STATERIA [Inactive]

Bea Delaine

Sugary Sweet Sadist
Bea Delaine submitted a new role play:

STATERIA - A world where people and magic are in sync with each other.

Stateria isa world where people and magic are in sync with one another, and there are many types of people, all of which were accepted. Great cities erupted from the civilizations of these people, becoming one great city known as Gaudiu, ruled under the Spirit (Basically an all powerful entity) himself. Though he was not seen, he was heard through Spirit Entities that lived inside Channelers. He was obeys and for that, the land prospered.
However, far away lived a large group...
Read more about this role play... 
(Alright, DippyDash, insanity, SkyFilms, Suuvarok, Xal of Lanterns Lost... We begin now! You may start where ever you may like, But best chance is to start in the outskirts so you may travel to the Takers land)

Lett, as she called herself, sprinted along roof tops, backpack full for the trip and arms willed with fruit and bread. These were stolen of course. Her legs pumped as fast as she could to avoid a few lazy guards she would lose soon enough in the chase. She came to a dead end and saw a clothes line, where below it rode an open back carriage and horses. Without stopping, she sprinted off the roof, holding onto the sides of her backpack as she rode down the clothes line and dropped into the Carriage. Sure she could have run through the air, but she was trying to prevent people from remembering who she was, not provoking them more. She sat in the carriage, legs kicked up on the luggage casually as she saw the guards had given up. The driver of the carriage, however, looked back at her with a familiar and not so pleased face.

"What the... thieving little brat! My supplies have to be taken to a town by the woods. I don't have time to turn you in, so get out of here before I change my mind." He said, shoeing her away with a hand. Lett simply rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Ill pay you in bread again.. its not like you're above being paid. Plus..." She grinned, leaning behind the man and whispering into his ear teasing. "I'm going on an... ADVENTURE!" She said, shouting into his ear drum. She laughed, falling backwards and landing in the luggage. "Yep.. gonna kill all the Takers. You should be Honored! In the presence of a hero, and taking her only bread. Imagine it. Lett! Slayer of the Dark!" She said with a laughing voice.

This peaked the mans interest, and after he threw a shoe at her from behind, smacking her in the side of the face but clearly not going to kick her off, he asked in a nicer tone. "You're going to get yourself killed. And you are the only likable partially crazy kleptomaniac in this area." He joked softly. "What business do you have there, brat?"

Lett went quiet, staying that way until they were most of the way there. When they reached the area, she replied with a wide grin that gave nothing away. "I've got a sort of family reunion to attend, but I promised to become a better person first." She said, casually as ever, leaving a scared look on the riders face as he questioned what sort of family Lett would have. She waved and let off, moving into the thick forests as the man grunted and drove off.
I wandered in the general direction of the moon as I watched it with cold eyes. A blank stare as I snapped fallen branches under my feet. After a while I looked down at a root that has sprouted out of the ground as if it was reaching for the sky. I went around the root and let it reach. "You're not going to get there, sorry." I chuckled softly to myself. I continued and began to strike questions that I said softly to myself. " Where am I going and where will I end up?" I pondered and shrugged it off as I continued through the woods. I begin to see a light glow in the distance of the thick trees and as I got closer it got brighter. I began to hear men talking and the clank of their swords. Guards? Militia? Can't be hunters, maybe Bounty Hunters... I jumped into the trees in a short and swift motion and looked down upon them, hidden by the darkened leaves. They weren't wearing any typical guard's uniform... Maybe just a militia out for the Takers again. I remember they'd come to my village for their blood lust. As the Takers population grew, the battles began to get less and less intense, picking off helpless little bugs... I shrugged and let them walk to their death with the thought of their "Heroic deed.". I jumped to the forest floor once they had passed and continued.
Saryn sighed. "What a bust." He grumbled to no one in particular, though that didn't stop him from garnering several looks from those around him. His pockets were lined with a copious amount of lint, but not much else and this last job had run him almost more in costs than it had paid. His works recently hadn't been the best and the constant nagging in the back of his mind about an easy way out, back to his old life, was enough to cause him to openly curse at times. This time he chose a fit of grumbling as he pushed his way down the dirty alleys and onto the main road.

It had been a huge pain to be under the watch's thumb for so many years, but at the same time he missed the regularity of decent meals and solid roofs. Still, he would never go back to the watch, not after some of the things he had seen. He wanted something more anyways.

A fresh start. He thought. That's what I need. To get away from this city, especially the damn watch, and find something else. The path to the wild stood clear, beckoning him out into the wild and it took little convincing before he felt his body start moving, almost drawn to the promise of what could lay beyond. Though he frequent left the confines of the city, for some reason or another he always returned. He doubted this time would be the same regardless of the outcome. It took him a few trace moments before his feet began carrying him down the road. The houses passed by quickly and somehow there was a liberating freedom to be felt, for better or worse, things would not be the same. He passed over the line that had always indicated the edge of the city, to him and nearly laughed, heading towards the dark woods beyond with nary a thought more to his goal or direction.
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Echo stood on a roof top around the pathway from The Takers, his pale pink lips where hidden behind his large collar. The wind blew his bangs in front of his odd eyes as he waited. His gloved hand played with the spare change which jingled in his pocket every time he ran. In his other hand was a small pouch of something unknown to him, but it was part of his policy, no questions. It was around the 6th month of his small deal with The Takers, he'd get what they want and they wouldn't tell the police what he looked like. The treaty was good at the moment, but he still didn't trust them.

"Hey kid, I imagine you where successful?" Echo turned around his steps naturally silent on the shingles of the roof they stood upon. In front of him stood a large man who would be scary to anyone else. But he simply nodded in response before tossing the man the small pouch. The man hastily caught the bag not trying to drop it, "be careful kid, damn." Echo merely smirked as the man tossed him a similar sized pouch. The familiar weight and jingle felt comforting in his hand, "we'll contact you when you're needed." And with that the visitor from The Takers disappeared off the edge of the roof unseen.

"Another day another dollar." Echo mumbled slyly as he turned around to face The Takers base. He didn't know what kind of people they where, or what they did. But they provided him with money. And money was the only way of living he had found, without money you die. So as long as they held up their side of the bargain he'd be open for business.
Lett looked to see another traveller and gave him a mischievous grin, not caring if she was seen and leaped from the ground, running a few steps on the air and landing in tree tops without a sound. She stuffed the stolen food in her bag, looking to see another male and a few soldiers.
Echo sat on the edge of the same roof, his legs swinging as he laid on his back silently. His forearm shielded his eyes from the sun as he silently rested.
Saryn looked back at her, somewhat stumped for a reaction. The grin alone had taken him by surprise, not to mention what came after it. She moved with speed and grace unnatural to 'normal' people. Whatever the definition of normal was nowadays. Though the fact that the girl seemed to practically explode with energy, combined with what seemed to be some sort of dance through the air and trees, what stuck out most to him was the pilfered goods she held tightly to.

He started to walk in the direction she had leapt. No common bread thief. He thought. Maybe she could at least point me in a decent direction. Seeing her disregard for being spotted he figured, perhaps wrongly, that she must be quite familiar with the area. His pace picked up as he attempted to close the distance between himself and the spritely girl.
Lett leaned against a branch, balancing on foot on a fairly thin branch and the other folded over her knee. She watched as she was followed and took a bite out of her bread, dropping down in front of him. "Well. Hi there." She said after swallowing, deviant smile ever lingering. "So, you need help finding something? I understand you followed me into here.. but when I saw you a moment ago you didn't seem to have a direction to take." She said in a happy but calculative voice.
He opened his mouth to retort, but then closed it. Afterall, that was why he had followed her into the forest, was it not? He reluctantly nodded instead. "Err, yeah, actually . . . You looked like you knew what was what around here so I figured if opportunity is dropped into my lap, might as well take it." He rubbed the back of his head, looking into the trees and casually added. "You've got crumbs all over your face."
Sairi stood among a small ruin in the heart of the forest where stone symbols remained valiant from an ancient time. Etched in elegant strokes their tales that they told were long forgotten and now only cryptic runes. She ran her hand over the gray rock before brushing away the a bit of foliage that had collected over what seemed to be the start of an image graven in the rock. The roots clung into the rock crumbling bits and pieces as the plants were removed, however, the image remained intelligible. It was a unicorn bleeding into a stream and from that stream a forest grew bounding with life. Sairi sat down on the cool stone drawing her knees to her chest and stared at the picture upon the ruined monument intently with her cool gray eyes. Her soft breath was the only sound in the small clearing. She had found this ruin long ago and often returned to it when she wanted to think alone when she was troubled, for the animals scarcely dared to come near the monument.

When she had first found the ruin the image had frightened her and yielded only as a reminder of the hunt for her own blood that left her orphaned in the forest, but as time passed and she saw the beautiful forest that came from the few drops of blood of the unicorn the image grew to comfort her and she truly believed that the unicorn was he master of this forest. She placed her small delicate hand on the figure of the radiant creature, she had never seen a unicorn here or any mythical creature though after discovering her powers she had grown to believe in them. Still she wondered who knew this tale and made this monument to the birth of this ancient forest and if perhaps humans dwelled with the forest master in peace.

Sairi's reason for coming before the monument today was a strange feeling that had come over her, a feeling of foreboding change. It was unlike her to be so solemn and the animals of the forest were aware of it, especially one animal in particular. The girl felt a soft nudge on her elbow as a white wolf lifted her arm around his neck. 'Akumei? What are you doing here?' She asked the wolf through telepathy.

'I came to see you. There is news, outsiders have entered the forest.' He responded as she stood and headed out of the clearing. He escorted her his yellow eyes looking up to her. 'They have come from the eastern side.'

'Alright, let us go have a look together then.' The young girl smiled. While timid her childish side was curious and she did feel more comfortable within her own forest with all of her companions to protect her. Perhaps this would be something to take her mind off of the strange feelings she was having. She was probably dwelling on something simply imagined. Together Sairi and Akumei headed toward the Eastern edge of the forest.
I look up at the girl in the trees and stop. I stare at her with my cold dead eyes. I grin as if an insane person would. "Quite an ability you have there."I snicker. My eyes widen as I begin to sway and chuckle softly. I jump up swiftly in the same tree as the girl and stares at her with the wide grin of a mad man.
Lett wiped them off with a sleeve stained with an iron substance smelling distinctly of dried blood. She was about to continue when she saw a sort of scary looking man. She grinned back, not madly but playfully, hiding her thoughts. "You see? This is why we travel in packs. You never know what sort of mentally impaired children you can find!" She said, voice dripping with feigned excitement and interest.
Echo soon found himself sleeping on the roof, the towns peoples voices had been like a lullaby, putting him to sleep easily. He dreamt of nothing, just like every other night, he only saw a blank black canvas. It had grown quite annoying, his lack of real imagination did hold his creative side back.
"You don't even have to leave the city to find some." Saryn pointed out. He honestly wasn't sure about either of them, but at least the girl seemed stable and could hold a conversation rather just that blank, soulless stare the boy who spoke had. Taker? He stared back into the boy's eyes unabated. He had dealt with many things and even if one was afraid, panicking did no one any good but your enemy. Instead he simply grinned at the slasher smile boy, giving him an 'Try it.' look.
I looked to the boy and stepped towards him, almost on his toes. I stared into his eyes and chuckled as I swayed in front of him. "Well aren't we a wonderful group?!" I said in various tones. "You know what! We should go on an adventure!!!!!!" I yelled. I laughed and looked up at the girl.
Eros was in the middle of a clearing in the forest where he held his bow tightly in his hand. Currently he was in his deity form with his wings brushing against the trees as he walked through the forest. Everything was covered in moss and green the nature was flourishing. Eros was unknowing of the other people in the forest and walked in front of them off a little in the distance as he heard a hiss. In one smooth motion he twisted around pulling back on the string of his bow and shooting an arrow in the head of a snake with a thunk. "Disgusting creatures." He continued walking further away from the people he didn't know were there. "Echidna always hated them."
Lett released a fake laugh and pumped her fist. "Adventures!" She said, voice full of amusement. She looked towards the sane one and offered a shrug. 'As long as he doesn't try to kill us, having somebody of his.. type might be good to travel with."
The white wolf and the young girl soon reached the eastern side of the forest. They had been conversing along the way in silence discussing the current situation and the last few visitors to the forest. Mostly were nothing to investigate simply being an occasional traveler or merchant, but this time the animals had relayed something unusual about those who entered the forest today.

The animals then quieted and the sound of human voices could be heard. Sairi crept closer to the sounds Akumei crouching in front of her until they came into view. It was two young men and a woman conversing in the middle of the forest. It was odd at least that they were just standing about idly. She came to one of the trees her white hair shimmering silver as she gently stepped behind it peering at the group with curiosity.
Letts pale eyes picked up a concealed figure with ease. "Another person! Aren't we fortunate?" She asked with false innocence, as though she didn't notice the fact that she was followed by people from the moment she entered.
Saryn stepped back from the insane boy, waving his hand in front of his face. His breath stank and he didn't want to put up with that. He gave a relenting shrug to the girl. "So long as he isn't cooking our toes as we sleep."

He had also picked up on the faint silver flickers as something watched them. His only hope was that whatever/whoever it was, it was at least several steps more sane than slasher over there. This had hardly been what he was expecting, but he couldn't actually complain, other than the invasion of personal space by the other boy.
Echo finally awoke, but for a while didn't wish to open his eyes. So he laid there on the roof, listening to the villagers and salesman as they conversed through the towns roads. Sometimes he'd just sit and try to imagine a normal life, a role he could have played other then this one if he could just remember. Remember the person he was before a year ago. It was a game which only caused him to regret all of his decisions but he would constantly continue playing it.

Once he had grown bored of his little game he opened his discolored eyes and sat up staring off into the woods which covered most of the horizon.
Lett laughed and looked at her feet, haphazardly wrapped in clothe and mostly revealing the skin. "...I really wouldn't mind, to tell you the truth."
They stood in darkness but only a moment before a bird flew upon one of the overhead branches. As Sairi looked up into the small bird's eyes she created a telepathic link with it. 'There is another not too far off a bit west of here.' She nodded and sent the old wolf to track the other.

It was only another moment after the wolf left that the woman called the young girl out of her hiding place. She reluctantly looked over her shoulder in the direction that she had sent the wolf. She then stepped out from the darkness keeping her distance from the travelers her gray eyes studying them. "What business do you have in this forest?" She asked. Her voice was shaky but she had a noble mannerism in the way that she spoke.
Lett shrugged, not fond of that question, but playing it off with a big smile. "Out of the shrubbery emerges a lovely silver princess!" She half joked. "Exploring, I guess. Might I ask you the same question?"
Saryn attempted several times to form a cohesive sentence before finally settling on one. "Sooo . . . Your toes are cold . . . Or you have a foot fetish?" He asked, unsure he wanted an answer. "There's better things to do with toes other than cooking them though. Like, being able to walk. Can't walk, can't adventure. Cooked toes means no adventuring." He attempted to apply what he hoped was reasonably sound logic. He thought her toes would be decidedly better uncharred.

"We should keep her as a mascot." He said, nodding before fully understanding what he was saying. He blinked, but shrugged, keeping his words as they were.

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