Starbright Academy [Inactive]

What was going on? Did she actually enjoy breaking his spirit? It felt like someone was hitting his head over and over with a baseball bat and his self esteem got crushed by a freakin whale or something. Jay still didn't say a word. The situation was new to him and very uncomfortable so he started sweating a bit.
Jess held her hands, but then shook his head, "I don't think I can do people." He frowned, "Sadly, that would have been super awesome! So what can you do--" All of a sudden Ava walked in. "Hey Tsuki, I'm back if you still need help." Ava said.

Ava looked at him and frowned, "You know, I didn't want to hurt your feelings but you asked." She stood up. "I think I am going to leave you alone, if that is okay." She said, kissed him on the cheek and then walked back towards her room, the sun was slowly setting and dinner would soon be approaching. She walked back, and heard Jess and Tsuki in Jay and Jess's room. "Hey Tsuki, I'm back if you still need help."
Jay threw himself on the grass. At least the grass was nice. Highlight of the day, woohoo! He was thinking about home. Everyone liked him there, and there was no one who could read him like this girl did. He lit another joint and took a big hit. It wasn't very surprising that this was just a bit too much of the stuff and Jay went bad. He started puking for a while, but afterwards he did feel a bit better. He threw away the joint and climbed the bench, took a few seconds to get his head together and started walking back to his room. On the way back he stopped at a bathroon to wash his face and drink some water to get rid of that horrible taste. When he looked up in the mirror, he realised that he was looking pretty awful.
Tsuki squeezed Jess's hands and let go, skipping over to Ava. "It was nice talking to you Jess!" She smiled and waved walking back to her room with Ava. She noticed that her suitcase was no longer in the middle of the room and her amber eyes softened happily. "I don't think you'll need to help me, because someone has already unpacked for me." As a matter of fact, said person was sitting on the unoccupied bed tapping his foot on the floor, a bottle of cherry shampoo dangling from his fingers. "Brat, what the H*** is this?" Levi growled, holding up the shampoo.
Ava looked at the boy sitting on Tsuki's bed, "It's shampoo... you wash your hair with it. You know most people use it." She said nodding her head and then opening up another one of her trunks. This one had clothes in it, and Ava began to transfer those into her dresser.

Jess waved good bye to Tsuki and then went to the bathroom. In there he saw Jay who looked pretty torn up, "You alright bro?" He asked washing his hands.
Jay was still trying to get everything straight when jess walks up to him. "I... I'm fine.. Why you asking?" He tried to act cool by fixing his hair for a bit with some water.
Jess shrugged and started to dry his hands, "Well just because we aren't friends doesn't mean we shouldn't look out for each other." He gave a little half smile. "Listen, I'm not a bad guy, or a boring guy, I just like books, and don't like to be bossed around by a**holes," He smiled and patted his shoulder, "Right now, we are kind of the only family each others got, and if your not okay, I mean at least I can try and help." He looked at his eyes all red from the pot, "Even if I don't necessarily want to."
Levi scowled at Ava. "I know that, I wasn't looking for sarcasm Sh***y Tattoos. I wanted to know what the f*** her shampoo was doing in my suitcase." He stood and practically stomped over to Tsuki, placing one hand on her head, then leaning near her face shaking the shampoo bottle. "Did I not tell you that I was going to pack the luggage?" Tsuki nodded. "Hm, and did I also say to not touch anything, because you would mess me up, brat?" Tsuki giggled softly. "Sorry Levi, it's just that you always baby me, so I wanted to help." His grip tightened on her hair but loosened moments after. "Tch, you know why I baby you." He handed her the bottle and exited the room without giving Ava a sparing look.
Ava looked at him in shock, my god, he was worse then Jay. She rolled her eyes. "Wow, what gives you the right the talk to her, or anyone for that matter, like that. IF she is your friend, you need to get your attitude checked out." She nodded, "Yeah, or I could deal with you. And I don't think you want that." She huffed an sat down on her bed, "Also my tattoos are nice!"
Tsuki giggled sweetly as her new friend tried to take in Levi's personality. She sat down next to her on her bed and began to speak without any prompting. "Levi and I are childhood friends. We grew up together and he was there when....well we just real good friends. I'm sorry about him though. He's a bit of a jerk. You'll get used to him though, well you're going to have to because he's like an overprotective brother!" Tsuki laughed, but despite this, her knuckles were white and her grip on the shampoo bottle deathly.
"You want to help me?! Suddenly Jay became full of anger. He didn't want people to help him. He could handle himself, he doesn't need anyone to help him! "You really think I need your help, you stupid twat?!" Jay pushed Jess against the wall and pressed his elbow against his throat. "You better get that ugly face of yours out of my sight you hear me?!" He threw Jess on the ground and walked to his room. There he gave a hard punch against the door which did leave some sort of dent in the wood. He threw himself in bed and closed his eyes. He was absolutely furious!
Ava raised an eyebrow, "Interesting, I'm not having it." She said, and heard Jay rushing down the hall slamming his door. He was pissed. She sighed, should she go over there, should she go talk to him. No. She knew it wasn't a good idea she should let him go be mad for a bit. He will cool off eventually.

After a minute of choking, Jess stood up, what could Ava have done to him to make him that mad. That aggressive. What was he supposed to do, he told him to never go near him but he live with him. My god. What had he done. Why did I have to talk to him! He slapped himself a few times, looked at himself in the mirror and built up the courage to walk back to his room, but he didn't want to. Jess wasn't strong. As he was about to knock on the door he swallowed, and then looked over across the hall. Maybe he should go see what Ava did. He walked over to the door a knocked. Ava invited him in. "What did you do?" He asked. Ava asked if Jay was mad. "He called me female genitalia and then told me I was ugly."
So much was going trough his head right now, but the only thing that mattered was that Jay wanted to go home now. When he cooled of a bit he started to think if maybe Ava was right. Maybe he was too harsh on Jess. Not like that would make any difference now; Jay couldn't stand him and to be honest, he got a bit scared of Ava..
Ava was trying to find Jay's mind through the crowds of people, after a few minutes of looking she found him, he was mad really mad. His aura was red with infuriation. Would she try and talk to him. She sent him a quick message to his head, Are you okay? She said quietly, it would sound like a whisper in his head, I'm really sorry if I hurt your feelings, but you did need to hear it. She sighed, if you wish to respond to me, just start talking in your head, or you know, you can knock on my door.
"Aahrg! Stop it! Stop it!" He heard ava talking in his head. It all sounded so real and natural but it burned so bad. It really felt like the worst headache Jay has ever had. Luckily she stopped talking but Jay was stressed out. He was sweating alot now. Because of what just happened he did get less angry but also a bit more scared of her powers.
He heard someone knocking at the door, but he didn't care. The door probably wasn't locked anyway. Jay turned around in his bed so that his back was facing the door. He took a deep breath...

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