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Fandom Steven Universe RP

It's been awhile since the start of the Cluster's awakening, and the Crystal Gems have just arrived from their warp pad to the Kindergarden, where they will inspect the area for anything caused by the Cluster.

Violet Charoite is in the rock wall of the Kindergarden, still in gem form, but has recently been disturbed by the Cluster's waking. She is almost ready to come out of the rock wall and into the world. As the Crystal Gems walk around the area, she senses their presence. Her gem creates her "hologram of mass" and starts to cut through the thick rock, until she finally sees the light of day and is out of the rock and falls to the ground, not knowing how to walk just yet, as she has never had legs before.
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Rubellite, a gem fusion, had realized the sun was rising and got up to stamp out the fire he made last night. He walked outside feeling the star in space warming the blue planet he was inhabiting. He had not long been here but he was enjoy time with himself. He blew his punch pink fringe out of his eyes and walked the final stretch out of the forest. He arrived at a Kindergarten, "Memories," he mumbled, "I still hate how we are responsible for the destruction of a planet. My time here and it's great. It's a shame Homeworld doesn't feel that way." He kicked a DNA machine, sat on a rock and sighed, "Why are our people terrible,"

Rubellite, a gem fusion, had realized the sun was rising and got up to stamp out the fire he made last night. He walked outside feeling the star in space warming the blue planet he was inhabiting. He had not long been here but he was enjoy time with himself. He blew his punch pink fringe out of his eyes and walked the final stretch out of the forest. He arrived at a Kindergarten, "Memories," he mumbled, "I still hate how we are responsible for the destruction of a planet. My time here and it's great. It's a shame Homeworld doesn't feel that way." He kicked a DNA machine, sat on a rock and sighed, "Why are our people terrible,"

Rubellite, a gem fusion, had realized the sun was rising and got up to stamp out the fire he made last night. He walked outside feeling the star in space warming the blue planet he was inhabiting. He had not long been here but he was enjoy time with himself. He blew his punch pink fringe out of his eyes and walked the final stretch out of the forest. He arrived at a Kindergarten, "Memories," he mumbled, "I still hate how we are responsible for the destruction of a planet. My time here and it's great. It's a shame Homeworld doesn't feel that way." He kicked a DNA machine, sat on a rock and sighed, "Why are our people terrible,"
As Violet was hiding from the large and gruff gem, she decided to quickly run the other way and hope that he didn't see her. But, while she was running, she saw another gem in the distance sitting on a rock. He didn't look as dangerous as the other one, but she couldn't trust that. 'What should I do?' she asked herself, as she looked around for a way to either hide or go around him without being seen or noticed. She decided to try her best not to be seen as she carefully tip-toed towards the area behind the rock the gem was sitting on and hoped that he didn't turn around to see her.

Onyx, one part of his fusion, was listening as he would do if he was on a job. He heard something behind him and mentally conferred with Rhodolite and Rubellite spoke, "You know, your not very quiet." He stood and turned to see a very young gem in white clothing. "What's your name, sweetie?"
Violet froze in fright at being caught. She slowly turned her head to the tall, red gem, not sure if she should reply to his question or run away. But as she turned the thought over in her mind, she decided to answer the fusion. As she was about to open her mouth, she caught herself with another question: What is my name? She didn't know. She was never given one. Was she supposed to have one yet? Was her gem her name?

"I-I don't know. I-I'm sorry" she answered. A little part of her hoped that the fusion gem would know and be able to tell her who she was, but she doubted it.
Alika yawned and poked her head out of her hole. The bright thing in the sky had disappeared three times now. Why did it go away in the first place? That was the girl's question. Still, she had a feeling something was happening. Probably important! Yaay! She thought happily and began skipping around the corner. Only to crash into another girl about the same size. With a small squeak, she ducked behind a rock to hide from the large companion. Nope, not coming out! Maybe I'm invisible! She cheerfully thought.

"Well, I do't think I've ever met you, sweetie. I've never been to this Kindergarten before. That's a shame I could've helped you jog your memory. I'm Rubellite by the way." He held out his left hand, his gem hand, for her to shake.
Violet stared at his outstretched hand, and was about to do the same, when another gem ran into her, then hid in one of the many holes in the rock wall. As she fell to the ground on her bum, her white dress fell to the side, revealing her bright purple gem. "Wh-what was that?" she asked out loud, though it was to herself.

"A gem. Sweetie! It's OK; I won't hurt you! You can come out," These gems needed guidance in Rubellite's opinion so he would take them and teach them about Earth. He could show them that Homeworld is bad and The Diamonds are Clods.
Alika poked her head out and looked at Violet. "I'm sorry!" She squeaked before crawling out and promptly falling on her face. "Ow..." Still, she shied away from the larger gem, probably afraid they would attack.

He giggled at the gem, "I'm not gonna hurt you," He smiled, "I'm very passive. Well Rhodolite is. Onyx is an assassin but he gave it up for him. I'm a gem fusion if you hadn't noticed. I hope you don't find it disgusting." He bit his lip. There was a big hatred against mix gem fusion. It was considered gross and immoral but to him it seemed right.
Alika frowned and tilted her head. "Um, mister, what is the definition of disgusting?" She asked with her brows furrowed as she attempted to count the syllables. Then Allie looked over at Violet. "I'm sorry I knocked you over..." She said guiltily before grasping the young girl's hand and attempting to pull her up.

"Oh yes you wouldn't know language. Disgusting means to strong distaste for something. As in, you wouldn't like that I was a fusion." He would have to teach these two a lot.
Violet tilted her head in confusion as she took Alika's hand and stood up. "Fusion? What's a fusion? And why would we not like it?" she asked the older and wiser gem. "Oh, and it's okay" she replied to Alika as she dusted herself off.

"Fusions are two or more gems come together to form a new person. It's why I have two gems and four eyes. Some fusions can be great like ours where there is no extra limbs but if two or more people fuse and it's bad there can be lots of damage. Normally gems fuse to become powerful but we fuse because of love."
"Oh, okay. Love sounds nice." she says, forming a small smile at the thought of whatever love could be. "That doesn't sound bad at all."
Emera had walked until she spotted the others. Were they like her? The curiosity grew to much to handle so she did her best to keep quiet and hid behind a rock. One of them had mentioned something about love.

Emera wondered if it was sort of like music. She wanted to greet the gems and ask but she knew it would take all the courage her little being could muster. She decided to go anyway. Emera walked up to them in a slow cautious matter. "Um..excuse me?" She started in her quiet voice. "I heard you talking about love. Is it sort of like music?"
A one man gem ship was flying over the kindregarded Badly damaged moving at super fast passing over it and crashing near a barn (qustion the main cast are cannon in the rp right and by main cast I mean steven and the others)
Emera caught sight of the ship and took off without recieving her anwser. She decided to worry about that later. If someone was introuble, she wanted to help.

Emera had no idea where the urge came from but she knew she better act on it. She picked up speed hoping to get there either as or just after the ship had fallen.
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A blue gem crawled out of the ship and stumbled around a little before shaking there head and looking around and smiled."so this is earth. It's beutiful" He said as his space suit turned into a blue leather jacket and blue pair of jeans
Emera arrived out of breath and it took a minute for her to catch it. She stood upright and placed a hand on her rabbit shaped bag.

"Um..hello. M-my name is..what exactly is my name? Anyway, whats yours?"

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