Starbright Academy [Inactive]

Jess heard a knock at the door again, did that stupid head lock himself out already? He walked over to the door, yanked it open aggressively and then realized it was a girl. "Oh," he blushed, "I'm sorry, Hi how may I help you?" He asked. She was really pretty.

Ava smiled, "because you are a jerk, duh. I can see right through your little facade. Now lets get going." She said on the balls of her feet and then walked off, Jay walking next to her.

Tsuki stuck out a covered hand. "Hi! My name is Tsukihime, and I don't need anything in particular, I was just directed in the direction to meet you!" She smiled brightly, head tilting up so she could actually make eye contact.
''Haha I'm really not that bad as you think I am'' (yes he is!) They walked outside together. The weather was nice, and the sun was shining bright. Jay loved this kind of weather, Not too hot, but really sunny and warm. ''So, what about your roommate? You hanging in there?'' Jay was glad he could go for a walk with her. His roommate was a right pain in the ass and she was fun to hang out with.
"O-okay... I-I... Um..." Luke cleared his throat a couple times and shook his head. "I don't know when classes start, sorry..." Okay, so it was his stuttering that bothered him, not really Luke himself. Good thing he didn't always stutter, then... Was there anything else like that that he'd find annoying? Would his tics and twitches annoy him? Probably... That would be just Luke's luck, getting a roommate that couldn't stand the one thing he couldn't control...
Jess's face brightened up. She was really pretty. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you Tsuki," He looked around, "I'm Jess, do you want to come in a talk? Or we could go out. It does get kinda stuffy in here." He was doing it again putting his foot in his mouth and talking too much.

Ava nodded, "She just showed up but she seems pretty nice. And you know you're roommate is probably just fine! He probably just isn't as obnoxious as you." She winked and kept walking.
''Haha, and you are saying I am the jerk? You keep saying bad things about me!'' Jay liked the way Ava was teasing him. He was used to this kind of conversations from his previous school so it made him feel kind of home. They sat down at a bench and Jay grabbed his little bag of weed again. ''Do you mind?'' He asked.
Isa supposed she was content with her room. She had it to herself, which she was also fine with, but she was terribly bored and didn't particularly want to unpack her things at the moment. Perhaps she'd go look around her new 'home' for the next few months...
Ava shook her head, "I knew you smelled like pot." She chuckled, "I don't care, go for it." She sat down next to him, "but yeah I do think you're a jerk, I heard your whole conversation with Jess." She shrugged watching rolling up a little cig. "He seems like a really cool guy, and you are just an a** to him."

Tsuki was about to say they could go walking, when she caught sight of the books he had. She looked up at him excitedly, her glasses falling off completely. "You have books! Well, I think you do, I can't actually see anymore. Can I read them?" She asked, flailing about blindly in search of her glasses. As she did this, she managed to bump into Jess's chest.


He sighed. "It's fine, I didn't expect you to know. And stop apologizing. That's irritating as well and I get it enough from Tsuki." He raised and eyebrow at his roommate, who appeared as though he couldn't actually meet Levi's eye. He sighed again and walked over to stand next to Luke, pointing to the open book. "What's this about, brat?"
''Do I really? That can't be good, can it? Haha.'' He lit his second joint of the day since she was okay with it. ''I don't know, he could be allright, I am only teasing him a bit. It's more like a stress test I guess.'' Jay took a hit and had to ask Ava. ''So are you gonna tell me more about those powers of you or not?
Jess laughed and helped her up, "Yeah I have a lot of books." He smiled, still holding onto her awkwardly. He blushed and let her go, "here let me grab your glasses for you." He said bending down and picking them up. He quickly handed them to her, his hand brushing against hers, "you want to come in and see them?

Ava shrugged, stole the joint from out of his hand, breathed in, feeling the soothing taste run through her veins she blew some smoke out at his face. As he winced a little she laughed. "I'll tell you when I feel like it." She winked, placing the joint between her teeth.
Tsuki blushed, thoroughly embarrassed. She pushed the glasses up her nose and nodded. "Of course I'd love to see your books! I love books." She squeaked out, brushing off the seat of her skirt. Suddenly curious, she voiced a question she was bound to ask everyone. "So why are you here at the academy?" She looked up curiously as she followed Jess into his room.
Luke opened his mouth to apologize again, but quickly snapped it shut once more. Who the heck apologizes for apologizing? Stupid... Then Levi was asking about his book and Luke glanced up at him, then back to the book in his hands. Asylum. "... It's, um, it's about some teenagers going to a summer camp on a university campus and having to stay in a building that used to be an asylum. The main character, Dan Crawford, finds some creepy photos in his bedroom and goes exploring in and old office with his new friends. I haven't gotten very far yet, but the warden's name plaque has some letters missing, and I bet you anything it used to say Warden Crawford." It was easy to tell that he was very in to the story.
Jay was a bit surprised that she took his joint from him, but he didn't mind. ''Don't go wild on that stuff lass, the Dutch stuff is pretty heavy haha, however; if you are only gonna tell me when you feel like it, you should take another few hits.'' He said joking. Taking back his joint was the perfect excuse to sit a bit closer to Ava. He could smell her cologne now and it was very, very nice. Was there absolutely nothing wrong with this girl then?
"Hey!" Ava yelled loudly, "I wasn't done with that." She turned to face him on the bench, putting her legs over his lap. She reached over and snagged it right out of his mouth. "You shouldn't be so misogynistic, I can probably out drink you," she said laughed puffing more smoke into his face, "Also I am pretty good at keeping secrets so it will take more then a few puffs."

Jess smiled, letting her look at his collection of books, "Oh well, I made a wish to be smart." He gestured to the books, "Obviously it worked," he whispered pushing his heavy glasses up his nose.
Isa wandered down the hallway until she came across a couple of people standing in an open doorway and conversing. She stopped and stared at them with a blank expression, unsure of how to properly approach them.
''Haha no doubt! I was raised to enjoy my drinks. Not to stuff my face with them.'' Jay lifted the girl up a bit and put her butt on his lap instead of only her legs. He held her around her waist so she wouldn't fall off or anything. ''So if you are this amazing mind reader, tell me; what do you know about me?''
"Well" She said looking at his hands "First, don't you think about getting too handsy okay?" She looked into his pretty brown eyes and searched his mind, "You are pretty rich, always been that 'it' boy. Did you have like a beach home in SoCal?" She said thinking, placing her arms around his neck, "Oh it doesn't matter. You are totally an a**hole, and though you are putting up a semi nice front with me, I am almost a hundred percent positive it is all an act, so start being genuine. Your power I don't know yet, but you want to scare the snot out of me. Also you think I'm pretty cute, but I already knew that." She winked, and then scoot off of him.

Levi grunted. "Interesting." He shambled over to his own bed and began to move his piles of clothing to the floor...but not before he inspected every inch of it. If he was satisfied, he would put the pile down, if not he would search for another spot. Eventually he moved them all and lay down on his cool covers. After a moment or two, he closed his eyes, intent on resting and not speaking until classes.


"That's a pretty good wish. Mine's a little lame. I wished that the monsters in my closets and under my bed would go away." She ran her small hand over the spines of the books an especially worn looking one caught her eye and she tugged it off the shelf. She opened the book and held it in one hand, then moved her glasses to the tip of her nose. "Do I look like a librarian?" She giggled.
Jess smiled and looked at her, "No! You're too nice to be a librarian." He said looking over her shoulder at the book she was holding.
Tsuki giggled again and pushed her glasses back up. "Do you know this book? It seems like you've read it. Wait, it your power to generate endless amounts of books?" She stared at him in awe.

The two went inside the room and closed the door, apparently not noticing her. Shrugging, the black haired girl wandered away, finding herself outside after a few minutes. "The sun... is bright..." She mumbled. She liked its warmth, but the light was shining in her eyes and trying to blind her.


The redhead nodded a bit and watched Levi go over to his side of the room. Deciding he didn't want to make the other think he was a creeper that liked to watch people sleep and stuff, he looked back to his book. Almost immediately, he was lost in the story once more, becoming unaware of his own life or anything that went on around him, not even noticing his slightly decreased twitching.
Jay felt absolutely terrible... What she just did, no one ever talked to him like that and this left him in quite a vulnerable state. He didn't say a word while he took the joint back and took a huge hit. He never really got used to the stuff and couldn't really handle it so that his fingers started to tingle. Jay couldn't remember the last time he felt this awful...
Jess started laughing hysterically, "no no, I still have to buy books like normal people, however when I touch something, anything, I can absorb how ever much knowledge I want from it, by just touching it." He looked at her, she was just so pretty, "it's pretty useful especially in school."

Ava looked Jay right in the face, eyeing him up and down, she could tell she broke down his tall confident stature. Good. She noticed his hands quivering a little, and took the joint from his hand, tapping out the spark and placing the rest in his shirt pocket. "I think you need to stop." They sat there in complete silence for another minute, and she bit her lip. "I think the worst part about all that I just said was that I only read

your mind like twice, and the only think I said that I needed to read your mind for was the fact that you want to scare the crap out of me." She stopped for a second and looked into his hurt eyes, she looked down apologetically, "Everything else I knew from just looking at you."
Tsuki's awed look never faltered. "Oh wow! My power isn't nearly as helpful as that! Can you do it to people?" She had put the book back and in her fit of excitement, had grabbed Jess's hands, clutching them in her tiny ones.

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