Starbright Academy [Inactive]

"Ah some lad?" She laughed, what is up with this guy. She smiled, "I mean sure, a lad would be nice, but I don't think I see one here." She smiled devilishly.
''Haha are you telling me you are afraid I would not be manly enough for you?'' Jay kept his cheeky smile up but he was kind of offended. He wasn't used to this kind of talking to him.
She crossed her arms turned around and hopped on her bed, "yeah, I'm in to more of the like cool kinda guy. You're just a little too..." She tapped her finger on her chin, "everything." She giggled, however she could see that behind his smile, he was not happy with the way she was speaking to him. "You know I'm only kidding right?"
''What could possibly be wrong with being 'everything'? haha'' Jay said sarcasticly. He sat down at the end of Ava's bed and said: ''Believe me, I really hope you're kidding right now haha.'' Jay wasn't sure that she laying on the bed was a hint or anything so he decided to stay put for now. Jay never really understood these 'girls hints' anyway.
"I am not hinting that I want to sleep with you." She said punching his side, "This is part of that everything I was talking about!" She motioned her hands in small circles gesturing at him. "I wanted to sit down."
''Wait.. what? Did I really just said that out loud? F*ck me that's embarrassing...'' Jay immediately turns red and has no clue of what just happened...
She was hysterical, she fell over onto her mound of pillows laughing. She sat back up and looked at him in the eyes, wiping a small wet tear from my eyes, "I can read minds, and you were yelling that pretty loudly."
''OMYGOD! You are awful haha! I feel like such a moron right now.'' Jay felt really ashamed right now but tried to cover it. Not like that would help if she could read him anyways.. ''Have you been doing this the whole time?''
She smiled, "not long enough to get bored, but definetly long enough to enjoy it," she chimed quoting him from earlier, she winked and then kept laughing, he was as red as a tomato.
Even though it was a really embarrassing situation, Jay got his colour back because she wasn't acting bad about his thoughts. ''So how am i ever supposed to use my guy-mind if you can read whatever I'm thinking of?'' He said sarcastically. Jay was wondering if he would be able to get a chance to scare the poop out of her with his own abilities.
Ava shrugged, "I have mastered not listening to people's minds. I can't just do it, I have to want to do it, and most of the time, frankly I don't care to." She smiled, "Mind reading isn't the main power, I just kind of use it when ever, it's like the bonus power." She winked and smiled.
"Haha wow, you even got a bonus power. Lucky you! So what is your real power then?" It seemed like she was okay with the fact that she isn't just a regular kid. And Jay was glad about that, because he was happy with his own power too and he didn't like ending up in a discussion about something that could be concidered very sensitive.
She smiled, "Eh, I'll tell you when I feel like it." she winked and then hopped off her bed and walked over to the mini fridge she had by her desk. She looked in, then looked at the door. She walked over to the door quickly, shut it, walked back over to the fridge and pulled out a beer, "You want one, I stole my parents stash, least I could do for those jerks."
"That's okay"

No, it wasn't because now he was very curious about it. Ofcourse he would not say that to her though.

When she offered him a beer he instantly accepted the offer. "Yeah sure! I will never say no to that." He said with a smile.

"I've got the idea I should ask about your parents now, am I right?
"You don't have to ask me anything," She said plopping back down on the bed, and tossing him the can. She popped open hers and took a sip, "They are just sucky so I stole their booze."
"Haha yeah I am sure they were."

Jay took a big sip of his beer. He prefered his beer to be in a bottle but it sure was better than nothing.

"Nah, my parents are pretty great actually. Even though I didn't spend a lot of time with them.
"Why is that?" she asked, sipping on her drink. She crossed her legs. He was nicer then she originally thought he was, however, she questioned how genuine he was actually being with her.
"They had to travel a lot for their jobs, so I spent most of my time with the maid." Jay took a last sip of his beer and threw the can in the bin. Then he stood up. "Anyway, I have to get going. I still have to find my dorm and my roommate, and drop my luggage there." He smiled modest and said: "You can come if you want?"
''Allright then.'' Jay grabbed his bags and walked out of Ava's dorm. ''My roommate is called Jess or something similar. Have you seen him around earlier? I know absolutely nothing about this guy.''
Ava stuck her hand out to grab a bag, but Jay declined. ''I'm a lad, remember? Lads can carry their own luggage.'' he said with a smile. ''Yeah, its not that big of a building, my room shouldn't be far from here I guess.'' The two started walking around the hallway.
Jay nods. He walks up to the door and quickly knocks three times on the door. No-one answers. He checks the door handle and the door seems locked. Jay knocks again. Still no answer. ''Are you having any luck over there, Ava? he asks.
Jess hears a knock on his door and places his book down. He walked towards the door, and standing in the door frame is a boy that towers a few inched over him. "May I help you?"

Ava shakes her head waiting for someone to answer her down, and then turns around when someone opened the door Jay is knocking on.

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