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Graded [Stonewall Town] (Caelia Barony) All's Fair in this Fair Fair.

(a smol bost, emptyminded rn)


Maxxob Maxxob Naythophyl Naythophyl Garbage. Garbage.
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild continued her peaceful rest in the embrace of a big shark lady's arm, quietly grumbling the small sounds of reptilian purring as life was simply quaint and good. No troubles or responsibilities to worry about at the moment, just lying in comfort with a jar of honey now in her antsy little hands that tapped away at the glass container. Having finished her story to Koralia, she quickly nodded with such aggression as she looked up at the shark.
"Yes, Gunhild smarts. Is smarts. Do a advennie-choor. Is goods, Gunhild best fren for place go'ses" Gunhild agreed, listening on and cocking her head to the side when she was questioned about eating monsters. Thinking on it for a moment, Gunhild looked around the surroundings aimlessly with small chirping noises before back up at the one holding her. Not noticing the sharklady's hand go to her stomach in order to give her a light tickling, Gunhild abruptly twitched and gently batted her hands at the shark's own and lightly kicking back in retort with her feet. Making feisty little grumbling sounds as she tightly clutched her jar of honey, she tried to defend her smol self from the advancing tickling before it was too late. Eventually, she grumbled quietly with her freedom from the tickling tyranny Koralia had attacked her with, listening to the next question.

"Gunhild no gets to do an eats, peopleses like Pretty ReguLady sayses a no, is bad. Gunhild no bad, Gunhild no do a bad, Gunhild is good Gunhild. Though Gunhild eatses bad peoples and bad thingies! Is good do, no mores bads thingies and peoples, Gunhild gets eatsies. Is food" Gunhild answered. Shortly after, her attention would look to address the arriving gnoll and giving a blank thoughtless stare as she tried to process what it even was she was looking at. Before after a short moment of silence, she gently pointed a claw at it for a moment and answered.

"Raccoon" she simply stated about the strange stranger, looking to Aiden and Koralia as if for confirmation.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")
Note: Gunhild still floofy.
The sensation of Ethel’s boot against his body caused Leo to Jump a little giving him the tiniest bit of energy which allowed him to force his eyes open. He turned his weary and tired gaze up to the guard who was just a blur to him. “Pl-please…I…food…wa-water” Leo pleaded with all his remaining strength before blackness once again flooded his vision as he passed out again.
Aedrianna Belmonte​
Aedrianna grinned whole heartedly as Eliza bid them adieu and floated away. She gave her most graceful curtsy caliing out a grateful "Thank you my lady!" A floating feeling starting to fill her as she watched the elegant lady fade into the crowd with her guards. There was something to be admired about the way a noble woman held herself. Aedrianna pushed her shoulder blades together and straightened her back, as if suddenly reminding herself of her own posture. Then with an excited and almost triumphant breath, she turned around to look at Sorieiel and Brandy.

"Thank you so much Sori!" She reached out and took both Sorieiel and Brandys hands in each of hers. And with a warm smile she sighed. "I think that was a good step in the right direction for my family's business. You really helped me Sorieiel. I hope you won't mind if we find someone else who might be a potential investor." She grinned to the white kitsune sheepishly and hopefully. "But first let's find you a lovely dress! If you're going to be an employee representing Belmontes Benevolent Brews we've got to have you looking and feeling great!" She paused and glanced at Brandy and winked at her. "And if you want a new outfit Brandy I can help you pick one out!" She hummed, releasing their hands eventually and turning to pick up the bowl of mixed dye and pouring some of the canteen water in it to rinse it out. She shook it dry and wrapped it, putting it inside the heavy satchel on her shoulder. Then looked around the fair curiously, trying to spot out the nearest dress stall. She saw one that was a little further down, though it happened to be near where Eliza seemed to be heading. She hoped it wouldn't seem as if she was stalking her when they went that way. But she smiled none the less, intending to act perfectly natural and Un intruding if they did happen to cross paths again. Before she took off towards the stall, she looked down to Hiruq. "Hiruq, do you think you can go and look for Noelle? Maybe lead her back to us? We'll head back to the Keg if we pick a dress out before you come back. " She reached out to stroke the white wolfs head, before turning back towards the stall that happened to be near where Eliza was heading, to pick out a dress. She grabbed a white one with gold trim and pointed it out to Sorieiel. it looked a little large and flowy. "Maybe since it's bigger We can cut it to make room for your tails."



Aedrianna Belmonte​

Aedrianna grinned whole heartedly as Eliza bid them adieu and floated away. She gave her most graceful curtsy caliing out a grateful "Thank you my lady!" A floating feeling starting to fill her as she watched the elegant lady fade into the crowd with her guards. There was something to be admired about the way a noble woman held herself. Aedrianna pushed her shoulder blades together and straightened her back, as if suddenly reminding herself of her own posture. Then with an excited and almost triumphant breath, she turned around to look at Sorieiel and Brandy.

"Thank you so much Sori!" She reached out and took both Sorieiel and Brandys hands in each of hers. And with a warm smile she sighed. "I think that was a good step in the right direction for my family's business. You really helped me Sorieiel. I hope you won't mind if we find someone else who might be a potential investor." She grinned to the white kitsune sheepishly and hopefully. "But first let's find you a lovely dress! If you're going to be an employee representing Belmontes Benevolent Brews we've got to have you looking and feeling great!" She paused and glanced at Brandy and winked at her. "And if you want a new outfit Brandy I can help you pick one out!" She hummed, releasing their hands eventually and turning to pick up the bowl of mixed dye and pouring some of the canteen water in it to rinse it out. She shook it dry and wrapped it, putting it inside the heavy satchel on her shoulder. Then looked around the fair curiously, trying to spot out the nearest dress stall. She saw one that was a little further down, though it happened to be near where Eliza seemed to be heading. She hoped it wouldn't seem as if she was stalking her when they went that way. But she smiled none the less, intending to act perfectly natural and Un intruding if they did happen to cross paths again. Before she took off towards the stall, she looked down to Hiruq. "Hiruq, do you think you can go and look for Noelle? Maybe lead her back to us? We'll head back to the Keg if we pick a dress out before you come back. " She reached out to stroke the white wolfs head, before turning back towards the stall that happened to be near where Eliza was heading, to pick out a dress. She grabbed a white one with gold trim and pointed it out to Sorieiel. it looked a little large and flowy. "Maybe since it's bigger We can cut it to make room for your tails."


Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Kikimura Kikimura Elvario Elvario Tellussoil Tellussoil

Soreiel tried to hide her red cheeks as Aedrianna, Soreiel wasn’t very big into flashy and flamboyant outfits, present outfit aside. Thinking of wearing a dress that was so large embarrassed her as she stood there trying to not seem ungrateful, hoping that Aedrianna would understand her discomfort. “I don’t think it’s quite my style Aedrianna” she replied
Ariko Balba1000001757.jpg
The Keg
A gentle breeze blew through Ariko’s hair as he walked along the cobbled path, his boots softly clicking against the stone underfoot. He approached the town from the road that led to Kirkwall. Ariko had been wandering for the last few days and was looking for a place to rest, a sense of ease washing over him as he approached the town. He walked with an air of confidence, hands in his pockets, and muscles stretching the already thin fabric of his shirt.

He gave a polite nod to the guards as he passed through the gate. He stopped and looked around the area for a moment, a permanent scowl on his face as he laid eyes on The Keg. “Finally, a place to get a drink and something to eat.” His voice was deep and rough as he spoke, almost sounding like a growl more than human speech. He had run out of water a while ago and his dry throat made him sound a bit like a wild beast.

Ariko walked toward the establishment and pushed the doors open, entering the building and making a straight shot for one of the empty tables. He threw himself down on one of the available chairs and slammed a fist down on the wooden top accidentally, his body heavy from exhaustion and hunger. He waited patiently for someone to serve him, closing his eyes for a moment since he was finally able to rest after such a long walk here.

Elvario Elvario
Last edited:

Aiden smiled at Gwenith's request and handed her a jar of the dark buckwheat honey. "Of course, I'd be happy to sell you some. That will be three silver coins. I'm glad you find it useful for your teas."

As Koralia placed the empty jar on his stand, Aiden took it back with a nod of thanks, slightly mesmerized by Gunhild's jumbled story. Her energetic recounting of her adventures was both amusing and confusing, but he enjoyed the genuine enthusiasm behind her words.

Aiden's attention was then drawn to the newcomer. He turned to greet the gnoll with a friendly smile. "Hello, Mad Maw! I'm Aiden, and it's nice to meet you too. This fair certainly brings out a lot of interesting faces."

He glanced at Gunhild, who had just pointed at Mad Maw and called her a raccoon. Chuckling softly, Aiden shook his head. "Gunhild, that's not a raccoon. Mad Maw here is a gnoll, another unique and fascinating creature." (Appraisal E)

Koralia Maxxob Maxxob | Gunhild Femboy Femboy | Gwenith Elvario Elvario | Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage.
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Femboy Femboy Naythophyl Naythophyl Elvario Elvario Garbage. Garbage.

"Look at ya! All spunky and feisty!" Koralia said of Gunhild's attempt to fight back her 'tickling tyranny' with amusement, so much so that she almost wanted to go back to doing it, but decided to stop it for the moment. As the little lizard regaled her with the tale of what she had or not eaten so far, there was a momentary frown of the shark's expression when she mentioned 'not eating people, because it was bad'. However, as the little creature continued and said she had, indeed, eaten 'bad people' and 'thingies', the expression softened once more.

"Good! It ain't cuz someone is 'people' that they don't deserve a good ol' chompin'." It seemed that Gunhild's answer, for now, had pleased the tyrant shark that cradled her on a muscular arm. But then there was a newcomer that caught Koralia's attention. Turning towards the gnoll, her attire sure looked something. That specie in specific wasn't that stranger to Koralia, as she had tussled with some problematic ones in the past.

"Bee-boy's right, lil' shark, a gnoll." The shark would confirm Aiden's suggestion, without the need to use Appraisal due to her experiences, albeit she was going entirely by the looks of the new addition. Then the shark would focus her attention to Mad Maw herself. "Name's Koralia, nice to meet ya." Introducing herself with the usual brashness, she would then continue. "I know, right? Baroness gotcha strong spear arm to boot!" The shark said in a rather excited manner, remembering the short sparring with Regula Caelia.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Oh, but aren't there still only three people speaking it?” She'd ask, only knowing of Teuihua, Zeouli and the baroness.

“Hah! I knew it!” She'd exhume a fair bit of pride upon learning her sheep were the best sheep across time and space.

“Ah! Wait, Cayde! Don't eat that!” She suddenly called out, noticing her ram was trying to munch on the dress of someone passing by. With that, the sheep girl's attention had completely shifted.




“Terraforming magic? That seems like it might've taken place in the See or Magic Duchy.” She'd reply, a bit curious. “Perhaps we can find some ancient maps to compare borders, one day.” She imagined, although it might be unlikely.

“Yeah, I can't help being really young in such a large body must've been weird.” She'd reply, upon some of her suspicions being confirmed. “Oh, don't worry dear, it's lovely to have a chat with you.” She'd reply when he thanked her.

“Although it looks like miss Janja is a bit too busy right now. Perhaps we can go over to the Keg for lunch.” She'd add, starting to head into that direction. (Continues in the last part of the post.)


Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?




“Thou desireth sustenance?” She asked, surprised the dude spoke up and instantly making demands, despite causing her trouble. That said, he didn't seem responsive again short after. Poking him with her foot again, that didn't seem to change much. For a moment, she debated to just leave him be and continue her patrol, but that probably wasn't what she was supposed to do. Besides... Oh! This was great. She could use him as an excuse to get back into the fair! Perfect!

“Heyup!” She called out, as she grabbed his legs and started dragging him across the ground, heading for the direction of the Keg. Needlessly to say, they got a fair few looks, but considering she was a fairly well-known guard, they figured she was just apprehending someone and dragging them to jail or something similar. (Continues in the last part of the post.)


Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.


A hrrrow was the answer given to Aedrianna upon the request. He'd walk towards Soreiel and pushed her leg with his snout, still carrying the bone he'd gotten from the Butcher. Should she accept the duty of bone-guardian, he'd leave his bone with her for the time being. As fellow canine, she would probably understand the importance of such a duty.

Having hopefully left his bone in good hands, Hiruq would sniff around the fair for a bit, tracking down Noelle. The fishy smell was easy enough to find. Upon finding her, he'd nudge her with his snout, trying to get her to move along towards Aedrianna.


Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Aiden Naythophyl Naythophyl – Sell Honey
Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


“Three silver...? You mean silver Rykes?” She asked, somewhat surprised by the price. Either there was a language barrier or she'd severely underestimated the price of such a product. She wasn't looking to loose nearly all of her profits. “Would you perhaps be willing to exchange it for some teas instead? You could sell them along with your honey.” She offered.

As Aiden would get closer to the gnoll (within 5 feet) to use his appraise ability, Mad Maw would get the sensation that some type of magic had been used on her. In return, Aiden's appraisal would show him she was indeed a [Gnoll], but also that she was [Isekai], [Beast], [Caster] and [Wanted by Wildhide Clan].


Ariko Elias Wren Elias Wren [/url] – Get a burger. Meet some folk.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


She'd dealt with her fair share of rough customers, so the new arrival didn't shock her too much. All she could hope was that it was just 'rough' and no 'trouble', but she didn't let that discourage her from putting up a well-practices smile and heading over. “Good morning sir, would you like to order something to drink or eat?” She'd ask.




As Hestia was taking the order, Ethel came dragging in the passed-out body of Kiyo. “This man hath stateth he requireth sustenance!” She called out. She didn't even wait for an answer, as she'd head for the kitchen, grabbed a bucket of water, then put it next to him. She'd poke him with her foot again. “I hath brought thee water!” She'd proclaim.




As timing would have it, that was also when Roslia and Teuihua arrived. “Oh dear! Did something happen?” She called out, upon seeing someone passed out on the floor in the middle of the tavern.

Aiden realized with a start that he had made a significant error in the pricing of his honey. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Gwenith! I misspoke. The price is actually 8 copper rykes, not three silver rykes. I must have gotten confused with the currency. My apologies for the misunderstanding,” he explained, looking genuinely embarrassed by the mix-up.

He then turned to Koralia, ensuring that she was also given the correct price. “Koralia, I also owe you an apology. The honey is 8 copper rykes per jar. Thank you both for your understanding.”

After settling the payment miscommunication, Aiden turned back to the gnoll, “Mad Maw, I noticed something interesting about you. You’re Isekai, like me. How did you end up here?” He hoped this question would spark a fascinating conversation, as he was always eager to learn about the experiences of other Isekai individuals.

Koralia Maxxob Maxxob | Gunhild Femboy Femboy | Gwenith Elvario Elvario | Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage.
The new smells and sounds surrounding Kiyo caused him to stir a little. He struggled, but he managed to force his eyelids open, revealing his new location. He blinked a few times before his attention was drawn to the bucket of water beside him and without hesitation he began to scoop the water straight into his mouth, desperate to quench his thirst. After about a minute he stopped and looked around the room to take in his surroundings

Water dripped from his mouth as he turned his gaze to Ethel. “Th-thank y-” His words were cut off as he winced in pain and wrapped his arms around his stomach. He was starving, it felt like his stomach was eating him from the inside out.
Elvario Elvario
Ariko Balba 1000001757.jpg
The Keg
He looked up to see his waitress and flashed his poor excuse of a smile which was more like a dog bearing its teeth. "I heard you serve burgers like from the other world, I'll take one of those and a mug of whatever you have alcohol wise."He shifted uneasily in his chair as he looked around the room at all the other patrons and decor. He still finds it hard to adjust to this new world at times, but he was quite thrilled to find somewhere serving classic burgers like he used to get back home. Ariko just hoped it wasn't some kind of strange meat like the jerky he had several days ago.

Elvario Elvario

Mad Maw
Mad Maw found this crowd delightful already; chaos cropping up at this corner like a gnoll whorehouse. The calico furred giggle dog being nosy with both stalls as both the honey and tea smelled wonderful. She cocked her head as the resident lizard referred to her as a 'Raccoon'; She giggled and smacked her knee with exuberance. She did look like a raccoon, pointing back to the babe and snorting "Baby lizard!" She said with a gasp, wide eyes full of joy, turning from the curious little tyke to the honey maker.

"It is, isn't it? The Fair is just wonderful so far! It's very wonderful to meet you too Aiden" She said with a vivacious bow, grinning as he explained her race with more kindness than they likely deserved "You are very kind for such words, it is also nice to meet you!" She said, turning her attention to Koralia. The big shark lady causing the splotches of color on her cheeks to turn a brighter hazel "Korlia? Wonderful, you are a sculpture marble couldn't even do justice, perhaps I could" She rambled, refocusing her fuming brain "She just paid for my meal actually, I didn't expect the leaders here to be so kind. It's no wonder everyone here is so happy. It's also okay, if she wants to call me racoon, then racoon I shall be. A trash panda to be feared!" She said with mock maniacal laughter as her fur pattern almost took on a raccoon's momentarily, before shifting back like a Rorschach.

"Pardon? Issikay?" She questioned, completely befuddled for a moment before context hit her like a truck, her brain smarter than the average egg. Mad Maw's surprise turning to a momentary suspicion and confusion as she felt a strange sensation overtake her "Is that a soup or maybe a type of travel? I used my good old fashioned legs to get here! I guess I could have rolled" She said, hiding some genuine discomfort underneath irreverent humor and cackles. If a stall vendor can sniff her out then she'd probably be found out by the guard, or Regula. What do they do to people like her?
She wasn't good at lying or keeping secrets, but she couldn't just ignore him...could she?

Sweat started to pool at the edges of her jaws; Her lack of understanding causing her stress.

Naythophyl Naythophyl Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario


Maxxob Maxxob Naythophyl Naythophyl Garbage. Garbage. Elvario Elvario
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild smugly laid in her little big-shark arm cradle as Mad Maw agreed to be a raccoon anyway, despite what Aiden and Koralia said about her not being a raccoon. Guess it was true, if one was charming enough then one could truly get away with anything. And who could deny such quality Gunhildian charm? Though, Gunhild snuffed at the mention of being called a baby-lizard and gently squirmed her arms as if stuck on her back with how she was being held. Lightly flailing like a defenseless upturned tortoise, she answered back in defense.

"Gunhild no babi lizard! Gunhild beeg strong lizard like shorkie! Gunhild likeses babis, not is babi, silly billy raccoon. Gunhild's all smarts all strongs, all Gunhild. Goodest bestestest Gunhild. Gunhild no babi, is jus smol, is beeg diffywens. Gunhild knowses a beeg diffywens beeg-do's smol-do's" Gunhild answered as she contemplated that her harmless flailing probably wasn't going to get her anywhere but further tickled. Going back to clutching her honey jar for a moment, she blankly listened to the rest of the conversation going on before hearing the mention of something about Mad Maw being isekai. Grumbling quietly and seeing the gnoll seem a little targetted by the phrase. Clearly having all the idea in the world what was stated and what was going on, Gunhild gently patted one hand at Koralia's arm.

"Gunhild want down, Gunhild do a do, Gunhild do's a re-comes backses. Gunhild touchies raccoon" Gunhild informed Koralia and eventually squirming her way free of the shark's hold. Gracefully landing on the ground by splatting directly on her face with no landing skills whatsoever, she nonchalantly got up and remained on quadrepedal footing as she scampered over to investigate said 'raccoon' for their 'Isekai'. After a little moment of intense, close investigation and staring at their face Gunhild came to a conclusion that wasn't based in any sort of reasoning whatsoever. Making sure to scoot a few steps back and that there was nothing around, she knew Regula probably wouldn't mind if she was normal-sized and was still careful about it. Relinquishing her hold on her small size for just the moment, Gunhild made sure her tail and everything was tucked close to her body to avoid nudging or hitting anything.

Said release would only return her to a simple size of a mere 16', slowly laying forward onto the front of her body so she was laying low and giving a gentle pat of the gnoll's head with her finger. And then she spoke her reasoning.
"No cry. Raccoon is cry? Is no cry, Gunhild no wan cry, cry sads. Sads bads. Raccoon be's Gunhild fren, Raccoon an Gunhild has frenses and happi's, no crys. Raccoon, looksies. Beeg floofy Gunhild, is goodest yesses? Is funs, hugs Beeg Floofyhild yes? Makeses a Raccoon happies" Gunhild said, completely misunderstanding the meaning and word Isekai into Is Cry as she promptly started to trying to cheer up Mad Maw. Gunhild being big and floofy made herself happy and a lot of other people, maybe it would work here too. She was being mindful of her surroundings as much as possible whilst also the honey jar she still possessed with her. She also gave an inviting look to Aiden, Koralia and even Gwenith since she was present, since... well, who wouldn't want to? Plus it made Gunhild happy to be appreciated as such. Happies was better than a sads after all.

1. Special Movement (Quadrepedal)(F)
2. Feature: Fur Growth (Just for clarification obv, she's now a bigger and floofier-hild)
3. A whole action just to make sure her beeg self doesn't bump anything
Note: Gunhild is 16' (though she is laying down)

Aiden's eyes softened as he observed Mad Maw's reaction. With a gentle tone, he continued, "Isekai refers to people who have come to this world from another one, often through unusual means. Like me."

He paused, giving Mad Maw a moment to process the words. The gnoll's nervous sweat glistened in the light, her extravagant garb contrasting starkly with her unsettled demeanor.

"I can understand if it's a sensitive topic," Aiden said, his voice filled with understanding and empathy (Empathy F). "I've been through the confusion, the fear, the sense of displacement. It's not easy finding yourself in a world that's not your own. If you want to talk about it, I'm here. If not, that's okay too. Just know you're not alone in this."

Koralia Maxxob Maxxob | Gunhild Femboy Femboy | Gwenith Elvario Elvario | Mad Maw Garbage. Garbage.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.

Janja's Flock
Janja Berger


From: Anila

“Oh, but aren't there still only three people speaking it?” She'd ask, only knowing of Teuihua, Zeouli and the baroness.

“Hah! I knew it!” She'd exhume a fair bit of pride upon learning her sheep were the best sheep across time and space.

“Ah! Wait, Cayde! Don't eat that!” She suddenly called out, noticing her ram was trying to munch on the dress of someone passing by. With that, the sheep girl's attention had completely shifted.




“Terraforming magic? That seems like it might've taken place in the See or Magic Duchy.” She'd reply, a bit curious. “Perhaps we can find some ancient maps to compare borders, one day.” She imagined, although it might be unlikely.

“Yeah, I can't help being really young in such a large body must've been weird.” She'd reply, upon some of her suspicions being confirmed. “Oh, don't worry dear, it's lovely to have a chat with you.” She'd reply when he thanked her.

“Although it looks like miss Janja is a bit too busy right now. Perhaps we can go over to the Keg for lunch.” She'd add, starting to head into that direction. (Continues in the last part of the post.)


Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?




“Thou desireth sustenance?” She asked, surprised the dude spoke up and instantly making demands, despite causing her trouble. That said, he didn't seem responsive again short after. Poking him with her foot again, that didn't seem to change much. For a moment, she debated to just leave him be and continue her patrol, but that probably wasn't what she was supposed to do. Besides... Oh! This was great. She could use him as an excuse to get back into the fair! Perfect!

“Heyup!” She called out, as she grabbed his legs and started dragging him across the ground, heading for the direction of the Keg. Needlessly to say, they got a fair few looks, but considering she was a fairly well-known guard, they figured she was just apprehending someone and dragging them to jail or something similar. (Continues in the last part of the post.)


Aedrianna Moonberry MoonberryFind stationary. Hair dye pigment networking. Get Soreiel new clothing.
Noelle Tellussoil Tellussoil
Soreiel Rcticwolf Rcticwolf – No specific goals given. \ Earn food.


A hrrrow was the answer given to Aedrianna upon the request. He'd walk towards Soreiel and pushed her leg with his snout, still carrying the bone he'd gotten from the Butcher. Should she accept the duty of bone-guardian, he'd leave his bone with her for the time being. As fellow canine, she would probably understand the importance of such a duty.

Having hopefully left his bone in good hands, Hiruq would sniff around the fair for a bit, tracking down Noelle. The fishy smell was easy enough to find. Upon finding her, he'd nudge her with his snout, trying to get her to move along towards Aedrianna.


Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Aiden Naythophyl Naythophyl – Sell Honey
Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


“Three silver...? You mean silver Rykes?” She asked, somewhat surprised by the price. Either there was a language barrier or she'd severely underestimated the price of such a product. She wasn't looking to loose nearly all of her profits. “Would you perhaps be willing to exchange it for some teas instead? You could sell them along with your honey.” She offered.

As Aiden would get closer to the gnoll (within 5 feet) to use his appraise ability, Mad Maw would get the sensation that some type of magic had been used on her. In return, Aiden's appraisal would show him she was indeed a [Gnoll], but also that she was [Isekai], [Beast], [Caster] and [Wanted by Wildhide Clan].


Ariko Elias Wren Elias Wren [/url] – Get a burger. Meet some folk.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given.

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg


She'd dealt with her fair share of rough customers, so the new arrival didn't shock her too much. All she could hope was that it was just 'rough' and no 'trouble', but she didn't let that discourage her from putting up a well-practices smile and heading over. “Good morning sir, would you like to order something to drink or eat?” She'd ask.




As Hestia was taking the order, Ethel came dragging in the passed-out body of Kiyo. “This man hath stateth he requireth sustenance!” She called out. She didn't even wait for an answer, as she'd head for the kitchen, grabbed a bucket of water, then put it next to him. She'd poke him with her foot again. “I hath brought thee water!” She'd proclaim.




As timing would have it, that was also when Roslia and Teuihua arrived. “Oh dear! Did something happen?” She called out, upon seeing someone passed out on the floor in the middle of the tavern.

Soreiel smiled and took the bone from Hiruq, chuckling a bit as she watched him turn around and begin his hunt for their mermaid friend. She then returned to watching Aedrianna scour through the clothing stall to find a dress for her that she still didn’t want her spending money on, but knew it was useless to protest.
Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Elvario Elvario Kiyoko Tomoe Kiyoko Tomoe

Mention: Elias Wren Elias Wren

“That is true, perhaps with time or others awakening that will change.” Teuihua replied to Janja, giving her a thumbs up. Regardless it was clear she was busy again, unfortunately Cayde trying to eat someone’s dress, but even so he took Rosalia’s words in agreement, it seemed Janja had her hands full and a fair to attend too.

“That would be, quite nice if we could do that, I would be curious to see if such a map could help me understand what happened to my civilization, if there were any slightly later ones that would be insightful, but even one from the time would be nice to see even if I am aware it might be difficult to find a carving or papyrus intact describing such."

“It is possible that people from those areas geographically many years ago were involved, or perhaps it was divine intervention, it is difficult to say given the incredibly large areas.”

At the weird childhood bit he nodded.

“For me I suppose it was what it was, but I will concede it would be strange from the perspective of someone who underwent a traditional part of growing up.”

“Very well then.”
Teuihua would diligently follow Rosalia.

Seeing Kiyo on the floor looking in distress and Ethel with the water at some point. Teuihua nodded. “I see I believe this individual is simply fatigued and experiencing discomfort from a lack of subsistence rather than being in any critical medical condition from what I can discern.” This felt particularly accurate based on what Ethel said, giving a small wave.

“ It is my judgmentIt would be most appropriate to get this individual something proper to eat hastily.”

Teuihua also probably overheard Ariko if they were close enough..burger..other world? What were they speaking of? It was all curious. Nevertheless Teuihua did not feel a need to interfere with what was going on or get closer, instead he would continue to protect Rosalia in the best way he knew how.

Mad Maw

Mad Maw was mid panic attack; her ears clamping down to head as nausea dropped in her stomach like a hot rock. She knew she had to get herself together, but she felt as though she were anchored to the floor. It wasn't until the 'baby lizard' plodded over to her, growing in size and bringing the fluffiness into Mad Maw's deer like gaze with an aiden shaped headlight paralyzing her. It also caused her to absorb the strangeness of this creature's speech patterns, but also find an unexpected level of wisdom.

"She's right...we must all know when to do beeg-dos and smol-dos" She said, repeating it as though it were gospel. It was hard to tell if she understood Gunhilde or believed she did. The strangeness of the interaction momentarily breaking her out of her attack; the softness of one of her rather large fingers bringing an unexpected comfort. The day continuing to stranger still. Gunhilde's wisdom like a waterfall of relief, listening with growing profound understanding of her foolishness and miscalculation with her response.

You are so wise...who are we, in a world so vibrant and full of color, to be sad over finding kinship? Your friendship is like an olive branch I had been pushing away since I got here" Tears welling up underneath her goggles as she seemed to glean some wisdom from Gunhilde, perhaps the most surprising thing today. She gave Hilde a wealth of scratches across her fluffy form. "You are a miracle therapist Miss Gunhilde! I feel much better now"

Aiden would realize that his empathy did work, but she had mistaken where the source of the effect has come from. Mad Maw turning her head back to Aiden as she continued to give Gunhilde proper pets for her help. "
Forgive my rudeness, you were merely asking a question and I handled it very poorly." She said, greeting him warmly as she removed her goggles and strapped them to her top hat "You are perceptive Aiden, I am in fact not from here. I uh...died in a circus accident. Weird bit of irony...that" She coughed awkwardly before moving on "You are far too kind for how suspicious I had become, I certainly don't mind talking about it as long as it isn't a crime or sacrilege around here. It's the whole reason I kept it secret in the first place!" She said pantomiming her throat getting slit with her thumb, her head lolling to one side as she made an exaggerated death gurgle.

Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy Naythophyl Naythophyl Maxxob Maxxob
Languages: "Common", "(Bestial)"
[Beastkin], [Native] - Color #876fd6

Femboy Femboy Naythophyl Naythophyl Elvario Elvario Garbage. Garbage.

Koralia tilted her head slightly as Aiden returned a good chunk of her money. She wondered if he wasn't used to rykes, that possibly was it. Still, she was glad that enough coins to last her more than a month were returned. "No problem, fuzzy. It happens" She answered him, while taking back the coins and pocketing it into the cleavage of her shirt this time around.

The shark's animalistic instincts began to flare up with Aiden's weird question towards Mad Maw, noticing the gnoll's discomfort. She couldn't comprehend what this 'Isekai' meant or why the top-hat wearing beast was getting worked over it. Still, sensing the tension in the air, she decided to cut right through it. "She took one of 'em roads to this here barony, clearly, ain't no portals in this town. Pretty sure she ain't coming from Sootsprise, would have seen her." The mercenary answered, with a shrug, knowing that were the options for Mad Maw.

Koralia barely had time to process the little runt's request to come down from her hold, Gunhild managing to squirm out of it. As her right arm was now free from holding the little lizard, the mercenary would open and close her hand, feeling the 'needles' poking into it, as it had become slightly from all the holding. While she missed the feeling of holding Smolhild, having the use of her right arm back was certainly good.

As Gunhild grew in size, doing her thing to try and comfort the gnoll, Koralia's attention was focused on Aiden. The bee-boy talked about people coming from 'other worlds'. If the shark had an eyebrow, it would be raised at this moment, thinking it was nothing but crazy talk. "Other worlds... lotsa honey, maybe?" She thought to himself, deciding that the bee-boy was clearly intoxicated from all the honey he probably had eaten. Koralia herself would say some really wild stuff if she hit the tankard too hard.

But worst of all, Mad Maw, the gnoll, was confirming the story in a certain way.
"Died in a circus accident, huh? Must have had a pretty darn good healer nearby, then. I miss havin' one of 'em around when doin' mercenary work. Havin' cuts bein' healed a snap of a finger is pretty useful!" The shark said, a grin slowly widening on her lips to show the serrated teeth. Clearly, she mistook the gnoll's story as just having died and resurrected by some cleric or healer somewhere around the world they are in at the moment. And, looking at the now Bighild, Koralia felt that she had her fill of petting and being cuddly for the day, lifting her right palm as if trying to say 'I'm good'.

"Indeed, healers possess remarkable skills, yet Mad Maw's tale delves into realms beyond mere physical mending," Aiden responded with a thoughtful nod, recognizing Koralia's skepticism about other worlds. It dawned on him that the concept of Isekai events might be unfamiliar to most people in this world. Sensing the potential for confusion or discomfort, he decided to gently steer the conversation away from such intricate topics to maintain harmony.

Feeling a surge of warmth and affection, Aiden couldn't resist giving Gunhild a hug; her fluffiness reminded him of a giant dandelion or lamb's ear. As he glanced at Mad Maw, who appeared to be finding solace in Gunhild's comforting presence, he shared a gentle insight. "Our journeys often weave through unexpected twists and turns, akin to the dance of life itself," he reflected, casting a meaningful glance at Koralia to include her in the metaphorical journey of existence.

Koralia Maxxob Maxxob – No specific goals given.
Aiden Naythophyl Naythophyl – Sell Honey
Mad Maw @Capitula – Avoid Wildhide Clan \ Have fun?

Tea Stall
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Stonewall – Tea Stall.
(Please ignore weapons.))
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OmExky


“Oh, I see!” She'd reply, relieved. “For that price, I'd gladly buy not one, but two jars~” She'd state, more than glad she'd be able to get some honey without having to spent more than a daily wage on it. She'd faintly heard the word 'isekai' before, but decided not to interfere.

As Gunhild got bigger, the most Gwenith was concerned about was her stall being knocked over. If there was any 'petting' to be done on her side, it was in the form of pushing back the girl's tail the moment it got dangerously close to her stall. That said, she could at least give some words of comfort. “I do believe this 'isekai' thing is not entirely uncommon and definitely not [criminal] or [monster]-like.” Now if only she could recall who else she'd heard about having it. Was it one of the advisors? Ryan? The baroness? She felt like she once learned of it existing... Ah well.


Ariko Elias Wren Elias Wren – Get a burger. Meet some folk.
Teuihua TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Guard Rosalia.
Kiyo FantasyCat FantasyCat – No specific goal given. / Get food?

Food and Drinks at the The Keg
The Keg
Country of Ryken, County of Sadek, Barony of Caelia. Capital Town: Stonewall – Tavern.
From: https://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a147/Darsunne/0a55608e9d52edec15d4c6455736ec45_zpste7hezy9.jpg




“Thou areth weak!” Was Ethel's observation, upon seeing Kiyo nearly pass out merely from drinking water. However, upon Teuihua telling them the individual needed food, she nodded. “Hestia! This individualeth requireth sustenance!” She called out.


“Oh yes, the burgers are made by mister Todo, who says he uses an otherworldly recipe~” She'd reply, not exactly surprised to learn what Ariko was after. “I'll get you a burger and some Sootspire Ale, it's one of the region's best brews.” She'd state, although she was called out by Ethel. “Oh my, he does indeed seem to be in a bad shape. I'll get him something as well.”

She'd head off into the kitchen, return with a bowl of gruel for Kiyo. “Try not to eat too rapidly or it'll leave your stomach as quickly as it entered it.” She warned him.

She'd head over to Ariok next. “And here you go sir, one burger and a Sootspire Ale.” She'd place down a hamburger and a large mug of dark ale. “Please enjoy your meal~”




With Hestia feeding the man between her regular work and Ethel just... being Ethel, Rosalia couldn't help herself from wondering why Kiyo was in the tavern, given the state he was in. She'd turn to the only other person present that might know more (Ariko), seemingly entirely unfazed by his looks. “Excuse me, sir, do you perhaps know what happened here?”
Ariko Balba1000001757.jpg
The Keg - Hestia & Rosalia
Ariko gave a polite nod to Hestia as she set his food down, looking at it for a moment to admire a perfect other world burger. "Thank you, so much." Though his voice was rough the words were kind and sincere as he spoke, just so happy to have something familiar. He picked up the burger and took a massive bite, savoring the taste with ever chewing motion, it was perfect. He swallowed and took a sip of the ale Hestia had brought, nodding his head to himself before taking a larger gulp to soothe his dry throat.

Moments later he heard another voice speaking in his directions and turned to face the woman asking a out the passed out individual a few tables away. He gave a slight shrug as he spoke. "From what I gathered on my way in he was traveling and passed out at the entrance. That armor clad individual found him and brought him in. Guess he's a little hungry." Ariko let out a dry chuckle as he took another bite of his burger and a sip of his ale, his expression changing from a scowl to almost happy looking.

Elvario Elvario
Leo's eyes snapped onto the food he was given before he hoovered it up in seconds by shoving it into his mouth with his hands. After finishing he gave multiple sets of quick and deep bows to Ethel, Hestia then Rosalia. “Tha-thank you! I thought I was going to die!” He said quickly. “...T-that would’ve been embarrassing, I’ve only just left The See” He added while nervously laughing and scratching the back of his head.

“Ca-can someone tell me where I am?” He asked the room with his head tilted in curiosity. “I was walking, but got lost, then lost again aaaand then again” He let out a long sigh with his eyes closed, letting his shoulders drop. “Traveling is more difficult than I thought…”
Elvario Elvario Elias Wren Elias Wren TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Last edited:


Garbage. Garbage. Naythophyl Naythophyl Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer)
Character Sheet
Character Theme
Languages: Common, {Sylvan}, <Beastial>

Gunhild enjoyed the attention she received from Mad Maw and Aiden, grumbling beastial reptilian purrs at a low tone.
"Gunhild veri smarts, Gunhilds knows a many's. Gunhild bestestest fren" Gunhild added in agreement, simply grinning at the compliments and acknowledgement she was getting from the gnoll as she had earned herself much hugging and scratches in the process. Though Koralia had her fill of giving such pets to the lizard, said same lizard soon felt their fulfillment of it too as they sat up after all had finished giving their praise. Returning herself back to a more compact and manageable size (4'1"), she sat on the floor. Her floofiness had shrunk itself to match her new size to make sure she wasn't consumed by giantess floof though still remaining a good floof.

Grabbing at her honey jar she still had, she was going to end up enjoying and eating it at the moment before something had come to mind.
"Metalmans!" Gunhild proclaimed as she cheerfully held up the filled jar, before clutching it close.
"Gunhild shares a honee wif Metalmans, bestestest rock Metalmans gets a honeees alsos, a Gunhild do-do" Gunhild spoke as she scuttled and scampered around in small circles around Aiden, Mad Maw and Koralia's feet aimlessly looking for a direction to go as she kept her honey jar close not wanting to lose it. Grumbling softly when he seemed nowhere in sight, she wondered where he and Rosalia had gotten off to after she was yoinked out of the fair by Regula.

"Prettyrosie and Metalmans do trieses a Gunhild'ses honee, Gunhild finds-do Metalmans, finds-do Pretty-notbirdie, shareses a honee!! Thankies bee-buh-buh-bee-bee! Thankies Prettyshorkie, thankies Raccoon! Gunhild mus goes do findies frenses! No do cri! Gunhild is fren!" Gunhild claimed as she gave a little wave and hurriedly sprinted in circles before choosing and rushing off in a random direction with her honey-jar. It was a quest, a sudden one but still one she would like to accomplish. Not having any clue where to go, she hoped she could perhaps just come across them. Surely she should have been able to see Teuihua from a while away. She hoped somewhere, a recognizable scent would provide a clue. It was a busy fair, but Teuihua and Rosalia had been to the Tea Stall prior. Maybe luck would still allow it to be detectable.

1. Size Change F + Energized F (4'1")
2. Special Movement (Quadrepedal)(F) + Energized F
3. Heightened Sense (Smell)(F) + Energized F (to try smell Teuihua, Rosalia or perhaps more food

Note: Gunhild is floofy.​

Goal: To enjoy the fair and do some business
Active Titles: Native, Intermediate Variant, Expert Businesswoman, Expert Artist, Youngest Daughter of Duchess Brysta, Wanted by the Anti-Royal Faction of Ryke

Eliza, upon hearing the baroness introduce herself, turned with a graceful pivot. Her expression remained polite but revealed a hint of surprise at the baroness's extended hand (Insight E challenge). Instead of taking it, Eliza dipped into a deep, elegant curtsy, her head bowing slightly in respect.

"Baroness Caelia, it is an honor to meet you," Eliza began, her tone warm but formal. "I am Eliza, the Youngest Child of House Brysta. Do excuse me for not seeking you out immediately. This is not an official visit so I saw fit to disperse with placing such a burden on you. I hope you were not offended by such action."

Turning to the question posed Eliza responded in kind.

"The fair has indeed been delightful, and I must commend you on the vibrant atmosphere and the variety of stalls. Your barony has shown remarkable hospitality and growth. Especially given the old capital had been reduced to ruin when you were appointed."

As she straightened from her curtsy, Eliza allowed a soft, approving smile to touch her lips. "Your efforts and the developments within your barony are the topic of many a social circle in the court, I decided to take this opportunity to confirm some of the rumours I'd heard in person."

Eliza's eyes briefly scanned the bustling fair around them, taking in the lively scene before returning to the baroness. "Your presence here, mingling with your subjects and guests, speaks volumes of your character. It is a refreshing sight. However, I can't help but wonder if hosting such an event is wise given the circumstances. And by circumstances, I mean your lack of a courtly debut."

Looking to the Keep and then back to Regula, Eliza offered a soft sigh. "Tis not my place to judge but, if the rumours of the church looking into your barony are true. I cannot help but think such a scenario could have been avoided had you prioritised your legitimacy within the court just a little more.".

Eliza folded her arms behind her back and looked to the Advisor beside the Baroness with a curious gaze before returning her focus to the Baroness herself. "But, that is neither here nor there. I am but the youngest Child of a Duchess, whereas you are a Baroness in true. I meant no disrespect, your affairs are yours alone and I'm sure someone of your standing knows what they are doing no?"

As her gemlike eyes held the Baronesses hostage, Eliza probed the baroness perhaps even more than even she had expected to. But then again, this was a golden opportunity to confirm and deny some of the rumours surrounding the court's 'Phantom Baroness'. That and Eliza herself was just being nosy.

Elvario Elvario
Languages: “Common” “+Mict+” “%Analog%”

Interactions: FantasyCat FantasyCat Elvario Elvario Elias Wren Elias Wren

It seemed that they would learn something from Ariko. However the answer actually left more questions, indeed why was someone in Kiyo’s condition at the keg like this? On top of that they were asking where they were, almost making it sound like they just woke up nearby after some sort of incident perhaps. Lost memory or was it something supernatural? He gave a nod and a thumbs up gesture to Ariko.

Oh Left the see..Teuihua thought it through, that was quite a distance to travel..and they Kiyo just happened to end up here not knowing where they were? That sounded rather unfortunate to say the least to not know where you were going and end up starving along the way.

Teuihua turned to Kiyo, glad to see their condition improving some it seemed at the very least.

“I see. So you are a traveler who lost their way. You are currently in the Caelia Barony in Ryke. You must have traveled far if you came from the See. If you got lost I presume you traveled a great deal through the wilderness between there and here? If that’s the case If you plan on going on any trips in the future it’d be most ideal to focus on taking more populated paths which are more likely to include directional guides and what direction and how far you need to go somewhere to get to the next place.”

“All of that aside, you are more than welcome to the Caelia Barony, there are places to stay and things to see and do.”

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