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Fandom Step Up; Game On

"I know." November growled. "And that device will disappear up your arse if you don't stop about my accent. I trust you enough not to look around in it… At least if you have some manners and some sanity." She grumbled and grabbed the phone from him before putting on a classic playlist she had for Macey. She shot Jace a look. "Please don't ask." She said. "Hey Jude, how about a small solo first? You know, to show Maxxie what he's going up against?"
"Hey I never said you're accents a bad thing its hot I like it personally." Jace said running his hand through his hair awkwardly since he has already looking around in her phone. "So November how old is you're kid anyway." Jace said he wanted to know if his earlier guess was close or not. Jace then turned to face Jude since he wasn't going to ask why November had classic music. "Yeah show us a taster of what you got." Jace said turning up the speakers.
November narrowed her eyes as Jace scratched the back of his head awkwardly, but smiled when he asked how old Macey was. "She just turned two a couple of weeks ago. I normally put on classic music for her when she goes to sleep, it's actually also challenging music to dance break too."
Judes head perked up and he nodded, not quite in agreement but to show that he'd perform the task if he was asked to. In which he was. He stepped forward a bit, his breath slowing as he listened to the music quietly before shutting his eyes lightly. The music began slow, the orchestra setting the mood and making it easy for him to find inspiration, he gradually rose both of his arms to the swim of the tune before it began to quicken in pace. Jude let his arms fall a cross his body one at a time before performing a quick illusion taking a few steps to the side before doing an Aerial jump. A difficult dance move but he landed it easily only to fall into a prep and do a quick set of four alsicones into a triple. When he completed he set he stopped seeing that as a good place to stop, and ran a hand through his hair before returning to his car not expecting any reactions.
"Two I thought she might have been I got a kid brother one year old maybe they could play sometime." Jace said his kid brother doesn't have many friends and to be honest Jace has had enough of having to play with him. Jace noticed Jude started dance but Jace didn't show much interest but out of respect of talent Jace watched him. "That was good what ever the hell type of dance it was." Jace said he was watching but wasn't paying much attention since he only really watches break dance. "Wait November did you just say you dance break to classical music.... is that even possible the musics way to slow." Jace said confused he listened to the song and it would be to slow for most of his power-moves which he specialized in changing from one to the other.
November watched as Jude moved. It was stunning, but something was missing. She then turned to Jace again. "Of course it's possible." She stood up from the car and did a set of alsicones , hoping to get Jude's attention as well. She went down in a freezing flare position, waiting for the music. As Swan lake started to play, she turned her body, slowly and carefully, making her flares look slow but elegant. When she felt her arms shake, due to the weight that was on them, she pushed herself backwards in a flowing motion and did a pirouette before going down on one hand, doing breakdance moves only slowers and with less power. November got on her stomach and moved her leg up before placing her foot next to her head, carefully coming up to a stand again. normally that would have gone a lot faster and been a flip, but it didn't fit the music.

"I can't play loud music at home so I practice like that… Plus, the pregnancy yoga classes help a lot too..."
"Ah yeah you can't with you're kid an all can you I forget since everyone in my household and area loves the music so I can just play what ever music I like." Jace said. "Nah its too slow even just then lets be honest did you get the same vibe you do when you're break dancing to O I don't know some Glitch hop or something." Jace said before he got an idea. "Hey you all remember the song Soulja Boy Tell'em - Crank That right but the better question is do you all remember the dance to it." Jace asked as he looked thought his CDs and pulled out a case slightly but leaving it there for the time being.
"I feel a vibe," November said. "A vibe of calmness. You said you have a kid brother, this might actually help you relax and it makes you stronger and smarter too. If you can dance break to this, than you can do anything. You can beat everyone on every beat. Let's face it, Breakdance is quick and fast. Your movements need to be good, but breakdance to classic? You need to hold your position longer in a strange way, your muscles aren't used to it because we are used to fast. Why do you think every dance form starts with ballet? That's where it all started. Just like music started with classic. Every move we make, comes from ballet." She said and did a spin in a fourth position before doing the same move again only the way she would do it in hip hop. "Are you getting what I'm saying or are you really as stupid as you look?"
"Am I as stupid as I look says the girl who accepted a bet her ass for a car and lost but yeah I know what you mean but I don't think ill get much smarter thats one thing I can tell you for a fact and I also hope you know you're not getting out of paying up that on that bet." Jace said he got where she was coming from but he wouldn't be able to dance classic its to slow for him since he only uses speed, strength and skill when he dances and to dance classic would mean taking away two of those things. "But I have one thing to say on the matter you an't seeing me dance to no crap classic music... no offensive meant of course." Jace said she seemed to ignore the question on crack that so he just faced forward.
"Crap classic music?" November asked. Jace said that he didn't mean any offense, but still. He wasn't the only one dancing. "Look, you got like four different styles in this circle and I don't hear them complaining about your crap music." She said a little harsher. "If there wasn't any classical music there would be none, show some more respect instead of calling things shite before trying them out." She walked up to the car and grabbed her phone. "Ignore him Jude, he's an arse." She scrolled through her playlist and found the song she was looking for, turning it on. "Now tell me that there is absolutely no way for you to create a routine to this." She said as Dubstep Violin - Come in with the Milk: Paul Dateh played. "This is classic." She said and pointed at the stereo.
"Teh you know what I don't want to listen to the crap coming out of you're mouth anymore November so back the hell away from my car i'm out of here." Jace said as he disconnected the Aux cable from his speakers pulling the Aux the the ground after then slamming his boot shut walking around to the front door of the car and jumping in throw the open window clicking the play button on his phone and putting in some earphones. He then reversed back nearly hitting November but stopping just before.
What the hell was that? November thought. You just hit a nerve, Nove. She said to herself. Great job, way to go to make some friends. November turned around and sat on the back of the car even though she knew that Jace would probably just run her over if he wanted to. "You're not going anywhere without watching the others dance first, this was your idea. If it makes you happy, then I'll shut up. I'll stop trying to prove a point. I'll even leave if you want me to and I'll get out of your face. You'll never see me again, but you need to finish what you started. It's unfair and disrespectful to the other's talent if you just leave."

November didn't know if Jace heard her, but she was not moving from his car… He said he would drive her home...
Jace just sighed. "FINE ill stay but get off the chair so I can park up again." Jace said annoy but he just remebered that he said he would drive November home and he was a man of his word. "O and I think it was you're idea not mine." Jace said as he got out of his car thinking screw packing it up. "Sorry November I was in the wrong not you so you have no need to go plus I like that Scottish face of you'res." Jace said as he began to laugh.
"No, you challenged me again so it was your idea, but the others better start battling because all we do is argue.." She held up her fist. "So.. We're good?"

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"Yeah that's true were like an old married couple always arguing so yeah the others better start soon." Jace said as he raised his hand up and touched hers. "Yeah we good." Jace added as he walked to his boot and reopened it.
"Good." November said and tossed her phone to Jace again. "Now put up some music the guys can dance to, It's not really a battle if were the only two dancing." She turned towards the others and clapped her hands, rubbing them together in excitement. "So." She said with an evil challenging smirk. "Who dares to show their skills after what they just witnessed? Who challenges our very own Mr. Mute, Jude? Any volunteers?"

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