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Fandom Step Up; Game On

Zia looked up surprised as the blonde girl from before passed her, Zia eyes followed her until she got eye of Tobias who walked up to her. As soon as Tobias notice her looking at him he raised his hand it which he swung around her keep.

“You are my hero.” Zia smiled at him as she was about to grab the keys out of his hand, but before she could he raised his hand up in the air.

“Not getting a reward.” Tobias mocked, Zia rolled her eyes as she swung up her leg, warped it around his neck and pulled his head closer to hers and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you~” Zia then grinned releasing her leg around his neck as she had grabbed hold of his hand in which he had her keys. She grabbed hold of the keys and his hand as she turned him around and kicked his butt softly making him take a step towards the club. “Now get back! People want their drinks!” Zia said waving him goodbye.

“You don’t have to tell me.” Tobias said with a big grin as he walked inside the club again, Zia turned back her attention to the place where the blonde girl was standing before, and where the others were still standing. ‘I think I will watch a little longer before going home.’ She thought to herself as she walked closer to see what was going to happen.
"You sure you don't want anything else?" November teased and blinked her eyes, but her fun was interrupted by a certain someone talking about manners. Turning to the ballet guy, she stepped away from the DJ booth. "Manners, me?" She asked raising a brow and putting her weight on one leg. "I'm Scottish, have you heard the accent? Scottish people don't have manners, learn your geography. We're just here to piss people off and teach others about manners so that we can live with them… Just joking!" November smiled. "Sorry, mate, didn't mean to be disrespectful. I just wanted to tell you the truth and since it looks like you've got a stick so far up your arse that you probably fart sticks, I think you can use a little more fun then preform here… How about a battle? We're having a show off outside, want to join?"
Max was just about ready to go off on the girl when she completely burst his anger bubble by apologizing. No one had ever actually apologized to him before, for anything. A battle? Max had never "battled" before, from the looks of the girl she was definitely a dancer, most likely hip-hop. Her sincerity interested him, and what the heck? He could always do some good by teaching them about good ol' classical dance.

"Umm, no problem? Thank you, uh, yeah, sure."
"Okay, great, cool." November smiled and headed towards the bar. "I just need to ask the bartender something, the others are outside on the parking lot so you can head there already if you want." Walking towards the bar, she stood next to a girl about her age with a red top that said 'dance' on it. Getting curious, November just shouted at the bartender for a big bottle of water and some glasses before turning to the girl. "You dance?" She asked, why beating about the bush?
Max shook his head, this was one of the strangest turn of events he'd ever experienced. He headed back out onto the street, he saw a small group of people huddled together. I guess they have dancer builds? He made his way over towards the three men standing together. Cautiously, Max walked up to them and waved.

"Hi, the, uh, Scottish girl invited me to join your "battle?" My name's Max."
Richard chuckled at Jace using the synonym to his name before pointing at him,

"My father is the dick in my family, so I prefer Richard." He joked truthfully before eying Jude who was now leaning against his impala mouthing small counts to himself but unnoticeably as he listened to their conversation just as another male approached and Richard waved,

"Sup Maxxy I'm Richard and this is Jude or Teller." He pointed at Jude who held out his hand politely to the new person unable to not do so without feeling rude.
"Great so Dick runs in the family." Jace couldn't help himself but at least Richard took it as a innocent joke which it was meant to be lucky.

Jace noticed the new person come. "Ah Scottish girl must be November." Jace only just then turned to face the new comer and he almost broke out laughing when he was what he was wearing. "So what you dance Tight pants." Jace said letting out a few laughs as he spoke he jsut couldn't help himself he looked to funny.
Max stiffened. "Max, just Max." He grabbed the hand extended towards him and shook it, albeit a bit stiffly. He turned towards the other man.

"Ballet mostly, I also do some contemporary Jazz." Max was starting to be more and more unsure about his decision to join this crowd. He crossed his arms and got into fifth position, it always comforted him to be in fifth position.
Jace couldn't take it anymore he just began to laugh. "ballet you wanna battle using ballet crazy I have meet some unique people in my life But you Max have just reached the number one spot." Jace said as he turned around to face his car's music system as he got bored of waiting for November so he decided to play some music from the genre Glitch hop also known as 110BPM he opened his stereos disk tray took out the CD already in placed it into a unlabeled case and reached for another CD labeled Glitch hop- Monstercat he then moved past all the songs up to thirty-six and began to play it as he just leaned on the car waiting. Number thirty-six was Rogue - Night After Night and he played it on full blast which was almost louder than the music inside the club was.
Jessica turns around and she looks what was going on " My sister can wait" she said to her self. Hi I'm Sam aka Samantha. And I do Dance
Jude eyed Richard noticing the small non of his shoulder as the music began,

"Monstercat," the brunette had inquired raising a brow in interest as Jude knew he liked how someone other then himself listened to tech and glitch and perhaps now really enjoyed being around Jace.

"Killer choice, this is one of my favorite mixes of his." He stated his fingers drumming his thigh to the under tone.
"Sam? Okay Sam." November said. Sound like a dog's name, oh well. "Wanna leave this dump?" She asked. "We're having dance battle outside, wanna join? We have breakdance people, some weird ballet freak and a silent jazz dance… Oh and we also have a someone who can't do anything, but that's okay. So are you up for it? The more, the merrier- HEY BARTENDER, WHERE THE HELL IS THAT BOTTLED WATER AND GLASSES?!" November shouted at the bartender. "I'm November. Nice to meet ya." November smiled holding out her hand waiting for the other to accept it.
Max's face turned red, both from embarrassment and from anger. His muscles tightened as the man laughed at him. He clenched his teeth as the man began blasting some kind of mess some people called music from his car. Then, Max smirked. He could feel the beat in the music, and he knew just how to show this man his true skills.

From his fifth position, Max suddenly kicked out his front leg and tumbled forward. On his back, Max pushed himself up onto a pointed foot. He began to execute 4 pirouette's in a row, on the last pirouette he kicked his leg up so that it went slightly past his head. Then, he continued turning with the raised leg as he bent his leg beneath him until he was as close to the ground as possible when he kicked out the leg under him and brought his legs together, indian style, underneath him with his chin in his hand.
Tobias, finally finishing all the orders he had to make, turned to the blonde girl as he handed her what she asked for.

“Sorry for the wait, here you go.” Tobias smiled with an exhausted smile as he handed her the water.
Maybe what do you guys have in mine I do Hip-pop and Modern. She has a little smirk on her face. My name is Samantha
"Indeed you can't bet some good Monstercat." Jace said as he noticed that max seemed to be challenging him but since it was breakdance thing to challenge people by dancing he may not have known about it."So you want to challenge me tight pants bring it." Jace said cockily as he grabbed his chest like they was a shirt there he the pulled his arm slightly out but to about the length a shirt would go if someone pulled on one he then rapidly moved his hand right to left still looking like he was gabbing and ragging an invisible shirt before he let go of it and went into a black flip as the chorus in the song dropped and he landed on one arm going into a 1990s spin now on asphalt it would hurt but Jace was used to pain so he did it anyway he got to 25 spins this time two under the world record before he slowly brought his body the a laying position.
"Cheers, mate." November said and grabbed the bottle and glasses before nudging Sam. "It's like you read my mind." She laughed. "Let's go." November said and pointed her head towards the door before heading out and speed walking to the parking lot. "Mine sounds like a month of course, my birthday shouldn't be hard to forget." Then she saw the guys playing music and Jace showing off. "Sorry guys, got caught up. Oh this is Sam. Sam, guys, guys, Sam." November pointed with her hip since her hands were full. "Got some water incase we get thirst and the cable is in my back pocket. She said turning backwards to Jace. "Grab my arse and your dead."
"Well Max this seems to have been cut short because an invitation with me and November arse seemed to have popped up." Jace said smiling as he stood up and approached November. "Don't move I don't want to get you're nice arse by mistake." Jace said but he knew what his real target was. Jace went behind November and slowly reached for the wire and when he felt the wire he was going to grab it but instead grabbed November arse before he quickly got the wire and ran back to his car. "Whoops my hand must have slipped." Jace said swiping his free hand though his hair with a grin on his face.
"Okay fine I will join but only for a few my sister is waiting for me" she said toNovember. So what are you guys doing right now I might be inserted.
Jude watched in amazement as the two moved, talent always attracted his gaze and made it difficult to look away once Naces moves ceased and he looked over to the newcomer waving a small greeting before turning back to see what Max would return with. Running a hand through his hair silently he confined to lean against his impala arms crossed in front of his small build. Many people where surprised when they where informed of his dancing hobby because he didn't necessarily look like one. He was skinny with only a small layer of muscles, and boys weren't often considered to take interest in dancing. When Jace took hold of Novembers behind Jude cringed prepared for the violence which was going to follow.
Max hadn't realized that he had challenged the man. He mentally slapped himself for not thinking. The guy had some very good dance skill, but it was raw, unrefined, and it didn't impress Max the way the man had probably thought it would, although his strength was definitely something to look at. The Scottish girl, November he remembered one of the guys saying, arrived and the man promptly grabbed her ass. Max blushed and turned away, unsure what might happen.
November squeaked when Jace grabbed her ass, when she turned around he had already run to his car. November bit her tongue and laughed breathlessly. She unscrewed the cap from the bottle and silently walked over to him before emptying the bottle over his head, barely missing the equipment. "I hope that rinsed out your ears." She growled and glared up at him before hitting him with the plastic bottle, right in the face.
"Hey don't blame me blame you're fine ass tempting me." Jace said the water barely bothered him since most of the time we would be already wet from sweat or rain but he was more bothered about the equipment. He turned around to make sure the stereo system was Okay which it was. Jace face had a wide grin on it.
Zia leaned her body against a pole as she watched the weird group of people, they were all so different that it was a funny sight to look at. Zia really had to try not to laugh out loud when the blonde girl emptied her water over the shirtless guy it’s head, he really did deserved it.

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