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[starriesky, cyrrus] The key

Not being the best at reading people's body language, it took Bruce a while before he realized what was going on, peering over at Emma and blinking twice when he noticed exactly what she was trying to do and succeeded with doing. Frowning, Banner removed his coat and tossed it over her head, covering the entire her with it, he smirked slightly as he leaned against the car door, still watching her. He didn't want to end up in a fight with the driver but he rather him not look at Emma like that.

"There, at least wear my jacket so you look a bit more descent. We never know who's watching." He added and glared into the review mirror at the man who was driving. The driver grit his teeth but said nothing as he took them to where they wanted to do. "Wouldn't want me to go green with envy, now would we?" Bruce said, rather comfortingly. This caused the driver to double take, did the man in the back mean...? They had been standing right outside the Avengers tower... Oh my.

The driver wouldn't speak with them for the entire journey.

The cab would stop, eventually and Bruce stepped outside, holding the door open for Emma as he handed the cab-driver some dollar bills but the driver didn't want them and instead hit the gas and went flying down the main road as soon as Emma got out of the car.
Emma removed Bruce's jacket from her head, throwing him a grateful smile. She leaned forward a little and put it on, pulling the zipper all the way up. Her chest was now hidden behind the fabric. It was slightly too big for her, but she didn't mind. It was very sweet of Bruce. If she was truthful she hadn't expected it. It was nice to be proven wrong.

When the driver finally realised who was in the car with him, his eyes almost popped out of his head from surprise. Emma hid her smirk behind her hand. Just what he deserved. She looked outside the window for the remainder of their journey, watching the world pass them by. When they slowed down and finally stopped, she waited for Bruce to get out of the car. She smiled at him as he held open the door for her. She had barely gotten out of the car before the driver hit the gas, and she almost lost her balance. She quickly recovered, and glared in the direction the car had driven. "Asshole." A shiver went down her spine at the memory of his face as he looked at her chest. "I'm never doing that again."
Bruce placed a hand gently on her arm, to support her from falling. Poor girl didn't deserve to go head first into the dirt. He said nothing about the drivers behavior though, he was used to people being either terrified or rude and that sort of behavior often came from Tony Stark, Bruce suspected however that he got away with it for the fact that he was fantastically good looking, super genius and a billionaire.

The scientist started to look a bit worried however when he looked upon the giant iron gate in front of him. He could see the manor up the road and hear the noise of playing children. This was going to be a disaster, he could feel it.

He opened the gate with one strong arm and let the lady go first. He hoped that she understood that most Mutant weren't big fans of humans, especially not the Avengers and he had a feeling that he was the one they hated the most.
Emma could see the worry in Bruce's eyes. She could see his fear. It saddened her. He had been treated cruelly ever since his accident, and it made him into the worried man he now was. He didn't deserve any of it. She placed a hand on his shoulder, smiling gently at him. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." Emma still had faith that this meeting would be a success. And if it didn't she'd use her powers.

Emma grew nervous the closer they came to the manor. The last time she had come face to face with mutants she had been greeted with hostility, only to watch them die later. She prayed it'd be different this time. She wasn't an idiot though. She knew mutants distrusted humans. And they had every reason not to. They had been treated horribly by them. But she'd show them they were different.

The children would stare at them as the two of them walked past them. Some of them ran to the manor and disappeared inside, probably to inform their teachers there were humans on the way. Emma bit her lip nervously. She hoped their welcome would be hospitable.
Bruce looked down at Emma and gave her a weak smile. It wasn't the fear of what they would do to him that bothered Banner. It was the fact that he could cause so much damage and no one would be able to stop him. The other guy was too strong, the angrier he got the stronger he got. If Banner's calculations were correct the Hulk had the ability to crack the entire planet in two would it come down to it.

Of course, they didn't have to ring the doorbell, a mutant named Scott or better known as Cyclops greeted them, dressed in his usual attire of jacket, jeans and red sunglasses. oh, and let's not forget the smile made completely out of distrust.

"What do you want? Are you related to one of the students or here to inform us of a new one?" Scott asked. "The Professor isn't here right now." He added which caused Banner to want to turn around, insantly. "We simply wanted to speak with Xavier but if he isn't here we'll come back late-"


A voice from the stairs behind Scott, a woman came walking towards the door. Red flowing hair and piercing green eyes. Jean Grey or Marvel Girl as she was better known.

"What are you business with the professor?"
Emma was disappointed to discover the Professor wasn't present. Did they just travel here for nothing? Then a woman joined the other mutant. Emma hesitated. What should they do? If they just left they would be sent away when they came back. But they couldn't tell her the truth either. Only the professor could know, if too many people knew what was going to happen it'd be a disaster. Tony could be a target. And that couldn't happen.

Emma smiled at the mutants. "We have some information we think he'd like to know." It wasn't a lie. She just avoided telling them any specifics. Now she just hoped they wouldn't keep asking questions, as she had no idea what to tell them. She glanced at the man next to her, hoping he knew what to do.
Scott didn't seem to like what he was hearing and folded his arms across his strong chest. Banner was however the only one to look slightly out of place, the way he was looking away over the play yard, hoping to a god of any kind that Marvel Girl wouldn't notice him. He didn't like her, nothing personal but she had that stare which meant that she was reading someone's mind. She was going though Emma's at this very moment.

"You traveled in time?" Jean asked, narrowing her eyes and then looked at Bruce. "And you brought the Hulk here?"

It was like she had pressed an alarm button because the entire X-men seemed to have found their way around them, even Kitty Pride and Colossus was there, the giant metallic man looking as if he was ready to battle what Banner liked to call 'the other guy'.

"I'm not here to start any trouble. I was simply escorting the young woman, orders from the Captain. If you could just mention to Xavier that we were here we'll head back and wait at the Aveng-"

"You're not going anywhere!" Said a voice that came from a boy who looked like a perfect ice sculpture. He was staring at them, a glow of challenge in his eyes. "They sent their mascot all the way over here! We can at least show him who's boss."
Emma was pissed. She glared at the mutants surrounding them. "What is wrong with you people?! And you!" She glared at Jean Grey. "Stay out of my head!" She was tired of people reading her mind without her permission. It was one thing when Wanda did it, they were allies. But she did not appreciate someone doing it and then getting her friend in trouble. She had rights dammit!

She glared at Scott. "We came here in peace, only wanting to talk. Yet here you are, ready to fight, like a bunch of animals!" She probably shouldn't have called them animals, but she didn't care. If these people were going to attack them anyway, she might as well give them a reason. "Is that really how you mutants behave? Because let me tell you, your behavior isn't any different then my first time meeting you people. At least then you had the excuse of a war. But you people have no excuse to treat us like this!" She huffed angrily, crossing her arms across her chest. "People call Bruce a monster. But the only monsters I see are you people." There. She said it. And it felt good. But they were going to be pissed. Well, it wasn't like they weren't going to attack them and let them leave, anyway. At least now their attacks would hopefully be focused on her instead of her friend. He had been a target way too often, it was time someone stood up for him.
Bruce thought his heart was going to stop. What had she done? The whispers and voices around them were enough proof that she had done what she should not have done, she had made them mad. Bruce understood that she meant nothing by it, she was not a racist he was certain... however, the mutants around him had suddenly decided that one less of a girl wouldn't do any harm which was why a bolt of fire came flying towards her head.

"Emma!" Bruce shouted and pushed her out of the way just to get hit in the chest and go flying towards one of the trees planted in the yard. There he sat, upside down staring at them woh had attackt them with eyes that suddenly went black.


It was all he managed to say as his body started to ache. He slammed his fists into the ground. Shouting in pain as the bones in his body began to grow and splinter to turn into a giant. His skin turned green rather rapidly and before he knew it Bruce had lost all control and consionse and the other guy had thrown himself up on his feet and ripped the great oak by the roots and with one hellish roar managed to crush half the building.

He was a nerve. Exposed.
Emma fell to the ground as Bruce pushed her. She watched in horror as he was hit in the chest and went flying into a tree. "Bruce!" She pushed herself up on her feet, ready to run to him. But then he started changing. It was a terrible sight. All Emma felt was sadness that the kind man had to go through this. His pained shouts tore right through her heart, And then she was looking right at the Hulk.

The building behind her was destroyed before she even noticed what was going on. Rubble came crashing down around her, and she stumbled forward, arms above her head to shield herself. She ignored it, her gaze locked on the green monster. There was no fear. This was still her friend. Bruce was still in there, and the Hulk was a part of him. She clutched at Bruce's jacket that was still wrapped around her upper body. How could she fear the Hulk, when his other half had so kindly given her his jacket to protect her from a pervert's looks?

But they were still two different people. Bruce wasn't the Hulk, just like the green monster wasn't her genius friend. But that did not mean the Hulk did not experience the same things Bruce did. So there was hope. She could talk to the Hulk. He might listen to her.

Having made up her mind, Emma took a step towards the Hulk, wanting to try talking to him. But she didn't get very far. Another firebolt came from the sky, aimed at her head. This time she was prepared. She stumbled backwards, barely evading the attack. Who was doing that!? She looked around, trying to locate her attacker. She didn't notice the mutant behind her.
Charging and roaring like nothing imaginary the Hulk ran forward, leaping at her. The Hulk was Bruce's survival instinct, due to gamma radiation he had mutated and changed. A experiment that he had tried to fulfill to create heroes strong enough to protect the world though Bruce had never wished harm upon anyone so he had used himself as a test subject and the horrifying green monster was the result.

There was rumors saying that Hulk could speak, think and behave like civilized people, that he was no different from Bruce except a response to the natural instincts of a beast which was why it was said that the Hulk wasn't very smart. Other however simply stated that he was an uncontrollable hellish creature who would stop on nothing to protect no one but himself.

Both theories were accurate on some account but they were both terribly wrong.

The Hulk leaped over Emma and grabbed hold of her tiny and frail body with a hand so large that she could easily sit in it and use it like a small throne. He held her tight but not tight enough to harm her and kept her near his chest as he hit the mutants who was trying to attack them.

Some of the students weren't quick enough to realized what was happening and was easily flattened by the Hulk, others decided to fight back just causing the beast to get even angrier and even stronger.
One moment Emma watched the Hulk charge at her, the next he was holding her in his large hand. When she realised that he had protected her, she was filled with awe and joy. He was protecting her. She had been right. He wasn't a mindless monster, intent on destroying everything. He had a heart. He had feelings, emotions. He had proven it just now, rushing at her to protect her. Something he was still doing. She felt like crying, she was so happy she had been right. But there was no time for that. The Hulk was enraged. She had to try and calm him down before he hurt any more mutants. She looked up at him, arms wrapped around his fingers. "I'm okay, they didn't hurt me. Please stop fighting! Let's just go. Please Hulk..!" She tried using his name instead of Bruce's, hoping it would attract his attention. She was talking to him, not the man inside. She knew he couldn't hear her. But the Hulk could.
The Hulk roared in anger when she talked to him. Couldn't she see that he was busy? Clearly not. However, the mutants just kept on coming and the little girl was right. They were safe, in a way. He then proceeded with trying to leave the institute, however, some mutants with nature power decided to keep him down. Wrapping vines and roots around his limbs, trying to get him onto the ground. This of course just made it all worse.

"Let go!!" Hulk shouted over the heat of battle as a root decided to crawl itself around his neck, almost breaking his unbreakable back as it forced him down upon it, hitting the ground hard. This of course just made it all even worse as he began to rip and thrash the ground around him, trying to gt back up on his feet. Breaking every vine and root that kept trying to catch him.
That's it. She couldn't let it go on like this anymore. She had to go back. But she couldn't bring the Hulk with her. It was difficult to leave him behind like this though. Especially after what he just did for her. She also couldn't get over the fact that he had spoken. It was sad that Bruce wouldn't remember this. It would have done him good. But she could still tell him all about it. And she would.

Emma hugged the Hulk to the best of her abilities. "Thank you." Then she jumped away without a warning, not giving the Hulk the time to stop her. She took a couple of steps away from him, then closed her eyes.

It was easy to use her powers. She had used them so often already that it was ready for her. She kept her eyes closed as the world around her shifted, already used to the sight. When she had gone back far enough, she opened her eyes.

She was back in Avengers Tower. Hawkeye and Steve were standing in front of the elevator. She was facing Bruce. She knew exactly when this was. This was shortly after it had been decided she and Bruce would go to talk to Xavier. Any moment now Bruce would reluctantly agree to do it. "I don't think it's such a good idea." It must have been weird to the people present in the room. She appeared out of nowhere, Bruce's coat wrapped around her, her hair all tangled up. She looked tired.
Steve stopped in his tracks, frowning slightly. "And why is that?" She looked a bit different, her facial expression made a skip, like when you play a broken record and it jumps over your favorite verse. She had obviously done something, he could see that much.

Bruce took a deep breath, very glad that she indeed didn't want him with her. Mind control meant trouble, no matter who used it and the other guy didn't need it. Bruce didn't need it. He sat back down in his chair, taking a few deep breaths. Steve started to question what they would do next and Thor stepped forward.

"I know I will regret mentioning this. However I think it is important and I will do it, no matter the outcome." The God of thunder folded his arms across his chest, looking very unsatisfied, he peered at Hawkeye, the one of them who probably would enjoy his idea the least. "We have forgot someone who knows more than enough about the universe and the powers within it. We are certain this is not the fault of that 'Mutant' fella, correct? Then there can perhaps be a power between the nine realms or beyond. There is only one person who knows of such power." Taking a deep breath he then quickly added, looking in-between the Avengers and the new girl.

"My brother."
Emma could guess what Bruce was thinking. "It's not what you think." She wanted to explain, but Thor broke her train of thought. There was someone else? She understood why he hadn't been mentioned before when she heard his name. Loki, the God of Mischief. The man that had brought the aliens to their city. She didn't want to ask him for help. He was a villain. Why would he help them? Or even tell them the truth, for that matter. She knew his story, why he was called a trickster. The stories must be based on the truth. They had no garantee he would tell the truth. But Thor seemed to think he would help. She bit her lip. She didn't trust Loki. But she trusted Thor. Maybe they should try it.

"No." Hawkeye looked pissed. He hadn't forgotten what Loki had done to him. He would never forget. It would haunt him forever. To lose control over yourself like that... it had been terrifying. To wake up one day, not remembering the last couple of days, unaware of what you had done. Knowing that you hurt people. Who knows what Loki had made him do. He would never forgive the man. And now they were going to ask him for help? No way. "We are not asking him for help."
Thor knew their reactions before they even got across. Of course they wouldn't want to trust Loki, no one should trust Loki which was why it was quite funny that the man that had been growing up together with the Trickster would trust him the most, after knowing exactly what the man was capable off. Not even Bruce seemed interested in trying that idea.

"Do not be so petty!" Thor said, loudly. "Time is slipping us by. We can walk back and forth forever trying to figure out who is responsible for Tony's change of heart or we can simply go to the one that knows more than we can even dream of and end it, now!"

The God of thunder folded his arms and sighed heavily. "My brother is not what you remember. He died recently, killed by the All Father himself but as some might know, some have the ability to be reborn and Loki is one of those." Thor started to tap his foot, frustrated. "I did not trust him either when I first saw him in his new form but I held my brother. I held him in my arms." He banged himself over the chest with one strong fist. "Against my own heart and he begged me to kill him, to destroy him before the curse of Loki would consume him and turn him back on the dark path."

Gesturing with both his hands, tearing up, Thor stared at him. "Who am I to refuse him?!"
Hawkeye found it hard to believe. It must have been a trick. People do not change that easily, least of all the Trickster. But he couldn't refuse. Not with his friend so emotional, so hopeful. So he sighed, cursing the thunder god in his head. "If he betrays us I'll kill him myself." It was all he could offer. He would agree to ask Loki for help, but if they were betrayed again not even Thor would be able to stop him from putting one of his arrows through Loki's head.

Emma didn't know Loki. She had never met him before, having fled to the outskirts of the city when the aliens attacked. Loki and the Avengers had been in the centre, fighting around and in Avengers Tower. She didn't know what Loki was like, she had only heard stories. So when Thor was so passionate about his brother and his change, Emma believed him. Her face softened, touched by the love Thor held for his brother. "Alright. We will ask him for help." She smiled. "If you trust him so do I."
"I will find my brother then, I will not be long." Thor said and walked out onto the balcony and spun his hammer around before flying off into the distance, leaving the rest of them standing there, staring after him. Show off.

Steve sighed heavily and rubbed his template. This couldn't be happening. Since when did they become so desperate to ask someone like Loki for help? Knowing the God of Mischief he probably wanted at least one or two things from them in exchange, before he stabbed him in the back. However, Thor had always had a weak spot for his brother, begging him to come home and to change.

It seemed like only Banner was wondering this one thing however. "Does anyone know what he meant by 'new form'? Aren't these people basically Norse myth? I wouldn't be surprise of Loki came back as a deer or... woman." Banner blinked, confused. Steve peered back at him, shrugging heavily. He knew very little about any Norse religion.
Hawkeye's arms were crossed over his chest as he glared at the balcony where Thor disappeared from. He was not looking forward to seeing his enemy again. He was convinced it was all a trick. But if it wasn't.... A smirk appeared on his lips. He could have some fun with the newly reborn God that so desperately wanted to be saved.

Emma didn't know the answer to Bruce's question either. She frowned. "I don't know. I never really read the stories. I'm familiar with a couple of his well known stories though..." She made a face. "There's one where he becomes a female horse and gives birth to a six legged horse." She giggled, imagining Thor coming back with a pregnant horse Loki.

They had some times before Thor came back. She had been unable to tell Bruce about her travel through time, and the Hulk. But she had time now. "Bruce." She waited until she had his attention. "I want you to know why I didn't think it was a good idea we went to Xavier. Truth is... We did go there. And, wel..." She shuffled awkwardly. "It didn't end well. But it had nothing to do with you!" She was quick to reassure him. "It was my fault. I kind of pissed them off..?" She sheepishly rubbed the back of her head.
Bruce looked over at Emma from where he was sitting, frowning slightly. Time traveling business sure were tricky to get your head around. Leaning back in his chair he smiled up at her. "I find it quite sweet of you to care so much about my mental state." He drummed with his fingers over the armrest, wondering how to word his next sentence, without annoying, saddened or anger her.

"I didn't wish to join, not because I thought that I would be the problem." He said, calmly. "You see, I'm a nerve, exposed in as many ways as possible. I will only turn into Hulk depending on my heart right, being extremely surprised, angry or... otherwise is a big problem. The reason why I didn't wish to go is because the institute of mutants is hardly a... calm place to be in. I have the Hulk under control, sort of... after New York, but I--"

"Sort of? That doesn't sound very certain does it?" Came a voice from behind them. A voice that belonged to someone who couldn't be older than twelve, though his eyes was filled with experience and knowledge suitable for hundreds of grown men.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Loki_Kid.jpg.7a2a6838ad4c939eeb7488cd7a77704b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Loki_Kid.jpg.7a2a6838ad4c939eeb7488cd7a77704b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Through the balcony came Thor, peering at his brother on the sofa. "I told you not to sneak up on them. I am trying to get them to trust you."

"Come now Thor, we both know that's not going to happen. Hi ...Clint, was it?" Loki smiled widely over at Hawkeye, looking like a innocent and playful little boy. In fact the child looked nothing but adorable with his round face and strange attire. It was hard to believe, which was why Captain America was very hesitant to grip his shield, that this kid could be Loki, God of Mischief.



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Emma pouted, crossing her arms in front of her chest. People kept interrupting her. She just wanted Bruce to know about the Hulk. Was that so much to ask?

Clint couldn't stop a snort from escaping. "This is it? This is Loki? He's just a little boy. How the mighty have fallen." This runt was Loki? Oh he was going to enjoy this. His mind was already in action, thinking of all the ways he could annoy the boy. He might not be able to hit him - even though he was just a kid his hands were itching - but that did not mean he couldn't do anything.

Emma examined the boy. Even though she knew it was a God, all she could see was a cocky twelve year old boy. And a cute one at that. She wanted to hug him, but decided that would not be a good idea.
Loki sat up, almost properly with his legs crossed and his back leaning backwards. He looked very much like a innocent little boy but he had that strange look to him. The fact that his smile was so wide and pouring with pride was one thing. Sure, children were often petty and filled with pride but not the kind that Loki was showing, this was something different and it made both Steve and Bruce rather confused.

How did he managed to look like a king and a god, still?

Loki was very different from his brother. First of all, he wasn't actually Asgardian, secondly he was a better king. Now that wasn't Loki's hubris talking it was something that Thor had even agreed upon. Loki had the qualities to be a great King, would he put aside his jealousy, his bitterness and all the endless drama. He was completely, no matter his hubris , prepared to put his entire life a side for his people. He could make cruel choices, he could make all those harsh calls a King had to make. Perhaps this was just why Loki always, no matter what was happening managed to look so smug.

"Missed me?" He said, still looking towards Hawkeye. "How's the rehabilitation going? I figured it would take at least a few ten years to get me completely out of your head. Any nightmares?" Loki spoke with such charm too, that annoying charm which simply said: 'I am better than you, so be a good doggie and sit down.' without him having to say it.

Loki then looked towards the new girl, standing by Banner. "Who's this? The girl you told me about? You mortals are a peculiar breed, aren't you?"
Hawkeye glared at Loki. Okay, maybe it wouldn't be as fun as he had imagined. Loki had hit a sensitive spot. He did still have nightmares about what happened. And he did still hear Loki's voice. He had never told anyone though, they were all focused on Tony and his PTSD. Only Natasha knew. But even she had to pull it out of him. If he was completely honest with himself, the voice scared him. It kept mocking him, telling him to do evil things. What if he succumbed to it again? "Do you still want to die? I'd be more than happy to help you with it." His hands twitched, itching to grab his bow.

Emma looked awkwardly from Clint to Loki. She was unaware of their history. It had not been made public that Hawkeye was one of the people that had been controllled by Loki. None of the victims had been named, to protect them. But Emma wasn't stupid, she guessed he had been one of them. Damn. She felt bad for him. Then Loki's attention shifted to her.

Emma ignored Loki's comment about mortals. "I'm Emma." She shifted uncomfortably, glancing at Thor. She didn't know how to act around the evil-God-turned-child. Thor knew how to handle his brother. Maybe she should leave this all to him...
"Not by your hand I do not." Loki said, leaning his head back and peering towards Clint again. He did however put a tall finger over his lips. "Schh now, Adults are speaking." He grinned teasingly and looked back at Emma. She seemed nervous. Good, that meant that even in this form he had managed to make an imprint. He still had the same powers he would in his adult self, he didn't look like it though and that was always a problem.

"I heard you had trouble with the man inside the tinsuit." Loki looked back over at Thor who sighed heavily. "Pardon my brother. He is not the man he used to be but that does not say that he will not be as annoying."

"Doesn't, brother. Doesn't. You've been on this planet longer than I have and I still speak it better than you." Loki joked and then sat up on his knees, like a child with too much energy he seemed to have to move around a lot. Which caused Banner to feel awfully uncomfortable. There had been a time when Loki had tried his hardest to use the Hulk against the Avengers, he had of course succeeded, thanks to Hawkeye but it wasn't something Bruce enjoyed being reminded of.

"You must be truly desperate to come to me for help." Loki added, throwing himself backwards against the back of the sofa, causing it to bounce slightly. "Tell me everything! And get that trigger-happy four eyes to calm down or there will be no deal to strike." Loki didn't look it but he felt bad. His 'Evil' self like he enjoy calling it had done things he indeed wasn't proud of but he knew for a fact that saying sorry wouldn't help. It was too late for forgiveness.

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