel to see your territory and I figured that such an opportunity would allow me to kill two birds with one stone as it were. It is a shame we cannot travel with you. I imagine the ability to soar must be a powerful feeling." He collected his things and pulled up his the hood to his cloak, the trusty satchel at his side containing the supplies he would need. "I travel light, we may set off as soon as the others are ready. It would be wise to ask along all three I think. The guards can cover the town for now, but assessing all of their abilities in the field will give us an idea of what they are capable of." The scribe stood near the door and held it open for Regula. "If you don't mind I'll go with you to speak to the others, or I suppose I can collect them myself. I will do whatever you wish.".
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan was up at his usual time, and yet, he didn't notice the letter slipped under his door until he sat up on the edge of his bed. He sat down and slowly opened it. He felt more and more warmth in his chest and face the more he read it. It was clear that it took effort, and yet Aileen went out of her way to try and do it, it was very charming. Upon finishing reading the letter, Ryan checked in his box of pretty rocks. Too pretty to simply discard, but too small or frail to be used in the forge meaningfully by themselves. Finding the best suited for the task in his eyes, Ryan took it with him.

As he got downstairs, instead of his usual forging duties for the townsfolk. He prepared a small amount of argenteus mithril and crafted with it a simple case for the stone he took, and etched a few runes in it. As he finished his small pendant, he noticed Gobán coming his way. "Good morning, Mister Gobán" he voiced to the borderline mute man, not expecting an answer aside from a nod or something of that nature.

It was then that Ryan noticed the list in Gobán's hand "Oh? More work to do? Very well..." He trailed off his sentence since Gobán gave it to him with an unusual sense of urge, as if it was something that needed to be done posthaste. Ryan decided to check the list, skimming through it, he just saw requests to check on nearby villages and find Ai... "M-Mister Gobán... this is..." with his now reddened face, he looked at the man. There wasn't avoiding this. "I'll... I'll see what I can do..."

Despite saying that to Gobán, he honestly had no clue of what he truly meant, as usual. So Ryan just hoped he wasn't expecting grandchildren this fast. Sure, Ryan felt something for Aileen, but you can't rush these things... Or so said the few novels he previously read on the topic. Sighing, Ryan collected a few things into his backpack, while stashing the pendant on a hidden pocket that could be sealed. With the few belongings he thought were needed for his travel today ready, he put his poncho on and slinged the backpack over his shoulder. Before he stepped out, however, he had a question "Setting the situation with Aileen aside, how have I been doing this week, Mister Gobán?"

Elvario Elvario
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After departing from regulas chambers, she set out the door to commence their newly assigned duties. While Regula gathered Retilli and the others, Aria was given the task to find their agriculturalist, Amanda. Where does she usually dwell. The knight wondered as she attempted to recollect any instances she might have seen her. None came to mind, it suddenly dawned on her that wherever she was Amanda was likely very hard at work. Aria returned to the barracks and asked around after blanking out on any potential leads, or perhaps she had been hard at work with training the guards for nearly a week straight that she hadn't the patience for it.

Apparently, she was right, when one of the guards mentioned her coming out for a meal at he inn. "Thats the only time I've ever seen er' mysterious and private, that one."

After thanking the guard, she set off for the inn, walking past the townsfolk that had begun their early morning duties giving her strange stares, thankful looks, or morning greetings. Aria made sure to treat everyone the same, she was new here, and she still had much to prove to these people. Suddenly, she made a mental note to pay a visit someday soon to her hometown of Highgrove, this place had began to make her feel a little homesick.

Aria made her way through the inn, asking around, she got word of where Amanda's place was, her footsteps were a bit heavy against the floorboards due to the obvious nature of her partially metallic anatomy. When she finally arrived at Amandas quarters.

She knocked on the door. "Miss Amanda, are you in? It's Aria." She'd tap he foot a bit, impatiently looking down the hallway then back at the door. She knocked again. "Hello?" She called once more before reaching for the door handle, effectively opening the door.

The door creaked as the slightly rusting hinges groaned against the pressure placed against it. The sword maiden was a bit hesitant to look inside, considering it was their trusted logistical advisor.

Sure enough, Amanda was in but the reason as to why she had been unresponsive was suddenly very apparent. Aria slowly and carefully stepped a bit closer, the morning sun illuminating the room through the large windows. A glow that revealed countless sketches, complex graphs, crumpled up balls of paper littered about the place. Aria would gasp softly as she accidentally stepped on one of the aforementioned crumpled pieces of parchment and took a few steps back before turning to look at Amanda who was under her study desk!

Aria would pull the chair back slowly, setting it down before crouching down and placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking her softly. "Miss Amanda? I'm afraid it's already morning. We have been summoned for a survey of the land. Will you not join us?"

Aria couldn't help but wince a bit, she knew all too well what it was like to be woken up late when responsibilities were continuously looming over.
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1676596444135.png Amanda Steelhaven

Amanda was slow to wake and it took her even longer to comprehend the situation she found herself now in. With Aria's hand on her shoulder, Amanda stirred quietly from her slumber, mumbling and grumbling as she did so. Turning so as to sit up, Amanda was quick to smack her head off the base of her desk in doing so. With a loud thump followed by a surprised yelp, Amanda immediately brought a hand to her head and bit at her lip not to curse aloud. Bearing with the blunt force pain as best she could for the few seconds following her self-destruction. Opening her eyes thereafter Amanda would blink a few times before her eyes adjusted to the room, falling upon Aria and her facial expression then afterwards. Blinking a few more times Amanda would rub at her eyes with balled fists before tilting her head in clear confusion.

Though that confusion would only last a few seconds before her expression was quickly replaced by shock. Eyes wide and complexion paling it was clear Amanda had missed everything Aria had said. Her eyes were dark with severe bags indicative of sleep deprivation and with her room in such a mess, it was quite clear Amanda had been hard at work over the past week. Given her bed was still perfectly made yet covered in scraps of paper combined with her dark eyes only cemented such. But perhaps most notably, upon her desk lay three scrolls neatly sealed and clearly ready for delivery.

Scrambling from under the desk without so much as a word, Amanda began darting around the room in search of her spare clothes. Undressing and redressing with incredible speed. Save for one occasion where she nearly face-planted the floor after a close miss with a rouge ball of paper upon the floor. An event that in all honesty was anything but elegant, arms flailing as she desperately tried to regain her balance with one sock on and the other in hand. Not her best moment.

Correcting her bow and patting down her dress, Amanda had prepared herself in record time. At the low-low cost of her dignity. Clearing her throat, Amanda spoke with a groggy voice that quickly faded. "Ahem. I apologise you had to see me like this. It would appear I fell asleep after reading my schematics for submission. I was careless.". Moving toward her desk Amanda was quick to scoop up the scrolls with great care. Turning back toward Aria with a soft smile, Amanda chuckled to herself "You can laugh at me if you wish. Aria, wasn't it? I can be quite the klutz at times, my mother has often found humour at my expense in similar cases."

Tilting her head to the side Amanda's smile did little to hide her clear worry, "I'm not late, am I? Did I miss my chance to submit my drawings?" Clearly, paling and stuttering before speaking on the next question, Amanda's tired eyes did little to help her in producing a facade "I..eh, I'm not actually going to lose my hands and I?". Eyes immediately drawn to the Katana on the woman's hip.
RavenSong RavenSong
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.png

Elvario Elvario

The golem was prepared to do what task he needed to do next, whatever that would be regardless, he had been awake and was on the move. Truthfully he had not been expecting Saffron to come out of the woodworks like this and just start talking to him. Teuihua hadn't spoken to so many people in quite some time. Patroling the border of his civilization had been work where he didn't need to speak to many organics at all. It wasn't like other golems like him were very likely to speak to each other unless necessary either so small talk wasn't really something in his world until this point. He had found that he could enjoy conversations nevertheless.

The golem was more than willing to address her questions even if there were many of them. What was he to do? Teuihua much preferred being kind and as long as it didn't get in the way of him completing tasks he wasn't going to dismiss her.

"Thank you Miss, yes I dragged all of these logs here myself, I hope that they are to Sven's liking just the same."

Teuihua's head rotated towards her. "Yes it is possible that I could turn part of the logs into energy or I could even turn grass into energy but it is far more efficient for me to eat something more like the five course meal presuming it's quality, as it makes a much higher quality offering." Teuihua spoke. This was true that food that had more effort put into it and that was higher quality actually gave him the most energy for material expended. Yes Teuihua could subsist off of greenery and other organic materal but with well put together dishes he needed to eat far less frequently, and even then Teuihua's need to eat was significantly less than a human being. He could go much longer without eating and be perfectly fine.

"I do not truly sleep in the traditional sense, I go into. a stasis mode to rejuvenate my functions, this is not needed frequently, and helps to improve over all efficiency as I am capable to skip cycles of it if needed, just like you could decide not to sleep for some time out of necessity." Teuihua continued.

"I hope that these answers are satisfactory, if you don't mind a question, you seem to be in a particularly good mood, is there a reason for that?" Teuihua asked in a friendly enough intonation.
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 08:30 Weather: Clear skies. Sun rose half an hour ago.

Regula Caelia
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163

Regula was glad to hear her advisor was ready even without having announced her plans. It showed her she'd gotten a good one. That said, she had to be careful not to show a sign of discomfort when he somehow managed to rub in her bluff. Although, well, she would indeed imagine flying to be a powerful feeling. “It is.” She said, silently adding, 'so I can't wait for these bloody wings to actually let me start doing so' to it.

As for asking all three along, she had some reservations. “I'd like to avoid leaving the town without anyone in charge, just in case something happens. If we take all three, Sven would be the next one down the line of command, but I don't know him well enough yet to know how he'd handle the place in our absence.” From what she'd gathered, Hayward was the official Guard Captain, making him the highest rank below herself and Aria. Then Ethel, as his trainee, and Sherwood as the main scout, were the only full-time guards. The others all had other jobs besides guard shifts, such as Sven being considered 'head of militia' whilst also being the town's main carpenter. “I guess we can ask them about it first, perhaps they themselves have good reason to come along or stay here.” That'd make the decision a lot easier. “How about you do that, while I go check up on the smithy? I've been waiting to ask Gobán about something as well.” She said, sending Retili off to find Ethel, Hayward or Sherwood. They'd likely be in the barracks or on the small plaza behind the keep.

Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX


“Hm.” Gobán replied, giving an approving nod when Ryan said he'd do what he could. Just how it was meant to be. When Ryan asked him how he'd been doing, he gave a more dissatisfied grunt. “Hrm.” He held up his stump. “Aches.” Then he looked up to where the sky would normally be, if it wasn't for the fact they were in a forge. “Bad weather, perhaps.” He said. Considering he'd used a whole four words though, his mood probably wasn't all that bad, as he was rather talkative today.

That's when Regula entered the forge.

Regula Caelia

“Ah, good morning mister Gobán, good morning Ryan.” She said, glad to find them both awake and up and about. “I'm glad you're both here, as I wanted to discuss something. You see, I'm planning to go out to visit the other villages in my barony today and wondered if you, Ryan, would want to come along. I'd like to have another blacksmith with me to inspect the state of everyone's equipment.” She then turned to Gobán. “I also wanted to talk to you about that, sir. I don't wish to run you out of business, but I've been debating to set up a system where citizens of the barony can get discounts on upgrading their equipment and tools, for as long they use it for the protection or development of our barony. Perhaps even giving them out on loan to those who cannot afford them. It's just for a future project, but I'd like your cooperation.”

The smith stared at her for a while in silence, then replied. “Think.”

Regula nodded. She'd gotten used to these one-worded responses enough to get the gist of things. “Alright, let me know when you've got an answer or plan. Either way, Ryan, are you up to travelling along? I've already asked Retili to find the others and I'll ask Teuihua to come along for all the heavy lifting.”

Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“WHAT?!?” She replied to Teu's latest question. “No, no, no, no, no mister, you're the odd one here~ It's my morning off, how can I nod be in a good mood! It's always nice to be free of responsibilities for a while. I should ask you how you can work so much without growing tired of it instead. Surely there are moments when you want to not work right? Don't have have any hobbies, interests or something?” She titled her head, trying to imagine what the giant construct would be doing in his spare time. Stacking rocks? “Either way, getting back to your answers, I still don't got how the food thing works. So like, if I gave you something with a lot of calories, like a good tub of lard, would that be more useful than a finely and masterfully cooked fish? So like, is it quality of food or quality of stuff to burn within the food that matters? Oh, oh, as for the sleep, is it like a thing you can just activate at will, or do you need to get tired first? Or like, can you just say 'I got pause now' and poof, you're in stasis? That'd be pretty cool and creepy alike.”
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario

Retili nodded and bowed to his liege, then set off to go check the barracks. He walked through the town as he did finding himself pleasantly impressed that it ran so well even without obvious leadership. The locals had really taken up the charge to prevent things from further deteriorating. He made a mental note to look further into prominent families in the area. He would do well to be able to advise the Baroness on matters regarding the political landscape. Before too long he made his way into the barracks, poking his head into the door to look for whoever was there. He reaaaaaaally hoped that the by now notorious Ethel was not in. He didn't want to have to deal with her the entire way. That said she did seem to be the most in need of experience in the field.
Mentions: Retili conman2163 conman2163

As Retili left the inn for the barracks, he ran into someone else first, just outside the inn. “Ah, mister Loxinofican, good timing.” The Elder had been keeping to the background during this past week, simply observing what everyone was doing. He'd greeted Regula, but never in a position as 'major' or 'elder', even though it was clear some townsfolk still considered him as such. As a result, it was a likely assumption he was brooding on something. That something might have to do with the papers he was carrying.

“We did not have the greatest of introductions, so I'd like to offer this, along with my apologies, as a peace offering.” He held out the papers for Retili to take or refuse. “I heard you were taking census. These our a copy my family's records. We've been living in this area for multiple generations, both in Stonewall and in its surrounding villages. I'm sure they'd aid you.”

The documents seemed legit at first glance, just a very well-kept family tree. Whatever he wanted likely wasn't in the records themselves, but in the act of giving them. Perhaps he'd gotten impressed by the work so far and truly wanted to get along? Then again, from the week he'd spent here, Retili had heard him being addressed as a 'sly old fox' during some of the times he'd been drinking with single moms in the inn.
Ryan Kylieth

Ryan chuckled nervously. Was this man even aware of the kind of spot he'd put Ryan in? Given his rather expressive response, for the smith's standards at least, the answer was no. Then, after asking about his performance, Ryan got something unexpected. It seemed as if Gobán thought he was being asked how he was doing. Not wanting to ruin his potentially good mood, Ryan just rolled with it. "I see. Well, I hope it gets better soon" he amicably stated.

While debating on if leaving it there, or trying to get to his actual question, Regula showed up at the smithy "Ah! Good morning, Lady Caelia. How do you find yourself today?" he quickly responded upon checking who was at the door. While at first chats with her made him uneasy, he was getting used to it. The same could apply to the people he saw on the regular around town. The only one he still felt uncomfortable with was the Marshal, a lady who happened to have a high status in the whole barony. Her apparent silence towards Ryan easily intimidated him.

Trying not to ponder too much on that thought, Ryan nodded at Regula "You see, Lady Caelia, I have already been tasked to do that." He took the parchment with orders Gobán gave him from under his poncho, blushing slightly upon remembering his main task. "I-I have a few errands to run around the barony, so I don't mind accompanying you. It works for me." He then put the parchment away "I was ready to leave, actually. But I can wait for the rest."

Elvario Elvario
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Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.png
Elvario Elvario
The golem kept looking at Saffron while he moved the wood a bit more seemingly more than capable of multitasking. "Oh I did not mean to imply you were odd, I apologize if it came off that way, I was merely observing you seemed a bit different than usual..but it is good to hear that you can have a break that you get to enjoy." Teuihua continued.

The golem wasn't entirely sure what to make of the hobby question. It simply wasn't anything that he was accustomed too, Teuihua's job was too important for him to partake in recreational activities normally, he was in constant work mode, patrolling the border, fighting, or helping people more often than not. Teuihua did pause verbally but he didn't stop moving, eventually he continued,

"Tired of work? I suppose it might be different for something like me, I was created to work, to me it comes naturally, the alternative isn't an idea that have had a desire to entertain, my work meant keeping people safe and assisting them, it has always been very fulfilling. However on rare occasion when someone of importance needed additional protection, sometimes I was present for performances, the performers were always very talented and engaging from acrobats to magicians, however as impressive as the fights were I always felt a bit sad. by the end." Teuihua reminisced momentarily of fire breathers and the combat which could take place for entertainment back in his civilization.

He heard the follow up question on the food, why she cared so much he really wasn't sure, but he'd entertain her questions some more. "Animal fat isn't bad, but the well construde fish offering would be better because it shows effort well thought out execution as well as culinary skill behind the offering, if anything the well meant intention behind whatever is offered helps greatly, even the most simple of material could become more potent if the intention is there." Indeed his sythentic soul with a shell did better when the person offering it was sincere. Of course Teuihua could procure his own offerings and if they were high enough quality he was fine but coming from someone else was the most efficient.

"Stasis is something which I can active at will, so I suppose I could be 'cool and creepy' as you say, It is not like sleep in a traditional sense, I am still conscious just simply not exerting any energy, and instead am rejunivating, I am more than capable of going in and out of stasis when required, but it is not a process which I need to undergo frequently very much like taking offerings." Teuihua replied earnestly.

"What about yourself? do you have any hobbies, I would assume you must with how much you enjoy having time away from your job." Teuihua continued trying to make some more conversation.
It didn’t take much to stir the slumbering advisor, however, it seemed she was quite startled. Perhaps it was due to the sudden delirium one experienced when one fell asleep during a very important assignment.

Aria gasped softly as the woman bumped her head from under the work desk, “Are you al-“ is all the sword maiden was able to get out before Amanda was up frantically, seemingly in a sudden rush to make ready.

Arias gaze followed the woman, “Miss Am-“ she continued to attempt to get the woman’s attention without avail, raising a hand as if you gesture her to slow down. She wouldn’t heed any interruption, that was until the advisor slipped on her mess upon the floor. Aria couldn’t do much else other than gasp, then sigh when she caught herself. “Please it’s not th-“ she continued to struggle to get through to the advisor, however this time Amanda’s clothes flew right off as she changed into another set of clothes. Whether she noticed or not was at this point irrelevant as Arias expressions froze, before a sudden blush overwhelmed her face. Her eyes would flutter with embarrassment as she looked away, out the window, anywhere.

Before long Amanda stood in front of her, her scrolls neatly in her arms. “Yes, that was quite amusing.” She said attempting a smile, that more or less would have given her away to someone who would know her well.

“Your mother?” She repeated, “Hmm. She isn’t here with you?” She inquired, surely this was getting too personal?

“You’d be pleased to know that you’re not late, in fact it seems we might be right on time.”

Aria couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, Aria rarely chuckled, deciding to return the jest, “No. You’re not losing your hands. Yet.”

“After you, Miss Amanda.” Aria bowed her head lightly, gesturing towards the door.

Uasal Uasal
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 08:30 Weather: Clear skies. Sun rose half an hour ago.

Regula Caelia
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX

“I'm doing well, thanks.” She replied to Ryan's question how she found herself today with the polite response, rather than the honest one. “Ah, it seems mister Gobáns timing is impeccable.” She said, upon being shown Ryan's new task. A self-satisfied “hm” followed from the man.

Either way, it was time to move on. That said... “Let's go see how Retili's doing trying to locate the guards. We might as well see how they've been treating our craft while at it.” She suggested, heading for the open area behind the keep and barracks.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Retili conman2163 conman2163

As Regula and Ryan (and at some point Retili) entered the training grounds forming the ultimate triple-R trio, they would hear the sounds of a mock battle before even seeing it.


Most clearly present in the mock battle was Ethel, as she tended to throw in loud “HAAH!” or “Have at thee!” yelling into every other swing of her wooden blade. However, she was wearing only leather armour, which seemed to be throwing her off her usual game. For both better and worse. For better, as she wasn't tripping over (as much), yet for worse, as she was clearly feeling every impact her opponent made against her.


Her opponent was Sherwood, the silent scout. The latter was the polar opposite of her, to the point you'd barely even lose sight of him if it wasn't for the occasional sudden strike against Ethel. He focussed on quick and precise trikes, redrawing almost immediately after striking and trying to never get close for long. That said, he was clearly the one getting tired more rapidly compared to Ethel, yet he was also scoring a lot more hits/damage. Without knowing the 'rules' of their mock-battle, it wasn't entirely clear which of them was winning, although one might make an educated guess a it.

Ezekiel Hayward

A bit away from those two, the captain was having a mock battle as well. If his style would have to be described in a single phrase, it'd be 'by the book'. He clearly knew his techniques well, parrying, countering, attacking, the right foot first, it was a combination of well-trained and deeply engrained motions that gave him a very strong basis to defend himself with. Yes, defend, as his opponent was forcing him to focus on the defensive.


Sven's style was simple. Brute force. He hadn't dedicated his life to training how to fight like the guard captain, but as woodcutter/carpenter and militia leader, he'd gone through enough strength training to be a dangerous foe. Thanks to Teuihua dragging in logs for him, he'd gotten a lot more time to practice lately as well. Even the excellent technique of the guard captain was not enough to overwhelm him, although that was mostly due to him forcing the guard captain to stay on the defensive. That said, to anyone with expertise in combat, it was clear that Hayward was conserving far more energy than Sven, yet still managed to deflect the latter's attacks.

Regula figured she'd let them wrap up, before interrupting them. It's why she focused on another question first, to Retili and Ryan. “Which of them do the both of you will think their respective matches?” She then turned to Retili. “Perhaps that'll help us figure out whom to ask to join us, as I still dislike the idea of leaving this place without someone in command of the guards.”

Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Saffron was enjoying herself a lot with the big hunk of metal. “Oh, so you like performances?!? That's cool. Oh, I know!” She called out, as she leaned over, then went on to do a one-handed hand-stand, trying to keep talking whilst keeping her balance. “Voila~ It's not much, but I'd like to say I stay fit!” She didn't hold it for long though, losing her balance and hopping back to her feet a bit after. “What do you mean by fights though? I don't think acrobats and magicians tend to do battle a lot.”

However, there was one more thing that intrigued her even more. “Wait, if it's quality of intention as well, then... I know! Let's try something!” She hurried back into her story, returning with three different pieces of candy. One a green ball-shaped thing. Another a blue cube, The third a red coin-shaped one. “Try these three, then let me know which ones taste the most potent~”

The blue cube would barely give any energy, perhaps just a 2/10. The red one a fair bit more, but still not a whole lot, perhaps a 5/10. The green one, however, would be a solid 8/10 compared to the other two. Depending on how well Teu could taste, there weren't much difference in quality of taste though, just different flavours and textures (blue being soft blueberry, green being hard mint, red being chewy strawberry).

“I've got lot's of hobbies, talking to giant constructs is one of them~” She replied to the counter-question, although she didn't give any additional information.

Stables in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Stables.
Mentions: Micah Ambrose DuckPrince DuckPrince

Meanwhile, a relatively new (arrived about 2 days ago) visitor was being put at work in the stables. After looking for employment, Micah had eventually found the tavern's owner, Hestia, to be willing to at provide him with food and a room for as long as he'd take care of the horses. That included Hestia's own horse, as well as the horses of guests and a few horses normally used by guards that were also stationed here. All in all there were about a dozen of them, a fair bit considering it was a small and not very wealthy town.


They were standing at one particular mare, Hestia having a bit of a concerned look on her face. “Thanks for the work thus far, Micah, but I'm starting to worry a bit about our own horse, Laverne. She's looking very inactive lately and I can't figure out why. She's not that old yet.. Do you have any idea?”

Micah, would, in fact, not have to take long to have any idea. The mare had been stuck in the stables for a while and was simply getting rather chubby and lazy. Some more exercise might be all she'd need. The question was how he'd tell that tactfully.
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1676804300273.pngAmanda Steelhaven

Sighing with relief Amanda's shoulder sank as the dread of having her hands chopped off quickly left her body. With Aria then bowing Amanda moved toward the door as instructed but stopped short of leaving the room with a sudden halt. Pausing for a few seconds Amanda turned back to look at Aria, eyes wandering the woman's body before finally coming to rest at her metallic legs. With a perplexed look, Amanda hummed to herself before averting her gaze, after quite a few seconds, to refocus and hold eye contact with the woman. "Your legs are truly a work of art Miss Aria. They're beautiful in both design and execution. Tell me, out of curiosity, do they ever creek or cause discomfort?".

Having been more focused on the actual design and workmanship, it wasn't until after Amanda had finished speaking that she realised what she had said and a light blush began to form on her face, causing her to turn on her heel and promptly exit the room, muttering something under her breath that was just barely audible "Stupid, stupid, stupid Amanda, think before you speak... Though she is very pretty you can't just say that...".

Leaving the room Amanda, made her way down into the Inn's main space, two elderly individuals had already begun eating their breakfast. Offering the two a polite wave and smile Amanda nearly dropped her scrolls but again just barely avoided disaster in her sleep-deprived state. Chuckling to herself Amanda only then realised she had completely forgotten about Aria's question in the aftermath of what happened upstairs. Turning to the woman with a smile, Amanda moved closer so as not to disturb the others while speaking "You asked about my mother right?". Turning to wave goodbye to the pair of chuckling elderly and the Innkeeper, Amanda laughed along with them as she departed behind Aria.

Moving out into the street before continuing. "My Parents and younger sibling are all back home in my village. It's not all that far from here truth be told, so I suppose you could say I could see them whenever I want should the urge arise. I wouldn't dream of uprooting them. They're plenty happy where they are and that's more than enough for me. So long as they have food to eat, clothes to wear and can smile from ear to ear. Well, I couldn't ask for more as an older sister and as a daughter. Besides, my brothers set on taking over the farmstead once my father retires. Asking him to move in particular would be quite the mission indeed.". Laughing softly to herself Amanda's eyes caught Aria's once again "What about you miss Aria? Are your parents or siblings moving here?"
RavenSong RavenSong
Micah.png Micah Ambrose
Micah offered a soft smile at the kind woman's worry. "Of course, ma'am, you don't need to thank me though. This is the least I could do for how generous you've been." He said before leaning over the stall door, to observe the chunky mare a bit better as she was busy munching away on a mouthful of hay. "I don't think you need to worry yourself. From what I can tell, Laverne just needs to get out a little more and she should be right back to usual self. This is just a sign of being well fed and not moving as much." He explained, straightening back up and fixing his round glasses on the bridge of his nose. Hopefully he said it roundabout enough as to not upset Hestia. Admittedly the offworlder was still figuring out how to properly converse without stepping on toes or seeming rude.

"If you'll allow me, I would be more than happy to get her out and about so she can stretch those legs." He offered after a moment of thought. "I've been meaning to look at land anyway so having a horse to ride would benefit me as well." That way he could hit two birds with one stone. Micah had been itching to get some exercise himself so this truly couldn't have come at a better time.

Elvario Elvario
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX

Retili was walking towards the barracks when the unlikeliest of folks approached him, along with what looked to be a ream of paper in his hands. The old man's appearance had him thinking back to when he was enjoying good ale with a single mom the tavern owner Hestia. Sly old fox she had called Aldwin, and she seemed to have a good insight on most in the town. Probably because her's was the best place to gossip while quenching their thirst. The advisor bowed his head respectfully to Aldwin as he approached, and accepted the papers. "Your records seem to be extensive." The Zentail replied as he looked through the pages briefly. "I appreciate the offer and gratefully accept. This is a fine gift indeed. I must beg your leave however, I have a task given to me by the baroness I must complete." As he approached the barracks he was intercepted by Regula and rejoined her. He followed her onto the training field just in time to watch Ethel floundering against her opponent again. "For the love of all the gods..." The scribe could be heard mumbling as Ethel shouted "Have at thee!" only to get rapped on the head by a training weapon as she overextended herself. He figured that ringing her bell like that couldn't be good for the two brain cells she had left, but didn't say anything about it. It was impressive that she was still on her feet instead of face down in the soft earth of the field. Instead he focused on the two who were far more impressively sparring. As Regula spoke Retili already knew his opinion. "My bets are on Sherwood and Hayward. Sherwood is faster then Ethel and is getting some good hits in. Hayward may be on the defensive but look at his form. His technique is using the power of Sven's blows against him, forcing him to expend the extra effort to try and break through the guard of the Hayward while he himself is expending minimal effort. I think it would be a more even match if Sven had more time to train." Retili cocked his head to the side and frowned as if in thought. "Still, both of them seem far better than I will ever be." The scribe's hand unconsciously went to the site of a large scar that crossed his abdomen, the normally alabaster skin marred by a large blotch of black. The wound still itched occasionally and every once and a while Retili found himself waking in a cold sweat from the memory of the day. "Not that I have to worry about that too much." Whatever mood passed over the scribe disappeared quickly as his gaze fell on the troops that walked in step behind him. Retili himself felt himself grow faster and healthier with each passing day he spent in the place, but his strength still lacked. He wondered if he would ever be able to properly lift a blade. The one time he had was more of a miracle than anything else.
Ryan Kylieth

"As you wish, Lady Caelia" he answered, throwing a cheery smile at her while at it. After bidding farewell to Gobán, Ryan headed out with Regula towards the back of the barracks, the local training grounds.

Once they got there, Ryan saw two couples sparring. Retili appeared just as he and Regula did, which led to her asking the both of them to who'd they think would come out on top in each mock battle. Ryan silently observed each spar for a few seconds at a time. Having seen enough by the time Retili was done with his opinion, he followed with his own. "I agree with Mister Retili, for the most part. The only detail I think I differ with him, is the fact that Sherwood his overexerting himself more than needed. If he wanted to conclude the battle, he could have done so with a single burst of speed. Who knows? His thinking of just dancing circles around Miss Ethel just might give her the chance to beat him once he's exhausted his resources... Then again, Miss Ethel is not... Well, we all saw her duel with La... Mi... Ari... The Marshal." Ryan casted his eyes downward, as if to hide the embarrassing fumble of words thinking of Aria gave him.

Elvario Elvario conman2163 conman2163
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.png
Elvario Elvario
Teuihua also enjoyed Saffron well enough, she had been kind to him thus far he felt morel like he was another person rather than just some construct in that moment and he got to socialize with her, it pleased him that he could answer her questions to the best of his ability. The golem then watched Saffron attempt to do a performance handstand in which Teuihua clanged his hand against his body a few times.

"Very impressive I couldn't say that I'm as agile as you are." His intonation friendly and a bit playful or as playful as a construct could feasibly portray with what he was given to express emotion.

"Oh? Well we had theatrical shows, drama productions, but then we also have ceremonial activities which people spectate. There were matches with tributes to appease Cuhxōch, the god of war." Teuihua tried to be as accurate as possible as he recalled what he remembered. Of course the reason that Teuihua was sad was because every time it happened it meant that someone ended up dying. The golem was patient as she decided she wanted to try something, waiting diligently for Saffron to return, while working on the task at hand.

Teuihua nodded, "Very well, thank you Saffron I appreciate your generosity."

Teuihua was as delicate as he could be, with his more dexterous orientated hand, the candy probably almost comically small in comparison to most people's perspective. First the blue, blueberry flavored candy was suddenly engulfed in an energy like flame which left nothing but a fine dust that quickly disappeared in place, which was similar to Teuihua's eye color. Teuihua tasted the sweetness and the blueberry flavor during this process "While this tastes much better, the energy yield is similar if I it from grass or this wood here, I am uncertain what the flavor is, but it is enjoyable." Never having tasted blueberry before.

The same energy color then engulfed the red chewy candy. Teuihua lit up a bit more, where ever energy showed on him. "This flavor is also nice, again foreign, I am uncertain what it is, the energy yield is much more elevated, It's comparable to the rations i would receive on special occasion." The golem rotated a bit pleasantly shifting.

Next the green mint candy got engulfed in the energy this was a familiar flavor that Teuihua liked. This caused the brightest glow in Teuihua's body where the energy came through as his voice took on a more positive intonation, "I know of this flavor profile, it is quite delicious, this is providing the highest yield, whatever you did has caused it to become very efficient for my shell to process, this is an effective offering."

Teuihua let out a sound that sounded sort of like a chuckle when Saffron answered his question with that, "Oh I see? You have a hobby with this I don't know too many who would want to talk to beings like myself that often, but thank you, I'm sure that you're up to many interesting things, so it pleases me to hear you feel inclined to speak to me."
Her eyes were closed as the sword maiden bowed her head ever so slightly, her hands suspended as she continued to gesture towards the door, she was about to head out with the advisor when she noticed her steps stopped right in front of her. When Aria looked up she found Amandas orbs starring at her. Aria’s eyes widdened a little. Was she gawking?


She wondered as she held her gaze, Aria would stand up straight as Amanda inquired about her legs. Aria would blink, tilting her head with a bit of confusion yet, with a degree of curiosity as she followed after her. “N-no.. they’re hardly ever uncomfortable.. well, perhaps when its cold at times.” Then the woman appeared to blush, really confusing the sword maiden as she flailed for words. It wouldn't help that upon breaking their gaze she overheard Amanda muttering under her breath, bringing up the strange feeling again. Aria cleared her throat, shaking her head a bit as she patted her temple snapping out of it before entering the main quarters of the inn.

Amanda appeared to have gotten very well acquainted with the town folk, which was actually quite charming. Aria would notice the elderly at one of the tables, it seemed Amanda’s farewell would be enough however, and wouldn’t turn. She was about to ask about how she liked it in this town, yet, somehow the sleep deprived woman rememebred her previous question. “Affirmative, that was my question.” She assured as they stepped onto the street, walking slightly behind her. The advisor would reveal quite a bit about her life freely, it wasn’t exactly common for Aria to open up so suddenly, but it was only fitting if they worked towards a common goal to be as close as they could. Surely, trust was an essential piece. “You sound like a very good daughter miss Amanda, and an even better sibling. Truly, those are the things worth fighting to protect.”

Upon the question about family, Aria stuttered before looking away, then back at Amanda “I.. it’s a complicated and tedious topic to explain.. if you care to really know, i’m willing to share, but perhaps not in the middle of the street.” She’d follow up shortly after, insistantly, “Lady Regula and Rosalia are the closest to family. I hold them in my heart dearly.”

Uasal Uasal
Important Note
From this point on, I'm going to demand a more active stance in secondary skill usage from players. This means I'm not going to proactively check what additional information someone might know, but instead passively wait for when people actively attempt to utilise them, just like how one would with primary skills.

The amount of people joining and the amount of secondary skills they have, combined with the amount of NPC's and plot-lines I'm running, is going to be unsustainable otherwise. If you want your character to obtain more information and/or insight in a situation or to show why they'd be better able to pull something off, please mention all the relevant skills and grades.

For example: Retili attempted to more closely observe the guard's movements, to see if there were tiny give-aways of him growing more weary (Perception F). He also checked if Ethel's braveness was just a facade or not (Insight F). He'd be able to advise her how to keep her emotions in check, after sensing her frustration (Empathy E).

Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall.
Time: 09:00 Weather: Clear skies.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Retili conman2163 conman2163

Aldwin had merely told his goodbyes to Retili after the latter headed on quickly. Whatever the old man's plans were, he must've been satisfied with just handing over his records, although he had looked like there were some things he'd have brought up otherwise.

Regula Caelia

Regula listened to both Retili and Ryan's conclusions. “I'd have to agree, but I'll admit I've got an advantage in guessing. I've asked for Ethel to train more to avoid and deflect blows, rather than just take them. I'm pretty sure you noticed as well.” She looked at Ryan. “Ethel's armour had been way above her weight limits. No responsible blacksmith would've given her something like that, so she'll have to get used to fighting with lighter armour first, which would leave her open to hits in the meantime. If she bluntly takes them like she did in the duel, she'd not live long, hence I asked them to have practice battles on a point-based system rather than a knock-out one. It seems likely that Sherwood will reach the needed amount of points soon.” Then she turned to Sven and Hayward. “As for those two, I'll admit I don't know much about either. I'm already impressed Sven holds off the captain with raw strength alone, but I'd have to agree with the both of you.”


The battle continued to go on for a bit more, until Sherwood was the first to stop. “Match-point.” He'd simply state.


“Thou hast not beaten me! Thy attacks wereth weak!” Ethel protested, although she did have some red, blue and purple markings on any exposed body-parts. Probably also beneath the leather armour. Besides, her words were in protest, but she was clearly worn out enough to be incapable of physically backing them up. Instead, she actually sat down. “I... shall have thee celebrate.” That's probably the closest she'd get to admitting defeat.


The other battle lasted a bit longer. For a split second, it even seemed like Sven might win. The latter, in a sudden burst, hacked at Ezekiel so ferociously that the captain wobbled on his feet for a split second. However, he recovered quickly enough to counter-attack, sweeping at Sven's feet and bringing the latter to fall to the ground.

Ezekiel Hayward

With heavy breaths the captain spoke up. “Your strength grows more impressive still, but your technique hasn't advanced much. You also keep losing your cool and lashing out carelessly whenever a battle last longer than half a minute.”

“You're just too tough to bring down. What monster I've encounter doesn't even live to see twenty seconds.” Sven replied, breathing equally heavily.


As if she had a sixth sense for when practise ended, Rosalia showed up, carrying jugs of fruit-infused water. A mixture of apple, pear and grapes. She placed it down for the guards, but then spotted the others. “Oh, Reg, I didn't know you and your friends would be here as well. Do you want me to get you some too?”

“No, that's alright. We'll be leaving again shortly.”

“Alright.” She then turned to Ryan and whispered. “So how's progress with Aileen? Don't think I didn't see how you two look at each-other~ Besides, I think half the town knows what her father has in mind for the both of you~” She couldn't help tease the boy a bit. He reminded her of Regula when she was younger, except her own girl had never seemed to be too interested in love affairs, so she'd not really been able to tease her. Ryan, on the other hand...

She'd also greet Retili. “Hello again mister Loxinofican. I'm glad you're finally getting some fresh air. Going through all those dusty tomes, journals and registers and interviewing people about their jobs and family all day long must be awful. Are you sure you don't want me to see if I can help you out?” She'd offered it before, but considering she had no expertise, her gesture was one out of a willingness to help out, but not out of ability to back that up. Besides, Rosalia was somehow able to keep herself more than busy, whether it were tasks like bringing drink to the guards or simply keeping track of what was going on with all the townsfolk.

Mentions: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

“Thank you, thank you~” Saffron stated, upon being complimented for her one-handed handstand. “Although I think seeing you do a handstand would be even more impressive.” She tried to imagine such a giant construct doing one, which was a pretty amazing mental image.

At the mention of a war god, she shook her head. “Nope, I don't do those~ No offence, but I'll stick to what the Spirit King and his Cardinals tell us, even though I'm living outside of the See now. Appeasing war gods sounds far too bloody and awful for my tastes.”

“The blue one is meant to be blueberry, those tiny forest fruits, even though those are purple. I'm still not sure why they're called blueberry in Common... Anyhow, they just make the flavouring from other stuff when making those candies in large batches~ I buy them from the Magic Duchy.”

“The red ones I make myself, so I'm glad I managed to beat the mass-produced stuff~ The flavour is strawberry and I use some actual strawberry extract, along with loads of sugar, of course~”

“The green ones are mint, a type of herb. I'm surprised you know of it! Anyhow, those are from my..” Suddenly, Teu's words seemed to hit her. “Wait, hold on... did you say the green ones are the highest yield..? You're not mistaken, right? Oh... Oh no...” Surprisingly enough, she panicked a little. “I'm sorry, you must be really confused, it's just, eh... those were from my grandmother. She kept saying she made them herself, but I never believed her. I always thought those were also mass-produced and she simply didn't want to tell me where she got them from, but...” She clapped her hands together.

“That's it!” She ran into the store, switched out a notice board from 'Closed for the morning' to 'Closed for the day' and went out again, locking the door behind her. “I'm going to visit my grandmother to properly thank her! Thank you so much, mister Teuihua. You don't know how much this helped me! By the way, when I come back, you must tell me how you can taste something despite burning it! We'll also talk more about hobbies! Bye!” She kept talking, although she was already halfway past rushing out of the town. She was clearly eager to go visit her grandmother. Teu could still give a bit of a greeting, before she'd be out of hearing range.

After that, however, he'd be on his own again. That said, it was about time for him to head over to the training grounds. This was normally the time of day when he'd meet with the guard captain to see if the guards had any jobs for which they needed his strength.

Stables in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Stables.
Mentions: Micah Ambrose DuckPrince DuckPrince


“Eh..?” That was the surprised reaction when she was told Laverne just needed to get out more. “Oh my, here I was thinking I'd best keep her in because she was acting off... I'm glad you came around, I can't afford to have a lazy horse!” She said, then smiled at his suggestion.

“That's great! Oh, if you want to, I'd love it if you could deliver some items to my friends and family in the villages while at it. They often have things arrive at the tavern when they can't get it delivered all the way to the villages. Although... It might not be safe to travel alone...”

She was in thought for a moment. “Perhaps, if you're lucky, the guards will allow you to tag on with a patrol to the villages. That should allow you to travel through the barony a lot more safely. It's much to ask, but I could reimburse you for the trouble and I'm sure my friends and family would provide you with a bed and meal.”

She looked Micah in the eyes. “I'd not easily sent someone I met only a few days ago away with both my horse and some precious goods, but I think I can trust you, so would you please consider it? The guards might be at the training grounds this time of day, if you want to accept my offer.”

Mentions: Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Amanda Uasal Uasal
Meanwhile, as Aria was leading Amanda towards the keep, they'd be able to hear familiar voices coming from the training grounds, suggesting they'd have more luck finding the others there.

Training Grounds in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Training Grounds.
Mentions: Ryan Rev IX Rev IX | Retili conman2163 conman2163 | Aria RavenSong RavenSong | Amanda Uasal Uasal | Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince

As if guided by an unseen hand, everyone would eventually find themselves on the Training grounds, where the Guard Captain, his trainee, the scout and the militia leader were still resting from their mock battles, with Regula's mother providing drinks and the baroness herself still talking with Ryan and Retili.
Micah.png Micah Ambrose
Micah agreed to Hestia's request without much hesitation. Bidding his employer farewell for the moment, he drifted away to make his way towards the training grounds. Initially getting a touch lost due to still being unfamiliar, the elf was unsure in which direction to move so he tried to find someone out of place enough to approach and inquire.

That didn't take particularly long as Micah ended up drifting towards a large metal construct. "Excuse me. I don't mean to bother but do you perhaps know where the Training grounds are? I'm new to Stonewall and I need to speak to the guards.." He explained softly but clearly. As brave as Micah usually felt, being around taller entities was fascinatingly intimidating. "If you could just point me in the direction.." He added tentatively, fingertips pressed together while he spread and closed his fingers absently.

Mention: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Hestia (briefly)
Ryan Kylieth

Seeing as Regula actually knew the rules of the duel between Sherwood and Ethel, she was able to read the situation with ease. It didn't take long for the scout to draw the spar to a conclusion. As for the other two, it played out like the group had envisioned, aside from Sven's final push. "Given her constant tripping and sluggish moves, I thought as much, yes" he pointed out, as he observed Ethel's stubborn self not conceding defeat despite the outcome of the match.

Regula's mother appeared just in time to give refreshment to the people training. She had a sweet exchange with Regula before addressing Ryan, of all people. She closed up on him so suddenly that he couldn't help feeling nervous, blushing slightly at how close they were. Whispering just like her, he answered "Half the to-..." he cut himself off before giving himself away more evidently due to Rosalia's comment. "... I d-don't know what you mean, La-... Rosalia" he affirmed in yet another whisper with total unawareness of how obvious it was something was indeed going on, even reaching for the pendant he made subconsciously, while also getting mixed up on how to address Regula's mother. Though that was more of a matter of preference on Rosalia's part.

Elvario Elvario
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Amanda Steelhaven

As both women continued down the main street toward the Kepp, Amanda hummed to herself upon witnessing Aria's clear hesitation to speak on family affairs. Something Amanda was all too willing to accept, not one to pry into others' personal affairs. And so the woman was quick to assure Aria of such with a pleasant smile, her darkened eyes somewhat hindering her natural charm though "Well, I think that's just wonderful. You and the Baroness must be extremely close. Good for you! And I'm sure this...Rosalia woman, whoever she is, is just as kind as you both too!".

Pausing for a moment to fix her boot, Amanda passed her scrolls to Aria. "Though I must say, you really do flatter me. I'm just a commoner you know. I'm nothing exceptional, I and my family are rather normal. We have our ups and downs but that's what makes us... well us! Though you're quite right. They're worth protecting and fighting for. Not only my family but everyone in my village and in general. I just hope my work here with the Baroness can improve the lives of us commoners. No matter how small, so long as it's for the better... well I'll do my best."

Returning to a stand, Amanda retrieved her scrolls and began to follow along behind Aria, who was now taking the lead "I do hope the drawings are satisfactory... say, Miss Aria. I was wondering actually, would you like to have dinner when we're next free? You seemed to be interested in warfare and tactics. I'd be happy to discuss such with you in a more casual setting, although of course, I wouldn't mind discussing something else entirely should you prefer."

RavenSong RavenSong
Screenshot 2022-12-19 at 12.22.30 AM.png
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Micah DuckPrince DuckPrince

Teuihua wasn't entirely sure what to think of the handstand comment thinking about it literally for a moment before thinking about the potential humor behind it. Indeed it would be rather difficult for the golem to do it.

Teuihua nodded "No offense is taken, I am merely recalling what I remember, I do not judge one way or another in what you wish to believe, however I do know that my creators valued this god, so I always thought i should too, maybe some of them still transcend death even now, I am unfamiliar with the religion you mention."

Teuihua was interested by the dialogue regarding the candy so he listened for the time being. Since he wasn't sure of what a blueberry was, he wasn't sure what to make of the purple comment not having a proper reference point but understood well enough what was meant. Nodding once more when she mentioned she bought the flavoring from the magic duchy.

"Oh you made the red ones yourself? Well that would certainly explain why they were quite good." Teuihua said cheerily enough in between.

He hadn't been expecting her to question his accuracy however following up. Indeed he had tasted mint in his civilization's cuisine before or at least something that was very much like it. Yes Teuihua was confused at the moment what was with the reaction, he hoped that he hadn't inadvertently upset or offended her somehow with his feedback, but then he heard that her grandmother had made every element of the green ones herself, which most definitely explained why the yield was higher, the skill with the age was probably there no doubt.

"I can assure you I am accurate." he stated back.

The golem then watched her run off back to her store, to close up for the day before telling him where she was headed off too. It felt nice to hear her thank him, despite it not being a conscious effort on his part, if their conversation had helped her, regardless he was pleased he could assist with that process. After pausing for a moment, Teuihua wasn't entirely sure if he fully understood why he could taste burnt offerings beyond that's how his creators had made him, but that didn't matter much in that moment, since Saffron was leaving in haste. Teuihua, then gave her a friendly wave with his more dexterous arm .

"Farewell, I'll look forward to it." He spoke truthfully and warmly , still curious about her hobbies, before he started to walk back on task, causing a bit more hefty sounds when his legs hit the ground as he walked along towards the training grounds to see if they had any tasks for him.

On his way to the training grounds he ran into an unfamiliar face who was apparently also looking for the training grounds. Teuihua's head rotated towards Micah, as he gave a bit of a wave. This person didn't seem particularly threatening as far as what the golem knew.

"I can do more than that, follow me and I'll show you the way, I have business there as well."
Teuihua spoke in his ancient accented dialect with a friendly intonation nevertheless , making his way towards the training area, trying his best to not to get in the way of anything that might have been happening as he approached the guard captain, keeping a respectable distance since this was fairly routine him showing up was probably pretty clear, awaiting instruction for any tasks.
Retili Loxinofican
Elvario Elvario Rev IX Rev IX

Retili's hand went up to stroke the small carefully manicured goatee under his cowl. The Zentail nodded as Regula explained the state of Ethel's armor. "That makes sense. I had noticed she had some severe balance issues in the armor she was wearing. It's a wonder she didn't try and change to a lighter set before. Retili not touching on the social mine that was Ryan stumbling around Aria's name, he moved on to watch the bouts finish. Predictably they ended in the way he had expected. If anyone got left behind it would need to be Hayward. He was obviously the most capable of the group. As the Baroness's mother appeared, Retili respectfully bowed his head. "Your words are kind Lady Rosalia, but I am more efficient on my own. Your offer is kind and I appreciate it nonetheless." The Zentail put a bit of persuasive force behind his words to artfully dodge the offer [Persuasion E]. The Zentail was momentarily distracted afterwards as he glanced through the family papers of the town elder. He would have to seek him out to find out what the man's real intentions were. Maybe he could set up a meeting at the tavern and even sneak in a visit to Hestia at the same time. He really appreciated the simple company that the woman offered.

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