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[starriesky, cyrrus] The key

Quicksilver blurred off. Vanishing from his position next to Emma and Steve. The next second he appeared he stood on his knees next to his sister, kissed her cheek and then he was back next to Cap again, as if he never had moved. His powers were truly Super speed.

Almost as if Captain America knew what Emma was thinking he carefully leaned down and whispered in her ear. "They were both part of the Avengers, once." He then stood up straight as if that was all she needed to be able to trust them. In fact, he didn't trust them himself, not any more.

"Don't be so rude little Sister, it's hardly their- Well... Sort of their fault were stuck down here." Quicksilver shrugged and then he vanished again and reappeared, standing next to his sister, it seemed as if he had chosen a side and it made Steve frown. Was this some sort of trick? He doubted that Pietro and Wanda would have joined in with Stark of all people, Stark wanted them out in the open, they would be harmed out there. However, Quicksilver then started to speak. "The little girl there is a SHIELD experiment, seemingly someone who can help us redo this pointless war."

Nothing happen. Scarlet Witch was too busy looking down at the helmet in her lap, stroking a hand over its shiny shell. Magnito had been one of the first to fall in the war. It had been a victory for Stark and had given him more followers than Captain America had, it had been the reason to the wars ugly turn and the reason as to why mutants who never supported either sides had to hide.

"Do you like my temple?" The woman asked as she looked back up at them. She spoke as if she had made it all, which of course she had. Steve looked around but said nothing, he quickly averted his gaze from some drawings on the wall and looked back at the Witch. "We need your help Wanda. I know you can't forgive me, us, the Avengers, for what have happened but I want to undo it all and I have the woman for the job." Steve placed a hand on Emma's shoulder and nodded at her, she had to speak her mind. He couldn't never convince Wanda to help them, her eyes burned with hatred towards him.

"She thinks we were part of the Brotherhood." Wanda said, staring at Emma as if she had read her mind. Quicksilver quirked a brow. "Well, we did, for a while?" He said calmingly. Scarlet Witch hissed and tossed Magnito's helmet towards one of the pillars, causing the more rock built of the two to snap in half and break before her rage. "She knows nothing!"
Emma watched as Quicksilver seemed to disappear and reappear. She now understood where his name came from. When Cap mentioned they were Avengers, she relaxed a little. If they had been Avengers, they couldn't be all bad right? Besides, Cap went to them for help. He must trust them. She had been stupid to doubt his words because of one thing the Witch had said. She should give them a chance before judging them based on their parents.

Emma frowned when Quicksilver called her a SHIELD experiment. It was true, but to be introduced like that... it was surreal. She started having doubts again when the woman didn't answer, staying focused on the helmet in her lap. When the woman finally paid attention to them, asking them about the temple, Emma gave her a small smile and nodded in answer to her question. Her confidence grew at Cap's words, at his faith in her. It felt good.

Emma opened her mouth, about to say something, but Wanda beat her to it. She winced when Wanda mentioned the Brotherhood. How did she know she had thought that? When Quicksilver confirmed her suspicions, Emma's eyes grew wide in shock. They actually had been a part of it..? But they had also been Avengers. Did they switch sides?

Emma jumped when Wanda suddenly threw the helmet away and yelled. Her heart was beating fast, surprised at what had just happened. Doubt and fear appeared in her mind again, but she pushed it away. She wasn't going to give up without a fight. She took a step forward.

"You're right, I know nothing. All I know is what I have seen on the news, or wrote about myself. I don't know about the things you went through, or about the things you have done. All I know is what you can do, what any of us can do." She swallowed, mouth dry from nerves. "There is a war going on. I understand you have all been through a lot." She glanced at the fallen helmet. "You lost your father." She looked back at Wanda. "I lost mine as well. Many people lost their fathers, their sons, their brothers. I can prevent it from happening. This war doesn't need to happen. But I can't do it alone. I don't know anything about my powers. I don't know how to use them, or how to control them. I can try and figure it out on my own, but it'll take a lot of time, time we don't have." A sad smile appeared on her lips. "I'm pretty useless without help."
Quicksilver looked down at Wanda and Wanda simply stared at Emma. They stood like that, for a good while and the next thing that happen was Scarlet Witch getting up on her feet. She didn't seem to want to question any decision that had been made. Perhaps she had already read the answers she wanted directly from their minds? She knew what they wanted from her and without a word she began to hover above the ground.

Her feet slipped of the stone floor, she was floating, arms stretched out in soft but symbolic gestures and her eyes began to glow. Tiny rocks, pebbles and materials began to float above the ground after a strange purple like fire had gripped them and swallowed them hole. Quicksilver was the only one quick enough to react on what was happening, like a blur he had ran up to Emma, grabbed her and run back to the middle of the room, holding her shoulder tight and whispering something in her ear in super speed. Not certain she could her him but at least he had attempted it.

"Hold on, Forest Fire." Pietro had said, gripping her shoulder tighter as a stream of red and purple energy flowed from Scarlet Witch, causing everything in the room except her brother and Emma to get blown against the wall. Steve had to try his hardest not to fly away himself, it was a surreal and strange feeling. Almost as if the earth beneath his feet was no more.

The energy poured into every corner, every crack of the room and sipped into the young girl, searching and digging for something unnatural and as it found something. It gripped hold of it and yanked it upwards and out, causing the girl to almost fly off the ground herself, if it wasn't for Quicksilver's strong grip.

"Focus." Quicksilver said into her ear. "Focus or whatever curse you have within you will eat you alive." He damned his sister for not giving them enough time. Damned her for simply pushing this moment onto them without preparation or even a warning. "Focus on the feeling, try and steady your hands. Focus on your fingers, curl them up into fists." He knew once Emma managed to simply focus enough energy to pull her fingers in and around her palm she'd be able to, not perhaps control, but to keep her powers steady.
Emma looked on in wonder as Wanda stood up and started floating above the ground. Purple mist appeared, but before it could register in her mind hands grabbed her and next thing she knew she was in the middle of the room. A voice had whispered in her ear, but she had been unable to hear it. She looked up and saw it was Quicksilver that had grabbed her. Ofcourse. Energy coming from Wanda's body blew everything away, and Emma was starting to get scared. Fear froze her body. What was going on?

When the energy reached her, Emma gasped in shock as it entered her body. Her feet left the ground as the energy grabbed something inside her and pulled. Emma was terrified. The mutant holding her stopped her from floating up high, and she was grateful. She barely registered his words, too focused on the energy inside her body. Her whole body was shaking, eyes opened wide as she tried to control the energy inside her. When Quicksilver's words finally registered in her mind, she tried to pull herself together. She drew in a shaky breath and focused.

The energy inside her body felt foreign, but at the same time familiar. It had always been inside her, had always been a part of her. Now it was time to take control. She focused all she had on the energy, withdrawing inside her mind, unaware of her surroundings. She fought for control. As she fought with the energy she kept trying to move her hands. At first, nothing happened. But then, slowly, her fingers started curling up until they hit her palms. Her body shook with the exertion, exhaustion creeping in. Slowly, she managed to gain back control over her body.
When Emma got her control back Wanda landed upon the floor and walked up to the mask of Magnito as if she had done nothing. She knew exactly what she had done and how the anger not only from her brother but from Captain America was poisoning her mind. They didn't like that she had simply decided herself when and how to act. The girl had survived, clearly there could be no other success?

When Emma's feet touched the ground, just like the Scarlet Witch's had, Quicksilver carefully let go of her shoulder, but stood still behind her, in case she would need something to lean against. He looked over his shoulder at Steve who got back up on his feet, shaking in rage and then over to Wanda who dusted up the helmet and planted a kiss upon it. They hated their father, but no child can truly stop loving a parent.

Pietro looked back down at Emma, waiting before saying: "You okay there, Forest Fire?" He called her that thing again. He usually called humans that name, it was a nickname, insult, pity and care all of it combined for humans were indeed like roaring fire.
Emma came back to the present when she felt her feet touch the ground and opened her eyes. She hadn't even noticed when she had closed them. Her legs threatened to succumb to her weight, but she managed to remain standing. Quicksilver's hand left her shoulder as she watched Wanda kiss the helmet. She turned to the mutant next to her when his voice rang across the room. Her smile was a little shaky. "I'm fine." The nickname was starting to bother her a little. She had a name. Besides, a forest fire is a bad thing. So was the nickname a bad thing as well? She would ask him about it later.

Emma turned back to Wanda. "Thank you." She didn't know what else to say. The experience had shaken her, more than she would admit. Though it had given her access to her power, it had also overwhelmed her. There were many emotions swirling inside of her. She now also felt a new energy inside of her, that of her powers. It was weird.
Wanda continued with her own thing, which entailed only of being quiet and minding her own business. Scarlet Witch had never been a very talkative woman, not when she was little, part of the Brotherhood, Avengers or now. Quicksilver on the other hand tended to talk too much and too fast, he peered down at Emma wondering for a moment if this indeed was good idea it wasn't until Cap placed a hand on his shoulder that he started to run around the room, vanishing and reappearing with a apple in hand leaning against a wall.

Steve would never get used to people with mutant powers... Never, ever. He sighed heavily and looked down at the young girl. "Do you think you can take us to the past?" He asked, not certain how this sort of thing worked. It was Wanda who simple laughed, one single 'Ha' as if whatever the captain had said was the dumbest thing she had ever heard. Steve felt more comfortable now because he was used to that.

"You'll need to learn how to use your powers. Seeing a both Xavier and Magnito is both dead there's no one with the ability to simply teach you." Wanda said looking at her reflection in the helmet. "Your power is similar to my brother's. Except you don't run." The sentence made Steve more confused. Wasn't Quicksilver power simply to run really fast?

Pietro looked rather confused too, raising an eyebrow at his sister. "What do you mean?" He said with his entire mouth filled with apple. Wanda sighed, clearly tired of being surrounded by morons. "When you are about to run, running, about to stop or standing still after running, you see the world differently from us. Explain it."

Pietro blinked. Not knowing that Wanda simply knew if Quicksilver explained how he used his powers Emma would be able to figure hers out as well. "Well I-- Eh... It's not only when I'm about to run. Even looking at you now, to me, it looks like you all are moving extremely slowly. I notice a moment just before you start to move due to the friction in the air. When I run, everything is standing still as if I have stopped time, it is of course still moving but I can run to Italy and back in a minute of your time. My time... I suppose, works differently."
Emma looked up at the Captain when he asked her a question. She wasn't sure if she could. But she trusted her powers. She was about to say this but Wanda's laugh stopped her. She turned her head to look at the woman as she continued talking. She followed Quicksilver's short talk with his sister, confused. How was his power of running similar to hers?

Emma listened attentively as Quicksilver explained his view of the world. That was it. That was the key to using her powers. It was only now, having listened to his explanation, that she noticed a difference around her. Just as Quicksilver explained he saw the world, she too noticed time move a little slower. It was such a small change that she hadn't noticed it before, but now that she knew she was able to see it. It was weird. She frowned. Now she just had to figure out how to use it.

It wasn't that time slowed down. It was that her body wasn't as affected by it as everyone else's was. To travel through time, she had to slow her own body down until time seemed to stop, then go even further. She decided to experiment a little.

Closing her eyes, Emma focused. She focused on the energy inside her, trying to draw it out. At first it ignored her. Then she could feel it moving a little, expanding. Emma grabbed hold of it, and focused on her goal. I want time to slow down for me, she thought. Remove the restrictions on my body. The energy listened to her. Her body started tingling slightly for a few seconds, then the feeling disappeared. Emma opened her eyes.

She hadn't moved through time. However, time moved slowly. She looked at the Captain, and saw him close his eyes very slowly before opening them. He just blinked, but it took a long time. She couldn't believe she had actually accomplished something. A smile slowly spread across her face, eyes glowing from excitement. She actually did it. But she soon discovered a downside to her powers.

Even this small accomplishment of slowing time down drained her energy. It had already been depleted when Wanda pulled her powers out in the open, but now it drained the last of her energy. She couldn't keep on her feet anymore. She lost her focus, and time resumed its usual pace as Emma's knees buckled and she fell down.
Cap fell on his knees and placed a hand on her shoulder. He was worried about her, this was quite a big task, that he had suddenly given her. They had little time for rest, sadly. Stark was probably not far behind, the bastard would try his hardest to stop them from getting everything back the way it was. Steve wondered what had gotten into Iron Man. He had always had a strange superior complex, been rude and self loving but never cruel and unredeemable.

"Are you alright?" He didn't know how she felt or what had happened, to him Quicksilver had just stopped talking and even the fastest man on earth seemed a little bit confused. She acted as if she was quicker than him, she could change time, slow it down and speed it up - only in her own point of view obviously. It was almost the same as his powers worked for him, except that his powers only effected himself and never the outside world , unless he used to t steal, beat someone up, move something... all that sort of jazz.

"She better be." Wanda said as she looked upwards towards the ceiling, causing both men to give all their attention to her. "We are no longer alone." Just as she said so, Shadow Cat came running through the wall, breathing heavily and bleeding even worse. "Iron man... Iron man is here! He's tearing up the entire upper floor!"
Emma leaned with her hands on the ground, sitting on her knees with her eyes closed. She had to pull herself together. She had no time to rest. She nodded in answer to Cap's question. "I'm fine, just tired." She looked up at him, smiling reassuringly. She could do this. She would fix everything. Everything would be okay, she was sure of it.

Then disaster struck. Shadow Cat's arrival and words filled Emma with fear. He found her. She struggled back upright. Her knees almost gave out on her again but her hand shot out and grabbed Captain's wrist, using it to steady herself. Once she was sure she wouldn't fall down again she let go of him. "We have to get out of here," she managed to get out. Though she didn't want to admit it, it was all she could do to remain standing. There was no way she could walk out of there, let alone run. What was she going to do?

Sounds of battle could be heard coming from above them, getting closer to their location. They didn't have a lot of time. They had to move, now. Not wanting to appear weak she took a step forward. Big mistake. She almost fell down again. This time she clung to Quick Silver's arm, as he was closest to her now. Her face flushed red, embarrassed at her weakness. "Dammit," she muttered, tears of frustration in her eyes. She was so frustrated with herself. Was this all she could do? Pathetic. She could never go back in time and stop the war like this. Emma had believed it would have been simple, get control over her powers and go. But her body was holding her back.
Quicksilver was just about to run off in a blur when Emma grabbed his wrist for support. He peered down at her, his eyes wide. Not because of how weak she was but how quick Stark had found them and the fact that he had decided to destroy the Mutant Haven that they had created, even if they had promised to stay out of the war. Pietro figured that he was just as neutral as Emma was now, thanks to the Captain.

They had little time to lose. Quickly Pietro grabbed Emma and ran up to Cap, handing her to him like you hand someone a bag of cloths, he had no time to be gentle and careful. They only had one chance. "Take her and both of you get out of here, I'll keep him off for as long as I can. I promise." Quicksilver said and then rushed off into a blur, vanishing from sight. What could be heard a second later was the robot voice of Tony Stark, from somewhere above addressing Pietro who clearly had managed to get there in just a few seconds. "Where is Rogers and the girl? I will avoid killing every one of you if you hand them to me." Pietro responded, sounding as shelf assured as ever. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Fighting could be heard. Robots was crashing through holes in the roof that Wanda was trying her hardest to keep in place, not wanting anyone to get crushed. "You have to travel back in time, now! There is no question about it. You can't hide here!" She shouted over the commission, looking towards Emma with her glowing red eyes. "Make sure this doesn't happen, if you so have to kill Tony in the process. Hurry!" She shouted, screamed as the roof came falling down next to her and her bloodied corpse of a brother followed suit.

Tony had killed Quicksilver.

He had managed to kill Pietro.

Captain America took hold of his shield, preparing to fight. Trying his hardest not to pay attention to the bloodied pulp that once had been his teammate. How had Tony Stark managed to kill Quicksilver with such ease?! What sort of contraption had he managed to create that could beat super speed? Looking over to Emma he frowned.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17b3a4bc_TonyStark.jpg.3a48488e3d9937da82551c88056f313d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41658" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c17b3a4bc_TonyStark.jpg.3a48488e3d9937da82551c88056f313d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I'm so sorry for this ma'am." She had to either take them back in time or they would both die as Tony appeared through the roof. Looking at them with anger through his silver painted helmet.



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Emma barely registered Quicksilver handing her over to Cap. She did notice when he disappeared, and Stark could be heard above them talking to him. Stark was going to kill him. Quicksilver, and everyone else present there. "No..!" She had to do something. She couldn't let this happen. She heard Wanda screaming at her. Yelling at her to do something. Emma had no intention of letting her, or Quicksilver, down. She pushed herself away from Cap, standing on her own two feet. She was going to do this. Then Quicksilver fell down.

It was as if time had stopped. All Emma could see was Quicksilver. His broken body lying on the floor. His clothes torn, blood spreading across the floor. She was hit with an intense blast of grief. Though she had just met the man, he had helped them. He had wanted the war to stop just as much as she did. Though he had scared her at first, she had discovered he was a kind man. He just had some quirks. He did not deserve did.

Emma's focus on Quicksilver was broken when Iron Man arrived. She looked up at him, hatred in her eyes. Her fear for him was still there, but the hatred overpowered her. He killed all these people, just to get to her. She promised herself she would do anything to stop him. She'd even give up her life if that was what it took.

Emma ripped her gaze away from Stark and stumbled back to Cap, grabbing his arm. She didn't say a word to him, instead closing her eyes and reaching back inside to the little ball of energy. Please work! she begged. Take everything you need, just bring us back! No time was wasted. Time immediately slowed down until it had stopped. Everything was frozen around Cap and Emma, stuck in time. Then everything started moving backwards. Stark floated back up the hole, Quicksilver's body following him after which the rubble closed the hole. A living Quicksilver appeared back at their side, Shadow Cat disappearing. It kept going on. Emma's whole body was shaking. She panted, short gasps escaping her lips, desperate to draw in some air. This was taking every drop of energy she had left, and it was all she could do to stay conscious.

Time slowed down again until it froze. They were still in the temple. Wanda was sitting in the middle of the room, Magneto's helmet in her lap. They had gone back to the moment they entered the temple. Emma prayed it was enough time. Enough time to warn everyone in the tunnels about what was going to happen. Enough time for everyone to flee. Enough time to prevent all those deaths from happening.

Emma let go, and time started flowing naturally again. She and Cap had taken the place of their old bodies. To Quicksilver and Wanda, it was as if nothing had changed. They had just entered the temple, and Wanda was going to help her get access to her powers. But things had changed. Please stop it from happening..! A silent prayer crossed Emma's mind as she collapsed on the ground.
Captain America didn't even have time to gasp. Everything that happened around him was so strange. Indescribable and even a little bit terrifying. They were moving through time but not as far as he had hoped. Like something burnt to his mind, the image of Quicksilver dead in his sisters arm was imprinted forever in Steve's memories. It had reminded him of a different time, still difficult but different. Of how everyone had been sitting in the Avengers Tower, the tall tower watching over New York, the city that had become his home.

Thor was there, the God of Thunder that Steve had never believed in, never thought the idea of an actual God that wasn't the God he had been brought up to believe in existed. Thor hadn't been killed my Stark's army but been tricked to help him and due to this his power had been taken from him and he had been forced upon earth as a mortal man. Never to be found again.

Bruce Banner, the silent scientist with all the answers with his gentle smile and that hallow but stil warm chuckle which often could be heard because of something Stark said. The way he had looked upon Tony as if the man was someone Bruce wanted to be. He had followed Tony, without question - they were friend and logic was all Bruce needed to agree that Iron Man was right, not the killing but the fact that heroes should be known to the civilians. It wasn't until Tony had started all the killing, Banner's skin had shifted and turned into that green hue. There was no way to stop the Hulk, to kill him so Stark had sent him on his marry way up into space. Far, far away from thier world.

Hawkeye and Black Widow, they had been together since their first mission. The link to understanding SHIELD. Hawkeye with his addiction to energy bars and Black Widows mysterious smile. They had joined with the Captain, only to watch each other bleed out and die, hanged over the Avengers Tower like puppets, to show them who didn't join Tony that siding with his enemies would cost them more than just honor.

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, if you wanted one you'd get them both. No one could separate them and as the war had started Pietro's laugh and hurtful jokes stopped almost instantly. He had been there when Hawkeye had his yes poked out by his own arrows, tried his hardest to stop it but been too late and watched as his own father joined the lineup of corpses around the tower. Him and his sister had taken what they had left and hid underground.

Tony Stark. Steve didn't know what had happened. The billionaire playboy had showed up one day, completely changed. His carefree attitude was still the same, he had mentioned that Spiderman had joined them, without anyone understanding what that meant. The fight had started there and it had been the Captain who had been on the other end. The Avengers split up that day, promising that the world would never be the same again.

It would be, one day. It had to be.

Steve watched the scene, staring at Quicksilver who now stood next to his sister after kissing her cheek. Pietro looked up, staring the Captain straight in the eyes with one eyebrow raised. "What's up with the tears Stevie? Don't tell me you've gotten sentimental - again." Quicksilver had no idea what was going to happen, Wanda however knew instantly, she had read their mind. "We are going to die..."
Emma stared at Quicksilver from the floor. He was alive again. Tears streamed down her face, shoulders shaking. She tried to push herself up from the floor, but her arms refused to hold her weight. She gave up trying, instead covering her face with her hands. "You died..!" She kept seeing his broken body. His lifeless eyes staring up at the broken ceiling. Wanda picking up his broken body, cradling it in her lap. And Tony Stark's hate filled eyes.

Emma had never been in a battle before. The first time she saw someone die was when her father had gotten home with wounds too severe to save him. It had left her traumatised. She hadn't left her home for weeks, a friend of her taking care of her groceries, making sure she had enough food. When she finally did leave her home, she avoided certain areas. Areas where battles had taken place, places where lots of people had died. It had taken months before she was fully recovered.

This had been her first battle. And it had been dirty. It had been a massacre. Seeing Quicksilver's body fall down, and Shadow Cat's death in front of her eyes, had broken her. It kept flashing through her head. But it had also strengthened her resolve. She wouldn't allow anyone else to get hurt because of her. She'd leave if that was what it took. But she'd die before she'd let anyone else suffer because of her.

She was going to stop Tony Stark. Nothing would stop her.
Quicksilver folded his arms and narrowed his eyes. He would question her sanity would he now know their task. He had taken them to Wanda, who now was sitting on the floor as if traumatized, to teach the girl how to use her time traveling abilities. Apparently he was going to die and the look upon both Emma's and Steve's faces made it rather clear that it wasn't going to be pretty. "Calm down Forest Fire, I'm still here." He said, trying his best to take control over the whole situation. Why wasn't he freaking out? Probably because he wasn't even sure he understood fully what the information meant. It wasn't everyday someone traveled through time to tell you about your own death hour.

"There's nothing you can do."

Wanda said, holding the helmet of her father in her lap. She closed her eyes and Pietro stood in silence, he knew what his sister concentrated face meant. She was tapping into Emma's power to use a part of it for herself. Scarlet Witch power was well known to everyone as a 'useful for everything' type o power. She was a level A mutant after all. "No matter what you do we are going to die."

She was speaking so clearly, almost as if she didn't regret or morn their own faith. "This universe, this time stream is lost already. If we run, Ironman will find us, we are already dead." She opened her eyes and looked upon Emma, who seemed to be the only one in the room who couldn't except this. "You can't save us but you can save a part of us. Go back to before hell opened up and stop Tony, hinder him, kill him... anything to stop this from happening. We are doomed in this timeline but not in all."
Quicksilver's words managed to calm Emma down a little. She took a deep breath, and forced herself to stop crying. He was still alive. She wasn't going to allow him to die again. She had a chance to stop it from happening. And she would.

Despair filled Emma when Wanda said they couldn't be saved. What use was her power if things couldn't be changed!? But Wanda's next words gave her hope. It gave her the strength to keep going. She pushed herself into a sitting position with shaking arms. She reached for the Captain standing next to her, and pulled herself up. She clung to his arm, knowing that if she let go she'd fall back on the ground. She looked at the siblings, her eyes confident. "I will save you..!" She smiled sadly. "I hope we will meet again." She was losing Quicksilver and Wanda by going back in time. Sure, she could meet them again, but it wouldn't be the same. But it was a sacrifice she was willing to make. As long as they lived.

Emma closed her eyes. She went back to the energy inside her. She repeated her earlier actions, and the flow of time started going backwards again. It sped past them, going so fast it was only a blur. They had to go far back. Emma didn't register any of it. It was only when they finally stopped moving that she hesitantly opened her eyes.

They were in her room. Cap was with her since they traveled back together. She assumed his original body had disappeared. If there had been someone with him they'd probably be panicking. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was finding out how far back they had gone. But she couldn't do it. Her body now completely refused to listen to her. Her body went limp, and she found herself on the ground again. She was drifting in and out of consciousness. She couldn't go on. She had to rest. The last thing she saw before losing her battle to stay awake was Cap's face.
The captain was getting tired of the whole 'traveling in time business' it made him feel awfully seasick and reminded him a bit too much of time gone by. He decided to keep his eyes closed for this one and next time he opened them what he would notice surprised him a bit.

A sun beam hit him in the face from the open window. He could hear the noise of cars from the street and birds from a tree nearby. What surprised him the most however was how peaceful everything seemed. Had it always been like this? He could for the life of him not remember it. The blue sky was empty of the smog he was used to see and he couldn't smell any fire on the wind. Had they truly gone back in time?

He removed his helmet with one quick swipe of the hand, letting it fall back over his back like a hood would. His face was far more scared than what he would look like before the war had started. He peered at Emma just in time to see her lose consciousness. He grabbed hold of her, stopping her from hitting the ground. Poor girl, he had never expected it to take such a toll. He held her carefully between his strong arms. Looking around the room. He placed her down upon the bed and sat down himself upon a nearby chair. She would need the rest and he would let her have it, for a little while at least.

Looking out the window he could see the building that he had come to hate and miss, almost imagining the corpses of his friends hanging from the wires but there were no corpses, only bright text spelling "Avengers" He mumbled the words, it tasted weird to utter.
Emma woke up a couple of hours later. Her consciousness slowly came back to her. She was still tired, but she had rested enough to make it until the end of the day. Unlike people in the stories Emma loved to read, she did not think it had all been a dream. It was all so surreal, she couldn't have made it up. She knew it was real. She opened her eyes, closing them quickly when the sun blinded her. She lifted a hand and held it above her head before opening her eyes again. Her hand protected her eyes from the sun, casting a shadow across her face. She turned her head and saw the Captain sitting in a chair next to the bed. She smiled softly, fondness for the man filling her. "Sorry about that..." Her voice was a little hoarse. She would go look for something to drink - and eat - for both of them in a bit.

Emma pushed herself up in a sitting position, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. "How long was I out?" She could look at the clock on her wall to see what time it was, but she had no clue what time it was when they arrived. So she asked the Captain. When Emma looked around the room, she noticed small changes that told her about their journey through time. Some items that she had thrown away were still here, others still needed to be bought. When she caught her reflection in the mirror she made a face. She looked terrible. Her hair was a mess, and her clothes were dirty. She needed to fix that before they left to find Tony Stark. She might be able to find something for the Captain as well. He was still in his tattered uniform, he couldn't walk around like that. Maybe there was something that fit him in her father's closet.

Suddenly it hit her. Her father was still alive. She gasped, eyes widening in shock and disbelief. She could see him again..! She stood up, stumbling to the door. But then she hesitated. She couldn't show up looking like this. Besides, nothing had happened yet. He wouldn't understand why she'd be acting so differently. Right now they were still strangers. They sometimes ate together or watched a movie, but they weren't close. She couldn't explain her behavior to him. All she wanted to do right now was run to him and hug him and never let go, but she couldn't. She clenched her fists, a feeling of helplessness taking over. She slowly turned around, looking at the Captain. "Do you... If you want I can look through my father's closet if any of his clothes fit you."
Looking out the window he could see the building that he had come to hate and miss, almost imagining the corpses of his friends hanging from the wires but there were no corpses, only bright text spelling "Avengers".

The captain had been sitting still for hours, it felt like an eternity. He had just been watching his reflection in the window as he had been staring towards the sky. Steve had been trying to put one and two together, try and figure out what would happen once the war had been stopped. Would he vanish? Would the change in time cause him to stop excising? He figured that would be the case. After all, that was what always happened in films and it made sense, in a way. At least as most sense as anything had been happening.

The girl then woke up, asked him a question about time. He peered at the clock above the wall, he had gotten familiar with it as well. "About two hours." Steve wondered if he was going to share his theory with, he decided against it and realized something. "We need to go and speak with Xavier." Charles would be able to tell them exactly how the time traveling business would affect them. "After Tony... of course." He added quickly as he watched the girl move around the room, she seemed like she had just as much difficulty deciding what to do. He was glad that he wasn't the only one.

She then mentioned cloths and he looked down at himself but shook his head." No, my face and body is too scared as it is. Also, if we are going to get Tony to believe what we're saying, it's important that we don't look to neat and comfortable. I think..."
Emma pouted when Cap mentioned they shouldn't look clean, that their messy look would help them. She had always paid attention to her looks, wanting to look presentable. She didn't like the idea of leaving the house again looking like this. But the Captain made a point. She sighed, defeated. "Alright..." Feeling uncomfortable, Emma opened her door. "But we can at least get something to eat." She left her room, expecting the Captain to follow her. She walked over to the kitchen, glad when she saw no sign of her father. Try and explain Captain America being in her home, both of them looking messy.

Emma made the both of them a sandwich, paired with a glass of juice. She placed it all at the table. "Sorry, this is all we have." She sat down in one of the empty chairs and started eating. It was only after her first bite that she realised how hungry she was. She thought about everything they had experienced as she ate. "Can I call you Steve?" The question came out of the blue, but it was one Emma had been thinking about for a while. She was tired of calling him 'Captain' in her head.
"You may get changed if you wish." Steve said sheepishly as he followed her though her home, with his shield sitting tightly over his back, were it belonged. "I think Tony will question my cleanness more than yours, after all." It was probably true too. Stark was a fella who tended to ask questions, especially if the subject was about himself. He loved talking about himself after all, the more people joining in on the conversation, the better.

Steve sat down at the kitchen table but simply raised his hand in the air. He needed no subsidence, he would be fine, for a while anyhow. She then asked about his name, causing him to blink heavily. Steve nodded. "Why yes, of course ma'am." Normally people always called him Cap, Captain or Rogers, not often would they use his first name.
Emma shook her head. "No, you're right. It's better if we both look a little disheveled." She smiled at him. "It's fine, I'll live."

Emma finished her sandwich, glad Steve allowed her to use his name. He kept calling her ma'am though. It was sweet, but she preferred her own name. "You can call me Emma if you want." She threw another smile his way. "I don't mind." She stood up, taking her empty plate and glass and placing it in the dish washer. She stood up straight, stretching her arms above her head. Then she turned around and faced Steve. "Alright. I'm ready to go." And she was. She wanted to do something, to feel useful. Besides, people counted on her.
Emma. He knew her name from the start of his mission. He knew most things about her too, thanks to the SHIELD information file, not that he tried to remember any of it. He'd feel strange, calling her by first name however. It made the whole ordeal a lot more personal and he wasn't so sure they would know each other, once everything was put back where it belonged. Getting out of his seat, Steve nodded. They had to go to the Avengers Tower, to meet his team and friends... It would feel surreal to meet them all. Strange in fact.

"Lets hurry to the Avengers Tower, shall we? The sooner we talk Tony out of this foolish idea, the better." Walking towards the door, he opened and exited, waiting for Emma before closing the door. He was a old fashion sort of guy, holding a door open for a lady was nothing but the right thing to do.

The way to the tower was long and slow. He would easily have been able to run there in a matter of minutes - being faster than most cabs in the city. He figure however that Emma might need some reality in her system to feel like a normal human being, or as normal as possible anyhow.

And then, there they were in front of the giant building which kissed the sky rather beautifully. It was a ugly building. Steve had always thought so. Designed by Ironman himself.
Emma followed Steve. As they walked towards the Tower she was painfully aware of all the people staring at them. It must have been a strange sight. Even though she felt uncomfortabel with all the attention they were receiving, it was refreshing to just walk. For the first time since Steve showed up at her window she felt like a normal girl again. Breathing in the fresh air after being holed up underground also felt good. It was refreshing to feel the wind blow through her hair.

When they got to the tower Emma became nervous again. It would be weird to look at Tony Stark. After their encounter with him in the temple she had no desire to ever see him again. But this Tony hadn't done anything yet. So she shouldn't resent him for it. But it was hard not to. She had to keep telling herself that even though it happened in their past, it was his future. A future they would stop from happening.

Emma took a deep breath, glancing at Steve. "Let's do this." They walked inside the building. The inside was just as ugly as the outside. Emma went straight to the elevator, ignoring the people walking around. Once inside, she turned back to Steve. "So which floor do we go to?"
Steve followed her silently. He didn't much notice the attention that was drawn towards them as they walked down the streets. In fact, he was used to them. The civilians often looked upon him with both annoyance, anger, envy and... so on. He was used to it, being an Avanger. Sure, Tony was the only who took care of the press, of their outside look. He was good with the social stuff, no matter the bastard that he was.

The captain stepped into the elevator and pressed the button. "Top floor." He said, nodding. This was his home. In fact, if he didn't have his downtown apartment he'd probably live in the Avengers Tower, much like Banner did and speaking of the devil.

Bruce Banner came walking down the corridor, rather slowly with hands in his pockets, back subtly bent forward and face staring down at his feet, causing his glasses to slowly fall off and into the palm of his hand. Steve got caught off guard as he watched the scientist, the man who was The Hulk. He hadn't seen him in forever and it almost brought tears in his eyes. Quickly he stepped forward and held the doors for the Doctor who pushed his glasses back over the bridge of his nose and looked up at Steve, blinking.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Bruce.jpg.5768b55479fcb891c9079cd4b13874a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41673" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Bruce.jpg.5768b55479fcb891c9079cd4b13874a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Good afternoon, Steve... You're here late?" He then peered at the young girl as he placed himself near the wall of the elevator, twitching and what not, trying to stay as far away as possible.

"We're here to see Tony." Steve said as he let the doors shut and felt how the elevator was going slowly upwards. "You usually takes the stairs. Why are you in here? I thought you..."

"Hates cramped spaces? Yes I still do. But Pietro keeps tormenting me when I take the stairs, trying to raise my anger if you know what I mean. Who's your friend?" Bruce Banner asked, eyeing the girl. He had never seen the Captain together with a woman before. "Ah, this is Emma. A friend of mine. Emma, this is Bruce Banner." Steve introduced quickly. Bruce reached out with his hand to shake hers. "Pleasure."



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