Starbright Academy [Inactive]

Surprisingly then someone opens the door. The guy who opens the door is a bit smaller than Jay, and since he only opened the door a few inches, he didn't seem like the most extrovert person. ''Hello lad, nice to meet you. My name is Jay.'' He says really sarcastically. Jay was already annoyed by the fact that the boy couldn't even bring it up to say hello. ''You know someone called Jess?'' he asks.
Jess opened the door wider, "I'm Jess." He said quietly looking at the boy, he was handsome, and probably came from good money. Jess nodded, opened the door up all the way and motioned for him to come in. "Do you need any help man?" A tall girl walked over to stand behind Jay, she was really pretty, he swallowed hard and then blinked. He didn't know what to say.

"I'm Ava," she said the the boy, Jess as he stood in the door way, she gave a smirk then looked at Jay, "Well, I will see you later. If you need anything I'm just right across the hall." She patted Jay's back, and then winked at Jess, "Nice to meet ya," And then walked back to her room, propped the door open and continued to blast her music.
''Bye Ava, it was nice meeting you.'' When Ava leaves he closes the door. The fact that he only got a pat on the back and the other fella got the wink annoyed the crap out of him, but it was probably nothing. Jay turns to Jess. ''Loosen up dude, I won't bite!'' he says smiling. I guess we are roommates now, eh?'' Jay throws his stuff on the ground and crashes on his bed. The bed was nothing like the kings-size boxspring he had back home but it would do for now.

"Hurry up brat, we're late enough as is." Levi barked at his childhood friend, who was struggling with getting her luggage into the back of his car. He groaned and trudged over to her, prying her tiny hands from the handle and lifting it with ease into the trunk. After he slammed it closed, he pushed her into the passenger side and buckled her seatbelt for her before taking off at a ridiculous speed. She squeaked and flinched, her too-big glasses sliding down her nose. The car screeched loudly to a stop and within minutes, Levi has Tsuki out of the car with both their luggage. They each only carried one suitcase, so he carried hers for her. They headed into the dorm building, Tsuki struggling to keep up with his fast pace.


She tried to protest his carrying her belongings but the deadly glare he shot her was enough to make her seal her lips. She followed quietly behind him, trying to recall the dorm number she had been assigned. Luckily for her, he remembered and dropped her suitcase in front of it. She wrapped her frail arms around his middle then stepped away, pushing her glasses up her nose. "Thanks Levi!" He only grunted and knocked on the door for her, before disappearing down the hallway.
Jess was a little flustered, these were the type of people that picked on him at his last school. He closed the door once Jay plopped own on the bed, and then walked back to his side of the room, "Sorry, I'm just not that great at making friends." He gave a dorky smile, and then looked him up and down, definitely rich. "So, how are you liking it here so far?"

Ava heard a knock at her already opened door, Maybe it was her roommate, Tsu--Tsukih something or other. She opened the already propped open door all the way and then looked at the tiny girl standing there, "You must be Tsuk... uh, I'm sorry. I don't want to butcher your name."
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''Well, I haven't been here that long so I don't know.'' Jay took a good look around. Jess looked like a nice guy, but Jay did notice all the books on the shelves. -I hope he isn't some annyoing nerd...- Jay thought to himself. ''Look, this can go down two ways. Either you get out of that shell of yours, which would mean that we will have a heck of a lot of fun together, or you can stick your head in those book the whole day. I wouldn't like it if you do that.'' He said somewhat annoyed.

"It's fine. Not many people can pronounce it correctly. The first person I met that could was Levi, and he's French can just call me Tsuki, spelled T S U K I and pronounced Sue key. You're Ava right? I'm happy to meet you!" As she spoke, she struggled with the weight of her suitcase. She hadn't packed it herself, (Levi had, as he does everything for her) and she had no idea what was making it so heavy. Deciding that pushing would solve the problem much faster than pulling, she circled around the back of the suitcase and put her palms flat against it. Then with a mighty push, both Tsuki and the case toppled into the middle of the floor. She lay there on it huffing and puffing and cursing Levi with every fiber of her being.


Levi entered his dorm without knocking. He knew which was his room and didn't feel like it was necessary to ask permission to enter his living space. He cold grey eyes settled on his roommate, or so he assumed, a red haired boy who twitched every few seconds or so. With a tch, Levi dropped his suitcase onto the floor next to the only open bed loudly, to call attention to his presence. "Hey brat, you're Luke right?" He spoke harshly, in a tone that left no room for argument.

Jess looked at him in utter shock, his mouth dropping just a little. "Listen." He said very seriously, "We are roommates, not best friends." He crossed his arms, "While, I should feel honored to be in your presence or something, I can make friends on my own. If I see you as someone who I want to be friends with sure, okay what ever. But being forced into the same room, does not automatically give you the rights to tell me how to live my life." He laid back down and picked up the book he was already reading. "Also if you weren't so rude to me, maybe I would help you with your homework." He said without even looking at him.

Ava laughed a little bit watching Tsuki struggle with her belonging, "Are you sure you don't want any help?" I might not be that strong, but together we could probably get it on your bed so you don't have to bend down to grab anything!"
Jay smiled at Jess while he was yammering about. ''Look at you! standing up for yourself! Haha, we will see how this will end up.'' Damn this guy was annoying as sh*t. Jay opened the window and grabbed a little bag of weed out of his backpack. ''Do you mind?'' He said while rolling a joint.
Luke flinched violently, nearly falling off the bed he'd claimed for himself and dropping the book he'd been reading. "Um... yes...? Th-that's me... And, uh, I guess you're... Levi, right...?"
''Thats the right attitude! You're a quick learner fella.'' Jay lit the joint and laid back on bed. He could finally relax for a bit. No one was going to read his mind here. This made him wonder... ''So, what's your power all about?''
Jess looked at him and smiled, "I used to be really stupid." He said holding up this book, "But you can flip to any page and recall it for you." He said, "I can collect what ever information i was just by touching something on the subject, like a book, a computer, I could tell you what type of wood your bed frame is made out of and where it came from."
Jess looked at him, oh my god, this guy is the most ridiculous and pretentious man I have ever met. "You know some women find intellect sexy, those are the type of girls I'm interested in."
Jay was really enjoying his roommate. Not because he was such an fun guy to hang out with, hell no, but because of the bright answers he kept coming with. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with his self-esteem. Jay decided to stop annoying Jess for a while and threw his joint out of the window. He closed his eyes and got really relaxed. He started thinking about Ava. He would rather hang out with her because... then Jay remembered her power and started thinking about random nonsense...
Ava could hear the conversation going on across the hall. Jess was just what Jay needed, she giggled, and smiled at her roommate. She listened to them talking closely and decided if she should mess with Jay a bit. She smiled devilishly. She started reaching through the clouds of peoples subconscious and eventually grabbed a hold of Jay's in his head she started making him think about wanting to get up and go talk to her, but subtly. Putting thoughts into her head like what could she be up to, or wonder if she wants to go for a walk. Hopefully he would follow these intuitions without realizing it was her doing it. She was the master of being subtle about it.
Then it happened again. Jay was thinking about her again. What would she be doing right now? Dit she get a roommate yet? Maybe he should keep her company. Maybe she would want to go for a walk around the campus or something. What was happening to him? I mean, yes he fell in love pretty easily, but not that easy! But then again, He kept thinking about her so he decided to go find her. He got up and grabbed his weed, and walked away. ''Bu-bye mister brains'' he said to Jess. When he opened the door he saw Ava walking away. ''Hey, Ava! What are you up to you sneaky girl!'' he said with a smile.
Ava turned around and rolled her eyes, she knew it worked, but was he suspicious? She shrugged her shoulders, "I was just going to go for a walk, explore a little bit. Do you want to come?"

With a tch, Levi turned and crossed his arms over his chest He watched Luke stutter and tched again. He does this a lot. "Are you going to stutter every time I talk to you? How irritating." He spun stiffly back to his bag and began to unpack. Briefly he wondered if Tsuki was able to lift that suitcase all by herself. Speaking of Tsuki.....


She shook her head when Ava offered to help her and tried to stand up. When she fell again, she opted to sit on her suitcase and observe the interaction between this new person and Ava. They seem to know each other quite well..... She thought. She smiled and waved to them. "Enjoy your walk!"
Ava turned around to wave good bye to Tsuki, "Hey I'll help when I get back! Why don't you go talk to some people around here, I met this guy across the hall who seems pretty nice!" She smiled, "This jerks roommate," pointing to Jay, "You should go say hi, his name is I think Jess."
Tsuki nodded. "Hm, alright!" And that she did. She scooted off her suitcase and walked across the hallway, her glasses slipping down her nose with each step. She knocked and as she waited for a reply, felt something akin to a yokai, pass through her. Suddenly alert, she looked left and right but could not spot it. Shrugging it off as paranoia, she turned back to the door, glasses still balancing on the tip of her nose. Her oversized sweater sleeves dangled just past her fingertips and waved gently as she rocked back and forth.
Jay's smile disappeared off his face. She wants to go for a walk. What was happening? Jay remembered her talking about the mind reading being only a bonus, but controlling his mind? That would go way too far. Jay got a bit suspicious but figured it was probably nothing. ''Yeah sure, I would love to. A girl who was sitting in Ava's room greeted him, so that probably was his roommate. Since Ava was here too, nice-guy mode was turned on so he politely answered. ''Hey there! Thanks! Good luck with unpacking that massive suitcase of yours.'' Haha, what are you calling me a jerk for? And yes, his name is Jess.''
Luke felt his heart sink down to his gut. They'd only just met and his roommate already seemed to hate him. Of course, he'd expected nothing else. No one liked him. That was just the way it was. "Sorry..." He mumbled, picking his book up once more and flipping to the page he'd been on when he dropped it. He had hoped that his roommate would at least be able to tolerate him, but that didn't seem to be the case...

"What are you apologizing for, brat. I only said stuttering is irritating not you. Honestly." He spoke without turning, and when he did all of his clothes were neatly folded in color coded piles, atop a neat bedspread. He sat down, one leg over the other, and hands settled on his knee. "Do you know when the actual learning starts, or are we just supposed to socialize?"

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