• This section is for roleplays only.
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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It is currently open to be joined to anyone interested, but do let me know beforehand if your character has any specific goals/achievements they'd want to accomplish. To learn some more about this specific setting, check out this thread; Caelia Barony Lore.

What to expect out of character:
I'm hoping to free-flow this, meaning that I'll respond to posts whenever I'm available (potentially daily or very other day) with the relevant NPC/PC/event. There currently isn't an agreed pace or RP length, people are free to join for temporary participation for as long as they'd like. The RP and its events are planned to last until interest fades.

In general, I'll start by putting up a large amount of events/options for folk to interact with to see whatever interests people. Alternatively, people are free to come up with a festival activity for their own character to host and assume they'll be granted some space and base resources needed for it so long as they have the skills. Folk are able to post back-to-back with each-other or with NPC's so long as nobody double posts.

Considering this RP style might get the thread a bit clogged if many are active at once, do be sure to appropriately tag the relevant people in your posts. I'll personally be the using headers of NPC's and event names to try to distinguish what interact-able options there are and who's were.

What to expect in character:
Caelia barony has gone through its ups and downs, but lately has found itself in an upward spiral. To celebrate the barony's recovery and to give up-and-coming artists and artisans a chance to show off for a broader audience, the baroness arranged for a Fair to be held at the capital town. Anyone wishing to peddle their talents, skills, products or otherwise is allowed to claim a stall or spot at the plaza or streets to sell or show off. Some of Stonewall natives themselves and some people from other villages have also set out to do the same and are happy to welcome guests or to see what floods into town this festive day.

Tags and character goals:
To be added upon characters joining/mentioning official goals.

Country of Ryke, Sadek County, Caelia Barony, Capital Town: Stonewall.


From: Cyrili, the Farming Hamlet | The Fantasy Sandbox

It was hustling and bustling in the town. In fact, it might be busier than ever in Stonewall. The guards, aided by baroness Caelia's personal guards, were not getting a moment of rest, keeping their eyes open for any signs of trouble. That said, the mood was great, as it was a bright and sunny day with many activities happening just about everywhere.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

One of the busiest hotspots was the Keg. People were sitting down to have a mean both inside and outside of the building, with Chef Todo working his burger-and-fries making magic in the kitchen. On the occasion, his voice could be heard calling out about a new order that was ready to be served for their many guest.


Inola, who'd switch between helping out in the kitchen and helping out with serving, popped out onto the streets every so often to put down some plates on the tables with a smile, before heading back.



The bulk of the serving food and drinks, however, was done by Hestia and her daughter Amika. The woman were going on full-power, as they might be working one of the busiest and most profitable days of their lives.

Bloody Delicious
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall - Butchery.
From: Medieval meat shop, illustration Stock Illustration

Erkan Flann

The local butcher hand opened up his store and had various types of meats on display. He was promoting his goods with phrases such as; “So fresh, it's still running in your mouth!” and “Remember, whatever it is, when I prepare it, it's always Bloody Delicious!”

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.

(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


A little bit away from the central plaza, a woman was busy using various herbs, spices and plants to brew tea, offering them to anyone willing to give them a rating. She didn't seem the most comfortable with crowds, but her dedication to making tea and gathering data on it was clear for anyone that paid some attention to it.
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Forging Ahead
Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy



The blacksmith and his daughter had opened up the doors to the forge, allowing everyone to see them work their magic. They were currently crafting whatever was asked of them, making a display out of the quality and efficiency with which to do so. As Aileen was actually taking requests and answering questions, her father was just smithing as if nobody was watching with little more than the occasional grunt of confirmation or acknowledgement.

Hallr's Strength Challenge

A visitor from Sootspire was the village's prospector. However, he seemed to be more than just a spectator in today's festivities. He was actually challenging people to lift weights with him, seeing if there was anyone whom could beat the insanely heavy lifting that he managed to pull off time after time.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

Cayde Ramminger

Oddly enough, one particular woman had brought her entire flock into town. She was apparently allowing people to pet the sheep in order to show off the superior quality of their wool. However, whenever someone did, they'd see the stares of a ram piercing their soul as if it was about to head-but them out of existence.


Among the barony's citizens walking around was the mayor of Stonewall, Aldwin. Although his current status was overshadowed by the baroness herself and her advisors, he still made sure to look important at every chance he got.




Also wandering the streets was Ethel. She was totally, totally guarding Stonewall and not looking for opportunities to have fun or for new foes to challengeth.

Ezekiel Hayward

More serious about the guard work was the captain himself, paying attention and making sure to be as informed as possible by walking around and talking to the various other guards.




An individual of equal notability was the baroness' mother, walking around to talk with the various people. She seemed to somehow know just about anyone around, as many would approach her to show her something, ask her something or invite her to come to their stalls. A few guards were accompanying her, ensuring nobody would get any bad ideas.


Having closed her store for the day, the Elven merchant had switched from 'serious' to 'relaxed' mode and was eagerly running around to check out whatever captured her interest the most.



From: Mine

Although most would smell him coming before they'd see him, the barony was visit by one of Sootspire's residents as well. Even though it sadly was one of the most dubious ones.

Eva & Crowly


(Ignore the weapon.)

Closest source I could find:

Two kids from Yemaya had visited as well, as they were looking around with wide opened eyes to everything that was happening. However, they also seemed to glance a little much at coin purses every so often.

Mayor Benjamin
Mayor Benjamin

Another notable visitor was the mayor of Yemaya, the somewhat eccentric Benjamin. Even though he wasn't here as an attraction, his clothing and behaviour sure seemed to be one at times.

Languages: "Common", "+Mictlantecuhtlian+", "%Analog%"​

Interaction: Elvario Elvario

Of course the golem had been more than willing to come to support the event being held in the Caelia Barony. Security like this was one of his best strengths after all and what his creator would have thought he should be doing. Of course he was more than happy to take up the task of overseeing Rosalia's safety. He used his 360 degree vision to look around them much like the [Sentry] which he was. The festivities elevated the mood, even Teuihua could feel that effect, he still had the main objective on his mind which was to make sure that any person who she came into contact with was safe.

Should there be any potential trouble Teuihua would be ready to throw down immediately, and would have no qualms putting his own life in harms way to protect her. Hopefully his size would deter anyone from trying anything less than smart.

"I think that Lady Caelia has certainly organized something wonderful here, don't you think? It looks like there's quite a bit to see and do. I am also pleased to see that the turnout looks more than adequate. I'm sure the boon to business will be appreciated too." Teuihua would state passively to Rosalia. He hoped this would be the case given the trials and tribulations the barony had faced not all that long ago. Some sort of economic reprieve would be quite nice, if they could get it's name out there.

keeping a respectful but body guard like distance from her. On one hand he didn't want to become oppressive to her personal space but on the other he wanted to be able to move in quickly. It reminded him how much of this was a fine balancing act, you couldn't be too oppressive or it'd be rude, but you had to be ready for anything at the same time, thankfully for him unlike an organic he didn't have to worry about growing weary. Nevertheless he lumbered along, wherever Rosalia felt inclined to go he'd follow.
Mentions & Goals: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.



By now, she was used to the large construct's presence around the barony, although it helped that he was an overall pleasant person to be around. That said, she had debated refusing having him as her personal guard. She stood out a lot more and people were a lot more difficult to approach this way. That said, she knew Regula wouldn't have peace of mind without her having a guard and anything less than Teuihua likely wouldn't help much. It's why she'd accepted.

That said, upon his remark, she did chuckle. “You're right. My daughter's come pretty far.” It was strange to see just how far. “It's not been that long ago that she was trying to sell mister Rossle's wares on fairs like these herself.” She'd really come far, hadn't she.

Upon spotting Gwenith serving tea, she'd head over. After sharing a few polite words, talking about some of the latest gossip and events, she'd eventually ask about the few latest tea types, which got Gwenith to brew some.

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.

(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


“There you go.” Gwenith stated, offering the tea, looking at Teuihua as well. “Would you like to try some as well?” They hadn't interacted much, so she wasn't even sure if he could try it out, but it felt impolite to abstain from asking about it altogether.
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(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Saviour of Golden Wheat, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

With his 360-degree vision, Teuihua should probably have no difficulties spotting a shrunken lizard scampering about like they were about to do mischievous activities at any moment, yet they were simply scuttling about in search of something that interested them. Eventually finding it in the shape of a big metal golem that they dubbed their Favourite Rock of all time and very clearly the Bestest Rock of all time. Grumbling softly as she immediately hastened her pace to get over to him.
"Metalmans, Metalmans! Gunhild sniff foods. Is foods? There is foods someherewhere?" Gunhild questioned immediately as she was coming over to him, looking up at him and eyeing his elevated shoulders as prime perching and laying location. Having probably made it obvious she was going to try, she prepared to jump up on him as she used him climbing abilities to attempt to mantle up onto his shoulders to spend some time with her Favourite Rock.

Looking down at (at least imagining that she made it up) a what-she-thought was a familiar person with Teuihua, Gunhild was about to speak to 'Prettybirdie' before realising that the wings that made her a birdie were completely missing. Unsure about it for a moment, she recalled Prettybirdie asking Teuihua to help guard someone for her and herself trying to get their attention so that she could do it too, of which probably meant she was in the right enough place to do so, although she'd rather forgot or not even heard who it was they were protecting exactly other than the name.
"Metalmans, who dat? Is like Prettybirdie with no birdie, now is just Pretty. Does Pretty an do a angy like Prettybirdie if Gunhild name Pretty Pretty? Or Prettynotbirdie Prettynotbirdie? Does Pretty pet a Gunhilds, has food? Pretty has food?" Gunhild questioned, poking at her favourite rock as she softly asked continuously for the best rock's vast wealth of knowledge and answers. Looking to the Prettybirdie in question, Gunhild overactively waved her clawed hand at her with a smile as she wagged her tail.

"Hellos Pretty! Gunhild is Gunhild! Pretty look like Prettybirdie, Prettybirdie no like when Gunhild call Prettybirdie a Prettybirdie but Prettybirdie is a Prettybirdie, Pretty look like Prettybirdie with no Birdie. Is Pretty? Gunhild is bestestest friends of Metalmans, and Metalmans is favourite rock of Gunhild, and Prettybirdie ReguLady think Gunhild best Gunhild and favourite Gunhild. Gunhild get all the pets from Prettybirdie ReguLady!" Gunhild introduced rather long, but not holding back any sorts of Gunhildese and Gunhildisms, for Gunhild would simply and always be Gunhild.

1. Size Change (F) + Energized (F) (Maintaining 4'1")
2. Climbing (E) + Energized (E) (Gunhild must climb the favourite rock)​
Mentions & Goals: Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.



Rosalia was initially a tad taken aback by the approaching woman. However, she was quick to figure out what was going on. “It's nice to meet you Gunhild. I'm Rosalia. I do think you're pretty too. Is that your natural hair-colour?” She'd ask the girl with a polite and disarming smile. “Yes, I've heard my daughter is rather fond of you and I can see why.” Like daughter, like mother; she couldn't help herself from thinking of Gunhild as good doggo in the way she behaved. That did remind her of something. “Regula's been feeling a bit more lonely now that Ringo's been staying at Yemaya most of the time and now that everyone seems too busy for her to see Aria, Amanda, Retili or Ryan all that often lately, so I'm sure she'd appreciate your company even more.”

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.

(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


As Gunhild had approached, Gwenith would ask her the same thing she'd asked Teuihua. “Good morning, would you like to try some tea?” Considering how she'd heard the girl talk, however, she did figure she'd add one more thing. “Do bare careful though, it's very hot and you might burn yourself.”

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”​
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

While Teuihua remained vigilant he, listened to Rosalia respond. “She truly did that in her past? Then this is certainly a testament to how far she’s come.” Teuihua responded positively. Teuihua followed over to the tea stall which Gwenith was tending too. He idly listened to the gossip the tea vendor would share.

Teuihua was pleasantly surprised to see that he was getting offered tea too by Gwenith.

“I will sample some tea, yes, please. thank you.” He responded warmly. Even if Teuihua couldn’t exactly 'drink it' he would be able to evaporate the liquid and ‘taste’ whatever the basis of the tea was through his unique process of tasting things.

Teuihua likely did see Gunhild coming up, which was good since she was supposed to be here too since she had agreed to help ensure Rosalia’s safety.

“Yes Gunhild there is likely quite a bit of food at this festival.”

Of course should Gunhild be successful he’d allow her to climb on him in smoll form like usual, he had no qualms with that. She seemed to enjoy the heat he radiated and it gave her a place to chill which he was cool with.

Teuihua would answer the questions as perusal. “Gunhild, that is Regula’s mother. You should treat her the same respect you would show Regula. Depending on where she decides to go there may be food or there may not be food, but regardless we are here to do a job in keeping her safe for Lady Caelia which I know you know is of most importance. While It does not appear to be bothersome, it would be more appropriate to address her formally or as she’d prefer to be called.” Rosalia gave her own name so that Teuihua would not need too.

The golem was a bit saddened to hear that there were so many who were seemingly unavailable to Regula at the same time.

“Hm, I was unaware this was the case, I am certain Gunhild is most suited fort keeping people company, she has been of great assistance to Lady Caelia so far.”

“Hopefully with time some of those people will become more available once again, as I know that Lady Caelia rather enjoys their company.”
Teuihua reasserted.
Mentions & Goals: Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.



Rosalia chuckled at the giant Construct's reply. “She did. She even work as a bread-delivery girl in the early morning hours, before she was taken on as an apprentice by mister Rossle.” She added.

She laughed when Teuihua lectured Gunhild. “That's alright dear, my daughter is the baroness, not me.” She didn't seem the type to care too much about formalities, having no 'status' to try to protect at all times. All she had to do was to avoid causing too much trouble for her daughter or for the barony in general, after all, which was a lot easier than actively trying to maintain a 'regal' or 'noble' appearance.

At Teuihua's statements, she nodded. “I'm already glad she managed to make so many friends. She didn't really have them when she was young.” Before she expanded on that, she sipped from the tea. “Lovely as always.” She commented to Gwenith.

Teuihua would also pick up that it was a blend of herbs and plants that had gotten a fair bit of effort behind it.


“Thank you ma'am.” She'd reply to Roslia, before turning to Teuihua and looking a bit surprised. “So... how do you like it?” She asked, unsure if the Construct had even tasted anything.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Saviour of Golden Wheat, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Gunhild had so willingly climbed onto the shoulders of the large construct, finding the resting place so admirably comfortable with its elevation, warmth and even having a bestestest friend along with it all. Grumbling a gentle, soft reptilian purr as she laid and lazed across Teuihua's shoulder, she lightly bumped and rested her head against his for a mere moment before turning her focus to Rosalia whom had greeted her.

She eagerly nodded her head in agreement to the natural hair-colour thing, hearing about that the woman's daughter appreciated her which to Teuihua's mention would indeed give all the guaranteed confirmation that it was Regula they were talking about. Hearing the Metalmans on what she had to say before saying or acting, Gunhild grumbled quietly.

"Is okays, Metalmans. Gunhild not dumb-dumb. Gunhild cans do a do and friendses-do Prettybird-mama, is simplys" Gunhild briefly answered in confidence quietly to the construct over his mention of treating Rosalia properly. That being said, he also did go on to comment that Gunhild was good at keeping people company, so clearly even Teuihua must've agreed that the Gunhild way was the right way.

"Is okays, Prettyrose! Gunhild and Metalmans do a goods friendships with ReguLady. Gunhilds can do a happy of Pretty-ReguLady all of the ever time!" Gunhild answered with a smile, sitting perched on the construct's shoulder before not being able to help leaning back into and laying on his heated metal self with a peaceful grin. On the topic, she had wondered why she hadn't seen Ringo in such a while despite being around the fox-floofa's shrine, perhaps even that floofa had reason to be somewhere else for some reason.
"Hm... Gunhild think Gunhild and Metalmans cans do all do's. ReguLady wills be a happy birdie, Gunhild does a know, Gunhild not let friendses be sads or lonelies, Prettyrose. Pretty-Rosie can do's a knows to know a good Gunhild say and do".

On the mention of being offered tea, she looked to Gwenith and made gently grabby hands. "Is food? Yes, Gunhild do a yes. Gunhild tea" ehe blatantly answered in a request to accept the offered tea, despite having no foresight beforehand, it was free and to be consumed and smelled nice.

1. Size Change F (4'1")
Mentions & Goals: Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.



She smiled at Gunhild. “I'm glad to hear that.” She replied to Gunhild stating they were good friends with her daughter. She chuckled at Gunhild's continued insistence. “With a friend like you, I'm sure she will be. You should come visit her in the castle more often. If the guards give you trouble or if she claims not to have enough time, tell her it's on mother's orders.” She added.


“Food?” She asked. It wasn't exactly food. Still, considering Gunhild seemed to want it, she'd poor the girl a cup. Gunhild would have to climb down to come get it though. “Careful, it's hot.” She added once again, as she couldn't be too sure.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Saviour of Golden Wheat, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>
Elvario Elvario

Gunhild gently wagged her tail at Rosalia's suggestion to visit Regula in her castle. It didn't seem like the kind of thing she was allowed to do, but if Prettybirdie's mother was saying it then... well, Prettybirdie had the authority. Which if Prettybirdie's mother has authority over Prettybirdie, then that's like super authority. And clearly, that was stable logic that meant anything Rosalia said was allowed should clearly be allowed.
"Gunhild do a do the big-house, find Prettybirdie and do a happy, Gunhilds can do's" Gunhild nodded aggressively, before saying something else.
"What do a Prettyrose do? Prettyrose super-baronylady?? Prettyrose is do big princess? What prettyrose?" she asked curiously, tilting her head.
Seeing the offered tea and immediately and ungraciously sliding off of Teuihua to fall on her face, scrambling around in the dirt to find her quadrepedal footing and intently staring at the tea.
"Is. Food?" she blankly answered, sniffing at it and very slowly leaning her face closer to it before she was almost in touching range. Quickly lapping the mere surface of the contents of the cup with her tongue, she ruminated on the taste with the blankest of expressions with essentially no body movement at all. Her only confirmation that it was good was the fact that she continued to lap it up with just the tip of her tongue without having moved a muscle at all.​

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Teuihua was rather surprised to hear that much. “Is that so? I had no idea. Impressive indeed.” Granted Teuihua’s society had a different idea of bread, a lot of it was more like flat cakes before the newer processes which existed now, as a result it was a food item which was rather humble in origin and those who ate it varied from all classes.

To think of someone like a Baroness of this time starting there genuinely did impress him, Regula or not. The golem was a bit puzzled when Rosalia didn’t seem to desire to uphold the formalities very much but he wasn’t about to argue with her or anything of the like, as long as she really wasn’t bothered by it, that was okay with him.

He gave her a nod in acknowledgement.

“Oh, I am sorry to hear that, I cannot say I had many friends myself.” That was true, being seen more like a tool rather than something worth interacting with in a meaningful way was pretty common in his time, the pool of people who saw him for something more beyond those who created beings like him was pretty slim.

What might have been a bit more curious to those around was how Teuihua essentially tasted the tea, he simply gradually poured the cup onto his more dexterous hand and the liquid quickly evaporated, as he processed what had been used to brew it.

“It is very good I like the organic compound of plants and herbs you used, it provides nice notes of flavor, I can tell that you probably spent a good deal of time getting it just right.” He’d respond positively with his [Effort Connoisseur] title.

Teuihua was unbothered as Gunhild had rested on him. He also felt good when Gunhild spoke positively of them and Regula. “Gunhild is correct. I’m certain between the two of us we can assist Lady Caelia whether it’s for professional purposes or in comradery, I do not say that as to assert something unusual like that, I only say it because Lady Caelia herself confirmed to me she sees me in such a light, which I am ever grateful for.”

Teuihua didn’t seem to react much when Gunhild got off and took the tea. He wasn’t about to lecture her for how she took it, the need for formalities seemed lessened at the moment at least in that capacity. He mainly watched to make sure she was okay getting down.

“I think it is safe to say that Gunhild enjoys it too.” He added with a somewhat light hearted tone.
Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.




She chuckled at Gunhild's reply. “Good, good.” She'd make sure to inform the guards that this particular blue-haired lizard had a pass to enter, should they otherwise worry about the girl barging in. Not that most didn't know her already. Upon the questions, she shook her head. “I'm retired, it means I get to enjoy spending my time doing whatever I wish to do.” She replied. It wasn't entirely true, as she was still helping out with various tasks, but that was beyond the point.


Gwenith eyed Gunhild with some curiosity, as the big one started lapping up the tea. It was probably one of the most peculiar tea-testers she'd had thus far. “Do you like it?” She'd ask Gunhild.

Yet when it came to peculiar taste-testers, Teuihua, by far, took the crown. “Huh, that's a more thorough analysis than I was expecting. Thank you.” She stated, happy enough with the compliment.

As she addressed the construct, she remembered something. “Oh, right, I think your friend just finished setting up her thing as well. I think it was a display of harvest..?” She informed him, a tad bit questioningly.




“Oh, that sounds fun, let's go look!” Rosalia replied, which pretty much meant Teuihua and Gunhild would be heading over as well.


Zeouli had indeed put up a small display. That said, to the normal person, it might look like a random assortment of crops, but to Teuihua it did look like a bit like a the harvest offerings that might normally go onto shrine. “+Teuihua.+” She spoke up upon seeing him. “+Look, I heard the people here put up displays to show off things they made, so I decided to put up this display of crops I dedicated to Qeotl.+” She stated, which explained why a fair bit of the produce there was the type of stuff that'd bee around even in their time.

Needlessly to say, Rosalia wouldn't understand a word of it, so she'd look to Teuihua for possible translations.

Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | +Mictlantecuhtlian+ | {Sylvan} | %Analog% | <Beastial>

Meanwhile, further to the other side of town, Regula had entered the fair as well. That said, she'd barely moved a few steps before folk came up to her with questions. Whether it was for being polite or for needing her advise or... well, any reason at all, she immediately realised she wasn't going to have all that much fun here. That said, fun wasn't important right now. Instead, she put on her best [Baroness' Charm] and just smiled and waved, answering the questions she could and giving a firm [Baroness' Word] to those that pushed things too far.

Baroness' Word B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Culture B, Etiquette B, Insight B, Leadership B, Persuasion B, Religion B, Energised B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula studies, convinces, inspires or otherwise engages in social conversation. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.
Baroness' Charm B – Character Grade B, Appraisal B, [Baroness of Caelia] title, Persuasion B, Seduction B, Energised B – Using her position as a baroness and her social prowess, Regula attempts to charm someone into being more agreeable. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Saviour of Golden Wheat, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Gunhild didn't pay much attention to Teuihua and Gwenith talking to eachother over the quality of the tea, simply sat drinking the entirety of it in her own weird way as she eventually just shoved her face into it and practically inhaled the entirety of it all at once. She did hear what Prettyrose had to say about her occupation, which only made her hesitate in confusion. Retire? Spend time doing what she wishes to do? That sounds like what Gunhild does everyday, perhaps Gunhild is this 'retired' thing. The lizard thought for a moment, wondering if being a Retire was the exact kind of thing that Regula could benefit from in order to relax and also have all the free time in the world to do fun stuff (and clearly give Gunhild more attention).
"Gunhild not know Retire, Gunhild think Retire seem happies. Prettybirdie Regulady may coulds do a retire?" Gunhild asked in suggestion, before turning her focus to the fact that Prettyrose and Teuihua were about to be off elsewhere. Grumbling quietly, she went to scramble back onto the Metalmans' shoulder in order to come along with them.

"Where Prettybirdie?" Gunhild blankly asked as they were going along elsewhere, coming along to Zeouli's little stand and doing the unceremonious demounting of Teuihua's shoulder once again by faceplanting the floor and scrambling around to get back on her quadrepedal feet. Not paying much attention to any of the discussion going on, Gunhild simply stared and sniffed at the display the construct had set up, only getting one thing out of it.
"Is food?" Gunhild blatantly asked, not even looking towards the construct or anyone else as she simply just stared at the harvest.

1. Size Change (F) (4'1)
2. Climbing (E)

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”​

Mention: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

It was nice for the golem to hear that Rosalia had some form of reprieve after it sounded like after she had been working.

Teuihua gave a nod to Gwenith. “ You are welcome. I am happy to be of assistance.” He spoke truthfully. The tea was good and if she was looking for feedback he was more than happy to provide it. It was something else that apparently Teuihua was good at from the looks of things.

Teuihua was also pleasantly surprised to hear that it sounded like Zeouli had set up her own stand of sorts.

“Zeouli has set up? Thank you for letting me know, if it’s possible I’ll have to see for myself.”

It looked like Teuihua wouldn’t have to ask if he could because Rosalia was already more than happy to go and see what Zeouli had organized.

Teuihua was pleased to see what Zeouli had done thus far. There was a beauty to the types of crops which the Mict harvested with their colors and arrangement, if one could appreciate aesthetics it should be comparable to a well put together flower arrangement.

“+It looks very nice Zeouli, I am certain that people will enjoy the arrangement. It has an appealing quality to it. I am certain that Qeotl is pleased too, I can tell that you took only the best.+” Which is very much what Zeouli would have likely done.

Teuihua figured he ought to translate at that point, he looked to Rosalia and continued, “Zeouli is saying since people brought things to display which they made, Zeouli is displaying the crops which she dedicated to Qeotl, the Mictlantecuhtlian goddess of Agriculture and Harvest. As you can see she paid attention to how she composed them. Personally I Think they have a nice decorative quality to them.”

Teuihua once again let Gunhild ride on him. Thankfully she was okay when she landed. “Lady Caelia at this event too no doubt, it only makes sense that she’d be present.” He figured he’d answer Gunhild’s question.

He’d then would translate Gunhild’s speak to Zeouli. “+Gunhild is asking if the crops are food.+” Figuring Zeouli might wish to share about the crops in which he’d translate to the pair back.
Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.




She chuckled at the lizard's simple outlook on life. “Retire is something people tend to do after having worked for a long time. In Regula's case, I highly doubt she'll retire anytime soon.” She thought for a moment. “Although I'm sure that friends like you and Teuihua could at least make her feel 'retired' for a while.” She added, glad to see her daughter had at least garnered some good friends here.

Rosalia wasn't sure where her daughter was, she she wasn't able to answer Gunhild. Upon being translated an explanation of what was in front of her by Teuihua, she smiled. “I see, you can tell her it looks lovely. It's almost like a flower arrangement.” She smiled, with the same type of smile that didn't seem to make any distinction between whether she was talking to another Human or a giant metal construct multiple times her size.


“+Thank you.+” Zeouli replied, happy to have some appreciation from someone that knew about what this was all about. “+It's been a bit difficult to try and explain this when nobody understand me, so most people have simply walked by with a confused look.+” She admitted.

It was Zeouli's own turn to be confused when Gunhild asked if the crops were food. “+Well, yes, although they are not fit for consumption as they are. Do you remember this wheat? I was surprised they were still growing it. From what I gathered it came from Kirkwall.+” She pointed at some bundles of wheat. “+It seems the cabbages in this time are even larger than in ours, but the maize seems smaller.+” She'd point at the respective crops. She'd explain a bit more about the differences she discovered, as well as the crops that were missing from this time altogether and the new ones she'd learned about.

Upon reaching the end of her explanation, she suddenly recalled something. “+Oh right, look.+” She stated, taking out flat cake-like bread. “+I asked lady Caelia to translate what I remembered about the recipe for me so that I could have chef Todo make these. It took a few tries, but they are almost the same as they were back then. You can all try some, if you want.+” She stated, offering the bread to Teuihua, Rosalia and Gunhild.


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Saviour of Golden Wheat, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Looking to the display, Gunhild only turned her focus when Zeouli had held out some sort of bread and simply stared towards it.
"Is food?" Gunhild asked once again, having essentially a staring contest with the bread whilst Teuihua was busy speaking whatever language it was that the Metalsmanses spokes. Looking to the other construct, she simply sat up and rested her clawed hands against the bread-wielding construct as she blankly stared straight at their construct face. She opted to not say anything, simply grumbling small reptilian noises as she maintained as heavy eye-contact as possible as if expectantly awaiting for the food to come her way. It was a Metalpersons, and a Metalmans friend, a Metalmans friend would always be a good friend. Awaiting like a determined pet animal, she eventually broke eye contact to flick her gaze to Teuihua as she gently swayed her tail.

"Metalmans, where Prettybirdie? Prettybirdie here? Cans Gunhild go finds Prettybirdie, Prettybirdie must do a happys! Gunhild make Prettybirdie feels a retire!!" she asked immediately, dropping on quadrepedal footing and scampering around in small circles as she got overexcited on her own plans. Glancing between Teuihua and Rosalia, Gunhild waited to see if she was allowed to go and look for said Prettybirdie.

"Gunhild do a do? Gunhild do's a good, Gunhild will comeses ifs Metalmans-friend and Prettyrose needs a help-do!! Metalmans do thingy that make Gunhild do a see-do, yes?? Gunhild comes, Gunhild do a fast, Gunhild go a fast, Gunhild helps. Gunhild do a Prettybirdie happy, yes?" Gunhild asked, looking between the Metalman friend and Rosalia if it was okay to go and find Prettybirdie to go and see if she was happy, or if she was able to make her happy, planning that she'd immediately come back if any trouble were to happen in order to help. Regula was originally just going to offer the role to Teuihua alone anyway, and Teuihua was like the coolest and best rock so he could do anything, but she would immediately show up if needed. Plus, what if Regula wasn't safe? Who was watching Prettybirdie??

Size Change F (4'1")

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”​
Mentions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Rosalia’s smile made Teuihua feel nice inside. There wasn’t any kind of judgment or feeling of his otherness to be detected by her.

Teuihua would be more than glad to translate Rosalia’s words in response. “+Rosalia is saying that she thinks it looks wonderful and that it almost looks like a flower arrangement.+” Teuihua reported happily, before listening further to Zeouli.

“+Perhaps we could see about someone helping you to learn the common tongue then. If there isn’t anyone whose available I could see to helping you myself, even if I will admit my common is not perfect.”

Teuihua would translate Zeouli’s words to Gunhild as well "+Zeouli says that the crops are not fit to eat in their current form but she asks if you remember the wheat and that she assumes it is from Kirkwall.+”

“Zeouli is also mentioning that the cabbages are larger from what we recall, while the maize is smaller “

Teuihua would translate any observations and comments she had to make about the crops to Gunhild and Rosalia.

“This is a bread recipe from long ago, it is very similar to what people from all walks of life from my civilization ate. Chef Todo prepared it after Zeouli described to Lady Caelia how it is made, you are all welcome to try some if you’d like.” Teuihua would accept the bread and hand some over to Gunhild.

“Yes Gunhild the bread is food, you may eat it.”

He also took some for himself, figuring it wouldn’t exactly be the best if he had just handed Rosalia some from a social perspective.

Teuihua would then promptly incinerate his bread piece on his hand, and he was pleased.

“+This bread is quite tasty. You may give Chef Todo my praise. It is very similar, perhaps a bit different with the change of the available crops, nevertheless I am certain if you gave this to anyone from Mictlantecuhtlia they’d be more than happy.+”

While Gunhild’s excitement was endearing Teuihua figured it was worth speaking outright on the matter.

“Gunhild, should you, I and Rosalia encounter Lady Caelia, I am certain interacting with her should be fine, but you were given a task to ensure that Rosalia is safe along with me. I am okay with this stipulation only if Rosalia is okay with it, and does not believe that it would be problematic. As long as I am capable of protecting her, I do not want you to get in trouble for straying.”


(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Saviour of Golden Wheat, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>
Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Gunhild looked to Teuihua in anticipation, although becoming slightly disappointed when he had essentially chided her into not choosing to run off on her own to find Prettybirdie, grumbling quietly for a moment. Eventually, since Metalmans had confirmed that it was indeed food and seeing his offer to give her some. Immediately coming over to him without a word, she clutched the bread piece in her hands before grabbing it in her mouth, so she had her hands free in order to clamber back onto Teuihua now that she wasn't going anywhere. Supposing that she'd have to hope that Regula came along so she could make Regula happy and feel a retire, the lizard traversed back onto the shoulders of the metal construct as she tightly clasped her given piece of bread.

"Is food" Gunhild blankly stated as she ate the food, sitting with her legs tucked to her body on Teuihua's shoulder in complete silence until she had finished it all. Sniffing at her emptied hands and grumbling quietly, Gunhild once again made a blank remark.
"Is food?" she asked, before looking to Teuihua's friend-construct before to Teuihua.
"Metalmanseses, why's there's NEW BREADS, Gunhild thinksies bread is bread. Is bread-bread bread?? Metalmans' Bread new bread? All breads do a new bread? Mmm, Prettybirdie-Bread... " Gunhild asked in confusion, gently patting his head with her clawed hand to get his attention as if she wouldn't have already had it, though briefly getting sidetracked by the thought of the special bread Regula had given to her before.

"Is foods only breads and a teas?? Gunhild want icy-creams. Icy-creams WHERE, Gunhild KNOW. Where CANDY-COTTON?? COOKIE???" Gunhild began making her immediate demands, tapping Teuihua again and again on his head as she laid on his shoulder, deeply staring into his eyes as if the construct had all of the answers of the universe. This was food-fair yes? Is food-fair? Where food? She abruptly turned her focus to Rosalia.

"Prettyrose!! Eat COOKIE and ICY-CREAM and CANDY-COTTON and ALL FOODS! Is good do. Gunhild know. Metalmanseses, do a do?" Gunhild blankly asked both the constructs, having tried to advertise whatever nonsense she was spouting to Rosalia. Gently wagging her tail as she swapped her gaze between staring at everyone, she wrapped her claws around Teuihua's head for no reason in particular, just wanting to hold onto her best rock friend.

1. size change F (4'1")
2. Climbing E
*.·:·.✧ ☆ Aedrianna Belmonte ☆✧.·:·.*

Life had been rough for Aedrianna lately. She'd been caught up in a giants bugs nest while on a minor merchant mission. Then when she'd gone home with hopes of curing her frail vitality and magic ability; they'd run into trouble. Two kinds actually. A dire bear, and a slaver that was trying to take her new friend away. A few lines had been crossed, and some of her new friends had gone their own ways, with bittersweet goodbyes. But still her adventure continued. She'd received a letter from her friend Griffin only a week or so ago. After the dreadful affair with Nero and the constructs.

But after all that she'd invited Noelle and Sorieielle back to the shop where they'd met Tomoko Brandy, a childhood friend of hers that had come to visit. Aedrianna had been trying to introduce the three when one of the villagers stopped by and mentioned a fair in Ryke. After a little discussion between them all they'd agreed to travel together and enjoy the fair together. So now here they all were, standing amidst the stalls. Aedriannnas long blonde hair was woven intricately in a braid with a pale ribbon tying it together. Her diamond blue eyes matched her dress, and they were flitting from each stall excitedly. She wandered down an aisle of stalls.

"It would be lovely to find some stationary to write a letter back to Griffin on. Or perhaps I can show off some of the dyes here if I find the right vendor." She chuckled, patting the messenger bag hanging on her shoulder. she'd brought a couple jars of the powder like substance. Aedri looked around sniffing curiously. They'd come in from the road to Kirkwall. And she could smell the scent of burgers and fries. Which was something she hadn't smelled since she was in America in her past life. Which was over fifteen years ago. "Oh guys do you smell that? Do you know what that is? We have to go find it!" She insisted. Her large white wolf friend Hiruq standing by her side as usual.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil
Last edited:
*.·:·.✧ ☆ Aedrianna Belmonte ☆✧.·:·.*

Life had been rough for Aedrianna lately. She'd been caught up in a giants bugs nest while on a minor merchant mission. Then when she'd gone home with hopes of curing her frail vitality and magic ability; they'd run into trouble. Two kinds actually. A dire bear, and a slaver that was trying to take her new friend away. A few lines had been crossed, and some of her new friends had gone their own ways, with bittersweet goodbyes. But still her adventure continued. She'd received a letter from her friend Griffin only a week or so ago. After the dreadful affair with Nero and the constructs.

But after all that she'd invited Noelle and Sorieielle back to the shop where they'd met Tomoko Brandy, a childhood friend of hers that had come to visit. Aedrianna had been trying to introduce the three when one of the villagers stopped by and mentioned a fair in Ryke. After a little discussion between them all they'd agreed to travel together and enjoy the fair together. So now here they all were, standing amidst the stalls. Aedriannnas long blonde hair was woven intricately in a braid with a pale ribbon tying it together. Her diamond blue eyes matched her dress, and they were flitting from each stall excitedly. She wandered down an aisle of stalls.

"It would be lovely to find some stationary to write a letter back to Griffin on. Or perhaps I can show off some of the dyes here if I find the right vendor." She chuckled, patting the messenger bag hanging on her shoulder. she'd brought a couple jars of the powder like substance. Aedri looked around sniffing curiously. They'd come in from the road to Kirkwall. And she could smell the scent of burgers and fries. Which was something she hadn't smelled since she was in America in her past life. Which was over fifteen years ago. "Oh guys do you smell that? Do you know what that is? We have to go find it!" She insisted. Her large white wolf friend Hiruq standing by her side as usual.

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil

Soreiel crouched down next to Hiruq and began to scratch behind his ears. “How can you withstand her hyperactivity?” She asked with a chuckle as she watched Aedrianna.

Soreiel still wore her revealing outfit as she hadn’t gone to purchase a new outfit just yet, granted it would help if she actually had money to do so.

Soreiel stood up, her hand still on Hiruqs head “Aedrianna must you constantly move from stall to stall? You need to give yourself room to breathe and enjoy what you grabbed last, especially as you can’t carry everything.”

Soreiel sighed as she was evidently talking to a brick wall as Aedrianna completely ignored her and stayed in her own world. However when she mentioned smelling something good Soreiel’s own nose twitched a few times as she picked up the smell of meat once again.
Brandy was much like Aedri, running around and poking her nose at different items, mostly sticking to the food stalls as her tail swayed curiously. Its been a while since she had time to play around with Aedri.

After a bit of sniffing around Brandy quickly caught up to them and sniffed the air at her friends mention of smell. After which she listened to soreiel speak, coming up with a swift reply "If it gets too heavy I'm here to help!" She said, tapping her bicep proudly. Granted, she was probably fooling around, but wouldn't mind helping nonetheless.

Brandy sniffed the air a bunch more before her eyes sparkled with hunger "Burgers!" She instinctually said, being reminded of her prior life as she dashed forth before anyone would be the wiser.

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil
Mentions & Goals:
Gunhild Femboy Femboy – Guard Rosalia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.


Although Zeouli didn't exactly have an option to express happiness in her facial features, her voice seemed to express as much when Teuihua translated. “+I am glad to hear she appreciates it.+” It seemed like things like appreciating such displays were rather timeless.

Upon the suggestion of being taught the common tongue, she perked up. “+I would like that, yes.+” She replied, realising how much easier it would be to communicate. Although it seemed like her question aimed at Teuihua, regarding recognise the crops, ended up translated to Gunhild instead. Not that it mattered much, but perhaps once she'd learn Common, such confusion would also be solved.

“+Perhaps we should bring some to Ringo, sometime.+” She suggested to Teuihua, when he suggested anyone from Mictlantecuhtlia would appreciate the bread.

On the topic of appreciating bread, she was a tad confused by Gunhilds behaviour. “+I am unsure why this one is staring at me.+” She stated, a tad uncomfortable.




Rosalia was a surprised by how food-focussed Gunhild was, wondering If someone was keeping the lizard fed well or if the girl had actually been starving. “Oh, that sounds interesting.” She stated, upon being told about the bread and taking some from Zeouli. Although, as she tried a bit, she realised it was a lot different. “It's certainly different.” She stated, not sure if she liked it or not.

She was a tad surprised when Teuihua lectured Gunhild, after which she got told to make the decision. Knowing, however, that her daughter was likely actually working on things and wanting to get things done first, it'd probably not be ideal for her to 'retire' right now. “I'm sorry Gunhild, but I don't think Regula can 'retire' right now. I'm sure she'll be able to 'retire' with you later today though, in the evening.” She figured that might be the best approach right now.

Upon hearing some new food names, she was a tad confused. “I think Inola was working on trying out ice magic to make food, but she hasn't found some able to cast it yet. I don't know what candy-cotton is... I think there might be cookies somewhere, though?” She stated, a bit unsure how to deal with the lizard's current behavior.

Mentions & Goals:
Aedrianna Moonberry Moonberry – No specific goals given.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given.
Brandy Kikimura Kikimura – No specific goals given.


Hiruq had been a tad on guard due to how busy it was in the festival. Eyeing the many people walking around and sniffing the many scents that filled the air. He too, picked up on a most unusal scent, along with Aedrianna.

His vigilance was wavering a little when Soreiel ended up petting him, the dog letting out a content grumble at the attention he'd been given. Although he did eye Aedrianna at the question how he could withstand her hyperactivity, as if to say 'I don't know either' in reply.

He'd eyed the girl that ran off towards the scent first, looking at Aedrianna and figuring they'd soon take chase, as he was already ready to start moving.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg

It seemed like all places outside had already been taken, but inside there were a few places left and nobody seemed to mind the dog entering the place along with the others.

They were spotted soon after entering, by a girl currently carrying various plates of fried and burgers. “Ah! Hello, hello! Good morning. Sorry, I've got some tables outside to serve, wait...” She turned around. “Mooom! There's people inside as well now!” She turned back to the girls. “Sorry, I'm sure she'll be right here, please, take a table.” She tried gesturing towards one of the open tables without having her hands free to actually do so, before already being on her way out to serve the people outside.


It wasn't that long after that another woman (although some would swear it was the same one judged by looks alone) came out of what seemed to be a storage room, carrying a crate. “Sorry, sorry, I'll be right with you. Just gotta get this to chef Todo.” She stated, heading into the kitchen and returning short after. “Sorry about that, I don't think we've been this busy in... well, ever, truth be told. Ah, hold up, here's a menu.” She quickly grabbed them a menu card, which seemed to offer some 'traditional' meals, like stews and bread, along with some surprising options, like the fries and burgers, but even fried chicken was on there. “Can I get you something to drink first?” She'd ask, after handing them the menu.

Noelle Nichi
With: Moonberry Moonberry | Rcticwolf Rcticwolf | Elvario Elvario | Kikimura Kikimura
abilities: -
Language: "Common" ~ <"Beastial">

It has been a while since Noelle has been in Ryke. Honestly, she wanted to see if she could find some more adventures in the republic after her ordeals in Nan Pass. But what kind of wandering artist would she be to refuse the opportunity to go to a fair? The best part was that she could go with friends as Aedrianna, Soreiel and Aedri’s childhood friend were coming along.

It was more crowded at the fair than Noelle had anticipated. Nonetheless, she was able to dart around to all the stalls that were selling their food and other thingamajigs. There were so many pretty things she wanted to have. But she knew she could not go buy everything willy-nilly. She didn’t want to end up broke again. She still had a decent amount of the reward from the job where she met Aedrianna and Soreiel. But even that could not last her forever. A shame really but it is what it is.

Aedrianna suddenly started sniffing the air and asked if the group smelled it too. Noelle tried to sniff. But there were too many scents in the air for her to pinpoint exactly which one Aedriana smelled. Luckily her friend Brandy knew what Aedri was talking about. They smelled “burgers”, a name that Noelle vaguely recognized. " burgers?" She didn’t remember much of her previous life. Most was lost when she hit the water that sent her to this world. But she does have the occasional deja vu when exposed to things from the other world. Before anyone could react Brandy had stormed off after the burger smell. Noelle chuckled at the girl’s energy as her stomach started to rumble. All this talk of food has made her hungry. And she hadn’t eaten in a while. "I can go for some food yeah…" she said and followed the group to the tavern.

When they arrived at the tavern there were no more seats free outside so the group went inside instead. Not that it mattered that much. The goal was to get food anyway.
When they entered they were greeted by a young lady who was carrying various orders for guests outside. She was too busy to help the group so she told them to take a seat and called for her mother to help. "Thank you" Noelle said and instinctively performed an eastern bow. But she was unsure if the waitress noticed it.
Noelle sat with the rest of the group at one of the tables and waited for the mother to help them. When the mother came from the backroom Noelle noticed that she looked extremely a lot like her daughter. Or was it the other way around? The mother had to deliver something to the kitchen first before she came to the table. She handed over a menu and Noelle started to look through it. There were so many yummy things. But she will most likely cave to group pressure and order a burger and fries with them. But first, the lady asked them if they wanted to have something to drink. "uhm.. Can I have some orange lemonade please" Noelle ordered. She hoped it was not going to take too long. But with how busy they were Noelle would not blame them if it would take a little longer before their orders would arrive.
Soreiel looked around and let Hiruq and Noelle enter the place the smell was coming from. She didn’t want to enter as for one she didn’t have any money to order anything, and didn’t want to spend Aedriannas money either. She sighed as her own belly let out a soft growl of hunger before she turned away and went exploring the rest of the fair, maybe she could find somebody offering a free sample or someone paying to have an animal hunted, either she would get fed.

“It’s nice to be free, but I really wish I had some money to spend, if only Niro didn’t take my earned money from helping Aedrianna find the sky thorn blossoms” she let out a low growl at the mention of her old master as she clenched her fists. She was glad justice was finally served on him, but she was also angry that she couldn’t get her revenge on him. She occasionally thought about tearing Niro apart as she continued her walk, she would come back and check on Noelle and Aedrianna in an hour or so…

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