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Fandom Star Wars

Kylo Ren was glad that Paquin did seem to have good reflexes—and better reactions. ‘Could use work.’ In this situation, Paquin needed to aim to kill, not to wound. He intended to move forward to finish off the clawdite while he was in pain, but he saw the shift of movement. Paquin’s concerned tone also gave it away.

Kylo turned quickly around and caught the rodian on his right side. His lightsaber burned right through the blade—it was not, in fact, a vibrosaber. The rodian lost his arm at the shoulder, and as he shrieked and started to back away, Kylo slashed through the creature, cutting down his torso diagonally and letting the top half slide down to the floor.

The twi’lek woman who had just punched Paquin let her mouth fall open at the rather gruesome display, only to be shoved against the wall by a Force push from Kylo Ren. Behind his mask, he was gritting his teeth, enraged to see Paquin bleeding. He was feeding off of that, and the fear that was growing in the room.

He then turned, twirling his blade and letting it cut across the floor, drawing up sparks and leaving a long burn on the floor. He rushed the clawdite and made to slice through that one, as well, but found himself blocked.

The creature seemed to be quite skilled at the manipulation of its flesh, for the scales it suddenly grew resisted the heat of his lightsaber.


Mira did feel sympathy for Hux and the situation he was in, but she offered none of it. Pride was something she understood, and as the door opened, Mira did release his hand.

He understood the consequences of running, and the consequences of riding this out to another ship. Given, her word wasn’t the best thing to trust—she was a traitor who killed her own parents, after all. Still, she did intend to fulfill her word. “I’ll see what I can do, General. You do not get to keep the ship I receive, however.”

He would have to find his own way off Coruscant. “From this point on,” she began, weaving the lie, “You are not General Hux, even if someone recognizes you. Deny it. And I am not Mira.” It was protection for both of them.

The hangar was cold, despite all the heaters. People ran about in jumpsuits, and a man in orange did come to greet them, white coat around his shoulders. He gave them an assessing look, and noted the First Order insignia on the coat that Mira wore. “What do you want?” His words were gruff.

“I need to trade my ship. Is there anyone here who does business of that nature?”

The man peered around her, scrutinizing the ship, “What’s wrong with it?” He asked.

Mira shook her head, “I’m not sure. I’ve had it looked over countless times but it keeps making a knocking noise. I’m a trip to Wild Space, and I can’t risk getting stranded there, so I’ve decided to just trade this for something else.”

That was the problem with having a ship that put all of the competition in the hangar to shame—Mira had to lie about its condition to not be terribly suspicious.

The man scoffed, but took Mira to be someone who didn’t know much about ships. “All right, I can probably hook ya up with something. I got a few here that were looking to sell their ships, c’mon. They’re getting drinks in the cantina.” Fortunately, he didn’t even give Hux a second look.
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Paquin ran the back of her hand across her mouth to wipe away the blood, not that it helped much. At least, her nose wasn’t broken.<br /><br />

Her attention reverted back to the twi’lek woman as she was pushed against a wall. She was so clearly frightened at this point, and Paquin taking the opportunity to deck her in the face. It was a cheap shot, as well as completely unnecessary, but Paquin couldn’t resist.<br /><br />

With the woman sufficiently scared, unlikely to cause any issues, Paquin turned back to Kylo. She caught sight of him and the clawdite just as his lightsaber failed to slice through the creature’s scales. The creature was certainly proud of himself, he offered Kylo a smirk as he raised his uninjured claws to strike.<br /><br />

Paquin wasn’t sure if the talons would rip through Kylo’s garb but fear still welled up in her. Her hand shot out and she felt the familiar flow of the Force, the same feeling she had when she knocked a pot over in the garden. Only instead of making something move, she held something in place.<br /><br />

She became distinctly aware of the creature’s panic as it realized they couldn’t move. She also felt the struggle against the Force, and she knew she could only hold the clawdite in place for a sliver of time. So, she raised her blaster and aimed at his conveniently unprotected head. She was well aware of her intent to kill someone, but it’s not like the clawdite didn’t have the same intent. She only hesitated long enough to close her eyes. It was childish, but it made her feel better as she pulled the trigger.<br /><br />

‘Hope I don’t shoot Kylo.’<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Whether Mira said he could keep the ship or not didn’t matter. He intended to keep both the ship and Mira. Maybe just the ship, if Mira proved to be difficult. <br /><br />

Hux was visibly disgusted by Mira giving him orders, even if she was smart to give them. “Yes, ma’am.” He agreed nonetheless. He didn’t doubt that there would be fierce supporters of the Resistance. If he were recognized—Mira wouldn’t be recognized as a Knight, but she was wearing an FO uniform—he’d worry for their safety.<br /><br />

Luckily, the cuffs of his uniform were covered by his coat. Those were the only thing on his uniform that displayed his rank, they’d be a dead give away if they were visible. Hux had too many distinct features about him. The hair, the voice, the uniform. He was surprised when the man greeting them didn’t even look his way. Not that he was complaining.<br /><br />

If any of the people in the hangar lived through the war, they sure would feel stupid that they didn’t recognize him.<br /><br />

Hux rolled his eyes, groaning internally. The ginger couldn’t stand cantinas. They were filled with out of control, belligerent idiots. Maybe he’d have them outlawed in the future. Or, rather ask Snoke to outlaw them. Maybe Snoke would allow Hux the power to pass laws, assuming he’d live through the war.<br /><br />

Hux followed Mira and the man to the cantina, not that he had much of a choice. The cantina was only slightly warmer than the hangar, due to the various species producing body heat in such a small place. The music blared, certainly not helping the migraine Hux had. <br /><br />

The General was stopped by a hand grabbing his arm, Hux shooting the man it belonged to a dirty look. The drunk didn’t seem bothered by it as he spoke, “Hey, do I know you from somewhere?”<br /><br />

Hux didn’t panic, the guy was drunk. He’d be easy to fool. Still, Hux disguised his accent as he spoke. “No, don’t think so, pal.” He inwardly cringed at the words that fell from his mouth.<br /><br />

“Are you sure? Pretty sure I stepped on you outside.” A pale joke, and a bad one at that. Still, Hux forced the best laugh he could as the man cackled, before quickly rejoining Mira as soon as he could.<br /><br />

“Guys, this chick’s lookin’ to sell her ship.” A half-assed introduction to a group of creatures drinking at a round table was heard as Hux joined Mira, provided by the man that had greeted them. "She says it keep making a knocking noise, but otherwise it looks to be in pretty good shape." 

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Kylo Ren felt the flow of the Force as it came to grip the clawdite. Yet, it was not him that did it. He was surprised and in the moment, had not reacted except to move back when he saw the other taloned arm raise.

The arm he’d held in deadlock did slash across the space that was opened up, but then the creature was frozen. Not just the arm, the entire creature.

Kylo tilted his head up in his own expression of cockiness, a slight cant of his head questioning what the clawdite planned to do now. It could not shift its form under the powerful hold of the frightened and angry Paquin, though it tried to as it saw her lift her blaster out of the corner of its eye.

The shot pushed through, and the head soon had a burned hole through it. The creature spasmed, faltered, and would fall when Paquin finally let it go. Kylo let his attention shift to the twi’lek, as the cantina had now gone mute. “Is there anything else to say about Kevan?” He said, demand clear in his raised voice. “Or do we have to continue with this senseless violence?”

It was only senseless because they could avoid it by telling him what he wanted to know.


Mira hid her anxieties beneath a poker face, but she nearly had a heart attack when Hux was stopped. She paused briefly to look back and assess the situation. Hux attempted an accent, and Mira felt immediate relief. She walked on after orange-jumpsuit man to the group of creatures.

“A First Order officer came to slum for a ship?” One of them clearly didn’t believe it, and took note of the emblem on her coat, “A General?”

“Admiral,” she corrected. The insignia were similar enough, “And yes, unfortunately I’m too far from any of my own bases to trade ships. It’s based on the Naboo Royal Starship, but we call it the First Order Cruiser. It has speed, but not great firepower. I’m looking for something similar—it can be old, so long as it has no damage.”

The one who spoke his doubt looked to Hux, clearly examining the silent companion with scrutiny. He was also quite certain he recognized his face.

The others discussed the matter around him. “You really want to trade something like that?”

“My safety in Wild Space is more important, and I’m on limited time. The planet I’m off to has a serious ice storm brewing and I’d rather not be stranded on it.”

“Why would you go to a planet like that?”

“Kyber crystals.”

They all seemed to understand that, and some debate came about concerning the ship until one said, “I have a pretty good Star Skiff I’ve been looking to trade. Too small for me now, but if it’s just you and this guy you’re concerned with, it should suit you just fine.”

Mira nodded, “Let’s have a look then.”
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Paquin felt the panic disappear, replaced by nothing. Then she felt the spasming against the Force though she didn’t let go until she heard Kylo speak. Even then, she didn’t open her eyes until she heard the thump of the clawdite’s body hitting the ground.<br /><br />

She briefly looked around her, noticing a few sets of eyes on her. She didn’t acknowledge the gazes, instead maneuvering her way back to Kylo’s side. She deliberately avoided looking at the body of the clawdite, feeling sick to her stomach just thinking about it. It wasn’t the fact that it was a dead body, but it was the dead body of someone she killed.<br /><br />

“Kevan’s on Acatal, I told you.” The twi’lek spoke, her voice shook slightly. She was obviously effected by the loss of her companion, as well as the previous display Kylo put on with the rodian. “He and a group left on a freighter a while ago, he’s probably already there.” She added the details she knew to get them to leave as soon as possible.<br /><br />

“That’s all I know, that’s all any of us knows.” She was practically pleading now, a chorus of yeah’s following.<br /><br />

Paquin hoped that was a good enough answer for Kylo, she didn’t want to continue with the ‘senseless violence’.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Hux eyed the doubtful one just as much as he eyed Hux, neither of them really listening to the conversation going on around them. They both seemed to snap back into the conversation as a trade was forming. ‘Star Skiff will do.’ Not that it mattered, but, at least, they weren’t offering an offensively awful ship.<br /><br />

They still had to check the condition of the Star Skiff, though. Again, as long as it was in working order, it didn’t matter.<br /><br />

“Mind if I tag along?” the stare bear questioned.<br /><br />

“As long as they don’t mind.” The man with the ship gestured to Hux and Mira as he stood from the table.<br /><br />

The man didn’t wait for Mira or Hux to confirm, simply downed the rest of his drink and stood from his seat. The trader glanced between Hux and Mira before beginning to lead them out of the cantina. <br /><br />

Plenty of looks were exchanged as Hux glanced at Mira, then back at the other man before following. Hux could sense something was off, even if he wasn’t Force-sensitive. “I’m Atlas, and that’s Vince.” The trader, Atlas apparently, introduced the both of them as he walked. Hux would let Mira do the talking since she had the rest of the time. <br /><br />

Vince went from walking behind Hux to strolling next to him. “So, she’s Admiral. And what are you?” He questioned quietly, looking over Hux’s uniform for any sign of rank.<br /><br />

‘General,’ his thoughts hissed at him, his hands fingering the cuffs under his coat. But of course, he couldn’t say that. “I’m just an officer,” he continued disguising his accent, “her…assistant.” 

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Kylo was certain the twi’lek wasn’t lying, nodding to the information that freighters had been taken. Freighters, rather than fighters. That ought to give him time enough to catch Kevan before he destroyed too much. “Fine. If I run into anything there that suggest you were lying to me, I will find you.”

With that, Kylo turned to leave, lightsaber blade vanishing before he tucked it back into its place at his hip. He gestured for Paquin to come along, quite certain she would. Her emotions were chaotic, but all negative. That could be useful, if she channeled it properly. She had been able to then, and Kylo was pleased for it.

Once they had stepped outside, he did say, “Thank you. It seems you are able to grasp the Force in tense situations,” trying to teach her the way Luke or others taught wasn’t going to work. She was as much an emotional Force user as any Sith ought to be. Now she’d just have to get used to it, to truly controlling it. “Kevan won’t be expecting it from you. We’ll have one element of surprise.”

With a gesture, his ship opened its doors for them. Kylo would return to the pilot’s seat to set things up for a jump to Acatal.


Though Mira could sense the doubt heavy from the one who was identified as ‘Vince’, Mira disregarded it. The trade was going to go quick. “I don’t mind,” what else could she say? To say otherwise would only make the situation worse.

She followed the one offering the trade out, and he took the lead towards his Skiff, introducing them. “Vallens,” Mira offered, a surname only. With a casual gesture to Hux, she said, “Hughes,” simple enough.

Mira caught the conversation between Hux and Vince, knowing the direction this could go. It wasn’t Hux that worried her, but Vince. She was certain she could rely on Hux’s pride to keep him silent.

“Her assistant? So some sort of petty-officer, then. Aren’t you freezing?” Vince was asking.

“Here it is!” Atlas interrupted, motioning towards the small ship. “I’ve had her for a while, she’s never done me any wrong.”

“And she runs?”

“Of course. She’s what I came here in.”

Mira gave a slow nod, then dug out the keys for Hux’s ship. “Mine is over there,” she pointed to the starship, and then held out the keys. It was no doubt suspicious to be offering the trade so fast, without so much as examining the Skiff, but Vince’s own suspicion was growing far too fast. She just wanted out. If the ship ran, that was all that mattered.

“Really?” Atlas gave her ship a quick look. He didn’t need to examine it closely to know he could get the worth of his Skiff from just the parts.

“I just need one that runs well,” she chuckled, “if it doesn’t, all I have to do is step out and get my key back from you.”

“Heh, fair enough. Well, here you go,” he took his key out and slapped it into the palm of her hand, taking Hux’s key from Mira.

Of course, too late. Mira heard Vince say, “Hey, isn’t that the same insignia on your coat?” He must have noticed something. Hux must have fidgeted too much. Vince reached for the coat to check it.
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A gesture wasn’t necessary for Paquin to follow after him, she was eager to free herself from the cantina.<br /><br />

She was surprised that Kylo thanked her, but let out a hum in response. “I’m surprised it worked as well as it did. I guess I have you to thank for that,” after all, she wouldn’t even know how to grasp the Force—tense situation or not. <br /><br />

Paquin grew nervous at the mention of Kevan. Or more nervous, she still hadn’t settled from the incident in the cantina. Kevan was scary though she hadn’t actually seen all that much of him. But she knew he was more of a threat than the clawdite had been. Kevan knew how to fight, not to mention he could use the Force himself. <br /><br />

Her head didn’t allow her to think about it, though, reverting back to the cantina. She took her seat next to Kylo, riffling through her bag of supplies to find something to clean the dried blood from her face. “I thought it would be harder,” she spoke in reference to killing someone, the clawdite. It wasn’t very hard to pull the trigger. She didn’t feel bad about it, the thing was trying to kill Kylo. She thought she’d feel more conflict.<br /><br />

It was feeling the creature die that bothered her, not actually killing it. <br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Vince had said all of five sentences to Hux, which was five too many. Luckily, Hux didn’t have to say anything back as Atlas spoke and they soon found themselves stopped in front of his Skiff. <br /><br />

While Atlas and Mira conversed, the General was aware of Vince eyeing him. Hux tensed, but it likely wasn’t visible. At this point, he was sure that Vince knew something. He wasn’t positive if the other man knew who he was, or if it was just speculation, but he was aware of something.<br /><br />

Hux felt relief course him when Mira was handed the key, but it was short-lived as Vince spoke his sixth sentence to Hux. “It’s Vallens’.” He blurted as he saw Vince reaching for the coat, side stepping just in time. It was a poor excuse, and it was clear that Vince didn’t believe it.<br /><br />

Hux and Vince stared each other down, Hux offering a look that screamed ‘don’t do anything’. “You know, the Admiral insignia is scarily similar to the General’s.” Vince knew who Hux was but simply continued to stare at Hux, likely waiting for a reaction to confirm his suspicion. Hux’s face was unmoving, though. <br /><br />

He looked away from Vince for a split second, to observe Atlas and Mira. Atlas appeared to be confused, he knew not of what was going on. Vince took that moment to rip the coat from Hux’s hands.<br /><br />

Hux acted immediately, shoving Vince so his back was to him and throwing his cuffed arms around his neck, using the chain to strangle him. It was probably the wrong reaction, they could have likely talked there way out of it. Maybe even simply run to the ship and be done with it, but his instincts decided against that.<br /><br />

The General, who now didn’t have to hide his rank, hoped Mira would act quickly and get into the newly acquired ship. Hux was strong, but he wasn’t that strong. He wouldn’t be able to hold Vince in that position for long. <br /><br />

As long as Atlas didn’t do anything, they could get off of Hoth before he—or anyone else in the hangar—could do anything. 

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Kylo did grin a bit at the words of gratitude directed at himself. He accepted them easily with a nod and a, “You’re welcome,” as he slid into his seat and started to put in the coordinates all while starting the ship up and preparing to leave the station.

He could see her out of the corner of his eye as she started to cleanse herself of the mess, and even heard her words. However, their meaning didn’t register until the ship was put into lightspeed and he was able to actually turn his head to look at her, and take in her appearance.

The emotions. Or, perhaps, the lack of them. Kylo found he didn't quite like that...it reminded him far too much of Mira.

The correct answer was not ‘it always is’. No one really wanted to hear how easy killing was. Mira had said something similar as the other padawans had laid dead before them, just as emotionless as Paquin. There was no conflict; none that he had been allowed to sense, anyway. Thinking on it now, it seemed she’d taken to killing rather easily, slaying her parents without remorse, killing ewoks, and so many others without a second thought.

He didn't want Paquin to become another Mira.

‘There is no Death.’

He shook the Jedi code from his head immediately. Kylo found he wasn’t sure what to say in the moment, except that: “It’s better off dead. It is a part of the Force again.” For even the Sith believed that.

‘The Force will set me free.’


Vince knew. It was clear in his words, and before Mira could do anything, in the middle of her exchange, he revealed it all—and the Commandant’s son acted with violence. ‘Damn you. Damn everything.’

Atlas wasn’t sure what was happening, but he reached for his own blaster, only to have one pointed right at his head by Mira before he could. “The next planet we go to, I’m dying your hair black, General.” Mira said in a dry voice. There was no point hiding it any longer.

Vince managed a gurgled, “Hux,” to make it painfully clear to Atlas what was going on.

And then Atlas was confused. Hux was in…handcuffs?

Mira stretched out her hand towards Hux, intending to pull him upwards by his own cuffs so he would let go of Vince. “Resistance sympathizers, yes?” Mira asked, not looking at Hux or Vince, not even to make sure her trick was successful. It didn’t matter, in the end, so long as Hux didn’t kill Vince. “You’re going to want to part out that ship quickly and flee Hoth. The First Order are going to swarm this place soon.”

Atlas took a step back, more of a coward than a fighter. “You’re not an admiral….”

“No,” Mira agreed, “Knight is more accurate.”

Jedi or Ren, though, was the question. Atlas took another staggering step back, and then turned around to run. Whether it was to get help, or to flee, Mira didn’t know. She didn’t care, either.
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even if he had a mask on, Paquin turned to look at Kylo. He was silent for a while, presumably thinking about something. When he did speak, she nodded, though she knew that already. “It deserved it. But I didn’t know that’s what happened to something when it died?” Subject change.<br /><br />

It made sense, but had you said that to Paquin before she knew of her Force-sensitivity, she would have described, in depth, what happens to the body when someone dies. “I have a lot to learn.” She wasn’t complaining. She actually enjoyed learning, as long as it was something she was interested in. The Force certainly was interesting.<br /><br />

‘As long as Kylo doesn’t get all fake-mad again,’ surely things would go smoothly. Right?<br /><br />

She didn’t touch on the subject of her killing again, feeling awkward talking to Kylo about it. He very well may have been the best person to talk about it with, though. Maybe he could relate? Did he have a lack of feeling when he first killed someone? Surely he wasn’t born a killer. ‘Unless he killed his mother during birth.’ <br /><br />

She shook her head at herself, her gaze returning to the viewport in front of her as they slowed, nearing Acatal. “Do you think Kevan knows we're coming for him yet?” It hadn't been long since they left the cantina, but who knew? Maybe no one's even contacted Kevan.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

‘Maybe I should dye my hair black.’<br /><br />

It would certainly prevent situations like this one, when they didn’t want to be recognized.<br /><br />

Hux’s lip twitched upward in a snarl when Mira pulled on the cuffs, certainly not appreciating it. If he wanted to choke someone, he was going to choke something. So, he simply struggled against the Force to continue to strangle Vince in spite of Mira. He wasn’t going to kill him, it was simply a display of dominance against Mira.<br /><br />

Although he was the one in handcuffs, he wanted to remind Mira that he was still the General. He wouldn’t follow everything she wanted, even if it was so petty. It was a shame that he felt the need to do this, especially when he’d previously raved to himself about how there wasn’t a pissing match with her.<br /><br />

He did let go of Vince once Atlas turned and ran. He could be going to get help, so Hux and Mira needed to get out of there. “I hope you learned your lesson. Don’t meddle,” he hissed to a blue Vince before removing his arms from around him.<br /><br />

It seemed neither of the Resistance sympathizers were fighters, Vince running in the same direction as Atlas as soon as he had the chance.<br /><br />

Hux turned to Mira, a scowl taking up residence on his face. “The Resistance will hear of this soon,” not as soon as they would if Vince and Atlas were actual members of the Resistance. “It’s time we leave, don’t you agree?” 

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“Yes,” Kylo Ren spoke at her questioning if that was, in fact, what happened to things that died. “The Jedi and the Sith both agree on that much. When something dies, it returns to the Force—unless for some reason it is condemned to the Void.”

To nothing.

It was a fate Kylo did not want to think of. “They say Vader himself resisted becoming a true part of the Force, and has become a ghost, conscious, but I’ve yet to see it.” He’d yet to see any of the ghosts or even hear them, though he understood there were Yoda, Obi-Wan, and Vader. There were also supposedly some ‘Force Priestesses’ from way back when that taught Qui-Gon, though that man didn’t master it.

He was just the voice that guided the others. It was the only reason that Kylo even knew that obscure name; that and it was thought Jinn would have become a Sith, if only he’d known of the Senate’s corruption.

He was about to answer Paquin’s other question, when suddenly his ship started lighting up and sending up an alarm. ‘What?’ He pulled immediately out of lightspeed, and turned his focus out.

He didn’t have enough time to completely avoid it. Another ship shot forward, far more armored than his, and didn’t bother shooting at him. It crossed right through his left wing, damaging it, though the rest of the ship remained stationary. “Yes.” Kylo answered Paquin then.

That was Kevan’s style, though that was not Kevan’s ship, Kylo knew immediately that Kevan was within it. He’d dared to come out and fight them in space, rather than wait to face either of them on the ground.

Admittedly, a smart move. ‘We’re close enough….’ Fighting Kevan in space, after he’d nearly knocked off the left wing, would not be smart. Kevan had something to protect on the planet, so Kylo started to take manual control to turn the ship towards the planet still, to land rather than fight.


Mira shouldn’t have been surprised that Hux had some resistance against the Force, but she was surprised at how well he could resist the Force. He could stay grounded, when the Force wasn’t even used on him, but on something attached to him. It was no wonder he could stand toe-to-toe with Kylo Ren. ‘And yet it isn’t quite the same as Paquin’s resistance.’

It didn’t help that she’d been distracted by Atlas.

The man didn’t kill Vince, but let him go with so much spite in his voice that Mira had to smirk from beneath the hat. Vince ran, and Mira calmly walked forward, blaster lowered, and picked up the coat once again. ‘Don’t slap him.’ Tempting as it was.

His ego was a better target. “Yes, the Resistance will. Hopefully they merely think you have a few kinks,” she deadpanned it and lifted the coat. She didn’t fold it back over his hands again. “Otherwise they’re all going to know you got captured.” Mira grabbed the cuffs as she kept the coat slung over her arm, and then turned with those in hand to pull him along into the ship.

It was time to leave. This was going to spread like wildfire, and Mira didn’t want to be anywhere near here when either the Resistance or the First Order showed up to find their long-lost General.
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Again, Paquin was filled with awe. Though, she wasn’t entirely convinced on the Void or the ghosts. Those didn’t make much sense to her, she’d have to see it to believe it. On the other hand, maybe she wouldn’t want to see it.<br /><br />

Like in the cantina, the medic didn’t have much time to spend in awe, snapping out of it when the alarm went off. “Oh really, what makes you say that?” She spoke in the calmest voice she could, but was certainly shaken. ‘Now’s not the time for snark, Paquin.’ She wanted her last words to be poetic.<br /><br />

‘Don’t think like that.’<br /><br />

They were shot at, but the blasts missed the ship completely. Kevan was just playing with them at that point, which scared Paquin. He had something to protect, but he must’ve felt confident enough that he could protect it against Kylo and Paquin. Arrogance, the Knights had a big problem with that. She wondered if Kevan even knew she was there.<br /><br />

Paquin felt no relief upon entering Acatal’s atmosphere, they were no safer than they were in space. They could still be shot down. “What’s the plan? Is there a plan?”<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Hux wasn’t too worried about the Resistance knowing he was captured, it wouldn’t matter soon anyway. In fact, it may turn out to be in his favor. They’d believe the Order would be in scrambles and unprepared without their General. Now they probably were or they would be soon, but when he returned it could work in their favor.<br /><br />

“If they believe I simply have a few kinks, it makes me wonder what they’ll think about you. After all, you are the on dragging me around by cuffs.” He tugged against her grip, but not really trying to get away. They were going to the same place, anyway. But maybe he could break from her grip and wrap the cuffs around her neck like he’d done with Vince.<br /><br />

‘Not yet.’<br /><br />

“Is that why you went through all of this? Capturing me? Does it excite you, Mira?” She took a shot at him, so now he was mocking her. The adrenaline was making him be bold. Once they were in space and the adrenaline wore off he wouldn’t be so defensive, wouldn’t get so worked up over petty things.<br /><br />

He was sure Mira wouldn’t be affected by it anyway.<br /><br />

He let Mira lead him onto the ship, looking around as she did so. It was in good condition, both exterior and interior, but it certainly didn’t wow the General. Just like so many things, though, the ship didn’t really matter. It just needed to get them off of Hoth and onto Coruscant. 

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There was no time to glare or snark back at Paquin. Kylo grit his teeth and shot his ship forward, right for the planet, but hardly in a straight pattern. He was son and grandson of some of the best pilots, and he’d not be outmaneuvered by Kevan. ‘You’re playing with me?!’ He could sense it as the shots avoided him, as if on purpose.

“Just one.” He answered Paquin.

Just as they entered the atmosphere, Kylo tilted the ship violently to the left, and then shot it straight up, only to have it enter something of a free fall.

A small part of Kylo wanted to laugh gleefully, but he was far too angry to even consider the fun that such reckless piloting was to him. Kevan was right under him as he started the free fall. He immediately sent out his own energy shots, and watched as several of them made direct hits to Kevan’s ship.

The bastard didn’t move, though. Kylo tried his best to pull out of the dive, and managed not to crash right into Kevan’s ship, which was far too fine for receiving direct shots—the shields were impressive. “Damn him,” he hissed as he whipped his ship off to the right, and let his hand move to a lever to activate the turbo engines.

There’d be no landing near Kevan’s base of operations, but he still needed to land—and far from Kevan.

His ship came to a stop over a barren wastes of rock. It wasn’t exactly a good place to land with the uneven ground, but Kylo still forced his ship to descend and land.


“If they knew who I was, I’m sure they already imagine I have a few screws loose,” which, at this point, Mira couldn’t argue with them. ‘Vallens….’ It had a decent enough ring to it. She was going to need a new name anyway. She wasn’t a Knight of Ren any longer. She would never go back to being Ceres.

Hux’s spiteful words seemed to come from a distance, but it garnered a sarcastic response as Mira made her way to the cockpit, door shut behind them. She released Hux’s hands once they were in, arrogantly striding away as if she didn’t know he could still fight with his hands tied up. “Obviously, Hux. Couldn’t you gather that I was far more into dominating? It’s why Kylo and I never worked out,” every syllable dripped with sarcasm.

If anything, it was another of the hundreds of reasons why leaving was starting to feel better and better. She’d be rid of that sadist who thought the only way to keep the Knights in line was with the threat of violence, or violence itself.

Free at last.

She understood the workings of the Sciff, and soon had it started it up, and making its way off of Hoth. None fired at them, but Mira didn’t doubt that some wanted to.
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<br />

Paquin was used to flying in ships, having spent a majority of her childhood in them. Hell, she was born in the family ship—while it was moving. She was even acquainted with something similar to Kylo’s reckless piloting. Does that mean she enjoyed the reckless flying? <br /><br />

Certainly not.<br /><br />

“I don’t like your plan very much.” She was fairly sure that plans were conceived to get out of danger, not make their death ten times more likely. She felt some relief when Kylo branched off to land, even if they were going to land on an uneven surface of rocks.<br /><br />

Kevan either didn’t realize that Kylo and Paquin had sped off, or didn’t bother to go after them. He was now likely going to alert his groupies of Kylo and Paquin’s arrival if he hadn’t already. She wondered if he would have them killed off as soon as they reached the base, or want to do it himself.<br /><br />

Were they even still going to go after Kevan? It seemed so, Kylo wasn’t making any moves to leave Acatal. “Is it still a good idea to go after Kevan?” She questioned instead as the ship connected with the ground, shaking slightly as it settled on the unevenness. “He seems a lot more prepared than I thought he’d be.”<br /><br />

She wasn’t attempting to talk Kylo out of it, just wanted to make sure he knew what he was getting into. She wanted him to consider if he and Paquin even had a chance. Who knew if Kylo would even think on it, though. He could still be blinded by anger when he wasn’t throwing an infamous tantrum.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Who didn’t have a few screws loose? Hux didn’t, he liked to tell himself. “As if they couldn’t already tell that by your shining personality,” you didn’t need to know who Mira was to be able to tell there was something that wasn’t quite right with her. Hux felt as though he’d narrowed it down. It was the apathy. While Hux could feign it, Mira seemed to genuinely be apathetic towards everything.<br /><br />

‘Shining, and apparently dominating personality.’<br /><br />

If Hux’s face could contort anymore than it already was, it would. Mira’s word sprouted thoughts that Hux didn’t care to think about. Though, although she was being sarcastic, it did make him wonder if that had ever actually been a thing. He wouldn’t doubt it. ‘Why are you thinking about this?’ He questioned himself.<br /><br />

“I’m sure Ren’s dominating personality is an act. That and his obnoxiously extravagant lightsaber? He’s certainly compensating for something,” Hux realized then that he had no idea what bothered Mira. It wasn’t like she was devoted to Kylo, she wouldn’t find offense in his words and go to defend her fellow Knight. <br /><br />

Former fellow Knight.<br /><br />

What Hux also realized, was that Mira seemed to be off of her guard. She had so easily let go of Hux and strode off, as if he hadn’t just strangled someone with the cuffs she’d put him in. ‘Before or on Coruscant,’ he decided when he’d attempt to make a move as he took a seat in the co-pilot’s chair. ‘Just act obediently for a little longer.’ <br />

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Kylo did laugh when they landed, reflecting on Paquin’s dislike of his plan. He couldn’t help it. The adrenaline and the joy of piloting struck him then, and Paquin’s dislike just reminded him of others…long lost others…long dead others…yet he didn’t quite remember that.

He just laughed.

Then, he got up from his seat and looked down at Paquin, “Of course we’re going after him. I was never going to be able to hide from him,” and Kylo didn’t hate admitting it. He couldn’t hide from Force sensitives. He rippled and radiated with power and emotion; Kevan would sense him the second he landed on any planet that Kevan was on. “We only have to avoid his lackeys and get to Kevan. Once we get to Kevan, we can kill him, and his rebellion will scatter. He hasn’t had enough time to put in a structure that will outlast him.”

That was why they had to move so quickly, before Kevan could organize his own Resistance and make sure it would stand the test of time—stand to the loss of him, the way the First Order would stand without Hux, or the true Resistance would stand without Leia.

He couldn’t afford to give Kevan that time.

“Come. We’re walking from here.”

And he walked to the exit of the ship and stepped out into the too-hot sun, on the rocky, barren ground.

‘I hate this.’ It was his immediate, disgusted thought as he looked over the dead planet—for more than one reason.

Limited Force.


Hux’s attempt to get a rise out of her was only amusing Mira. A lazy smirk rested upon her lips as he spoke of her shining personality and then went on to berate Kylo Ren. ‘Careful, Hux. If Snoke ever heard you….’

Snoke likely knew Hux’s opinions towards his precious Kylo Ren. It made her wonder if Hux would manage to remain an asset, forever, or if he’d eventually be killed off when the dirty work was done. Snoke didn’t seem to be the sort to want to share power with a non-Force sensitive forever. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She mused as he spoke of Kylo’s compensating.

It occurred to her she could suggest any way, and Hux would probably believe her. Would it work, to suggest she and Kylo had once been far more than good friends? Would it bother Hux? Paquin? The temptation was there, but Mira wouldn’t. Couldn’t. She had her dignity, and though she and Kylo had once been close, it had never exceeded the bonds of friendship. “Use a public restroom with him sometime. I’m sure you’ll be surprised,” she left it at that, for good or ill.

She let the topic shift easily as the Sciff was directed away from Hoth and she relaxed back into her seat. “I’ll let you go at the docks. Where you go or how you leave is up to you then. I suggest you take the chance,” she imagined he was still plotting. She had known she was giving him time by leaving him conscious.
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Paquin felt some relief upon hearing that Kylo knew he couldn't hide from Kevan, it meant he had some sort of idea of what he was getting into. "If you're sure about this..." She mumbled, standing from her seat. She double checked that both the blaster and vibroblade were in place before following after Kylo.<br /><br />

She stopped at the beginning of the ramp, glaring at the view in front of her. She decided she didn't like the planet. It was already too hot and she knew her legs would be killing her by the time they reached Kevan. "These boots were not made for walking," that was a lie, her uniform boots were just fine. Her body was not made for walking, not at Kylo's speed. Not in the sun, in her dark uniform.<br /><br />

The thought of limited Force didn't cross her mind, she was not yet programmed to think of that.<br /><br />

She trekked down the ramp, joining Kylo. At the site of him, she felt bad for complaining. He was dressed in all black, with a helmet. "Does that helmet have a cooling system in it?" She mused, watching her feet as she walked. It would be so easy to trip on the ground, something she was not planning on doing.<br /><br />

It would be quite the journey to Kevan, and she didn't want it to be in complete silence. And yet, she didn't want to talk about Kevan. Not that there was much left to say about him, they had a plan already; kill Kevan. Undescriptive and likely poor, but it was a plan.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Hux's eyes narrowed at Mira, not sure if she was serious or not. Either way. "Disgusting," he mumbled under his breath before acknowledging the change in topic. He really did not want to imagine Kylo Ren's dimensions.<br /><br />

Mira wasn't as unaware as he had believed. She still knew he would be plotting, as determined by her last sentence. "And what will you do, Mira? What will your purpose in life be?" He asked though he knew she wasn't going to tell him. She'd proved time and time again that she was not clueless.<br /><br />

"You don't have the Order, you don't have the Knights. You don't have a family, what are you planning to do with your newfound freedom?" He was antagonizing her, but he found himself truly curious as to what she would do. She didn't have her mission in Wild Space or any mission at all. She had a lot of time but nothing to do with it.<br /><br />

He also wondered why the hell Mira hadn't offed him yet, why she was going to set him free. He had originally planned to bring her to her doom and had not been helpful in any way. In fact, he could have got them in serious trouble on Hoth with his act of violence against Vince.<br /><br />

"What is with you?" He blurted, his thoughts not being translated in that sentence. So, he continued. "You've had multiple chances to kill me. In fact, you should have killed me. My status as a threat would be non-existent, the issue on Hoth wouldn't have happened. You'd be long gone by now, free." 

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 ‘Of course I’m sure.’

The arrogance of the Knights of Ren would never falter.

He glanced back at Paquin as she exited his ship and complained. He rolled his eyes, an act she couldn’t see, and turned away, “Keep up. We do not have time to get caught in the open.” Where he’d want to catch them. He wouldn’t come out here himself, of course, but no doubt he’d sent out scouts.

At the query of his helmet, he shook his head, “No,” and he was going to hate it in a few minutes. “It does have some…breathability. But no cooling,” he was going to sweat. His hair was going to stick to him. His breath was going to become hot. It would be unbearable, but he’d bear it.

Pain made him powerful. Pain, anger, hate—fostering these were necessary to defeat Kevan Ren. “You have not done much fighting,” Kylo remembered, “Have you done much traveling with the Order?” He seemed to catch her gist for conversation, and in truth, he wanted it as well. It would distract him from the heat that would make a normal person pass out.


Hux was so easy to bother. It was no wonder Kylo had such fun. His disgust at this simple wordplay was quite amusing.

“I don’t even have a name,” Mira acknowledged, as Hux listed all she lacked. “Although I am growing fond of Vallens.” Could she just be Vallens? Somehow it didn’t seem right. A surname, yes, but not a first name.

What was she going to do? A thousand ideas swirled in her head, but her mind had set itself on Coruscant, and on the Jedi ruins—on whatever was in her holocron. Something within, a feeling she’d known with Luke, and when she sought her first lightsaber, told her that Coruscant was where she needed to go.

Where the Republic had risen, and where it had fallen. Where change was possible.

Hux blurted words out in a frustrated rage, as that planet came into sight, and Mira let a light smile trace her lips. “Don’t you get it, Hux? I want the First Order to continue, under you. Not Snoke, and not Kylo Ren. If I kill you, I ruin the galaxy’s chance at peace, order, and unity.” She allowed the honesty as she flew her ship down into the atmosphere of Coruscant and sought out one of its many docks. The world buzzed around them, ships flying by, and soon a city came into sight, the docking area all lit up.

Mira turned the Sciff into it.
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'I'm trying.' She thought in response to him telling her to keep up. She'd have to get used to such walking if she was going to be spending more time with Kylo Ren.<br /><br />

At his answer to her query, her eyebrows furrowed. She'd have to keep an eye on him, look for signs of dehydration. In both of them, in fact. It would be wise to turn around if they reached that point. If the dehydration didn't kill them, Kevan sure would. She'd probably have to convince Kylo to turn around, though. 'Maybe I could drag him...' <br /><br />

She appreciated Kylo continuing their conversation. It distracted her from the heat that already had her sweating. Maybe that was Kylo's goal as well. "Some. Mostly just traveling from base to base. Patients are usually brought to me, so there's no reason for me to travel much." Not that she minded, she didn't join the Order to explore.<br /><br />

"I haven't done much with the Order, but I did travel quite a bit when I was young." She was constantly moving as a child, actually. 'Quite a bit' may have been an understatement. "I'd ask you the same, but I'm sure you've made your way around. I'll ask instead, do you enjoy traveling?" They were moving, but the unchanging scenery made it feel as though they were walking in place.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Vallens. If she did use that name, she'd be easy to find. If she signed documents or simply told the right person that name, he could keep tabs on her. 'That's not the plan?' He questioned himself. Why would he think about finding her or keeping tabs on her, when he could simply overpower her right then.<br /><br />

Maybe it was related to her having faith in him, was the best way to describe it. He simply stared at the woman, barely noticing that they were about to dock, that he was losing his chance. "You're lying." He stated. "It doesn't make sense. You betrayed the Order, you released the rebel. What is your logic?"<br /><br />

If she wanted the First Order to hold the reigns over the galaxy, why did she assist the Resistance?<br /><br />

Not killing him so he could run the Order made some sense, she was not fond of Snoke or Kylo. Or at least not their leadership skills. But wanting the 'peace, order, and unity', the success of the Order?<br /><br />

"Why did you set the prisoner free, Mira? What did you gain from it?" That was the reason he was planning on taking her to Snoke in the first place, to get answers. And to find out if she had anything on Kevan to locate him. Whatever information she had of Kevan wouldn't matter at that point, although Hux didn't know that. He could let Mira go and it really wouldn't matter. Unfortunately, the General didn't know that either. 

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Paquin had gotten to travel, and Kylo nodded, pleased. Better that she was familiar with the universe than this being something entirely new to her. He kept walking through the ever-unchanging environment, cursing it, cursing his helmet, and cursing the black, internally.

He’d endure this to the end, though. Kevan would know how much it would work in his favor when they finally came face to face.

“I don’t dislike it,” Kylo answered her, knowing that wasn’t quite an answer, “I do not often find places I enjoy being,” that was more the problem with traveling. Never mind the fact that most people now knew of him, and knew of his signature appearance. He rarely traveled to friendly places.

Or, apparently, comfortable places. “I can’t just go to Coruscant or Naboo for vacation anymore,” he chuckled, as if he’d ever done that. “I have to go to uncivilized spits of land and eradicate them, or someone, there.” Like Endor and the Ewoks. Like Acatal and Kevan.

Perhaps Hoth and the Tauntauns would be next. “I used to travel when I was a child…it always seemed to be to cantinas,” he shook his head. His father had traveled. Sometimes, Kylo had gone with him. That never ended well—and Leia was always pissed about it when she heard the trouble Han got into with ‘their son’.

What Kylo wouldn’t give to find a place he could actually enjoy.


‘All of that was personal.’

Not that anyone, save Kylo, would believe that. To the world she had the persona of being uncaring, and she would maintain that, but the Knights had always known differently. Expressing emotion was simply far too dangerous for Mira to risk it—but she had loved Kevan, as she loved Ariel, as she loved Ben.


Much as she loved the First Order and believed in it. “Believe what you will, General.” The ship found its placed, motioned there by the docking crew. ‘Free.’ It settled in. Out there was a world that didn’t know who she was—out there was a world that would come running if she screamed.

Mira rose from her seat as she keyed the ignition off. “You know I won’t tell you any of that,” she informed him as she stepped away, “Come on now. It’s time to say goodbye.” She wouldn’t let him out of the cuffs until they were outside, though she’d let him keep the coat over his hands. That way, if he did try anything, a shout would bring the dock security over in a heartbeat.
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Paquin nodded at his answer, although it wasn’t much of one. She could understand what he meant, though. “Uncivilized spits of land,” she repeated with a chuckle. “Like this one?” Acatal fit that description, especially since they were there to eradicate Kevan as if he was some disease. Maybe Kylo did think of Kevan as a disease.<br /><br />

“You could still go on vacation if you wanted. All you’d have to do is lose the knight in matte black armor look. Not enough people have seen your face, most of the Order still thinks you’re half-Wookiee half-man.” Which wasn’t that far off, with his height and strangely wonderful hair.<br /><br />

At the thought of hair, she was reminded of her own. It was already starting to frizz thanks to her sweat and the heat. Kevan would surely be so scared of her. She was relieved to see the beginning of something in the distance, a structure. It was far, but the structure was still seen. But with structures came people, so she kept an eye out for Kevan’s henchmen.<br /><br />

“I don’t mean to question your parents, but a cantina hardly seems like the place for a child.” No, she certainly meant to question his parents. Her parents would have died before they let her anywhere near a cantina. In fact, they would have died before they let her go anywhere. It wasn’t until later in her life that she realized that was, apparently, not normal. <br /><br />

Nothing about her childhood had been particularly normal.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

The General didn’t bother hiding his frustration with Mira, his eyes rolling. Of course she wouldn’t tell him anything. “One day you’ll tell me.” He assured her. As far as what Hux believed, he wasn’t sure. None of it made sense, she didn’t make sense. Even with how much Hux knew of her past, he didn’t seem to know anything about her.<br /><br />

Hux stood from his seat but made no move to leave. He simply kept staring at the blonde. He felt conflict, which he mentally scolded himself for. On one hand, he knew he couldn’t let Mira go. On the other, he wanted to. He felt as though this would not be the last time he’d see Mira.<br /><br />

And he expressed that to her. “It won’t be goodbye forever. You can’t get rid of me that easily.” He made his way to the exit of the ship, before pausing. He held his hands out in Mira’s direction, waiting for her to put the coat back over his hands. There was no way he was going out into Coruscant with the cuffs exposed.<br /><br />

His chance against Mira was slipping away, and he was letting it. He’d come up with a lie. It would be easy enough. Kylo he could fool, but Snoke would be much much harder. The Supreme Leader always seemed to know when someone was lying. “I do have one final question for you, Mira. And obviously you’ll decide if you’ll answer it or not,” again, he rolled his eyes.<br /><br />

“Back on Hoth, you called yourself a Knight,” he had caught that. What he was trying to ask, was whether or not she meant of Ren or Jedi. 

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 “Exactly like this one,” Kylo muttered under his breath. ‘And so many others.’ Though he suspected Mira saw more of those terribly uninhabitable places than he ever did.

They never should have brought her back.

He wrinkled his nose at the idea of being half-wookie, reminded of his father’s friend. He felt a phantom pain from where Chewbacca shot him, and had a flash of guilt as he remembered when he used to ride upon Chewbacca’s shoulders.

He swallowed it down, unable to make a comment to what the Order thought of him. ‘Let them. The less human I seem, the better.’

“My parents were terrible parents,” Kylo spat. “My father was a wretched smuggler, and my mother had absolutely no time for anything, or anyone. No wonder my father was always out traveling, and my uncle preferred to stay out of her way,” the words came fast and hot, his parents often a source of his animosity. “And then they just abandoned me with my uncle, as if that would make up for everything.”

As if.

Luke had been atrocious, too. He didn’t understand anything, and he was such a whiny asshole for a Jedi.

Buildings were in sight, and Kylo knew he ought to temper the hot rage that came up, but he didn’t. He focused outwards with it, that heat seeming to probe and feel for anything ‘cooler’. He could almost feel where all the people were in front of them, and he gestured, “Left.” He could get around them. He was certain he could get around the ones Kevan had sent out to find them, before they ever even saw him and Paquin.


‘Sure, Hux.’ Mira didn’t have it in her to break his heart and let him know this was, most likely, goodbye for good. Even if she went to Leia, the odds of her encountering Hux again, alive, were slim.

Kylo was more likely, because Kylo would hunt her with a vengeance. ‘And what will happen to Hux when he fails?’ Would Snoke tolerate that kind of failure? Mira wanted to believe he would. He tolerated Kylo’s antics. Hux rarely screwed up—and he had been terribly out of his league in dealing with her.

Mira took the coat up and draped them over his hands again, then opened the ship and stepped out, hearing Hux’s question. She paused half-way down the ramp. “Yes, I did,” she agreed. It wasn’t a question, not completely, anyway. “And?” She motioned him forward, down. At the bottom of the ramp, when the ship was locked up, she’d release him from the cuffs.

People moved about them.

Some paused to gape. People on Coruscant were more up to date with politics—they knew Hux’s face. Some scattered immediately, either in fear, or to report his visit to some enthusiastic journalist. 
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Paquin was surprised by Kylo's outburst though she didn't show it. "I'm sorry," and she was. No one deserved terrible parents, to be abandoned by said parents. She couldn't say she understood, her parents were weird, not bad, but she was sorry. "I didn't see my parents all that much, only when we were moving someplace else really. They'd set me up with some food and something to study and leave."<br /><br />

That was probably as much as she could relate.<br /><br />

Paquin wasn't particularly good with comforting people. Other than expressing her sympathies and maybe a lame joke, she couldn't provide much else. Sometimes that made her job as a medic harder since she frequently informed people of their loved one's death. Luckily, her job wasn't to comfort people.<br /><br />

She steered left when he made a gesture, although she didn't know why she was going left. She figured it had something to do with Kevan's people, having only a vague awareness of their existence.<br /><br />

She could tell that they were nearing where they were supposed to be, even if she didn't actually know where that was. "Can you tell where Kevan is?" She asked. She knew Kevan wouldn't be with the people sent to scout, that was easy to figure out without even knowing the former Knight. Though, if Kylo could tell where Kevan was, maybe Kevan would be able to tell where they were.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

"What kind of Knight did you mean?" He questioned, hoping she'd get the query. There were only two types of knights he could be referring to. Not that it mattered much to Hux, the Force and all things Jedi were Kylo's problem. Unless stated otherwise by Snoke. But he was curious, Mira never really displayed anything Sith-like.<br /><br />

Hux didn't know much about the Sith or the Jedi, only knowing that the Sith focused more on emotion. Jedi were the opposite, being more detached and cold, it would seem. Mira seemed to fit that description. But he wondered what Mira identified with.<br /><br />

The General made his way down the ramp, joining Mira. He hadn't been paying much attention to the people at the dock, only acknowledging them when he felt eyes on him. He had expected to be recognized, Coruscant was a political planet. Unlike Hoth. What he hadn't expected was for so many people to gape. <br /><br />

The people of Coruscant moved quickly, and so Hux knew he would have to as well. "I'd hate to hurry this along, but I'm sure you're familiar with the way of the people. News of my presence will travel fast and I worry for assassins." Assassins, bounty hunters. They'd all be aware of his location soon, and there were likely some on the planet already.<br /><br />

He could handle being swarmed by journalists, but people trying to kill him was another story. "I suggest you do as well, you'll be targeted for being seen with me I'm sure." It would be harder for Mira to disappear and start over new if her face was plastered next to Hux's. 

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 “How can you call those parents?” Kylo had to ask. His parents, to him, seemed worse but Paquin’s were still terrible. They seemed to give her no attention at all.

It was odd how so many of the Knights seemed to have such a thing in common. Atrocious parents.

Yet, before he could get an answer, his attention was returned to Kevan. They were giving his base a wide berth, “It isn’t exact,” Kylo answered Paquin. “I know he’s in the base. I will have ideas of his direction, but I will not be able to pinpoint him. The same is true of Kevan.” He remembered when he had felt Han on Starkiller. He had the gist of where he was, but it was still Han who found him first.

Han who came to him on the bridge.

Around and drawing ever closer, they soon came to the walled territory. Kylo didn’t think twice, but took hold of the Force and with what seemed just a step—not even a running one—he leapt atop the wall. There he crouched and looked back down to Paquin, realizing then she might not be able to do the same.

‘Gate….’ He could see one. There were guards, of course, and he didn’t want to start a fight.

He looked back down at Paquin, and canted his head. She wouldn’t see his raised eyebrow, after all.


Mira had not thought of it in the moment. The term ‘knight’ had slipped easily, like it belonged. Like Vallens.

‘Like Mira.’

Ren hadn’t been chosen. It had been forced upon her as a Knight of Ren, and she was no longer that. That only left one Knight, didn’t it? If she wasn’t Ren, but Vallens, then, “Jedi,” Mira answered. She was here, after all—on Coruscant, once home to the Jedi Council. “Vallens isn’t the surname for a Knight of Ren,” she said as she slipped her hands under the coat to undo the cuffs while Hux prattled about bounty hunters.

Again, that smirk came to her lips. “Are you afraid?” She lifted her green eyes to meet his, “You thought you could handle me. What’s an assassin to you, General?” The cuffs slipped, and Mira took hold of them, planning to keep them. Best not to let Hux have them. “Don’t worry, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to get a ship.”

Before she could pull away with the cuffs, a flash of light drew her eyes, and there was a journalist with a camera. ‘Oh fresh hell.’

The camera suddenly shattered in his hands as Mira narrowed her eyes and focused on it, causing him to let out a startled shout. He didn’t put two and two together, and Mira moved swiftly to bring her hands away from Hux and sweep the cuffs into an interior pocket of her newly acquired coat.

“General,” she gave him a curt nod, intending to walk off, but the journalist interrupted that.

“Wait! Please don’t go, miss, ah…?”

“I have business to tend to.”

“I’m sure,” the journalist agreed, “But I can make it worth your while. I didn’t know the First Order had two Generals!” The journalist was terribly disappointed that picture was lost, but even so, if he could score an exclusive it’d all be worth it. “I’d love an exclusive. I’ll pay—whatever you want!” He was earnest, "Are you two here to finally speak with the Senate? Or do you have other business?"

Mira was shaking her head, searching for the words to deny the journalist his interview, as well as his ridiculous idea that she was a general. Somehow, she would have fared better in her ruined Knight clothing.  
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Her face scrunched at his words. Had that not been what they were? They took care of her, they loved her. They may not have been attentive, but they were where Paquin originated from. ‘But if Kylo questioned that, then they must have done more wrong than I thought…’<br /><br />

Paquin should have guessed Kylo wouldn’t be able to pinpoint Kevan, but that meant Kevan didn’t know their exact location either, so it sort of worked in their favor. They’d have to do a little searching, but everything would work out as long as they weren’t discovered. And as long as Kevan didn’t end up killing them instead.<br /><br />

Paquin gaped at Kylo as he barely made an effort to jump onto the wall. “Um,” Paquin scratched the back of her head, “there’s no way that’s happening.” Even if Kylo held his hand out and she jumped, she’d be too short to reach. She was sure there was a gate around there somewhere, but it was most definitely guarded. And she would not be able to do that cool mind control trick on them.<br /><br />

So, Paquin set out to find something to get her over. Only to find nothing. Not to get her over at least, but under was a different story. The wall was definitely old, it had cracks and holes in it. There was a particularly large one towards one end of the wall. “If I break this open a little more, I think I’ll be able to fit.” It’d likely be a tight fit either way. But it would get her through.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

A smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth, but he resisted it. If only Kylo had been around to hear her say ‘Jedi’, there was no question that he’d be pissed. If Hux could tell Kylo what she said, he would. But that would expose him. Either way, he was sure Kylo would hunt for Mira ferociously.<br /><br />

He stared down at her as she removed the cuffs from him. “Assassins can sneak up on me, catch me off guard,” Hux told her. Mira couldn’t do that.<br /><br />

Sharing Mira’s words with Kylo wouldn’t be the only thing to expose him, apparently. He saw the flash go off as he and Mira were in an awkward position. ‘Shit.’ Thankfully, the journalists’ camera exploded soon after. The smirk tugged at his lips again, and this time, he let it show. Just for a split moment.<br /><br />

It was gone as the journalist continued to speak, growing irritated rapidly. He didn’t have time for this. “Our business is certainly none of your business, now is it?” He hissed at the journalist. “I will see nothing of me or my partner or you’ll wish you’d never been born.” If it were any other circumstances, he wouldn’t be so uncivilized. <br /><br />

With that, Hux turned to Mira. “It’s time to say good—“ Hux was startled by another flash. And another. And another. Then there seemed to be a constant stream of flashes. ‘Shit!’<br /><br />

The General gripped Mira’s upper arm, but not strong enough to give her the impression that he was trying to capture her. He didn’t want them to get cornered by reporters on the dock, he was already going to be in for a world of hurt. “You can circle back around.” He mumbled to her. 

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Kylo let out an irritated groan when Paquin denied her ability. ‘It’s only impossible if you make it so.’ He wanted to say it, but he was more paranoid about being heard, since he was atop the wall. He crept along the wall with her, wondering what she had planned to do when she started walking. ‘I could just lift her.’ He considered it.

Then he saw what had drawn her attention, a hole in the wall. He nodded.

“I’ll help from the other side,” he offered, before dropping effortlessly down to the other side.

In truth, he was lying. He wanted to see her try first, and then if she needed the assistance, he would. He was more concerned with watching the guards as they moved off in the distance. ‘Look away. These are not the Knights you’re looking for.’ They didn’t seem to be paying this area any attention, distracted by their gate watch.

Still, this seemed too close for comfort if Paquin’s entrance caused too much destruction. They’d have to either fight, or make a run for it, and Kylo wasn’t sure which would be more in their favor. The guards here knew the pace—making a run could lead right into an ambush. Yet, fighting, meant they’d be staying in one location for a while, and be tired out by the time Kevan showed up.

Neither were good options.

‘Come on, Paquin….’


‘Your partner?’ He was good at playing the role. So now she was a General? Mira wasn’t sure if that was a promotion from Knight or not.

Unfortunately, that statement was now likely recorded, with much else.

There was absolutely no way they were getting out of this mess unscathed—and Mira didn’t mean by injury. Kylo Ren would hear of this. Snoke would hear of this. Whatever Hux tried to do next would be about as fruitless as her attempt to hide what she’d done.

Except now there’d be pictures of them on Coruscant, and Hux gripping her arm in a manner that suggested a more protective movement than a gesture of capture or harm.

It crossed Mira’s mind to destroy them all; fling the cameras from their grips and toss the reporters into the nearby ships. However, that would just be begging for more trouble from the Coruscant security, which was the last thing either of them needed. “Fine,” she hissed out the word. “Walk fast.”

Mira intended to move quick herself, to get out of the docks and try to get lost somewhere. ‘Seriously need to dye your hair, or get you out of those damned officer clothing.’ Same with herself, though.

“I don’t suppose you have money on you, do you?” Mira whispered it, “This could end with a change of wardrobe,” dying his hair would take too long.

And still the paparazzi shouted their irksome questions and took their photos. Mira asked then, “How are you going to explain this to Snoke?” Never mind Kylo. Kylo raged at anything.
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Paquin let out a hum in response as he dropped down. She was more focused on how she'd break the wall. At first, she kicked at it but nothing happened. So, she pulled the blaster out. "Stand back." She mumbled over to the other side of the wall, hoping Kylo heard her.<br /><br />

She shot at the cracked wall, but again nothing happened. One more shot with nothing happening. Paquin kicked at the wall once again and grew frustrated with the lack of results. 'Hurry up.' She rushed herself. It was only a matter of time before someone noticed her and Kylo.<br /><br />

'The Force?' The times she'd used it was when she was either intensely angry or extremely scared. Neither of which was she now. It was worth a shot anyway, she decided. So, she held out her hand like she'd done in the cantina and attempted to grasp the Force.<br /><br />

Her attempt at breaking the wall with the Force worked but was nowhere near as controlled or as powerful as it was in the garden or the cantina. Random bits and pieces flew in the opposite direction of her, providing a wide enough hole for her to slip through. She kicked what more she could from the wall before squeezing through. It was a tight fit, but she made it.<br /><br />

"Thanks, I greatly appreciate your help," she whispered as she brushed rubble from herself. "Was that too loud?" She asked, gesturing to the enlarged hole she'd created. No one seemed to be coming their way, at least.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

"Yes, because I was intending to take a leisurely stroll." He rolled his eyes, his hand releasing her arm when she agreed to willingly walk with him. There was no need for it now, and the reporters already had enough pictures of it.<br /><br />

"Do you really think I brought money with me, Mira?" He snapped back in a whisper. There'd been no reason to, he was only planning on bringing Mira to Snoke. "There might've been some in the ship you traded." Every word he spoke was laced with irritation. Some at Mira, some at the paparazzi, some at himself.<br /><br />

Hux knew well and good that there would be no getting out of the situation. Snoke would hear about it, Kylo, the Resistance. All of Coruscant. Who knows who else? Though, the only one he was truly worried about was Snoke. Kylo couldn't kill Hux unless Snoke gave the order, which was likely.<br /><br />

"I don't know." He could tell Snoke the truth, but that would mean he'd have to tell the Supreme Leader that he was intending to let her escape. But what lie could he tell? It would have to be a damn good one. 'Jedi mind trick?' No, Snoke would know those wouldn't work on Hux.<br /><br />

"I should've strangled you when I had the chance." He grumbled as they somehow managed to free themselves of the dock. Not yet of the journalists, but hopefully, they could lose them on the streets they were now walking on. "No matter now. We need to lose them and figure out to stay off of their radar." They'd likely have to hunker down for a bit, find disguises. They both needed to get off of Coruscant. 

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It wasn’t the best time for training, Kylo knew, but she needed all she could get before Kevan. He would glance anxiously over at the other guards whenever she fired the blaster, hissing at the sound. ‘Are you trying to get us killed?’

Then, he felt the shift in tactics and he did stand back then. He was a bit disappointed with how little was done, even though that likely spared them any notice. He walked to the opening in the wall, intending to help Paquin through, but his assistance wasn’t necessary. He smirked a bit under that helmet, “You’re welcome,” he tried to speak as softly as he could. The voice distortion was also an amplifier. It made whispering impossible.

He looked to the guards and then shook his head. He gestured to her to come forward, and he walked to the wall of the building before them. He inched around it to the door he’d seen, and noted it was securely locked with a password.

He wasn’t exactly a hacker. He glanced at Paquin, wondering if her medical skills had translated into any training in technology. If not, he’d be burning the door down or grabbing one of Kevan’s men to get the password out of him, and the first idea seemed the most likely at the moment.


“I thought one of us was a normal human being who brought money with them everywhere. I knew it wasn’t me,” but the blonde woman was Force sensitive—she got her way without money. ‘Okay, so trick a shop keeper into giving us things.’ No, she didn’t need that on camera. ‘Pawn the blaster.’

Mira really hated how much was having to trade lately, and the thought of being without a weapon was not a thought she wanted to humor. However, as the pair of them passed out of the docks an into the overwhelmingly tall city, Mira knew it was the best option. She could barter the price up with the Jedi tricks without it being too suspicious.

And Hux wasn’t sure what he’d do. “Well…you’ll have some time to think. Look for a pawn shop,” she advised, “We’re trading your blaster for money.” She briefly wondered if the cuffs would also be worth something. ‘You can make them worth something.’ “And the handcuffs,” either way, that worked to her advantage. Hux wouldn’t be able to immobilize her hands again and hinder her. “You’ll have to use your hands next time you think of strangling me. Or ask Kylo.”

Of course, the same was true with Hux; she wouldn’t be able to immobilize him, but right now, that meant no chain around her neck any time soon.

Mira shifted through the crowd and moved through purposefully heavy flow areas to lose the paparazzi, half-paying attention to the stores. Her first goal was making sure she and Hux weren’t seen entering such an establishment.
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