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Fandom Steven Universe

J the dog

New Member
Crystal Gems:


Gender Appearance:



Gem Placement:



Homeworld Gems:


Gender Appearance:


Gem placement:


Technology the use:








Weapon (optional):

How they met the Crystal Gems:
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Name/Gem: Topaz

Gender Appearance: Male

Nickname(s): Topi

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Topaz.jpg.171b603abd77ef428e2a088a177092a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78542" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Topaz.jpg.171b603abd77ef428e2a088a177092a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gem Placement:Left Shoulder

Weapon: Naginata<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/naginata.jpg.5ae405cfc159a910276eda79089f72d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78545" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/naginata.jpg.5ae405cfc159a910276eda79089f72d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: He was made in kindergarten. There was a malifuction with him though, he was born without a right eye, where his gem was suppose to be but an unknown error occurred and he was born without an eye and his gem is on his right shoulder. When the Crystal Gems came to destroy kindergarten he managed to run away, however one sneaky crystal gem caught up to him. She saw potential in the young gem and made him part of the team...her name was Emerald.



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Name/Gem: Emerald

Gender Appearance: Female

Nickname(s): Emmie

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.5669f775ddd43223b1c2be854068bd85.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.5669f775ddd43223b1c2be854068bd85.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gem Placement: Eyes

Weapon: Double bladed scythe<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.b85a7d233c546b940f6467b5e05a8183.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78548" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.b85a7d233c546b940f6467b5e05a8183.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: To be revealed



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Name/Gem: Moonstone

Gender Appearance: Female

Nickname(s): (Luna)


Gem Placement: Directly below her neck


Bio: Moonstone, who usually goes by the name Luna, came to earth after the warp pads were built. She was a young gem at the time, with a lot of energy and a big sense of adventure. She was also completely loyal to her superiors, and did anything and everything they wanted without question. It was only when she saw what the kindergarten was doing that she began to feel pangs of remorse. The planet was beautiful, and with every day it showed more of it's secrets to all the gems who stood on it's surface. She met and saw the creatures living there, and loved to watch them and the life on the planet. More then anything she loved to wander the wilds, meeting and seeing everything she could. She heard rumors of an uprising over the treatment of the planet, and though she would have liked to join such a thing, she was still loyal to her oath above everything.

When the war finally began Luna took her place on the loyalist battle lines, her weapon, a graceful blue bow, held in her hands. She fought as hard as any on the loyalist lines, but cried the whole time, her heart breaking with every gem that shattered before her. It was only later in the war that she first saw the leader of the rebellion, the gem Rose-Quartz.

Luna pulled her bow back for the shot that would end the war, knowing that the outcome of the conflict could rest on her next action.

It was at that moment when Luna did the unthinkable and broke her oath, firing at the ground at Rose's feet. The arrow stuck fast, but within seconds a vengeful rebel gem stabbed Luna's body, cracking her crystal in the process.

Luna didn't bother trying to reconstruct a new body, knowing that she had failed in her oath of loyalty, and knowing that the rebels wouldn't accept her, Luna was content to die in shame when her gem cracked due to the passage of time.

Luckily for Luna this wasn't required. Rose, ever the caring gem, knew what Luna had done, and had pocketed the gem of the younger Luna. Tears from Rose later repaired the crack, but when Luna returned, there was no sign of her savior.

The battlefield was deserted by then, and though Luna could have gone on to fight anew, she felt that her service was ended both by her broken oath, and because of her near-death. From that point on Luna was content to sit and quietly watch the battlefield grow over with plants and strawberries, hiding whenever the warp portal was activated.

Luna didn't believe that she was deserving of friends anymore, and though that was far from true, she stayed in her self appointed exile for thousands of years, her heart growing heavier by the day from loneliness, and from homesickness. She explored far and wide, watching and waiting, trying to find a purpose to her life, and all the while the plants on the battlefield grew higher and thicker.

It was only when visitors came onto the battlefield again that she heard something that made her heart break yet again. Rose, the gem that had saved her, was gone. Luna spent weeks thinking on what she had learned, trying to think of what to do. She waited and thought, considered and learned, before finally arriving at a conclusion; The earth was still in danger, and that meant that Luna had a chance to do what she had failed to do all those years ago. She could help it again, and that was the first thought in a long time that made her truly happy.

Now Luna fights behind the scenes, destroying corrupted gems, trying to keep the peace without attracting the attention of either side. Nothing is going to stop her short of death itself, not now that the spark has been rekindled. Life has meaning again for Luna, and she intends to make good use of it. Even though she tries to avoid others, Luna has made some friends among humans, and even though she used to believe that she didn't deserve friends, now she knows that any friend is better then none.
Nomad said:
Name/Gem: Moonstone
Gender Appearance: Female

Nickname(s): (Luna)


Gem Placement: Directly below her neck


Bio: Moonstone, who usually goes by the name Luna, came to earth after the warp pads were built. She was a young gem at the time, with a lot of energy and a big sense of adventure. She was also completely loyal to her superiors, and did anything and everything they wanted without question. It was only when she saw what the kindergarten was doing that she began to feel pangs of remorse. The planet was beautiful, and with every day it showed more of it's secrets to all the gems who stood on it's surface. She met and saw the creatures living there, and loved to watch them and the life on the planet. More then anything she loved to wander the wilds, meeting and seeing everything she could. She heard rumors of an uprising over the treatment of the planet, and though she would have liked to join such a thing, she was still loyal to her oath above everything.

When the war finally began Luna took her place on the loyalist battle lines, her weapon, a graceful blue bow, held in her hands. She fought as hard as any on the loyalist lines, but cried the whole time, her heart breaking with every gem that shattered before her. It was only later in the war that she first saw the leader of the rebellion, the gem Rose-Quartz.

Luna pulled her bow back for the shot that would end the war, knowing that the outcome of the conflict could rest on her next action.

It was at that moment when Luna did the unthinkable and broke her oath, firing at the ground at Rose's feet. The arrow stuck fast, but within seconds a vengeful rebel gem stabbed Luna's body, cracking her crystal in the process.

Luna didn't bother trying to reconstruct a new body, knowing that she had failed in her oath of loyalty, and knowing that the rebels wouldn't accept her, Luna was content to die in shame when her gem cracked due to the passage of time.

Luckily for Luna this wasn't required. Rose, ever the caring gem, knew what Luna had done, and had pocketed the gem of the younger Luna. Tears from Rose later repaired the crack, but when Luna returned, there was no sign of her savior.

The battlefield was deserted by then, and though Luna could have gone on to fight anew, she felt that her service was ended both by her broken oath, and because of her near-death. From that point on Luna was content to sit and quietly watch the battlefield grow over with plants and strawberries, hiding whenever the warp portal was activated.

Luna didn't believe that she was deserving of friends anymore, and though that was far from true, she stayed in her self appointed exile for thousands of years, her heart growing heavier by the day from loneliness, and from homesickness. She explored far and wide, watching and waiting, trying to find a purpose to her life, and all the while the plants on the battlefield grew higher and thicker.

It was only when visitors came onto the battlefield again that she heard something that made her heart break yet again. Rose, the gem that had saved her, was gone. Luna spent weeks thinking on what she had learned, trying to think of what to do. She waited and thought, considered and learned, before finally arriving at a conclusion; The earth was still in danger, and that meant that Luna had a chance to do what she had failed to do all those years ago. She could help it again, and that was the first thought in a long time that made her truly happy.

Now Luna fights behind the scenes, destroying corrupted gems, trying to keep the peace without attracting the attention of either side. Nothing is going to stop her short of death itself, not now that the spark has been rekindled. Life has meaning again for Luna, and she intends to make good use of it. Even though she tries to avoid others, Luna has made some friends among humans, and even though she used to believe that she didn't deserve friends, now she knows that any friend is better then none.
Name/Gem: Aquamarine

Gender Appearance: Male


Gem placement: back of neck

Weapon: long sword


Technology they use: High tech computers, robonoids, and armour

Bio: Aquamarine was a loyal member of Homeworld's army until they destroyed the loyal gems around her for treason. She became a member of the rebel forces after that, wanting to avenge those who were falsely accused. When she was caught, she refused to answer their questions and was sentenced to exile on the planet Earth.
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Gender Appearance:



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/6964945-mato-kuroi-black-rock-shooter.jpg.c2c71c245f0c30d40b2ef8f6581644c3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82826" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/6964945-mato-kuroi-black-rock-shooter.jpg.c2c71c245f0c30d40b2ef8f6581644c3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gem placement:

-Beneath left shoulder


-Laser Blaster<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c561d93a9_giphy(2).gif.ba557fd651dfae1c09d03f5d54b014a3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82827" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c561d93a9_giphy(2).gif.ba557fd651dfae1c09d03f5d54b014a3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

-It and the ability to destabalize gems. When shot, it essentially dissolves a Gem's physical body. It is similar to a Gem destabalier, except it's used for far targets. To destabalize a Gem, the target needs to be the exact center of the gem. If shot correctly, The physical body dissolves.

Technology they use:

-Gem Warship,Escape Pod,High-tech Computers, and Robonoids.


-She was a Home World Gem that fought in the war, seeing her comrades fall one by one, she got the idea of escaping, which she successfully did. Her weapon wasn't strong enough, She wasn't strong enough, so she decided to train for the next centuries. A few months later, she checked on the battle field, which was empty and filled with plants. She managed to make a ship of her own, which she used to travel around the universe.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/929810-solrain_battlestation_conce.jpg.f3f02c3e0ae5ce1307f5ed9ad7a16ba8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82830" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/929810-solrain_battlestation_conce.jpg.f3f02c3e0ae5ce1307f5ed9ad7a16ba8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She's been making new gems in empty,abandoned planets. Every day she grew stronger,learning different fighting techniques and mixed martial arts. Never did she know there was a planet named "Earth".



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kawaiipanda09's character sheet has a drawing of a capital ship, and in the top left it says; 'Cap-Ship Rough Sketch'. I just thought it was funny because it is so well drawn.
Name: Lilly Harper

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Light wavy brown hair, bright green eyes, and (unlike the picture attached, likes to wear sweatshirts and leggings (or anything not "girly"). On hot days and on the beach, she'll wear her purple spaghetti strap tank top, blue denim shorts, and flip-flops

Sexuality: Straight

Weapon (optional): Ocarina that gives out powerful sound waves that can stun enemies

How they met the Crystal Gems: Found out about him on Ronaldo's "Weirdness" blog, and decided to go out and find him to get help and guidance after her adopted dad(who's also a scientist) found out about the gems and decided to take gem DNA and infuse his daughter with it, making her the first man-made gem.

Gem: Cubic Zirconia- a man-made gem made to resemble other natural gems for less money. Lilly's is a lilac color, which is placed over her heart.

Gender Appearance: Female

Nickname(s): Aggie



Gem Placement: Nape of neck

Weapon: Flame sword

Bio: Agate, because of her semi-normal skin tone, fit in with humans, and was raised as one. When she was found by the humans, she had already spent about 300 years in a volcano(that's where she was formed), but she was still young for a gem She always knew she was different because of the gem on her neck, but one day she accidentally pulled a sword out of it and almost burnt down the house. That was when the Crystal Gems found her. She's always felt a connection to Garnet, and thinks of her as a mother. She's quick to friendship, and tries to act fierce even though she's clumsy and naïve. Also, she has a tiny crush on Luna.

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