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Fandom Star Wars


“Of course, Ren.” Hux didn’t bother fighting the Knight, not with this situation. They didn’t have time. They couldn’t let any more information on the Order be garnered by the Resistance. Those were Hux’s final words, abandoning the two of them to follow through with what he’d said.<br /><br />

Paquin would have chuckled at their childishness, had neither of them been so tense. Surely she’d have been snapped at. Her attention shifted to Kylo, “Not until the Stormtroopers return, no.” If she was needed she could easily be contacted. Thankfully, communication was as important to her co-workers as it was to her. <br /><br />

She assumed Kylo would have addressed her next queries at some point, but it was burning a hole in her head. “Do you know what he meant by proving myself? Is there some sort of Force obstacle course I have to complete?” She would have questioned what her ‘temptation to the light’ was, but she figured it would be better to let him answer one subject at a time.<br /><br />

“I’m guessing you and the other Knights had to do something…” She trailed off, giving him a chance to provide whatever answer he may. Maybe he knew what she was supposed to, maybe he didn’t. There was no harm in asking.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Rollo hurried after Mira, albeit he wasn’t very fast. He attempted to hide his limp, knowing that was something that would be a dead giveaway. Especially when the medic had already noticed that something was up. Luckily, he made it around the corner without any trouble. <br /><br />

He let his limp return only occasionally when his leg started hurting too much. Although, he doubted anyone would pay any mind to it. From that point on the two of them moved through practically a sea of Stormtroopers. ‘That’s a little exaggerate,’ he thought. But there was no way anyone would be able to distinguish him, no one other than the medic and the real RL-0022 would cause any problems for Mira.<br /><br />

“It certainly looks like something you’d fly,” he muttered. He much preferred the bright exterior of the Resistance’s X-wings, but now wasn’t the time to share his likes and dislikes. They needed to get out of there and once they were a safe distance away from her base he’d tell her where to find Kevan.<br /><br />

He walked up the ramp after her, not bothering to take a glance around. He didn’t need to get acquainted with the place. Instead, he walked to the cockpit and took a seat as the co-pilot. He doubted she’d let him fly the thing on his own, or even co-pilot. But he could easily give instructions from his position. 

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Kylo gave a curt nod at her answer, and then motioned for her to follow him as she started to ask her questions. It was better to be moving when answering these types of things. They were not comfortable questions, and Kylo Ren did not need anyone hearing the full stories.

“You will have to learn how to use the Force. It is in tune with you, but you have to learn to feel it, to manipulate it to your own will, and control it. That will be part of proving yourself,” he answered.

That was the easy part. The hard part, “Using the dark side of the Force requires…more. It is about emotions, and overcoming what is holding you back. Most of us have something that hinders us.”

‘Like Han. Like Leia.’

“Something that causes us to be restrained. It is our trial to learn, together, what that is for you, and make sure you overcome it. Most of the time, a shedding of names occurs, to break us from what hinders us. That is why the other Knights all have ‘Ren’ as a surname.” Family. Or they were meant to be family. “Mira’s temptation,” he decided to use her as the example, rather than himself, “was our former students as Jedis. That temptation has been removed.”


“Thank you,” Mira said as Rollo commented on her ride.

She wasn’t exactly subtle. Rather like Kylo Ren, she showed off with her ship. Within was just as sparse as her room on the base, but there were finally touches of personality. Kyber crystals glistened in a few places, and broken lightsabers or lightsabers in progress were scattered about.

One was held up on the wall—Mira’s first. Its blade was green. It was not exactly in pristine condition, though. There were a few other items present, and Mira’s wardrobe apparently did have things besides the black armor of the Knights, though only a hint of color could be seen through a closet door.

Mira didn’t stray near any of it, but kicked the ship right into flight and then almost immediately sent it into hyperdrive. “Where am I going, and how do I ensure we aren’t shot down once we’re near?” For as the rebel had already pointed out, her ship was obvious. “Do you know the radio frequency to speak on?” That seemed like it might be the easiest route.
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Paquin trailed alongside him as he spoke, wondering if he had some destination or if they were just walking and talking. She occasionally nodded to show she was listening. Learning how to use the Force was a given, she knew that much. She wondered how challenging that would be.<br /><br />

What she wasn’t too sure about, was what was holding her back. Kylo did say that they’d have to learn together what it was. She was sure that it wasn’t her colleagues. Or maybe it was, what did she know? Would it be something like that, someone she knew? There was only one way to find out.<br /><br />

“What about you? What did you do?” She had pieced together that Ben must have been his name before he apparently ‘shed’ it. Maybe his temptation or whatever may have had something to do with this Han guy that the prisoner mentioned. She was hesitant to ask if that were the case, considering the reaction that spurred from him when the prisoner spoke of it.<br /><br />

She could be completely wrong. Maybe he'd done something similar to Mira. Remove the temptation that was his peers. “Will I get one of those glow sticks that everyone whispers about? A lightsaber?” She offered some comic relief, a chance for him to avoid the question. A chance for her to skate by, as well. She didn’t want to get the same response that the rebel did, she didn't consider herself immune to his wrath now that she was an almost Knight. That was clear with Kevan, even though the circumstances were different.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Rollo felt some relief as they distanced themselves from the Order’s starship base. He figured at that point it was safe to shed himself of the Stormtrooper armor, no longer needing it. He started by pulling the disgusting helmet from his head. “Naboo,” he informed. It’s why he was so hesitant to reveal the base, it wasn’t on D’Qar. It was more vulnerable.<br /><br />

It was a small base, only ‘high ranking’ Resistance members knew of it or were allowed there. That’s why his partner didn’t know the location, only that they had Kevan. The only reason the base existed was because the Senator had been quite acquainted with General Organa. <br /><br />

He made note to inform the General that they should abandon the base after the trade, just to be safe. “They can’t shoot, not until we’ve been identified,” that was a rule set by the Queen. “I know the radio frequency. They’ll likely spot us first, reach out. Fly down slowly, give them a chance to talk. I’ll speak with ‘em, tell them it’s me and the situation.” He pulled off the final piece of armor, tossing it off.<br /><br />

“From there, we follow whatever orders they give us. They may tell us to fly around until the General is contacted,” he fell back into his seat, regaining his breath. Obviously, the higher up had to approve of the trade, but he was sure she would, “They’ll be apprehensive, but don’t worry if someone points a gun at you if we’re given clearance to land.” Might as well warn her, so she wouldn’t react inappropriately. Although, it wouldn’t affect him if she was killed. In fact, the Resistance would turn up ahead. But no, she helped him. He’d help her. <br />

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There was a destination in mind, but Kylo intended to find it rather than ask. The Force would be easiest tested around an area with life. Somewhere on board, he knew there was a garden. It was useful for food, after all.

Kylo should have known she would ask. ‘I am still working through it.’ But Snoke trusted him. He had also cut down the padawans, and he would have done more had Luke not escaped him. He would have done so much more if Luke hadn’t run and revealed everything before he went into hiding.

Before he answered, though, she asked about the ‘glow sticks’. Kylo shook his head, amused, “Yes. Mira will teach you to make one,” Kylo couldn’t. He always broke them. His current one was even broken, but he had adapted it to make it work, adding vents that became useful crossguards. “My trial against the light continues,” he noted, “but I took steps when Mira did. I rid myself of my teacher towards the light and shed my weaker identity.” The same steps; massacring those who he had counted friends among Luke’s padawans.

It usually involved murder, but the temptation to the light was usually a person who elicited strong emotions. He should have warned Paquin about that before she said yes, but now…well, now it was too late for that, wasn’t it? She’d just have to do it.

He could feel the light pull of the Force and continued towards it, starting to head to higher levels of the ship and realizing the garden was likely on a top floor—closer to a sun if they were ever near enough to one that it mattered.


It did not surprise Mira that there was a base on Naboo, only that it had remained unfound by the First Order. ‘It will not be found now.’ Mira understood her responsibility in that. She accepted that she was causing a loss for the First Order, but it was one she was a sacrifice she was willing to make to save Kevan. “I understand. I will let you speak.”

It was risky, but this whole situation was only turning less and less in her favor and she knew it. If she wanted to get out alive, get out with Kevan, she’d have to let this one talk so they weren’t shot out of the air. ‘At least we’ll make it to land.’

Mira leaned forward and readjusted the coordinates to take them to Naboo. It was much closer than anywhere else, but Naboo had always been near Alderaan.

Soon enough, the beautiful blue and green planet was beneath them, and Mira flicked the switches for the radio to accept incoming messages. She flew low, into the atmosphere, directing herself towards one of the major docks though she knew she would likely be told to go elsewhere so there wasn’t a scene in such an open places.

The radio crackled. Then: “Welcome to Naboo,” the voice was pleasant from the other side, “Please identify yourself and your business on Naboo.” Mira shot a glance then at Rollo, expecting him to speak if he knew the one addressing them.
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Paquin had never seen a lightsaber, not in person at least. She’d only seen crude drawings and heard some descriptions provided by patients, they were basically colorful swords. She had very little understanding of how they worked, but she knew it wasn’t simply shoving a kyber crystal into a metal cylinder and hoping for the best. It was probably best that Mira assisted her with making one when that time came, she would likely need someone patient.<br /><br />

It made her wonder how good of a teacher Kylo would be. It was well established that he was impatient, but maybe when it involved something he was well acquainted with he would be. She doubted that learning to use the Force was easy, maybe he’d understand. Or maybe not. She’d find out soon enough, probably.<br /><br />

She was surprised to learn that Kylo, who spearheaded the Knights, was still working on his issues with the light. She wasn’t sure if she should say sorry or offer words of encouragement, so she said neither. Instead, she asked yet another question that popped into her head. “Have you identified what tempts you towards the light?” If he couldn’t figure his own temptation out, then who’s to say she’d be able to find hers?<br /><br />

Paquin found her eyebrows raising as they somehow found themselves reaching the garden, on the top level. The smell of wet dirt and plants hit her nose, something she hadn’t smelled in a long time. She had never been to the garden herself before then, but she knew of its existence. It was quite a large room, very bright due to artificial sunlight. Likely because they weren’t near an actual sun. Its size wasn’t surprising, considering how many people were on board. “It seems you’re tempted by literal light since you’ve led us to the brightest room on the ship.”<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Rollo allowed himself to fully relax upon entering Naboo’s familiar atmosphere. He couldn’t wait until this trade was made, so he could rest his leg. Maybe get some food, sleep in a bed. He was pulled from his longing thoughts by the voice on the radio. While it wasn’t a voice he recognized, he was sure once he gave them his name that he would be connected with someone familiar.<br /><br />

He leaned forward and pressed the button that would allow him to speak through the comm unit. “It’s Captain Henderson, I’m returning from a mission. I’ve got a friend with me.” He wouldn’t elaborate to this specific person, but he would once a fellow Resistance member was connected. Just like he predicted, the voice asked for a moment to contact someone.<br /><br />

There were a few minutes of silence, but it did not worry Rollo. Soon enough a new voice came over the radio, “Rollo? We thought you were dead for sure, you didn’t contact us for hours. Ike said you were caught,” Rollo was then reminded of his other accomplice. The one that got away. “What happened out there? Is your partner with you?” The voice wasn’t exactly frantic, more confused. He had a good reason, too. Rollo had no doubt that he'd been proclaimed dead and then all of a sudden he shows up in a suspicious black ship.<br /><br />

“Long story short, I got picked up by the Order. The other guy didn’t make it. I’ve got someone here who helped me escape, but she wants to trade. Me for Kevan Ren,” he explained shortly, “Just give us clearance to land and I’ll explain everything further.”<br /><br />

“Alright, man. If you’re sure about this. You know where to dock. I’ll meet you there,” and then they signed off.<br /><br />

Rollo turned to Mira then, “Keep flying. Past those hills, you’ll see the base. There’s only one docking bay, you won’t miss it.” He informed, pointing along with his words. The base was in-between a few cities, far enough as to not cause any attention. “They’ll want your weapons and to search the ship. I’m sure you knew that already,” he mentioned as they neared.

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Kylo Ren wrinkled his nose at the query, though it couldn’t be seen under the mask. “Yes,” he expressed, but didn’t explain. He had a good enough explanation for why he hadn’t defeated his own temptations—they were the major enemies of the First Order. It was obvious why.

Leia and Luke were now well protected.

Her joke caught him by surprise when they entered the garden, though, and he laughed a bit and shook his head. “Not quite. Living things are surrounded by the Force. It is easier to work with it in environments like this,” he noted as he led them through an aisle of plants, continuing forward and ignoring the looks the garden workers were giving him. “If you are to learn the Force, we must start you in an environment in which you can learn, Paquin.”

How long would she be Paquin? Briefly, Kylo wondered it, and then discarded it.

He paused with little warning and turned to face her. He plucked one glove off, then the next. He should have removed his helmet, but he wouldn’t. Not here, with so many able to look on. “The Force reacts to you, but I can tell you have never felt yourself use it. Come,” he motioned her forward and stretched out his hands, “Hold yours above mine,” he hadn’t taught someone like this before. He had ideas, but no certainties.

This was new to him. He wasn’t sure how to help someone like this. “I’ll see if I can get you to feel it,” he planned to start with a slight Force push, and then try to pull at the Force within Paquin, the way he did thoughts, to try and get her to feel it within herself.


‘Rollo Henderson.’ Mira committed the name to memory, repeating it over and over. If this turned out well, if somehow she didn’t end up captured or harmed, she’d see that somehow this one did not suffer greatly. He would suffer—that was inevitable. He was on the wrong side. However, he’d deserve at least a quick death. Mercy.

‘Or a chance to join.’

Rollo directed her where to dock once he got off the radio, “I won’t bring the lightsaber with me. It isn’t a necessary,” it could remain in the ship. It wouldn’t help her in the long run, anyway. The Force would be better at that if they wanted to put up a fight. ‘What are the odds Leia will be there…?’

Mira didn’t dare ask. She didn’t want to know. “I can’t let them search the ship, however.” She didn’t know what they might find, and she couldn’t be certain there wasn’t sensitive material in here. It was pretty sparse, little hidden. There was no reason to hide much.

She found the docking bay, and she let the black ship land, seeing the members of the Resistance outside. ‘They know.’ It was in the air, in the emotions and the tremble of the Force. “Come,” but Mira didn’t quite wait for a response. She reached to grabbed Rollo’s arm. Now was no time to play at niceties. He was her prisoner, her trade—she couldn’t let him run out the door and into freedom.

She would take him to the door of the ship and walk out with him, only to immediately shut the door behind herself with the Force.
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Paquin felt relieved in a way, when Kylo said he knew what his temptation was. It meant she had a chance to figure out what hers was. She was curious as to what his was, but she didn’t inquire any further. She knew when to stop asking questions.<br /><br />

His explanation as to why they were in the garden made sense, but it was still strange to her. It was an odd setting, a garden on a starship. It certainly wasn’t the weirdest place she’d learned anything at. The subject, the Force, certainly was the weirdest thing someone’s tried to teach her. “You’re the teacher,” she commented.<br /><br />

She recalled how Kylo had called Snoke, his teacher, ‘Master’. She hoped Kylo wouldn’t ask her to call him that. She couldn’t help but think that would be terribly awkward.<br /><br />

She paused when he did, watching with curiosity as he took his gloves off. She took a step closer as he instructed, placing her hands above his. She knew that this must’ve been a strange sight for the garden workers, Kylo Ren of all people walking into the garden and performing something that may have looked ritualistic.<br /><br />

“Should I close my eyes and focus or something?” She offered upon hearing his plan to get her to feel the Force. She was worried her words may have sounded a little mocking, that wasn’t her intent. She was trying to show a willingness to learn, as well as make this experience a little easier for the both of them. “Sorry if that sounds stupid, I just don’t know how this all works,” she admitted, but it wasn’t like he couldn’t have guessed that. <br /><br />

All she knew was that the light was bad and the dark required emotions or whatever, as well as a minuscule bit of history. But that didn’t exactly explain how to use the Force.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Rollo hoped that his comrades would take his word that there were no other people or secret weapons aboard Mira’s ship since she wouldn’t let them inspect it. He had no clue if there were any secret weapons or not, but he was fairly certain there were no other people on board. Surely, Mira wouldn’t be as silly as to bring anything that could ruin the trade.<br /><br />

Both he and Mira wanted things to go over smoothly, go back to ‘normal’. <br /><br />

He didn’t protest when Mira grabbed his arm and led him off her ship. He understood that he was still her prisoner, technically. She needed everyone to know that he wasn’t free, not until she got Kevan. And he’d go along with that. He was positive that things would go just fine, as long as no one tried to pick a fight with anyone. The General would approve of this trade, he knew it. <br /><br />

Just as he said, the voice from the radio was present at the dock. There were also others loitering around, no doubt instructed to keep watch in case things went south. Rollo took notice that his eyes were focused on his blood-stained pants, likely noticing the limp. Rollo raised a hand to let him know he was alright. “Are you gonna introduce your ‘friend’ here?” <br /><br />

“Alec, this is Mira. Mira this is Alec. He’s a Captain, like me.” Rollo introduced the two, knowing that his fellow Captain would likely be the one to oversee the trade if the General wasn’t there. He wasn’t the highest ranking officer, but as of now he knew the most about the situation.<br /><br />

“And you want Kevan Ren, right?” Alec’s question was directed at Mira then, “Well, I'll have to talk to General Organa first. I’m sure you know who she is.” He wasn’t being particularly nice with his tone, but there was no need to be nice anyway. 

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Kylo shook his head at her question, smiling a bit under the helmet at it. It was ridiculous. It was almost offensive—it would have been if she’d known anything about the Force. “It doesn’t matter if your eyes are opened or closed.”

Mira would have probably said closed, to shut out all other sensations, “You’ll see and you’ll feel,” Kylo was never the subtle sort, though. “Try to resist what you feel. Push against it, but not with your hands. If you can.” He wasn’t sure if this method work. He’d have to try so many things until he figured out just what could get Paquin to not just feel, but take hold of the Force.

He had seen how the Force reacted to a ‘push’, though, so he was hoping that was the place to start.

From his hands, he pushed the Force up, to push her own hands away. Around him, the plants were stirred, and they, too, found their leaves and stems pulled up, though he didn’t use enough pressure to bring them out of the ground, or lift their pots. That would be too much for Paquin to deal with. “Mira wasn’t able to push you, so you should feel something pushing back against this Force. It’s you, yourself, though,” he stated. “You can control it. You can make it stronger.”

Others in the garden started to quickly move away from where the two were, clearly wanting absolutely nothing to do with this space wizardry nonsense.


Mira took in the situation, head up, back straight, looking like the perfect figure of control in black. Despite the fact her helmet had been left in her haste, she had a feeling most of them knew who she was by the name ‘Mira’. If this was a base of officers, they would know their own high-ranking opponents.

‘Shame I don’t know you, Alec.’

Mira only gave a nod to acknowledge she had even heard the name. “Yes, I want Kevan,” Mira consented, and let a smirk twist her lip up when he mentioned Organa.

Her heart twisted however. “We’ve talked, a time or two.”

Mira had known Leia when she was Ceres, of course. She’d known her then as Ben’s mother, and still knew the woman as that, though she knew her legacy. General Organa was a woman to be feared, and in truth, Mira knew she shouldn’t let any chance go by to kill her. So far as temptations to the light went…

Well to say those padawans weren’t it was a large understatement.

Luke. Leia. They had shown her a life outside of her four walls and isolation. They had taught her control and shown her warmth. “Go run off to your master, Captain,” Mira made sure to be no nicer than this Alec was being, “Rollo and I will be here. Try anything, and I’m sure you know what happens to Rollo, and as many others as possible,” Mira knew she was outnumbered. It wouldn’t be difficult to be caught—but she wouldn’t go down without a fight.

“There’s no need.”

Mira’s posture visibly stiffened. Her grip on Rollo tightened as she looked over Alec’s shoulder to see the General herself approaching. Those hard eyes assessed the situation, assessed Rollo, before falling on Mira.

Mira managed to hold her gaze for the few seconds it was there, before she looked to Alec, “I have been briefed on the situation already,” she informed him, “Go fetch the prisoner, Kevan Ren.”
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Paquin felt the familiar push once again, the Force reacting just the same. Same as before, her hands remained unwavering, unlike the various plants around them. According to Kylo, Paquin was somehow unconsciously resisting the push, she just needed to figure out how to consciously do it. Then maybe she’d be able to push back.<br /><br />

She didn’t expect anything to happen, that she’d be able to do anything this time around. After all, it was her first attempt at using the Force, but that didn’t stop her from at least trying.<br /><br />

She’d noticed that Kylo and Mira both tended to raise their hands when using the Force for something. She considered that it may have been a more physical practice than mental, even though Kylo had expressed that emotions were a part of it. Her hands tensed as if that would sway the Force in any way. Though, nothing happened. The pressure remained the same. <br /><br />

She tried something else, which was really just her glaring at their hands, like that would will some sort of push against the Force. Maybe closing her eyes would help, maybe she’d be able to feel her Force. What was apparently resisting Kylo’s push. She was sure Kylo would probably think she was stupid since he had said it didn’t matter. “Maybe this would work if I were sad or angry?” She offered.<br /><br />

She didn’t know how feeling contributed to the Force, she wondered if she were throwing a Kylo-like tantrum she’d do something. Not that she was exactly planning on doing that. “I’m doing it unconsciously, maybe if I try hypnosis I could get it my mind to recognize what I’m doing. I can do that with a mirror and a stopwatch, probably safer than being attacked with the Force and uprooting the garden.” She almost laughed at herself for suggesting such a thing. “That’s stupid, too. Sorry.”<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

“Ow,” Rollo hissed as Mira’s grip tightened. She was a lot stronger than she looked, that’s for sure. Maybe ‘than she looked’ wasn’t right. She looked rather intimidating, maybe ‘than he would have thought’ would be better. That didn’t matter much, though. His attention shifted to the General as he spoke, realizing that must’ve been why Mira’s grip tightened.<br /><br />

Alec looked as though he was about to retort, probably something a lot less than civil about to come out of his mouth, but the General came and shut him right up. “Yes, ma’am.” He spoke when she gave him orders, but did so a little hesitantly. Sure, he was glad Rollo would be back, but at what cost? Surely, they’d be able to milk something else out of Kevan. But maybe this was best, the General seemed to be agreeing with it, after all.<br /><br />

Alec was soon out of sight, but Leia remained silent for a few more moments. Her eyes roamed over the Knight, seeing how much had changed. “Ceres,” she finally spoke, addressing Mira by her former name. There was some part of Leia hoping that it would spark something within the woman by saying the name though that method didn’t work for her son. It felt wrong calling Kylo Ren her son since it didn’t seem that there was any bit of Ben Solo left in him.<br /><br />

Mira was saving Kevan, Leia knew. That fact that Mira didn’t want Kevan to die had to mean something, there was more of something within her to go off of than there had been with Kylo. “It’s been a while,” she found herself stating the obvious. “Do you know what you’re doing?” She questioned, wondering if Mira had even considered if she’d get caught by Kylo or the Order. It was something that was terribly likely.<br /><br />

Mira would be a traitor just as much as Kevan Ren was. <br /><br />

Off in the distance, in the direction Alec had left, Leia spotted the form of two men heading towards them, one a rather calm Kevan Ren. It was unsettling, feeling how calm Kevan was, seeing how cooperative he was being. He must’ve sensed that it was Mira coming to get him. Leia didn’t think too much on it, focusing on Mira instead. 

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Emotions were what drove Kylo Ren. Luke’s tactics had helped, but Kylo had been a natural with the Force, so Luke’s teachings really only seemed to hinder his raw, natural talent. “If it were going to be emotions, we might have seen something already,” he didn’t mean to speak it aloud, but he did, thinking of Mira and her…reactions, before she was properly trained. She’d destroyed much in the chaos of her emotions, but she couldn’t focus it, couldn’t channel it to her ends.

But Paquin hadn’t been thrown over the edge, had she? Not that Kylo saw…perhaps she had a point.

However, inciting anger or sorrow purposefully was a difficult task when one knew what you were trying to do. ‘So if she does not know….’ It was a gamble, but Paquin insisted on remaining mild mannered and apologizing, not focusing as he needed her too. “Perhaps this was a mistake.”

Kylo let his hands fall away and he turned in frustration, bringing up the emotion so it would be brimming on the edge of his own aura. Paquin might not be able to sense it—not consciously—but the Force would feel the shift and think to protect her. “Hypnosis won’t work,” he turned back around, “Or else I could hypnotize anyone and say, ‘Use the Force,’” he waved his hand in a mock-gesture of the ‘Jedi Mind Trick’, appearing to grow increasingly agitated. “Your ideas are stupid.”

Hurt her. Break her. If she broke enough, it might break the wall that was keeping her from grasping the Force and using it. “You need to listen to what I’m saying,” he insisted, and with a wave of his hand, he sent another, stronger Force Push, in her general direction. The plants would move with it, fall over and likely need to be cleaned up. Someone ran, no doubt to tell a superior that Kylo was once again breaking things.

Kylo didn't care.

“But perhaps you actually do need to be hypnotized. Controlled.” And he’d lift that same hand again and hold up his fingers, only to clench slowly.

He wouldn’t choke her, no, it was to instead pull at the Force within, to make it rush quickly through her the way her blood rushed through her veins, “I suppose if that is the only way you can use it, though, you could be useful as one of those brainwashed Stormtroopers.”

‘Come now, Paquin. Get angry. Snap back.’ He would press more as needed, see if he could send her over the edge to a tantrum that might let her feel how it felt to use the Force. It wouldn’t be a fully controlled use, but she’d become aware of it on cooling down, and then she’d have an idea. That was all he needed right now—for her to get an idea.


Emotions were Kylo’s forte. They were not Mira’s. Kylo Ren could ride the waves of his emotions and control the Force, but Mira struggled in that department. Her control was already starting to slip out of her grip, but she grasped at it, knowing she didn’t want to harm Rollo further. ‘Focus on that. Focus on Kevan.’

But Leia called her Ceres, and the walls started to break. No doubt, that was the reason that Kevan was so calm—he was close enough to feel the shifts, and to know who was there.

“It’s Mira Ren,” she reminded, added, “Princess.” It was the single suggestion that the name had earned a response, albeit not a positive one. The name still had power over her.

It was painful to insult Leia so, to use that term over ‘General’, but if Leia was not going to respect the changes, then Mira wouldn’t, either, “And I am quite aware of what I am doing.” Just as aware as Leia was, or else Leia would not have been so confident to stand out here.

At least, that was what Mira told herself. Her gaze flicked to Kevan, unmasked and injured, but calm. Again, she had to bite down rage as she saw his state, despite his strong posture. There were wounds on his face and even through the black, she could recognize where it was stained with blood. “Shall I take a message back to Kylo Ren?”

Leia had enough gall to offer a slight smile, knowing that Mira would do no such thing. Not considering the circumstances, “Tell him I love him. Tell him to come home.” And then, she asked, “How is he?”

“Even after what he did to Han,” Mira found herself shaking her head at Leia’s concern, but answered, “Kylo Ren lives, and he is in good health. He is stronger now.”

‘And how is Luke?’ Mira wanted to ask, but didn’t.

Kevan was close enough then. She held out a hand, not looking at those holding Kevan, but looking at Leia. “Give Kevan to me first,” there was no hiding the edge to her voice now, nor the anxiety, “and I’ll release Captain Henderson.” She’d be a fool to let Rollo go first. Leia might be a woman of her word, but she was as worthy of her title of General as Hux was—Mira wouldn’t deny that. Mira knew she was outnumbered. She’d not be giving an inch to the Resistance in this situation.
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‘Ouch.’ While she herself had been the one to call the hypnosis idea stupid, she hadn’t expected him to snap at her. And so harshly at that.<br /><br />

Paquin’s first instinct was to say sorry, despite being the one who was insulted. She could handle her and her ideas being called stupid, it wasn’t anything that hadn’t been said to her before. Something that she’d learned quickly during her time studying was to just take it. Don’t talk back. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt her feelings, though.<br /><br />

All easiness that she felt in Kylo’s presence dissipated, rapidly becoming distrust. At the signs of Kylo’s growing agitation, Paquin crossed her arms over her chest, hands gripping at her upper arms. It was a defensive position, her hugging herself. She felt the need for it. And she apparently was right to feel the need for it, as Kylo had used the Force against her. Although it wasn’t hugging herself that kept her steady. <br /><br />

The verbal abuse she could take without feeling any sort of intense emotion, no problem. But as soon as she felt the Force push against her, as well as witnessing various plants and pots being knocked over, she grew upset. She wasn’t sure if Kylo had a goal to actually knock her over or not, but either way, she became angry at him. <br /><br />

Once he rose his hand again, this time clenching his fingers, Paquin panicked slightly. From what she heard, that is what he did when he was about to choke someone. Only, he wasn’t choking her. She wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, but her body didn’t seem to be agreeing with it. She slowly backed away from him as if that would stop whatever he was doing.<br /><br />

“Stop,” she began carefully. “I’m sorry that I’m not grasping it as quickly as you want me to, I get that you’re quite possibly the most impatient man in history. But that does not mean you can take your frustration out on me,” her voice was slowly losing its cautious quality with each word. There was movement, it was almost unnoticeable. The leaves of some fallen plants began pointing in Kylo’s direction. Paquin didn’t even notice it.<br /><br />

She did notice the change in her tone, however. “I’m trying to get this, I really am,” She attempted to correct the direction that her words were heading in. <br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Leia’s concerned lessened for her son, upon hearing how he was doing. There had been no doubt in Leia’s mind that her son had been alive, she would have felt if he didn’t make it. Just like she did with Han. ‘Han,’ Leia wondered if killing Han had made her son stronger like Mira had said he was.<br /><br />

She didn’t want to believe that were the case. She’d attempt to bring her son back until she was no longer breathing. Even beyond her death. Not only would she do that with her son, but Mira, too. The General cared for the girl. ‘Maybe if Luke spoke to them,’ no, she wouldn’t risk her brother’s safety like that. Not for something that wasn’t guaranteed.<br /><br />

Leia didn’t think on it too much longer, returning to business just as Alec returned with Kevan Ren. She picked up on the edge, the anxiety in Mira’s voice. Likely had everyone else. Leia could understand why Mira would demand that of her, and if Mira were someone else, she’d likely comply. But Mira wasn’t anyone else, she could still be a threat. Even with all the people around. In that moment, Leia had to be the General. <br /><br />

Leia made a gesture to Alec, signaling for him and Kevan to come closer. Alec followed, putting on a display of roughly handling Kevan though there was no need for it. The General didn’t acknowledge it, speaking instead, “Alec lets go of Kevan and you let go of Rollo at the same time,” the previous gentleness in her voice being replaced.<br /><br />

“Kevan and Rollo will walk back to their respective sides and reach us at the same time. It’s fair, an equal risk for both of us.” Leia didn’t so much as offer it, more demanding that was how it would be done. It wasn’t to assert her position, that didn’t matter much to Leia. While Mira may have seen it that the Resistance had the upper hand, Leia was sure that both Mira and Kevan could easily hold off the Resistance as long as they needed to. Thus, it was an equal risk.<br /><br />

Rollo, who had ben quietly eyeing everyone for the most part, gently nudged Mira. “Just do it,” he quietly pleaded. The longer this took, the longer there was a chance for things to go south. Especially with Mira as anxious and on edge as she was. Rollo’s previous confidence that this would work out was slowly diminishing. Not because of the General or the Resistance, he was more worried about what Mira would do. “Trust me, this will work.” He encouraged. 

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It was working. Kylo Ren was actually quite happy to see the change in the direction of the leaves, to feel Paquin’s body start trying to reclaim control of the flow of the Force in her. Yet, he couldn’t relent. He couldn’t stop to point it out to her yet, not until it became clear to her so that she would be able to know how it all felt.

“You’re not trying hard enough!” Kylo accused, and though his anger had dissipated, he still sounded enraged. He knew how to keep that tone of voice.

A swipe of his hand, and several of the leaves lifted split in two. He kept the pull on her energy, and would try to move her forward. It would be a slow pull, controlled as best he could manage so he didn’t just drag her right to him in seconds. He had to give her a chance to struggle or she would not learn, the way Mira’s assault had been hardly worth caring about.

‘And yet.’

The anger of his own reaction came to mind and he rechanneled it to this situation. “You may be a natural with the Force, Paquin, but you cannot remain so meek and apologetic,” he snapped at her. “Oh, I’m sorry—do you think apologizing fixes it? Does apologizing bring back the patients who die, Paquin?”

He didn’t want that to twist things into sorrow. He wanted it to stir anger, still, to make her think that he was calling her inept by the mere idea that patients died. Of course they did, though—this was war. Paquin couldn’t save them all.

‘Not yet.’


Admiration still burned at the frayed edges of Mira’s emotions, and Kevan looked calmly at the woman across from him understanding where this was going.

Mira was going to be murdered by Kylo Ren, eventually. ‘But we can overthrow him. Him, Snoke. The First Order if we must.’ He wanted to say it. He’d had enough time away from them in his adventures as a spy to have developed several opinions that, in the end, led to him breaking easily under torture by the Resistance. His heart was no longer with the Knights of Ren.

But Mira’s never had been. He had never been sure of it until then.

He caught her gaze and canted his head, letting a smirk touch his lips.

He felt her guards drop. His message pushed through. ‘Go ahead. Leia’s too honorable.’

Rollo’s words added to Mira’s agreement to go along. “Very well, Lei—Princess.” Mira moved Rollo forward, and then, watching Kevan and Alec, released Rollo at the time that Kevan was released.

Kevan walked as straight as he could, with as little a limp as he could. Briefly, he eyed Rollo, debating if it was worth the risk. Could he get into Kylo Ren’s good graces if he returned with Leia’s head? Even as he considered it, he knew it wasn’t what he wanted. Mira’s guards were already back up as he passed the halfway mark. ‘But we could change things.’ Kevan still considered himself a good spy.

And Mira could lead…Mira could take initiative and hide her secrets in plain sight. “You’re a sight for sore eyes,” he commented, cocky. Mira just gestured him towards the ship. A twist of her wrist and the door opened, ramp came down. He walked towards it, and Mira followed, keeping her gaze on the Resistance for any signs of treachery.

She’d offer a brief, two-fingered salute to Rollo, before vanishing into her own ship again.
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Paquin was not an explosive person. On one hand she could count how many tantrums she’d had, that she could recall. From what she’d heard from her parents, she was not a fussy baby. She was always, for the most part, ‘meek and apologetic’, as Kylo put it. That’s not to say she didn’t get angry or sad. <br /><br />

She was angry, and at the mention of her lost patients, sad. But him implying that they were dead because she was inept seemed to enrage her. And that mixed with growing frustration with Kylo continuing to use the Force against her, to say she was angry was an understatement. “Don’t mistake my losses for incompetence, there’s a difference believe it or not.” She snapped at him.<br /><br />

As she spoke, she felt the Force struggling more against the pull. It almost felt like two magnets trying to repel each other. It wasn’t a necessarily pleasant feeling. She didn’t stop to point it out. “If I were inept like you’re suggesting, how are you standing here insulting me? Do you think the Force kept you alive?” She found herself slowly walking towards the Knight, an accusatory finger pointed at him. If it were physically possible, she was sure there would have been steam coming out of her ears.<br /><br />

“The Force didn’t save you,” her tone was mocking, “I did!” As the last word was spat, a pot that had managed to remain intact jumped, falling over in front of them. It didn’t move much, but it still moved. And that was enough to quiet Paquin, her hand dropping back to her side. She didn’t apologize or shrink into herself, she just stood there.<br /><br />

Her tantrum was nowhere near comparable to Kylo Ren’s or likely anyone else’s for that matter, but it still prompted some results.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Kevan Ren watched the brief two-fingered salute before disappearing into the cockpit. He carefully kicked the armor that Rollo had thrown out of the way, careful not to agitate his leg. He sat in the seat that Rollo had not too long ago, turning himself so he’d be able to face Mira. “So, I see you got yourself a Resistance boyfriend,” he teased.<br /><br />

Kevan felt perfectly comfortable in the presence of Mira, knowing she wasn’t about to send him off to his death. There were so many points that he could’ve been killed, but wasn’t. She was so anxious to get him back alive, that alone had to mean she wasn’t about to hand him over to Kylo to get his head lopped off. “I’d appreciate a ride to the Outer Rim. I’m very popular there. Everyone loves me.”<br /><br />

Kevan had a plan. He knew where the First Order had bases. On Alderaan, in space itself. He had plenty of allies, getting ships would be no problem. The only thing missing now was Mira. And then they could overthrow Kylo and Snoke, no longer needing to worry for their lives. While he knew he wouldn’t be able to convince the other Knights, he could get Mira on board. He knew now that she was not so attached to the Knights, not as devoted as some would believe. She was too Jedi like, something he’d always noticed.<br /><br />

He just needed to weasel his way in and get her to convert. “On a scale of one to ten, how badly do you think Kylo will want to kill you if he finds out about this? Because there’s no way he knows now.” He was beginning to map out his plan to get Mira, which he didn’t think would take much effort. The only thing that would take any effort would be gauging the woman’s reactions, to see if he was saying the right things. She usually hid her feelings so well, it was frustrating.

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Kylo Ren prided himself in finding buttons of even the most tame and timid. He fed on emotions, after all. It seemed to strengthen him to be around such volatile things. It was why Knights like Ariel were preferred to those who hid themselves. Now he’d just have to see if Paquin could be made to see the value of wearing her emotions on her sleeve like that.

Her rage was palpable and the Force moved with it. It wasn’t under her control, but he knew that she came to realize it with her declaration that she had been the one to save him.

Then she shrunk back, becoming the little mouse again.

Kylo stepped forward, releasing his hold on the Force completely. He knew that would be enough of a shock to Paquin’s senses that he didn’t need to fear immediate retaliation. He lifted his hands up, unlatched his helmet, and took it off. “And I thank you for your service, Paquin, in saving me.”

His gaze was calm, warm, and not at all angry. The mask had been hiding it well. “I hope you understand why I pushed you like that. Did you feel it?” He gestured towards the broken pot. “That wasn’t me,” hoping she’d understand. Hoping she’d remember how that felt, when she pushed it and destroyed it. “You needed to do something with the Force on your own, to get a feel for it. It seems you were right, Paquin,” a wry smirk, “Emotions are going to be your drive, which will make it difficult for you to actually control what you do with the Force.”

He knew that had been Mira’s struggle. Now she hardly ever used the Force through emotions. It was all cold. All focused. ‘Jedi.’


Kevan Ren was an exception to many rules, and so Mira did allow a hint of a smile at his joke about a Resistance boyfriend. “Yeah, something tells me it won’t be long-term, though. There’s a chance right now rumors are floating about Hux and myself,” she knew Kylo. He hated Hux enough to spread such rumors at her expense. “Hux wouldn’t approve,” she clicked her tongue on the top of her mouth, as if that rumor were more true than those of a Resistance boyfriend.

Inside her ship she felt more protected. She moved into the pilot’s seat and took a glance at the armor. ‘Loose end.’ She’d find a way to tie it up. “Good news for you,” she said as she flipped the switches to turn the ship on, intending to jump into lightspeed as quick as possible—before Leia changed her mind. “We’re going to Tatooine, and you’re going to disappear.”

Ariel need not know. Mira knew that Kevan had all kinds of friends in the Outer Rim. It’d not be difficult for him to disappear.

At his question, Mira let out a breath. “Nine.” She shot Kevan a sidelong look, “Understand that if I find out he knows from you, Kevan, I’ll hunt you down. You’re carrying your life and mine right now.” She was trusting him too much, she knew, but she’d just saved his life. She liked to think he’d at least protect hers.

He lifted his hands as if in a gesture of surrender, and Mira let her eyes return forward, launching the ship into lightspeed, “I was just curious,” though he was more than that, “there’s plenty of loose ends here,” his gaze moved to the armor he’d kicked aside, “How are you going to hide this forever?”

“You keeping your mouth shut, and me twisting the memories of a Stormtrooper, probably,” she said. ‘Or convincing the trooper that having a Knight in debt is worth something.’ But that could go south very quickly. She could just kill RL, too, but that was going to be difficult. They were all so alike….
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Paquin felt the pull disappear, her body relaxing. She still took a step back as Kylo stepped forward. Just because he let her go, doesn't mean she was off the hook. But then he took his helmet off and Paquin found herself slightly confused by his words. She quickly pieced it together, though.<br /><br />

He hadn't been angry at all, she realized. He had simply acted as if he were to get her to react. It had worked, there were results. But Paquin certainly wasn't a fan of his method. Her features were settled in a scowl, eyes narrowed. She was seriously rethinking her agreement. She could only hope that all their lessons didn't end up like this one. "Yes, I felt it," and she had. It was satisfying, the feeling. Almost familiar, as well.<br /><br />

"At least, I have the greatest person to teach me something so difficult," there was a hint of sarcasm there, but for the most part, she did believe Kylo was likely the best person to teach her. He did seem to be rather skilled at controlling the Force, and she knew he was passionate, for the lack of a better word. Mira didn't appear to have even known what an emotion was.<br /><br />

It would still take a minute for her to warm back up to Kylo. He had almost scared her into a heart attack. Not to mention hurt her feelings, even though now she knew not to take his words personally. "I do suggest that you rethink your techniques. Oh, wait. My ideas are stupid." She was a little bitter.<br /><br />

Paquin's eyes wandered over the room, taking note that most of the workers had left. Only a few remained, and apart of that was an officer. A superior. But it didn't look like he was about to interfere with their conversation.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

"That was a trick question. You're not going to be able to hide this forever, Mira." His tone took on a twinge of concern. It wasn't feigned, he was seriously concerned for her. "One way or another, someone will find out. What if Kylo runs into his mommy? He could raid her thoughts, even if Leia tries to resist it," he pointed out. "Or what if he comes across your boyfriend?"<br /><br />

"Why don't you stick with me, Mira? You're a 'traitor' now, anyway. I've got the allies, you and I will both be safe." He offered, not yet mentioning his plan. That would be too much to load on her at once. He had to persuade her to stick around first, then he'd slowly ease the idea of getting rid of Kylo and the Supreme Leader. Kevan was thankful he wouldn't have to answer to either of them anymore. But he wasn't so happy at the prospect of running from them.<br /><br />

"Of course, we'd have to ditch the black attire and your snazzy little ship. Black is out of fashion on Tatooine." He joked though they'd actually have to ditch the ship. He wasn't sure if hers may have had any form of tracking on it. He was thinking as if Mira had already said yes, which he expected her to. Why would she not? Kevan had expressed how unsafe she'd be. There were so many other reasons that if Mira thought on it, she could convince herself.<br /><br />

Kevan wondered why she hadn't left before. It was so clear to him that her heart was not with the Knights, never had been. Was it Kylo that had been holding her there? The fact that she knew him as Ben Solo, maybe? Or was it him or the other Knights? Maybe just fear of being killed. "But if that's not your cup of tea, not a peep will come out of my mouth." He made a motion of zipping his lips. He'd make it seem like she wasn't obligated, which she really wasn't.<br /><br />

But if she chose to return to Kylo, she'd be his enemy. 

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Kylo shook his head at all of her bitterness, all of her lack of tact. He knew exactly why it was there, and in some ways he was pleased that it lingered, but now it was sincerely frustrating. Apologizing was not something he was good at. “I did use one of your ideas, Paquin. If I had told you, it would not have worked,” a bit defensive.

Who let a person upset them when they knew the other was trying to do it? Very few. “If you would prefer, I can let Mira teach you, but I do not think her methods will reach you. They do not relay on emotions and it seems your natural draw to the Force is with your emotions.” A natural to the dark side, of course. “It is not easy to learn the Force and how to manipulate it. If you do have some other ideas, though, you can see that I will listen.”

Perhaps now that she had some idea of how it felt, and had learned that emotions contributed, she would come up with some ideas. “But now that we’ve broken through that initial wall and you know how it feels, we can move on and you can think on it. We should get you a crystal so you can build your own lightsaber. Let’s check with Hux to see if he has the coordinates to where a stash of them are.”

Kylo had not gotten the coordinates from Mira. He was sincerely hoping that Hux had done so. That, or Snoke may have forwarded him the coordinates, since it was going to be necessary to clear the planet.

Kylo shot a glare at the superior who was looking their way, before he walked on ahead to go towards the exit of the garden, imagining Paquin would follow. He still couldn’t seem to get an apology out, and his frustrations at the emotions swirling in his own mind for not saying it caused him to forget to put his helmet back on as he left the garden.


‘You’re the one who gets secrets and spies. Not Kylo.’ Mira couldn’t imagine him raiding Leia’s mind. If they ever ran into Rollo again, well—they both knew what would happen. Mira would have to kill him, but it’d be merciful. Quick. Part because he deserved the mercy, part because she wasn’t letting Kylo anywhere in his mind.

“Nothing will happen, Kevan.” Mira sounded more sure than she was. Her mind was running through every possibility. “Worry about yourself. You’re the one they’ll be looking for, not me.” Not Rollo for that matter, either. They would all think him dead. “I’m not a traitor. I just saved you.”

Tatooine appeared before them. His joking was a bit painful to endure, if only because Mira knew she’d never hear it again. From this point on, she’d have to pretend that Kevan no longer existed. She’d have to talk about him as if he were her enemy.

“You shouldn’t talk as if you’re a traitor. You were tortured,” perhaps Mira was making up excuses for him, or for herself. “I’ll be staying with the First Order and the Knights of Ren,” she guided her ship towards the docks she knew Ariel would be near. Black was going to be wretched to wear on Tatooine, if only because of the temperature. “I appreciate your silence. Not a word will come from me, either. Nor a thought.” Kylo would never break that. He could try.

‘And if he does.’ Mira stopped the thoughts there.

That would be the end of one of them. “Would you like an escort to one of your contacts here? The Hutts, perhaps?” She asked as she docked the ship, “I have to meet Ariel,” one string to tie up. “But I’ll detour to assist if you need it.”

“Can I come along to tell her farewell?” Kevan asked, continuing in that joking manner. He knew what the answer would be. He didn't understand why Mira was refusing, knowing she would be dead.

Mira simply fixed him with a dead stare as he asked, figuring that was answer enough before she lifted herself from the pilot’s seat.
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Despite her bitterness, Paquin followed after Kylo, just like she had for most of the day. She was excited at the prospect of acquiring a crystal, even if she wouldn’t be able to do anything with it until Mira returned. But she did pause long enough to mumble a sorry to the superior. For the mess that was made and for Kylo.<br /><br />

As she trailed alongside him, she did think up some ideas. Anything other than the method he’d just used. Although it was, in a vague sense, her idea. “I’m driven by emotions, right?” She paused, but not long enough for him to comment. “Happiness is an emotion, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it. But instead of getting me angry, insulting me, you could say things like ‘Wow, Paquin, you look nice today!’ Or maybe even something as simple as ‘good work’,” she offered.<br /><br />

She didn’t say anything else as they made their way to the command center, where Hux was no doubt attempting to restore what his definition of ‘order’ was.<br /><br />

Hux was doing precisely that, in fact. Phasma had returned and he’d been discussing numbers and recruiting with the Captain. Upon spotting Kylo, sans helmet, he briefly paused. He’d seen Ren moments after his face had been slashed, but he had no clue how large the injury was. He didn’t comment on it as he dismissed Phasma. <br /><br />

Phasma offered a nod in Kylo and Paquin’s direction as a greeting to the both of them as she passed. Phasma seemed to be the only member of the Order who respected Kylo, but not out of fear. “What do you want?” Hux barked as his own greeting, not moving from his position.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Kevan found himself both surprised and disappointed at her rejection. He wouldn’t do anything now, no. He’d give her until she left, in case she would change her mind. That, and he didn’t want to harm Mira. But as soon as she left Tatooine’s atmosphere, she’d no longer mean anything to him. She couldn’t<br /><br />

But not a word of her help would be uttered. Kevan would not let Kylo be the end of Mira Ren. He would not let Kylo be the end of him, either. He let out a dramatic sigh at her blank stare, before answering her previous question. “I can get around on my own,” he was no longer thinking as though she were with him. He couldn’t let her have even an idea of just how many allies he had, not when he was sure that he’d be coming for Kylo Ren and Snoke. He was glad he hadn’t mentioned that to her. <br /><br />

Kevan stood from the co-pilot’s seat, but before he made his exit, he wrapped his arms around Mira. He didn’t care much if she liked it or not, but he needed it. This would be their last moment as friends, as a family. “I’ll see you around, Mira.” He spoke, but he hoped he wouldn’t ever see her again. If they ever did cross paths again, it would not be pleasant for either of them.<br /><br />

He limped his way towards the exit, opening the ramp with the Force. And limping down it. Upon reaching the bottom he paused, looking around. He knew where to go from here, but he couldn’t help but think how much of a pain in the ass it would be to get there. He had to limp around in the sand, all while wearing black. “This’ll be fun,” he turned back around to speak to Mira, “Tell Ariel I said hi, yeah?” He offered her one final grin, knowing she would do no such thing. <br /><br />

“And good luck with not getting killed,” he added. 

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Kylo managed not to laugh at Paquin’s question. ‘Have you ever done anything by happiness before?’ He wanted to retort, imagining Paquin was far more familiar with happiness and excitement than she was with anger. Happiness, so far as Kylo knew, did not work. The Force didn’t respond to it.

Yet, before he could say as much, he was walking into the control center where General Hux and Captain Phasma were. 'I can tell her after.' If only it were so easy. If only happiness could drive the Force.

He glanced to Phasma after acknowledging Hux's greeting. As much as he did respect Phasma, she also annoyed him. She was too willing to stand up to him, and annoyingly enough, she probably had the ability to harm him. He’d never had a fight with her go that far, though.

Usually, he ended up backing down, seeing the sense to what she argued.

Life would have been easier if she were General, and Hux was Captain. “Testy without Mira around, aren’t you, Hux?” Kylo couldn’t help but retort, and he took a glance to Phasma, “Have you heard yet? The two of them were having a romantic meal earlier,” though he was speaking to Phasma, there were officers around. They were also his intended audience.

A few did glance back towards Hux, but then quickly turned back to their work, remembering that none of them wanted to get involved with any situation that involved Kylo Ren.

He was going to amuse himself a little before getting to the point. He saw Phasma cant her head, but that helmet of hers kept him from seeing what emotion she was feeling. She was rather good at keeping that to herself, when she wanted to. “Anyway, General,” he waved it off, and as he lifted his hand to do so, he realized he was still holding his helmet. ‘Well shit.’

Some of his humor died, and he cut to the point, “I’m here to get the coordinates to the planet in Wild Space with kyber crystals. Paquin needs a lightsaber,” he gestured back to the medic with his free hand. “You did get those coordinates, correct?”


Mira gave a mute nod at his statement of getting around on his own. It was her own selfish desire to be with him a little longer, before the inevitable split, that had made her ask. It was better that he go on his own. The less Mira knew, the better.

Before the exit of the ship, Mira felt Kevan’s arms, and then stepped into the embrace. Her guards wavered, and she shut her eyes and took a breath as she returned it. The breath held as long as the embrace did. ‘No you won’t.’ But Mira didn’t say as much. She released when he did, and then followed behind to the exit of the ship.

She might have smirked at his trials any other day, but not then. “Sure,” Mira lied about telling Ariel. She couldn’t, in case Ariel was already aware of Kevan. Even if she wasn’t, it was too risky in the time line, if Kylo ever did decide to just start looking for information.

A nod to his ‘don’t get killed’. “May the Force be with you,” she said in return. There was a scoffing sound and a short laugh from Kevan, and then, he was gone.


It was easy to here Kylo say it in that condescending way, and as she lifted her hand to close her ship with the Force, the rage that followed all but consumed her. It was sudden, but she knew where it came from. She’d just seen Leia again. She’d just said farewell to Kevan. The reason she had neither of them in her life, was Kylo Ren. ‘It will pass.’ Mira stormed away from her ship, ignoring the way some objects buckled as she passed, or moved away from their place. Even a few people stumbled. Mira tried to reel it in.

She brought up her wrist and quickly typed in Ariel’s numbers again to call the woman on her hologram projector. It didn’t take long, “Woah, I see you’re already here,” she could tell by the background as Mira moved.

“Yes. Where are you?”

“Just stay there. It’ll be easier if I find you. I know where you are.” Ariel said, and without waiting for a response, Ariel disconnected.

Mira let out a breath of frustration, wanting to move if only to try and expend the rage through activity. She pushed a hand back through her hair, paused partway through as she recalled the braid, and then undid the braid.
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Even though Paquin couldn’t see Phasma’s eyes behind her helmet, she could feel her gaze. ‘She missed a lot,’ Paquin commented to herself. She wondered how everything would have gone had Phasma been in charge instead of the Lieutenant General. Paquin probably would be back in the med bay, but Hux and Kylo would likely still be acting like children. <br /><br />

Paquin and Phasma weren’t strangers. While Phasma’s personal visits were rare, they frequently spoke about her troopers. If Paquin had to describe the Captain in one word it would be ‘dedicated’.<br /><br />

Hux rolled his eyes at Kylo and his antics, but that was all the reaction he’d give. He wouldn’t express the extent of his annoyance, although the irritation would definitely be apparent. Rumors didn’t typically bother Hux, but this one did. While he had been eating with Mira, it wasn’t necessarily as unprofessional as Kylo was suggesting. <br /><br />

The General could hear his father scolding him in his head. <br /><br />

“Oh, good. Then we’ll have two tantrum babies to destroy expensive equipment with their laser swords.” Hux had heard about the garden incident when a worker ran into the command center panicking but decided not to handle it. They were only destroying plants, after all. “But yes, I have the coordinates.”<br /><br />

Hux was contemplating giving them the wrong coordinates, so they’d get lost and disappear out of Hux’s life. But not only did he have no real problems with Paquin, only Kylo, Snoke would likely be displeased. “The planet’s infested with worm-like creatures,” he commented as he handed a very small file containing the coordinates to Kylo. “Good luck.”<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Ariel set out on her quest to find Mira, which wouldn’t be all that hard. She knew exactly where she was. Ariel didn’t think to use any form of transportation, other than her own two feet since she wasn’t that far. She’d forgotten that Mira wasn’t accustomed to the weather of Tatooine as she’d been. <br /><br />

Finding Mira around the docks was not hard at all for a number of reasons. For one, Mira was dressed in black in a sea of tan and white. Two, she was singled out, absolutely no one standing around her. And three, Ariel could feel the anger radiating off of her fellow Knight. That was certainly strange, but then again the whole situation was strange.<br /><br />

Kevan was out of sight before Ariel arrived, going undetected. Lucky for him. Ariel hadn’t felt Kevan’s presence on the planet, nor had she noticed Mira’s until she was near her. Even if Ariel had been somewhat close to Kevan, she probably wouldn’t have sensed him. Not with the emotions Mira was projecting.<br /><br />

“Thanks for coming to ‘help’ me,” Ariel spoke as her greeting once she neared the blonde, staying a safe distance away, though. She decided not to comment on the rage emanating from Mira. Not yet anyway. It would be better to address it when Mira was calm. When she was less likely to be destructive. <br /><br />

She hid her surprise at the fact that Mira was so enraged, it wasn’t like her. Not that Ariel was really around Mira all that much, what with their separate missions and all. “Is that something you care to explain?” She questioned, but didn’t demand an answer. In case that was the reason for the other woman’s outrage. 

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Kylo’s fist clenched at Hux’s snap. It was more childish than usual, and somehow that just upset Kylo more. Not to mention he was lumping Paquin in with this. It was easier when it was just him, but to add Paquin to it? “Perhaps you should work on buying more expensive equipment that isn’t so easily destroyed. Or have you not considered that in the budget. It isn’t like we’re using the money to buy clones.” That would be more expensive than their current army.

Phasma cleared her throat. Kylo shot her a glance, but offered no apology or words to make up for what was said.

He snatched the file from Hux. “We’ll be fine.”

“If I may, Sirs,” Phasma spoke up, and Kylo actually let his expression soften a bit. He wasn’t angry at her, and it seemed she actually had something important to say. She didn’t interrupt otherwise, “The reports we have received from Mira Ren, and what I have gleaned from other reports in that area suggest it would not be wise for either of you to go unescorted. The worms seem to be blind, but Force sensitive. You two would be beacons for them.”


“As I recall you commenting, Mira is able to maintain her focus so that her energies do not bleed out.”

Kylo shut up. He hated how much Phasma seemed to pay attention, but it was expected. She had control over the Troopers—she learned about individuals. It was how she learned to organize her teams into her various units. “When my Troopers return from the missions they have been sent on, there should be enough to serve as an escort. We can take out two birds with one stone: allow you safe passage to the kyber crystals, and clear the planet so that we can begin to mine it.”


‘Now comes the tricky part.’ Mira acknowledged as she saw Ariel, blending in with her environment the way Kevan could. She wasn’t dressed in black, but the beige that most others were. Her red hair stood out like a sore thumb, though. Mira gave her the faintest of smirks as she pushed away from the wall she had been leaning on.

She wasn’t hiding her anger well, and she knew it. It wouldn’t take a genius to feel the rage coming off of her. “Kevan betrayed us,” Mira found the words to say it. “I wanted to tell you in person, and I needed to get off Hux’s ship,” she walked to meet Ariel, “Snoke has me set to assist in training Kevan’s replacement, a medic of the First Order. If I stayed there any longer…,”

She trailed off. She’d make it seem the help she needed was just time away, a brief respite.

Ariel shook her head, part in disbelief, part in amusement. “How did Kevan betray us?” She asked, walking with Mira out into the blazing sun.

“Resistance caught him. Tortured him. He broke.” That was betrayal enough.

Ariel looked disheartened enough, “Damn,” the curse escaped her lips easily. “Need a drink then?”

Mira was tempted, but she shook her head. “No, but I’ll assist with what I can. Oh, and if anyone asks, I brought a Stormtrooper. I suppose we should probably explode something…do you have any leads on anything relating to Vader to make Kylo happy?” Tatooine, the kid’s home planet. There really wasn’t much here, but Kylo kept thinking there was. After all, it was here that Vader was conceived. How or why remained the mystery.

“You didn’t bring the Stormtrooper?” Ariel frowned.

“No, I did not.”

“They’ll find out.”

“I can brainwash some Trooper,” dismissive wave. Easily done.

“You okay?”

‘No.’ Mira answered, “Yes.” At least talking with Ariel was causing her to refocus, and that was lessening her rage.
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Paquin was disappointed, but Phasma was right. She'd also have to be here for when the troopers returned, what if they had come back when she was away? Not that she didn't trust the other medics, but there weren't many of them. Who knew how many people would come back injured? She gently tapped Kylo's arm as she spoke, "I can do a lot of things, but protecting us from Force-sensitive worms is not among them. The crystals will still be there when the time comes."<br /><br />

"Should have let them go," Hux mused, but it didn't seem Phasma found any amusement in it. Or if she did, it was hidden behind her helmet. But the General sincerely doubted Phasma found it funny. "But yes, Captain Phasma poses a good argument. Being eaten by blind worms wouldn't be the way to go out, now would it?" He spoke to Kylo then. <br /><br />

While Hux hadn't been the one to shut Kylo up, he still found satisfaction in it. <br /><br />

"No, it wouldn't," Paquin answered even though Hux hadn't been speaking to her. She wasn't bothered by Hux and his childish jabs, but it appeared that they did bother Kylo. "But I could think of other things that wouldn't be at least ten times worse, all that could happen right here on this ship. Would you like to hear them?"<br /><br />

Hux's eyes narrowed at Paquin, "No." He was contemplating warning her that he was still her superior but didn't. Even if he did remove her from her position as a medic, she'd still stick around because of her Force-sensitivity. And likely become more irritating.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Ariel wasn't sure how much she believed Mira, but she didn't press. What Ariel was sure of, though, was how close Mira was to Kevan. The news of Kevan's betrayal and then having to train his replacement wasn't something that would be easy to stomach. Maybe keeping Mira's mind off of things would ease her.<br /><br />

"There's not much here, really. I don't understand why the hell Kylo keeps insisting that there is." Ariel's lip twitched up in amusement, "I'm sure if you brought Kylo a grain of sand and said it was Vader's favorite, he'd be overjoyed." Vader had lived here during his childhood, and possibly returned a few time as an adult, but there wasn't anything interesting to be found. Nothing life changing.<br /><br />

"There are remnants here, though. Not necessarily of Vader's life, but Luke lived here," Ariel didn't know Luke Skywalker personally, she hadn't been a student of his. But she definitely knew who he was. Most people knew, at least, something of him. And he'd been brought up to Ariel as an example of what not to be. Mira didn't seem to get the memo, though. "So, there's definitely something to blow up."<br /><br />

Ariel was slowly leading them to the small hut she'd been staying in, but she began speeding up her steps. "Come, we'll gather what we need. And even though you don't want a drink, I sure do." She briefly gestured to the canteen around her neck, "I'm running low." It wasn't healthy, drinking alcohol in the place of water. But Ariel didn't care much. 

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It seemed everyone opposed him, even Paquin. He tilted his head down to look at her as she tapped his arm and spoke against the idea.

Then, he sighed, and pushed his fingers back through his dark hair, irritated. “Fine,” Kylo didn’t like to agree with this, but it seemed he had no choice in the matter. Hux, Phasma, and Paquin opposed the decision. At least Paquin was now seeming to side with him against Hux, though. Her comment and Hux’s reaction were pleasing.

It must have been terribly painful for Hux to realize he didn’t do enough to keep his own medics in his employ. He was lucky there weren’t more Force Sensitive people around, or he’d lose even more.

“We’d just be going to grab a few crystals, but if we must wait for the Troopers to return to do even that, we will. What is the ETA on the groups?”

Phasma turned her head towards Hux, then walked to the holocron projector and brought up a screen that showed the troops, their current locations, and any information on the status of the missions they had been sent on.

Phasma motioned to a few of the squads, “These will be back soon. Their missions were close, and they were successful,” there was a hint of pride. Even if she had not been there to lead or approve the missions, she was proud that her Troopers seemed to be pulling of their missions well.


A wry grin crossed her lips. It was brief, but there, as Ariel made her jest.

She did miss Ariel sometimes, even if she was certain Ariel would be the death of them all. ‘No, now that’s Kevan, isn’t it?’

Mira ignored her inner voice. “We all know Anakin hates sand,” or perhaps not all knew that. One joke too many with Kylo Ren would make sure Mira never forgot. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t joke about it again in the future. “Kylo would be pleased if we harmed Luke’s things,” that much was true. Mira wasn’t overjoyed with the thought, but it was better than doing nothing. She had to do something before returning to Kylo.

The steps hastened, and Mira rolled her eyes, “You’re going to kill yourself,” she muttered. It didn’t seem Ariel heard, or else she didn’t care, as the two walked into the hut and Ariel refilled, and then snatched up a few batches of explosives, tossing some to Mira.

She caught them easily, and followed Ariel out, “And how do you know what we’re blowing up is Luke’s?”

“Well, it’s his or Kenobi’s,” Ariel answered, “Either’s good, right? There’s enough Jedi propaganda there.” Mira took another deep breath. “What, you want some of it?”

“Mm. It’s a shame Kylo doesn’t see the use, that’s all.” Destroy rather than salvage. "Oh well." Destroy they would, and Mira would contemplate getting a drink with Ariel after. 'No. No you won't.' She'd already nearly lost control. She didn't need the help of alcohol.
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“See? We won’t even have to wait that long.” Paquin mumbled as she observed the screen of information. The troopers were doing rather well, few losses were reported and no one gravely injured. Kylo’s plan was working out quite well. ‘I wonder what General Hux is thinking right now?’<br /><br />

Hux certainly wasn’t angry that the Stormtrooper’s were succeeding. He was simply bitter that Kylo had assumed control and his officers went along with it, without even consulting him. “The Stormtroopers are efficient. I’m sure they've done better than a clone army could have. You’ve done well with them.” Hux complimented Phasma without giving Kylo credit for his strategies. In fact, there was even a small quip in there.<br /><br />

Hux knew it was time to lighten up on the remarks, at least for that time. It was clear how irritated Ren was, especially without the helmet. While the ginger General found pleasure in it, he didn’t want to annoy Kylo into a tantrum. Especially in a room filled to the brim with expensive equipment.<br /><br />

“Thank you, sir,” Phasma didn’t comment on the clone army bit. She didn’t appreciate Kylo’s occasional comments about the clone army, but she wasn’t about to stoop to Kylo and Hux’s level and bicker about it. Besides, Phasma knew a clone army was out of the question. Too expensive. "Like Paquin said, there won't be a long wait. Once the squads return, there'll be a routine inspection. Then we can piece together an escort." She spoke to Kylo then.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

It was quite the trek to what was left of what could be either Luke’s or Kenobi’s old hang-out. The place was old and unused, partly buried in sand. One could still get into the place, the door was missing. Full of all things Jedi, some from when the Jedi Council was still a thing. Nothing that would be useful to the Knights or the Order. <br /><br />

“What Kylo doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” Ariel offered Mira a chance to gather whatever she wanted. Ariel didn’t really approve of Mira’s Jedi-like ways, but it worked for her. Worked a lot better than the ways of the Sith. Mira wasn’t good at that. Or rather, she sort of was. She just couldn’t control it. That had been clear when Mira arrived.<br /><br />

Ariel raised her canteen, or flask, to her lips and took a sip. Or she chugged, it was all a matter of perspective. Alcohol and explosives, the perfect mix. What could go wrong? ‘Nothing,’ Ariel was perfectly capable under the influence. Or so she believed. She hadn’t died yet, that was something. Sure, her speech could slur. And maybe she wasn’t the most pleasant drunk. But she could still operate. She could use the Force and do her job and that was what mattered.<br /><br />

The redhead approached the old shack, picking a corner to set some explosives in. She sat in the sand, preparing the explosives. “Hey, be careful. These things are pretty easy to set off accidentally.” Ariel advised. She'd learned from experience. There was such a thing as being too drunk. At least, while handling things that could explode.<br /><br />

That's not to say that one couldn't be drunk while handling explosives. 

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Kylo was proud and annoyed at once with his own strategizing, if only because of Hux’s comment about the clone troopers. He’d say they would do better, but he also didn’t want to take away from his own strategic abilities. Not then. It was a small victory, but he was going to take it. “Fine. I’ll make sure that my ship is prepared. Paquin, make sure you have what you need. Phasma, will you be joining us?”

“Yes, sir,” Phasma had every intention of it. It was critical to the First Order that the kyber crystals be secured. It was also critical that Kylo Ren not destroy the planet, somehow. She wasn’t sure how he would do it, but she felt supervising him was a good idea.

“All right,” he didn’t argue it, “Then…,” he trailed off, a beep escaping from a seldom used wristband. He often forgot he had it, and so he looked at it quizzically, then pressed the hidden black button.

Static broke through the air. No hologram truly manifested, just a fuzzy image. Kylo guessed there was fire. “What…? Bring up the name of the caller,” Kylo demanded of the device, irked. He initially thought this some prank, that somehow Kevan had revealed this to the Resistance, but Mira’s name appeared as the hologram of the fire and static faded. “Where is it located?” Coordinates appeared. Tatooine.

Kylo whipped around, “A delay is good. I need to go to Tatooine. Paquin, would you come?” and he didn’t waste his breath explaining. Something had happened to Mira, and likely to Ariel. He suspected the Resistance—Kevan likely revealed what Ariel was up to, which meant they would have attacked the two Knights. If they were injured, they might need Paquin’s immediate attention.

‘When I get my hands on you….’ He was going to tear Kevan limb from limb.


“You may very well be my favorite with Kevan gone,” Mira said, and wasn’t sure if she meant it. Probably so, in truth. Ariel might be a drunk, but Ariel at least wasn’t an asshole. Mira walked in, letting the explosives rest on the remains of a table, before taking a look around.


Her mind settled on that possibility when she found herself entering a long out-of-use bedroom, and noticed the holocrons. She took the three that she found, the disks easily hiding in an interior pocket of her robes, before she went back out to grab a few explosives.

She rolled her eyes at Ariel’s comment. “I know how to handle explosives. I’ve had to use them in Wild Space,” she reminded. She wasn’t an expert, but she understood the base concept of them. She wouldn’t have guessed how easy they were to set off, though.

Nor did she know that one was a dud.

She went to set a couple in the bedroom, and eventually rounded to the kitchen. “What’s the time on these?”

“About twenty seconds,” she said, and then held out a bit of string, “Add these to your groups, and we’ll make sure they all go off together. I’ll finish up here.”

Mira approached and took the wicks, and went first to the bedroom, and then back to the kitchen. “Ready?” Ariel asked once Mira seemed to be done fiddling.


“Awright!” A bit of a slur now to the l’s. Mira smirked a bit as she rose, and watched as Ariel set the explosive alight. “C’m—”

And that was the end of that sentence, as the dud in the group went off immediately, and caught the other groups moments later. Mira had enough time to bow her head and cross her arms over her chest before the force of the explosion threw her from the home and buried her in the debris. Fortunately, or unfortunately, some of it landed on her arm and struck her hologram projector, which dialed the emergency number. Mira lost consciousness.
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Paquin's attention shifted to Kylo upon hearing the beep. Her eyes squinted, trying to make something out. A fire was her best guess before the image changed to display Mira's name. 'That's not good.' Paquin thought. No, it certainly was not good. The medic followed without question. <br /><br />

She still had her bag filled with various medical supplies. She'd have preferred to stop by the med bay and gather some more supplies, but that would take too long. Besides, she was sure she'd be able to work with just about everything. Even if she had to get creative.<br /><br />

Hux had been filled with curiosity and a sense of concern upon seeing the almost disturbing call. He waved a hand at Phasma in dismissal and trailed after Paquin and Kylo, not questioning what happened in the scene, knowing neither of them knew. He had a few ideas of what may have happened. The Resistance, for one. Or maybe the Stormtrooper screwed something up.<br /><br />

As they neared the hangar, Hux spoke up. "Do you need any assistance?" He meant Stormtroopers. They were shorthanded, but Hux was willing to provide. He could simply yell at the nearest armor-clad person and send them with the Knight and the medic.<br />

Hell, he could even go if it was necessary.<br /><br />

Hux's question spurred Paquin's own query, "What if this is a trap?" She asked no one in particular. Still, even if it were a trap, Mira and quite possibly Ariel would need help. But the image was blurry, there was no sound other than static. There was presumably a fire, which could imply an attack.<br /><br />

Even so, she didn't stop walking to talk about it the possibility. She figured their destination would be the ship that Kylo had arrived in. It was quite an interesting looking ship, scary looking. It fit Kylo. It wasn't hard to miss.<br /><br />

-<br /><br />

Ariel had been blown from the shack, just as Mira had. Something had struck her head, the alcohol couldn't numb that feeling. 'That helmet would've come in handy,' It hurt to think. Ariel coined the feeling 'a hangover with a hangover'. <br /><br />

The redhead spat out sand that had flown into her mouth at some point and sat up. That didn't help the sharp pain in her head, and she became aware of blood flowing from where the debris must have hit her. "Mira? You okay? What the hell happened?" She questioned, her eyes squinting as she looked around. Her vision was wonky, and she wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or her injury.<br /><br />

When Mira didn't answer, Ariel started to panic. "Shit! Mira?" She called again, hoping she'd shout back and they could laugh this all off. But no shout came, and the Knight scrambled to her feet. <br /><br />

Mira wasn't in Ariel's direct line of sight as she squinted, prompting more panic. Mira wasn't dead, Ariel knew that at least, but who knew what her condition was? Maybe she was bleeding out, or missing a limb? Ariel knew the most basic first aid, there was no way she could fix a missing limb.<br /><br />

A fire was apparent, and it was very near. The heat from the fire paired with the weather of Tatooine almost made it, quite literally, burning hot. Ariel attempted to walk, but became dizzy, falling down. Again, she didn't know who was at fault. The liquor or her bleeding head.<br /><br />

Ariel hoped that someone somewhere noticed the explosion, because there was no way she was going to be able to take care of Mira. She couldn't even take care of herself.  

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