• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Raven Rico was just silently watching over the town square when she noticed something strange. There's a few guards there, a normal thing to be in a big festival like this. However those guards were walking through the crowd straight towards Shen's location. This was the second time this happened in the span of just a few minutes, almost as if every guards know the man's face and his general whereabout... Rico shook her head. The detail didn't matter to her. She was thinking if there's anything she could do to stall some time for She- "GWAAKK."

Rico let out a loud gurgling shriek as the sky suddenly exploded from the fireworks. She wasn't ready for that, nor do the people in the aquare and soon things turned chaotic. She flew low enough to not be hit by the fireworks and landed on Shen's shoulder, careful to not accidentally stab his face with her horns.

"we've been spotted... and Rico thinks the guards got a tracking hound on you." The last sentence was more for Shen. Just like how she's able to track down Charlie easily, if a trained hound already locked onto him then it would be hard to escape sneakily like this, or maybe the guards also had the same weird pendulum like they had, but pointing at Shen?? She could imagine that, but either way she thought the solution would be the same.

"We should hurry, go as fast as possible." If they already know their whereabout, then it's better to finish their mission quickly and then escape with the ship.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Zazz Zazz gaY jail gaY jail Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
The firecrackers exploded and Shen smiled to himself as all the guards he could see turned in surprise. He'd heard what Lauren told him, and just after that, Rico descended with the same.
"A tracking animal huh? Well, that makes thing complicated." Shen checked the pendulum once more. It was still pointing across the square,
but the only things there were the docks and the gates leading up to the Imperial palace...was it possible the princess had already returned? He looked back at Lauren and then and Rico and Calliope, as if coming to a decision.
"We're going back to the ship." He said firmly. "The guards won't be able to follow us if we're in the air. They'll need time to mobilize something to chase us. You go first, I'll bring up the rear."
Shen waited until his team was ahead of him, then he drew a fistfull of gold coins from his purse.
"HAPPY UNITY DAY!" He roared and hurled the coins into the crowd.
The ensuing scramble made him laugh, as the guards were buffeted, already off balance because of the firecrackers bursting in their ears. Half of them were knocked flat, but the creature they'd had on a leash suddenly broke free. It was dog-ish, tall and lanky with a long, floppy snout set over glistening white teeth. It tore towards them, bounding over the backs of the celebrators grabbing for coins.

"Ok, running time now!"
Shen bolted.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Zazz Zazz Saturn_moon Saturn_moon gaY jail gaY jail


Anna froze as the guard appeared from behind the door. He looked as stunned as she did. He surveyed the room, having to look up at Killerie, and was so surprised he fumbled the pistol. Anna took that split second to pick a wrench from her tool belt and hurl it straight at the man's head.
Hazmat44 Hazmat44 TheSpeck TheSpeck


The cloaked figure on the top deck listened while Alaric ranted. Beneath the dark hood, a pair of goggles glinted in the setting sun. There was a long silence after Alaric had finished, where the figure simply stood, hand just above the hilt of his blaster.
"My mission..." The figure rasped. "Takes priority over all else. Secrecy takes priority over all else."
In a flash his blaster was drawn and he fired, directly at Alaric's chest.
andujarprime andujarprime Lioness075 Lioness075
Killerie stood stock-still for what felt like a small eternity, staring down at the guard in front of her. His startlingly clear eyes widened slightly as he took in her full size, and there was a brief pause as they looked at each other.

What was he doing here? Killerie wondered. What happened in his life that made him arrive at this point? On a ship as expensive as this one, looking into the engine room?

What kind of person was he? Was he kind when he wasn't being a guard? He looked... newer than some people she'd met. Not as fresh as Elnaril, but not as settled as Anna. He looked like a person who didn't want to be here.

The moment shattered as his eyes snapped down to the blaster loosely held in his hand, and he rapidly brought it up to aim at her. Killerie sensed more than saw Charlie come behind her, trying to get in front of her. "Don't shoot her!" He hoarsely shouted, his voice quieter than Killerie had expected. Perhaps he was trying not to attract attention?

Everything happened both very quickly and agonizingly slowly at the same time. The guard's trembling hands slipped on the handle, and he scrabbled to grab it out of the air. At the moment he seized it, fingers just barely sliding into the trigger guard, a wrench flew past Killerie and hit the guard in the forehead. His eyes glazed over as the metal tool hit him, and his finger tightened.

There was a blast of green.

Killerie felt marginally lighter.

The guard keeled over, knocked clean out by the wrench. His blaster clattered to the floor, but Killerie wasn't paying attention. She could smell something burning, a foul stench that invaded her slitted nose and stayed there.

She slowly looked down at herself, not wanting to for some reason. A blackened mark cracked her carapace a third of the way down where the blaster had hit, just barely having missed her vulnerable stomach. There was a singed stump where one of her legs should've been. Looking down further, she saw the leg in question lying on the floor of the engine room. The part where it was supposed to be attached to her body was black, blown off her by the point-blank blaster shot.

Killerie was feeling a little light-headed. She'd heard about this from one of the few humans she'd ever held a full conversation with, a nice person who'd been on the ship she'd come to Imperialis on. What had his name been? She couldn't remember, but it suddenly seemed important.

It... it hurt. The stump on the side of her body where there'd been a leg seconds before twitched as if it were trying to move the missing limb. Killerie was breathing a lot faster now - when did that happen? It - it was burning. It stung worse than anything she'd felt before, worse than anything she'd ever imagined something could hurt.

Black spots invaded her vision, and she felt consciousness flee from her brain. As she swayed on the spot, she couldn't help but think about one thing.

Charlie's plant is in my backpack.

Her head drooped, her eyes blinking faster than they needed to. Fall forward. Fall forward, fall forward, don't land on the...

She keeled over and crashed into the hallway outside the engine room, and everything went blank.

SilverFlight SilverFlight TheSpeck TheSpeck Naberius Naberius andujarprime andujarprime Lioness075 Lioness075
Charlie, a bit shocked as the guard fell to the ground like a sack of flour, turned slowly toward Killerie. A green light had flown straight toward Killerie, and he didn't know what it was. His heart dropped at the sight of killerie's blown off leg. He stared for a moment, blankly at the stub where her leg used to be, then at the ground where it was now. If he physically could he would have started sobbing by now. "K..Killerie." he said in a shakey voice, reaching slowly out toward her. He noticed her swaying a bit...

Charlie dodged out of the way as Killerie collapsed, not wanting to get stuck underneath her. "Killerie!" He screeched a bit, this time not losing his voice. "Is she dead is she dying why is she on the ground?!" Charlie sobbed without tears, looking at Anna like a lost child. He turned back to Killerie and tried to push her a little, remembering that's what he had done a while back on his own planet when his friends collapsed like this... But the people he had pushed never woke up. Killerie was never going to wake up! No no, he had to do something he couldn't just stand there. Quickly he dropped into a crouch in search of the leg stump. When he found it he inspected it a moment. It was burned, so he wasn't sure if it was bleeding or not. He started to panic a little, breathing faster. If he couldn't see what was wrong how would he fix it?!

"Wake up! wake up!" He said desperately, shaking a little as he searched for something he could fix, but couldn't find what he was searching for.

In the room:
Hazmat44 Hazmat44 SilverFlight SilverFlight
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Larassa Profile.png
Name: Larassa SovnaNickname: The Raven
Race: KhoelianHome Planet: Khoeli
Occupation: Bounty HuntressEquipment: Knapsack, Bow, Quiver of Arrows (20/20 Normal, 1/1 Grappling), Twin Daggers

As the others made their way onto the ship with their own plans, Larassa grinned at Alaric and gleefully snatched his wrists before dragging him off the dock and into the air. His screams and genuine fear only made her laugh that much harder. Ironically enough, this made it even more difficult for her to fly smoothly and thus, only made things scarier for Alaric. Larassa beat her wings hard and banked around the ship, circling to gain altitude. At one point, she was more than happy to pretend to falter, chuckling when Alaric yelped at this.

Thankfully, the guards were pretty distracted at this point and she dropped Alaric onto his perch before she balanced herself out in the air and landed in the crow's nest herself. She leaned over to survey the scene just as Alaric made his remark and she snickered in response. She often found her pranks to be far better than any Alaric could come up with and found the playful threat to be of little concern to her.

Before she could even move to double check any rigging up here, Alaric already had it taken care of and Larassa merely sighed to herself. To be fair, though, she knew she was going to be of much more use once they got the ship moving and needed to get the rest of the sails down. It seemed like she and Alaric were the most knowledgeable about sailing here. Though, that engineer girl seemed fairly knowledgeable as well. That extra help would certainly come in handy later on.

Larassa started to grin when she heard what Alaric was saying to her, but flicked her ears backwards when she heard his exclamation. Her head followed suit and she narrowed her eyes at the stranger who had just flown to the ship with a jetpack. This was not good.
Hearing Alaric's request, Larassa nodded grimly and took her bow off her back before nocking an arrow. She kept the tension low as she stepped up onto the mast beside the crow's nest and then crouched down with her wings slightly opened to give her better balance. Looking down, she mindfully kept an eye on the situation that ensued with Alaric's entrance.
Raising an eyebrow at his tactics, Larassa inwardly face palmed and wondered how Alaric had made it this far in life with how he handled things.

Unfortunately, this stranger was having none of Alaric's antics and Larassa was airborne once she saw his hand moving towards the blaster holstered on his hip. It was now or never.
The wind whistled as she fell and then Larassa gritted her teeth before opening her wings with a snap. The muscles in her wings strained to take the sudden pressure in order to slow her descent and Larassa landed on one knee, executing a rather impressive heroic stance with a hand beside her knee. She wasted no time in bringing one of her wings up to protect her face, as she took the blast aimed for Alaric in one of her wings. She gasped as the searing blast bit into her flesh and dropped her wing to see several burned feathers float to the deck. She could feel the licking flames beginning to burn around the wound, but she raised her bow and shot an arrow at the stranger, hoping to strike his firing arm's shoulder.
As the arrow flew, Larassa quickly reached around her wing to slap at the small flames, trying to stop them from spreading any further. She snarled in pain as she had to slap her own wound to do so.

This was not going as planned. As per usual.

SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime
Anna stood, stunned. Everything had happened so quickly...and...it was her fault. She closed the distance to her friends, kneeling down without a word to inspect the wound. Hanging around the engineers at the docks she had seen bad injuries before, but a blaster wound? Bleeding was minimal, but skies, this was a shedling, not a human, she had little enough knowledge of treating those. Where was her heart? Did shedlings even have them?
"Help me get her off the guard, and onto her side." Anna's voice was level but she was shaking badly.
It took a large effort, but she managed to pull the hapless guard clear. He was breathing. That would have to do.

She then dashed to a corner of the engine room and opened a small compartment, withdrawing a small kit box.
"Try and bandage the wound. Make sure she keeps breathing." Anna said, swatting tears away from her eyes. It was her fault it was her fault this was all her fault!
"I...I have to tell Alaric to launch the ship...or, you'll all be in much more danger."
TheSpeck TheSpeck Hazmat44 Hazmat44

In truth she wanted to run. She couldn't stand being in the room anymore. She'd nearly killed someone...
Anna tried her best to dab the tears from her eyes, thought more kept flowing, she came up to the second floor and made her way to the galley, she had to make sure Elnaril had dealt with the guards.

She found them, the last slumping peacefully to the ground.
"That was impressive." She spoke at the kitchen door, to Elnaril, whom she hoped was still there.
Naberius Naberius


The cloaked figure jumped back as Larassa intercepted his shot. He saw the bow draw and his hand came up. The arrow's point came within an inch of his covered face. The shaft gripped firmly in his free hand. He snapped the arrow and cast it aside, drawing another blaster, but before he could raise them to fire, there was a shout from the gangplank.

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" The question was meant for all of them, for the ship's new Imperial captain had been informed that he would be taking this ship from uniformed officers. This band of vagabonds were certainly NOT officers.

The blaster fired again and the would-be captain fell before the assassin turned back to his first targets. There was little room to maneuver now, with so many enemies. The assassin holstered his pistols and drew a metal sword, stepping in between the guards and the two pirates. He held up a hand and beckoned them attack.

Zark jumped up onto the top deck, following Anna's instruction. The sound of a blaster made him duck and dive for cover.
"Zark!" He cried in dismay, but then he caught sight of the cloaked figure. His eyes went wide and he froze. For a few long moments he stood, staring, then he clutched at his head as if it hurt him. When Zark looked up again he was growling. A deep, low sound filled with emotion. His teeth glistened as he bared them; he didn't look like a pet anymore, he looked like a wild beast.

andujarprime andujarprime Lioness075 Lioness075

Zazz Zazz gaY jail gaY jail Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (in advance)
If anyone could read them, Alaric's eyes ran a whole gamut of emotions and expressions. From confused, to confident, slightly entertained, then back to confusion, and surprise. He heard the blaster go off, was even prepared to side step. But the flurry of feathers in front of him, that's something he was NOT prepared for. The smell of singed fur, and the grunt that his friend elicited. That was enough to complete the range of emotions for him to go through. By the time the would be assassin had turn his attention back to them Alaric's eyes were cold, dark and calculating. his hand was no longer beneath his cloak. All four were out, he was holding a metal staff in two hands, and an energy blade in a third. His synthetic hand stood free as he began closing the distance.

His mind registered the dead imperial behind the assassin but he was no longer in the mood to jest. "Leave him and run!" He called out to the rest of the crew. He didn't particularly care for them, but he had promised no deaths. Not only did he hurt one of his only friends, but this assassin had made a liar of him. That simply wouldn't do. He noted the blade that his foe wielded against him and lunged. keeping track of where it was, he forced a faint at the assassins offhand with his staff while coming across with his own blade in the opposite direction. He began a strange dance with both staff and blade. His free hand poised and ready to deflect any counter strikes. He knew that Larassa was okay, she was still moving when he turned away from her. This was his focus now, it had to be. This man gave off a serious murderous vibe. It wouldn't bode well for them should he continue unobstructed.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Lioness075 Lioness075

Raven Rico's head followed the coins as Shen threw countless of it to rile up the crowd, which worked quite well. She wondered how big of his pockets to carry that much money though. Must be very big, maybe she could even fit in there. Just when she thought they would get a clear path to escape a weird dog-like creature bounced off the crowd and rushed at their direction.

"RUN! FAST! Rico will follow." The fake raven said before she leapt from Shen's shoulder into the sky and flew straight towards the creature at high speed. Just before Rico touched the creature she transformed midair, changing her form from a raven into a large flightless bird with bright yellow feathers and brought all those momentum down to pin the dog creature on the ground. It was one of Rico's biggest form, a dodobo, big avian creature capable of navigating rough terrain and delivers powerful kick. One of her talon were currently digging into the creature's snout and blood could be seen pooling beneath them.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Zazz Zazz gaY jail gaY jail

Blinking her hazy vision clear, Lauren rests her unsteady hands into her crossed arms before anyone could see it happen. She had already been enough of a nuisance. She could still run. She had to. The redhead didn’t believe they would go as far as taking further risks to make sure she wasn’t missing. Still.. If she had the time to think about what would happen if she did fall behind, why not go along with her newly found acquaintances until the end? She would be damned anyway if everyone's efforts went to waste because of her, and she quickly focused on adapting at their pace, occasionally glancing at her fellows to ensure they didn’t need any help to keep up.

Far away, the jet black gazehound dashed effortlessly her way through the crowd and started following the group, switching to a more relaxed stride, but surprisingly enough she did seem unmotivated to get closer once it caught sight of Lauren’s braid fluttering under the sun.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Zazz Zazz Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Saturn_moon Saturn_moon
Charlie, practically shivering from the fear of his friend never waking up, took the kit Anna had retrieved. He opened it, its contents falling all over the floor because of his shakey hands. He quickly started to search through everything... Bandages, bandages he definitely needed those. Disinfectant, yes he used that before! Not on himself but on someone else! String and needles... No he couldn't use those, Killerie didn't seem to have skin. There were other things he couldn't identify, so he took what he had at his disposal.

Pushing against Killerie, he barely managed to flip her on her side. She was big, a lot bigger then him, and he didn't exactly have muscles so it took a lot of energy to build up enough tension in his hands to create an opposing force. Once she was on her side he took the disinfectant and opened the bottle, pouring it lightly over the wound. Afterward he patted it off with some of the bandages, then wrapped it tightly with the rest. He looked for something else to fix, but this was all he could do. The wound was tightly wrapped and was disinfected... so he stood up and took a deep breath. He needed to distract himself so he didn't have to think about Killerie dying...

His attention snapped over to the unconscious guard. Poor guy, he seemed to be bleeding... He didn't like them because they shot Killerie, but he still wanted to help. Taking some more bandages, he walked over to the guard and started bandaging their head where it bled while also paying attention to Killerie, making sure she didn't stop breathing.

Hazmat44 Hazmat44 SilverFlight SilverFlight
Cal was about to run, but saw Rico go for the beast and hesitated. "Nnnngh," she groaned, knowing exactly how vicious they could be. She bluntly waved Shen and Lauren off, telling them to run ahead, and bounded off after the boggleman.

The blonde fighter grabbed a baton from a nearby performer who had stopped to get at Shen's coins, and promptly went to bash the tracking creature with it. "Get!"
The assassin fell for the feint and grabbed but missed the staff entirely, the blade he blocked with his own and from there he matched Alaric move for move. He was very experienced, and completely ruthless. If given a split second, his hand would dart to the chest of his armour and pull out a hidden blade, sending it flying at anyone who managed to get within range in an effort to distract his opponent.

At length he danced back, not anticipating this level of resistance from his opponent, he was tiring quickly. He put up his blade, preparing for another blinding series of strikes, then suddenly, a red blur shot out of nowhere, barreling into the figure, a fury of snapping teeth and claws. Zark snarled like a thing possessed, barely held at bay by the flat of the blade, which was the only thing between him and the assassin's throat. While dealing with Zark, the cloaked figure left himself open.
andujarprime andujarprime Lioness075 Lioness075


The creature howled in pain as the giant bird trod on it, slashing it's tapir-like nose. In defense it's skin began to ooze slime, and in an instant is wiggled free. Just as that moment, the baton caught it in the face and it yelped. Shaking off it bore needle-sharp fangs, and they were dripping with a vibrant blue liquid. It looked terrible, and certainly like something you did not want in an open wound. The creature lunged for the giant bird, aiming for the inside of Rico's leg, where the skin was softer.

Shen turned in disbelief.
"What the Hells did I say?!" He roared. Swearing again, he drew his sword and turned to face the creature as well. The beam glowed blue, defying the sea of Imperial red.
"Do not let that parasite bite you. Its saliva has a paralyzing agent, and you don't want to know what they use it for."
He went to stand beside Calliope. "You know, I find heroic types completely insufferable."
Zazz Zazz Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread gaY jail gaY jail Saturn_moon Saturn_moon

Dodobo Rico didn't flinch a bit as she saw the creature lunged at her. She's already way used to fighting various beast. Instead she braced herself, then when the time was right she sidestepped the dog's attack and launched a powerful kick aimed at its stomach. It would be powerful enough of a kick to launch a creature of that size quite a few distances. She wanted to give herself a bit of a breathing time, because...

"Rico can't escape if she's not the last one." The boggleman turned her head and stared at her companions who somehow decided to stick around. Her voice sounds a bit annoyed but she did appreciates the gesture. Still, this means she wouldn't be able to simply fly away as a raven after kicking the dog's a few more times.

SilverFlight SilverFlight gaY jail gaY jail Zazz Zazz
Killerie awoke to the eye-wateringly powerful scent of acid.

Her entire body jerked as her nervous system spiked, and her eyes snapped open. Staring around the room wildly, she saw Charlie close by and relaxed. "Hi, Charlie! What's going OW!"

As she bent to sit up, her side twinged with pain and she glanced down to find a white band wrapped around her body. Everything came back all at once and her stomach did a little backflip. "...Oh."

She stared at where her limb should have been, and then shook her head. Flipping over, she tentatively got to her feet and stretched the rest of her legs. They all seemed to work, so she glanced up at Charlie with a bright smile. She couldn't do anything about losing a leg, so she'd just have to wait for it to grow back!

She really hoped it would grow back.

Shaking the thoughts away, she gave the unconscious guard an apologetic nudge and scuttled out into the hallway. "So..." She looked down both ends of the hallway, but couldn't find anyone. "Where's Anna?"

SilverFlight SilverFlight TheSpeck TheSpeck Naberius Naberius
He hadn't moved since his meal was served, spending the next few moments preparing a secondary dish. He wanted to not only prove he could contribute to dealing with their enemies but also comforting his allies. Elnaril was just putting the finishing touches on a large bowl of mixed vegetables as Anna returned. He smiled as she looked around, feeling accomplished for his work and rather enjoying her words of praise. As the final guards slid into a resting position and snores rose from them, he stepped out from the kitchen fully.

"Is everything alright? You look haggard." His voice was concerned as he spoke, stepping over near Anna with a curious look. He knew this was a dangerous mission for everyone involved, even the ones who weren't doing any of the actual fighting. Looking around at the guards, he wondered just how easily this could have gone wrong. If even one of them had been too resistant to the ingredients he'd put in the meal, this would have gone very differently. Shaking his head, he could afford to spend time dwelling on what could have happened. Instead, he turned back to his new friend, eager to try and do whatever he could to help.

"I'll follow your lead. If there's something else I can do, just say it. I'm...not a fighter...but I have just as much to lose as everyone else on the ship. And I think I've found a few I can make real friends with besides."

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Larassa Profile.png
Name: Larassa SovnaNickname: The Raven
Race: KhoelianHome Planet: Khoeli
Occupation: Bounty HuntressEquipment: Knapsack, Bow, Quiver of Arrows (20/20 Normal, 1/1 Grappling), Twin Daggers

Just as she patted down the growing flames into smoke, Larassa glanced up to see the would-be captain of the ship felled by this assassin. At least, she assumed he was an assassin now given his lethal nature. Thankfully, this meant she no longer needed to hold back around this individual. Still, they needed to get rid of the assassin and fast.

Alaric quickly dove into the fight and Larassa watched as he danced with the assassin, blades clashing while Alaric attempted a feint. Larassa gritted her teeth when she saw the assassin matching Alaric move for move. There were few chances, if any at all, for him to make any leeway and one of them would tire in due time or slip up. She needed to tip the balance in their favor.

Folding her wings back to keep them out of the way for now, Larassa drew her bow again and nocked an arrow, this time using her grappling arrow. She let the excess rope drop to the deck beside her and then took aim just as the assassin threw his hidden dagger at her. Cursing, Larassa sidestepped it and felt it cut through the top of her muzzle while it whizzed past.
Snarling at the fresh pain and blood dripping down her muzzle, Larassa aimed at the assassin again just as Zark barreled into him and trapped him in a stalemate.
The grappling arrow whizzed past Alaric and shot towards the cloaked figure, aimed at his right shoulder.

SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime
Charlie looked up as he finished neatly bandaging the guards head, a smile appearing on his face at the sound of killerie's voice. The fear he had felt immediately diminished as joy drowned it out. "Killerie! Youre awake!" He stood and quickly walked over to her.

"I thought you were going to die but you're ok!" He said in one breath. He followed Killerie down the hall. "Anna said she was going to tell Alaric to launch the ship, she looked really sad when you passed out. She will be relieved to know you're awake!"

Hazmat44 Hazmat44 SilverFlight SilverFlight
With a yelp the creature caught the kick and was sent sailing over the bewildered heads of the crowd.
"Rico can shove that sentiment up her feathered--" Shen cut himself off as he noticed some of the guards beginning to get to their feet.
"No time, let's go." Shen grabbed for Lauren and Calliope and began sprinting for the ship.
"They'd better have the ship running!"
Zazz Zazz gaY jail gaY jail Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Saturn_moon Saturn_moon


Anna, upon being asked is she was all right, promptly buried her face in her hands. She felt hot tears on her palms and sniffed.
Trying her best to reign in her emotion she told Elnaril what had happened in the engine room.
"What am I going to do if Killerie...dies?"
But there wasn't time for despair. She knew the danger they were in. They had to get up to the top deck and tell Alaric to move the ship.

Anna wiped a hand with the back of her sleeve, getting a bit of grease across her nose.
"Come on." She sniffed. "We have to go."
The trip up to the deck was short, just one flight of steps.
"Alaric!" Anna cried as they came out into the fiery light of evening. "The engine is primed! Move the ship!"
Naberius Naberius andujarprime andujarprime Lioness075 Lioness075
Alaric pressed his opponent. He moved fluidly, staff and sword both striking in turn. He took a step back and spun around Zark. He let the big red creature bare down on the assassin. When he spun he caught Larassa in his vision and watched her release the arrow. While it registered in his head, his face stood emotionless. He had let his cold, fury seethe just below the surface. She was alive, the blade that the assassin had sent hadn't to taken her down. He couldn't let himself get distracted. No, instead he decided to step it up. When he completed his spin he was on Zark's other side. He knew the arrow was coming in to the assassin's right. He shifted his grip on the staff, letting it extend further. With a swing he brought the staff past the assassins head, over his left shoulder. Trying to impede any movement in that direction. He felt a resounding confidence that it would be over soon. With a slight flick of his wrist a dull red energy blade shot out sideways from the end of the staff. Effectively making his signature energy scythe come to life. His sword poised to pierce the assassin's belly.

Completely focused on his opponent Alaric missed the bit of movement behind him. The sound of Anna's voice cut through the humming of his energy blades, and Zark's snarling. "Alaric!" 'Oh no, what did I forget?' "The engine is primed! Move the ship!" Oh, ok great. "I'M A LITTLE BUSY AT THE MOMENT!" He called back when the words finally registered. He let out a growl as he chided himself. 'Priorities, 'Ric, priorities. Get the ship moving, get it out of here. Got a bigger job ahead. But, this guy wouldn't make that easy. Gotta deal with the problem right in front of me. One thing at a time, I've only got...well I've got four arms but one body. Still, the bigger job!! The bigger job!' His face contorted as his mind wrestled with the decision he needed to make. He groaned as he briefly looked down. Zark had him held, and Larassa had her eyes trained on him. with a grunt he pushed away. He turned, not waiting to see if Larassa's arrow would strike. His weapons at his side, he took off towards Anna, heading for the wheel. "Keep everyone down under!" He exclaimed as he ran past her and jumped up to where the wheel and thruster controls would be. He had to trust that the Larassa and Zark could keep the assassin distracted long enough.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Lioness075 Lioness075
"I'm sure most people find you quite insufferable, yourself," Calliope retorted, rolling her eyes at Shen as he grabbed her and pulled her along. "Stars below, let go of me!" Her breath came in sharply, her bruised rib searing at the sudden forced movement. Every thud of her feet against the pavement hurt. Though, she did not stop running. She just hoped Rico was following.

Nearing the ship, Cal slowed and took in the mess before them; guards on deck, a few of their crew fighting some asshole. She could tell Larassa was not in the best of conditions, and the blonde wondered as she clutched her own side if any of the others were healers as well.

"What's the plan, compass boy?"

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Sliding the doors of the recycling plant closed behind her, Rhea took a moment to carefully tuck the slip of paper she held in her hand into her now empty coat pockets. By all accounts, some scribblings on a piece of official looking parchment should have mattered significantly less than coin, both in terms of weight and value. Yet, as she handed her coins over in exchange for this one slip of paper, Rhea suddenly felt like she was holding the world in her hands.

Sparing the place she had called home for the past two years one last look, she took off at a sprint towards the harbor without hesitation, more eager than ever to rejoin the group. Not more than fifteen minutes had passed since she split off from Shen and the rest, but if the day had taught her anything was that a lot could happen in fifteen minutes. The factory district was far emptier now with everyone congregating in the main square and in front of the royal palace for the celebrations, and her heavy footsteps echoed down the empty alleyways. It didn't take long before the narrow streets opened up to reveal the docks and the vast expanse of sky beyond. It was then that her auditory sense also picked up the first signs of trouble. The firing of a blaster... coming from Shen's ship.

Picking up her pace once more she arrived just in time to see... well, she wasn't quite sure what she was seeing. Zark and an unknown cloaked figure were trapped in grapple as Alaric ran across the deck to the wheel. Not far off Raven stood amidst scattered black feathers with a bow pointed at said cloaked figure. On the gang plank were several Imperial guards looking about as baffled as she was, with the additional look of panic that seemed to be a result of another injured figure, also dressed in Imperial clothing, lying before them.

Realizing she needed to get on deck as soon as possible, she rushed up to the plank, grabbed the two guards at the back by their collars and lifted them up. "Excuse me." she said in a tone far too gentle and polite for the situation before tossing them back on to the docks into a pile of sacks that looked to be containing various supplies.

andujarprime andujarprime gaY jail gaY jail Hazmat44 Hazmat44 Lioness075 Lioness075 Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Zazz Zazz SilverFlight SilverFlight Naberius Naberius TheSpeck TheSpeck
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Dodobo Rico nodded in agreement as she watched the guards started to get their bearing. It seemed she still didn't want to escape last as she waited for the others to run before she follows, with her current form Rico would be able to outrun most people but instead she took some time to zigzag around the place and knock down barrels, crates and anything that could be used to slow down the guards.

"Oh, fish!" One of the barrel she just knocked over turned out to be filled with fishes so she gulped the biggest one before catching up with the others.

"Soo. Mission failed? Princess dead?" Rico turned her head towards Shen and asked for confirmation.

SilverFlight SilverFlight Zazz Zazz gaY jail gaY jail
Killerie snapped her head towards Charlie, stunned. "She thought I was dead?" She paused for a moment, wondering just how bad the injury had looked, and then redoubled her pace. Her many legs hammering on the floor, she couldn't help but start thinking.

She hit a turn far too fast and crashed into the opposite wall. Picking herself up, she ignored the impact and barreled down the narrow hallways. Taking a deep breath in through her nose, she started parsing out the smells from each other, trying to find the unique cocktail of scents that made up Anna. She detected plenty of things. Harsh metal, polish, dry wood, oil, sweat - wait!

Raising her head, she started casting her head around, trying to find that last one. It took her a moment - she was hardly a bloodhound, after all - but the trail picked up again a moment later. With a direction in mind, she shot off once again.

Her top speed wasn't quite as fast as she thought it was, though. To be completely honest, most people probably could've overtaken her at a quick jog. Regardless, she charged onward. Best friends don't deceive, she remembered. A piece of information that had been rammed into her mind and welded there by her best friend. Deception could be anything - telling something wrong, not telling something right, keeping secrets - all of it was deception and all of it made her a bad friend. If Anna thought she was dead and Killerie turned out not to be, wouldn't Anna be angry?!

She ran on, desperately hoping otherwise. A trapdoor came up, a ladder leading upward, and in her hurry Killerie didn't even bother trying to unlatch it. Slamming into the base of the ladder, the terrified shedling launched her entire body upward into the wooden hatch.

Five hundred and thirty pounds of centipede blew the trapdoor clean off its hinge, and Killerie spilled out onto the main deck. Scanning across the polished boards, she finally found the face she was looking for and brightened. "I'm over here!" She bellowed, and then paused. "And I'm not dead!" She added.

Hopefully Anna wouldn't be too upset about it - she had no idea how...

...what was going on?

The bird-person from earlier looked hurt, and Zark was fighting a black-cloaked figure, and Alaric was sprinting for the steering wheel.

Killerie's short-lived relief devolved into panic. "What do I do?!" She screeched, hoping somebody would tell her. What was she supposed to do in this sort of situation?!

SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime TheSpeck TheSpeck Naberius Naberius
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Charlie didn't have time to register what happend. One moment he was following close behind Killerie and the next she was zooming down the hallway like a scared rabbit, just not as fast. In a moment he was alone, all he could hear was a bit of shouting above him, although it was muffled by the ceiling. He wasn't sure where she went... He was too distracted by Killerie waking up that he didn't bother to think of where she might be going. Though, the Killierie sized dent in the wall helped him find his way.

Charlie started to run, something he hadn't done in a while, but he was pretty much the same speed as he used to be. As he approached the end of the hall and hatch in the ceiling, he saw it. A ladder. Charlie hated ladders. They took so much energy to climb because he had to push upward, and keep both his hands and feet tough enough to withstand the gravity so he wouldn't cut them off and fall. But he couldn't just stay there. He needed to get to his friends! He didn't want to be alone. So, he decided to climb.

Charlie took a rung in his hand, placed his foot on another, and with a great amount of effort (way greater than most species find necessary), he lifted himself up onto the next step. He repeated the process, over and over, until finally he reached the top. He was tired by then, and he pulled his arms out onto the deck, pulling the rest of his body up onto the floor. He lay there for a moment, recovering a bit, then rolled over and stood. He didn't see what he expected to see.

Fluffy bird girl was hurt, Zark was fighting a stranger, Alaric was sprinting for a wheel, which he could only assume was the steering wheel. It was complete chaos. "What's going on?" He said, more to himself then to anyone else

SilverFlight SilverFlight andujarprime andujarprime Hazmat44 Hazmat44 Naberius Naberius
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When Shen grabbed Lauren and the woman, she flinched but kept her mouth shut and followed. She waited eagerly to hear the answer to Rico’s question once they reached the ship. Fearing the worst after looking up to it and hearing the commotion, Lauren spoke once again.

“If we’re not going on the ship now, I.. would still want to go up.”
Her eyes gravitated towards Calliope as she caught sight of her grasping her side and unconsciously gave her a worried look, wondering how much she was hurting. But was that the best time for her to reveal her abilities? In spite of her wish to be of help to everyone and prove her worth to them, she had to use her energies wisely.

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