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Fantasy Starson Academy for Gifted Students

Not always.

Edit: Okay, that version of this post was worded a bit strongly. What I meant is, you can't just say 'Not always' and have me take your word for it. You need to give examples on how it could work and not be game-breaking, since you described the power working as thus; 

(paraphrased) "Everyone and everything stands still, aside from the people (up to two) I choose not to stop time for."

Does this not make your character untouchable and every fight an easy win? Your opponent's can't do jack since they're frozen. You didn't describe any limitations, either, so for all I know he could do this with a snap of his fingers. Not to mention, you're playing a 14 year old, which is a really immature and inexperienced age. Time control seems top-tier to me, I don't think even a prodigy should be able to use it willy-nilly. Hell, my lower-tier powers are unstable and Blude's 18.
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"Dearest friends, because of the glitch I don't think I'll be able to post on Starson for tonight. However, if anyone gets a chance to read this, I am thinking that we will give everyone a day or two more to finish character sheets and then start ASAP <3. When we start, I'll link all the pages to the Interest Check thread.

Love y'all,


Status of our GM currently. 
Fine you want me for something different?

Time travel is totally fine, but I do agree that there should be some limitations. How about I PM you and we can sort this out, sounds good?


This is set sometime in the future. However, the students at Starson only have technologies available in the early/mid-20th century. So, let's say, they have access to electricity but no cell phones or computers.

And for everyone else:

@KAmber @Ammokkx @Sekeolath Vengryn the Mad @AI10100 @MoltenLightning @LilyannaGaming @JaydenMancino @-Oliver @eero-prince @LoneSniper87

Please, I'm gonna ask if you guys could have your character sheets posted by 10/8/16 at the latest (if you haven't already). On that date, probably around 12 pm EST, I will make the first post and we can get rolling. From what I have seen, characters look great and I'm really looking forward to working with you guys. Other than that, I don't have much else to say. 

(ps thanks @KAmber for linking my post from yesterday)

Ttyl lovelies,

I'm really interested in this! I created a Character similar to the one that is needed here, he is from a  different RP so could I make a few tweaks and send him over here? I really like the character and his powers arent overpowered whatsoever. In fact they actually might be too weak for his own good! Please let me know and dont start without me!!!
Mind if I join in as well? By the way, while I am good at writing detailed content, it may be a bit flowery!
I think I might be interested! I'm in a lot of stuff all ready...it may not work out since I can get pretty dang busy sometimes.

Before I type up a character sheet, though, I'm waiting for some art to be made.

@Ammokkx Looks like we meet again, lol.
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@Smallcars  "Hikari can also use his powers to see images from 1 to 4 hours prior by amplifying his eyes to see shadows that might have lingered in the area."  "Hikari can only use these powers by keeping a light "bank" within his body. Hikari can take a light source and "black out" the source and store the light energy within himself."

These are traits of right-hand magic, not left. Left is purely environmental.
Welcome @Captain Gensokyo , @Smallcars and @Maiza Avaro!!!!

Y'all are all totes welcome to come along! Remember, character sheets are due on 10/8/16! I'm working on the first post right now and I am super psyched at how this is gonna turn out. I'm thinking the first post is gonna be about 500-800 words long and then everyone can respond accordingly! 

So, sleep well, lovelies. First thing in the morning I'll link all the necessary pages and post the introduction to our story. Also, thanks for bearing with me through this whole starting process. I'm still fairly new at this (not roleplaying, just Modding in general XD) and so there'll probably be some bumps here and there, but nothing that we can't handle. Anyways, I'm amazed at the response this has received and I'm looking forward to starting with you guys tomorrow.
Is it just me or do we have an abnormal amount of male characters?

That makes the inevitable reverse harems easier. XD

Joking, of course.

A lot of male characters isn't that bad in and of itself.
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Ah, yeah. This is very interesting indeed. I'll try and get my sheet up today since it's the due date. Wish I had caught this earlier. Thanks for the tag, by the way.
That makes the inevitable reverse harems easier. xD

Joking, of course.

A lot of male characters isn't that bad in and of itself.

Them reverse harems.

Well, yeah, it isn't a bad thing. Just found it odd since a lot of RPs I've been in had a balance of males and females.
Ah, yeah. This is very interesting indeed. I'll try and get my sheet up today since it's the due date. Wish I had caught this earlier. Thanks for the tag, by the way.

Got it. Just as a heads-up, you don't need to put in everything from that super-detailed CS. For example, I left some stuff out.

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