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Realistic or Modern Stardom Academy (Open & Always Accepting)


Senior Member
Dear [name],

Congratulations! You have been accepted to join us at Stardom Academy, the greatest fine arts school in the nation! The enclosed forms contain your orientation packet and student ID. Please have them ready when you come to school! We hope to see you at orientation this year!

-Regards, Emylin Monroe (Headmaster)


The story begins the morning of the first day of school. Orientation begins at lunchtime and classes aren't till the next day. This is the chance for everyone to interact and get to know each other. Have fun!
A long sigh escaped the brunette's lips as she watched the large campus in the distance grow larger and larger. Her violin case rested in her lap as she stared out the window, a knot the size of her fist resting within her stomach. She was about to enter a new school, filled with talented students, people who were probably better than her at everything. Her adoptive parents expected her to come out of that school when she graduates as a professional violinist, but she would soon reveal to them that she had a bigger passion. Her second oldest sibling patted her on the back reassuringly as they entered the drop off line for the students.

Aster pulled herself out of their van and opened the trunk. There, she pulled out her things, as well as a guitar case that she had managed to smuggle in the van without her parents seeing. The guitar was her friend's, they had lent it to her so that she could try and learn how to play it. She slung the guitar case over her shoulder, took hold of her luggage in one hand, her violin case in the other and walked to the front of her car, where her mother had rolled down the passenger window. "Hey mom, I guess I kind of forgot to tell you this, but.... I'm pursuing my dreams as a rock star and I have no desire to continue with the violin. Love you, see you at my next break, bye!!!" And with that, Aster spun on her heels and bolted into the large school. Her parent's didn't even have time to protest before she was into the courtyard of the school, looking around. "Woah..." She muttered, "This place is crazy huge."
♥︎・Annabelle Lavender Moreau・♥︎
"Nnnmmmhhh chocolate," Annabelle mumbled, giggling in her sleep as drool dripped down the side of her cheek. Running toward the giant chocolate bear, she took a huge bite. Annabelle clapped happily, grinning from ear to ear as she rolled around in the melted chocolate puddles.

"Ah?" Annabelle groaned, finding herself on the cold marbled floor of her bedroom, awakened from her wonderful chocolate wonderland. As she propped herself up on her elbows, Giraffe pounced on her chest, nuzzling his head against Annabelle's cheek. "Oomph, Giraffe, good morning," Annabelle smiled, stroking Giraffe's ears. Pushing Giraffe off of her chest, Annabelle draped a baby pink silk robe around her shoulders, the chilly morning breeze sending shivers up her spine and goosebumps on her arms.

Annabelle opened the warm water into her tub, adding a basket of Antoine Revoir rose petals. Immersing herself into the warm water, she rested her head comfortably against the ledge, taking a mini nap before the ever-awaited first day of school...

An hour later, Annabelle arrived at school (forcefully dragged out of the warmth of the bath by her mother). She held her student ID in her left hand, and schedule in the other. Walking down the halls, she couldn't help but begin to daydream about the following year, about to get lost yet again. Easily falling into a trance-like state while daydreaming... Just as easily lost. That's Annabelle for you.
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Chirping. How annoying, he was just having a nice dream too. Or was it a nightmare? Wait, why would he be sleeping in the first place? Hadn't he had a good night sleep? Hehad never been the type to sleep late... Bah, it didn't really matter anyway. A nap was a nap, it was as simple as that. Flickering his eyelashes slightly, Fang Qi shifted in his position, changing it to the side, as locks of hair fell onto his face, tickling his skin. What time was it? He was not sure exactly... Making time for classes to start had this effect on him, so it seemed. He had simply lied on the grass, playing with a stray kitten nearby for a while. Well, more like watching it climbing his body and playing with his clothes and hair. It was just as fun nonetheless. And then, they had both taken a little nap. A soft mew reached his ears again and again, letting his unconscious to stop wandering aimlessly and awaken at last. "...Here, here..." He muttered to the small animal as he sat down, pulling it on top of his legs. "You're a pretty careless guy, aren't you?...Playing around with strangers like that!" Fang Qi teased, caressing its fur gently. A quick look at the watch on his wrist led him to groan in frustration.

There was still time, huh? He was awake now, what was he supposed to do? He couldn't afford to take another nap and wake up when God knew when... In any case, he should just get up and get going. Perhaps an idea would flourish along the way. Placing the kitten carefully on the grass, he bid it goodbye before leaving the woods, finding himself skipping along the road towards the main building of the academy. Well, he couldn't just waltz into the classroom, how lonely would that be! His eyes caught the sight of the dance studio, bringing a bright smile to his face. Of course, practice! Why hadn't he thought of that earlier? Too busy playing with one of the most wonderful creatures in the world, got it. But hey, he had time and the place to spend dancing now, so there's that! Skipping along, the Korean student found Lady Luck by his side as he found the door of the studio opened. Was someone else there...? A quick glance was enough to reject such circustances. After a few warm-up exercises, the disposal of his jacket, shoes and whanot, plucking his earphones in, he was ready, initiating basic routine for the first song that he hit in his device.
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Aliza was sleeping deeply. The music playing in her headphones, which she wore when sleeping, would have kept everyone else wake up. But it calmed her. The alarm was not a alarm after all, but a sudden stop of said music. She immediately woke up. She had sleepy eyed and looked at her watch. 6:04 am. She got up. Stardom academy. She remembered. Better to prepare herself, she said to herself.

A half hour later, Aliza was prepared for school. She left her house, Mabel, her guitar, on her back. She took her bicycle and made her way to school, buying a sandwich on the way.

As she reached school, she had finished her sandwich. She took the bag with stuff from the bike and went onto campus, her back now filled with a backpack and a guitar.
Reina Alonzo
Reina Alonzo
Reina stared out the car window, carefully watching as the school campus became larger and larger as her parents drove towards it. Though her expression rested on her normal, neutral face, the feeling of anxiety and apprehension clawed at her mind and weighed down her chest. If one were to pay close attention, they could notice her lips tightening in the slightest entered the parking lot and her breathing becoming irregular.

"Well, here we are, Rei. You're new school," her father said proudly as he parked the car. Reina could only nod as she unbuckled herself and got out, her family following suit. They began to unload her boxes and suitcases from the trunk and proceeded to carry them to her room. Along the way, the family took their time as they openly stared around in wonder, speaking of compliments every now and then in an awed tone, Reina included. It was obvious that none in Reina's family had ever been to such a luxurious place, if their reactions were anything to go by.

After Reina and her family dropped off her stuff at her room, they all went back to the car, chatting amongst themselves about what the school could be like and whatnot. Well, her siblings and parents were the ones talking while Reina merely listened with a small smile on her face. Once at the car, everyone began saying their farewells. Reina stayed quiet as her family members each took terns giving her a final hug, some giving a light kiss to her forehead. Finally, everyone got back into the van and drove off, leaving little Reina standing there alone and staring after them.

The young girl let out a quiet, shuddering breath, feeling the heavy weight of sudden loneliness constrict her chest. Not a second later, Reina turned around and began to slowly make her way back into the campus, her eyes downcast and hands twiddling with her Student ID that was hooked on a lanyard and around her neck.

"Hm..." Annabelle murmured, snapping out of her daydream. Looking around, she was in a completely different area of the school from where she originally started. Now, Annabelle was surrounded by different studios, all with glass windowpanes to view the insides. To her left, she saw ballet dancers with cute little tutus, and to her right she saw elegantly dressed ladies practicing traditional dance. She had been roaming the halls, imagining her school year and how it would be.

Would she become friends with people who shared the same interests? Or maybe, would they have completely opposite interests? How about classes... Are the teachers nice here? Will the tests be hard?

So many different scenarios floated around in Annabelle's in Annabelle's brain, and one question only led to another. As a soft, fall breeze drifted along, Annabelle tucked a loose wave behind her ear. The gentle wind caressed her hair lightly, allowing her loose lavender waves to dance freely in the wind. In the exact area she was standing in, there was a warm sun spot. Annabelle's eyes fluttered closed as she basked in the warm sunlight, enjoying her surroundings.
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"Alright, Aster. We've got this. Let's walk around.. find our dorm... maybe we can even get started on learning how to play this oversized, electric, bowless violin." Aster spoke to herself, walking around campus. She was lost and confused, but she didn't let herself show it. If anything, she looked confident and completely sure of herself, like she new the campus as if it was the back of her hand. The brunette looked around the campus, still unable to find her dorm. Somehow she wandered into an area filled with.. dancers. Definitely not her cup of tea. Aster noticed a girl, standing in the sun with her eyes closed. She looked like he was sleeping, and maybe she was. But still, Aster approached the stranger and tapped her on the shoulder, "Um.. sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing, but do you know where the dorms are located?" Aster asked, motioning to the bags in her hands. @princxss
Dazed by the warmth of the sunlight, Annabelle turned towards the unfamiliar voice. Looking at the small brunette with big bags in front of her. Pondering for a minute, Annabelle smiled, "I think it's in that direction." Annabelle pointed to the hallway to the left, seemingly sure of herself. Suddenly she frowned and crossed her arms, "or maybe it's that way..." Looking around, she shrugged, shaking her head. Trusting Annabelle with directions was not a very bright idea.

"Of... course you don't know." Aster sighed, "Well, thanks for at least trying to- Oh, another person." She turned to the new person approaching, "Hi.. Um.. I don't know about looking for friends, but I just need help finding the dorms.. I've got way too much to carry." The brunette motioned to her violin case and bags. "But if you don't feel like helping a girl out then I can gladly find the dorms on my own." Aster didn't mean to come off rude, she was just tired of dragging things around. @Ami the breadling @princxss
Aliza looked at her. She had a big backpack and a guitar on her back. But she took one of the bags. " I'll help. Even though I may look like a rude one, I'm quite the joy to be around. And I help people. So let's go. Straight that direction. Haven't catched your name yet. ", she said as she walked off towards the dorms.

"Oh. I'm Aster. Sorry." She stated, following after her, almost struggling to keep up. The beat up guitar in it's case would bounce up and down with every step that Aster took, worrying her about what condition it would be in by the time she got to her room. Her guitar was everything but mobile. It's what she got for loaning it from someone. "Thanks, by the way. I never seem to know my way around these new schools." @Ami the breadling
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"Rock. Always rock." Aster grinned just at the thought of rock music. The fact that she clearly held a violin case in one hand seemed very odd for a rock major, but maybe Aliza wouldn't notice. "How about you?" @Ami the breadling
Aliza turned around annoyedly. Her mood had changed. " As if it isn't obvious by outfit or Mabel, my guitar. Its rock and metal. ", she said as she started smiling again. Another change in mood.

"Geeze, woman. Just trying to make small talk. How would you have like it if I replied to your question by saying, 'I'm here as a ballerina dancer, and I just have two instruments here with me for emotional support.'" Aster retorted, her voice drenched in pure sarcasm. A lot of things tempered her. @Ami the breadling
"Number? Oh. Room number." Aster fumbled around in one of her bags before pulling out a sheet of paper, "Room 173.. I think." She crumpled up the paper and shoved it into her pocket, "I think I can make it there from here, thanks again." Aster stated, picking up her bags and beginning to walk off. @Ami the breadling


A short, blue eyed girl stared out the window of a rusty old car with excitement. "Aha!" she yelled out with a grin, punching the air. Her father looked at her with his weary grey eyes. "Keep it down, Ritsu," he grumbled. "Ricchan," she corrected, pouting. "I'm just excited. Wait, stop here! I'll get out!" The car stopped in a drive way sort of place and Ricchan stepped out. "See ya!" she waved to her father, before running into the gates, already open.

The front area was flooding with students already. She walked through, head held high, as if a princess.
Yes, a princess of music! She held a bag of luggage as the walked through the halls, not even stopping to talk to anyone. Why converse with the 'peasants' - Ahhh, not that I'm any royalty or anything... - , when she could be well into starting her career in music? A pop idol? A star! Ricchan grinned with excitement as she dragged her bag along. Full of the usual; stuffed bears, snacks, sweets, clothes. She hummed a song in her head, that she'd made. Upbeat, loud, cute. "Like me!" she grinned to herself. Probably not entirely true. Oh well. Ricchan's ID tag was shown and she skipped through the hallway. "Tsukema tsukeru..."

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Throughout the entire car ride to school, Jason strummed happily on his Ukulele. He played a tune that his mother would play for him as a child at night, softly humming along with it. His parents were taking him to the biggest school out there for talented kids, and somehow he had managed to get invited. What were the odds that a teenage boy with an average life would get accepted into a school for kids that were great at what they did. As they pulled into the parking lot, Jason got out of the car and grabbed his things. There wasn't much, a simple bookbag with all of the necessities as well as his Uke case. With Ukulele in hand, Jason waved his parents goodbye and strolled into the school's courtyard. The orientation didn't start until lunch, so he had time to chill, maybe make some friends. So, he walked around the outside of the school, strumming his instrument proudly. For once, he didn't feel like the outcast with all of the talent that surrounded him.

(Song being played: [media]

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Let's say... Ricchan didn't have the best sense of direction. No, the school is just big! She grumbled as she went in and out of hallways, popping into rooms she didn't know would exist, and narrowly avoiding a boy's bathroom. But she wasn't going to go ask someone for directions, because superstars always knew what to do, so she'd just have to find her way. "Nothing wrong with being fashionably late, right?" she assured herself.

Ricchan's ears heard a strum of a guitar. No, not a guitar... Ukulele? She wasn't very familiar with them. She turned and saw, out of a window, a boy also passing by, strumming a tune on a ukulele. It was nice.
Heh, not too bad! But cannot compete with me!

Out of the corner of Jason's eyes a bright, blonde color moving caught his attention. His head snapped away from the frets on his Ukulele towards the color, which turned out to be hair. It was a girl looking at him through a window inside. Continuing to strum his instrument he gave a light smile and nodded his head in her direction. Well, he had someone watching him, which was a good start for only being at the school for less than ten minutes. His smile broadened into a large grin as he began to switch the tune around, and before he even knew it he had changed the song completely into his own style. He was strumming his Uke without end, quickly switching between each cord, and stopping to pluck a few strings along the way. It all came together to sound even better than the song he was originally playing. Sure, Jason was showing off just a smidge, but if everyone there was as talented as he expected them to be, showing off wasn't a problem.


Aster made her way to her small room and threw her things down. She shoved her violin case under her bed and pulled out the rickety old guitar. It would do just fine to get her started on learning how to play, though, so soon enough, she'll be shredding like a pro. Opening one of her bags, Aster pulled out a small amp, plugging the electric guitar into it and beginning to strum a bit. After a few minutes of tuning, she began to try and learn. Things weren't going to well in that department, as she struggled to remember chords and even strum the strings correctly. She sat there, playing loud notes over and over for her whole dorm to hear and she didn't plan to stop until she learned how to play. Or until orientation, whichever came first.
Reina looked up from the ground as she heard the faint sounds of a string instrument in the distance. Curious, she made her way towards the sound, her hands playing with her lanyard nervously. The young girl stopped a ways away when she found the source; a man on the other side of the clearing strumming away on what appeared to be a ukulele.

'Wow, he's really good,' Reina thought in awe as she listened to the man's song. She quickly moved to the edge of the sidewalk, to allow the other students to pass through, and continued to watch the man play on his ukulele.
Jason wasn't aware of the attention that he had drawn from the other girl, but he would soon notice her watching him as well. 'Well isn't it just my lucky day.' He thought to himself happily, continuing to strum his instrument. As his song came to an end, Jason ran a hand through his red hair, which now was mildly damp with sweat from his mild performance. Deciding that it would be best to actually make some friends rather than serenade people with his music, Jason approached the girl that was outside after nodding to the blonde one goodbye.

He walked towards the girl with a smile, holding his ukulele casually at his side before extending his free hand. "You know, if you like a person's music, it's always nice to give a tip." He joked, making sure that she knew he was joking as well. "I'm Jason."

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