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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

Ariko Balba

The Fair - Julius

Not one to butt in on conversations he knew nothing about, Ariko opted to stand as lookout, scanning around the crowd for anyone or anything interesting. While looking around he happened to spot the chump from earlier who insulted Aedrianna waving in their directions and shooting a wink toward the girl. Ariko was about fed up with this individual, showing his displeasure in his existence with a very rude gesture with his hand, the universal middle finger.

While Aedrianna continued her conversation Ariko started to make his way over to where Julius was with clenched fists, looking to offer up some mild intimidation. He had a look that could kill on his face and was making extra effort by flexing his chest and arm muscles as he walked to make himself look larger and more threatening. About half way to Julius he stopped and crossed his arm over his chest before calling out to the man.

“Didn’t think I would have’ta see your mug again little man. Gonna go through me if you got business with tha boss.”

Now that he was legitimately employed by Aedrianna he was taking things far more seriously than before, and was most definitely ready to throw down if things went that way. He spat on the ground next to him and looked Julius straight in the eyes for his reaction.

SixSense SixSense Moonberry Moonberry
Erich Zann
[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Moonberry Moonberry Elias Wren Elias Wren

After approaching one of the guards, which thankfully didn't have horns, Erich gave the description of the squirrel girl and the red-haired man he was searching for. After a little back and forth, the man pointed out towards a curious building in the barony. Thanking him, showing that his basic grasp of normal civility had improved, he began walking towards it. The closer he got, the more he heard the clinking of metal against metal.

When he got into the building, his hazel eyes quickly scanned the place, noticing it was a forge. Erich himself wasn't particularly skilled with rustic methods of blacksmithing, having only really worked with finished materials, instead of beginning from scratch. But maybe, in a place like this, he thought that there would be value for him to learn the material creation since its crude form.

And the place itself was quite packed, but the people around the forge barely were registered in his mind. Approaching the curious contraption which was made out of bricks, his gaze peered into the front opening for a moment, eyes following the metallic tube that went upwards towards the ceiling. Without wasting time, his mind focused, trying to peer into meta-data about the object itself. [Appraisal E + Artisan [Tinkerer] B + Engineer E]

He wouldn't waste time as his eyes peered through matter and otherwise, unique information was being gathered by his senses. His hands quickly produced a small notebook from the front pocket of his coat, and he began scribbling down information, at accelerated speed, in analog. The scribbling of the charcoal pencil went on and on, filling page after page with information he was witnessed. And finally, it would arrive at its zenith! In the end, it was revealed to him that the furnace was actually... a furnace. "So this furnace is a furnace after all... interesting data..." He said to himself, happy with what he had found thus far.

Once again, his impressive and peerless deductive skills in the realm of reasoning and logic had bore fruit. And nothing less could be expected of the previous chief of engineering, right? Right? At any rate, at that point, tucking his notebook into his pocket again, he turned around to see that there seems to be a bit of a quarrel taking place. Some shirtless man acting with rather increased aggression by his posture towards... Julius! "Astologia, have you noticed how furnacy this furnace is? Truly impressive. And where is... oh, there you are, Pip." He said to both Julius and Eriedeth, cutting dry just after the muscular man's threats.

Still, seeing how there were quite a few unknown faces in the place, he had taken the lesson to introduce himself, silly social customs as they were, even more noticing the quite curious white-haired woman with wings. Fortunately, for Erich anyway, he didn't have any alternative supposition of what the wings could be beside... wings. "I am Erich Zann, tinkerer and inventor, located at Ryken." Introducing himself, he moved closer to Julius, whispering only to his ears. "If you need my expertise with that humanoid, just say." Next, he would move to Eriedeth, looking at the squirrel girl with his usual relaxed expression. "So, any good developments on that particular... objective you guys had?" He asked, catching by the corner of his eye some interesting apparatus on top of a table, doing his best to ignore it for now, even thought his eyes kept travelling towards it.
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna's gaze was firmly on the Baroness, but the sight of her newly hired protector squaring up with the young man who had mistakenly approached her made her heart skip a beat. Her pulse quickened as she noticed Ariko’s fists clenching, ready for a confrontation. The warmth of the forge permeated the blacksmith's workshop, causing sweat to bead on her brow. The air was thick with the scent of molten metal and the rhythmic clang of hammer on anvil, creating a tense backdrop for the unfolding scene.
With a nervous laugh, Aedrianna quickly stashed the pigment powder and bowls back into her bag. Her slender fingers snaked around the larger man’s thick wrist, tugging gently but firmly. The contrast between her delicate touch and his solid, muscular arm was striking.

"My apologies, my lady. It seems I've impeded on a meeting you were holding with someone else. Please forgive our rude misconduct," she said, her voice soft yet carrying a note of urgency. She bowed her head, giving another curtsy with the free hand that wasn't detaining her muscle-bound bodyguard. "It was not my intention to detract from someone else's business opportunity."

Aedrianna's lips pulled into a polite smile, her cheeks aching from the effort to maintain her composure. Her eyes darted between the Baroness, Julius, and the newcomer with dark hair, her mind racing to navigate the social intricacies. The last thing she needed was for the Baroness to witness her hired help getting aggressive with people she was holding an audience with.

Her fingers remained circled around Ariko’s wrist, a silent plea in her grip urging him to step back. She could feel the tension in his muscles, ready to spring into action. With a determined glance over her shoulder at Sorieiel and then at Kiyo, she weighed her options. Should they backtrack and pretend this never happened, or should she stand her ground and make her pitch regardless of the mounting tension?

The forge’s glow cast flickering shadows on the walls, and the heat seemed to amplify the anxiety simmering in the room. Aedrianna took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. She couldn’t afford to let this opportunity slip away. She needed to strike the right balance between assertiveness and diplomacy, to show the Baroness that she was both capable and respectful. She glanced towards Eriedeth, the one who seemed to be the most sensible of the duo, perhaps trio.

"Please forgive my impertinence. But would you mind very much if I were to share your time with the Baroness?" she continued, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her. "I only wish to demonstrate the value of our products and seek patronage. In fact, perhaps in the future we might be able to work together. My goals for the family business go beyond herbal and alchemical. " She gave a small, hopeful smile, her eyes pleading for understanding.

As the tension hung in the air, Aedrianna prayed that her words would diffuse the situation and that her demonstration could proceed without further incident.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren FantasyCat FantasyCat Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune SixSense SixSense Maxxob Maxxob
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Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Naythophyl Naythophyl Garbage. Garbage.

The construct listened to Aiden’s assessment carefully.

“That is good to hear that both have distinct uses which are more advantageous. Thank you for the storage information and how to deal with this ‘crystallization’ you speak of. I will commit these details to memory so I can pass them on to the recipient(s) of these.”

After Rosalia was presumably given what she was asking for Teuihua would speak up when the time seemed right,

“I think for the purposes I am envisioning both of the honey types which you have described will work well, I would like to purchase one Jar of wildflower honey and one jar of Lavender honey please.”

Teuihua then proceeded to fish out some of his money from the carved ear in his more pillar like arm, still using it as a semi storage area, the bell which he had received long ago still there as well.

After Teuihua readied his money to give to Aiden,

Teuihua turned to Rosalia pleased at what he heard. “It is excellent to hear that, I try my best to be while I carry out my task.”

Teuihua nodded “I think that treating those with sentience equally is a noble goal to strive for, even if it is far different than how the world seems to work at times, it is certainly something to work toward.”

He would also answer her next question.

“Learning some of the languages which are most common in the Barony could prove to be useful for my intended function, so I believe it could be a worthwhile endeavor which I would be interested in.”

Teuihua would give a wave to MM as she departed. He would then continue to be observant of the surrounding environment.
Ariko Elias Wren Elias WrenGet a burger. \ Meet some folk.
Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Erich Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.

Forging Ahead
Forge in Stonewall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Forge.
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/0nnVRy

Regula Caelia


She showed a calming smile when Aedrianna addressed her. Even so, she was a bit surprised by the topic. That said, looking at the many examples, it did look rather colourful. “The colours fit the festive mood of the fair real well and...” Her eyes ended up at Soreiel's tails, causing her mind to stop working for a second.

Another nine tails. So fluffy. So colourful with the dyes in it. It was impossible for her not to display some [Tail Freak], whether she wanted too or not. (Tail Freak: Character displays an unnatural attraction to tails. Creatures with tails will be intuitively concerned within character's presence. Those petted may have lingering feelings of being dirty and regret or receive the title Thoroughly Petted.)

A deep breath, some [Focus B] and [Mind Shield B] later, she recovered. “It's indeed rather pretty. I'd love to see the process, though perhaps we'd better move to a quieter place and let mister Gobán and Aileen work in peace. We can go to the Keep's court.” She'd state, not wanting to start crowding up the place more than they were already doing.

Silvia Tebrick

Aedrianna mentioning that she was willing to show the process was Silvia's cue to action. “Milady, I would be more than willing to volunteer to have my tail dyed. Perhaps you would even wish to apply it yourself?” She stated, tail starting to slowly wag behind her.

Sadly enough for Silvia, before Regula could reply, Ariko started to get some beef going with Julius. “Whatever is going on between the both of you.” She'd look from Ariko to Julius and back to Ariko. “I can assure you that duking it out in front of a baroness isn't going to work out well for either party.” She had no desire to have her good mood be ruined by troublemakers, so she gave them the firm warning. Ariko in particular, as his behaviour in front of nobility was extremely rude to say the least.

Erich's appraisal of the furnace showed him that it wasn't just a normal furnace, but an actual blast furnace. Using a combination of regular engineering and some magic to get it to extremely intense heat whilst using magic and regular ventilation to get the fumes out. It was likely needed for smithing rare metals like mithril and orichalcum.

His approach to Regula was met with a mildly disapproving gaze from her. She personally didn't mind too much, but she was [Prideful] enough to wish to uphold her status. His lake of proper etiquette made he wonder if she should reprimand him, but she decided it wasn't worth the effort. All she'd do was make it clear who and what she was. “I'm baroness Caelia.” She'd reply shortly, wondering if he'd pick up on the hint or not.

Either way, the hair dye girl seemed to have all the needed common sense to try salvage the situation. That said, whilst she start off strong by reprimanding Ariko, she did slip up. The fact she asked for Eriedeth to 'share time' didn't sit well with her. As if she couldn't decide how to spent her time herself. It probably wasn't meant like that, but it still irked her a bit. Taking a deep breath of air, she'd speak up again. “Don't worry, your product has garnered my interest and it seems my assistant is eager to try it out, so we can head for the Keep's courtyard and do so.”

She turned to the Tinkerer's group afterwards. “If there are further things you wish to discuss, the courtyard borders my private forge. We could further discuss things there, assuming there won't be any problems.” She's gloss at Julius and Ariko again. “Otherwise, I'd love to hear from you again in the future.” It was up to them if they'd wish to follow or not.

Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3

She'd lead Aedrianna and whomever else would follow across the street, past some guards, onto the Keep's Courtyard until they reached another forge. A large tub of water was around as well, probably used for cooling down metal, but looking clean enough for rinsing purposes. “Now that we're somewhere a bit less crowded, I'd love to hear more about these dyes of yours.” She'd state to Aedrianna with a disarming smile, giving her to floor to demonstrate them. That said, the assistant was clearly eyeing Aedrianna, seemingly hoping to use Aedrianna to get the baroness as involved into the process as possible.


Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun? \ survive a near-mental breakdown

Ezekiel Hayward

The last thing he'd expect to see at this time of day was the gnoll leaving the barony and being handed honey. A quick check taught him she hadn't caused any trouble, luckily enough, so he just smiled. “Thank you madam, I hope you had a good time here.” He'd reply, watching the odd beast leave. On the topic of Gunhild, there wasn't anyone in town that didn't know who that was by now. He wondered if he did a good do by letting this gnoll enjoy the fair. Gunhild really was infectious.


Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.
Aiden Naythophyl NaythophylSell Honey

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky




“Well, if you wish to have a good place to start learning, Terran isn't too different from Common. It's the ideal language to start with if you want to learn more and it's by far the most common. Of course there's a few Fae speaking Sylvan and Beasts speaking Beastial as well, but not nearly as many as Humans speaking Terran. I'll admit I don't think there are many native Analog speakers, if any at all, other than perhaps some of the more troublesome Constructs that used to roam near the border. I think you once even battled one of those, did you not?” She vaguely recalled Regula mentioning having gone to get rid of one 'Redhook' Construct, yet her daughter had been awfully secretive about the details of that encounter.
A wave of intense heat greeted Kiyo as he entered the blacksmith’s shop alongside everyone else. He held his free hand over his face in a clear sign of discomfort, this was his first time experiencing a forge because most things back home were made from wood and other similar materials.

Seeing Ariko’s reaction to Julius made Kiyo reach out towards him out of instinct. “Markus, please cal-” Kiyo stopped himself before suddenly bursting out into a small laugh. Minus a pair of ears and a tail, Ariko truly was like his older brother.

It was then he saw the winged Baroness. He had come across many beautiful things in the See, but the Baroness was on another level. After appreciating her elegance and beauty with his jaw hanging open slightly he took a few steps forward so that he was standing next to Andrianna. He attempted to speak though he found the words could not leave his mouth, his nervousness getting the better of him. A million different ways to introduce himself were flying through his mind until he saw Andrianna was also in a struggle of her own.

Taking in a deep breath of hot air he focused his mind while turning to Andrianna. “Andrianna, why don’t you show how the dyes work with my ears!” He said, pointing to his tall fluffy dark brown ears as they twitched in reaction to the many sounds and voices.

Interactions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry

Aiden smiled warmly as he carefully packed Rosalia’s order. "Mint honey and honeycomb coming right up. And here are some samples of the cinnamon and citrus-infused honeys." He handed over the jars and samples with practiced ease. "I'm glad to hear you're interested in the mint honey. It's one of my personal favorites."

He paused thoughtfully at her mention of acacia honey. "I'll definitely keep an eye out for acacia honey. If I come across any, I'll be sure to visit the Keep and let you know. Thank you for the invitation, Rosalia."

Turning his attention to Teuihua, Aiden nodded appreciatively. "Thank you for your kind words, Teuihua. Both the wildflower and lavender honeys have their unique charms and uses. Here's a jar of each for you." He handed the jars over, watching as Teuihua retrieved his money from the carved ear in his arm.

Turning his attention to Mad Maw, Aiden chuckled softly. "You're welcome, Mad Maw. I'm glad we could sort things out. Enjoy the honey and take care." He waved as she made her dramatic exit, feeling a sense of camaraderie despite the brief chaos she had caused.

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A wave of intense heat greeted Kiyo as he entered the blacksmith’s shop alongside everyone else. He held his free hand over his face in a clear sign of discomfort, this was his first time experiencing a forge because most things back home were made from wood and other similar materials.

Seeing Ariko’s reaction to Julius made Kiyo reach out towards him out of instinct. “Markus, please cal-” Kiyo stopped himself before suddenly bursting out into a small laugh. Minus a pair of ears and a tail, Ariko truly was like his older brother.

It was then he saw the winged Baroness. He had come across many beautiful things in the See, but the Baroness was on another level. After appreciating her elegance and beauty with his jaw hanging open slightly he took a few steps forward so that he was standing next to Andrianna. He attempted to speak though he found the words could not leave his mouth, his nervousness getting the better of him. A million different ways to introduce himself were flying through his mind until he saw Andrianna was also in a struggle of her own.

Taking in a deep breath of hot air he focused his mind while turning to Andrianna. “Andrianna, why don’t you show how the dyes work with my ears!” He said, pointing to his tall fluffy dark brown ears as they twitched in reaction to the many sounds and voices.

Interactions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Elvario Elvario Moonberry Moonberry

Elias Wren Elias Wren Moonberry Moonberry Elvario Elvario

Upon entering the forge and seeing the winged baroness, Soreiel executed her curtsey, hoping it would meet the baronesses higher set of standards. Even though Soreiel wasn’t really trained to bow to a baroness or anyone of higher social standing as Nero made sure to avoid those types.

“You look beautiful your ladyship, I have never seen a being such as yourself in my many years of travel, I humbly make a request if you have the time, to listen to my lady’s proposal” she had stated while still remaining bowed to the baroness.

She ignored the fact that the man Julius was there as well with the squirrel girl that seemed to also be trying to get the attention of the baroness.

After a few seconds Soreiel returned to her upright position, the heat in the forge already causing her to start to sweat despite her attire, and the flickering light of the flames seemed to make her skin glisten and shine.

She looked over at Aedrianna hoping that she wouldn’t get mad for her formal introduction to the baroness, but her ears were then drawn to the sound of Kiyo also putting in his opinion and suggestion for the lady, but before she could even smile and tell him to relax and take a step back she spotted Ariko approach Julius and seem like he was about to start a fight with him right in the middle of the forge.

However before Soreiel could jump in, not to stop it, but to back up Ariko if it started both Kiyo and Aedrianna jumped in to break it up, Kiyo being just a tad bit slower than Aedrianna.

After the confrontation and separation of the two ‘hot heads’ the baroness then spoke about Aedrianna’s product catching her interest and that they should follow her back to her private forge to discuss matters.

Before they left Soreiel did another curtsey for the Baroness “we are very greatful your ladyship, I’m sure my lady will amaze you with her dyes” she smiled and stood up before following Aedrianna and anybody else who came.

And if Ariko came along as well she would reprimand him about his actions in the forge even though she wouldve done the exact same thing.
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food. \ Get a dress.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?

Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3

Regula Caelia


Truthfully, she barely noticed Kiyo staring at her. She was too busy staring at Soreiel herself. Or rather, at the immense volume of the latter's fluffy tails. When the Soreiel suddenly started complimenting her, some of her composure broke. “What, me? No, no. You're the gorgeous one. I haven't seen such luscious t...” Ah. Not good. The [Tail Freak] was now not just a vibe, but also something that started to come out verbally. How could she recover from making a fool of herself? Perhaps... “tails, no wonder your lady wishes to dye them.” Yes. Admit to the tails being eye-catching, but make it about the dye used on them. Surely that'd work.

When Soreiel continued to state they'd amaze her, she nodded. “They already look amazing on your tails.” This. This was perfect. She could stare at those tails and wonder what it'd be like to pet them all over and pretend it was solely for the sake of admiring the dyes on them. She mentally thanked Aedrianna for bringing such a perfect excuse into the world, as she started slipping and her inner [Tail Freak] took over a bit more.

Silvia Tebrick

Silvia looked a tad less pleased, but hadn't given up. “They're correct, milady, I'm sure it'd look amazing on my tail as well.” She stated.


Aiden Naythophyl NaythophylSell Honey

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky




Trying some of the samples, she'd take some time to savour the taste. “Hmm... I'll admit the cinnamon is a bit of a disappointment. Yet the citrus ones are really nice. Is this one lime or lemon? The bit of sourness to it really contrasts it nicely. I'd like to buy a jar of this one as well.” She eventually concluded.

That said, the topic of infusions and rare flavours made her curious. “Are there any more exotic flavours or combinations you've tried with infusing honey? Or things that you wish to try in the future? Or perhaps particular flowers you'd want to try the honey from?”
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Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna held her smile, as she followed the Baroness, letting Arikos wrist slip free hesitantly. Only when Sorieiel padded up beside him to chew him out for jumping ahead of her in biting order; did Aedrianna manage to relax a bit. Although that wasn't much. Her eyes flitted around the gathered, a bit of doubt welling up in the pit of her stomach. Perhaps they should have just back tracked. Maybe she was being too pushy. But it was too late at this point. The only saving grace seemed to be Sorieiels repertoire. Well she'd certainly be earning her pay this way. As the Baroness led them across the street, Aedrianna waved over to Noelle, hurrying to catch her attention and pull her along with the small entourage.

"Noelle! We're going to show her Ladyship how the dyes work, and then we'll be getting ready to head back to Naan Gau. Are you coming with us? Is Brandy with you?" She tugged Noelle along with them, glancing amidst the crowd for her feline friend. Not wanting to be left behind though she hurried along after the Baroness. When they arrived at the courtyards forge, she took a quick look around before pulling out the pigment dyes and setting up quickly and promptly. She did however notice that Sorieiel was doing a rather swell job of keeping the baroness occupied. She couldn't help but notice a certain gleam in lady Cealieas eyes. Having grown up in the Republic her entire life, she'd seen her fair share of tails. And Sorieiel was indeed among one of the finer examples. When Kiyo approached her and offered his ears, and Sylvias tail started wagging hopefully, Aedrianna cleared her throat and set to work. Smiling and nodding to Kiyo. "That's a great idea Kiyo. Thank you." She turned to the Baroness and Sorieiel pouring a bit of the gold pigment into two of the bowls, and then some blue into one. Mixing the colors together with a bit of water. She pulled out two of the brushes, setting one next to the gold dye, and dipping the other one into the now green dye. She cleared her throat and smiled to the Baroness, as well as the others. "Please forgive the misunderstanding earlier. My name is Aedrianna Belmonte. My family owns and runs a small shop in Nan Pass in the republic. This is my Assistant Sorieiel. She motioned towards Sorieiel. "And this is Noelle, Kiyo. And Mister Ariko is a new friend that will be joining us to the Republic. As protection. I'm sorry that he came off as a bit aggressive earlier. We had a misunderstanding before. Mister...Julius? And I?" She lifted a brow towards the man, smiling. "But none of that matters right now. We're all civilized folk." At that she looked to Ariko rather meaningfully. No longer detaining him by the wrist, but hopefully setting the intention that right now was not the time to pick a fight. She turned towards the Baroness and motioned for her to take the brush with the gold dye. "My lady, if you would like, you can apply some yourself. I'll show you how on Kiyos ears." She stated with her stage voice taking over. She motioned to Kiyo to bend down a bit, carefully placing one of the scrap cloths on her hand, and laying Kiyos fluffy brown ear against it. Then gently and carefully she brushed the dye onto the tips of his ears, making sure that the Baroness could see what she was doing.

Ariko Balba

The Forge - Aedrianna, Julius, and others.
Ariko felt a small hand on his wrist and turned to see Aedrianna holding on to him. “Sorry boss.” He knew exactly what she wanted and immediately turned away from Julius before getting a response, not worth the time. He turned to the peoples that Aedrianna was hoping to speak with and offered a deep bow in apology. “ Beggin your forgiveness, I won't cause no more problems.”He let out a light huff as he moved away and followed behind the others, setting himself up away from the group so there was enough room for Aedrianna to do her thing.

He leaned against one of the posts in the forge and crossed his arms over his chest as Aedrianna did her work, running one of his hands through his slightly red tinted hair. Things in this world were surly different, he would just have to make adjustments like with any other job. Raw power wasn't the only rule in this land, unlike his previous world where most would cower and run or meet their end by Ariko's fists. Sure there were laws and rules, but they were easily avoided with enough reputation or money of which Ariko has neither here.

Moonberry Moonberry FantasyCat FantasyCat
[Isekai Mundane], [Expert Tinkerer], [Technological Eccentric], [Ally of Lykra, the Champion]

Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Erich turned around, directed his attention to the white-haired woman as she introduced herself. His head titled slightly sideways as his eyes became a bit unfocused. Internally, the tinkerer began to access information about the word 'baroness', searching from information which he had gathered about in the world he lived previously in, all free of charge by the Nykkon Conglomerate. Unfortunately, every bit of information had quite a bit of bias, safeguarding the corporation's best interests.

Chapter 67 - Diplomatic Engagements.

More often than not, it will be necessary for Nykkon Conglomerate's diplomatic team to engage in diplomacy with and representatives of other planets. The following chapter covers a vast multitude of modus operandi, so that the results will be optimal.

Warning: Diplomatic Engagements should only be executed with proper directorial permission. Local rulers and populace should always be dealt with extermination, unless the resources by engaging them in such a manner are calculated to be more costly than the benefits.
VI - Primitive Medieval Worlds.
Primitive Medieval Worlds have their ruling hierarchy in hereditary manner, which individuals skills are rarely taken in consideration, often resulting in inept and inefficient chain of command. Corruption is often rampant, as those in power are rarely kept in check. That is a bonus, as inferior technological devices can usually be granted as a form to establish trading partnerships.

VI-a - Hierarchical Structures
The hierarchical structures in these kinds of 'governments' are usually layered, responsibility and domain of influence increasing as one goes up in the governmental ladder.

VI-a 1 - Barons/Baronesses
Barons and Baronesses are usually the lowest governmental layer in Medieval Words. Male holders of this position are called 'Baron', while females called 'Baroness'. When interacting with such individuals, one should try and appeal to their ego. As other rulers in Medieval Worlds, they are, more often than not, attached to tradition and, as such, believe they inherently deserve a certain amount of submission. Male holders should be referred to as 'Your Lordship', while females 'Your Ladyship'. In doubt of the gender of the holder, one should try to have them introduce themselves by their own title. For more information, see Outdated Medieval Etiquette Appendix for more information.

Despite the amount of information which the tinkerer had to go through, his eyes regained focus as he gazed towards Caelia after a singular minute. Following the information he had gathered from the depths of his mind, he bowed towards the ruler following the diagrams, but it was rather clear that it was his first attempt at it. "It is an honor to meet the ruler of this barony, Your Ladyship." His tone changing, almost as if a switch had been pressed. He remained bowed for a moment longer, before rising himself up, his hazel eyes falling on her

Seeing that the situation had appeared to have been defused by the girl with colorful hair, he listened to the baroness next words towards both Eriedeth and Julius, wondering if there was more business to be had with the primitive ruler. "Should we follow Ladyship Caelia?" He asked, deferring the choice to the 'older' members of the Tinkerer's Triage.
Kiyo bent down a little and became perfectly still to make it as easy as possible for Aedrianna to apply the dye to his ears. Each brush stroke tickled his sensitive ears making it very hard not to giggle. To distract himself he turned his gaze back to the angelic Baroness. Her wings were what captured his interest. The elders of the Nyctis tribe occasionally spoke of beings with wings who could fly freely like a bird and even travel to different realms with ease. Even in some books, the beings were mentioned, but there was little to no information to be found on them except for one word. “Valkyrie” He whispered to himself.

“E-excuse me, your ladyship. I-I am Kiyo of the Nyctis tribe from the See” Unable to bow he lowered his gaze to the ground she stood on. “Your mother helped me earlier when I arrived…she is very nice.” He explained keeping his gaze down. “This is my first time out of the See. I was lost and ended up in your domain by accident, which I believe was a blessing in disguise because I got to meet many friendly people and try some delicious tea and honey!” Kiyo's words were filled with genuine happiness and gratitude as he spoke to the Baroness. “I wish there was a way I could repay you” He added quietly with a hint of guilt.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry
🐿️𝙴𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚑 𝙿𝚒𝚙 🐿️

𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝, 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, 𝙴𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚛, [𝚁𝚢𝚔𝚎𝚗 𝙰𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚞𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝙵]
𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜: Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf FantasyCat FantasyCat Elias Wren Elias Wren Maxxob Maxxob

𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚝
“I will follow, it’d be a good idea to continue discussing things with you, Lady Caelia. Hmm…I wonder if there is still a way to use the materials found in the area of Your Barony. As to prevent dependency on resources not native here.”

They wouldn’t be a innovative company if they couldn’t figure out newer and better ways to use materials in the local area. Eriedeth did think about her mentioning of water creation, she wondered if she couldn’t apply that im the equation. Ryke wasn’t like Widersia. After all, maybe they could incorporate some magitech there? Eriedeth did have some knowledge of Artificering. [Artisan [D]: Tinkerer/Artificer] it was definitely something to consider and factor into the equation. Especially when she has an ability like [H2O Healer [F]…she might be able to use water magic, first she needed to complete her catalyst though to determine that.

Then the whole ordeal occured between Julius wnd Ariko. Lady Caelia put her foot doen and, thankfully Aedriana, prevented her guard from duking it out with her co-founder. Which put her at ease. At least she wasn’t the only one with a hot headed co-worker.

“No problem, Miss Belmonte.”

She said she had no issues when it came to ‘sharing their time’. The reality was she hoped to secure connections with Lady Caelia and Aedriana’s shop. If that were to work out, there needed to be an ability to cooperate with one another. After Aedriana finished introducing her and her team, Eriedeth spoke up.

“My name is Eriedeth Pip. These are my fellow co-founders Julius Astrolgia and Erich Zann. We have two others, but unfortunately they are not with us at this fair.”

Julius Atreus Astolgia

Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer
Character Sheet
Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Moonberry Moonberry Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Julius would receive the baronesses criticism fully, he’s yet to get in some proper field testing with the hammer. Mithril has been rather difficult to procure as of late due to various reasons from the war. Perhaps while he is in Ryke he can purchase some for a reasonable price. More importantly he was surprised by Lady Caelia possessing battle experience, perhaps that explains her interest in tinkering in tools.

However the biggest shock had yet to come, there was a bit of doubt when the Baroness offered to show him her tool however he was curious as to what she could have in her possession. As she winked at him, the Widersian tinkerer could feel his heart flutter a bit. With the [Hextech Gun B] now out on the table, Julius would marvel at both the Baroness and the tool. “If I may ask, did you make this tool yourself Lady Caelia?” The pride that the baroness took when speaking about the tool was easily recognizable. It gave off the notion that she made it with her own hands and this was a display of her skill. However he was doubtful to find such an elegant individual capable of such feats. Lady Caelia certainly piqued the man’s interest rather deeply.

Julius did his best to maintain his composure however he could feel his heart beat picking up speed as a smile slowly permeated across his face. The artisan who created such a weapon had an exemplary vision and managed to meld magic and metal seamlessly. Even though Julius lacked the ability to detect magic he could tell by the gun's unique build that it was special. He would expect to place his sights on such a tool within the Grand Duchy but to see a craft like this in Ryke was unexpected.

Aedriana would arrive shortly, ignoring Julius’s attempt to smooth things over. Not that he didn’t understand why she was upset with him. Though the problem lied with the Belmonte woman’s allies who were clearly more upset then she was. The flash of his middle finger coupled with the direct B-line he made for the Astolgia man made it clear that he had a bone to pick. Once they were face to face, Julius would cross his arms and return the muscular man’s glare right back.

“I understand why you’re upset, however it’s best we don’t settle our differences in front of the Baroness. Let’s not ruin the festivities, we can have a man to man talk on our own time.” Julius prayed that this man would be able to read the room and not cause further disruption in front of the Baroness. Before he could get a chance the others would break the two up. Even though they got in his way Julius didn’t break his eye contact as he stared back at Ariko. His body language expressed that he wasn’t afraid, however he would examine the individual's reaction to Aedrianna stopping him. He could see from the look in his eyes that he truly didn’t mean no harm and was only trying to protect her. Julius could sympathize with that desire, in fact he was impressed by the man’s conviction. If no one had stepped in an altercation most likely would have occurred.

Julius would turn to Lady Caelia and bow his head as deep as possible. “I, Julius Atreus Astolgia, sincerely apologize for the disruption. I wish not to cause any further troubles for the Baroness and her people.” The red haired man would pick his head up and feel Erich whisper in his ear which he replied with a head shake. “That’s not necessary Erich, in fact we should do the opposite .” With that being said the group would now be heading towards the Keeps Courtyard.

As they traveled, it was clear that Julius’s mind had left the conversation. His silence was perhaps felt by Eriedeth and Erich who knew him well enough. Julius would observe Aedrianna’s demonstration half heartedly, occasionally looking off to the distance at Ariko who had decided to remove himself from the situation. He would recall what the man had said earlier about having to go through him first and figured this would be the best time.

Julius would break apart from the group and head towards Ariko’s way with his hands in his pockets. “So I gotta go through you to get to the boss.” Once he was within hands reach of Ariko he would look him square In the eye. “I’m sorry for causing you and your boss trouble back at the Keg. I’m actually quite fond of what your boss has to offer and am interested In developing a business relationship with her. I’m pretty passionate about what I do and sometimes it can come off rude. I also like your style too. It was pretty dumb of you to try and throw down in front of the Baroness but I respect your grit. There’s a time and place for that, we’re honestly pretty lucky that the Baroness didn’t lock us up and throw away the key for the disrespect we’ve caused yet she still is graceful enough to give both of our parties an audience. When you get the chance make sure you apologize and thank her, Bow your head and address her rightfully so. Nobles are fickle when it comes to status and wish to be addressed with proper respect.” Julius smiled and shook his head in embarrassment. “If you still want to kick my ass then we can handle it like men, Outside the Barony.” Julius would then take off his gloves and extended his scarred and calloused hands towards Ariko in hopes of squashing the beef​
Last edited:

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

“Thank you for this insight, I imagined that would make sense, that humans are the most numerous in the Barony so their language would be logical to learn. It seems that many are fluent in common, but I cannot imagine that everyone is, particularly those who may not have been educated in the same way, so acquisition could still prove to be valuable in my opinion.”

“And yes you are correct that I fought one of those rouge machines, it was unlike quite anything I had seen before, much different than the constructs of my time with it’s weapons and design. Thankfully I was able to help subdue it so it would not cause any more damage than it already had.”

“Unfortunately i am not certain if those sorts of constructs could be reasoned with, as it felt like Redhook was perhaps having some sort of internal failure, that and I am not certain it was capable of advanced dialogue even in it’s prime functionality so to speak.”
Teuihua spoke.

For now Teuihua would place the jars on his shoulder, there being plenty of room for it to act as a makeshift shelf, after he paid. “Of course, I only speak these words from my core." he replied in a friendly fashion to Aiden. Teuihua would then listen to what Rosalia had to say in the conversation and stand on guard as he had been.

Aiden watched as Rosalia sampled the honeys, noting her reactions. “I'm glad you enjoyed the citrus honey. It’s lime, which gives it that unique tangy flavor. I’ll add a jar of that to your order as well.”

He then pondered her question about exotic infusions. “There are quite a few interesting combinations I’ve experimented with. For example, I've tried infusing honey with lavender and rosemary for a unique herbal twist. Another blend I've enjoyed is vanilla bean-infused honey, which has a rich, creamy flavor. As for future experiments, I’m eager to try infusions with hibiscus and elderflower. Their flavors are quite distinct and could make for some exciting new honey varieties.”

Aiden then turned to Teuihua, appreciating his compliment. "Thank you, Teuihua. Your words mean a lot. If you or anyone you know ever needs more honey or advice on how to use it, don’t hesitate to find me.”

Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Ariko Elias Wren Elias WrenGet a burger. Meet some folk.
Erich Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?
Eriedeth DarkKitsune DarkKitsune - Make connections \ Enjoy the festivities
Julius SixSense SixSense – Find investors.

Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3

Regula Caelia


Seeing Ariko give a deep bow and apologise, she felt relieved. It wouldn't do well to apprehend some folk due to fighting at a festivity like this, but she'd have done so if needed. She was just glad it wasn't. “Good.” Was all she'd reply to him, balancing a word of approval with the fact she was only sharing it due to a previous disapproval.

The newcomer (Erich) seemed to suddenly switch on something, as he suddenly started to address her more like how she was used to being addressed. Although he did not introduce himself with the common 'at your service' she was used to hearing a lot. Not that it ever actually meant much, except when it came from someone like Teuihua. “It's nice to meet you too. I'll be looking forwards to what you and your colleagues can come up with.” She decided to reply to Erich. There was no harm in being nice, or rather, being herself.

On that topic, it seemed someone else was being a bit too much of himself. She raised an eyebrow when Kiyo suddenly spoke to her. “It's nice to meet you as well, Kiyo.” She answered. Upon the mention of her mother, she chuckled. “Ah, it sounds like she's enjoying the fair, in that case. That does sound like the type of thing she loves doing.” She smiled. “I'm glad your first time out of the See ended up going well.” As for his last bit, she had a somewhat default answer. “As they say; the best way to thank those that help you in your time of need and to thank those that are nice to you, is to remember them in turn in their time of need. So long as things go well, there's no need to thank be, but if things ever end up going wrong, any aid to those we've aided in the past will be both needed and appreciated.” That said, there was one thing she was curious about. “Say, Kiyo, you need not answer me if it's personal, but you do look more like a [Beast] to me. How come you and your tribe live in the See? That can't be the easiest place to live for [Beasts].”

She'd not at Eriedeth, as the squirrel mentioned she'd follow. “That would be most ideal. Either we'd use materials native to here or materials that'd be of use for long enough to outlast us... although Sootspire does have mines that aren't fully explored yet. There might be more options there as well.” She'd state a few thoughts aloud. “On the topic of using resources, if you know a good usage of stone, let me know. There's vast areas of land I wish to make ready for agriculture from which we'll need to remove the rocks in the soil first. I'm debating to just use them for roads and walls, but even then I'd probably have rocks left with no usage.” She chucked to herself. “As you can hear, running a barony tends to have some challenges wherever you go or look, so I'm sure inventive minds such as those of you and your colleagues wouldn't get bored easily.” She stated, essentially advertising her barony a little as a place of future opportunity.

As for Julius, she had the most pleasant talk with him by far, as her [Hextech Gun] was one of her favourite subjects. “Indeed I did, I drafted up plans for it when I was much younger. I worked it and reworked it multiple times over, across multiple years and many field tests. This current form is the accumulation of all those attempts. I know it's just short of an absolute masterpiece, I'm afraid, but it's still something I hold dear... and something that could deal a lot of damage if needed.” On that note, she'd put it back in her [Pocket Dimension] for safety reasons, having shown it enough. “I've made a cloak for healing and boots for speed and jumping as well, but those are far less interesting.”

Hearing Julius apologise deeply as well, she'd nod again. “Good, I'd hate for this festive day be be disrupted.” She added.

Having arrived at her private forge, she silently observed Aedrianna as she set to work, although when the latter spoke up, she'd smile and reply. “It's nice to meet you, miss Belmonte. It seems you've gathered a fun and diverse group of people around you.” She couldn't help notice the group of friends, from the gangster-looking fellow to the innocent catboy, to the lusciously tailed Kitsune, to what seemed to be a singing mermaid and catgirl called over from the central plaza. It reminded her of her own starting days as an adventurer, back with Pierre, Aria, Alexandria, Ryan, Micah, Amanda, Ryan... and a lot of others.

As for the misunderstanding, she'd nod. “It seems to have been resolved in time, so all is good.” She assured, though she did make it clear it shouldn't have gotten any further than it had. She looked how the dye was applied, which seemed simple enough.

Silvia Tebrick

Seeing her chance, she'd jump at it and hold her tail out in front of Regula the moment Aedrianna mentioned Regula could try out using the hair dye. “Milady, here you go, please do test it out.”

A tad taken off-guard, but not against the idea, Regula would soon copy Aedrianna in mixing water to get the dye going. She'd then copy Aedrianna in moving it through the hairs to paint them. She'd gracefully let her fingers run across the hairs of her assistant's tail. That said, she did seem a bit hesitant.

“It's vital that you rub it in strongly enough, for it to stick, isn't that right, miss Belmonte?” Sylvia stated suddenly, as she seemed to struggle to keep her tail still enough for the dye to be applied.


Aiden Naythophyl NaythophylSell Honey
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky




“Some of the younger children might not speak common well. Some of the older folk might not want to speak it out of stubbornness. Either way, I'm sure it'd be of use to learn some Terran.” She replied.

The Redhook part had her a little concerned. “It's weapons... Internal failure... oh dear. I was worried that it had been a lot more dangerous than Regula made it out to be. You and Regula didn't get hurt, right?” She asked, putting Teuihua on the spot all of a sudden as she looked at him straight.

“Ah, lime. It's really nice indeed.” She replied. Upon the more exotic infusions, she'd listen attentively. “Vanilla also sounds lovely.” One part surprised her. “I always wrote Hibiscus off as poisonous, but I suppose its honey wouldn't be the same.”

As she was putting down the right amount of coins to pay, plus a bit of a tip for all the explanations, she suddenly had an even better idea. “Say, do you also supply gift baskets? Like small baskets with various types of honey and honey-comb? There's a lot of people working in and around the castle that might love such a present. Of course I wouldn't need them right now, of course, but could you arrange for... about twenty of them to be arranged within the week?”

Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Naythophyl Naythophyl

Teuihua gave a thumbs up.

“I will keep that in mind Aiden."

Teuihua nodded, he figured that as much, why would everyone speak the common language when they could speak their own language in their place of origin which spoke it. Truthfully Teuihua’s language had been like his Empire’s common of the time, so that all the various groups under the Mict Empire could communicate in a common dominant language tongue.

“It sounds like there is to be utility then which pleases me. Just because someone can speak common does not necessarily mean they will wish to speak it, or that they are the most proficient at it. Perhaps my next acquisition will be Terran then.”

He looked back at her and spoke in terms which he felt were accurate, “Thankfully any bodily damage taken was minimal, I will report that Baroness Caelia was not particularly harmed after the fight as much as she was fatigued from the combined energy expenditure required to keep us all safe and the fight itself, nevertheless She recovered from the ordeal after quite well and I have not seen any lingering effects. She was very brave during the encounter and I believe it was admirable of her.”

“However I do understand your concern, her deciding to partake, was, rather unorthodox, someone in an equivalent position of power in my time probably would not engage unless they had too, leaders in the past might have taken the front lines, but by the time i was around they had started to see why that wasn’t always the safest idea, even so her judgment was sound.”
Upon The baroness’s question, Kiyo became quiet with a thoughtful expression. The question wasn’t a bad one, just one that would require a long history lesson. He decided to condense it the best way he could without going into much detail. “Yes, in the See beast and Fae were once enemies and fought over the territory where my tribe now lives. However, the forest grew sad at the blood being spilt over it so it spoke out to both sides, pleading for both to find peace within their hearts…” He explained, keeping his gaze away from hers to remain respectful and to hide the fact he was speaking in half-truths.

“They not only heard the forest but felt its pain and despair. After realizing how much damage and destruction their fighting was causing, both entered a truce that would lead to the creation of my tribe, the Nyctis” He ended his mini-history lesson with a small smile of pride.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario
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Aiden brightened at Rosalia's interest in the gift baskets. “I’m glad you like the lime honey. And yes, hibiscus flowers are safe and can create a delightful honey flavor. As for gift baskets, that’s a wonderful idea! I can definitely arrange about twenty baskets with a variety of honeys and some honeycomb included.”

He quickly jotted down the details of her request. “I’ll make sure each basket has a good mix, including some of the more popular flavors like wildflower, lavender, and citrus. I can also add some of the infused honeys like vanilla and rosemary for variety.”

Aiden continued, “I can have them ready within the week as you requested. If you have any specific preferences or additional items you’d like included, just let me know. I’ll deliver them to the castle once they’re prepared.”

He smiled warmly at Rosalia. “Thank you for the generous tip and for your order. I’m sure the people at the castle will enjoy these gifts.”

Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Gwenith and Rosalia Elvario Elvario
Aiden Naythophyl NaythophylSell Honey
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePieceGuard Rosalia.

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky




“Bodily damage...” She did not like the sound of that, even though it was 'minimal' according to the construct. She knew better than to worry, but she couldn't abstain it. Regardless of how things changed, Regula would always be her daughter. Thankfully, Teuihua didn't know about Regula's near-death experience, so his words didn't come across as a potential lie. She sighed. “I wonder if there's any other mothers with as much to worry about regarding their children... Please, do keep an eye on her.” She eventually replied to Teuihua.

She smiled at Aiden. “You're more than welcome dear.” She took out a piece of paper and quickly jotted down a few things, signing it afterwards. “You can show this to the guards, to prove that you've got a deal with me. That means that even if I should be unavailable at the time they're ready, the staff will pay you and take in the gift baskets.” As for specific preferences, she shook her head. “I honestly have no clue what everyone would prefer, so a variety of options might be best. Although if you have acacia honey by then, that'd be one to include for sure.”

With that, she felt like she'd been hanging around enough. “It's been fun, but I'd better return to the keep.” She stated. “Thanks again Aiden, for all the explanation and the lovely purchases.” She then turned to Teuihua. “Would you please escort me back? Afterwards, I'm sure Regula won't mind if you explore the Fair at your own pace.”


Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?

Regula's Forge
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall, Keep, Regula's Forge.
From: https://mchiarag.artstation.com/projects/1ZoG3

Regula Caelia


Kiyo's story sounded like a fairy tale. That said, he was from the See, the place where literal Fairy's lived, so it was plausible it was true. “Did you come from an area bordering the republic of Kuridan or Western Empire, in that case?” She asked, mentioning both majority-beast countries. She could sense (Insight B) some unease. “Either way, I'm glad you tribe found peace. I'd wish the current war between the See and East Empire could end in such a peaceful manner.”

Kiyo looked to the side and began fiddling with his wooden staff. “It’s forbidden to tell outsiders where my tribe is…we don’t allow visitors” The mention of the war caused his eyes to fill with a deep sadness. “My tribe does not speak much with the rest of the See, so I do not know why they are fighting” He explained with a small frown. “On my way here I saw injured Fae who had just come back from a battle. I offered to help with their injuries, but they refused because they said I was a ‘mixed-blood abomination with dirty magic” Kiyo’s ears that were being dyed flattened on his head, he could not understand why they would react in a way after being offered help.

“I-I am sorry…I didn’t mean to make everyone sad” He said after realizing that he may have spoken too much and ruined the festive mood.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario
Aedrianna Belmonte


Aedrianna smiled as she finished painting Kiyo's ears, giving him a gentle pat on the cheek to signal she was done. The cool, slightly damp brush had left faint streaks of green on his ears, which would soon blossom into vibrant color. She nodded to Sylvia, her attention shifting to the Baroness and Sylvia's somewhat anxious expressions.

The forge’s heat wrapped around her like a heavy cloak, intensifying the scents of metal and soot. Despite the bustling activity around them, Aedrianna’s focus remained on the delicate task at hand.

"My lady, if you'll lay this on your hand and press a bit heavier with the brush against the fur, you'll be able to apply it better. The heavier the dye and the longer it's left on, the brighter the shade," Aedrianna said softly, handing the Baroness a scrap cloth to lay on her hand. She demonstrated with graceful, precise movements, showing Regula how to properly apply the dye. Her voice carried a gentle authority, instilling confidence in her technique.

"Of course, there are more uses than for simple festivities," Aedrianna continued, her voice carrying the enthusiasm of a seasoned performer. "It's possible to replicate natural hair color as well. And of course, we sell more than just hair dye. Our products could give people of common birth a life with comforts and luxuries they never would have expected."

She glanced around, her eyes landing on her bag. The half-written letter peeked out from its depths, a reminder of her many aspirations. She reached in and pulled out the last of the marshmallows, her fingers brushing against the parchment.

"Oh, that reminds me... Lady Cealia," she said, turning back towards the Baroness and holding out the marshmallows for Sylvia and Regula. "I received a letter from a friend of mine. He mentioned your name. Griffin?" A soft chuckle escaped her lips. "I must say, your wings are indeed as admirable as his. I wonder... would you permit me to dust a bit of gold dust along your feathers?" Her eyes sparkled with genuine curiosity and admiration. "Miss Sorieiel can assist if need be."

She glanced back at Sorieiel with a hopeful smile, her gaze drifting to the pair of boys in the corner. They seemed to be playing nice for the moment, a small relief amidst the earlier chaos.
Hopefully she could make a good impression here, and gain contacts out of this whole ordeal. Having engineering partners for a the expanding business plan she was hoping would take root.

Mentions: Elias Wren Elias Wren FantasyCat FantasyCat Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Elvario Elvario SixSense SixSense DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
After Aediranna was finished with his ears Kiyo stepped away with heavy thoughts lingering in his mind. He decided to leave the forge to get a breath of fresh air hoping it would clear his mind and improve his mood. While outside he would return to the well to rinse the tip of his ears like he did with his tail. It was nice to be breathing fresh again, but the depressing thoughts refused to lift. It was then he remembered the tea and honey stall that was close by, perhaps they could help him bring him back into the festive mood.

He walked over to Gwenith’s and Aiden’s stalls and gave them a weak smile. “H-hello again…I-I was wondering if you had tea to improve one's mood” He asked Gwenith while glancing at the honey on Aiden’s stall with clear desire.

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Naythophyl Naythophyl

Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

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