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Futuristic Steel Battalion


Mind Over Metal, Metal Over Flesh
The 'Golden Age' of humanity has expired, our once prosperous, unified civilization couldn't last forever after all...

The cause of this you ask?

Nothing other than a material, alien to us, it came, scattered across the planet, embedded in meteors that've crashed down from the heavens above. This material could generate limitless energy, powering even the greatest of machines. It tossed away even the laws of physics and our constraints. Though this resource was scarce. We'd named it 'Divinity' after it's almost god-like capabilities, though with Divinity, hell would break loose. When we thought about it realistically, it was only a matter of time. Our leaders stood divided.

January 17th, 2058. The day humanity began a war that would destroy our planet, and each other. The cause of this war was 'Divinity' after all, after we ran out, the only 'Divinity' left was in possession of hundreds of factions across the globe. To obtain Divinity, we used what little we had to construct 'bipedal tanks' and weapons of war. The first faction to fall was the United States, overwhelmed by greed, they launched an early assault on the British, attempting a preemptive strike before they would attack themselves.

A foolish move. The UK had started research into the military uses of Divinity almost as soon as they obtained it. their weapons were far too powerful. The UK retaliated, it's population riled up in the fight against America, the rest of the world didn't stand idly by either. The world was ensued in chaos, 37% of earth's populace were gone in two years. Our world itself was was fractured and then reformed. Altered by the events. the continents reconnected to form Pangea once more.

Only a few 'countries' remained, each allying with one another to revitalize our land. 3 factions were formed.

New Gaea ~ England, France, Italy, India, Australia, Iran, Canada, Scotland, Wales, Ireland

Valkyria ~ Germany, India, Russia, Egypt, Spain, Mexico, Pakistan, Afghanistan

Shinigami Terra ~ Japan, China, New Zealand, Iceland, Brazil, Norway.

(Countries not listed here are ALL dead)

Our story simply begins in an international academy for students aiming to learn and to pilot the 'Knights' which are no more than mecha built of the original designs of the British, harnessing Divinity to power and mobilize them. It's been a century since the occurrence of the grandiose war that rebuilt our entire world. Knights are now used for sports and other entertainment by the populace. Our military still exists, Valkyria being the most heavily militarized nation, then Shinigami Terra, lastly New Gaea, which has little more than militia. Students from every faction can attend and do attend this academy.

Knights~ (Cat. Training)


More mecha and additional info shall be added as the story progresses. Please note that the 'Academy' arc will not last forever and that this story shall in fact progress.

Standard RPNation rules apply, and please no 1-day romance stuff, it's borderline revolting to see. It's like a damn plague in RP's...
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A low-riding and heavily armored transport rolls across the sands, sending a trail of billowing, dust-like clouds behind it. The transport carries 20 or so students to the UFDRA (United Factions Divinity Research Academy) one of the many that reside in the convoy, slowly making it's way across the now barren lands of this pangean world. A white pillar stands tall, rising several hundred metres into the air. As the transport closed in, more towers are revealed, then similar, white and marble-like walls appear. Lush, green grass spreads for a fair while, Knights can be seen sparring through the crenelated gaps in the structures.

Slowly, a hissing sound and a soft white smoks billows out to the floor. Glassy capsules opening up and reveal the students, just waking then. This week long journey felt like no more than a matter of hours to them, hidden in there blissful dreams.

A cold, monotone and resonant voice resonates through the lead transport, the same happens in watch vehicle at the same time.

"All students, my name is E.V.E, the UFDRA's custom, Divinity powered military A.I; here to inform you that we will arrive at the academy shortly, please, enjoy"
Michiru just sits there, her dream having actually made the ride seem longer for her, as it was her dreaming of the first month being here, and what it might be like. It was similar to what she dreamed, but the actual design of the place was different. She looks at the school around her, already knowing it was a dream she had earlier. "So this'll be it... My dream'll finally be realized, and I get to fulfill it in the same place you're at..."
Izayoi falls face-first onto the floor, groaning and feeling a little ill and disorientated as he breaks out into a vicious cough, never stopping his cough for a few seconds as he slowly picks himself up "ku ku, argh! Can't believe they put me in sub-stasis, Guh, bastards!" After another few seconds, he took a few steps forward, looking out a small, bulletproof flap in the upper corners of the heavy ATV, jostling to the sharp shudders and crashes as the vehicle rises over the dunes. The windows are covered in light orange speckles of sand, difficult to see outside. He sighs a little "damn, I wanted a quick look..."
"You know, the one behind you's clear enough to see through, even from where I'm sitting," she says, still looking outside it. She saw her brother out there, practicing in sword-to-sword without any gear on him or his opponent. "Well, there's my brother. He seems to be doing well." She looks around at everybody else, her seeming to have been the first to fully recover from the sub-stasis, Izayoi being the second.
Ahmes caught herself, taking a step to regain her balance, before looking around at the others. Most seemed to be still out of it, besides another girl and a boy. She sighed, and took a seat, what she sat on she didn`t care, then looked to her outfit, the same as it was normally. She adjusted it in spots, before settling on watching one of the walls. If spoken to, she would nod, and reply with a hello and her name, then continue on her current activity.
((Hmm, guess it's just us))

Izayoi gives a low chuckle, then turns to a girl against a wall, giving a quick glance to Michiru "by any chance do you know who she is?..." He gave no more, giving a slight cough again, unlike most, he was allergic to some of the chemicals used for stasis, so he'd be coughing for another hour yet at least.

He hopped towards the window Michiru had indicated however, looking outwards yet again "wooh, nice view, gotta admit"
Roxie jumped out landing on her feet. "Haha should of known they put us in that." She looked around and saw other students. She sat down adjusted her bikini top, crossed her legs and crossed her arms.

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Izayoi turned again, turning to the 4th person to come out "I swear this entire vehicle is just full of cute girls..," though he said it as if he was hyped for it, he gave a bored sigh "whatever, more interested in training..."
Michiru keeps looking out the one window that can be seen through, ignoring everybody else. She was sitting there with her knees up, practically curled in a ball, but with a smile on her face.
Izayoi gave a sideways glance to Michiru, finding her actions somewhat odd, but otherwise making no comment.



The ATV grinds to a sudden halt. The entire flooring rose and fell back again with a shudder and an odd groaning noise, the vehicle had passed through a massive gate within the marble-walked complex, it's vast expanse continuing, the location the ATV had stopped at was majestic, parked on a cobbled road that stretched itself around a large, ornate fountain, the road branching off and spreading in many directions.

The doors were flung open by an odd mechanism, that artificial voice resonated again "We have no arrived, welcome students"
Michiru happily walked out of the ATV, looking at what she'll now be calling home while she trains. "Such an amazingly large place..."
Izayoi hopped out the back of the vehicle, instantly walking away and dunking his head in the fountain, he pulled out, now soaking wet "aaaah, that's better!"
Michiru aimlessly wanders, accidentally bumping into Izayoi, sending him back into the fountain, and Michiru onto the ground, some of the water splashing on her. "Ow....." She has her eyes closed for a moment there, her hurt from falling back, not even realizing she knocked somebody into the fountain.
Ahmes followed the other students from the vehicle, and made her way a short distance from them, preferring to be by herself than around groups. Having been raised by herself, she was still slightly socially challenged.
Izayoi drags himself out, gasping "h-hey! What was that for... This is bloody cold ya' know..." He gives as a response, sighing and shaking the water off him like a wet dog.
Michiru looks up at him. "I-I'm sorry...! I wasn't looking where I was going..."
"Ugh... Whatever, not like I care..." He gives in retort, then turns to Roxie "how about I drag you with me, I'm sure you'll find it funny"
"Well you people are... lively." Ahmes spoke up, taking a step closer to the group, to hear what was going on, and to maybe talk a bit. She kept one arm behind her back, the hand of that arm hold the elbow of her other arm, and stood still, watching and listening.

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